
Dieses Notebook ist eine kleine Einführung in die Data Science Welt mit Python, dem Notebook-System Jupyter und dem Datenanalyse-Framework Pandas.

Die Aufgabe ist, aus dem Mitschnitt von Telefon-Metadaten herauszufinden, wo eine bestimmte Person wohnt. Das Notebook erklärt hierzu immer die Funktionsweisen und die Aufgaben der notwendigen Analyseschritte.

Importieren von Bibliotheken

Als erstes wollen wir über den in Python üblichen Weg das Modul "Pandas" einbinden.

Generell können sog. Module auf mehrere Arten eingebunden werden:

  • Einfaches Einbinden mittels import <modul>, z. B. import pandas
  • Einbinden mit separatem Namen mittels import <modul> as <name>, z. B. import pandas as pd
  • Einbinden eines Untermoduls mittels from <hauptmodul> import <modul>, z. B. from matplotlib import pyplot

Wir möchten gerne das Modul "Pandas" als pd einbinden.

Die Zelle können wir dann mit dem Tastenkürzel Shift + Enter ausführen.

In [23]:
import pandas as pd

Interaktive Hilfe

Ob das Importieren des Moduls auch wirklich funktioniert hat, können wir prüfen, in dem wir mit dem pd-Modul arbeiten. Dazu hängen wir an die pd-Variable den ? Operator an und führen die Zelle aus. Es erscheint die Dokumentation des Moduls im unteren Bereich des Notebooks. Diesen Bereich können wir durchlesen und mit der Taste ESC auch wieder verschwinden lassen.

In [20]:

Die weitere Funktionalität der Pandas-Bibliothek können wir erkunden, indem wir die Methoden von Pandas ansehen. Dazu verwenden wir pd. und nutzen die integrierte Autovervollständigung von Jupyter mittels der Tabulatortaste Tab, um zu sehen, welche Methoden uns Pandas bietet. Gehen wir dann mit der Pfeiltaste unten z. B. auf Categorical, drücken Enter und schließend Shift+ Tab, dann erscheint die Signatur des entsprechenden Funktionalität und der Ausschnitt der Hilfedokumentation. Bei zweimaligem Drücken von Shift + Tab erscheint die Hilfe vollständig.

In [24]:


Laden von Daten

Als nächstes Laden wir Telefon-Metadaten (sog. CDRs: Call Data Records) aus einer Datei mit kommaseparierten Daten (einer "CSV"-Datei: "Comma-separated values").

Pandas bietet hierzu eine Methode namens read_csv. Diese nimmt als ersten Parameter einen Pfad entgegen. Diverse andere Argumente können angegeben werden, um spezielle Varianten von CSV-Dateien einlesen zu können. Z. B.

  • sep: Trennzeichen für Daten in einer Zeile wie etwa sep=";"
  • encoding: andere Zeichenkodierungen wie etwa encoding="latin-1"
  • dtype: Zuordnung von Spalten zu speziellen Datentypen wie etwa dtype={ 0:str }

Lesen wir erst einmal die Datei data/CDR_data.csv ohne jegliche Argumente ein. Diese Datei enthält die für 10 Mobilfunknutzer gesammelten Telefon-Metadaten über drei Jahre hinweg. Folgende Informationen sind darin enthalten:

  • In: Die anrufende Telefonnummer
  • Out: Die ausgehende Telefonnummer
  • Direction: Die Richtung des Telefonats
  • CallTimestamp: Der Zeitstempel des Anrufs
  • Duration: Die Dauer des Telefonats
  • TowerID: Die ID des ersten Mobilfunkmasten, der beim Anruf genutzt wurde

Wir lesen die Daten ein und weisen das Ergebnis der Variable cdr zu. Mittels der Methode head() können wir uns dann die ersten fünf Einträge anzeigen lassen.

In [18]:
cdr = pd.read_csv('data/CDR_data.csv')

In Out Direction CallTimestamp Duration TowerID
0 4638472273 2666307251 Incoming 2010-12-25 07:16:24.736813 0:02:41.741499 0db53dd3-eb9c-4344-abc5-c2d74ebc3eec
1 4638472273 1755442610 Incoming 2010-12-25 21:18:30.053710 0:02:47.108750 aeaf8b43-8034-44fe-833d-31854a75acbf
2 4638472273 5481755331 Incoming 2010-12-25 14:52:42.878016 0:04:35.356341 fadaa83f-6001-45fd-aa4a-17d6c6b7ec00
3 4638472273 1755442610 Incoming 2010-12-25 16:02:09.001913 0:02:23.498499 fadaa83f-6001-45fd-aa4a-17d6c6b7ec00
4 4638472273 2145623768 Incoming 2010-12-25 15:28:35.028554 0:03:54.692497 95d7920d-c3cd-4d20-a568-9a55800dc807

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib

%matplotlib inline
matplotlib.style.use('ggplot') # Look Pretty

In [3]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 53188 entries, 0 to 53187
Data columns (total 6 columns):
In               53188 non-null object
Out              53188 non-null object
Direction        53188 non-null object
CallTimestamp    53188 non-null object
Duration         53188 non-null object
TowerID          53188 non-null object
dtypes: object(6)
memory usage: 2.4+ MB

In [4]:
df.CallTimestamp = pd.to_datetime(df.CallTimestamp)
df.Duration = pd.to_timedelta(df.Duration)

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 53188 entries, 0 to 53187
Data columns (total 6 columns):
In               53188 non-null object
Out              53188 non-null object
Direction        53188 non-null object
CallTimestamp    53188 non-null datetime64[ns]
Duration         53188 non-null timedelta64[ns]
TowerID          53188 non-null object
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), object(4), timedelta64[ns](1)
memory usage: 2.4+ MB

In [16]:
phoneowners = pd.read_excel("data/phoneowners.xlsx")

Name Number
0 Renee Molina 9204863989
1 Wendy Arnold 6115205038
2 Daniel Ellis 6707476992
3 Jason Bradshaw 8177960907
4 Francisco Brown 4443774214

In [9]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 999 entries, 0 to 998
Data columns (total 2 columns):
Name      999 non-null object
Number    999 non-null object
dtypes: object(2)
memory usage: 15.7+ KB

In [10]:
#Join them
phoneowners.columns = ['Name', 'In']
joined = pd.merge(df, phoneowners, on='In')

#But where are those towers?
#No for the tower data
towers = pd.read_csv("data/towers.csv")
joined = pd.merge(joined, towers, on='TowerID')

# result = pd.concat([df1, df4], axis=1, join_axes=[df1.index])

In Out Direction CallTimestamp Duration TowerID Name TowerLat TowerLon
0 04638472273 02666307251 Incoming 2010-12-25 07:16:24.736813 00:02:41.741499 0db53dd3-eb9c-4344-abc5-c2d74ebc3eec John Doe 32.731611 -96.709417
1 04638472273 07922223441 Missed 2010-12-26 20:10:13.924779 00:02:49.402318 0db53dd3-eb9c-4344-abc5-c2d74ebc3eec John Doe 32.731611 -96.709417
2 04638472273 07756914135 Incoming 2010-12-28 19:41:43.122708 00:05:08.460490 0db53dd3-eb9c-4344-abc5-c2d74ebc3eec John Doe 32.731611 -96.709417
3 04638472273 04551601645 Incoming 2010-12-29 19:16:16.463142 00:04:20.380243 0db53dd3-eb9c-4344-abc5-c2d74ebc3eec John Doe 32.731611 -96.709417
4 04638472273 06250348072 Incoming 2010-12-29 19:29:54.814022 00:03:18.870706 0db53dd3-eb9c-4344-abc5-c2d74ebc3eec John Doe 32.731611 -96.709417

In [11]:
joined['CallTimestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(joined['CallTimestamp'])
weekdays = joined['CallTimestamp'].dt.dayofweek.isin(Workweek) & joined['CallTimestamp'].dt.hour.isin(range(8,18))
dfweekdays = joined[weekdays]

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-59dd3a037e51> in <module>()
      1 joined['CallTimestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(joined['CallTimestamp'])
----> 2 weekdays = joined['CallTimestamp'].dt.dayofweek.isin(Workweek) & joined['CallTimestamp'].dt.hour.isin(range(8,18))
      3 dfweekdays = joined[weekdays]
      4 dfweekdays.head()

NameError: name 'Workweek' is not defined

In [174]:
targetname = 'John Doe'
user1 = joined[joined['Name'] == targetname]
#user1 = user1[weekdays]
user1 = user1.reset_index(drop=True)

In Out Direction CallTimestamp Duration TowerID Name TowerLat TowerLon
0 04638472273 02666307251 Incoming 2010-12-25 07:16:24.736813 00:02:41.741499 0db53dd3-eb9c-4344-abc5-c2d74ebc3eec John Doe 32.731611 -96.709417
1 04638472273 07922223441 Missed 2010-12-26 20:10:13.924779 00:02:49.402318 0db53dd3-eb9c-4344-abc5-c2d74ebc3eec John Doe 32.731611 -96.709417
2 04638472273 07756914135 Incoming 2010-12-28 19:41:43.122708 00:05:08.460490 0db53dd3-eb9c-4344-abc5-c2d74ebc3eec John Doe 32.731611 -96.709417
3 04638472273 04551601645 Incoming 2010-12-29 19:16:16.463142 00:04:20.380243 0db53dd3-eb9c-4344-abc5-c2d74ebc3eec John Doe 32.731611 -96.709417
4 04638472273 06250348072 Incoming 2010-12-29 19:29:54.814022 00:03:18.870706 0db53dd3-eb9c-4344-abc5-c2d74ebc3eec John Doe 32.731611 -96.709417

In [175]:
# INFO: Plot all the call locations
%matplotlib inline
#user1[['TowerLon', 'TowerLat']].plot.scatter()
user1.plot.scatter(x='TowerLon', y='TowerLat', c='purple', alpha=0.12, title='Call Locations', s = 30)
#showandtell()  # Comment this line out when you're ready to proceed

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0xb74cb70>

In [176]:
# INFO: The locations map above should be too "busy" to really wrap your head around. This is where domain expertise comes into play.
# Your intuition tells you that people are likely to behave differently on weekends:
# On Weekends:
#   1. People probably don't go into work
#   2. They probably sleep in late on Saturday
#   3. They probably run a bunch of random errands, since they couldn't during the week
#   4. They should be home, at least during the very late hours, e.g. 1-4 AM
# On Weekdays:
#   1. People probably are at work during normal working hours
#   2. They probably are at home in the early morning and during the late night
#   3. They probably spend time commuting between work and home everyday

# TODO: Add more filters to the user1 slice you created. Add bitwise logic so that you're only examining records that came in on
# weekends (sat/sun).
# .. your code here ..

user1['DOW'] = user1.CallTimestamp.dt.strftime("%a")

user1 = user1[(user1.DOW == 'Sat') | (user1.DOW == 'Sun')]
# TODO: Further filter it down for calls that are came in either before 6AM OR after 10pm (22:00:00). You can use < and > to compare
# the string times, just make sure you code them as military time strings, eg: "06:00:00", "22:00:00":
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/24-hour_clock
# You might also want to review the Data Manipulation section for this. Once you have your filtered slice, print out its length:
# .. your code here ..

user1 = user1[(user1.CallTimestamp < "06:00:00") | (user1.CallTimestamp > "22:00:00")]

In Out Direction CallTimestamp Duration TowerID Name TowerLat TowerLon DOW
0 04638472273 02666307251 Incoming 2010-12-25 07:16:24.736813 00:02:41.741499 0db53dd3-eb9c-4344-abc5-c2d74ebc3eec John Doe 32.731611 -96.709417 Sat
1 04638472273 07922223441 Missed 2010-12-26 20:10:13.924779 00:02:49.402318 0db53dd3-eb9c-4344-abc5-c2d74ebc3eec John Doe 32.731611 -96.709417 Sun
5 04638472273 07756914135 Missed 2011-01-01 19:06:20.686967 00:02:19.405029 0db53dd3-eb9c-4344-abc5-c2d74ebc3eec John Doe 32.731611 -96.709417 Sat
14 04638472273 07841019020 Incoming 2011-01-30 18:56:08.650259 00:02:22.357491 0db53dd3-eb9c-4344-abc5-c2d74ebc3eec John Doe 32.731611 -96.709417 Sun
15 04638472273 05455269258 Incoming 2011-02-05 19:32:56.104492 00:00:30.595089 0db53dd3-eb9c-4344-abc5-c2d74ebc3eec John Doe 32.731611 -96.709417 Sat

In [183]:
# INFO: Visualize the dataframe with a scatter plot as a sanity check. Since you're familiar with maps, you know well that your
# X-Coordinate should be Longitude, and your Y coordinate should be the tower Latitude. Check the dataset headers for proper column
# feature names.
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographic_coordinate_system#Geographic_latitude_and_longitude
# At this point, you don't yet know exactly where the user is located just based off the cell phone tower position data; but
# considering the below are for Calls that arrived in the twilight hours of weekends, it's likely that wherever they are bunched up
# is probably near the caller's residence:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.scatter(user1.TowerLon,user1.TowerLat, c='g', marker='o', alpha=0.2)
ax.set_title('Weekend Calls (<6am or >10p)')
#showandtell()  # TODO: Comment this line out when you're ready to proceed

# TODO: Run K-Means with a K=1. There really should only be a single area of concentration. If you notice multiple areas that are
# "hot" (multiple areas the usr spends a lot of time at that are FAR apart from one another), then increase K=2, with the goal being
# that one of the centroids will sweep up the annoying outliers; and the other will zero in on the user's approximate home location.
# Or rather the location of the cell tower closest to their home.....
# Be sure to only feed in Lat and Lon coordinates to the KMeans algo, since none of the other data is suitable for your purposes.
# Since both Lat and Lon are (approximately) on the same scale, no feature scaling is required. Print out the centroid locations and
# add them onto your scatter plot. Use a distinguishable marker and color.
# Hint: Make sure you graph the CORRECT coordinates. This is part of your domain expertise.
# .. your code here ..

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0xdb43ba8>

In [205]:
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters = 2)
user1 = pd.concat([user1.TowerLon, user1.TowerLat], axis = 1)
labels = kmeans.fit_predict(user1)
centroids = kmeans.cluster_centers_
ax.scatter(x = centroids[:, 0], y = centroids[:, 1], c = 'r', marker = 'x', s = 100)
#showandtell()  # TODO: Comment this line out when you're ready to proceed


In [211]:
#coordinates = "" + centroids[0][1].to_string().split('.')[0] + "°" + centroids[0][1].split('.')[1][0]  + centroids[0][1].split('.')[1][1] + centroids[0][0]
#str.split(' ', 1 )

difference1 = centroids[0][1] - centroids[1][1]
difference2 = centroids[0][0] - centroids[1][0]

difference1 = 0.5 * difference1
difference2 = 0.5 * difference2

coordinate1 = centroids[0][1] + difference1
coordinate2 = centroids[0][0] + difference2

coordinates = str(coordinate1) + " " + str(coordinate2)

#-96°90'92.4672"N  96°56'57.3"W

'32.9813029167 -97.0080512904'