In [1]:
# Start pylab inline mode, so figures will appear in the notebook
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

include libs

In [2]:
from zpickle import *
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
import os
import os.path
import json
import math
import time
import collections
import operator
import random
import chilin
from sinica import getPOS
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from gensim import corpora, models, similarities
from pprint import pprint
from itertools import cycle
import pylab as pl
import numpy as np

In [3]:
# fn = "./zobj/ALL_DATA_183340.zobj"
# oData = load(fn)
attrs = load("./zobj/shops_attr_183340.zobj")
stat = {} for ele in oData: if not stat.has_key(ele['domain']): stat[ ele['domain'] ] = {} if not stat[ ele['domain'] ].has_key(ele['shop_id']): stat[ ele['domain'] ][ ele['shop_id'] ] = [] if attrs.has_key( ele['shop_id'] ) and attrs[ ele['shop_id'] ].has_key('addr'): addr = attrs[ ele['shop_id'] ]['addr'] if re.match(u"^台北市", addr): stat[ ele['domain'] ][ ele['shop_id'] ].append(ele) else: print ele['shop_id']
wanted_opn = [] shops = [] for domain in stat.keys(): for shop in stat[domain]: pos_num = 0 neg_num = 0 tmp_opn = [] for opn in stat[domain][shop]: if int(opn['stat_mvalue']) > 50: pos_num += 1 elif int(opn['stat_mvalue']) <= 40: neg_num += 1 tmp_opn.append(opn) if pos_num > 5 and neg_num > 5: shops.append(shop) wanted_opn.extend( tmp_opn ) print len(wanted_opn) print "shops:", len(shops)
print attrs[wanted_opn[0]['shop_id']]['addr']


uniq_shop = list(set([ x['shop_id'] for x in wanted_opn])) print len(uniq_shop)

Chinese NLP

In [4]:
class zTags():
    ''' 所有的 POS TAG 元素 '''
    def getEol():
        EOLS = [
        return set(EOLS)
    def isEol(tag):
        EOLS = zTags.getEol()
        return True if tag in EOLS else False
    ''' 過濾出不要的標記 '''
    def isWant(tag):
        NOT_WANT = ["^P", "^C", "^D", "^N[c|d|e|f|g|h]", "V_2", "^T", "^SHI"]
        flg = True
        NOT_WANT = set(NOT_WANT)
        for ele in NOT_WANT:
            if re.match(ele, tag):
                flg = False
        return flg
    def isNot(word):
        ''' 否定句 '''
        # "但是", "但", 
        NOTS = [u"不", u"沒有", u"不要", u"不能", u"沒", u"沒有", u"無", u"不會", u"難", u"算不上", u"未"]
        NOTS = set(NOTS)
        return True if word in NOTS else False
    def notMorph(word):
        NOTs = u"^[不|難|沒|未]"
        return re.sub(NOTs, "", word) if re.match(NOTs, word) else False

In [5]:
class zWord():
    ''' 基本單詞元素 '''
    def __init__(self, word, go_prev=None, go_next=None): = word
        (word, tag) = zWord.toElements(word)
        self.word = word
        self.tag = tag
        ''' 設定 wanted '''
        self.wanted = zTags.isWant(tag)
        ''' 設定 ORI '''
        if zTags.isNot(self.word):
            self.ori = 0
            self.wanted = False
            self.ori = 1

