Data Analysis Tools

Assignment: Running a Chi-Square Test of Independence

Following is the Python program I wrote to fulfill the second assignment of the Data Analysis Tools online course.

I decided to use Jupyter Notebook as it is a pretty way to write code and present results.

As the previous assignment brought me to conclude my initial research question, I will look at a possible relationship between ethnicity (explanatory variable) and use of cannabis (response variable) from the NESARC database. As both variables are categoricals, the Chi-Square Test of Independence is the method to use.

In [1]:
# Magic command to insert the graph directly in the notebook
%matplotlib inline
# Load a useful Python libraries for handling data
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import seaborn as sns
import scipy.stats as stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import Markdown, display

Data management

In [2]:
nesarc = pd.read_csv('nesarc_pds.csv', low_memory=False)

In [3]:
races = {1 : 'White', 
         2 : 'Black', 
         3 : 'American India \n Alaska', 
         4 : 'Asian \n Native Hawaiian \n Pacific',
         5 : 'Hispanic or Latino'}
subnesarc = (nesarc[['S3BQ1A5', 'ETHRACE2A']]
             .assign(S3BQ1A5=lambda x: pd.to_numeric(x['S3BQ1A5'].replace((2, 9), (0, np.nan)), errors='coerce'))
             .assign(ethnicity=lambda x: pd.Categorical(x['ETHRACE2A'].map(races)),
                     use_cannabis=lambda x: pd.Categorical(x['S3BQ1A5']))
             .dropna())'No', 'Yes'), inplace=True)

First, the distribution of both the use of cannabis and the ethnicity will be shown.

In [4]:
g = sns.countplot(subnesarc['ethnicity'])

_ = plt.title('Distribution of the ethnicity')

In [5]:
g = sns.countplot(subnesarc['use_cannabis'])
_ = plt.title('Distribution of ever use cannabis')

Variance analysis

Now that the univariate distribution as be plotted and described, the bivariate graphics will be plotted in order to test our research hypothesis.

From the bivariate graphic below, it seems that there are some differences. For example American Indian versus Asian seems quite different.

In [6]:
g = sns.factorplot(x='ethnicity', y='S3BQ1A5', data=subnesarc, 
                   kind="bar", ci=None)
plt.ylabel('Ever use cannabis')
_ = plt.title('Average number of cannabis user depending on the ethnicity')

In [7]:
ct1 = pd.crosstab(subnesarc.use_cannabis, subnesarc.ethnicity)
display(Markdown("Contingency table of observed counts"))

Contingency table of observed counts

ethnicity American India Alaska Asian Native Hawaiian Pacific Black Hispanic or Latino White
No 482 1186 6847 7077 18961
Yes 212 142 1303 1174 5341

In [8]:
# Note: normalize keyword is available starting from pandas version 0.18.1
ct2 = ct1/ct1.sum(axis=0)
display(Markdown("Contingency table of observed counts normalized over each columns"))

Contingency table of observed counts normalized over each columns

ethnicity American India Alaska Asian Native Hawaiian Pacific Black Hispanic or Latino White
No 0.694524 0.893072 0.840123 0.857714 0.780224
Yes 0.305476 0.106928 0.159877 0.142286 0.219776

The Chi-Square test will be applied on the all data to test the following hypothesis :

  • The null hypothesis is There is no relationship between the use of cannabis and the ethnicity.
  • The alternate hypothesis is There is a relationship between the use of cannabis and the ethnicity.

In [9]:

 array([[   561.25879462,   1073.99377414,   6591.15155061,   6672.83330603,
        [   132.74120538,    254.00622586,   1558.84844939,   1578.16669397,

The p-value of 3.7e-91 confirm that the null hypothesis can be safetly rejected.

The next obvious questions is which ethnic groups have a statistically significant difference regarding the use of cannabis. For that, the Chi-Square test will be performed on each pair of group thanks to the following code.

In [10]:
list_races = list(races.keys())
p_values = dict()
for i in range(len(list_races)):
    for j in range(i+1, len(list_races)):
        race1 = races[list_races[i]]
        race2 = races[list_races[j]]
        subethnicity =[i], race1),(list_races[j], race2))))
        comparison = pd.crosstab(subnesarc.use_cannabis, subethnicity)
        display(Markdown("Crosstable to compare {} and {}".format(race1, race2)))
        chi_square, p, _, expected_counts = stats.chi2_contingency(comparison)
        p_values[(race1, race2)] = p

Crosstable to compare White and Black

ETHRACE2A Black White
No 6847 18961
Yes 1303 5341
ETHRACE2A Black White
No 0.840123 0.780224
Yes 0.159877 0.219776

Crosstable to compare White and American India Alaska

ETHRACE2A American India Alaska White
No 482 18961
Yes 212 5341
ETHRACE2A American India Alaska White
No 0.694524 0.780224
Yes 0.305476 0.219776

Crosstable to compare White and Asian Native Hawaiian Pacific

ETHRACE2A Asian Native Hawaiian Pacific White
No 1186 18961
Yes 142 5341
ETHRACE2A Asian Native Hawaiian Pacific White
No 0.893072 0.780224
Yes 0.106928 0.219776

Crosstable to compare White and Hispanic or Latino

ETHRACE2A Hispanic or Latino White
No 7077 18961
Yes 1174 5341
ETHRACE2A Hispanic or Latino White
No 0.857714 0.780224
Yes 0.142286 0.219776

Crosstable to compare Black and American India Alaska

ETHRACE2A American India Alaska Black
No 482 6847
Yes 212 1303
ETHRACE2A American India Alaska Black
No 0.694524 0.840123
Yes 0.305476 0.159877

Crosstable to compare Black and Asian Native Hawaiian Pacific

ETHRACE2A Asian Native Hawaiian Pacific Black
No 1186 6847
Yes 142 1303
ETHRACE2A Asian Native Hawaiian Pacific Black
No 0.893072 0.840123
Yes 0.106928 0.159877

Crosstable to compare Black and Hispanic or Latino

ETHRACE2A Black Hispanic or Latino
No 6847 7077
Yes 1303 1174
ETHRACE2A Black Hispanic or Latino
No 0.840123 0.857714
Yes 0.159877 0.142286

Crosstable to compare American India Alaska and Asian Native Hawaiian Pacific

ETHRACE2A American India Alaska Asian Native Hawaiian Pacific
No 482 1186
Yes 212 142
ETHRACE2A American India Alaska Asian Native Hawaiian Pacific
No 0.694524 0.893072
Yes 0.305476 0.106928

Crosstable to compare American India Alaska and Hispanic or Latino

ETHRACE2A American India Alaska Hispanic or Latino
No 482 7077
Yes 212 1174
ETHRACE2A American India Alaska Hispanic or Latino
No 0.694524 0.857714
Yes 0.305476 0.142286

Crosstable to compare Asian Native Hawaiian Pacific and Hispanic or Latino

ETHRACE2A Asian Native Hawaiian Pacific Hispanic or Latino
No 1186 7077
Yes 142 1174
ETHRACE2A Asian Native Hawaiian Pacific Hispanic or Latino
No 0.893072 0.857714
Yes 0.106928 0.142286

If we put together all p-values results and test them against our threshold of 0.005, we got the table below.

The threshold is the standard 0.05 threshold divided by the number of pairs in the explanatory variables (here 10).

In [11]:
df = pd.DataFrame(p_values, index=['p-value', ])

(df.stack(level=[0, 1])['p-value']
   .assign(Ha=lambda x: x['p-value'] < 0.05 / len(p_values)))

p-value Ha
American India \n Alaska Asian \n Native Hawaiian \n Pacific 1.364517e-28 True
Hispanic or Latino 6.938375e-30 True
Asian \n Native Hawaiian \n Pacific Hispanic or Latino 6.016908e-04 True
Black American India \n Alaska 2.474718e-22 True
Asian \n Native Hawaiian \n Pacific 7.953423e-07 True
Hispanic or Latino 1.784392e-03 True
White American India \n Alaska 1.103488e-07 True
Asian \n Native Hawaiian \n Pacific 2.230204e-22 True
Black 5.133717e-31 True
Hispanic or Latino 4.477664e-52 True

In this particular case, we can conclude that all ethnic group have a significant relationship with the use of cannabis.

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