Finite element solver for an elastic rod

We create in this notebook a simple finite element solver for a linear elastic rod using continuous, piecewise linear finite elements.

We will use NumPy to perform the simulations, and Matplotlib to visualise the results, so we first import the NumPy and Matplotlib modules:

In [1]:
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

We will also use ipywidgets (interactive widgets), so you will to make sure that are installed (ipywidgets is installed on the Azure notebook service).

A first solver

Elastic parameters

For our elastic rod, we define the Young's modulus $E$ and the cross-sectional area $A$. Both are assumed constant.

In [2]:
E = 100.0
A = 1.0

Distributed load

We now define the distributed load $f$. We will use a function that takes the coordinate $x$ as an argument so we possibly define loading terms that vary with position.

In [3]:
def distributed_load(x):
    return 1.0

Create a mesh

We will create a mesh of length $L$ with a prescribed number of cells (elements) $n_{\text{cells}}$. For linear elements, the number of nodes $n_{\text{nodes}}$ is equal to $n_{\text{cells}} + 1$.

In [4]:
L = 10.0
n_cells = 30
n_nodes = n_cells + 1

To create a mesh from 0 to $L$ with equal size cells (elements) we will use the NumPy function linspace to generate an array of equally spaced points on the interval $[0, L]$.

In [5]:
mesh = np.linspace(0.0, L, n_nodes)

Matplotlib can be used to visualise the mesh:

In [6]:
plt.title('finite element mesh')
plt.plot(mesh, [0]*len(mesh), 'ro-');

A simple finite element solver

We have already defined our domain (the mesh) and the constitutive parameters ($E$ and $A$). We now need to build the global stiffness matrix $\boldsymbol{K}$ and the global right-hand side vector $\boldsymbol{b}$, after which we can solve $\boldsymbol{K} \boldsymbol{a} = \boldsymbol{b}$ to get the nodal degrees-of-freedom $\boldsymbol{a}$.

Create stiffness matrix $\boldsymbol{K}$

We create the global stiffness matrix by computing the element matrix $\boldsymbol{k}_{e}$ (which is constant since $A$, $E$ and the cell size are constant in our case), and then looping over all cells and adding their contribution to the global matrix.

Element stiffness matrix $\boldsymbol{k}_{e}$

The element stiffness matrix for a linear element of length $l$ and constant $AE$ is

$$ \boldsymbol{k}_{e} = \frac{EA}{l} \begin{bmatrix} 1 & -1 \\ -1 & 1 \end{bmatrix} $$

Our mesh has constant cells size, so we can compute $\boldsymbol{k}_{e}$ just once:

In [7]:
l = L/n_cells
k_e = (E*A/l)*np.array([[1, -1], [-1, 1]])

[[ 300. -300.]
 [-300.  300.]]
Assemble global stiffness matrix

To build the global stiffness matrix $\boldsymbol{K}$, we first create an empty $n_{\text{nodes}} \times n_{\text{nodes}}$ matrix:

In [8]:
K = np.zeros((n_nodes, n_nodes))

Next, we loop over each cell and add the cell contribution $\boldsymbol{k}_{e}$ to the the global matrix $\boldsymbol{K}$. This is known as assembly.

In [9]:
for element in range(n_cells):
    K[element:element + 2, element:element + 2] += k_e

Create RHS vector $\boldsymbol{b}$

We create the global RHS vector $\boldsymbol{b}$ by computing the cell RHS $\boldsymbol{b}_{e}$ cell-by-cell, and adding this to the global RHS vector. We allow the distributed load $f$ to vary with position, which is why we cannot compute it just once. For simplicity we will integrate the local RHS using the midpoint rule. This is exact if $f$ is constant, and is otherwise approximate.

We first create an empty global RHS vector:

In [10]:
b = np.zeros(n_nodes)

We now loop over each cell and compute $\int_{x_{i}}^{x_{i+1}} N_{1} f dx$ and $\int_{x_{i}}^{x_{i+1}} N_{2} f dx$ for each cell, and add the contribution to the global RHS vector:

In [11]:
for element in range(n_cells):

    # Get cell length and midpoint
    l     = mesh[element + 1] - mesh[element]   
    x_mid = (mesh[element + 1] + mesh[element])/2.0
    # Evaluate loading term
    f = distributed_load(x_mid)

    # Compute and add RHS contributions
    b[element:element + 2] += 0.5*l*f

Apply Dirichet (displacement) boundary condition

We're almost ready to solve a finite element problem, but we would get into trouble if we tried to solve $\boldsymbol{K} \boldsymbol{a} = \boldsymbol{b}$ using the above stiffness matrix because it is singular (you can verify this by computing the determinant with np.linalg.det(K)). The system is singular because we have not applied a Dirichlet boundary condition, hence there is a rigid body translation mode in the system.

We impose the boundary condition $u = 0$ and $x=0$ by zeroing the first row and column of the matrix, placing a one on the first diagonal entry and setting the first entry on the RHS to zero. It should be clear algebraically that this will ensure that the first degree of freedom is equal to zero when we solve the system.

In [12]:
# Zero first row and first column
K[0, :] = 0.0
K[:, 0] = 0.0

# Place one on the diagonal of K and zero in the first entry on the RHS
K[0, 0] = 1.0
b[0] = 0.0

Solve system of equations

We can now solve the finite element system $\boldsymbol{K}$:

In [13]:
u = np.linalg.solve(K, b)

Visualising the solution

We now plot the solution:

In [14]:
plt.title('Finite element solution for the elastic bar')
plt.plot(mesh, u, 'ro-');

A more programmatic approach

We now present a finite element solver that is very similar the one above, but we now provide a programming interface so we can reuse a function to explore different loading functions and different levels of refinement of the mesh.

In [15]:
def solver(L, f, n_cells, quad_degree=3):
    "A simple finite element solver for a 1D bar"    

    # Crarte mesh and compute cell size
    n_nodes = n_cells + 1
    mesh = np.linspace(0.0, L, n_nodes)
    l = L/n_cells

    # Compute locall stiffness matrix
    k_e = (E*A/l)*np.array([[1, -1], [-1, 1]])
    # Assemble global stiffnes matrix
    K = np.zeros((n_nodes, n_nodes))
    for element in range(n_cells):
        K[element:element + 2, element:element + 2] += k_e
    # Use NumPy to get quadrature points and weights
    quad_points, quad_weights = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(quad_degree)
    # Assemble RHS using Gauss quadrature
    b = np.zeros(n_nodes)    
    for element in range(n_cells):

        # Get cell midpoint
        x_mid = (mesh[element + 1] + mesh[element])/2.0    

        # Loop over quadrature points
        for zeta, weight in zip(quad_points, quad_weights):     
            # Compute coordinate of point 
            x = x_mid + zeta*l/2.0

            # Evaluate loading term
            f_load = f(x)

            # Quadrature weight
            w = weight*(l/2.0)
            # Compute RHS contributions
            N = 0.5 - zeta/2.0 
            b[element] += w*N*f_load 

            N = 0.5 + zeta/2.0 
            b[element + 1] += w*N*f_load

    # Apply boundary condition
    K[0, :], K[:, 0], K[0, 0] = 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
    b[0] = 0.0
    return np.linalg.solve(K, b), mesh

We want to see how the solution changes with mesh refinement for some loading function. To set $f = \sin(x)$, we create a function:

In [16]:
def f_sine(x):
    return np.sin(x)

We now compute solutions for four increasingly fine meshes and store the mesh and the computed displacement field. We pass the domain length (L), the function for computing the loading (f_sine) and the number cells in the mesh (n):

In [17]:
meshes = [3, 5, 10, 20]
solutions = [solver(L, f_sine, n) for n in meshes]

Plotting the solutions on the same graph:

In [18]:
plt.title('Finite element solution for the elastic bar')
for u, mesh in solutions:
    plt.plot(mesh, u, 'o-', label=str(len(mesh)-1) + ' cells');
plt.legend(loc='upper left');

We can see that the solutions get closer as the mesh is refined.

Exercise Experiment with your own loading function, and compare the computed results to an analytical solution.

Interactive solver

We can make an interactive solver, where you can change the number of cells via a slider and see how the solution changes. We will use a high-order quadrature scheme to keep the integration error small on the coarse meshes,

You need to run this notebook in a Jupyter session to see and use the slider.

In [19]:
from ipywidgets import widgets
from ipywidgets import interact

# Compute reference solution with 100 cells
u_ref, mesh_ref = solver(L, f_sine, 100)

@interact(num_cells=widgets.IntSlider(min=1, max=40, value=5, description='number of cells'))
def plot(num_cells=5):
    plt.title('Finite element solution for the elastic bar')
    u, mesh = solver(L, f_sine, num_cells, quad_degree=6)
    plt.plot(mesh_ref, u_ref, '--', color='k', label='reference solution');
    plt.plot(mesh, u, 'o-', label=str(len(mesh)-1) + ' cells');
    plt.legend(loc='upper left');