        # 詞中有否定
        # 取得最佳表達式
        self.word_best = self.get_best()

    def get_best(self):
            取得最好的表達式, 例如: "不" -> ""; "不用" -> "用-"
        if not self.wanted:
            # 詞類不要
            return ""
        if self.ori == 0:
            # 否定字組
            return ""
        return self.word.replace("-", "") if self.ori > 0 else self.word.replace("-", "")+u"-" 
    def _selfNot(self):
        if not zTags.isNot(self.word) and zTags.notMorph(self.word): # 要改這裡
            if not len(self.word) == 1: # 要改這裡
                self.ori = 0
                # 帶"不"頭
                self.word = zTags.notMorph(self.word)
                self.wanted = True
                self.ori = 0
                self.word = ""
                self.wanted = False
    ''' Toggle Negative '''
    def toggle(self):
        if self.ori == 1:
            self.ori =-1 
        elif self.ori ==-1:
            self.ori = 1 
    ''' 分開 tag 與 word '''
    def toElements(word):
        eles = word.replace(u")", u"").split(u"(")
        if len(eles)==2:
            return (eles[0], eles[1])
    def __str__(self):
        return "[%s] %s(%s:%s:%s)"%(self.__class__.__name__, 

In [6]:
class zSentence:
    ''' NOTE: 引入的 stn 一定要先用 toWords 切開
        單句元素,會包 zWord 
    def __init__(self, stn):
        if type(stn)==type([]):
            self.stn_org = stn
        if type(stn)==type(u""):
            self.stn_org = zSentence.toWords(stn)

    """ 處理評論句子內容 """
    def proc(self):
        words = []
        for word in self.stn_org:
            words.append( zWord(word) )
        self.words = words
#         self._define_bigrams()

#     def get_bigrams(self, with_best=False, is_radicals=False):
#         if with_best :
#             if is_radicals:
#                 return self.bigrams_best_radical
#             else:
#                 return self.bigrams_best
#         else:
#             if is_radicals:
#                 return self.bigrams_radical
#             else:
#                 return self.bigrams 
#     def _define_bigrams(self, n=5, with_best=False):
#         skipWindow = zSentence.skipWindow
#         self.bigrams_best = set([(tuples[0].get_best(), tuples[1].get_best()) for tuples in skipWindow(self.words, n) if tuples[0].wanted and tuples[1].wanted and not tuples[0].word == tuples[1].word])
#         self.bigrams = set([(tuples[0].word, tuples[1].word) for tuples in skipWindow(self.words, n) if tuples[0].wanted and tuples[1].wanted and not tuples[0].word == tuples[1].word])
#         self.bigrams_best_radical = set([ (term2Radi(x), term2Radi(y)) for (x,y) in self.bigrams_best ])
#         self.bigrams_radical = set([ (term2Radi(x), term2Radi(y)) for (x,y) in self.bigrams ])
    def get_words(self):
        return [ wrd for wrd in self.words] 
    def get_wanted(self):
        ''' 取得需要的字元 '''
        return [ wrd for wrd in self.words if wrd.wanted]
    def notOperation(self):
        """ 否定句處理 """
        for idx in range(len(self.words)):
            if self.words[idx].ori == 0:
                for idy in range(idx, len(self.words)):
    def __str__(self):
        return "[%s] Words:%s"%(self.__class__.__name__, len(self.words)) 
    def toWords(stn):
        ''' 開成字段 '''
        if" ", stn):
            return stn.split(u" ")
        if" ", stn):
            return stn.split(u" ")
    def skipWindow(seq, max_win=5):
            SKIP Window 算法
        olen = len(seq)
        rterms = []
        for pivot in range(olen):
            left  = (pivot - max_win) if (pivot - max_win) > 0 else 0
            right = (pivot + max_win) if (pivot + max_win) < olen else olen

            for idx in range(left, right):
                if not idx == pivot and (seq[pivot].wanted and seq[idx].wanted):
                    """ 回傳組合,不從順序,從筆劃 """
                    if len(seq[pivot].word[0]) > 0 and len(seq[idx].word[0]) > 0:
                        if seq[pivot].word[0] > seq[idx].word[0]:
                            rterms.append( ( seq[pivot], seq[idx] ) ) 
                            rterms.append( ( seq[idx], seq[pivot] ) ) 

        return set(rterms)

In [7]:
class zOpinion:
    """ 單一評論 """
    def __init__(self, opn): = opn
        self.stns = []
        self.word_only = []
    """ 處理評論內容 """
    def proc(self):
        stns = zOpinion.toStn(
        for stn in stns:
    """ 評論內的字數統計 """
    def stat(self):
        ''' 單一詞統計 '''
        oWords = []
        ''' bigram 統計 '''
        oBigrams = []
        oRadiBigrams = []
        for stn in self.stns:
            self.word_only.extend([x.word for x in stn.get_words()])
            oWords.extend([ x.word_best for x in stn.get_wanted()])
#             oBigrams.extend(stn.get_bigrams())
#             oRadiBigrams.extend([ (term2Radi(x), term2Radi(y)) for (x, y) in stn.get_bigrams()])
        # 單一詞結果
        self.stat_words = oWords
        self.stat_words_dic = collections.Counter(oWords)
        # 雙詞的結果
#         self.stat_bigrams = oBigrams
#         self.stat_bigrams_dic = collections.Counter(oBigrams)
        # 雙詞的部首
#         self.stat_radi_bigram = oRadiBigrams
    def getOrg(self):
    """ 取得特定 key 的值 """
    def get(self, key):
        if key in self.getKeys():
    def _doWords4Tag(self):
        wrds = []
        for stn in self.stns:
            for word in stn.get_wanted():
                wrds.append(word.get_best()) # here
        self._stn_words = wrds
#         self._stn_radical_pairs = [ term2Radi(x) for x in wrds]

    def getWords4Tag(self):
        return self._stn_words
    def getRadicalsPair4Tag(self):
        return self._stn_radical_pairs
    def __str__(self):
        return "[%s] words:%s"%(self.__class__.__name__, len(self.stat_words_dic.keys()))  

    def getPair(self, wanted_terms):
        """ 取得必要的 pair """

#         sorted2Terms = lambda x, y: (x, y) if x > y else (y, x)
#         isInBigram = lambda x,y: sorted2Terms(x,y) if sorted2Terms(x,y) in self.stat_bigrams_dic.keys() else False

        wanted_pairs = [ x for x in self.stat_bigrams_dic.keys() if x[0] in wanted_terms or x[1] in wanted_terms]

        return_pairs = []
        for stn in self.stns:
            stn_terms = list(set([ wrd.word_best for wrd in stn.get_wanted()]))
            for pair in wanted_pairs:
                size = len(set([ x.replace("-", "") for x in stn_terms]).intersection(set(pair)))
                if size >= 1:
                    org_x = "".join([ x for x in stn_terms if x.replace("-", "") == pair[0]])
                    org_y = "".join([ x for x in stn_terms if x.replace("-", "") == pair[1]])
                    return_pairs.append( "%s/%s"%(org_x, org_y) )
        return list(set(return_pairs))
    def toStn(stn):
        ''' 開成字段, [ [word, word], [] ... ] '''
        tagged = u"  ".join(stn.split("\n"))
        words = zSentence.toWords(tagged)
        stns = []
        stn = []
        for idx in range(len(words)):
            ''' 可能會有空字串 '''
                (word, tag) = zWord.toElements(words[idx])
                if zTags.isEol(tag):
                    # 如果字串少於1 個字,就跳開
                    if len(stn) >1:
                    stn = []
        if len(stn) >1:

        return stns
oCol = [] idx = 0 rank = [] time_start = time.clock() for ele in wanted_opn[:]: rank.append( ele['stat_mvalue'] ) if (idx%100) == 0: print idx, " time: %.2gs" % (time.clock()-time_start) time_start = time.clock() idx += 1 oCol.append(( attrs[ele['shop_id']], getChilinTxt(ele['tagged']), ele['stat_mvalue'], ele['tagged'] )) print collections.Counter(rank)
print len(oCol) save(oCol, "./zobj/Taipei_shops_comments.zobj")


