Lecture 1: solving ordinary differential equations

This lecture introduces ordinary differential equations, and some techniques for solving first order equations. This notebook uses computer algebra via Sympy to solve some ODE examples from the lecture notes.

Importing SymPy

To use Sympy, we first need to import it and call init_printing() to get nicely typeset equations:

In [1]:
import sympy
from sympy import symbols, Eq, Derivative, init_printing, Function, dsolve, exp, classify_ode, checkodesol

# This initialises pretty printing
from IPython.display import display

# Support for interactive plots
from ipywidgets import interact

# This command makes plots appear inside the browser window
%matplotlib inline

Example: car breaking

During braking a car’s velocity is given by $v = v_{0} e^{−t/\tau}$. Calculate the distance travelled.

We first define the symbols in the equation ($t$, $\tau$ and $v_{0}$), and the function ($x$, for the displacement):

In [2]:
t, tau, v0 = symbols("t tau v0")
x = Function("x")

Next, we define the differential equation, and print it to the screen for checking:

In [3]:
eqn = Eq(Derivative(x(t), t), v0*exp(-t/(tau)))

$$\frac{d}{d t} x{\left (t \right )} = v_{0} e^{- \frac{t}{\tau}}$$

The dsolve function solves the differential equation symbolically:

In [4]:
x = dsolve(eqn, x(t))

$$x{\left (t \right )} = C_{1} - \tau v_{0} e^{- \frac{t}{\tau}}$$

where $C_{1}$ is a constant. As expected for a first-order equation, there is one constant.

SymPy is not yet very good at eliminating constants from initial conditions, so we will do this manually assuming that $x = 0$ and $t = 0$:

In [5]:
x = x.subs('C1', v0*tau)

$$x{\left (t \right )} = \tau v_{0} - \tau v_{0} e^{- \frac{t}{\tau}}$$

Specifying a value for $v_{0}$, we create an interactive plot of $x$ as a function of the parameter $\tau$:

In [6]:
x = x.subs(v0, 100)

def plot(τ=1.0):
    x1 = x.subs(tau, τ)

    # Plot position vs time
    sympy.plot(x1.args[1], (t, 0.0, 10.0), xlabel="time", ylabel="position");

interact(plot, τ=(0.0, 10, 0.2));


We can ask SymPy to classify our ODE, e.g. show that it is first order):

In [7]:



Find the variation of speed with time of a parachutist subject to a drag force of $kv^{2}$.

The equations to solve is

$$ \frac{m}{k} \frac{dv}{dt} = \alpha^{2} - v^{2} $$

where $m$ is mass, $k$ is a prescribed constant, $v$ is the velocity, $t$ is time and $\alpha^{2} = mg/k$ ($g$ is acceleration due to gravity).

We specify the symbols, unknown function $v$ and the differential equation

In [8]:
t, m, k, alpha = symbols("t m k alpha")
v = Function("v")
eqn = Eq((m/k)*Derivative(v(t), t), alpha*alpha - v(t)*v(t))

$$\frac{m}{k} \frac{d}{d t} v{\left (t \right )} = \alpha^{2} - v^{2}{\left (t \right )}$$

First, let's classify the ODE:

In [9]:

('separable', '1st_power_series', 'lie_group', 'separable_Integral')

We see that it is not linear, but it is separable. Using dsolve again,

In [10]:
v = dsolve(eqn, v(t))

$$v{\left (t \right )} = - \frac{\alpha}{\tanh{\left (\frac{\alpha k}{m} \left(C_{1} - t\right) \right )}}$$

SymPy can verify that an expression is a solution to an ODE:

In [11]:
print("Is v a solution to the ODE: {}".format(checkodesol(eqn, v)))

Is v a solution to the ODE: (True, 0)

Try adding the code to plot velocity $v$ against time $t$.