In [14]:
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
import numpy as np
import beadpy
import pandas as pd
In [483]:
%matplotlib notebook
In [664]:
def trajectory_simulator(pre_duration = 250, #Mean event start time
pre_sigma = 50, #Sigma of event start time distribution
post_duration = 250, #The bead stays on for this long at the end of the trajectory
mean_duration = 100, #Mean event duration
min_duration = 10, #Minimum event duration
mean_rate = 500, #Mean rate (distance units/timestep)
rate_sigma = 50, #Sigma of the rate distribution
noise_sigma = 500, #Mean sigma for the bead movement
noise_sigma_sigma = 100, #Sigma of the noise sigma distribution
pause_prob = 0.001, #Probability of entering a pause in a given timestep
pause_duration_prob = 0.2, #Probability of remaining paused in a given timestep once a pause has begun.
rate_change_prob = 0.1, #Probablity that the rate will change in a given timestep
DNA_length = 15000, #Length of the DNA - a hard limit on the event length
trajectory_number = 0):
length = int(np.random.exponential(mean_duration)) #Length is drawn from an exponential distribution.
while length < min_duration:
length = int(np.random.exponential(mean_duration)) #The length should be at least a certain value.
current_rate = 0
pre = int(np.random.normal(loc=pre_duration, scale = pre_sigma))
post = post_duration
rate = 0
ratesequence = [0]*pre
noise_sigmaval = int(np.random.normal(loc=noise_sigma, scale = noise_sigma_sigma))
position = [0]*pre
nucleotides = []
current_position = 0
for i in range(0,pre):
nucleotides.append(float(position[i]+np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale = noise_sigmaval)))
for i in range(0,length):
randomnumber = random.random() #generate a random float between 0 and 1
if i == 0: #Start the event
rate = np.random.normal(loc=mean_rate, scale = rate_sigma)
elif not rate == 0: #When during an event/no pause.
if (randomnumber <= pause_prob): #Start a pause.
rate = 0
elif (randomnumber > pause_prob) & (randomnumber <= (pause_prob + rate_change_prob)): #Change the rate
rate = np.random.normal(loc=mean_rate, scale = rate_sigma)
else: #No rate change
rate = rate #just FYI!
elif (rate == 0) & (not i ==0): #When in a pause.
if (randomnumber < (1- pause_duration_prob)): #End the pause.
rate = np.random.normal(loc=mean_rate, scale = rate_sigma)
rate = 0 #Continue the pause.
current_position = current_position + rate
nucleotides.append(float(current_position+np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale = noise_sigmaval)))
if current_position > DNA_length:
length = i
for i in range(0,post):
nucleotides.append(float(current_position+np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale = noise_sigmaval)))
time = range(0,len(nucleotides))
results = pd.DataFrame({'time' : time,
'nucleotides' : nucleotides,
'rate' : ratesequence,
'position' : position})
results['trajectory'] = trajectory_number
return results
In [733]:
test = trajectory_simulator(pre_duration = 300,
pre_sigma = 5,
post_duration = 250,
mean_duration = 100,
min_duration = 10,
mean_rate = 80,
rate_sigma = 30,
noise_sigma = 100,
noise_sigma_sigma = 20,
pause_prob = 0.1,
pause_duration_prob = 0.9,
rate_change_prob = 0.01,
DNA_length = 15000,
trajectory_number = 0)
exampletrajseg = beadpy.trajectory_plotter(test, 0, method = ('auto', 'whole'),
sigma_start = 10, sigma_end = 250,
eventregion = (200,500),
segmenttable = 0)
In [734]:
Compare the table of actual changepoints below (ignoring rate changes of less than 10) with the above table of the discovered changepoints above.
In [735]:
changepoints = []
changepoint_values = []
duration = []
for i in test.time[1:]:
if abs(test.rate[i] - test.rate[i-1]) > 10:
for i in range(0, (len(changepoints) - 1)):
cpts = pd.DataFrame({'changepoint' : changepoints,
'rate' : changepoint_values,
'duration' : duration})
Generate a large results table.
In [700]:
phi29results = pd.DataFrame()
for j in range(0,1000):
temp = trajectory_simulator(pre_duration = 300,
pre_sigma = 20,
post_duration = 250,
mean_duration = 100,
min_duration = 10,
mean_rate = 80,
rate_sigma = 40,
noise_sigma = 100,
noise_sigma_sigma = 20,
pause_prob = 0.1,
pause_duration_prob = 0.5,
rate_change_prob = 0.01,
DNA_length = 15000,
trajectory_number = j)
phi29results = phi29results.append(temp)
In [699]:
coliresults = pd.DataFrame()
for j in range(1001,2000):
temp = trajectory_simulator(pre_duration = 300,
pre_sigma = 20,
post_duration = 250,
mean_duration = 150,
min_duration = 10,
mean_rate = 442,
rate_sigma = 198,
noise_sigma = 100,
noise_sigma_sigma = 20,
pause_prob = 0.1,
pause_duration_prob = 0.7,
rate_change_prob = 0.05,
DNA_length = 15000,
trajectory_number = j)
coliresults = coliresults.append(temp)
In [701]:
results = pd.concat([phi29results,coliresults])
In [702]:
combosegments = beadpy.segment_finder(results, method = 'auto', sigma_start=10, sigma_end=200)
In [703]:
beadpy.segmentplotter(combosegments,1000,-2000,15000, 2, 10)
In [719]:
beadpy.ratehist(combosegments,0, 1100, 40, 'displacement')