In [8]:
oChi = chilin.chilin()

def cnv2chilin(wrd):
    ''' 使用詞林擴充 '''
    tobj = oChi.getHead(wrd.encode("utf8"), 8)
    if tobj:
        tobj = [ x for x in tobj if (not x[0] in ['A', 'C', 'J', 'K', 'L']) and not x[-1] in ['#']]
        if len(tobj)>0:
#             print wrd, " ".join(tobj)
            grps = [ [ y.decode("utf8") for y in oChi.getWrd(x)] for x in tobj ] 
            return set([item for sublist in grps for item in sublist]) # see
        return set([wrd])
        return set([wrd])
def chilinExt(aSet):
    # 使用辭林擴充
    ext = set()

    if type(aSet) == type(set()):
        for x in aSet:
            flg = False
            if"-$", x):
                flg = True

            cnvted = cnv2chilin(x.replace("-", ""))
            ext.update(["%s"%x if not flg else "%s-"%x for x in cnvted])
    elif type(aSet) == type(u""):
        flg = False
        if"-$", aSet):
            flg = True
        cnvted = cnv2chilin(aSet.replace("-", ""))
        ext.update(["%s"%x if not flg else "%s-"%x for x in cnvted])
    return " ".join(ext).replace("-", u"負")

def getChilinTxt(tagged):
    opn = zOpinion(tagged)
#     print len(opn.stns)
    txts = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(chilinExt)(set([x.get_best() for x in stn.get_wanted()])) for stn in opn.stns)
#     for stn in opn.stns:
#         print " ".join(stn.stn_org)
# #         print " ".join(["%s, %s\n"%(x.get_best(), " ".join(chilinExt(x.get_best()))) for x in stn.get_wanted()])
#         print chilinExt(set([x.get_best() for x in stn.get_wanted()]))
    return " ".join(txts)
# print " ".join(chilinExt([u"錯"]))
oCol = load("./zobj/Taipei_shops_comments.zobj") print len(oCol)

//1 build dictionary

txts = [ x[1].split(" ") for x in oCol] dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(txts) dictionary.filter_tokens(bad_ids=[0]) dictionary.filter_extremes(no_below=5) dictionary.compactify() len(dictionary.token2id)"./zobj/")
ntusd_hash = load("./zobj/NTUSD_HASH_POS_NEG.zobj")

1. load dictionary

In [9]:
dictionary = corpora.Dictionary.load("./zobj/")
print len(dictionary.token2id)


In [10]:
rank_code = lambda x: "P" if int(x)>50 else "N"

# print rank_code(oCol[1][2])
txts_pos = [ x for x in oCol if rank_code(x[2])=="P"] txts_neg = [ x for x in oCol if rank_code(x[2])=="N"]
save(txts_pos, "./zobj/Taipei_shop_Txt_pos.zobj") save(txts_neg, "./zobj/Taipei_shop_Txt_neg.zobj")

In [26]:
txts_pos = load("./zobj/Taipei_shop_Txt_pos.zobj")

In [ ]:

corpus_pos = [ dictionary.doc2bow(x[1].split(" ")) for x in txts_pos] corpus_neg = [ dictionary.doc2bow(x[1].split(" ")) for x in txts_neg] print len(corpus_pos), len(corpus_neg)
corpora.MmCorpus.serialize('./zobj/', corpus_pos) corpora.MmCorpus.serialize('./zobj/', corpus_neg)

In [12]:
corpus_pos = corpora.MmCorpus('./zobj/')
corpus_neg = corpora.MmCorpus('./zobj/')
tfidf_pos = models.TfidfModel(corpus_pos) lsi = models.LsiModel(tfidf_pos[corpus_pos], num_topics=200, id2word=dictionary)'./zobj/Taipei_shops_LSI.index')
p = re.compile(ur'( \w+\([a-zA-Z0-9]*\))', re.UNICODE)

In [13]:
lsi = models.LsiModel.load('./zobj/Taipei_shops_LSI.index')

In [14]:
print "\n".join(lsi.print_topics(10))

0.035*"蛋糕" + 0.022*"燔" + 0.022*"麵包" + 0.022*"拉麵" + 0.022*"鬆餅" + 0.021*"巧克力" + 0.021*"炕" + 0.021*"炙" + 0.021*"烤" + 0.021*"烘製"
0.049*"蛋糕" + -0.041*"可觀負" + -0.041*"口碑載道負" + -0.041*"交口稱譽負" + -0.041*"有口皆碑負" + -0.041*"名不虛傳負" + -0.041*"甚佳負" + -0.041*"拔尖負" + -0.041*"優負" + -0.041*"佳負"
-0.080*"辣味" + -0.080*"麻辣" + -0.080*"辛" + -0.080*"辣絲絲" + -0.080*"辣乎乎" + -0.080*"辛辣" + 0.077*"蛋糕" + -0.072*"拉麵" + -0.065*"辣" + -0.062*"毒辣"
0.094*"蛋糕" + -0.077*"麻辣" + -0.077*"辣絲絲" + -0.077*"辣味" + -0.077*"辣乎乎" + -0.077*"辛" + -0.076*"辛辣" + -0.060*"鍋" + -0.058*"辣" + -0.053*"拉麵"
-0.046*"拉麵" + -0.043*"樂善好施負" + -0.043*"臧負" + -0.043*"善良負" + -0.043*"仁至義盡負" + -0.043*"助人為樂負" + -0.043*"得以負" + -0.043*"何嘗不可負" + -0.043*"方可負" + -0.043*"足以負"
-0.062*"鬆餅" + 0.054*"毆鬥" + 0.054*"毆打" + 0.054*"拳打腳踢" + 0.054*"揮拳" + 0.054*"毆" + 0.053*"挹" + 0.053*"舀" + 0.052*"揪斗" + 0.052*"鬥毆"
-0.105*"拉麵" + -0.065*"刈" + -0.065*"招徠" + -0.065*"攬客" + -0.065*"招攬" + -0.065*"蛋糕" + -0.065*"拉拉" + -0.065*"直拉" + -0.065*"抻" + -0.065*"拉長"
0.062*"刈" + 0.062*"招攬" + 0.062*"攬客" + 0.062*"招徠" + 0.062*"割" + 0.061*"直拉" + 0.061*"拉拉" + 0.061*"抻" + 0.061*"拉縴" + 0.061*"拉長"
0.106*"蛋糕" + 0.080*"辣味" + 0.080*"麻辣" + 0.080*"辣乎乎" + 0.080*"辛" + 0.080*"辣絲絲" + 0.080*"辛辣" + 0.059*"心狠手辣" + 0.059*"狠毒" + 0.059*"不顧死活"
0.059*"別名" + 0.059*"別號" + 0.059*"別字" + 0.058*"哭喊" + 0.058*"痛哭流涕" + 0.058*"號啕大哭" + 0.058*"呼天搶地" + 0.058*"如訴如泣" + 0.058*"如泣如訴" + 0.058*"哭天哭地"
index = similarities.MatrixSimilarity(lsi[corpus_pos])'./zobj/Taipei_shops_ALL_INDEX.index')

In [15]:
index = index = similarities.MatrixSimilarity.load('./zobj/Taipei_shops_ALL_INDEX.index')

In [16]:
def clnSinica(mstr):
#     print ">>", " ".join(re.findall(p, unicode(mstr.decode("utf8"))))
    mstr = mstr.replace('<?xml version="1.0" ?><wordsegmentation version="0.1"><processstatus code="0">Success</processstatus><result>', "")
    mstr = mstr.replace('</result></wordsegmentation>', "")
    mstr = mstr.replace('</sentence>', '')
    mstr = mstr.replace('<sentence>', '')
    return mstr

In [17]:
def clnTxt(mstr):
    return "".join([ x.split("(")[0] for x in mstr.strip().split(u" ") if len( x.split("(") ) >1])

In [18]:
import math
def distance_on_unit_sphere(lat1, long1, lat2, long2):
    # 以 KM 回傳,原程式碼在
    # 回傳是公里
    # Convert latitude and longitude to 
    # spherical coordinates in radians.
    degrees_to_radians = math.pi/180.0
    # phi = 90 - latitude
    phi1 = (90.0 - lat1)*degrees_to_radians
    phi2 = (90.0 - lat2)*degrees_to_radians
    # theta = longitude
    theta1 = long1*degrees_to_radians
    theta2 = long2*degrees_to_radians
    # Compute spherical distance from spherical coordinates.
    # For two locations in spherical coordinates 
    # (1, theta, phi) and (1, theta, phi)
    # cosine( arc length ) = 
    #    sin phi sin phi' cos(theta-theta') + cos phi cos phi'
    # distance = rho * arc length
    cos = (math.sin(phi1)*math.sin(phi2)*math.cos(theta1 - theta2) + 
    arc = math.acos( cos )
    # Remember to multiply arc by the radius of the earth 
    # in your favorite set of units to get length.
    return arc * 6373

def diff_lat_lon(me_loc, target):
    return distance_on_unit_sphere(float(me_loc['lat']), float(me_loc['lon']), 
                                   float(target['lat']), float(target['lon']))

In [19]:
distance_weight = lambda x: 1 if x <= float(1) else 0.9 if x <= float(2) else 0.8

In [20]:
mstr = u"朋友們可以聊天的餐廳,吃火鍋"
tagged = clnSinica(getPOS(mstr.encode("utf8")))
proc_txt = [ x.replace("-", u"負") for x in zOpinion(tagged.decode("utf8")).getWords4Tag()]
print " ".join(proc_txt)
mstr_bow = dictionary.doc2bow(proc_txt)
vec_lsi = lsi[mstr_bow]
sims = index[vec_lsi]

朋友 們 可以 聊天 餐廳 吃 火鍋

In [21]:
me_loc = { 'lat': 25.041171, "lon":121.565227}

shops_val = {}
for (x,y) in sorted(enumerate(sims), key=lambda item: -item[1]):
    shop_name = txts_pos[x][0]['title']
    target = { 'lat': txts_pos[x][0]['latitude'], 'lon': txts_pos[x][0]['longitude'] }
    dist = diff_lat_lon(me_loc, target)
    if not shops_val.has_key(shop_name):
        shops_val[shop_name] = []

shops_rcmd = {}    
for shop_name in shops_val.keys():
    shops_rcmd[shop_name] = np.average(shops_val[shop_name])
for x in sorted(shops_rcmd.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:5]:
    print "%s: %.4f"%(x[0], x[1])

104473-馬辣頂級麻辣鴛鴦火鍋-信義旗艦店: 0.1987
70193-麻辣一村: 0.1941
45614-海宴日式和風涮涮屋-台北萬芳旗艦店: 0.1881
118931-瘋麻辣頂級鴛鴦麻辣火鍋-西門店: 0.1737
34725-天麻蒙古鴛鴦火鍋專賣-公館店: 0.1735

In [24]:


依照店家建立相似度模型後,將特別的字詞與 NTUSD align,最後推出合適的店家。


In [22]:
import urllib
import urllib2
import json

params = {'address': '台北市政府','sensor': 'false'}
url = '' + urllib.urlencode(params)
rawreply = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
result = json.loads(rawreply)

lat, lng = [(s['formatted_address'],s['geometry']) for s in result['results']][0][1][u'location'].values()
print lat, lng

25.041171 121.565227

In [23]:
distance_on_unit_sphere(23.5852855, 119.61, 23.5852855, 119.6)


In [ ]: