In [1]:
from IPython.display import display, display_markdown
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import scipy.stats as stats
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesClassifier, RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

Reading data

In [2]:
training_data = pd.read_csv('training_set_values.csv', index_col=0)
training_label = pd.read_csv('training_set_labels.csv', index_col=0)

test_data = pd.read_csv('test_set_values.csv', index_col=0)

# Merge test data and training data to apply same data management operations on them
data = training_data.append(test_data).sort_index()

amount_tsh date_recorded funder gps_height installer longitude latitude wpt_name num_private basin ... payment_type water_quality quality_group quantity quantity_group source source_type source_class waterpoint_type waterpoint_type_group
0 0.0 2012-11-13 Tasaf 0 TASAF 33.125828 -5.118154 Mratibu 0 Lake Tanganyika ... unknown milky milky enough enough shallow well shallow well groundwater hand pump hand pump
1 0.0 2011-03-05 Shipo 1978 SHIPO 34.770717 -9.395642 none 0 Rufiji ... never pay soft good enough enough shallow well shallow well groundwater hand pump hand pump
2 0.0 2011-03-27 Lvia 0 LVIA 36.115056 -6.279268 Bombani 0 Wami / Ruvu ... per bucket soft good insufficient insufficient machine dbh borehole groundwater communal standpipe multiple communal standpipe
3 10.0 2013-06-03 Germany Republi 1639 CES 37.147432 -3.187555 Area 7 Namba 5 0 Pangani ... per bucket soft good enough enough spring spring groundwater communal standpipe communal standpipe
4 0.0 2011-03-22 Cmsr 0 CMSR 36.164893 -6.099289 Ezeleda 0 Wami / Ruvu ... unknown soft good dry dry shallow well shallow well groundwater hand pump hand pump

5 rows × 39 columns

Data management

In [3]:
# As lots of waterpoints are missing a value for amount_tsh. For that field the missing
# data will be replaced by the mean data to drop less data for the model fit
imp = preprocessing.Imputer(missing_values=0, strategy='mean')['amount_tsh'].values.reshape(-1, 1))
data['water_amount'] = imp.transform(data['amount_tsh'].values.reshape(-1, 1)).ravel()

imp = preprocessing.Imputer(missing_values=0, strategy='median')['construction_year'].values.reshape(-1, 1))
data['construction_year'] = imp.transform(data['construction_year'].values.reshape(-1, 1)).ravel()

imp = preprocessing.Imputer(missing_values=0, strategy='mean')['gps_height'].values.reshape(-1, 1))
data['height'] = imp.transform(data['gps_height'].values.reshape(-1, 1)).ravel()

# Recode missing data as NaN
for field in ('longitude', 'latitude'):
    data[field] = data[field].map(lambda x: x if x else

def group_installer(data):
    def gather_installer(x):
        installer_map = {
            'organisation' : ('bank', 'msf', 'wwf', 'unicef', 'unisef', 'oxfam', 'oxfarm', 'club', 'care', 'without', 'faim', 'rain', 'red', 'angels', 'fundat', 'foundation'),
            'church' : ('church', 'churc', 'rcchurch', 'roman', 'missionsry', 'lutheran', 'islamic', 'islam', 'vision'),
            'private' : ('consulting', 'engineer', 'private', 'ltd', '', 'contractor', 'enterp', 'enterpr', 'company', 'contract'),
            'community' : ('village', 'community', 'communit', 'district', 'council', 'commu', 'villigers', 'villagers'),
            'government' : ('government', 'gov', 'govt', 'gover', 'gove', 'governme', 'ministry'),
            'other' : ('0', 'nan', 'known', 'other', 'unknown'), # Group 'unknown' data with 'other' as finally this means the same for interpretation
            'danida' : ('danida', 'danid'),
            'foreign government' : ('netherlands', 'germany', 'european')

        for substr in x.split():
            for subsubstr in substr.split('/'):
                for key in installer_map:
                    if subsubstr in installer_map[key]:
                        return key

        return x
    lower_data = x: str(x).lower())
    tmp_data =
    top10 = list(tmp_data.value_counts()[:10].index)
    return x: x if x in top10 else 'other')

data['installer'] = group_installer(data.installer)
data['funder'] = group_installer(data.funder)

clean_data = (data.iloc[training_data.index]
# Create two columns one collapsing 'functional' and 'functional needs repair'
# and the other one collapsing 'non functional' and 'functional needs repair'
clean_data['functional'] = clean_data['status_group'].map({'functional' : 1, 
                                                           'functional needs repair' : 1,
                                                           'non functional' : 0})
clean_data['no_repairs'] = clean_data['status_group'].map({'functional' : 1, 
                                                           'functional needs repair' : 0,
                                                           'non functional' : 0})

