This notebook experiments advances in image cropping. This performs the following steps
In [1]:
import os
import skimage
from skimage import io, util
from skimage.draw import circle
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import math
In [18]:
baseFolder = '/Users/boris/Dropbox/Kaggle/Retina/train/sample'
imgFile = '78_left.jpeg'
filename = os.path.join(baseFolder, imgFile)
img = io.imread(filename)
The simplest way to detect edges for cropping of a circular image with dark background is to sum up along different axes. Let's see how it works. First we sum up all the color channels, then compute horizontal and vertical borders.
In [19]:
threshold = 20000
s = np.sum(img, axis=2)
cols = np.sum(s, axis=0) > threshold
rows = np.sum(s, axis=1) > threshold
now compute borders of the image
In [20]:
height = rows.shape[0]
width = cols.shape[0]
x_min = np.argmax(cols[0:width])
x_max = width/2 + np.argmin(cols[width/2:width-1])
y_min = np.argmax(rows[0:height/2])
y_max = height/2 + np.argmin(cols[height/2:height-1])
This is simple case, not trimmed image. Let's determine the radius and center of it. We reduce the radius in orger to get rid of the edge distortions
In [21]:
radius = (x_max - x_min)/2
center_x = x_min + radius
center_y = y_min + radius
radius1 = radius - 100
Now we zeroify everything outside the circle determined above. We need to do this as the black background actually not trully black.
In [22]:
mask = np.zeros(img.shape)
rr, cc = circle(center_y, center_x, radius1, img.shape)
mask[rr, cc] = 1
img *= mask
and now we are ready to do actual crop of the image. Perform the very same crop operation on the mask for further processing.
In [23]:
x_borders = (center_x - radius1, img.shape[1] - center_x - radius1)
y_borders = (center_y - radius1, img.shape[0] - center_y - radius1)
img2 = util.crop(img, (y_borders, x_borders, (0,0)))
maskT = util.crop(mask, (y_borders, x_borders, (0,0)))
border_pixels = np.sum(1 - maskT)
In [24]:
In [25]:
baseFolder = '/Users/boris/Dropbox/Kaggle/Retina/train/sample'
imgFile = '263_right.jpeg'
filename = os.path.join(baseFolder, imgFile)
img =
In [26]:
s = np.sum(img, axis=2)
cols = np.sum(s, axis=0) > threshold
rows = np.sum(s, axis=1) > threshold
now compute borders of the image
In [27]:
threshold = 20000
height = rows.shape[0]
width = cols.shape[0]
x_min = np.argmax(cols[0:width])
x_max = width/2 + np.argmin(cols[width/2:width-1])
y_min = np.argmax(rows[0:height/2])
y_max = np.argmin(cols[height/2:height-1])
y_max = height/2 + y_max if y_max > 0 else height
print x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, height/2
And radius and the center of the image. If we have at least upper or lower side of the disk non-cropped, use it to determine the vertical center. Otherwise use Pithagoras theorem :-)
In [28]:
radius = (x_max - x_min)/2
center_x = x_min + radius
center_y = y_min + radius # the default case (if y_min != 0)
if y_min == 0: # the upper side is cropped
if height - y_max > 0: # lower border is not 0
center_y = y_max - radius
upper_line_width = np.sum(s[0,:] > 100) # threshold for single line
center_y = math.sqrt( radius**2 - (upper_line_width/2)**2)
radius1 = radius - 200
In [29]:
mask = np.zeros(img.shape[0:2])
rr, cc = circle(center_y, center_x, radius1, img.shape)
mask[rr, cc] = 1
img[:,:,0] *= mask
img[:,:,1] *= mask
img[:,:,2] *= mask
In [30]:
x_borders = (center_x - radius1, img.shape[1] - center_x - radius1)
y_borders = (max(center_y - radius1,0), max(img.shape[0] - center_y - radius1, 0))
img2 = util.crop(img, (y_borders, x_borders, (0,0)))
maskT = util.crop(mask, (y_borders, x_borders))
border_pixels = np.sum(1 - maskT)
In [31]:
and now putting everything together
In [13]:
def circularcrop(img, border, threshold, threshold1):
s = np.sum(img, axis=2)
cols = np.sum(s, axis=0) > threshold
rows = np.sum(s, axis=1) > threshold
height = rows.shape[0]
width = cols.shape[0]
x_min = np.argmax(cols[0:width])
x_max = width/2 + np.argmin(cols[width/2:width-1])
y_min = np.argmax(rows[0:height/2])
y_max = np.argmin(cols[height/2:height-1])
y_max = height/2 + y_max if y_max > 0 else height
radius = (x_max - x_min)/2
center_x = x_min + radius
center_y = y_min + radius # the default case (if y_min != 0)
if y_min == 0: # the upper side is cropped
if height - y_max > 0: # lower border is not 0
center_y = y_max - radius
upper_line_width = np.sum(s[0,:] > threshold1) # threshold for single line
center_y = math.sqrt( radius**2 - (upper_line_width/2)**2)
radius1 = radius - border
mask = np.zeros(img.shape[0:2])
rr, cc = circle(center_y, center_x, radius1, img.shape)
mask[rr, cc] = 1
img[:,:,0] *= mask
img[:,:,1] *= mask
img[:,:,2] *= mask
x_borders = (center_x - radius1, img.shape[1] - center_x - radius1)
y_borders = (max(center_y - radius1,0), max(img.shape[0] - center_y - radius1, 0))
imgres = util.crop(img, (y_borders, x_borders, (0,0)))
maskT = util.crop(mask, (y_borders, x_borders))
border_pixels = np.sum(1 - maskT)
return imgres, maskT, center_x, center_y, radius
In [14]:
baseFolder = '/Users/boris/Dropbox/Shared/Retina'
imgFile = 'crop/20677_left.jpeg'
filename = os.path.join(baseFolder, imgFile)
img = io.imread(filename)
In [15]:
(imgA, maskA, x,y,r) = circularcrop(img, 200, 20000, 100)
In [16]:
In [17]:
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