Lecture 5

This lecture covers linear difference equations (recurrence equations). Below are some examples solved using SymPy.

We first import the necessary modules:

In [1]:
from sympy import *
from IPython.display import display

from fractions import Fraction

# Support for interactive plots
from ipywidgets import interact

%matplotlib inline

Student grant example

This example is covered in the lecture (solved by hand). Here it is solved using SymPy.

The difference equation (non-homegeneous case) for the student grant example from the lecture notes has the form

$$ y_{n} - 2.95 y_{n-1} + 2 y_{n-2} = −(63.685)(1.07^{n}) $$

We first define $n$ as an integer symbol and $y$ as a function:

In [2]:
n = Symbol("n", integer=True)
y = Function("y")

Now, we define the difference equation:

In [3]:
f = y(n) - Fraction(295, 100)*y(n - 1) + 2*y(n - 2)

$$y{\left (n \right )} + 2 y{\left (n - 2 \right )} - \frac{59}{20} y{\left (n - 1 \right )}$$

We'll solve the homogeneous version of the equation using rsolve. To compare to the solution in the lecture notes, we'll also evaluate the the solution in floating point:

In [4]:
eqn = Eq(f, 0)
soln = rsolve(eqn, y(n))

$$C_{0} \left(- \frac{\sqrt{281}}{40} + \frac{59}{40}\right)^{n} + C_{1} \left(\frac{\sqrt{281}}{40} + \frac{59}{40}\right)^{n}$$
$$1.05592363464399^{n} C_{0} + 1.89407636535601^{n} C_{1}$$

The solution is the same as in the lecture notes.

We now consider the non-homogeneous case:

In [5]:
# Create non-homogeneous equation
eqn = Eq(f, -63.685*(1.07**n))

$$y{\left (n \right )} + 2 y{\left (n - 2 \right )} - \frac{59}{20} y{\left (n - 1 \right )} = - 63.685 \cdot 1.07^{n}$$

Solving the non-homogeneous equation, on this occasion providing the initial conditions $y(0) = 2000$ and $y(1) = 2200$,

In [6]:
soln = rsolve(eqn, y(n), init={y(0) : 2000, y(1) : 2200})

$$6285.5996982757 \cdot 1.07^{n} - 4285.21114484077 \left(- \frac{\sqrt{281}}{40} + \frac{59}{40}\right)^{n} - 0.388553434931812 \left(\frac{\sqrt{281}}{40} + \frac{59}{40}\right)^{n}$$
$$- 4285.21114484077 \cdot 1.05592363464399^{n} + 6285.5996982757 \cdot 1.07^{n} - 0.388553434931812 \cdot 1.89407636535601^{n}$$

In [7]:
# Plot
plot(soln, (n, 0, 12), xlabel="year (n)", ylabel="fee")

# Evaluate fee at 10 years
print("Fee after 10 years (n=10): {}".format(soln.subs(n, 10).evalf()))

Fee after 10 years (n=10): 4749.72910622520

General case

Below is the general case for a constant coefficient, second-order difference equation.

In [8]:
n = Symbol("n", integer=True)
y = Function("y")

a, b, c = symbols("a b c")

f = a*y(n) - b*y(n - 1) + c*y(n - 2)

$$a y{\left (n \right )} - b y{\left (n - 1 \right )} + c y{\left (n - 2 \right )}$$

Solving for the homogeneous case,

In [9]:
eqn = Eq(f, 0)
soln = rsolve(eqn, y(n))

$$C_{0} \left(\frac{1}{2 a} \left(b - \sqrt{- 4 a c + b^{2}}\right)\right)^{n} + C_{1} \left(\frac{1}{2 a} \left(b + \sqrt{- 4 a c + b^{2}}\right)\right)^{n}$$

The above is a general solution. Solving for some initial conditions,

In [10]:
soln = rsolve(eqn, y(n), init={y(0) : 2, y(1) : 1})

$$\frac{\left(\frac{1}{2 a} \left(b - \sqrt{- 4 a c + b^{2}}\right)\right)^{n}}{\sqrt{- 4 a c + b^{2}}} \left(- a + b + \sqrt{- 4 a c + b^{2}}\right) + \frac{\left(\frac{1}{2 a} \left(b + \sqrt{- 4 a c + b^{2}}\right)\right)^{n}}{\sqrt{- 4 a c + b^{2}}} \left(a - b + \sqrt{- 4 a c + b^{2}}\right)$$

If we now specify the values for the constants, the solution can be plotted:

In [11]:
eqn1 = eqn.subs('a', 4).subs('b', 1).subs('c', 2)
soln = rsolve(eqn1, y(n), init={y(0) : 1, y(1) : 2})

plot(soln, (n, 0, 12), xlabel="$n$", ylabel="$y_{n}$");

$$\left(\frac{1}{8} - \frac{\sqrt{31} i}{8}\right)^{n} \left(\frac{1}{2} + \frac{15 i}{62} \sqrt{31}\right) + \left(\frac{1}{8} + \frac{\sqrt{31} i}{8}\right)^{n} \left(\frac{1}{2} - \frac{15 i}{62} \sqrt{31}\right)$$

Interactive solution

With an interactive plot, we can see how the form of the solution changes with changing constants in the difference equation.

We first define the difference equation:

In [12]:
f = a*y(n) - b*y(n - 1) + c*y(n - 2)
eqn = Eq(f, 0)

$$a y{\left (n \right )} - b y{\left (n - 1 \right )} + c y{\left (n - 2 \right )} = 0$$

Solving and plotting:

In [13]:
def plot_solution(a=6, b=1, c=8):
    # Substitute in parameters
    eqn1 = eqn.subs('a', a).subs('b', b).subs('c', c)
    # Check roots
    roots = ((-b - sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*c))/(2*a), (-b + sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*c))/(2*a))
    print("Roots of characteristic eqn:")

    # Solve
    soln = rsolve(eqn1, y(n), init={y(0) : 1, y(1) : 2})
    # Plot
    plot(soln, (n, 0, 20), xlabel="$n$", ylabel="$y_n$", axis_center="auto", adaptive=False, nb_of_points=21)

interact(plot_solution, a=(-10, 11, 2), b=(-2, 20, 1), c=(1, 10, 1), continuous_update=False);