In [1]:
with open("input/day7.txt", "r") as f:
inputLines = tuple(line.strip() for line in f)
In [2]:
import re
In [3]:
def isABBA(text):
# Use a negative lookahead assertion to avoid matching four equal characters.
return"(.)(?!\1)(.)\2\1", text) is not None
assert isABBA("abba")
assert isABBA("xabba")
assert not isABBA("aaaa")
assert isABBA("abcoxxoxyz")
assert isABBA("aabba")
assert isABBA("aaabba")
assert isABBA("aaaabba")
In [4]:
def ipAddressSequences(ipAddress):
# We use a pattern for the hypernet sequences for splitting.
# Moreover, we capture the letters in the hypernet sequences, such that
# normal and hypernet sequences will be alternating in the result.
sequences = re.split(r"\[([^\]]+)\]", ipAddress)
normalSequences = tuple(sequences[::2])
hypernetSequences = tuple(sequences[1::2])
return normalSequences, hypernetSequences
assert ipAddressSequences("abba[mnop]qrst") == (("abba", "qrst"), ("mnop",))
assert ipAddressSequences("abcd[bddb]xyyx") == (("abcd", "xyyx"), ("bddb",))
assert ipAddressSequences("aaaa[qwer]tyui") == (("aaaa", "tyui"), ("qwer",))
assert ipAddressSequences("ioxxoj[asdfgh]zxcvbn") == (("ioxxoj", "zxcvbn"), ("asdfgh",))
assert ipAddressSequences("a[b]") == (("a", ""), ("b",))
assert ipAddressSequences("[b]a") == (("", "a"), ("b",))
assert ipAddressSequences("[b]") == (("", ""), ("b",))
In [5]:
def supportsTLS(ipAddress):
normal, hypernet = ipAddressSequences(ipAddress)
return any(isABBA(s) for s in normal) and not any(isABBA(s) for s in hypernet)
assert supportsTLS("abba[mnop]qrst")
assert not supportsTLS("abcd[bddb]xyyx")
assert not supportsTLS("aaaa[qwer]tyui")
assert supportsTLS("ioxxoj[asdfgh]zxcvbn")
In [6]:
sum(1 for ipAddress in inputLines if supportsTLS(ipAddress))
In [7]:
def supportsSSL(ipAddress):
# The idea is that the ABA and the BAB patterns are separated by an odd number of brackets.
return first the ABA pattern
# then an arbitrary number of letters
+ r"[a-z]*"
# then an opening or closing bracket
+ r"[\[\]]"
# then any number of blocks which contain letters, a bracket, more letters, and another bracket
+ r"([a-z]*[\[\]][a-z]*[\[\]]]*)*"
# then an arbitrary number of letters
+ r"[^\[\]]*"
# finally, the BAB pattern
+ r"\2\1\2",
ipAddress) is not None
In [8]:
assert supportsSSL("aba[bab]xyz")
assert not supportsSSL("xyx[xyx]xyx")
assert supportsSSL("aaa[kek]eke")
assert supportsSSL("zazbz[bzb]cdb")
In [9]:
sum(1 for ipAddress in inputLines if supportsSSL(ipAddress))