In [6]:
# Extract predictors and convert categorical variables in dichotomic variables
predictors_name = ['water_amount', 'height', 'longitude', 'latitude',
# predictors_name = ['amount_tsh', 'gps_height', 'longitude', 'latitude',
                   'basin', 'region', 'population', 'public_meeting', 'management_group',
                   'permit', 'construction_year', 'extraction_type_class', 'payment_type',
                   'quality_group', 'quantity_group', 'source_type', 'waterpoint_type_group',
                   'installer', 'funder']

categorical_predictors = ('basin', 'region', 'management_group', 'extraction_type_class', 
                          'payment_type', 'quality_group', 'quantity_group', 
                          'source_type', 'waterpoint_type_group', 'installer', 'funder')

process_data = pd.DataFrame()
for name in predictors_name:
    if name in categorical_predictors:
        classes = data[name].unique()
        deployed_categories = preprocessing.label_binarize(data[name], classes=classes)
        # Avoid class name collision
        classe_names = list()
        for c in classes:
            if c in process_data.columns or c == 'other':
                classe_names.append('_'.join((c, name)))
        tmp_df = pd.DataFrame(deployed_categories, 
        process_data = process_data.join(tmp_df)
        process_data[name] = data[name]

predictors_columns = process_data.columns
deployed_data = (process_data.iloc[training_data.index]
# Create two columns one collapsing 'functional' and 'functional needs repair'
# and the other one collapsing 'non functional' and 'functional needs repair'
deployed_data['functional'] = deployed_data['status_group'].map({'functional' : 1, 
                                                                 'functional needs repair' : 1,
                                                                 'non functional' : 0})
deployed_data['no_repairs'] = deployed_data['status_group'].map({'functional' : 1, 
                                                                 'functional needs repair' : 0,
                                                                 'non functional' : 0})

predictors = deployed_data[predictors_columns]

In [7]:
# fit an Extra Trees model to the data and look at the first 15 important fields
model = ExtraTreesClassifier(), deployed_data['status_group'])
# display the relative importance of each attribute
cm = sns.light_palette("yellow", as_cmap=True)
(pd.Series(model.feature_importances_, index=predictors.columns, name='importance')

longitude 0.143399
latitude 0.138313
dry 0.078339
gps_height 0.071213
population 0.047767
construction_year 0.043016
other_waterpoint_type_group 0.034288
other_extraction_type_class 0.030801
enough 0.025929
never pay 0.016663
amount_tsh 0.013986
handpump 0.013617
insufficient 0.013088
permit 0.012641
government_funder 0.010637

In [8]:

(74250, 41)

In [9]:
# Let's test the random forest test varying the number of important categories from 10 to 60
importance = (pd.Series(model.feature_importances_, index=predictors.columns, name='importance')
pred_train, pred_test, tar_train, tar_test = train_test_split(predictors, 

In [21]:
features=range(10, 61)

for counter, idx in enumerate(features):
    accuracy[counter]=accuracy_score(tar_test, predictions)

plt.plot(features, accuracy)
plt.xlabel("Number of features")
plt.ylabel("Accuracy score");

In [10]:
# After optimizing for the number of categories (taking 50), let's optimize the number of tree
trees=range(1, 31)

for idx in trees:
    accuracy[idx-1]=accuracy_score(tar_test, predictions)

plt.plot(trees, accuracy)
plt.xlabel("Number of trees")
plt.ylabel("Accuracy score");

In [11]:
# Let save this optimization approach
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=28)
model =[importance.index[:50]], deployed_data['status_group'])

In [12]:
clean_test_data = process_data.iloc[test_data.index].dropna()
predictions = model.predict(process_data.iloc[test_data.index][importance.index[:50]].dropna())

In [13]:
pred = pd.Series(predictions, index=clean_test_data.index, name='status_group')

missing_index = list()
for i in test_data.index:
    if i not in clean_test_data.index:

data_list = list()
for rnd in
    if rnd < 0.072677:
        data_list.append('functional needs repair')
    elif rnd < 0.384242 + 0.072677:
        data_list.append('non functional')
fill = pd.Series(data_list, index=missing_index)

pred = pred.append(fill)
to_file = pred[test_data.index]
to_file.to_csv('optimizeRndForest.csv', index_label='id', header=('status_group',))

With the previous model I got a score of 0.7593 on DrivenData. Can do better...

Let's focus on the most important categories

In [26]:
# Extract predictors and convert categorical variables in dichotomic variables
# predictors_name = ['water_amount', 'height', 'longitude', 'latitude',
#                    'basin', 'region', 'population', 'public_meeting', 'management_group',
#                    'permit', 'construction_year', 'extraction_type_class', 'payment_type',
#                    'quality_group', 'quantity_group', 'source_type', 'waterpoint_type_group',
#                    'installer', 'funder']

# categorical_predictors = ('basin', 'region', 'management_group', 'extraction_type_class', 
#                           'payment_type', 'quality_group', 'quantity_group', 
#                           'source_type', 'waterpoint_type_group', 'installer', 'funder')

predictors_name = ['height', 'longitude', 'latitude', 'population',
                   'permit', 'construction_year', 'extraction_type_class', 'payment_type',
                   'quantity_group', 'waterpoint_type_group']

categorical_predictors = ('extraction_type_class', 'payment_type', 'quantity_group', 

process_data = pd.DataFrame()
for name in predictors_name:
    if name in categorical_predictors:
        classes = data[name].unique()
        deployed_categories = preprocessing.label_binarize(data[name], classes=classes)
        # Avoid class name collision
        classe_names = list()
        for c in classes:
            if c in process_data.columns:
                classe_names.append('_'.join((c, name)))
        tmp_df = pd.DataFrame(deployed_categories, 
        process_data = process_data.join(tmp_df)
        process_data[name] = data[name]

predictors_columns = process_data.columns
deployed_data = (process_data.iloc[training_data.index]
# Create two columns one collapsing 'functional' and 'functional needs repair'
# and the other one collapsing 'non functional' and 'functional needs repair'
deployed_data['functional'] = deployed_data['status_group'].map({'functional' : 1, 
                                                                 'functional needs repair' : 1,
                                                                 'non functional' : 0})
deployed_data['no_repairs'] = deployed_data['status_group'].map({'functional' : 1, 
                                                                 'functional needs repair' : 0,
                                                                 'non functional' : 0})

predictors = deployed_data[predictors_columns]

Explanatory variables selection

As there are a lot of potential explanatory variable, so let's focus of those having a real influence by using a Random Forest test.

In [24]:
# fit an Extra Trees model to the data and look at the first 20 important fields
model = ExtraTreesClassifier(), deployed_data['status_group'])
# display the relative importance of each attribute
cm = sns.light_palette("yellow", as_cmap=True)
(pd.Series(model.feature_importances_, index=predictors.columns, name='importance')

longitude 0.215398
latitude 0.213067
height 0.103801
construction_year 0.0806856
dry 0.0793701
population 0.0702775
other 0.0392548
other_waterpoint_type_group 0.0384225
enough 0.030773
permit 0.0155521
never pay 0.0153311
insufficient 0.0136371
gravity 0.010479
unknown 0.00782398
communal standpipe 0.00722429
per bucket 0.0071673
submersible 0.00711073
seasonal 0.00693082
motorpump 0.00529115
annually 0.00502709

Univariate distribution

In this section the frequencies tables for all categorical variables and the distribution for all quantitative variables will be presented. The missing data will be dropped.

Categorical variables distribution

In [25]:
# Visualize status only for the training set
field = 'status_group'
display_markdown("### {} distribution".format(' '.join(field.split('_')).capitalize()), 
tmp_df = training_label[field].value_counts(dropna=False) = = 'unnormalized'
tmp_df2 = training_label[field].value_counts(dropna=False, normalize=True) = 'normalized'
tmp_df = tmp_df.to_frame().join(tmp_df2)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax = sns.countplot(field, data=training_label, ax=ax)
lbls = ax.get_xticklabels()
if len(lbls) > 7:
    ax.set_xticklabels(lbls, rotation=90)

Status group distribution

status_group functional non functional functional needs repair
unnormalized 32259.000000 22824.000000 4317.000000
normalized 0.543081 0.384242 0.072677

In [26]:
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 25)
list_fields = list(categorical_predictors)
list_fields.extend(('public_meeting', 'permit'))
for field in list_fields:
    field_name = ' '.join(field.split('_'))
    display_markdown("### {} distribution".format(field_name.capitalize()), 
    tmp_df = data[field].value_counts(dropna=False) = = 'unnormalized'
    tmp_df2 = data[field].value_counts(dropna=False, normalize=True) = 'normalized'
    tmp_df = tmp_df.to_frame().join(tmp_df2)
#     display(data[field].value_counts(dropna=False).to_frame().T)
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax = sns.countplot(field, data=data, ax=ax)
    lbls = ax.get_xticklabels()
    if len(lbls) > 7:
        ax.set_xticklabels(lbls, rotation=90)

Extraction type class distribution

extraction_type_class gravity handpump other submersible motorpump rope pump wind-powered
unnormalized 33263.000000 20612.000000 8102.000000 7772.000000 3777.000000 572.000000 152.000000
normalized 0.447987 0.277603 0.109118 0.104673 0.050869 0.007704 0.002047

Payment type distribution

payment_type never pay per bucket monthly unknown on failure annually other
unnormalized 31712.000000 11266.000000 10397.000000 10149.000000 4842.000000 4570.000000 1314.000000
normalized 0.427098 0.151731 0.140027 0.136687 0.065212 0.061549 0.017697

Quantity group distribution

quantity_group enough insufficient dry seasonal unknown
unnormalized 41522.000000 18896.000000 7782.000000 5075.00000 975.000000
normalized 0.559219 0.254492 0.104808 0.06835 0.013131

Waterpoint type group distribution

waterpoint_type_group communal standpipe hand pump other improved spring cattle trough dam
unnormalized 43239.000000 21884.000000 8010.000000 959.000000 150.00000 8.000000
normalized 0.582343 0.294734 0.107879 0.012916 0.00202 0.000108

Public meeting distribution

public_meeting True False nan
unnormalized 63749.000000 6346.000000 4155.00000
normalized 0.858572 0.085468 0.05596

Permit distribution

permit True False nan
unnormalized 48606.000000 21851.00000 3793.000000
normalized 0.654626 0.29429 0.051084

Quantitative variable distribution

In [27]:
# for field in ('amount_tsh', 'gps_height', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'construction_year', 'population'):
for field in ('gps_height', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'construction_year', 'population'):
    field_name = ' '.join(field.split('_'))
    display_markdown("### {} distribution".format(field_name.capitalize()), 
    clean_field = training_data[field].map(lambda x: x if abs(x)>1e-8 else
    clean_field = clean_field.dropna()
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax = sns.distplot(clean_field)

Gps height distribution

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
gps_height 38962.0 1018.860839 612.566092 -90.0 393.0 1167.0 1498.0 2770.0
C:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\nonparametric\ VisibleDeprecationWarning: using a non-integer number instead of an integer will result in an error in the future
  y = X[:m/2+1] + np.r_[0,X[m/2+1:],0]*1j

Latitude distribution

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
latitude 59400.0 -5.706033 2.946019 -11.64944 -8.540621 -5.021597 -3.326156 -2.000000e-08

Longitude distribution

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
longitude 57588.0 35.149669 2.607428 29.607122 33.2851 35.005943 37.233712 40.345193

Construction year distribution

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
construction_year 38691.0 1996.814686 12.472045 1960.0 1987.0 2000.0 2008.0 2013.0

Population distribution

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
population 38019.0 281.087167 564.68766 1.0 40.0 150.0 324.0 30500.0

Bivariate distribution

If the response variable is categorical with more than two categories, it is adviced to collapse the categories into two categories. So for presenting the bivariate distribution, the functional and functional needs repair categories will be collapsed. Then the distribution for the data falling in that new category will depicted.

The distribution will be presented using bar chart. For quantitative explanatory variables, the data will be collapsed in two categories defined by the median.

Along with the visualization, hypothesis testing will be carried out. As the response variable is categorical, the method will be the chi-square test.

In [43]:
list_fields = list(categorical_predictors)
# list_fields.extend(('public_meeting', 'permit'))
list_fields.extend(('permit', ))
for field in list_fields:
    field_name = ' '.join(field.split('_'))
    display_markdown("### {}".format(field_name.capitalize()), 
    var_analysis = clean_data[['status_group', 'functional', 'no_repairs', field]]
    if len(var_analysis[field].unique()) > 2:
        # Chi-square test
        display_markdown("Contingency table of observed counts", raw=True)
        ct = pd.crosstab(var_analysis['status_group'], var_analysis[field])
        ct_norm = ct/ct.sum(axis=0)
        ct = pd.crosstab(var_analysis['functional'], var_analysis[field])
        chisqr = stats.chi2_contingency(ct)
        if chisqr[1] > 0.05:
            display_markdown("There is *no* significant relationship between {} and the functional"
                             " status of the waterpoint (p-value = {:.2g}).".format(field_name, chisqr[1]),
            display_markdown("There is a significant relationship between {} and the functional"
                             " status of the waterpoint (p-value = {:.2g}).".format(field_name, chisqr[1]),
        ct = pd.crosstab(var_analysis['no_repairs'], var_analysis[field])
        chisqr = stats.chi2_contingency(ct)
        if chisqr[1] > 0.05:
            display_markdown("There is *no* significant relationship between {} and the no repairs"
                             " status of the waterpoint (p-value = {:.2g}).".format(field_name, chisqr[1]),
            display_markdown("There is a significant relationship between {} and the no repairs"
                             " status of the waterpoint (p-value = {:.2g}).".format(field_name, chisqr[1]),
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=[1.5*l for l in plt.rcParams['figure.figsize']])
        ax = fig.add_subplot(121)
        ax = sns.barplot(x=field, y='functional', data=var_analysis, ci=None, ax=ax)
        lbls = ax.get_xticklabels()
        if len(lbls) > 5:
            ax.set_xticklabels(lbls, rotation=90)
        ax = fig.add_subplot(122)
        ax = sns.barplot(x=field, 
                         data=var_analysis.where(var_analysis['functional'] == 1),
                         order=[l.get_text() for l in lbls])
        lbls = ax.get_xticklabels()
        if len(lbls) > 5:
            ax.set_xticklabels(lbls, rotation=90)
        display_markdown("Test again *functional* status", raw=True)
        categories = var_analysis[field].unique()
        list_field = list(categories)
        p_values = dict()
        for i in range(len(list_field)):
            for j in range(i+1, len(list_field)):
                cat1 = list_field[i]
                cat2 = list_field[j]
                explanatory = var_analysis[field].map(dict(((cat1, cat1),
                                                            (cat2, cat2))))
                comparison = pd.crosstab(var_analysis['functional'], explanatory)
#                 display(Markdown("Crosstable to compare {} and {}".format(cat1, cat2)))
#                 display(comparison)
#                 display(comparison/comparison.sum(axis=0))

                chi_square, p, _, expected_counts = stats.chi2_contingency(comparison)
                p_values[(cat1, cat2)] = p
        df = pd.DataFrame(p_values, index=['p-value', ])

        display(df.stack(level=[0, 1])['p-value']
                  .assign(Ha=lambda x: x['p-value'] < 0.05 / len(p_values)))
        display_markdown("Test again *no repairs* status", raw=True)
        categories = var_analysis[field].unique()
        list_field = list(categories)
        p_values = dict()
        for i in range(len(list_field)):
            for j in range(i+1, len(list_field)):
                cat1 = list_field[i]
                cat2 = list_field[j]
                explanatory = var_analysis[field].map(dict(((cat1, cat1),
                                                            (cat2, cat2))))
                comparison = pd.crosstab(var_analysis['no_repairs'], explanatory)
#                 display(Markdown("Crosstable to compare {} and {}".format(cat1, cat2)))
#                 display(comparison)
#                 display(comparison/comparison.sum(axis=0))

                chi_square, p, _, expected_counts = stats.chi2_contingency(comparison)
                p_values[(cat1, cat2)] = p
        df = pd.DataFrame(p_values, index=['p-value', ])

        display(df.stack(level=[0, 1])['p-value']
                  .assign(Ha=lambda x: x['p-value'] < 0.05 / len(p_values)))
        # Chi-square test
        display_markdown("Contingency table of observed counts", raw=True)
        ct = pd.crosstab(var_analysis['status_group'], var_analysis[field])
        ct_norm = ct/ct.sum(axis=0)
        chisqr = stats.chi2_contingency(ct)
        if chisqr[1] > 0.05:
            display_markdown("There is *no* significant relationship between {} and the functional"
                             " status of the waterpoint (p-value = {:.2g}).".format(field_name, chisqr[1]),
            display_markdown("There is a significant relationship between {} and the functional"
                             " status of the waterpoint (p-value = {:.2g}).".format(field_name, chisqr[1]),
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=[1.5*l for l in plt.rcParams['figure.figsize']])
        ax = fig.add_subplot(121)
        ax = sns.barplot(x=field, y='functional', data=var_analysis, ci=None, ax=ax,
                         order=[True, False])
        lbls = ax.get_xticklabels()
        if len(lbls) > 5:
            ax.set_xticklabels(lbls, rotation=90)
        ax = fig.add_subplot(122)
        ax = sns.barplot(x=field, 
                         data=var_analysis.where(var_analysis['functional'] == 1),
                         order=[True, False])
        lbls = ax.get_xticklabels()
        if len(lbls) > 5:
            ax.set_xticklabels(lbls, rotation=90)

Extraction type class

Contingency table of observed counts

extraction_type_class gravity handpump motorpump other rope pump submersible wind-powered
functional 12094 804 752 185 7 2061 30
functional needs repair 1709 21 85 12 0 174 5
non functional 5786 422 1031 637 20 1651 35
extraction_type_class gravity handpump motorpump other rope pump submersible wind-powered
functional 0.617387 0.644747 0.402570 0.221823 0.259259 0.530365 0.428571
functional needs repair 0.087243 0.016840 0.045503 0.014388 0.000000 0.044776 0.071429
non functional 0.295370 0.338412 0.551927 0.763789 0.740741 0.424858 0.500000

There is a significant relationship between extraction type class and the functional status of the waterpoint (p-value = 3.5e-287).

There is a significant relationship between extraction type class and the no repairs status of the waterpoint (p-value = 6.8e-185).

Test again functional status

p-value Ha
gravity handpump 1.420607e-03 True
motorpump 2.262516e-114 True
other 1.346001e-178 True
rope pump 1.202484e-06 True
submersible 1.910445e-56 True
wind-powered 3.034969e-04 True
handpump motorpump 1.873751e-31 True
other 2.637283e-80 True
rope pump 3.460225e-05 True
wind-powered 8.423967e-03 False
motorpump other 1.930282e-25 True
rope pump 7.757985e-02 False
other rope pump 9.622983e-01 False
submersible handpump 7.446052e-08 True
motorpump 1.895132e-19 True
other 2.349516e-70 True
rope pump 1.860833e-03 True
wind-powered 2.550959e-01 False
wind-powered motorpump 4.623263e-01 False
other 2.465892e-06 True
rope pump 5.535722e-02 False

Test again no repairs status

p-value Ha
gravity handpump 5.756493e-02 False
motorpump 5.142137e-73 True
other 3.419231e-115 True
rope pump 2.865684e-04 True
submersible 4.982951e-24 True
wind-powered 1.806478e-03 True
handpump motorpump 7.827683e-40 True
other 1.441784e-79 True
rope pump 8.932081e-05 True
wind-powered 4.242535e-04 True
motorpump other 1.135053e-19 True
rope pump 1.898417e-01 False
other rope pump 8.219331e-01 False
submersible handpump 1.866009e-12 True
motorpump 1.399579e-19 True
other 1.123694e-58 True
rope pump 8.823464e-03 False
wind-powered 1.163752e-01 False
wind-powered motorpump 7.555927e-01 False
other 1.724771e-04 True
rope pump 1.917519e-01 False

Payment type

Contingency table of observed counts

payment_type annually monthly never pay on failure other per bucket unknown
functional 1811 3871 4247 839 132 4188 845
functional needs repair 143 725 647 85 4 263 139
non functional 303 1276 4983 279 70 1672 999
payment_type annually monthly never pay on failure other per bucket unknown
functional 0.802393 0.659230 0.429989 0.697423 0.640777 0.683978 0.426122
functional needs repair 0.063358 0.123467 0.065506 0.070657 0.019417 0.042953 0.070096
non functional 0.134249 0.217302 0.504505 0.231920 0.339806 0.273069 0.503782

There is a significant relationship between payment type and the functional status of the waterpoint (p-value = 0).

There is a significant relationship between payment type and the no repairs status of the waterpoint (p-value = 0).

Test again functional status

p-value Ha
annually monthly 3.031849e-17 True
never pay 1.884291e-224 True
on failure 3.676184e-13 True
other 7.435575e-15 True
per bucket 4.310055e-40 True
unknown 5.772155e-149 True
monthly never pay 1.485108e-277 True
on failure 2.813915e-01 False
other 4.567542e-05 True
unknown 2.589152e-130 True
never pay on failure 3.172208e-71 True
other 4.049234e-06 True
unknown 9.727352e-01 False
on failure other 1.250186e-03 True
unknown 8.742551e-52 True
per bucket monthly 1.547396e-12 True
never pay 4.792608e-183 True
on failure 3.544198e-03 False
other 4.234480e-02 False
unknown 3.052523e-80 True
unknown other 1.043067e-05 True

Test again no repairs status

p-value Ha
annually monthly 2.898930e-36 True
never pay 2.592424e-223 True
on failure 5.118962e-12 True
other 8.707763e-08 True
per bucket 2.046482e-26 True
unknown 1.496984e-140 True
monthly never pay 2.505928e-170 True
on failure 1.157905e-02 False
other 6.353067e-01 False
unknown 8.785655e-75 True
never pay on failure 6.614117e-69 True
other 2.372608e-09 True
unknown 7.698215e-01 False
on failure other 1.231580e-01 False
unknown 8.679468e-50 True
per bucket monthly 4.153706e-03 False
never pay 1.602440e-214 True
on failure 3.763071e-01 False
other 2.171448e-01 False
unknown 8.859334e-94 True
unknown other 5.707291e-09 True

Quantity group

Contingency table of observed counts

quantity_group dry enough insufficient seasonal unknown
functional 67 11722 3514 599 31
functional needs repair 5 1289 629 83 0
non functional 2701 3850 2729 207 95
quantity_group dry enough insufficient seasonal unknown
functional 0.024162 0.695214 0.511350 0.673791 0.246032
functional needs repair 0.001803 0.076449 0.091531 0.093363 0.000000
non functional 0.974035 0.228338 0.397119 0.232846 0.753968

There is a significant relationship between quantity group and the functional status of the waterpoint (p-value = 0).

There is a significant relationship between quantity group and the no repairs status of the waterpoint (p-value = 0).

Test again functional status

p-value Ha
dry insufficient 0.000000e+00 True
seasonal 0.000000e+00 True
unknown 1.532922e-37 True
enough dry 0.000000e+00 True
insufficient 8.609560e-153 True
seasonal 7.863726e-01 False
unknown 2.066209e-43 True
insufficient seasonal 2.882668e-21 True
unknown 1.252727e-15 True
seasonal unknown 1.684947e-32 True

Test again no repairs status

p-value Ha
dry insufficient 0.000000e+00 True
seasonal 0.000000e+00 True
unknown 6.241413e-40 True
enough dry 0.000000e+00 True
insufficient 5.223492e-158 True
seasonal 1.889251e-01 False
unknown 4.148094e-27 True
insufficient seasonal 9.396423e-20 True
unknown 6.131721e-09 True
seasonal unknown 5.041900e-20 True

Waterpoint type group

Contingency table of observed counts

waterpoint_type_group cattle trough communal standpipe dam hand pump improved spring other
functional 54 14804 5 828 57 185
functional needs repair 2 1872 0 26 8 98
non functional 8 8241 0 425 12 896
waterpoint_type_group cattle trough communal standpipe dam hand pump improved spring other
functional 0.84375 0.594133 1.0 0.647381 0.740260 0.156913
functional needs repair 0.03125 0.075129 0.0 0.020328 0.103896 0.083121
non functional 0.12500 0.330738 0.0 0.332291 0.155844 0.759966

There is a significant relationship between waterpoint type group and the functional status of the waterpoint (p-value = 4.8e-202).

There is a significant relationship between waterpoint type group and the no repairs status of the waterpoint (p-value = 6.3e-201).

Test again functional status

p-value Ha
communal standpipe cattle trough 7.731873e-04 True
dam 2.728643e-01 False
hand pump 9.325450e-01 False
improved spring 1.707226e-03 True
other 7.982696e-200 True
dam cattle trough 9.079602e-01 False
hand pump cattle trough 8.829528e-04 True
dam 2.714208e-01 False
improved spring 1.988047e-03 True
other 8.597211e-100 True
improved spring cattle trough 7.792963e-01 False
dam 7.622363e-01 False
other 7.892635e-30 True
other cattle trough 5.677582e-28 True
dam 6.033031e-04 True

Test again no repairs status

p-value Ha
communal standpipe cattle trough 8.322043e-05 True
dam 1.637409e-01 False
hand pump 1.720922e-04 True
improved spring 1.272357e-02 False
other 4.682013e-193 True
dam cattle trough 7.669887e-01 False
hand pump cattle trough 1.974827e-03 True
dam 2.383203e-01 False
improved spring 1.237518e-01 False
other 4.761713e-134 True
improved spring cattle trough 1.976478e-01 False
dam 4.393768e-01 False
other 1.898473e-35 True
other cattle trough 4.857037e-41 True
dam 6.337283e-06 True


Contingency table of observed counts

permit False True
functional 3114 12819
functional needs repair 413 1593
non functional 2426 7156
permit False True
functional 0.523098 0.594353
functional needs repair 0.069377 0.073859
non functional 0.407526 0.331788

There is a significant relationship between permit and the functional status of the waterpoint (p-value = 1.4e-26).

