In [51]:
import cPickle
import datetime
import glob
import os
import random
import re
import subprocess
import cdpybio as cpb
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pybedtools as pbt
import scipy
import scipy.stats as stats
import seaborn as sns
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import statsmodels as sms
import cardipspy as cpy
import ciepy
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext rpy2.ipython
import socket
if socket.gethostname() == 'fl-hn1' or socket.gethostname() == 'fl-hn2':
outdir = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output',
private_outdir = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'private_output',
In [2]:
In [3]:
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data', 'rsem_tpm.tsv')
tpm = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data', 'rnaseq_metadata.tsv')
rna_meta = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data', 'subject_metadata.tsv')
subject_meta = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data', 'wgs_metadata.tsv')
wgs_meta = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
gene_info = pd.read_table(cpy.gencode_gene_info, index_col=0)
genes = pbt.BedTool(cpy.gencode_gene_bed)
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data', 'cnvs.tsv')
cnvs = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
In [4]:
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data',
maj_af = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data',
ase_pval = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
locus_p = pd.Panel({'major_allele_freq':maj_af, 'p_val_ase':ase_pval})
locus_p = locus_p.swapaxes(0, 2)
snv_fns = glob.glob(os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'private_output', 'input_data', 'mbased_snv',
count_fns = glob.glob(os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'private_output', 'input_data', 'allele_counts',
snv_res = {}
for fn in snv_fns:
snv_res[os.path.split(fn)[1].split('_')[0]] = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
count_res = {}
for fn in count_fns:
count_res[os.path.split(fn)[1].split('_')[0]] = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
snv_p = pd.Panel(snv_res)
In [5]:
# We'll keep female subjects with no CNVs on the X chromosome.
sf = subject_meta[ == 'F']
meta = sf.merge(rna_meta, left_index=True, right_on='subject_id')
s = set(meta.subject_id) & set(cnvs.ix[cnvs.chr == 'chrX', 'subject_id'])
meta = meta[meta.subject_id.apply(lambda x: x not in s)]
meta = meta.ix[[x for x in snv_p.items if x in meta.index]]
snv_p = snv_p.ix[meta.index]
In [6]:
a = meta.shape[0]
b = len(set(meta.subject_id))
print('Using {} samples from {} female donors.'.format(a, b))
In [7]:
snv_p = snv_p.ix[meta.index]
locus_p = locus_p.ix[meta.index]
In [8]:
# Filter and take log.
tpm_f = tpm[meta[ == 'F'].index]
tpm_f = tpm_f[(tpm_f != 0).sum(axis=1) > 0]
log_tpm = np.log10(tpm_f + 1)
# Mean center.
log_tpm_c = (log_tpm.T - log_tpm.mean(axis=1)).T
# Variance normalize.
log_tpm_n = (log_tpm_c.T / log_tpm_c.std(axis=1)).T
In [9]:
df = locus_p.ix[meta.index[0], :, :].dropna()
x_single = df[gene_info.ix[df.index, 'chrom'] == 'chrX']
notx_single = df[gene_info.ix[df.index, 'chrom'] != 'chrX']
In [10]:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 4))
ax = axs[0]
x_single.major_allele_freq.hist(ax=ax, bins=np.arange(0.5, 1.05, 0.05))
ax.set_xlim(0.5, 1)
ax.set_title('X chromosome genes')
ax.set_ylabel('Number of genes')
ax.set_xlabel('Major allele frequency')
ax = axs[1]
notx_single.major_allele_freq.hist(ax=ax, bins=np.arange(0.5, 1.05, 0.05))
ax.set_xlim(0.5, 1)
ax.set_title('Autosomal genes')
ax.set_ylabel('Number of genes')
ax.set_xlabel('Major allele frequency')
#plt.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, 'single_sample_majaf.pdf'))
This figure shows the distribution of gene major allele frequencies for genes on the X chromosome and for genes on the autosomes. We can see that autosomal genes often have a MajAF near 50% with few genes near 100%. However, many X chromosome genes are near 100%. These genes are likely still inactivated.
In [11]:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 4))
ax = axs[0]
(-np.log10(x_single.p_val_ase + x_single.p_val_ase[x_single.p_val_ase != 0].min())).hist(ax=ax)
ax.set_title('X chromosome genes')
ax.set_ylabel('Number of genes')
ax.set_xlabel('$-\log_{10}$ $p$-value')
ax = axs[1]
(-np.log10(notx_single.p_val_ase + notx_single.p_val_ase[notx_single.p_val_ase != 0].min())).hist(ax=ax)
ax.set_title('Autosomal genes')
ax.set_ylabel('Number of genes')
ax.set_xlabel('$-\log_{10}$ $p$-value')
In [12]:
t = locus_p.ix[:, :, 'major_allele_freq']
x_all = locus_p.ix[:, set(t.index) & set(gene_info[gene_info.chrom == 'chrX'].index), :]
notx_all = locus_p.ix[:, set(t.index) & set(gene_info[gene_info.chrom != 'chrX'].index), :]
NANOG involved in the regulation of Xist (more NANOG expression -> less XIST expression though supposedly this doesn’t affect reactivation). OCT4 and SOX2 also supposed to affect XIST expresssion. cMYC, REX1, and KLF4 affect TSIX (this is all mouse stuff I think) (Minkovsky).
In [13]:
genes_to_plot = ['XIST', 'TSIX', 'NANOG', 'POU5F1', 'SOX2', 'MYC', 'ZFP42', 'KLF4']
t = pd.Series(gene_info.index, index=gene_info.gene_name)
exp = log_tpm_n.ix[t[genes_to_plot]].T
exp.columns = genes_to_plot
In [14]:
genes_to_plot = ['XIST', 'TSIX']
t = pd.Series(gene_info.index, index=gene_info.gene_name)
exp = log_tpm_n.ix[t[genes_to_plot]].T
exp.columns = genes_to_plot
# exp = log_tpm_n.ix[[gene_info[gene_info.gene_name == 'XIST'].index[0],
# gene_info[gene_info.gene_name == 'TSIX'].index[0]]].T
# exp.columns = ['XIST', 'TSIX']
exp = exp.ix[x_all.items].sort_values(by='XIST', ascending=False)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 4, width_ratios=[0.5, 1.5, 3, 3])
ax = plt.subplot(gs[0])
sns.heatmap(np.array([meta.ix[exp.index, 'passage'].values]).T,
xticklabels=False, yticklabels=False, ax=ax)
ax = plt.subplot(gs[1])
sns.heatmap(exp, yticklabels=False, ax=ax)
#for t in ax.get_xticklabels():
# t.set_rotation(30)
ax = plt.subplot(gs[2])
r = x_all.ix[:, :, 'major_allele_freq'].apply(lambda z: pd.cut(z[z.isnull() == False],
bins=np.arange(0.5, 1.05, 0.05)))
r = r.apply(lambda z: z.value_counts())
sns.heatmap(r.ix[exp.index], yticklabels=False, ax=ax)
xmin,xmax = ax.get_xlim()
ax.set_xticks(np.arange(xmin, xmax + 1, 2))
ax.set_xticklabels(np.arange(0.5, 1.05, 0.1), rotation=30)
ax.set_title('X MajAF distribution')
ax = plt.subplot(gs[3])
r = notx_all.ix[:, :, 'major_allele_freq'].apply(lambda z: pd.cut(z[z.isnull() == False],
bins=np.arange(0.5, 1.05, 0.05)))
r = r.apply(lambda z: z.value_counts())
sns.heatmap(r.ix[exp.index], yticklabels=False, ax=ax)
xmin,xmax = ax.get_xlim()
ax.set_xticks(np.arange(xmin, xmax + 1, 2))
ax.set_xticklabels(np.arange(0.5, 1.05, 0.1), rotation=30)
ax.set_title('Autosomal MajAF distribution')
fig.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, 'x_reactivation_heatmap.png'), dpi=600)
These heatmaps are all aligned by row (so the first row across all heatmaps is the same sample, the second row across all heatmaps is the same sample, etc.). The heatmaps are ordered by each sample's XIST expression (shown in the second heatmap). The X MajAF distribution heatmap is the same as the histogram above for one sample but now we are stacking up the histograms for all samples. We can see that many samples have genes that are inactive although the amount of inactivation varies between samples and is highly correlated with XIST.
The X chromosome is clearly enriched for having ASE which is probably due to incomplete X reactivation.
In [15]:
t = x_all.ix[:, :, 'p_val_ase']
freq = (t < 0.005).sum() / (t.isnull() == False).sum()
print('{:.2f}% of genes per sample have significant ASE on chrX.'.format(freq.mean() * 100))
t = notx_all.ix[:, :, 'p_val_ase']
freq = (t < 0.005).sum() / (t.isnull() == False).sum()
print('{:.2f}% of genes per sample have significant ASE on autosomes.'.format(freq.mean() * 100))
In [16]:
xist_gene_id = gene_info[gene_info.gene_name == 'XIST'].index[0]
tsix_gene_id = gene_info[gene_info.gene_name == 'TSIX'].index[0]
In [17]:
r = stats.spearmanr(meta.passage, log_tpm_n.ix[xist_gene_id, meta.index])
print('Passage and XIST expression are correlated (r={:.2f}) with p={:.3f}.'.format(
r.correlation, r.pvalue))
In [18]:
r = stats.spearmanr(meta.passage, log_tpm_n.ix[tsix_gene_id, meta.index])
print('Passage and TSIX expression are correlated (r={:.2f}) with p={:.3f}.'.format(
r.correlation, r.pvalue))
In [19]:
percent_ase = ((x_all.ix[:, :, 'p_val_ase'] < 0.005).sum() /
(x_all.ix[:, :, 'p_val_ase'].isnull() == False).sum())
In [20]:
r = stats.spearmanr(percent_ase, meta.ix[percent_ase.index, 'passage'])
print('Percent ASE and passage are not correlated (r={:.2f}, p={:.3f}).'.format(
r.correlation, r.pvalue))
In [21]:
r = stats.spearmanr(percent_ase, log_tpm_n.ix[xist_gene_id, percent_ase.index])
print('Percent ASE and XIST expression are correlated (r={:.2f}) with p={:.3e}.'.format(
r.correlation, r.pvalue))
In [22]:
r = stats.spearmanr(percent_ase, log_tpm_n.ix[tsix_gene_id, percent_ase.index])
print('Percent ASE and TSIX expression are correlated (r={:.2f}) with p={:.3e}.'.format(
r.correlation, r.pvalue))
In [23]:
fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'x_ase_exp.tsv')
if not os.path.exists(fn):
t = locus_p.ix[:, :, 'p_val_ase']
t = t.ix[set(t.index) & set(gene_info[gene_info.chrom == 'chrX'].index)]
t = t[t.isnull().sum(axis=1) <= 0.8 * t.shape[1]]
t = t.ix[set(log_tpm_n.index) & set(t.index)]
rows = []
for i in t.index:
se = t.ix[i]
se = se[se.isnull() == False]
a = log_tpm_n.ix[i, se[se <= 0.005].index]
b = log_tpm_n.ix[i, se[se > 0.005].index]
rows.append([se.shape[0], a.shape[0], b.shape[0], a.mean(), b.mean()])
x_exp = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=['num_samples', 'num_sig', 'num_not_sig',
'mean_sig_exp', 'mean_not_sig_exp'],
x_exp = x_exp[(x_exp.num_sig >= 5) & (x_exp.num_not_sig >= 5)]
x_exp.to_csv(fn, sep='\t')
x_exp = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
In [24]:
(x_exp.mean_sig_exp - x_exp.mean_not_sig_exp).hist()
plt.ylabel('Number of genes')
plt.xlabel('Mean expression difference (sig - not sig)')
xmin, xmax = plt.xlim()
plt.xlim(-max(abs(xmin), abs(xmax)), max(abs(xmin), abs(xmax)))
ymin, ymax = plt.ylim()
plt.vlines(0, ymin, ymax);
The histogram above shows that genes have higher average expression in samples where the gene does not have significant ASE.
In [77]:
plt.scatter(x_exp.mean_sig_exp, x_exp.mean_not_sig_exp)
# xmin,xmax = plt.xlim()
# ymin,ymax = plt.ylim()
# plt.plot([-1, 2], [-1, 2])
# plt.xlim(-1, 1.75)
# plt.ylim(-1, 1.75)
In [65]:
len(set([x[0] for x in no_sig_ase.index]))
In [64]:
len(set([x[0] for x in sig_ase.index]))
In [60]:
t = locus_p.ix[:, :, 'p_val_ase']
t = t.ix[set(t.index) & set(gene_info[gene_info.chrom == 'chrX'].index)]
t = t[t.isnull().sum(axis=1) <= 0.8 * t.shape[1]]
t = t.ix[set(log_tpm_n.index) & set(t.index)]
exp = log_tpm_n.ix[t.index, t.columns]
no_sig_ase = exp[t > 0.005].stack()
sig_ase = exp[t < 0.005].stack()
pdfs = pd.DataFrame(index=np.arange(-5, 5 + 0.1, 0.1))
density = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde(no_sig_ase)
pdfs['no_ase'] = density(pdfs.index)
density = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde(sig_ase)
pdfs['ase'] = density(pdfs.index)
pdfs.to_csv(os.path.join(outdir, 'expression_densities.tsv'), sep='\t')
plt.xlabel('$\log$ TPM $z$-score');
In [32]:
t = locus_p.ix[:, :, 'p_val_ase']
t = t.ix[set(t.index) & set(gene_info[gene_info.chrom == 'chrX'].index)]
t = t[t.isnull().sum(axis=1) <= 0.8 * t.shape[1]]
freq = (t[t.isnull() == False] < 0.005).sum(axis=1) / (t.isnull() == False).sum(axis=1)
plt.ylabel('Number of genes')
plt.xlabel('Percentage of samples with ASE ($p$ < 0.005)');
In [33]:
tt = locus_p.ix[:, t.index, 'major_allele_freq']
plt.ylabel('Number of genes')
plt.xlabel('Average major allele frequency per gene');
The above histogram shows what percentage of samples were significant for ASE. Note that a gene in a sample is included here only if it was tested by MBASED for ASE. I restricted to genes that were tested by MBASED in at least 20% of the samples.
I'd like to look at how genes are reactivated across the X chromosome. For instance, is reactivation correlated with replication timing or L1 density? I can consider things like
In [34]:
t = gene_info.ix[x_all.major_axis]
r = ((t.end - t.start) / 2).astype(int)
start = (t.start + r - (((t.end - t.start) / 2 % 1) == 0)).astype(int).astype(str)
end = (t.end - r).astype(int).astype(str)
s = '\n'.join(t.chrom + '\t' + start + '\t' + end + '\t' +
pd.Series(t.index, index=t.index)) + '\n'
xgenes_center_bt = pbt.BedTool(s, from_string=True)
xgenes_center_bt = xgenes_center_bt.sort()
In [35]:
# Replication timing data.
rt = pd.read_table('/publicdata/replication_domain_db_20151103/RD_sm300_2936763_hFibiPS4p72.hg19.txt',
low_memory=False, skiprows=15, index_col=0)
rt = rt[rt.Chromosome == 'chrX']
s = '\n'.join(rt.Chromosome + '\t' + rt.Start_Position.astype(str) +
'\t' + rt.End_Position.astype(str) + '\t' + rt.Data_Value.astype(str))
rt_bt = pbt.BedTool(s, from_string=True)
rt_bt = rt_bt.sort()
In [36]:
res = xgenes_center_bt.closest(rt_bt, d=True)
df = res.to_dataframe()
rt_by_gene = pd.Series(df.thickEnd.values,
I downloaded the repeat masker database from the table browser (group: Repeats,
track: RepeatMasker, output format: all fields from selected table) to the file
. I also downloaded the database as a bed file from the table browser
to the file rmsk.bed
. I put both of these in the output directory.
In [37]:
fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'line_one_elements.tsv')
if not os.path.exists(fn):
rmsk = os.path.join(outdir, 'rmsk_db.txt.gz')
repeat_db = pd.read_table(rmsk, low_memory=False)
line_one_elements = repeat_db[repeat_db.repFamily == 'L1']
line_one_elements = line_one_elements[line_one_elements.genoName == 'chrX']
line_one_elements.to_csv(fn, sep='\t')
line_one_elements = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'line_one_elements.bed')
if not os.path.exists(fn):
repeats = pd.read_table(os.path.join(outdir, 'rmsk.bed'), header=None, low_memory=False)
repeats = repeats[repeats[0] == 'chrX']
repeat_db = pd.read_table(rmsk, low_memory=False)
se = pd.Series(dict(zip(repeat_db.repName, repeat_db.repFamily)))
r = repeats[repeats[3].apply(lambda x: se[x] == 'L1')]
s = '\n'.join(['\t'.join(x) for x in r.astype(str).values]) + '\n'
line_one_bt = pbt.BedTool(s, from_string=True)
line_one_bt = line_one_bt.sort()
line_one_bt = pbt.BedTool(fn)
res = xgenes_center_bt.window(line_one_bt, w=100000)
df = res.to_dataframe()
line_one_by_gene =
In [38]:
line_one_bedgraph = os.path.join(outdir, 'line_one.bedGraph')
if not os.path.exists(line_one_bedgraph):
res = line_one_bt.genome_coverage(g=pbt.genome_registry.hg19, bg=True)
line_one_bw = os.path.join(outdir, '')
if not os.path.exists(line_one_bw):
!bedGraphToBigWig {line_one_bedgraph} /software/bedtools-2.25.0/genomes/human.hg19.genome {line_one_bw}
In [39]:
line_one_bam = os.path.join(outdir, 'line_one_uniq_sorted.bam')
if not os.path.exists(line_one_bam):
df = line_one_bt.to_dataframe() = + '_' + pd.Series(range(df.shape[0])).astype(str)
fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'line_one_uniq.bed')
df.to_csv(fn, header=None, index=None, sep='\t')
out = os.path.join(outdir, 'line_one_uniq.bam')
!bedToBam -i {fn} -g /frazer01/software/bedtools-2.25.0/genomes/human.hg19.genome > {out}
!sambamba sort -o {line_one_bam} {out}
!sambamba index {line_one_bam}
!rm {out}
In [40]:
fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'alu_elements.tsv')
if not os.path.exists(fn):
rmsk = os.path.join(outdir, 'rmsk_db.txt.gz')
repeat_db = pd.read_table(rmsk, low_memory=False)
alu_elements = repeat_db[repeat_db.repFamily == 'Alu']
alu_elements.to_csv(fn, sep='\t')
alu_elements = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'alu_elements.bed')
if not os.path.exists(fn):
repeats = pd.read_table(os.path.join(outdir, 'rmsk.bed'), header=None, low_memory=False)
repeat_db = pd.read_table(rmsk, low_memory=False)
se = pd.Series(dict(zip(repeat_db.repName, repeat_db.repFamily)))
r = repeats[repeats[3].apply(lambda x: se[x] == 'Alu')]
s = '\n'.join(['\t'.join(x) for x in r.astype(str).values]) + '\n'
alu_bt = pbt.BedTool(s, from_string=True)
alu_bt = pbt.BedTool(fn)
res = xgenes_center_bt.window(alu_bt, w=100000)
df = res.to_dataframe()
alu_by_gene =
In [41]:
fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'line_two_elements.tsv')
if not os.path.exists(fn):
rmsk = os.path.join(outdir, 'rmsk_db.txt.gz')
repeat_db = pd.read_table(rmsk, low_memory=False)
line_two_elements = repeat_db[repeat_db.repFamily == 'L2']
line_two_elements.to_csv(fn, sep='\t')
line_two_elements = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'line_two_elements.bed')
if not os.path.exists(fn):
repeats = pd.read_table(os.path.join(outdir, 'rmsk.bed'), header=None, low_memory=False)
repeat_db = pd.read_table(rmsk, low_memory=False)
se = pd.Series(dict(zip(repeat_db.repName, repeat_db.repFamily)))
r = repeats[repeats[3].apply(lambda x: se[x] == 'L2')]
s = '\n'.join(['\t'.join(x) for x in r.astype(str).values]) + '\n'
line_two_bt = pbt.BedTool(s, from_string=True)
line_two_bt = pbt.BedTool(fn)
res = xgenes_center_bt.window(line_two_bt, w=100000)
df = res.to_dataframe()
line_two_by_gene =
In [42]:
df = xgenes_center_bt.to_dataframe()
pos = pd.Series(df.start.values,
features = pd.DataFrame({'rep_timing':rt_by_gene, 'line1':line_one_by_gene, 'pos':pos,
'alu':alu_by_gene, 'line2':line_two_by_gene})
I downloaded the banding track from the table browser (group: Mapping and Sequencing,
track: Chromosome Band, table: cytoBand) to cytoBand_db.txt
in the output directory.
In [43]:
cyto = pd.read_table(os.path.join(outdir, 'cytoBand_db.txt'))
cyto.columns = [x.replace('#', '') for x in cyto.columns]
In [44]:
cyto.ix[(cyto.chrom == 'chrX') & (cyto.gieStain == 'acen')]
In [45]:
In [46]:
lmm_features = pd.DataFrame(x_all.ix[:, :, 'major_allele_freq'].stack(),
lmm_features.index.names = ['gene_id', 'sample_id']
lmm_features = lmm_features.reset_index()
t = pd.DataFrame(x_all.ix[:, :, 'p_val_ase'].stack(),
t.index.names = ['gene_id', 'sample_id']
t = t.reset_index()
lmm_features['p_val_ase'] = t['p_val_ase']
lmm_features = lmm_features.merge(features[['line1', 'alu', 'line2', 'pos', 'rep_timing']],
left_on='gene_id', right_index='True')
t = log_tpm_n.stack()
t = t.reset_index()
t.columns = ['gene_id', 'sample_id', 'exp']
t.index = t.gene_id + ':' + t.sample_id
lmm_features['exp'] = t.ix[lmm_features.gene_id + ':' + lmm_features.sample_id, 'exp'].values
lmm_features = lmm_features.dropna()
# random.seed('5454')
# rand = [random.random() for x in range(lmm_features.shape[0])]
# lmm_features['random'] = rand
rand = [random.random() for x in set(lmm_features.gene_id)]
se = pd.Series(rand, index=set(lmm_features.gene_id))
lmm_features['random'] = se[lmm_features.gene_id].values
lmm_features_p = lmm_features[lmm_features.pos < 58100000]
lmm_features_q = lmm_features[lmm_features.pos > 63000000]
lmm_features.pos = lmm_features.pos - lmm_features.pos.min()
lmm_features.pos = lmm_features.pos / lmm_features.pos.max()
lmm_features.line1 = lmm_features.line1 - lmm_features.line1.min()
lmm_features.line1 = lmm_features.line1 / lmm_features.line1.max()
lmm_features.alu = lmm_features.alu - lmm_features.alu.min()
lmm_features.alu = lmm_features.alu / lmm_features.alu.max()
lmm_features.line2 = lmm_features.line2 - lmm_features.line2.min()
lmm_features.line2 = lmm_features.line2 / lmm_features.line2.max()
lmm_features_p = lmm_features.ix[lmm_features_p.index]
lmm_features_q = lmm_features.ix[lmm_features_q.index]
In [47]:
%%R -i lmm_features
model = lmer(major_allele_freq ~ exp + line1 + pos + rep_timing + (1|sample_id), data=lmm_features)
In [48]:
%%R -i lmm_features_p
model = lmer(major_allele_freq ~ exp + line1 + pos + rep_timing + (1|sample_id), data=lmm_features_p)
In [49]:
%%R -i lmm_features_q
model = lmer(major_allele_freq ~ exp + line1 + pos + rep_timing + (1|sample_id), data=lmm_features_q)
In [50]:
model.full = lmer(major_allele_freq ~ exp + line1 + pos + rep_timing + (1|sample_id),
data=lmm_features, REML=FALSE)
model.null = lmer(major_allele_freq ~ exp + pos + rep_timing + (1|sample_id),
data=lmm_features, REML=FALSE)
anova(model.null, model.full)
In [51]:
model.full = lmer(major_allele_freq ~ exp + line1 + pos + rep_timing + (1|sample_id),
data=lmm_features, REML=FALSE)
model.null = lmer(major_allele_freq ~ exp + line1 + rep_timing + (1|sample_id),
data=lmm_features, REML=FALSE)
anova(model.null, model.full)
In [52]:
model.full = lmer(major_allele_freq ~ exp + line1 + pos + rep_timing + (1|sample_id),
data=lmm_features, REML=FALSE)
model.null = lmer(major_allele_freq ~ exp + line1 + pos + (1|sample_id),
data=lmm_features, REML=FALSE)
anova(model.null, model.full)
In [53]:
%%R -i lmm_features_p
model.full = lmer(major_allele_freq ~ exp + line1 + pos + rep_timing + (1|sample_id),
data=lmm_features_p, REML=FALSE)
model.null = lmer(major_allele_freq ~ exp + pos + rep_timing + (1|sample_id),
data=lmm_features_p, REML=FALSE)
anova(model.null, model.full)
In [54]:
%%R -i lmm_features_p
model.full = lmer(major_allele_freq ~ exp + line1 + pos + rep_timing + (1|sample_id),
data=lmm_features_p, REML=FALSE)
model.null = lmer(major_allele_freq ~ exp + line1 + rep_timing + (1|sample_id),
data=lmm_features_p, REML=FALSE)
anova(model.null, model.full)
In [55]:
%%R -i lmm_features_p
model.full = lmer(major_allele_freq ~ exp + line1 + pos + rep_timing + (1|sample_id),
data=lmm_features_p, REML=FALSE)
model.null = lmer(major_allele_freq ~ exp + line1 + pos + (1|sample_id),
data=lmm_features_p, REML=FALSE)
anova(model.null, model.full)
In [56]:
%%R -i lmm_features_q
model.full = lmer(major_allele_freq ~ exp + line1 + pos + rep_timing + (1|sample_id),
data=lmm_features_q, REML=FALSE)
model.null = lmer(major_allele_freq ~ exp + pos + rep_timing + (1|sample_id),
data=lmm_features_q, REML=FALSE)
anova(model.null, model.full)
In [57]:
%%R -i lmm_features_q
model.full = lmer(major_allele_freq ~ exp + line1 + pos + rep_timing + (1|sample_id),
data=lmm_features_q, REML=FALSE)
model.null = lmer(major_allele_freq ~ exp + line1 + rep_timing + (1|sample_id),
data=lmm_features_q, REML=FALSE)
anova(model.null, model.full)
In [58]:
%%R -i lmm_features_q
model.full = lmer(major_allele_freq ~ exp + line1 + pos + rep_timing + (1|sample_id),
data=lmm_features_q, REML=FALSE)
model.null = lmer(major_allele_freq ~ exp + line1 + pos + (1|sample_id),
data=lmm_features_q, REML=FALSE)
anova(model.null, model.full)
In [59]:
rt_data = rt[['Chromosome', 'Start_Position', 'End_Position', 'Data_Value']]
rt_data.columns = ['chromosome', 'start', 'end', 'Replication Timing']
In [60]:
In [61]:
%%R -i rt_data
ideoTrack <- IdeogramTrack(genome = "hg19", chromosome = "chrX")
rtTrack <- DataTrack(range=rt_data, genome="hg19", type=c("polygon"),
chromosome="chrX", name="Replication Timing")
In [62]:
%%R -i line_one_bw
#bamFile <- system.file(line_one_bam, package = "Gviz")
lineTrack <- DataTrack(range=line_one_bw, genome="hg19", type="l", window=-1,
chromosome="chrX", name="L1 Elements", )
In [64]:
lmm_features = lmm_features.merge(gene_info[['chrom', 'start', 'end']],
left_on='gene_id', right_index=True)
lmm_features.columns = [c.replace('chrom', 'chromosome') for c in lmm_features.columns]
In [111]:
t = x_all.ix[:, :, 'major_allele_freq']
r = gene_info.ix[t.index, ['start', 'end']]
In [66]:
%%R -i t,r
mafTrack <- DataTrack(range=r, data=t, genome="hg19", type=c("smooth", "p"), alpha=0.75, lwd=8,
chromosome="chrX", name="Major Allele Frequency")
In [67]:
plotTracks(c(ideoTrack, rtTrack, mafTrack), from=63000000, to=155270560)
In [70]:
plotTracks(c(ideoTrack, rtTrack, lineTrack, mafTrack), from=63000000, to=155270560)
In [76]:
plotTracks(c(ideoTrack, rtTrack, lineTrack, mafTrack), from=0, to=58100000)
In [226]:
plotTracks(c(ideoTrack, rtTrack, lineTrack, mafTrack), from=0, to=58100000)
In [ ]:
%%R -i rt_bedgraph,sig_bedgraph,mean_freq_z_bedgraph,line_one_bam
ideoTrack <- IdeogramTrack(genome = "hg19", chromosome = "chrX")
# sig <- system.file(sig_bedgraph, package = "Gviz")
sigTrack <- DataTrack(range=sig_bedgraph, genome="hg19", type=c("smooth", "p"),
chromosome="chrX", name="Percent Significant ASE")
# mfz <- system.file(sig_bedgraph, package = "Gviz")
mfzTrack <- DataTrack(range=mean_freq_z_bedgraph, genome="hg19", type=c("smooth", "p"),
chromosome="chrX", name="Mean Frequency z Score")
#rt <- system.file(rt_bedgraph, package = "Gviz")
rtTrack <- DataTrack(range=rt_bedgraph, genome="hg19", type="l",
chromosome="chrX", name="Replication Timing")
lineTrack <- DataTrack(range=line_one_bam, genome="hg19", type="l", window=-1,
chromosome="chrX", name="L1 Elements")
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [34]:
g = set(gene_info[gene_info.chrom == 'chrX'].index) & set(ase_pval.index)
s = meta[( == 'F') & (meta.in_eqtl)].index
fx_maj_af = maj_af.ix[g, s]
fx_maj_af_f = fx_maj_af[(fx_maj_af.isnull() == False).sum(axis=1) >= 40]
In [35]:
In [36]:
g = set(gene_info[gene_info.chrom == 'chrX'].index) & set(ase_pval.index)
s = meta[( == 'F') & (meta.in_eqtl)].index
fx_maj_af = maj_af.ix[g, s]
fx_maj_af_f = fx_maj_af[(fx_maj_af.isnull() == False).sum(axis=1) >= 40]
In [37]:
cpy.makedir(os.path.join(outdir, 'inact_qtl'))
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'eqtl_input', 'gene_to_regions.p')
gene_to_regions = cPickle.load(open(fn, 'rb'))
In [38]:
plt.ylabel('Number of samples')
plt.xlabel('Mean major allele frequency');
I'm going to substract the mean from each sample (column) to account for differences in overall reactivation.
In [39]:
fx_maj_af_f = fx_maj_af_f - fx_maj_af_f.mean()
In [44]:
In [40]:
def run_emmax_sge(gene_id, mem=4):
"""Run EMMAX for X inactivation eQTL."""
se = fx_maj_af_f.ix[gene_id].dropna()
se = cpb.general.transform_standard_normal(se)
wgs = cpy.get_best_wgs_sample(meta.ix[se.index, 'subject_id'])
se.index = wgs.wgs_id
se = se[sorted(se.index)]
toutdir = os.path.join(outdir, 'inact_qtl', gene_id)
samples = os.path.join(toutdir, 'emmax_samples.tsv')
with open(samples, 'w') as f:
f.write('\n'.join(se.index) + '\n')
exp = os.path.join(toutdir, 'maj_af_std_norm.tsv')
pd.DataFrame(se, columns=[gene_id]).T.to_csv(exp, sep='\t')
vcf = '/projects/CARDIPS/pipeline/WGS/mergedVCF/CARDIPS_201512.femaleX.PASS.vcf.gz'
regions = ','.join([x[3:] for x in gene_to_regions[gene_id]])
kin = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'eqtl_input', 'wgs.kin')
res =
date = re.sub(r'\D', '_', str(res))
fn = os.path.join(toutdir, '{}_{}.sh'.format(gene_id, date))
with open(fn, 'w') as f:
f.write('#$ -N emmax_{}_{}_x\n'.format(gene_id, date))
num_threads = 4
f.write('#$ -l short\n')
f.write('#$ -l h_vmem={}G\n'.format(mem / num_threads))
f.write('#$ -pe smp {}\n'.format(num_threads))
f.write('#$ -S /bin/bash\n')
f.write('#$ -o {}/emmax_{}_{}_x.out\n'.format(toutdir, gene_id, date))
f.write('#$ -e {}/emmax_{}_{}_x.err\n\n'.format(toutdir, gene_id, date))
f.write('module load cardips/1\n')
f.write('source activate cie\n\n')
c = 'python {} \\\n\t'.format(os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'scripts', ''))
c += ' \\\n\t'.join([
f.write(c + '\n\n')
subprocess.check_call('qsub {}'.format(fn), shell=True)
In [42]:
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(outdir, 'inact_qtl')):
for g in fx_maj_af_f.index:
In [45]:
dys = glob.glob(os.path.join(outdir, 'inact_qtl', '*'))
gene_ids = []
pvalues = []
for dy in dys:
gene_id = os.path.split(dy)[1]
res_fn = os.path.join(os.path.join(dy, '{}.tsv'.format(gene_id)))
res = ciepy.read_emmax_output(res_fn)
min_fn = os.path.join(os.path.join(dy, 'minimum_pvalues.tsv'))
min_pvals = pd.read_table(min_fn, header=None, squeeze=True)
pvalues.append((1 + sum(min_pvals <= res.PVALUE.min())) / float(min_pvals.shape[0] + 1))
pvalues = pd.Series(pvalues, index=gene_ids)
In [46]:
plt.ylabel('Number of genes');
In [47]:
plt.xlabel('$-\log_{10} p$-value')
plt.ylabel('Number of genes');
In [48]:
r = sms.sandbox.stats.multicomp.multipletests(pvalues, method='fdr_bh')
pvalues_bh = pd.Series(r[1], index=pvalues.index)
sum(pvalues_bh < 0.05)
In [49]:
pvalues = pvalues.sort_values()
The following genes are nominally significant but don't pass the FDR correction.
In [50]:
gene_info.ix[pvalues[pvalues < 0.05].index]