Analysis of Levelling Table/Book

Surveyors will traditionaly only calculate the reduce level and plot the result in the for of a profile drawing.

I this exercise, I will take the calculation further by making some useful statistical calculations and analysis.

Am going to use three main packages called numpy, pandas and matplotlib.

The Data (in .csv format) used is available for download here. Download it and save it at thesame location with this notebook.

Author: Umar Yusuf

Tasks to be completed

We are going to run through the following tasks:-
1) Clean the data
2) Descriptive Statistical Analysis
3) Check Levelling Error
4) Visualise the Profile (Distance Vs Reduce level)

In [433]:
# Lets import the packages
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Lets enable our plot to display inline within notebook
%matplotlib inline

Loading the Levelling table in .csv format

In [434]:
level_table = pd.read_csv("Level_Book.csv")

Point Back Sight Intermediate Sight Fore Sight Rise Fall Reduce Level Distance
0 Datum 2.395 NaN NaN NaN NaN 10.000 NaN
1 A NaN 2.050 NaN 0.345 NaN 10.345 5.0
2 B NaN 1.970 NaN 0.080 NaN 10.425 15.0
3 C NaN 1.888 NaN 0.082 NaN 10.507 25.0
4 D NaN 1.808 NaN 0.080 NaN 10.587 35.0
5 E NaN 1.722 NaN 0.086 NaN 10.673 45.0
6 F NaN 1.664 NaN 0.058 NaN 10.731 55.0
7 G NaN 1.609 NaN 0.055 NaN 10.786 65.0
8 H NaN 1.534 NaN 0.075 NaN 10.861 75.0
9 I 1.732 NaN 1.493 0.041 NaN 10.902 85.0
10 J NaN 1.795 NaN NaN 0.063 10.839 95.0
11 K NaN 1.859 NaN NaN 0.064 10.775 105.0
12 L NaN 1.936 NaN NaN 0.077 10.698 115.0
13 M NaN 2.012 NaN NaN 0.076 10.622 125.0
14 N NaN 2.052 NaN NaN 0.040 10.582 135.0
15 O NaN 2.133 NaN NaN 0.081 10.501 145.0
16 P NaN 2.216 NaN NaN 0.083 10.418 155.0
17 Q NaN 2.289 NaN NaN 0.073 10.345 165.0
18 Datum NaN NaN 2.634 NaN 0.345 10.000 175.0

Compare Original table and the imported table

Our imported data will look slightly different in the sense that, all enpty cells will read as "NaN" as seen above. NaN statnds for "Not A Number".

1) Clean the data

Now, lets perform some cleaning to the data.

In [435]:
# lets replace the NaN with 0.000. But first let see the titles of the colums


Index(['Point', 'Back Sight', 'Intermediate Sight', 'Fore Sight', 'Rise',
       'Fall', 'Reduce Level', 'Distance'],

In [436]:
# Replace NaN with empty space for all columns

level_table_cleaned = level_table.fillna('')
# level_table_cleaned = level_table.replace(np.nan, '')


Point Back Sight Intermediate Sight Fore Sight Rise Fall Reduce Level Distance
0 Datum 2.395 10.000
1 A 2.05 0.345 10.345 5
2 B 1.97 0.08 10.425 15
3 C 1.888 0.082 10.507 25
4 D 1.808 0.08 10.587 35
5 E 1.722 0.086 10.673 45
6 F 1.664 0.058 10.731 55
7 G 1.609 0.055 10.786 65
8 H 1.534 0.075 10.861 75
9 I 1.732 1.493 0.041 10.902 85
10 J 1.795 0.063 10.839 95
11 K 1.859 0.064 10.775 105
12 L 1.936 0.077 10.698 115
13 M 2.012 0.076 10.622 125
14 N 2.052 0.04 10.582 135
15 O 2.133 0.081 10.501 145
16 P 2.216 0.083 10.418 155
17 Q 2.289 0.073 10.345 165
18 Datum 2.634 0.345 10.000 175

Now the table looks cleaner an just as it looks in the original csv file.
However, this will not allow numerical analysis performed on any colum with white space or NaN value. So instead, I will replace that with 0.000

In [437]:
# Replace white space with 0.000 for all columns

level_table_zeros = level_table.fillna(0.000)

Point Back Sight Intermediate Sight Fore Sight Rise Fall Reduce Level Distance
0 Datum 2.395 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10.000 0.0
1 A 0.000 2.050 0.000 0.345 0.000 10.345 5.0
2 B 0.000 1.970 0.000 0.080 0.000 10.425 15.0
3 C 0.000 1.888 0.000 0.082 0.000 10.507 25.0
4 D 0.000 1.808 0.000 0.080 0.000 10.587 35.0
5 E 0.000 1.722 0.000 0.086 0.000 10.673 45.0
6 F 0.000 1.664 0.000 0.058 0.000 10.731 55.0
7 G 0.000 1.609 0.000 0.055 0.000 10.786 65.0
8 H 0.000 1.534 0.000 0.075 0.000 10.861 75.0
9 I 1.732 0.000 1.493 0.041 0.000 10.902 85.0
10 J 0.000 1.795 0.000 0.000 0.063 10.839 95.0
11 K 0.000 1.859 0.000 0.000 0.064 10.775 105.0
12 L 0.000 1.936 0.000 0.000 0.077 10.698 115.0
13 M 0.000 2.012 0.000 0.000 0.076 10.622 125.0
14 N 0.000 2.052 0.000 0.000 0.040 10.582 135.0
15 O 0.000 2.133 0.000 0.000 0.081 10.501 145.0
16 P 0.000 2.216 0.000 0.000 0.083 10.418 155.0
17 Q 0.000 2.289 0.000 0.000 0.073 10.345 165.0
18 Datum 0.000 0.000 2.634 0.000 0.345 10.000 175.0

2) Descriptive statistical analysis

Lets see Descriptive statistical values for the table

In [438]:

Back Sight Intermediate Sight Fore Sight Rise Fall Reduce Level Distance
count 19.000000 19.000000 19.000000 19.000000 19.000000 19.000000 19.000000
mean 0.217211 1.607211 0.217211 0.047474 0.047474 10.557737 85.263158
std 0.659942 0.741558 0.677847 0.080560 0.080399 0.259599 55.838897
min 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 10.000000 0.000000
25% 0.000000 1.636500 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 10.421500 40.000000
50% 0.000000 1.859000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 10.587000 85.000000
75% 0.000000 2.031000 0.000000 0.077500 0.074500 10.753000 130.000000
max 2.395000 2.289000 2.634000 0.345000 0.345000 10.902000 175.000000

The result above may only be meaningfull to the "Reduce Level" column. But never mind this is just for sake of demonstration.

3) Checking Level Error

Remember that in other to check a level table computation for errors, we have to compare the defference in the sum of "Back-sight and Fore-sight", Rise and Fall and Last and First reduce level. And if the defferences are thesame, then we say our table arithmetics and observations are correct.

Let do that...

Lets redefine the columns of interest to give then shorter name as follow;-
$Back Sight = BS$
$Fore Sight = FS$
$Rise = Rise$
$Fall = Fall$
$First Reduce Level = FRL$
$Last Reduce Level = LRL$

In [439]:
# Sum each column and save it in redefine column name as variable
BS = level_table["Back Sight"].sum()
FS = level_table["Fore Sight"].sum()
Rise = level_table["Rise"].sum()
Fall = level_table["Fall"].sum()

# Use round() method to round Rise to 3 decimals
Rise = round(Rise, 3)

# Getting the values of the FRL and LRL
FRL = level_table["Reduce Level"][0]
LRL = level_table["Reduce Level"][18]

BS, FS, Rise, Fall, FRL, LRL

(4.127, 4.127, 0.902, 0.902, 10.0, 10.0)

In [440]:
# Checking the arithmetic for error
# the result should be turple of thesame number.
BS - FS, Rise - Fall, LRL - FRL

(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

4) Visualise the Profile (Distance Vs Reduce level)

This is probably the common use of a levelling data table (plotting of profile).

Let Visualise the relationship that exist between these two columns - Reduce level and Distance using the matplotlib package.

x-axis will be Distance column while y-axis will be the Reduce level column.

In [441]:
x = level_table["Distance"]
y = level_table["Reduce Level"]

plt.figure(figsize=(20, 7), facecolor='orange')

plt.plot(x, y, linestyle="dashed", marker="o", color="blue")

plt.title("Profile Drawing", size=30, color="white")
plt.xlabel("Distance (m)", size=20, color="white")
plt.ylabel("Reduce Level (m)", size=20, color="white")

plt.xticks([5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175], size=15)
plt.yticks([10, 10.5, 11], size=15)


That is it! Now you got some analysis to perform on your level observations.

Author: Umar Yusuf