In [45]:
# for field in ('amount_tsh', 'gps_height', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'construction_year', 'population'):
for field in ('gps_height', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'construction_year', 'population'):
    field_name = ' '.join(field.split('_'))
    display_markdown("### {}".format(field_name.capitalize()), 
    var_analysis = clean_data[['status_group', 'functional', 'no_repairs']]
    clean_field = clean_data[field].map(lambda x: x if abs(x)>1e-8 else
    var_analysis = var_analysis.join(clean_field).dropna()
    var_analysis[field+'grp4'] = pd.qcut(var_analysis[field], 
#                                          4,
#                                          labels=["1=25th%tile", "2=50th%tile", 
#                                                  "3=75th%tile", "4=100th%tile"])
    # Chi-square test
    display_markdown("Contingency table of observed counts", raw=True)
    ct = pd.crosstab(var_analysis['status_group'], var_analysis[field+'grp4'])
    ct_norm = ct/ct.sum(axis=0)

    ct = pd.crosstab(var_analysis['functional'], var_analysis[field+'grp4'])
    chisqr = stats.chi2_contingency(ct)

    if chisqr[1] > 0.05:
        display_markdown("There is *no* significant relationship between {} and the functional"
                         " status of the waterpoint (p-value = {:.2g}).".format(field_name, chisqr[1]),
        display_markdown("There is a significant relationship between {} and the functional"
                         " status of the waterpoint (p-value = {:.2g}).".format(field_name, chisqr[1]),

    ct = pd.crosstab(var_analysis['no_repairs'], var_analysis[field+'grp4'])
    chisqr = stats.chi2_contingency(ct)

    if chisqr[1] > 0.05:
        display_markdown("There is *no* significant relationship between {} and the no repair"
                         " status of the waterpoint (p-value = {:.2g}).".format(field_name, chisqr[1]),
        display_markdown("There is a significant relationship between {} and the no repair"
                         " status of the waterpoint (p-value = {:.2g}).".format(field_name, chisqr[1]),
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=[1.5*l for l in plt.rcParams['figure.figsize']])
    ax = fig.add_subplot(121)
    ax = sns.barplot(x=field+'grp4', y='functional', data=var_analysis, ci=None, ax=ax)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(122)
    ax = sns.barplot(x=field+'grp4', 
#                      data=var_analysis.where(var_analysis['functional'] == 1),

Gps height

Contingency table of observed counts

gps_heightgrp4 1=50th%tile 2=100th%tile
functional 5958 7397
functional needs repair 981 633
non functional 4013 2909
gps_heightgrp4 1=50th%tile 2=100th%tile
functional 0.544010 0.676204
functional needs repair 0.089573 0.057866
non functional 0.366417 0.265929

There is a significant relationship between gps height and the functional status of the waterpoint (p-value = 2e-57).

There is a significant relationship between gps height and the no repair status of the waterpoint (p-value = 2.6e-89).


Contingency table of observed counts

latitudegrp4 1=50th%tile 2=100th%tile
functional 8137 7796
functional needs repair 728 1278
non functional 4896 4686
latitudegrp4 1=50th%tile 2=100th%tile
functional 0.591309 0.566570
functional needs repair 0.052903 0.092878
non functional 0.355788 0.340552

There is a significant relationship between latitude and the functional status of the waterpoint (p-value = 0.0083).

There is a significant relationship between latitude and the no repair status of the waterpoint (p-value = 3.4e-05).


Contingency table of observed counts

longitudegrp4 1=50th%tile 2=100th%tile
functional 8007 7926
functional needs repair 1079 927
non functional 4675 4907
longitudegrp4 1=50th%tile 2=100th%tile
functional 0.581862 0.576017
functional needs repair 0.078410 0.067369
non functional 0.339728 0.356613

There is a significant relationship between longitude and the functional status of the waterpoint (p-value = 0.0034).

There is no significant relationship between longitude and the no repair status of the waterpoint (p-value = 0.33).

Construction year

Contingency table of observed counts

construction_yeargrp4 1=50th%tile 2=100th%tile
functional 8259 7674
functional needs repair 1326 680
non functional 7328 2254
construction_yeargrp4 1=50th%tile 2=100th%tile
functional 0.488323 0.723416
functional needs repair 0.078401 0.064103
non functional 0.433276 0.212481

There is a significant relationship between construction year and the functional status of the waterpoint (p-value = 2.8e-306).

There is a significant relationship between construction year and the no repair status of the waterpoint (p-value = 0).


Contingency table of observed counts

populationgrp4 1=50th%tile 2=100th%tile
functional 7002 5700
functional needs repair 584 1019
non functional 3241 3563
populationgrp4 1=50th%tile 2=100th%tile
functional 0.646717 0.554367
functional needs repair 0.053939 0.099105
non functional 0.299344 0.346528

There is a significant relationship between population and the functional status of the waterpoint (p-value = 2.5e-13).

There is a significant relationship between population and the no repair status of the waterpoint (p-value = 1.2e-42).

In [30]:
# fit an Extra Trees model to the data and look at the first 20 important fields
from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesClassifier

model = ExtraTreesClassifier(), deployed_data['status_group'])
# display the relative importance of each attribute
cm = sns.light_palette("yellow", as_cmap=True)
(pd.Series(model.feature_importances_, index=predictors.columns, name='importance')

latitude 0.214629
longitude 0.213989
dry 0.108744
height 0.1045
construction_year 0.0826137
population 0.0705313
other_waterpoint_type_group 0.0402349
other 0.0239651
never pay 0.0212987
enough 0.0176261
permit 0.014617
gravity 0.0128419
communal standpipe 0.00780412
unknown 0.00755825
hand pump 0.00750208
insufficient 0.00643511
submersible 0.00589803
per bucket 0.00529142
motorpump 0.00474726
handpump 0.00436401

In [33]:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=25)
model =, deployed_data['status_group'])

clean_test_data = process_data.iloc[test_data.index].dropna()
predictions = model.predict(process_data.iloc[test_data.index].dropna())

pred = pd.Series(predictions, index=clean_test_data.index, name='status_group')

missing_index = list()
for i in test_data.index:
    if i not in clean_test_data.index:

data_list = list()
for rnd in
    if rnd < 0.072677:
        data_list.append('functional needs repair')
    elif rnd < 0.384242 + 0.072677:
        data_list.append('non functional')
fill = pd.Series(data_list, index=missing_index)

pred = pred.append(fill)
to_file = pred[test_data.index]
to_file.to_csv('randomForest.csv', index_label='id', header=('status_group',))



In [65]:
# Logistic regression trial
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

# Rename columns to be pythonic
logit_expl = predictors.copy()
logit_expl.columns = ['_'.join(name.split()) for name in logit_expl.columns]
logit_expl.columns = ['_'.join(name.split('-')) for name in logit_expl.columns]

# Need to center the quantitative variable
for field in ('height', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'construction_year', 'population'):
    logit_expl[field] = logit_expl[field] - logit_expl[field].mean()
logit_expl['permit'] = pd.to_numeric(logit_expl['permit'])
formula = 'functional ~ '
formula = formula + ' + '.join(logit_expl.columns)

centered_data = logit_expl.join(deployed_data['functional']).dropna()

model = smf.logit(formula=formula, data=centered_data).fit()

Warning: Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded.
         Current function value: 0.481327
         Iterations: 35
C:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\base\ ConvergenceWarning: Maximum Likelihood optimization failed to converge. Check mle_retvals
  "Check mle_retvals", ConvergenceWarning)
Logit Regression Results
Dep. Variable: functional No. Observations: 54532
Model: Logit Df Residuals: 54504
Method: MLE Df Model: 27
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2016 Pseudo R-squ.: 0.2795
Time: 09:40:44 Log-Likelihood: -26248.
converged: False LL-Null: -36431.
LLR p-value: 0.000
coef std err z P>|z| [95.0% Conf. Int.]
Intercept 0.8783 2.74e+05 3.2e-06 1.000 -5.38e+05 5.38e+05
permit[T.True] 0.2299 0.024 9.551 0.000 0.183 0.277
height 0.0003 2.74e-05 10.193 0.000 0.000 0.000
longitude 0.0056 0.005 1.100 0.271 -0.004 0.016
latitude -0.0196 0.005 -4.145 0.000 -0.029 -0.010
population 8.455e-05 2.38e-05 3.550 0.000 3.79e-05 0.000
construction_year 0.0399 0.001 37.447 0.000 0.038 0.042
handpump 0.8367 nan nan nan nan nan
rope_pump 0.8430 nan nan nan nan nan
motorpump -0.4373 nan nan nan nan nan
gravity 0.7696 nan nan nan nan nan
submersible -0.2363 nan nan nan nan nan
other -0.7131 nan nan nan nan nan
wind_powered -0.1843 nan nan nan nan nan
unknown -0.3515 nan nan nan nan nan
never_pay -0.4334 nan nan nan nan nan
per_bucket 0.5641 nan nan nan nan nan
on_failure 0.0896 nan nan nan nan nan
monthly 0.3100 nan nan nan nan nan
annually 0.6159 nan nan nan nan nan
other_payment_type 0.0836 nan nan nan nan nan
enough 1.4535 2.67e+05 5.45e-06 1.000 -5.23e+05 5.23e+05
insufficient 0.9941 2.67e+05 3.73e-06 1.000 -5.23e+05 5.23e+05
dry -2.9548 2.67e+05 -1.11e-05 1.000 -5.23e+05 5.23e+05
seasonal 1.3568 2.67e+05 5.08e-06 1.000 -5.23e+05 5.23e+05
unknown_quantity_group 0.0287 2.67e+05 1.07e-07 1.000 -5.23e+05 5.23e+05
hand_pump -2.0620 nan nan nan nan nan
communal_standpipe -1.7910 nan nan nan nan nan
other_waterpoint_type_group -2.8429 nan nan nan nan nan
improved_spring -0.7378 nan nan nan nan nan
cattle_trough -1.2462 nan nan nan nan nan
dam 9.5583 nan nan nan nan nan

In [ ]: