Create a VTK file for 3D visualisation

Geogrid objects can be exported to VTK fiels for visualisation in 3-D in any of the (free) VTK viewers (e.g. Paraview, Mayavi, Visit). The VTK export requires a running installation of the Python vtk package (can be a headache to install...) and the higher-level functions provided by evtk (available on:

We start here with a geogrid from a pickled file and export it to VTK:

In [3]:
import os
import sys
# as long as not in Pythonpath, we have to set directory:
import geogrid
import pickle

In [6]:
# load geogrid from pickled file
G1 = pickle.load(open(r'/Users/flow/Documents/02_work/10_Geomodels/05_PB/PB_combined/exported_grids/PB_comb_geogrid_lres.pkl', 'r'))

In [9]:
# export to VTK
G1.export_to_vtk(vtk_filename = "PB_comb",
                 real_coords = True,
                 var_name = "Geological Units")

That's it!

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