COVID-19 Deaths Per Capita

Comparing death rates adjusting for population size.

  • comments: true
  • author: Joao B. Duarte & Hamel Husain
  • categories: [growth, compare, interactive]
  • hide: false
  • image: images/covid-permillion-trajectories.png
  • permalink: /covid-compare-permillion/

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import altair as alt
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

chart_width = 550
chart_height= 400

Deaths Per Million Of Inhabitants

Since reaching at least 1 death per million

Tip: Click (Shift+ for multiple) on countries in the legend to filter the visualization.

In [2]:
data = pd.read_csv("", error_bad_lines=False)
data = data.drop(columns=["Lat", "Long"])
data = data.melt(id_vars= ["Province/State", "Country/Region"])
data = pd.DataFrame(data.groupby(['Country/Region', "variable"]).sum())
data = data.rename(columns={"Country/Region": "location", "variable": "date", "value": "total_cases"})
data['date'] =pd.to_datetime(
data = data.sort_values(by = "date")
data.loc[data.location == "US","location"] = "United States"
data.loc[data.location == "Korea, South","location"] = "South Korea"

data_pwt = pd.read_stata("")

filter1 = data_pwt["year"] == 2017
data_pop = data_pwt[filter1]
data_pop = data_pop[["country","pop"]]
data_pop.loc[ == "Republic of Korea","country"] = "South Korea"
data_pop.loc[ == "Iran (Islamic Republic of)","country"] = "Iran"

# per habitant
data_pc = data.copy()
countries = ["China", "Italy", "Spain", "France", "United Kingdom", "Germany", 
             "Portugal", "United States", "Singapore","South Korea", "Japan", 
data_countries = []
data_countries_pc = []

# compute per habitant
for i in countries:
    data_pc.loc[data_pc.location == i,"total_cases"] = data_pc.loc[data_pc.location == i,"total_cases"]/float(data_pop.loc[ == i, "pop"])

    # get each country time series
filter1 = data_pc["total_cases"] > 1
for i in countries:
    filter_country = data_pc["location"]== i
    data_countries_pc.append(data_pc[filter_country & filter1])

In [3]:
# Stack data to get it to Altair dataframe format
data_countries_pc2 = data_countries_pc.copy()
for i in range(0,len(countries)):
    data_countries_pc2[i] = data_countries_pc2[i].reset_index()
    data_countries_pc2[i]['n_days'] = data_countries_pc2[i].index
    data_countries_pc2[i]['log_cases'] = np.log(data_countries_pc2[i]["total_cases"])
data_plot = data_countries_pc2[0]
for i in range(1, len(countries)):    
    data_plot = pd.concat([data_plot, data_countries_pc2[i]], axis=0)
data_plot["trend_2days"] = data_plot["n_days"]*1/2
data_plot["trend_4days"] = data_plot["n_days"]*1/4
data_plot["trend_12days"] = data_plot["n_days"]*1/12
data_plot["trend_2days_label"] = "Doubles every 2 days"
data_plot["trend_4days_label"] = "Doubles evey 4 days"
data_plot["trend_12days_label"] = "Doubles every 12 days"

# Plot it using Altair
source = data_plot

scales = alt.selection_interval(bind='scales')
selection = alt.selection_multi(fields=['location'], bind='legend')

base = alt.Chart(source, title = "COVID-19 Deaths Since Outbreak").encode(
    x = alt.X('n_days:Q', title = "Days passed since reaching 1 death per million of inhabitants"),
    y = alt.Y("log_cases:Q",title = "Log of Deaths Per Million of Inhabitants"),
    color = alt.Color('location:N', legend=alt.Legend(title="Country", labelFontSize=15, titleFontSize=17),
    opacity = alt.condition(selection, alt.value(1), alt.value(0.1))

lines = base.mark_line().add_selection(

trend_2d = alt.Chart(source).encode(
    x = "n_days:Q",
    y = alt.Y("trend_2days:Q",  scale=alt.Scale(domain=(0, max(data_plot["log_cases"])))),
).mark_line(color="grey", strokeDash=[3,3])

labels = pd.DataFrame([{'label': 'Doubles every 2 days', 'x_coord': 6, 'y_coord': 4},
                       {'label': 'Doubles every 4 days', 'x_coord': 17, 'y_coord': 3.5},
                       {'label': 'Doubles every 12 days', 'x_coord': 25, 'y_coord': 2.5},
trend_label = (alt.Chart(labels)
                    .mark_text(align='left', dx=-55, dy=-15, fontSize=12, color="grey")

trend_4d = alt.Chart(source).mark_line(color="grey", strokeDash=[3,3]).encode(
    x = "n_days:Q",
    y = alt.Y("trend_4days:Q",  scale=alt.Scale(domain=(0, max(data_plot["log_cases"])))),

trend_12d = alt.Chart(source).mark_line(color="grey", strokeDash=[3,3]).encode(
    x = "n_days:Q",
    y = alt.Y("trend_12days:Q",  scale=alt.Scale(domain=(0, max(data_plot["log_cases"])))),

(trend_2d + trend_4d + trend_12d + trend_label + lines)


Last Available Total Deaths By Country:

In [4]:
label = 'Deaths'
temp = pd.concat([x.copy() for x in data_countries_pc]).loc[lambda x: >= '3/1/2020']

metric_name = f'{label} per Million'
temp.columns = ['Country', 'date', metric_name]
# temp.loc[:, 'month'] ='%Y-%m')
temp.loc[:, f'Log of {label} per Million'] = temp[f'{label} per Million'].apply(lambda x: np.log10(x))


# summary = temp.set_index('date').groupby(['Country', 'month']).last()
# pd.pivot_table(summary, 
#                index='Country', 
#                values=[f'Log of Total {label} per Million',metric_name], 
#                columns='month').fillna('')

date Deaths per Million Log of Deaths per Million
China 2020-03-20 2.307882 0.363214
France 2020-03-20 6.693804 0.825673
Iran 2020-03-20 17.655874 1.246889
Italy 2020-03-20 67.924641 1.832027
South Korea 2020-03-20 1.843780 0.265709
Spain 2020-03-20 22.500599 1.352194
United Kingdom 2020-03-20 2.689570 0.429683

In [5]:
# Get data and clean it

data = pd.read_csv("", error_bad_lines=False)
data = data.drop(columns=["Lat", "Long"])
data = data.melt(id_vars= ["Province/State", "Country/Region"])
data = pd.DataFrame(data.groupby(['Country/Region', "variable"]).sum())
data = data.rename(columns={"Country/Region": "location", "variable": "date", "value": "total_cases"})
data['date'] =pd.to_datetime(
data = data.sort_values(by = "date")
data.loc[data.location == "US","location"] = "United States"
data.loc[data.location == "Korea, South","location"] = "South Korea"

# Population data (last year is 2017 which is what we use)
data_pwt = pd.read_stata("")

filter1 = data_pwt["year"] == 2017
data_pop = data_pwt[filter1]
data_pop = data_pop[["country","pop"]]
data_pop.loc[ == "Republic of Korea","country"] = "South Korea"
data_pop.loc[ == "Iran (Islamic Republic of)","country"] = "Iran"

# per habitant
data_pc = data.copy()

# I can add more countries if needed
countries = ["China", "Italy", "Spain", "France", "United Kingdom", "Germany", 
             "Portugal", "United States", "Singapore","South Korea", "Japan", 

data_countries = []
data_countries_pc = []

# compute per habitant
for i in countries:
    data_pc.loc[data_pc.location == i,"total_cases"] = data_pc.loc[data_pc.location == i,"total_cases"]/float(data_pop.loc[ == i, "pop"])
# get each country time series
filter1 = data_pc["total_cases"] > 1

for i in countries:
    filter_country = data_pc["location"]== i
    data_countries_pc.append(data_pc[filter_country & filter1])


Warning: The following chart, "Cases Per Million of Habitants" is biased depending on how widely a country administers tests. Please read with caution.

Cases Per Million of Habitants

In [6]:
# Stack data to get it to Altair dataframe format
data_countries_pc2 = data_countries_pc.copy()
for i in range(0,len(countries)):
    data_countries_pc2[i] = data_countries_pc2[i].reset_index()
    data_countries_pc2[i]['n_days'] = data_countries_pc2[i].index
    data_countries_pc2[i]['log_cases'] = np.log(data_countries_pc2[i]["total_cases"])
data_plot = data_countries_pc2[0]
for i in range(1, len(countries)):    
    data_plot = pd.concat([data_plot, data_countries_pc2[i]], axis=0)
data_plot["trend_2days"] = data_plot["n_days"]*1/2
data_plot["trend_4days"] = data_plot["n_days"]*1/4
data_plot["trend_12days"] = data_plot["n_days"]*1/12
data_plot["trend_2days_label"] = "Doubles every 2 days"
data_plot["trend_4days_label"] = "Doubles evey 4 days"
data_plot["trend_12days_label"] = "Doubles every 12 days"

# Plot it using Altair
source = data_plot

scales = alt.selection_interval(bind='scales')
selection = alt.selection_multi(fields=['location'], bind='legend')

base = alt.Chart(source, title = "COVID-19 Confirmed Cases Since Outbreak").encode(
    x = alt.X('n_days:Q', title = "Days passed since reaching 1 case per million of inhabitants"),
    y = alt.Y("log_cases:Q",title = "Log of Confirmed Cases Per Million of Inhabitants"),
    color = alt.Color('location:N', legend=alt.Legend(title="Country", labelFontSize=15, titleFontSize=17),
    opacity = alt.condition(selection, alt.value(1), alt.value(0.1))

lines = base.mark_line().add_selection(

trend_2d = alt.Chart(source).encode(
    x = "n_days:Q",
    y = alt.Y("trend_2days:Q",  scale=alt.Scale(domain=(0, max(data_plot["log_cases"])))),
).mark_line( strokeDash=[3,3], color="grey")

labels = pd.DataFrame([{'label': 'Doubles every 2 days', 'x_coord': 10, 'y_coord': 6},
                       {'label': 'Doubles every 4 days', 'x_coord': 30, 'y_coord': 6},
                       {'label': 'Doubles every 12 days', 'x_coord': 45, 'y_coord': 4},
trend_label = (alt.Chart(labels)
                    .mark_text(align='left', dx=-55, dy=-15, fontSize=12, color="grey")

trend_4d = alt.Chart(source).mark_line(color="grey", strokeDash=[3,3]).encode(
    x = "n_days:Q",
    y = alt.Y("trend_4days:Q",  scale=alt.Scale(domain=(0, max(data_plot["log_cases"])))),

trend_12d = alt.Chart(source).mark_line(color="grey", strokeDash=[3,3]).encode(
    x = "n_days:Q",
    y = alt.Y("trend_12days:Q",  scale=alt.Scale(domain=(0, max(data_plot["log_cases"])))),

(trend_2d  + trend_4d + trend_12d + trend_label + lines)


In [7]:
label = 'Cases'
temp = pd.concat([x.copy() for x in data_countries_pc]).loc[lambda x: >= '3/1/2020']

metric_name = f'{label} per Million'
temp.columns = ['Country', 'date', metric_name]
# temp.loc[:, 'month'] ='%Y-%m')
temp.loc[:, f'Log of {label} per Million'] = temp[f'{label} per Million'].apply(lambda x: np.log10(x))

# summary = temp.set_index('date').groupby(['Country', 'month']).last()
# pd.pivot_table(summary, 
#                index='Country', 
#                values=[f'Log of Total {label} per Million',metric_name], 
#                columns='month').fillna('')


date Cases per Million Log of Cases per Million
Brazil 2020-03-20 3.789032 0.578528
China 2020-03-20 57.643841 1.760753
France 2020-03-20 189.300776 2.277152
Germany 2020-03-20 241.712072 2.383298
Iran 2020-03-20 242.032099 2.383873
Italy 2020-03-20 792.134065 2.898799
Japan 2020-03-20 7.553862 0.878169
Portugal 2020-03-20 98.746253 1.994521
Singapore 2020-03-20 67.439220 1.828913
South Korea 2020-03-20 169.706249 2.229698
Spain 2020-03-20 440.304157 2.643753
United Kingdom 2020-03-20 60.651311 1.782840
United States 2020-03-20 58.867136 1.769873

In [ ]: