Structure from Motion - Tomasi and Kanade

  • Renato Oliveira
  • Brayan Acevedo
  • Eugênio Pacceli

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import math
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

# We consider keypoints from the same image, but from different matches, equal if they are within 5px from each other
# kp1[i] from orb(img1,img2), in img1, is equal to kp1[j] from orb(img1,img3), in img1 too,
# if kp1[i] and kp1[j] are distanced < MATCH_TOLERANCE_RAY

# Image plot function
def plotImage(title,image):

def Orb_descript(imgA, imgB, title):
    orb = cv2.ORB_create()
    resultsImg = imgB.copy()
    kpA, desA = orb.detectAndCompute(imgA,None)
    kpB, desB = orb.detectAndCompute(imgB,None)
    bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING)
    matches = bf.knnMatch(desA,desB, k=2)
    good = []
    U = []
    V = []
    for m,n in matches:
        if m.distance < n.distance:

    src_pts = np.float32([ kpA[m.queryIdx].pt for m in good ]).reshape(-1,1,2)
    dst_pts = np.float32([ kpB[m.trainIdx].pt for m in good ]).reshape(-1,1,2)

    M, mask = cv2.findHomography(src_pts, dst_pts, cv2.RANSAC,5.0)
    matchesMask = mask.ravel().tolist()
    h,w = imgA.shape
    pts = np.float32([ [0,0],[0,h-1],[w-1,h-1],[w-1,0] ]).reshape(-1,1,2)
    dst = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pts,M)
    img2 = cv2.polylines(resultsImg,[np.int32(dst)],True,255,3, cv2.LINE_AA)
    draw_params = dict(matchColor = (0,255,128), # draw matches in blue color
                       singlePointColor = (0,255,128),
                       matchesMask = matchesMask, # draw only inliers
                       flags = 2)
    img3 = cv2.drawMatches(imgA,kpA,resultsImg,kpB,good,None,**draw_params) 
    plotImage(title, img3)
    return np.array(U), np.array(V)

# function to centralize W
def centralizeW(W):
    newW = np.zeros(W.shape)
    for i in range(W.shape[0]):
        m = (W[i][0] + W[i][1])/2
        newW[i][0] = W[i][0] - m
        newW[i][1] = W[i][1] - m
    return newW;

# function to perform euclidian between two points (tuples: (x,y))
def classicEuclidian(p1, p2):
    return math.sqrt(np.power((p1[0] - p2[0]),2) + np.power((p1[1] - p2[1]),2))

# find equivalent key points from two U and V matrixes, using a fixed image as reference
# (receiving it's points coordinates positions in the Us and Vs, must be the same position)
def findEquivalentKeyPoints(Um1, Vm1, Um2, Vm2, referencePos):
    matchedU = []
    matchedV = []
    for i in range(0, Um1.shape[0]):
        kp1 = (Um1[i][referencePos],Vm1[i][referencePos])
        for j in range(0, Um2.shape[0]):
            kp2 = (Um2[j][referencePos],Vm2[j][referencePos])
            if(classicEuclidian(kp1,kp2) < MATCH_TOLERANCE_RAY):
    return np.array(matchedU), np.array(matchedV)

# find equivalent key points from two U and V matrixes, using a fixed image as reference
# (receiving it's points coordinates positions in the Us and Vs, must be the same position)
# and merge the Us and Vs for the keypoints that matched
# example: image 1 and image 2, image 1 and image 3, creates U[:][0:3] and V[:][0:3] for the keypoints of image 1 both U and V have
def findEquivalentKeyPointsAndMerge(Um1, Vm1, Um2, Vm2, referencePos):
    matchedU = []
    matchedV = []
    toMerge = 0
    if referencePos == 0:
        toMerge = 1 # toMerge = the position not equals referencePos in Um2 and Vm2
    for i in range(0, Um1.shape[0]):
        kp1 = (Um1[i][referencePos],Vm1[i][referencePos])
        for j in range(0, Um2.shape[0]):
            kp2 = (Um2[j][referencePos],Vm2[j][referencePos])
            if(classicEuclidian(kp1,kp2) < MATCH_TOLERANCE_RAY):
    return np.array(matchedU), np.array(matchedV)

# Draw 3D plot
def showPointCloud(R, S):
    num_pts = R.shape[0] + S.shape[0]

    px = np.zeros(num_pts, dtype=np.float)
    py = np.zeros(num_pts, dtype=np.float)
    pz = np.zeros(num_pts, dtype=np.float)
    colors = []

    idx = 0
    for i in S: # Draw points of the cloud
        px[idx] = i[0]
        py[idx] = i[1]
        pz[idx] = i[2]
        colors.append('r') # red
        idx = idx + 1
    for i in R: # Draw cameras
        px[idx] = i[0]
        py[idx] = i[1]
        pz[idx] = i[2]
        colors.append('b') # blue
        idx = idx + 1

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

    ax.scatter(px, py, pz, c=colors)

# BEGINS ----------------------------------------------------------------------
img1 = cv2.imread('img1.jpg', 0)    
img2 = cv2.imread('img2.jpg', 0)
img3 = cv2.imread('img3.jpg', 0)

U1, V1 = Orb_descript(img2,img1, "Images 1 and 2 matches")
U2, V2 = Orb_descript(img2,img3, "Images 2 and 3 matches")
U3, V3 = Orb_descript(img1,img3, "Images 1 and 3 matches")
U23, V23 = findEquivalentKeyPoints(U2, V2, U3, V3, 1) #find equivalents in Us and Vs using image 3 as reference
U123, V123 = findEquivalentKeyPointsAndMerge(U1, V1, U23, V23, 0) #find equivalents in Us and Vs using image 2 as reference

W = np.concatenate((U123,V123), axis = 0)

print("Shape of U: ", U123.shape)
print("Shape of V: ", V123.shape)
print("Shape of W: ", W.shape)

W = centralizeW(W);

U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(W, full_matrices=True)

print("Shape of SVD(W): ", (U.shape, s.shape, V.shape))

U3 = U[:][0:3]
V3 = V[:][0:3]
D3 = np.array([[s[0], 0, 0],
              [0, s[1], 0],
              [0, 0, s[2]]])

S =,np.sqrt(D3))
R =,V3.T)

print("Shape of S: ", S.shape)
print("Shape of R: ", R.shape)

print("Final cloud for ORB:")
showPointCloud(R, S)

Shape of U:  (397, 3)
Shape of V:  (397, 3)
Shape of W:  (794, 3)
Shape of SVD(W):  ((794, 794), (3,), (3, 3))
Shape of S:  (794, 3)
Shape of R:  (3, 3)
Final cloud for ORB:

Harris ...

In [3]:
def compute_harris_points(img, sigma=2):
    #compute derivates in the image 
    imx = np.zeros(img.size)
    imy = np.zeros(img.size)
    imx = filters.gaussian_filter(img, (sigma,sigma), (0,1))
    imy = filters.gaussian_filter(img, (sigma,sigma), (1,0))
    # compute the products of derivatives at every pixel
    Sxx = filters.gaussian_filter(imx*imx,sigma)
    Sxy = filters.gaussian_filter(imx*imy,sigma)
    Syy = filters.gaussian_filter(imy*imy,sigma)
    # determinant and trace
    Mdet = Sxx*Syy - Sxy**2
    Mtr = Sxx + Syy
    harris = np.divide(Mdet, Mtr)
    harris[np.isposinf(harris)] = 0
    harris[np.isnan(harris)] = 0
    return harris

def doHarrisNonMaxSupression(harrisim,min_dist=10,threshold=0.1):
    #Return corners from a Harris response image
    #min_dist is the minimum number of pixels separating
    #corners and image boundary. 
    global t 
    global dist
    # find top corner candidates above a threshold
    corner_threshold = harrisim.max() * threshold
    harrisim_t = (harrisim > corner_threshold) * 1
    # get coordinates of candidates
    coords = array(harrisim_t.nonzero()).T
    # ...and their values
    candidate_values = [harrisim[c[0],c[1]] for c in coords]
    # sort candidates
    index = argsort(candidate_values)
    # store allowed point locations in array
    allowed_locations = zeros(harrisim.shape)
    allowed_locations[min_dist:-min_dist,min_dist:-min_dist] = 1
    # select the best points taking min_distance into account
    filtered_coords = []
    for i in index:
        if allowed_locations[coords[i,0],coords[i,1]] == 1:
            (coords[i,1]-min_dist):(coords[i,1]+min_dist)] = 0
    return filtered_coords

def plot_harris_points(image,filtered_coords):
    #""" Plots corners found in image. """
    plt.title('Harris corner detection, dist=%s and threshold=%s'%(dist,t))
    plt.plot([p[1] for p in filtered_coords],[p[0] for p in filtered_coords],'*',color = 'r')

def get_descriptors(image,filtered_coords,wid=5):

    desc = []
    for coords in filtered_coords:
        patch = image[coords[0]-wid:coords[0]+wid+1, coords[1]-wid:coords[1]+wid+1].flatten()
    return desc

def match(desc1,desc2,threshold=0.5):
    n = len(desc1[0])
    # pair-wise distances
    d = -ones((len(desc1),len(desc2)))
    for i in range(len(desc1)):
        for j in range(len(desc2)):
            d1 = (desc1[i] - mean(desc1[i])) / std(desc1[i])
            d2 = (desc2[j] - mean(desc2[j])) / std(desc2[j])
            ncc_value = sum(d1 * d2) / (n-1)
            if ncc_value > threshold:
                d[i,j] = ncc_value
    ndx = argsort(-d)
    matchscores = ndx[:,0]
    return matchscores

def match_twosided(desc1,desc2,threshold=0.5):
    matches_12 = match(desc1,desc2,threshold)
    matches_21 = match(desc2,desc1,threshold)
    ndx_12 = where(matches_12 >= 0)[0]
    # remove matches that are not symmetric
    for n in ndx_12:
        if matches_21[matches_12[n]] != n:
            matches_12[n] = -1
    return matches_12

def appendimages(im1,im2):

    # select the image with the fewest rows and fill in enough empty rows
    rows1 = im1.shape[0]
    rows2 = im2.shape[0]
    if rows1 < rows2:
        im1 = concatenate((im1,zeros((rows2-rows1,im1.shape[1]))),axis=0)
    elif rows1 > rows2:
        im2 = concatenate((im2,zeros((rows1-rows2,im2.shape[1]))),axis=0)
    # if none of these cases they are equal, no filling needed.
    return concatenate((im1,im2), axis=1)

def plot_matches(im1,im2,locs1,locs2,matchscores,show_below=True):

    im3 = appendimages(im1,im2)
    if show_below:
        im3 = vstack((im3,im3))
    cols1 = im1.shape[1]
    for i,m in enumerate(matchscores):
        if m>0:
    wid =5
    harrisim1 = compute_harris_points(gray1_1)
    filtered_coords1 = doHarrisNonMaxSupression(harrisim1)
    #plot_harris_points(gray1_1, filtered_coords1)
    d1 = get_descriptors(gray1_1, filtered_coords1, wid)
    harrisim2 = compute_harris_points(gray2_2)
    filtered_coords2 = doHarrisNonMaxSupression(harrisim2)
    #plot_harris_points(gray2_2, filtered_coords2)
    d2 = get_descriptors(gray2_2, filtered_coords2, wid)
    matches = match_twosided(d1,d2)
    pts11 = np.array(filtered_coords1).reshape(-1,1,2)
    pts22 = np.array(filtered_coords2).reshape(-1,1,2)
    F1, mask1 = cv2.findFundamentalMat(pts11, pts22, cv2.RANSAC, 5.0)

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