Here are some $\LaTeX$ macros (you can't see them, but when you evaluate this cell they are loaded into memory and you can use them later). $$ \newcommand{\dd}{\mathrm{d}} \newcommand{\diff}[2]{\frac{ \dd #1 } {\frac \dd #2}} \newcommand{\chieff}{\chi_\mathrm{eff}} \newcommand{\piso}{p_\mathrm{iso}} \newcommand{\pali}{p_\mathrm{ali}} $$

In [1]:
using PyCall
using PyPlot
using StatsFuns

@pyimport seaborn as sns

Cole had a great idea, the thrust of which is the following: assume that you have some distribution for the spin magnitudes of black holes (and it is common to the more- and less-massive BH in any binary). The distribution of $\chieff$ that is implied by this magnitude distribution differs depending on whether you assume that the angular distribution is isotropic or aligned. In general, isotropic angular distributions concentrate more of the $\chieff$ distribution near zero, since that is where most of the angular phase space is. Here we derive the distributions for $\chieff$ under various reasonable, yet straw-man assumptions.

First, $\chieff$ is defined by $$ \chieff = \frac{c}{GM} \left( \frac{s_1^z}{m_1} + \frac{s_2^z}{m_2} \right) = \frac{1}{M} \left( m_1 a_1^z + m_2 a_2^z \right) $$ where the $\hat{z}$ axis is aligned with the orbital angular momentum, $s_{1,2}$ are the spin angular momentum of the components of the binary, and $a_{1,2}$ are the spin parameters of the black holes in the binary.

First we derive the distribution for $a^z$ when we know the distribution for $a$ and the angular distribution is (a) isotropic and (b) aligned. First isotropic: Then $a^z$ is equal to the product of $a$ with a uniform random variable on $[-1,1]$ ($\iota = \cos \theta$, with $\theta$ the colatitude on a sphere). Therefore $$ p\left( a^z \right) = \int_{-1}^{1} \dd \iota \, \int_0^1 \dd a \, \delta\left( a^z - a \iota \right) \frac{p(a)}{2} = \int_{-1}^{1} \dd \iota \, \int_0^1 \dd a \, \frac{\delta\left( a - \frac{a^z}{\iota} \right)}{\left| \iota \right|} \frac{p(a)}{2}. $$ Now, noting that the distribution of $a^z$ is an even function, assume that $a^z > 0$; since $0 \leq a \leq 1$, we must have $\iota \geq a^z$ if the $\delta$-function is to be "activated," so $$ p\left( a^z \right) = \int_{a^z}^1 \dd \iota \, \frac{p\left( \frac{a^z}{\iota} \right)}{2 \iota}. $$ The even assumption implies $$ p\left( a^z \right) = \int_{\left| a^z \right|}^1 \dd \iota \, \frac{p\left( \frac{\left|a^z\right|}{\iota} \right)}{2 \iota} $$ When the angles are aligned, we have $$ p\left( a^z \right) = \begin{cases} p_a\left(a^z \right) & a^z > 0\\ 0 & \mathrm{otherwise} \end{cases}. $$ In other words, the distribution of $a^z$ follows $a$ when $a^z$ is positive, and is zero otherwise.

For example, when the magnitude distribution is flat, $p(a) = 1$, the isotropic angle assumption implies that $$ \piso\left( a^z \right) = -\frac{\log \left| a^z \right|}{2}, $$ while the aligned assumption implies that $$ \pali\left( a^z \right) = \begin{cases} 1 & a^z > 0 \\ 0 & a^z < 0 \end{cases} $$

Here is some code that implements distributions for $p(a) = 1$, $p(a) = 2 a$, and $p(a) = 2(1-a)$; these are flat, increasing, and decreasing, respectively.

In [2]:
function p_iso_flat_wrong(chieff)
function p_ali_flat_wrong(chieff)
    if chieff > 0

function p_iso_inc_wrong(chieff)
    1.0 - abs(chieff)
function p_ali_inc_wrong(chieff)
    if chieff > 0

function p_iso_dec_wrong(chieff)
function p_ali_dec_wrong(chieff)
    if chieff > 0

p_ali_dec_wrong (generic function with 1 method)

If the mass ratio, $q$, (recall: $0 \leq q \leq 1$) is zero, this is all we need; if not, then $$ \chieff = \frac{1}{1+q}\left(a_1^z + q a_2^z\right), $$ and the distribution is given by a convolution of the distributions for $a^z$: $$ p\left(\chieff \right) = \int_{-1}^1 \dd a_1^z \, \int_{-1}^1 \dd a_2^z \, \delta\left( \chieff - \frac{1}{(1+q)} \left[a_1^z + q a_2^z \right]\right) p\left( a_1^z\right) p\left(a_2^z\right), $$ which becomes, after some manipulation, $$ p\left(\chieff \right) = \int_{-1}^1 \dd a_1^z \, \int_{-1}^1 \dd a_2^z \, \delta\left( a_1^z + q a_2^z - (1+q)\chieff \right) (1+q) p\left( a_1^z\right) p\left(a_2^z\right), $$ and more manipulation: $$ p\left(\chieff \right) = \int_{\max\left(-1, \frac{(1+q)\chieff - 1}{q} \right)}^{\min\left(1, \frac{(1+q)\chieff+1}{q}\right)} \dd a_2^z \, (1+q) p\left(a_2^z\right) p\left((1+q)\chieff - q a_2^z \right). $$

Ugh. This is not going to be analytic, even if we specialise to $q = 1$ (equal mass); though a good check of the math is that it works out to the above single-spin distribution when $q=0$.

I guess the best thing from here is to simulate the distribution empirically. The code below does that, currently specialised to $q = 1$ (but the code to draw is generic, so can be used to produce other $q$ values).

A plot of the distributions of spin:

In [4]:
as = collect(linspace(0, 1, 1000))
as_low = 2.0*(1.0-as)
as_flat = ones(size(as))
as_high = 2.0*as
plot(as, as_low, label="Low")
plot(as, as_flat, label="Flat")
plot(as, as_high, label="High")

open("../data/a-distr.csv", "w") do f
    write(f, "a,pa_low,pa_flat,pa_high\n")
    writecsv(f, hcat(as, as_low, as_flat, as_high))

In [5]:
function make_histogram_density(bins, counts)
    N = sum(counts)
    probs = counts ./ (N*diff(bins))
    nbin = size(bins, 1) - 1
    function p(x)
        rng = searchsorted(bins, x)
        bin = last(rng)
        if (bin < 1) || (bin > nbin)

function hist_counts(bins, xs)
    nbin = size(bins, 1)-1
    counts = zeros(nbin)
    for x in xs
        rng = searchsorted(bins, x)
        bin = last(rng)
        if (bin < 1) || (bin > nbin)
            # Do nothing
            counts[bin] = counts[bin] + 1
    (bins, counts)

function draw_iota()
    2.0*rand() - 1.0
function draw_increasing()
function draw_decreasing()
    1.0 - sqrt(1.0 - rand())

function draw_chieff(q, draw_chi)
    1.0/(1.0+q)*(draw_chi() + q*draw_chi())

bins = collect(-1:0.01:1) # Hopefully spaced finely enough

p_ali_flat = make_histogram_density(bins, hist_counts(bins, [draw_chieff(1.0, rand) for i in 1:1000000])[2])
p_iso_flat = make_histogram_density(bins, hist_counts(bins, [draw_chieff(1.0, () -> draw_iota()*rand()) for i in 1:1000000])[2])

p_ali_inc = make_histogram_density(bins, hist_counts(bins, [draw_chieff(1.0, draw_increasing) for i in 1:1000000])[2])
p_iso_inc = make_histogram_density(bins, hist_counts(bins, [draw_chieff(1.0, () -> draw_iota()*draw_increasing()) for i in 1:1000000])[2])

p_ali_dec = make_histogram_density(bins, hist_counts(bins, [draw_chieff(1.0, draw_decreasing) for i in 1:1000000])[2])
p_iso_dec = make_histogram_density(bins, hist_counts(bins, [draw_chieff(1.0, () -> draw_iota()*draw_decreasing()) for i in 1:1000000])[2])

chieffs = collect(-1:0.001:1)

pif = p_iso_flat.(chieffs)
paf = p_ali_flat.(chieffs)

pii = p_iso_inc.(chieffs)
pai = p_ali_inc.(chieffs)

pid = p_iso_dec.(chieffs)
pad = p_ali_dec.(chieffs)

plot(chieffs, pif, "-", color=sns.color_palette()[1], label="Flat Isotropic")
plot(chieffs, paf, "--", color=sns.color_palette()[1], label="Flat Aligned")

plot(chieffs, pii, "-", color=sns.color_palette()[2], label="High Isotropic")
plot(chieffs, pai, "--", color=sns.color_palette()[2], label="High Aligned")

plot(chieffs, pid, "-", color=sns.color_palette()[3], label="Low Isotropic")
plot(chieffs, pad, "--", color=sns.color_palette()[3], label="Low Aligned")

ylabel(L"$p\left( \chi_\mathrm{eff}\right)$")

open("../data/chieff-dist.csv", "w") do f
    write(f, "chieff,p_iso_flat,p_ali_flat,p_iso_high,p_ali_high,p_iso_low,p_ali_low\n")
    writecsv(f, hcat(chieffs, pif, paf, pii, pai, pid, pad))

Hierarchical Analysis

LIGO measures $\chieff$ better than any other spin parameter, but still with significant uncertainty, so we need to properly incorporate measurement uncertainty in our analysis; thus our analysis must be hierarchical. In a hierarchical analysis, we assume that each event has a true, but unknown, value of the effective spin, drawn from the population distribution, which may have some parameters $\lambda$; then the system is observed, represented by the likelihood function, which results in a distribution for the true effective spin (and all other paremeters describing the system) consistent with the data. Combining, the joint posterior on each system's $\chieff^i$ parameters and the population parameters $\lambda$ implied by a set of observations each with data $d^i$, is $$ p\left( \left\{ \chieff^i \right\}, \lambda \mid \left\{ d^i \right\} \right) \propto \left[ \prod_{i=1}^{N_\mathrm{obs}} p\left(d^i \mid \chieff^i \right) p\left( \chieff^i \mid \lambda \right) \right] p\left(\lambda\right). $$

The components of this formula are

  • The GW (marginal) likelihood, $p\left(d \mid \chieff\right)$. "Marginal" because we are (implicitly) integrating over all parameters of the signal but $\chieff$. Note that it is the likelihood, not the posterior that matters for the hierarchical analysis; if we are given posterior distributions or posterior samples, we need to re-weight to "remove" the prior and obtain the likelihood.
  • The population distribution for $\chieff$, $p\left( \chieff \mid \lambda \right)$. This function can be parameterised by population-level parameters, $\lambda$. (In the cases discussed above, there are no parameters for the population.)
  • The prior on the population-level parameters, $p(\lambda)$.

If we don't care about the individual event $\chieff$ paremetrs, we can integrate them out, obtaining $$ p\left( \lambda \mid \left\{ d^i \right\} \right) \propto \left[ \prod_{i=1}^{N_\mathrm{obs}} \int \dd \chieff^i \, p\left(d^i \mid \chieff^i \right) p\left( \chieff^i \mid \lambda \right) \right] p\left(\lambda\right). $$ If we are given posterior samples of $\chieff^{ij}$ ($i$ labels the event, $j$ labels the particular posterior sample) drawn from an analysis using a prior $p\left( \chieff \right)$, then we can approximate the integral by an re-weighted average of the population distribution over the samples (here $p\left( \chieff^{ij} \right)$ is the prior used to produce the posterior samples): $$ p\left( \lambda \mid \left\{ d^i \right\} \right) \propto \left[ \prod_{i=1}^{N_\mathrm{obs}} \frac{1}{N_i} \sum_{j=1}^{N_i} \frac{p\left( \chieff^{ij} \mid \lambda \right)}{p\left( \chieff^{ij} \right)} \right] p\left(\lambda\right). $$

In a fully-spinning LALInference analysis, our prior for $\chieff$ is given by the combination of a flat prior in the spin magnitudes with an isotropic prior in angles.

The code below computes the marginal likelihood for a population model with distribution p_chieff using a list of posterior samples where the prior used is p_prior:

In [6]:
function marginal_model_likelihood(chieff_samples, p_chieff, p_prior)
    ll = 0.0
    for ce in chieff_samples
        margl = mean(p_chieff.(ce) ./ p_prior.(ce))
        if margl == 0.0
            margl = 1.0/size(chieff_samples, 1) # Regularise if we don't have any samples
        ll += log(margl) 

marginal_model_likelihood (generic function with 1 method)

Mock Analysis of the 2.9 LIGO Events

We will mock up some distributions for the LIGO events. We will use the median and 90% intervals from the O1 BBH Paper.

In [7]:
function ninetyrange_to_musigma(med, upper_interval, lower_interval)
    sigma = (upper_interval + lower_interval)/3.29  # The 90% interval of a Gaussian ~ 3.29*sigma
    (med, sigma)

ninetyrange_to_musigma (generic function with 1 method)

In [8]:
muGW150914, sigmaGW150914 = ninetyrange_to_musigma(-0.06, 0.14, 0.14)
muLVT151012, sigmaLVT151012 = ninetyrange_to_musigma(0.0, 0.3, 0.2)
muGW151226, sigmaGW151226 = ninetyrange_to_musigma(0.21, 0.2, 0.1)
muGW170104, sigmaGW170104 = ninetyrange_to_musigma(-0.12, 0.21, 0.30)

(-0.12, 0.15501519756838905)

In [9]:
mocksamples = [mu + sigma*randn(10000) for (mu, sigma) in zip([muGW150914, muLVT151012, muGW151226, muGW170104], [sigmaGW150914, sigmaLVT151012, sigmaGW151226, sigmaGW170104])]
evtnames = ["GW150914", "LVT151012", "GW151226", "GW170104"]
for (s,n) in zip(mocksamples, evtnames)
    sns.distplot(s, label=n)
ylabel(L"$p_\mathrm{mock}\left( \chi_\mathrm{eff} \mid d \right)$")

open("../data/chieff-event-samples.csv", "w") do f
    write(f, "GW150914,LVT151012,GW151226,GW170104\n")
    writecsv(f, hcat(mocksamples...))

A very rough, approximate, method for estimating the odds ratio is $$ \frac{p\left( d \mid I \right)}{p\left( d \mid A \right)} \simeq \frac{P\left( -0.25 \leq \chieff \leq 0.25 \right)}{P\left( 0 \leq \chieff \leq 0.5 \right)} $$

This is implemented below:

In [9]:
ers = [sum((-0.25 .< chieff) & (chieff .< 0.25))/sum((0 .< chieff) & (chieff .< 0.5)) for chieff in mocksamples]
reduce((*), ers)

WARNING: A::AbstractArray & B::AbstractArray is deprecated, use A .& B instead.
 [1] depwarn(::String, ::Symbol) at ./deprecated.jl:70
 [2] &(::BitArray{1}, ::BitArray{1}) at ./deprecated.jl:57
 [3] (::##30#35)(::Array{Float64,1}) at ./<missing>:0
 [4] collect(::Base.Generator{Array{Array{Float64,1},1},##30#35}) at ./array.jl:441
 [5] include_string(::String, ::String) at ./loading.jl:515
 [6] execute_request(::ZMQ.Socket, ::IJulia.Msg) at /Users/farr/.julia/v0.6/IJulia/src/execute_request.jl:160
 [7] eventloop(::ZMQ.Socket) at /Users/farr/.julia/v0.6/IJulia/src/eventloop.jl:8
 [8] (::IJulia.##11#14)() at ./task.jl:335
while loading In[9], in expression starting on line 1

If we get more events, then we can estimate the average accumulated log-odds:

In [10]:
function gaussian_cdf(mu, sigma, x)
function inv_gaussian_cdf(x)
function expected_odds(chieff_limit, sigma)
    odds = [(gaussian_cdf(mu, sigma, chieff_limit) - gaussian_cdf(mu, sigma, -chieff_limit))/(gaussian_cdf(mu, sigma, 2*chieff_limit) - gaussian_cdf(mu, sigma, 0)) for mu in 2.0*chieff_limit*rand(1000) - chieff_limit]

expected_odds (generic function with 1 method)

In [11]:
expected_odds(0.25, 0.1)

WARNING: log{T <: Number}(x::AbstractArray{T}) is deprecated, use log.(x) instead.
 [1] depwarn(::String, ::Symbol) at ./deprecated.jl:70
 [2] log(::Array{Float64,1}) at ./deprecated.jl:57
 [3] expected_odds(::Float64, ::Float64) at ./In[10]:9
 [4] include_string(::String, ::String) at ./loading.jl:515
 [5] execute_request(::ZMQ.Socket, ::IJulia.Msg) at /Users/farr/.julia/v0.6/IJulia/src/execute_request.jl:160
 [6] eventloop(::ZMQ.Socket) at /Users/farr/.julia/v0.6/IJulia/src/eventloop.jl:8
 [7] (::IJulia.##11#14)() at ./task.jl:335
while loading In[11], in expression starting on line 1

If we get ten more events, on top of our factor of five odds ratio, we are now at

In [12]:
er_10 = 5*3.0^10
println(@sprintf("After ten more events, odds ratio becomes %.2g or %.2g sigma", er_10, inv_gaussian_cdf(0.5/er_10)))

After ten more events, odds ratio becomes 3e+05 or 4.6 sigma

Now suppose that the spin magnitudes get cut in half, but the uncertainty in the measurement stays the same: $$ \frac{p\left( d \mid I \right)}{p\left( d \mid A \right)} \simeq \frac{P\left( -0.125 \leq \chieff \leq 0.125 \right)}{P\left( 0 \leq \chieff \leq 0.25 \right)} $$

In [13]:
ers = [sum((-0.125 .< chieff) & (chieff .< 0.125))/sum((0 .< chieff) & (chieff .< 0.25)) for chieff in mocksamples]
reduce((*), ers)

WARNING: A::AbstractArray & B::AbstractArray is deprecated, use A .& B instead.
 [1] depwarn(::String, ::Symbol) at ./deprecated.jl:70
 [2] &(::BitArray{1}, ::BitArray{1}) at ./deprecated.jl:57
 [3] (::##42#47)(::Array{Float64,1}) at ./<missing>:0
 [4] collect(::Base.Generator{Array{Array{Float64,1},1},##42#47}) at ./array.jl:441
 [5] include_string(::String, ::String) at ./loading.jl:515
 [6] execute_request(::ZMQ.Socket, ::IJulia.Msg) at /Users/farr/.julia/v0.6/IJulia/src/execute_request.jl:160
 [7] eventloop(::ZMQ.Socket) at /Users/farr/.julia/v0.6/IJulia/src/eventloop.jl:8
 [8] (::IJulia.##11#14)() at ./task.jl:335
while loading In[13], in expression starting on line 1

You can see that the evidence ratio becomes pretty close to one. And each new event will contribute:

In [14]:
expected_odds(0.125, 0.1)

WARNING: log{T <: Number}(x::AbstractArray{T}) is deprecated, use log.(x) instead.
 [1] depwarn(::String, ::Symbol) at ./deprecated.jl:70
 [2] log(::Array{Float64,1}) at ./deprecated.jl:57
 [3] expected_odds(::Float64, ::Float64) at ./In[10]:9
 [4] include_string(::String, ::String) at ./loading.jl:515
 [5] execute_request(::ZMQ.Socket, ::IJulia.Msg) at /Users/farr/.julia/v0.6/IJulia/src/execute_request.jl:160
 [6] eventloop(::ZMQ.Socket) at /Users/farr/.julia/v0.6/IJulia/src/eventloop.jl:8
 [7] (::IJulia.##11#14)() at ./task.jl:335
while loading In[14], in expression starting on line 1

So, after 10 events we have an odds ratio of 20:

In [15]:
er_10_small = 1.08*1.64^10
println(@sprintf("After ten more events, odds ratio becomes %.2g or %.2g sigma", er_10_small, inv_gaussian_cdf(0.5/er_10_small)))

After ten more events, odds ratio becomes 1.5e+02 or 2.7 sigma

The key to this plot:

  • First letter {"F", "H", "L"} => flat magnitude distribution, increasing magnitude distribution, decreasing magnitude distribution.
  • Second letter {"I", "A"} => isotropic angle distribution, aligned (positive) angle distribution

In [16]:
ll_iso_flat = marginal_model_likelihood(mocksamples, p_iso_flat, p_iso_flat)
ll_ali_flat = marginal_model_likelihood(mocksamples, p_ali_flat, p_iso_flat)
ll_iso_inc = marginal_model_likelihood(mocksamples, p_iso_inc, p_iso_flat)
ll_ali_inc = marginal_model_likelihood(mocksamples, p_ali_inc, p_iso_flat)
ll_iso_dec = marginal_model_likelihood(mocksamples, p_iso_dec, p_iso_flat)
ll_ali_dec = marginal_model_likelihood(mocksamples, p_ali_dec, p_iso_flat)

lls = [ll_iso_flat, ll_ali_flat, ll_iso_inc, ll_ali_inc, ll_iso_dec, ll_ali_dec]
lls -= ll_iso_dec # Re-normalise to decreasing-isotropic

xs = collect(1:6)

bar(xs, exp(lls), align="center")

gca()[:set_xticklabels](["", "FI", "FA", "HI", "HA", "LI", "LA", ""])
ylabel(L"$p\left( d \mid M \right) / p\left( d \mid \mathrm{LI} \right)$")

open("../data/four-event-model-selection-no-mixture.csv", "w") do f
    write(f, "FI,FA,HI,HA,LI,LA\n")
    writecsv(f, [exp(lls)])

WARNING: exp{T <: Number}(x::AbstractArray{T}) is deprecated, use exp.(x) instead.
 [1] depwarn(::String, ::Symbol) at ./deprecated.jl:70
 [2] exp(::Array{Float64,1}) at ./deprecated.jl:57
 [3] include_string(::String, ::String) at ./loading.jl:515
 [4] execute_request(::ZMQ.Socket, ::IJulia.Msg) at /Users/farr/.julia/v0.6/IJulia/src/execute_request.jl:160
 [5] eventloop(::ZMQ.Socket) at /Users/farr/.julia/v0.6/IJulia/src/eventloop.jl:8
 [6] (::IJulia.##11#14)() at ./task.jl:335
while loading In[16], in expression starting on line 13
exp{T <: Number}(x::AbstractArray{T}) is deprecated, use exp.(x) instead.
 [1] depwarn(::String, ::Symbol) at ./deprecated.jl:70
 [2] exp(::Array{Float64,1}) at ./deprecated.jl:57
 [3] open(::##52#53, ::String, ::String) at ./iostream.jl:152
 [4] include_string(::String, ::String) at ./loading.jl:515
 [5] execute_request(::ZMQ.Socket, ::IJulia.Msg) at /Users/farr/.julia/v0.6/IJulia/src/execute_request.jl:160
 [6] eventloop(::ZMQ.Socket) at /Users/farr/.julia/v0.6/IJulia/src/eventloop.jl:8
 [7] (::IJulia.##11#14)() at ./task.jl:335
while loading In[16], in expression starting on line 20

In [17]:
function trapz(ys, xs)
    sum(0.5*diff(xs).*(ys[2:end] + ys[1:end-1]))

trapz (generic function with 1 method)

In [18]:
ll_iso_flat = marginal_model_likelihood(mocksamples, p_iso_flat, p_iso_flat)
ll_ali_flat = marginal_model_likelihood(mocksamples, p_ali_flat, p_iso_flat)
ll_iso_inc = marginal_model_likelihood(mocksamples, p_iso_inc, p_iso_flat)
ll_ali_inc = marginal_model_likelihood(mocksamples, p_ali_inc, p_iso_flat)
ll_iso_dec = marginal_model_likelihood(mocksamples, p_iso_dec, p_iso_flat)
ll_ali_dec = marginal_model_likelihood(mocksamples, p_ali_dec, p_iso_flat)

fs = collect(0:0.01:1)
ll_mix_flat_fs = [logsumexp(log(f)+ll_iso_flat, log1p(-f) + ll_ali_flat) for f in fs]
ll_mix_inc_fs = [logsumexp(log(f)+ll_iso_inc, log1p(-f) + ll_ali_inc) for f in fs]
ll_mix_dec_fs = [logsumexp(log(f)+ll_iso_dec, log1p(-f) + ll_ali_dec) for f in fs]

ll_mix_flat = log(trapz(exp(ll_mix_flat_fs), fs))
ll_mix_inc = log(trapz(exp(ll_mix_inc_fs), fs))
ll_mix_dec = log(trapz(exp(ll_mix_dec_fs), fs))

lls = [ll_iso_flat, ll_ali_flat, ll_mix_flat, ll_iso_inc, ll_ali_inc, ll_mix_inc, ll_iso_dec, ll_ali_dec, ll_mix_inc]
lls -= ll_iso_dec # Re-normalise to decreasing-isotropic

xs = collect(1:9)

bar(xs, exp(lls), align="center")

gca()[:set_xticklabels](["", "FI", "FA", "FM", "HI", "HA", "HM", "LI", "LA", "LM", ""])
ylabel(L"$p\left( d \mid M \right) / p\left( d \mid \mathrm{LI} \right)$")

open("../data/four-event-model-selection.csv", "w") do f
    write(f, "FI,FA,FM,HI,HA,HM,LI,LA,LM\n")
    writecsv(f, [exp(lls)])

WARNING: exp{T <: Number}(x::AbstractArray{T}) is deprecated, use exp.(x) instead.
 [1] depwarn(::String, ::Symbol) at ./deprecated.jl:70
 [2] exp(::Array{Float64,1}) at ./deprecated.jl:57
 [3] include_string(::String, ::String) at ./loading.jl:515
 [4] execute_request(::ZMQ.Socket, ::IJulia.Msg) at /Users/farr/.julia/v0.6/IJulia/src/execute_request.jl:160
 [5] eventloop(::ZMQ.Socket) at /Users/farr/.julia/v0.6/IJulia/src/eventloop.jl:8
 [6] (::IJulia.##11#14)() at ./task.jl:335
while loading In[18], in expression starting on line 13
WARNING: exp{T <: Number}(x::AbstractArray{T}) is deprecated, use exp.(x) instead.
 [1] depwarn(::String, ::Symbol) at ./deprecated.jl:70
 [2] exp(::Array{Float64,1}) at ./deprecated.jl:57
 [3] include_string(::String, ::String) at ./loading.jl:515
 [4] execute_request(::ZMQ.Socket, ::IJulia.Msg) at /Users/farr/.julia/v0.6/IJulia/src/execute_request.jl:160
 [5] eventloop(::ZMQ.Socket) at /Users/farr/.julia/v0.6/IJulia/src/eventloop.jl:8
 [6] (::IJulia.##11#14)() at ./task.jl:335
while loading In[18], in expression starting on line 14
WARNING: exp{T <: Number}(x::AbstractArray{T}) is deprecated, use exp.(x) instead.
 [1] depwarn(::String, ::Symbol) at ./deprecated.jl:70
 [2] exp(::Array{Float64,1}) at ./deprecated.jl:57
 [3] include_string(::String, ::String) at ./loading.jl:515
 [4] execute_request(::ZMQ.Socket, ::IJulia.Msg) at /Users/farr/.julia/v0.6/IJulia/src/execute_request.jl:160
 [5] eventloop(::ZMQ.Socket) at /Users/farr/.julia/v0.6/IJulia/src/eventloop.jl:8
 [6] (::IJulia.##11#14)() at ./task.jl:335
while loading In[18], in expression starting on line 15
WARNING: exp{T <: Number}(x::AbstractArray{T}) is deprecated, use exp.(x) instead.
 [1] depwarn(::String, ::Symbol) at ./deprecated.jl:70
 [2] exp(::Array{Float64,1}) at ./deprecated.jl:57
 [3] include_string(::String, ::String) at ./loading.jl:515
 [4] execute_request(::ZMQ.Socket, ::IJulia.Msg) at /Users/farr/.julia/v0.6/IJulia/src/execute_request.jl:160
 [5] eventloop(::ZMQ.Socket) at /Users/farr/.julia/v0.6/IJulia/src/eventloop.jl:8
 [6] (::IJulia.##11#14)() at ./task.jl:335
while loading In[18], in expression starting on line 22
WARNING: exp{T <: Number}(x::AbstractArray{T}) is deprecated, use exp.(x) instead.
 [1] depwarn(::String, ::Symbol) at ./deprecated.jl:70
 [2] exp(::Array{Float64,1}) at ./deprecated.jl:57
 [3] open(::##60#61, ::String, ::String) at ./iostream.jl:152
 [4] include_string(::String, ::String) at ./loading.jl:515
 [5] execute_request(::ZMQ.Socket, ::IJulia.Msg) at /Users/farr/.julia/v0.6/IJulia/src/execute_request.jl:160
 [6] eventloop(::ZMQ.Socket) at /Users/farr/.julia/v0.6/IJulia/src/eventloop.jl:8
 [7] (::IJulia.##11#14)() at ./task.jl:335
while loading In[18], in expression starting on line 30

We want to turn the evidence ratio between the best isotropic and best aligned models into a "sigma". This uses a two-sided definition of p-value (either model could have been preferred).

In [19]:
er_iso_ali = exp(max(ll_iso_flat, ll_iso_inc, ll_iso_dec)-max(ll_ali_flat, ll_ali_dec, ll_ali_inc))
println(@sprintf("Odds ratio between best isotropic and best aligned is %.2g", 1.0/er_iso_ali))
println(@sprintf("Corresponds to %.2g sigma", inv_gaussian_cdf(0.5/er_iso_ali)))

Odds ratio between best isotropic and best aligned is 0.014
Corresponds to 2.5 sigma

Mock O2 Catalog

We generate a mock-O2 catalog by choosing a random uncertainty from one of the three events, picking a $\chieff^\mathrm{true}$ from the flat-isotropic distribution, generating an "observation" of this via $\chieff^\mathrm{obs} = \chieff^\mathrm{true} + N(0,\sigma)$, whence the posterior is $\chieff \sim N\left( \chieff^\mathrm{obs}, \sigma \right) \piso\left( \chieff \right)$.

Below is the money plot for the paper. We generate 1000 mock-O2's (10 additional events), plus the existing O1's, for each of the six distributions for $\chieff$, and perform the model selection for each O1+O2. Plotted are the resulting median (blue bar) and 68% interval (green line) odds ratios for each model; the "true" model in each set of O1+O2's is outlined in red and normalises the remaining odds ratios (i.e. is fixed to 1). The "isotropic" scenarios occupy the top row, and the "aligned" scenarios occupy the bottom row.

A few things to note:

  • Because we are appending the existing O1 samples to the mock-O2 catalogs, there is no requirement that the "true" model have the highest odds ratio. In particular, the existing samples, all at low $\chieff$ strongly disfavour the increasing-aligned scenario, so even when that is truth, other aligned scenarios come out ahead after only 10 more events.
  • A model from the same "aligned"/"isotropic" class as the true model is always preferred by at least 3-sigma ($10^{-4}$ odds ratio).
  • We have difficulty distinguishing among the $p(a)$ distributions post-O2, even though we can determine the angular distribution with confidence. This should justify our very simple models for the magnitude distribution, though we can always check what happens with more extreme versions.

This cell takes a long time to run, so don't evaluate it unless you are prepared to wait.

In [29]:
function mockcatalog(n, draw_chieff)
    samples = []
    for i in 1:n
        sigma = rand([sigmaGW150914, sigmaLVT151012, sigmaGW151226])
        chieff_true = draw_chieff()
        chieff_obs = chieff_true + sigma*randn()
        chieff_samps = chieff_obs + sigma*randn(10000)
        chieff_wts = p_iso_flat.(chieff_samps)
        cesamps = []
        wtmax = maximum(chieff_wts)
        for (ce, w) in zip(chieff_samps, chieff_wts)
            r = wtmax*rand()
            if r < w
                push!(cesamps, ce)
        push!(samples, cesamps)

model_names = ["FI", "FA", "HI", "HA", "LI", "LA"]
draw_functions = [
    () -> draw_chieff(1.0, () -> rand()*draw_iota()),
    () -> draw_chieff(1.0, rand),
    () -> draw_chieff(1.0, () -> draw_increasing()*draw_iota()),
    () -> draw_chieff(1.0, () -> draw_increasing()),
    () -> draw_chieff(1.0, () -> draw_decreasing()*draw_iota()),
    () -> draw_chieff(1.0, () -> draw_decreasing())
distribution_functions = [

function model_loglikes(samples, p_prior)
    [marginal_model_likelihood(samples, df, p_prior) for df in distribution_functions] 
fig, axs = subplots(2,3,sharex=true,sharey=true)
subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0.1)
nmc = 1000

data_rows = []
header = vcat(["truth"], vcat([["$(n)_med", "$(n)_uncert_plus", "$(n)_uncert_minus"] for n in model_names]...))

for i in eachindex(draw_functions)
    ax = axs[i]
    lls = []
    for j in 1:nmc
        mockO2 = vcat(mocksamples, mockcatalog(10, draw_functions[i]))
        ll = model_loglikes(mockO2, p_iso_flat)
        ll = ll .- ll[i]
        push!(lls, ll)
    lls = hcat(lls...)
    med_ls = [quantile(vec(lls[i,:]), 0.5) for i in 1:6]
    low_ls = [quantile(vec(lls[i,:]), 0.16) for i in 1:6]
    high_ls = [quantile(vec(lls[i,:]), 0.84) for i in 1:6]

    log_er_iso_ali = Float64[]
    for j in 1:nmc
        push!(log_er_iso_ali, max(lls[1,j], lls[3,j], lls[5,j]) - max(lls[2,j], lls[4,j], lls[6,j]))
    med_er = exp(-median(abs(log_er_iso_ali))) # abs(...) because we want to measure the 50% most-extreme in either direction
    med_sigma = inv_gaussian_cdf(med_er/2.0)
    p5_least_extreme_er = exp(-quantile(abs(log_er_iso_ali), 0.05))
    p5_least_extreme_sigma = inv_gaussian_cdf(p5_least_extreme_er/2.0)
    println(@sprintf("In case %s, median iso-aligned odds ratio %7.02g (%7.02g sigma)", model_names[i], med_er, med_sigma))
    println(@sprintf("            5%% iso-aligned odds ratio     %7.02g (%7.02g sigma)", p5_least_extreme_er, p5_least_extreme_sigma))

    y = exp(med_ls)
    yerr_high = exp(high_ls) - exp(med_ls)
    yerr_low = exp(med_ls) - exp(low_ls)
    yerr = vcat(yerr_low', yerr_high')
    ecolor = [sns.color_palette()[1] for j in 1:6]
    ecolor[i] = sns.color_palette()[3]
    ax[:bar](collect(1:6), y, align="center", yerr=yerr, ecolor=sns.color_palette()[2], tick_label=model_names, edgecolor=ecolor, color=sns.color_palette()[1], linewidth=2)
    if (i==1) || (i==2)
        ax[:set_ylabel](L"$p\left( d \mid M \right) / p\left( d \mid M_\mathrm{true} \right)$")
    push!(data_rows, vcat([model_names[i]], vcat([[y[j], yerr_high[j], yerr_low[j]] for j in eachindex(y)]...)))

open("../data/future-model-selection.csv", "w") do f
    write(f, join(header, ","))
    write(f, "\n")
    writecsv(f, data_rows)

In case FI, median iso-aligned odds ratio 1.6e-09 (      6 sigma)
            5% iso-aligned odds ratio     0.00032 (    3.6 sigma)
WARNING: Method definition mockcatalog(Any, Any) in module Main at In[28]:2 overwritten at In[29]:2.
WARNING: Method definition model_loglikes(Any, Any) in module Main at In[28]:44 overwritten at In[29]:44.
In case FA, median iso-aligned odds ratio 0.00049 (    3.5 sigma)
            5% iso-aligned odds ratio       0.012 (    2.5 sigma)
In case HI, median iso-aligned odds ratio 4.5e-09 (    5.9 sigma)
            5% iso-aligned odds ratio     0.00034 (    3.6 sigma)
In case HA, median iso-aligned odds ratio 1.5e-07 (    5.3 sigma)
            5% iso-aligned odds ratio     2.6e-05 (    4.2 sigma)
In case LI, median iso-aligned odds ratio 5.4e-10 (    6.2 sigma)
            5% iso-aligned odds ratio     2e-05 (    4.3 sigma)
In case LA, median iso-aligned odds ratio   0.015 (    2.4 sigma)
            5% iso-aligned odds ratio        0.48 (    0.7 sigma)

In [10]:
bins = collect(-1:0.01:1) # Hopefully spaced finely enough

p_ali_flat_05 = make_histogram_density(bins, hist_counts(bins, [draw_chieff(0.5, rand) for i in 1:1000000])[2])
p_iso_flat_05 = make_histogram_density(bins, hist_counts(bins, [draw_chieff(0.5, () -> draw_iota()*rand()) for i in 1:1000000])[2])

p_ali_inc_05 = make_histogram_density(bins, hist_counts(bins, [draw_chieff(0.5, draw_increasing) for i in 1:1000000])[2])
p_iso_inc_05 = make_histogram_density(bins, hist_counts(bins, [draw_chieff(0.5, () -> draw_iota()*draw_increasing()) for i in 1:1000000])[2])

p_ali_dec_05 = make_histogram_density(bins, hist_counts(bins, [draw_chieff(0.5, draw_decreasing) for i in 1:1000000])[2])
p_iso_dec_05 = make_histogram_density(bins, hist_counts(bins, [draw_chieff(0.5, () -> draw_iota()*draw_decreasing()) for i in 1:1000000])[2])

chieffs = collect(-1:0.001:1)

pif = p_iso_flat.(chieffs)
paf = p_ali_flat.(chieffs)

pii = p_iso_inc.(chieffs)
pai = p_ali_inc.(chieffs)

pid = p_iso_dec.(chieffs)
pad = p_ali_dec.(chieffs)

pif0p5 = p_iso_flat_05.(chieffs)
paf0p5 = p_ali_flat_05.(chieffs)

pii0p5 = p_iso_inc_05.(chieffs)
pai0p5 = p_ali_inc_05.(chieffs)

pid0p5 = p_iso_dec_05.(chieffs)
pad0p5 = p_ali_dec_05.(chieffs)

plot(chieffs, pif, "-", color=sns.color_palette()[1], label="Flat Isotropic (q=1)")
plot(chieffs, paf, "--", color=sns.color_palette()[1], label="Flat Aligned (q=1)")

plot(chieffs, pii, "-", color=sns.color_palette()[2], label="High Isotropic (q=1)")
plot(chieffs, pai, "--", color=sns.color_palette()[2], label="High Aligned (q=1)")

plot(chieffs, pid, "-", color=sns.color_palette()[3], label="Low Isotropic (q=1)")
plot(chieffs, pad, "--", color=sns.color_palette()[3], label="Low Aligned (q=1)")

plot(chieffs, pif0p5, "-", color=sns.color_palette()[4], label="Flat Isotropic (q=0.5)")
plot(chieffs, paf0p5, "--", color=sns.color_palette()[4], label="Flat Aligned (q=0.5)")

plot(chieffs, pii0p5, "-", color=sns.color_palette()[5], label="High Isotropic (q=0.5)")
plot(chieffs, pai0p5, "--", color=sns.color_palette()[5], label="High Aligned (q=0.5)")

plot(chieffs, pid0p5, "-", color=sns.color_palette()[6], label="Low Isotropic (q=0.5)")
plot(chieffs, pad0p5, "--", color=sns.color_palette()[6], label="Low Aligned (q=0.5)")

ylabel(L"$p\left( \chi_\mathrm{eff}\right)$")

open("../data/chieff-dist-mass-ratio.csv", "w") do f
    write(f, "chieff,FI,FA,HI,HA,LI,LA,FI0p5,FA0p5,HI0p5,HA0p5,LI0p5,LA0p5\n")
    writecsv(f, hcat(chieffs, pif, paf, pii, pai, pid, pad, pif0p5, paf0p5, pii0p5, pai0p5, pid0p5, pad0p5))

In [ ]: