In [1]:
# input: given points
points = [
(1, -5),
(3, 3),
(4, 4),
In [2]:
points = [vector(p) for p in points]
n = len(points) - 1
Berechnen $a_0$ bis $a_{n+1}$
$$a_i = y_i$$
In [3]:
a = [p[1] for p in points]
Berechnen $h_0$ bis $h_{n}$
$$h_i = x_{i+1} - x_i$$
In [4]:
h = [points[i+1][0] - points[i][0] for i in range(n)]
Anlegen der Matrix $A \in M(n \times n)$
In [5]:
A = matrix([[1] + [0] * (n) ] +\
[[0]*i + [h[i], 2*(h[i] + h[i+1]), h[i+1]] + [0]*(n - 2 - i) for i in range(n-1)] \
+ [ [0] * (n) + [1] ])
und des Vektors $\bar{b}$
In [6]:
bv = vector([0] + [(3/h[i+1]*(a[i+2] - a[i+1]))- (3/h[i]*(a[i+1] - a[i])) for i in range(n-1)] + [0])
Erweitere Koeffizientenmatrix vom System $A \cdot c = \bar{b}$
In [7]:
_Ab = matrix([A.T[i] for i in range(A.ncols())] + [bv]).T
Oder die Inverse um direkt $c = A^{-1} \cdot \bar{b}$ zu berechnen
In [8]:
Lösung von $A c = \bar{b}$ ergibt $c = \{c_0, c_1, \ldots, c_n\}$
In [9]:
c = (A^-1 * bv)
c = list(c)
In [10]:
b = [1/h[i] * (a[i+1]-a[i]) - h[i]/3*(2*c[i]+c[i+1]) for i in range(n)]
In [11]:
d = [(c[i+1]-c[i])/(3*h[i]) for i in range(n)]
In [12]:
show(LatexExpr('a_i = '), a)
show(LatexExpr('b_i = '), b)
show(LatexExpr('c_i = '), c)
show(LatexExpr('d_i = '), d)
show(LatexExpr('h_i = '), h)
Die Teilststücke von $S(x)$ sind dann: $$S_i(x) = a_i + b_i(x - x+i) + c_i (x - x_i)^2 + d_i (x - x_i)^3$$
In [13]:
# all the splines
S = [a[i] + (b[i] * (x - points[i][0])) + (c[i] * (x - points[i][0])^2) + (d[i] * (x - points[i][0])^3)
for i in range(n)]
for i, s in enumerate(S):
show(LatexExpr("S_{} =".format(i)), s.simplify_full())
In [14]:
# plot the points and the splines for their interval
scatter_plot(points) + \
sum(plot(s, xmin=points[i][0], xmax=points[i+1][0]) for i, s in enumerate(S))
In [15]:
# Sanity checking:
# no output means, that the conditions of cubic splines match. This should always be the case if there are no bugs.
for i in range(len(S)-1):
if S[i].subs(x=points[i+1][0]) != S[i+1].subs(x=points[i+1][0]):
print "Spline {} and {} don't match at x = {}".format(i, i+1, points[i+1][0])
if S[i].derivative().subs(x=points[i+1][0]) != S[i+1].derivative().subs(x=points[i+1][0]):
print "Derivative of spline {} and {} don't match at x = {}".format(i, i+1, points[i+1][0])
if S[i].derivative().derivative().subs(x=points[i+1][0]) != S[i+1].derivative().derivative().subs(x=points[i+1][0]):
print "Second derivative of spline {} and {} don't match at x = {}".format(i, i+1, points[i+1][0])
if S[0].derivative().derivative().subs(x=points[0][0]) != 0:
print "Second derivative of first spline at first point must be 0"
if S[-1].derivative().derivative().subs(x=points[-1][0]) != 0:
print "Second derivative of last spline at last point must be 0"