This notebook defines layers similar to those defined in the Swift for TensorFlow Deep Learning Library, but with some experimental extra features for the course.
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%install-location $cwd/swift-install
%install '.package(path: "$cwd/FastaiNotebook_01_matmul")' FastaiNotebook_01_matmul
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import Path
import TensorFlow
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import FastaiNotebook_01_matmul
All the fastai layers will use kaiming initialization as default, so we write an extension to do this fast.
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// export
public extension Tensor where Scalar: TensorFlowFloatingPoint {
init(kaimingNormal shape: TensorShape, negativeSlope: Double = 1.0) {
// Assumes Leaky ReLU nonlinearity
let gain = Scalar.init(TensorFlow.sqrt(2.0 / (1.0 + TensorFlow.pow(negativeSlope, 2))))
let spatialDimCount = shape.count - 2
let receptiveField = shape[0..<spatialDimCount].contiguousSize
let fanIn = shape[spatialDimCount] * receptiveField
self.init(randomNormal: shape)
self *= Tensor<Scalar>(gain/TensorFlow.sqrt(Scalar(fanIn)))
We shorten the name of standardDeviation to match numpy/PyTorch since we'll have to write it a lot in the notebooks.
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// export
public extension Tensor where Scalar: TensorFlowFloatingPoint {
func std() -> Tensor<Scalar> { return standardDeviation() }
func std(alongAxes a: [Int]) -> Tensor<Scalar> { return standardDeviation(alongAxes: a) }
func std(alongAxes a: Tensor<Int32>) -> Tensor<Scalar> { return standardDeviation(alongAxes: a) }
func std(alongAxes a: Int...) -> Tensor<Scalar> { return standardDeviation(alongAxes: a) }
func std(squeezingAxes a: [Int]) -> Tensor<Scalar> { return standardDeviation(squeezingAxes: a) }
func std(squeezingAxes a: Tensor<Int32>) -> Tensor<Scalar> { return standardDeviation(squeezingAxes: a) }
func std(squeezingAxes a: Int...) -> Tensor<Scalar> { return standardDeviation(squeezingAxes: a) }
Just like PyTorch, the S4TF base library provides a standard layer type. It is defined in the TensorFlow/swift-apis repository on GitHub in Layer.swift and it looks like this:
protocol Layer: Differentiable {
/// The input type of the layer.
associatedtype Input: Differentiable
/// The output type of the layer.
associatedtype Output: Differentiable
/// Returns the output obtained from applying the layer to the given input.
/// - Parameter input: The input to the layer.
/// - Returns: The output.
func call(_ input: Input) -> Output
There is a lot going on here - before we dive into the details of Layers, lets talk about what protocols are:
Slides: Protocols in Swift
Let's break down the Layer
protocol into its pieces:
protocol Layer: Differentiable {
This declares a protocol named Layer
and says that all layers are also Differentiable
. Differentiable
is a yet-another protocol defined in the Swift standard library.
/// Returns the output obtained from applying the layer to the given input.
/// - Parameter input: The input to the layer.
/// - Returns: The output.
func call(_ input: Input) -> Output
These lines say that all Layer
s are required to have a method named call
, that it must be differentiable, and that it can take an return an arbitrary Input
and Output
/// The input type of the layer.
associatedtype Input: Differentiable
/// The output type of the layer.
associatedtype Output: Differentiable
These two lines say that each Layer
has to have an Input
and Output
type, and that those types must furthermore be differentiable.
further: FALayer
Jeremy likes to have nice things, and in particular wants to be able to install delegate callbacks on Layer
s (to mimic PyTorch's hooks). It might seem that we have to give up on using the builtin layer, but that isn't so! We can extend the existing Layer
and give it new functionality with FALayer
. First we define the type we want to use for our callbacks:
We can now define FALayer
, which is just a layer that has a delegate. Types that implement FALayer
will implement a new forward
method instead of func call
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// FALayer is a layer that supports callbacks through its LayerDelegate.
public protocol FALayer: Layer {
var delegates: [(Output) -> ()] { get set }
// FALayer's will implement this instead of `func call`.
func forward(_ input: Input) -> Output
associatedtype Input
associatedtype Output
It would be a tremendous amount of boilerplate to require all FALayer
s to implement func call
and invoke their delegate, so we'll do that once for all FALayer
s right here in an extension. We implement it by calling the forward
function and then invoke the delegate:
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public extension FALayer {
@differentiable(vjp: callGrad)
func callAsFunction(_ input: Input) -> Output {
let activation = forward(input)
for d in delegates { d(activation) }
return activation
// NOTE: AutoDiff synthesizes a leaking VJP for this, so we define a custom VJP.
// TF-475:
// NOTE: If we use `@differentiating`, then there is a linker error. So we use `@differentiable` instead.
// TF-476:
func callGrad(_ input: Input) ->
(Output, (Self.Output.TangentVector) -> (Self.TangentVector, Self.Input.TangentVector)) {
return Swift.valueWithPullback(at: self, input) { (m, i) in m.forward(i) }
//We also add a default init to our `delegates` variable, so that we don't have to define it each time, as
//well as a function to easily add a delegate.
//var delegates: [(Output) -> ()] {
// get { return [] }
// set {}
mutating func addDelegate(_ d: @escaping (Output) -> ()) { delegates.append(d) }
Now we can start implementing some layers, like this dense layer:
The code is copy-pasted from S4TF for the most general init, and we add a convenience init with kaiming initialization for the weights.
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public struct FADense<Scalar: TensorFlowFloatingPoint>: FALayer {
// Note: remove the explicit typealiases after TF-603 is resolved.
public typealias Input = Tensor<Scalar>
public typealias Output = Tensor<Scalar>
public var weight: Tensor<Scalar>
public var bias: Tensor<Scalar>
public typealias Activation = @differentiable (Tensor<Scalar>) -> Tensor<Scalar>
@noDerivative public var delegates: [(Output) -> ()] = []
@noDerivative public let activation: Activation
public init(
weight: Tensor<Scalar>,
bias: Tensor<Scalar>,
activation: @escaping Activation
) {
self.weight = weight
self.bias = bias
self.activation = activation
public func forward(_ input: Tensor<Scalar>) -> Tensor<Scalar> {
return activation(input • weight + bias)
public extension FADense {
init(_ nIn: Int, _ nOut: Int, activation: @escaping Activation = identity) {
self.init(weight: Tensor(kaimingNormal: [nIn, nOut], negativeSlope: 1.0),
bias: Tensor(zeros: [nOut]),
activation: activation)
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public struct FANoBiasConv2D<Scalar: TensorFlowFloatingPoint>: FALayer {
// TF-603 workaround.
public typealias Input = Tensor<Scalar>
public typealias Output = Tensor<Scalar>
public var filter: Tensor<Scalar>
public typealias Activation = @differentiable (Tensor<Scalar>) -> Tensor<Scalar>
@noDerivative public let activation: Activation
@noDerivative public let strides: (Int, Int)
@noDerivative public let padding: Padding
@noDerivative public var delegates: [(Output) -> ()] = []
public init(
filter: Tensor<Scalar>,
activation: @escaping Activation,
strides: (Int, Int),
padding: Padding
) {
self.filter = filter
self.activation = activation
self.strides = strides
self.padding = padding
public func forward(_ input: Tensor<Scalar>) -> Tensor<Scalar> {
return activation(conv2D(input, filter: filter,
strides: (1, strides.0, strides.1, 1),
padding: padding))
public extension FANoBiasConv2D {
filterShape: (Int, Int, Int, Int),
strides: (Int, Int) = (1, 1),
padding: Padding = .same,
activation: @escaping Activation = identity
) {
let filterTensorShape = TensorShape([
filterShape.0, filterShape.1,
filterShape.2, filterShape.3])
filter: Tensor(kaimingNormal: filterTensorShape, negativeSlope: 1.0),
activation: activation,
strides: strides,
padding: padding)
public extension FANoBiasConv2D {
init(_ cIn: Int, _ cOut: Int, ks: Int, stride: Int = 1, padding: Padding = .same,
activation: @escaping Activation = identity){
self.init(filterShape: (ks, ks, cIn, cOut),
strides: (stride, stride),
padding: padding,
activation: activation)
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public struct FAConv2D<Scalar: TensorFlowFloatingPoint>: FALayer {
// Note: remove the explicit typealiases after TF-603 is resolved.
public typealias Input = Tensor<Scalar>
public typealias Output = Tensor<Scalar>
public var filter: Tensor<Scalar>
public var bias: Tensor<Scalar>
public typealias Activation = @differentiable (Tensor<Scalar>) -> Tensor<Scalar>
@noDerivative public let activation: Activation
@noDerivative public let strides: (Int, Int)
@noDerivative public let padding: Padding
@noDerivative public var delegates: [(Output) -> ()] = []
public init(
filter: Tensor<Scalar>,
bias: Tensor<Scalar>,
activation: @escaping Activation,
strides: (Int, Int),
padding: Padding
) {
self.filter = filter
self.bias = bias
self.activation = activation
self.strides = strides
self.padding = padding
public func forward(_ input: Tensor<Scalar>) -> Tensor<Scalar> {
return activation(conv2D(input, filter: filter,
strides: (1, strides.0, strides.1, 1),
padding: padding) + bias)
public extension FAConv2D {
filterShape: (Int, Int, Int, Int),
strides: (Int, Int) = (1, 1),
padding: Padding = .same,
activation: @escaping Activation = identity
) {
let filterTensorShape = TensorShape([
filterShape.0, filterShape.1,
filterShape.2, filterShape.3])
filter: Tensor(kaimingNormal: filterTensorShape, negativeSlope: 1.0),
bias: Tensor(zeros: TensorShape([filterShape.3])),
activation: activation,
strides: strides,
padding: padding)
public extension FAConv2D {
init(_ cIn: Int, _ cOut: Int, ks: Int, stride: Int = 1, padding: Padding = .same,
activation: @escaping Activation = identity){
self.init(filterShape: (ks, ks, cIn, cOut),
strides: (stride, stride),
padding: padding,
activation: activation)
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public struct FAAvgPool2D<Scalar: TensorFlowFloatingPoint>: FALayer {
// TF-603 workaround.
public typealias Input = Tensor<Scalar>
public typealias Output = Tensor<Scalar>
@noDerivative let poolSize: (Int, Int, Int, Int)
@noDerivative let strides: (Int, Int, Int, Int)
@noDerivative let padding: Padding
@noDerivative public var delegates: [(Output) -> ()] = []
public init(
poolSize: (Int, Int, Int, Int),
strides: (Int, Int, Int, Int),
padding: Padding
) {
self.poolSize = poolSize
self.strides = strides
self.padding = padding
public init(poolSize: (Int, Int), strides: (Int, Int), padding: Padding = .valid) {
self.poolSize = (1, poolSize.0, poolSize.1, 1)
self.strides = (1, strides.0, strides.1, 1)
self.padding = padding
public init(_ sz: Int, padding: Padding = .valid) {
poolSize = (1, sz, sz, 1)
strides = (1, sz, sz, 1)
self.padding = padding
public func forward(_ input: Tensor<Scalar>) -> Tensor<Scalar> {
return avgPool2D(input, filterSize: poolSize, strides: strides, padding: padding)
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public struct FAGlobalAvgPool2D<Scalar: TensorFlowFloatingPoint>: FALayer {
// TF-603 workaround.
public typealias Input = Tensor<Scalar>
public typealias Output = Tensor<Scalar>
@noDerivative public var delegates: [(Output) -> ()] = []
public init() {}
public func forward(_ input: Tensor<Scalar>) -> Tensor<Scalar> {
return input.mean(squeezingAxes: [1,2])
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extension Array: Layer where Element: Layer, Element.Input == Element.Output {
// Note: remove the explicit typealiases after TF-603 is resolved.
public typealias Input = Element.Input
public typealias Output = Element.Output
@differentiable(vjp: _vjpApplied)
public func callAsFunction(_ input: Input) -> Output {
var activation = input
for layer in self {
activation = layer(activation)
return activation
public func _vjpApplied(_ input: Input)
-> (Output, (Output.TangentVector) -> (Array.TangentVector, Input.TangentVector))
var activation = input
var pullbacks: [(Input.TangentVector) -> (Element.TangentVector, Input.TangentVector)] = []
for layer in self {
let (newActivation, newPullback) = layer.valueWithPullback(at: activation) { $0($1) }
activation = newActivation
func pullback(_ v: Input.TangentVector) -> (Array.TangentVector, Input.TangentVector) {
var activationGradient = v
var layerGradients: [Element.TangentVector] = []
for pullback in pullbacks.reversed() {
let (newLayerGradient, newActivationGradient) = pullback(activationGradient)
activationGradient = newActivationGradient
return (Array.TangentVector(layerGradients.reversed()), activationGradient)
return (activation, pullback)
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extension KeyPathIterable {
public var keyPaths: [WritableKeyPath<Self, Tensor<Float>>] {
return recursivelyAllWritableKeyPaths(to: Tensor<Float>.self)
extension Layer {
public var variables: AllDifferentiableVariables {
get { return allDifferentiableVariables }
set { allDifferentiableVariables = newValue }
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// export
public func ** (lhs: Int, rhs: Int) -> Int {
return Int(pow(Double(lhs), Double(rhs)))
public func ** (lhs: Double, rhs: Double) -> Double {
return pow(lhs, rhs)
public func **<T : BinaryFloatingPoint>(_ x: T, _ y: T) -> T {
return T(pow(Double(x), Double(y)))
public func **<T>(_ x: Tensor<T>, _ y: Tensor<T>) -> Tensor<T>
where T : TensorFlowFloatingPoint { return pow(x, y)}
public func **<T>(_ x: T, _ y: Tensor<T>) -> Tensor<T>
where T : TensorFlowFloatingPoint { return pow(x, y)}
public func **<T>(_ x: Tensor<T>, _ y: T) -> Tensor<T>
where T : TensorFlowFloatingPoint { return pow(x, y)}
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public extension Differentiable {
func compose<L1: Layer, L2: Layer>(_ l1: L1, _ l2: L2) -> L2.Output
where L1.Input == Self, L1.Output == L2.Input {
return sequenced(through: l1, l2)
func compose<L1: Layer, L2: Layer, L3: Layer>(_ l1: L1, _ l2: L2, _ l3: L3) -> L3.Output
where L1.Input == Self, L1.Output == L2.Input, L2.Output == L3.Input {
return sequenced(through: l1, l2, l3)
func compose<L1: Layer, L2: Layer, L3: Layer, L4: Layer>(
_ l1: L1, _ l2: L2, _ l3: L3, _ l4: L4
) -> L4.Output
where L1.Input == Self, L1.Output == L2.Input, L2.Output == L3.Input,
L3.Output == L4.Input {
return sequenced(through: l1, l2, l3, l4)
func compose<L1: Layer, L2: Layer, L3: Layer, L4: Layer, L5: Layer>(
_ l1: L1, _ l2: L2, _ l3: L3, _ l4: L4, _ l5: L5
) -> L5.Output
where L1.Input == Self, L1.Output == L2.Input, L2.Output == L3.Input, L3.Output == L4.Input,
L4.Output == L5.Input {
return sequenced(through: l1, l2, l3, l4, l5)
func compose<L1: Layer, L2: Layer, L3: Layer, L4: Layer, L5: Layer, L6: Layer>(
_ l1: L1, _ l2: L2, _ l3: L3, _ l4: L4, _ l5: L5, _ l6: L6
) -> L6.Output
where L1.Input == Self, L1.Output == L2.Input, L2.Output == L3.Input, L3.Output == L4.Input,
L4.Output == L5.Input, L5.Output == L6.Input {
return sequenced(through: l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6)
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import NotebookExport
let exporter = NotebookExport(Path.cwd/"01a_fastai_layers.ipynb")
print(exporter.export(usingPrefix: "FastaiNotebook_"))
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