In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
from eden.util import configure_logging
import logging
from IPython.core.display import HTML
HTML('<style>.container { width:95% !important; }</style><style>.output_png {display: table-cell;text-align: center;vertical-align: middle;}</style>')
In [ ]:
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
In [27]:
import pylab as plt
import math
def plot_scores(scores, num_graphs_per_plot = 4):
num_plots = int(math.ceil(len(scores)/float(num_graphs_per_plot)))
for i in range(num_plots):
for j,score in enumerate(scores[start:end]):
data = score
plt.plot(data, linewidth=2, label='graph %d'%(j+i*num_graphs_per_plot))
plt.plot(data, linestyle='None', markerfacecolor='white', markeredgecolor='k', marker='o', markeredgewidth=2,markersize=6)
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
In [3]:
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
def select_most_central(best_graphs, vec):
x = vec.transform(best_graphs)
sim_matrix = cosine_similarity(x)
sim_score = np.mean(sim_matrix, axis=1)
best_id = np.argmax(sim_score)
return best_id
from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans
def clusterize(graphs, vec, n_clusters=2):
x = vec.transform(graphs)
km = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters)
classes = km.fit_predict(x)
for reference_typeof in set(classes):
for typeof, graph in zip(classes, graphs):
if typeof == reference_typeof:
return clusters
def prototypes(graphs, vec, n_clusters=2):
clusters = clusterize(graphs, vec, n_clusters)
return [select_most_central(cluster, vec) for cluster in clusters]
In [4]:
assay_id = '651610' #apr93 23k mols
assay_id = '1834' #apr90 500 mols
assay_id = '624466' #apr88 p5k n23k
assay_id = '588350' #apr86 p1k n600
assay_id = '449764' #apr85
assay_id = '492952' #apr85
assay_id = '463112' #apr82
assay_id = '463213' #apr70
assay_id = '119' #apr60 30k mols
assay_id = '1224857'#apr10
assay_id = '2326' #apr03 200k mols
# choose
assay_id = '588350' #apr86 p1k n600
In [5]:
from toolz import curry, pipe
from import download
from eden_chem.obabel import load as babel_load
download_active = curry(download)(active=True)
download_inactive = curry(download)(active=False)
def get_pos_graphs(assay_id): return pipe(assay_id, download_active, babel_load, list)
def get_neg_graphs(assay_id): return pipe(assay_id, download_inactive, babel_load, list)
def get_graphs(): return get_pos_graphs(assay_id)
In [6]:
from eden.graph import Vectorizer
vec = Vectorizer(complexity=3, n_jobs=1, normalization=False, inner_normalization=False)
graphs = get_graphs()
In [7]:
from eden.display import map_labels_to_colors
label_colors = map_labels_to_colors(graphs)
from graphlearn.utils import draw
draw_params=dict(n_graphs_per_line=6, size=8,
colormap='Paired', vertex_color='_labels_',
vertex_alpha=0.5, edge_alpha=0.2)
In [8]:
# extract pos and neg graphs
pos_graphs = get_pos_graphs(assay_id)
neg_graphs = get_neg_graphs(assay_id)
all_graphs = pos_graphs + neg_graphs
In [9]:
print('n pos=%5d'%len(pos_graphs))
print('n neg=%5d'%len(neg_graphs))
In [10]:
def min_similarity_selection(matrix, scores=None, max_num=None):
"""Select the max_num most dissimialr instances.
Given a similarity matrix and a score associate to each instance,
iteratively find the most similar pair and remove the one with the
smallest score until only max_num remain.
similarity_matrix = matrix.copy()
size = similarity_matrix.shape[0]
# remove diagonal elements, so that sim(i,i)=0 and the pair i,i is not selected
similarity_matrix = similarity_matrix - np.diag(np.diag(similarity_matrix))
# iterate size - k times, i.e. until only k instances are left
for t in range(size - max_num):
# find pairs with largest similarity
(i,j) = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(similarity_matrix), similarity_matrix.shape)
# choose instance with smallest score as the one to be removed
if scores[i] < scores[j]:
id = i
id = j
# remove instance with lower score by setting all its pairwise similaritites to 0
similarity_matrix[id, :] = 0
similarity_matrix[:, id] = 0
# extract surviving elements, i.e. element that have a row that is not only 0s
select_ids = [i for i, row in enumerate(similarity_matrix) if np.sum(row)>0]
return select_ids
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict
from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
def compute_score(x, y, k=5):
# induce classification model and compute crossvalidated confidence
# compute std estimate of the score for each instance
y_preds = []
n_iterations = 5
for rnd in range(n_iterations):
sgd = SGDClassifier(average=True, class_weight='balanced', shuffle=True, n_jobs=-1, random_state=rnd)
cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, random_state=rnd)
y_pred = cross_val_predict(sgd, x, y, method='decision_function', cv=cv)
y_preds = np.array(y_preds).T
mean_y_preds = np.mean(y_preds, axis=1)
std_y_preds = np.std(y_preds, axis=1)
# predictive score is the mean+std
preds = mean_y_preds + std_y_preds
# compute score averaging k neighbors
nn = NearestNeighbors()
distances, neighbors = nn.kneighbors(x, k)
avg_pred_scores = np.mean(preds[neighbors],axis=1)
# NOTE: if one instance is duplicated, then the distance is 0 and the volume collapses to 0
avg_dist_scores = sp.stats.mstats.gmean(distances,axis=1)
vol_scores = sp.stats.mstats.gmean(avg_dist_scores[neighbors],axis=1)
# score is product of volume and average estimated score
# the idea is to find the largest volume, i.e. the most diverse set
# that is at the same time high scoring
scores = avg_pred_scores * vol_scores
return scores
def make_data(pos_graphs, neg_graphs):
# prepare x,y
y = [1]*len(pos_graphs)+[-1]*len(neg_graphs)
all_graphs = pos_graphs + neg_graphs
x = vec.transform(all_graphs)
return all_graphs, x, y
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
def select_diverse_representative_set(all_graphs, x, scores, size=18, top_perc=0.1):
# sort ids from the most uncertain average prediction
ids = np.argsort(-scores)
# select a perc of the num of positives
k_top_scoring = int(len(all_graphs)*top_perc)
sel_ids = ids[:k_top_scoring]
sel_vecs = x[sel_ids]
sel_scores = scores[sel_ids]
# compute the similarity matrix as cos similarity
similarity_matrix = cosine_similarity(sel_vecs)
# select 'size' most different instances
rel_seed_ids = min_similarity_selection(similarity_matrix, scores=sel_scores, max_num=size)
seed_ids = [sel_ids[i] for i in rel_seed_ids]
sel_seed_graphs = [all_graphs[gid] for gid in seed_ids]
return seed_ids, sel_seed_graphs
def select_diverse_representative_set_for_positives(pos_graphs, neg_graphs, size=18, top_perc=0.1, k=5):
all_graphs, x, y = make_data(pos_graphs, neg_graphs)
# compute score as mean confidence in k neighbors
scores = compute_score(x, y, k)
dat = select_diverse_representative_set(all_graphs, x, scores, size, top_perc)
seed_ids, sel_seed_graphs = dat
seed_scores = scores[seed_ids]
return seed_ids, sel_seed_graphs, seed_scores
def select_diverse_representative_active_set(pos_graphs, neg_graphs, size=18, top_perc=0.1, k=5):
all_graphs, x, y = make_data(pos_graphs, neg_graphs)
# compute score as mean confidence in k neighbors
scores = compute_score(x, y, k)
# score is high if the prediction is near zero
ambiguity_scores = 1/(1+np.absolute(scores))
dat = select_diverse_representative_set(all_graphs, x, ambiguity_scores, size, top_perc)
seed_ids, sel_seed_graphs = dat
seed_scores = scores[seed_ids]
return seed_ids, sel_seed_graphs, seed_scores
In [11]:
data = select_diverse_representative_active_set(pos_graphs, neg_graphs, size=12)
active_seed_ids, active_sel_seed_graphs, active_seed_scores = data
for i,s in zip(active_seed_ids, active_seed_scores): print('id=%5d score=%10.2f'%(i,s))
draw.graphlearn(active_sel_seed_graphs, **draw_params)
In [12]:
data = select_diverse_representative_set_for_positives(pos_graphs, neg_graphs, size=12)
seed_ids, sel_seed_graphs, seed_scores = data
for i,s in zip(seed_ids, seed_scores): print('id=%5d score=%10.2f'%(i,s))
draw.graphlearn(sel_seed_graphs, **draw_params)
In [13]:
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances
import numpy as np
class DistanceEstimator():
def __init__(self, reference_vecs, desired_distances, weights=None):
self.reference_vecs = reference_vecs
self.desired_distances = desired_distances
if weights is None:
# compute weights as a normalized reciprocals of distances
self.weights = self.weights(desired_distances)
self.weights = weights
def weights(self, desired_distances):
d = np.array(desired_distances)
dn = (d+_epsilon)/(np.sum(d)+_epsilon)
idn = 1/np.square(dn)
nidn = (idn+_epsilon)/(np.sum(idn)+_epsilon)
return nidn
def fit(self,arg,**args):
# the init phase is all that is needed for fitting
def predict(self, vector):
# compute the distance to each of the reference vectors
distances = euclidean_distances(vector, self.reference_vecs)[0]
# score the discrepancy w.r.t. the desired distances
abs_diff = np.abs(distances - self.desired_distances)
weighted_abs_diff = np.multiply(self.weights, abs_diff)
discrepancy = np.mean(weighted_abs_diff)
# convert it to a similarity value to maximize
similarity = 1/(1+discrepancy)
return similarity
In [14]:
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
def extract_neighbors(reference_vec, graphs, n_neighbors=4):
X = vec.transform(graphs)
nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neighbors+1).fit(X)
distances, indices = nbrs.kneighbors(reference_vec)
if distances[0][0] == 0:
distances = distances[0][1:]
indices = list(indices[0])[1:]
distances = distances[0][:-1]
indices = list(indices[0])[:-1]
neighbor_graphs = [graphs[i] for i in indices]
reference_vecs = vec.transform(neighbor_graphs)
weights = cosine_similarity(reference_vec, reference_vecs)[0]
weights = weights / sum(weights)
return neighbor_graphs, reference_vecs, distances, weights
In [15]:
n_neighbors = 6
reference_graph = all_graphs[i]
reference_vec = vec.transform([reference_graph])
data = extract_neighbors(reference_vec, graphs, n_neighbors=n_neighbors)
data = neighbor_graphs, reference_vecs, desired_distances, weights = data
est = DistanceEstimator(reference_vecs, desired_distances, weights)
In [16]:
draw.graphlearn([reference_graph], **draw_params)
for n, (d,w) in enumerate(zip(desired_distances, est.weights)): print('%2d d=%5.1f w=%5.3f'%(n,d,w))
draw.graphlearn(neighbor_graphs, **draw_params)
In [17]:
# compute geometric mean vector to be used as reference vec
import scipy as sp
avg_reference_vec = sp.sparse.csr_matrix.mean(reference_vecs, axis=0)
In [18]:
n_neighbors = 6
data = extract_neighbors(avg_reference_vec, graphs, n_neighbors=n_neighbors)
neighbor_graphs, reference_vecs, desired_distances, weights = data
est = DistanceEstimator(reference_vecs, desired_distances, weights)
In [19]:
for n, (d,w) in enumerate(zip(desired_distances, est.weights)): print('%2d d=%5.1f w=%5.3f'%(n,d,w))
draw.graphlearn(neighbor_graphs, **draw_params)
In [20]:
from graphlearn.graphlearn import Sampler
from graphlearn.utils.neighbors import graph_neighbors
import random
class GreedyIteratedLocalSearchSampler(Sampler):
def _greedy_step(self, graph):
grammar = self.lsgg
transformer = self.graph_transformer
score_func = self._score
neighbors = list(graph_neighbors(graph, grammar, transformer))
max_score, max_graph = max(map(lambda g:(score_func(g),g), neighbors))
return max_graph
def _random_step(self, graph):
grammar = self.lsgg
transformer = self.graph_transformer
neighbors = list(graph_neighbors(graph, grammar, transformer))
return random.choice(neighbors)
def _random_steps(self, graph, n_steps=1):
next_graph = graph
for i in range(n_steps):
next_graph = self._random_step(next_graph)
return next_graph
def _choose_proposal(self, graph):
# if the objective is reached within epsilon then stop
_epsilon = 0.1
if self._score(graph) > 1 - _epsilon:
return graph
# else find the best neighbor
best_neighbor = self._greedy_step(graph)
# if it is an improvement then always select it
if self._score(best_neighbor) > self._score(graph):
return best_neighbor
# else select a random neighbor
random_neighbor = self._random_steps(graph, n_steps=1)
# NOTE: apparently we need to compute the score on the instance
# before returning it, or else the code crashes !?
s = self._score(random_neighbor)
return random_neighbor
In [21]:
from graphlearn.localsubstitutablegraphgrammar import LocalSubstitutableGraphGrammar as lsgg
accept_static_penalty=-1, # needed to accept not improving moves, i.e. the random steps
In [22]:
n, i, c, p = sampler.grammar().size()
print('#instances: %d #interfaces: %d #cores: %d #core-interface-pairs: %d' % (n, i, c, p))
In [23]:
import multiprocessing
from eden import apply_async
def sample_graph(seed_graph, sampler):
samples = list(sampler.transform([seed_graph]))
scores = sampler.monitors[0].sampling_info['score_history']
return samples, scores
def sample_graphs(seed_graphs, sampler):
pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
sample_graphs_scores = [apply_async(pool,sample_graph,args=(seed_graph, sampler)) for seed_graph in seed_graphs]
sample_graphs_scores_list = [p.get() for p in sample_graphs_scores]
return sample_graphs_scores_list
def sample_graphs_scores_list_monotone_filter(sample_graphs_scores_list):
scores = []
sample_graphs_list = []
for i, sample_graphs_scores in enumerate(sample_graphs_scores_list):
_sample_graphs, _scores = sample_graphs_scores
_score = []
_graphs = []
max_score = 0
for s, g in zip(_scores, _sample_graphs[0]):
if s > max_score:
max_score = s
return scores, sample_graphs_list
def sample_monotone_graphs(seed_graphs, sampler):
sample_graphs_scores_list = sample_graphs(seed_graphs, sampler)
scores, sample_graphs_list = sample_graphs_scores_list_monotone_filter(sample_graphs_scores_list)
return scores, sample_graphs_list
In [24]:
# use as seeds the neighbors, the active and some other random graphs
import random
random_graphs = [random.choice(all_graphs) for i in range(len(neighbor_graphs))]
seed_graphs = neighbor_graphs + active_sel_seed_graphs + random_graphs
scores, sample_graphs_list = sample_monotone_graphs(seed_graphs, sampler)
In [28]:
# display results
print('seed graphs')
draw.graphlearn(seed_graphs, **draw_params)
best_graphs = [sample_graphs[-1] for sample_graphs in sample_graphs_list]
print('best result')
best_id = select_most_central(best_graphs, vec)
best_graph = best_graphs[best_id]
draw.graphlearn([best_graph], **draw_params)
print('best graphs')
draw.graphlearn(best_graphs, **draw_params)
print('score history')
print('graph history')
for i, sample_graphs in enumerate(sample_graphs_list):
print('\nGraph id: %d'%(i))
draw.graphlearn(sample_graphs, **draw_params)
In [25]:
# display results
print('seed graphs')
draw.graphlearn(seed_graphs, **draw_params)
best_graphs = [sample_graphs[-1] for sample_graphs in sample_graphs_list]
print('best result')
best_id = select_most_central(best_graphs, vec)
best_graph = best_graphs[best_id]
draw.graphlearn([best_graph], **draw_params)
print('best 2 results')
prototype_graphs = prototypes(graphs, vec, n_clusters=2)
draw.graphlearn(prototype_graphs, **draw_params)
print('best 3 results')
prototype_graphs = prototypes(graphs, vec, n_clusters=3)
draw.graphlearn(prototype_graphs, **draw_params)
print('best graphs')
draw.graphlearn(best_graphs, **draw_params)
print('score history')
print('graph history')
for i, sample_graphs in enumerate(sample_graphs_list):
print('\nGraph id: %d'%(i))
draw.graphlearn(sample_graphs, **draw_params)