In [1]:
from IPython.core.display import HTML
css_file = 'pynoddy.css'
HTML(open(css_file, "r").read())
In [2]:
# Basic settings
import sys, os
import subprocess
# Now import pynoddy
import pynoddy
%matplotlib inline
# determine path of repository to set paths corretly below
repo_path = os.path.realpath('../..')
In [3]:
# Change to sandbox directory to store results
os.chdir(os.path.join(repo_path, 'sandbox'))
# Path to exmaple directory in this repository
example_directory = os.path.join(repo_path,'examples')
# Compute noddy model for history file
history_file = 'strike_slip.his'
history = os.path.join(example_directory, history_file)
nfiles = 1
files = '_'+str(nfiles).zfill(4)
print "files", files
root_name = 'noddy_out'
output_name = root_name + files
print root_name
print output_name
# call Noddy
# NOTE: Make sure that the noddy executable is accessible in the system!!
print subprocess.Popen(['noddy.exe', history, output_name, 'TOPOLOGY'],
shell=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
print subprocess.Popen(['topology.exe', root_name, files],
shell=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
For convenience, the model computations are wrapped into a Python function in pynoddy:
In [4]:
pynoddy.compute_model(history, output_name)
pynoddy.compute_topology(root_name, files)
Note: The Noddy call from Python is, to date, calling Noddy through the subprocess function. In a future implementation, this call could be subsituted with a full wrapper for the C-functions written in Python. Therefore, using the member function compute_model is not only easier, but also the more "future-proof" way to compute the Noddy model.
In [5]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import numpy as np
N1 = pynoddy.NoddyOutput(output_name)
AM= pynoddy.NoddyTopology(output_name)
am_name=root_name +'_uam.bin'
print am_name
print AM.maxlitho
image = np.empty((int(AM.maxlitho),int(AM.maxlitho)), np.uint8)[:] = open(am_name).read()
cmap.set_under('white') # Color for values less than vmin
plt.imshow(image, interpolation="nearest", vmin=1, cmap=cmap)
In [5]:
In [ ]: