Forte Tutorial 6: Orbital localization

In this tutorial we are going to explore how to localize orbitals and visualize them in Jupyter notebooks using the Python API.

Let's import the psi4 and forte modules, including the forte.utils submodule

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import psi4
import forte
import forte.utils

We will start by generating SCF orbitals for methane via psi4 using the forte.util.psi4_scf function

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xyz = """
0 1
C       -1.9565506735      0.4146729724      0.0000000000                 
H       -0.8865506735      0.4146729724      0.0000000000                 
H       -2.3132134555      1.1088535618     -0.7319870007                 
H       -2.3132183114      0.7015020975      0.9671697106                 
H       -2.3132196063     -0.5663349614     -0.2351822830
symmetry c1"""

E_scf, wfn = forte.utils.psi4_scf(xyz, 'sto-3g', 'rhf', functional = 'hf')

Next we start forte, setup the MOSpaceInfo object specifying the number of orbitals, and start the integral object

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from forte import forte_options


options = forte.forte_options

mos_spaces = {'RESTRICTED_DOCC' : [5], 'ACTIVE' : [0]}
mo_space_info = forte.make_mo_space_info_from_map(wfn,mos_spaces,[])
scf_info = forte.SCFInfo(wfn)
ints = forte.make_forte_integrals(wfn, options, mo_space_info)

Localizing the orbitals

To localize the orbitals we create a Localize object. We have to passa few object to perform the localization

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localizer = forte.Localize(forte.forte_options, ints, mo_space_info)

Once the Localize object is created, we specify which we want to be localized and can compute the unitary transformation

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From the localizer we can then extract the unitary transformation matrix that correspond to the orbital localizaition. Here we get the alpha part

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Ua = localizer.get_Ua()

We are now ready to read the MOs from psi4 and transform them by computing the product $\mathbf{C}' = \mathbf{C} \mathbf{U}$. We then place the orbitals back into psi4 by calling the copy function on wfn.Ca(). We have to do this because this function returns a smart pointer to the matrix that holds $\mathbf{C}$. If we assigned Ca_local via wfn.Ca() = Ca_local we would not change the orbitals in psi4.

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Ca = wfn.Ca()
Ca_local = psi4.core.doublet(Ca,Ua,False,False)

Lastly we generate cube files for all the occupied orbitals and visualize them. The resulting orbitals consist of a core orbital (which cannot be seen) and four localized C-H $\sigma$ bond orbitals

In [ ]:
cubes = forte.utils.psi4_cubeprop(wfn,path='cubes',nocc=5,nvir=0, load=True)
plot = forte.utils.cube_viewer(cubes)

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