Named entity recognition

Named-entity recognition (NER) (also known as entity identification, entity chunking and entity extraction) is a subtask of information extraction that seeks to locate and classify elements in text into pre-defined categories such as the names of persons, organizations, locations.

In this tutorial you will learn how to use estnltk's out of the box NER utilities and how to build your own ner-models from scratch.

Getting started with NER

The estnltk package comes with the pre-trained NER-models for Python 2.7/Python 3.4. The models distinguish 3 types of entities: person names, organizations and locations.

A quick example below demonstrates how to extract named entities from the raw text:

In [1]:
from estnltk import Text
from pprint import pprint

text = Text('''Eesti Vabariik on riik Põhja-Euroopas. 
    Eesti piirneb põhjas üle Soome lahe Soome Vabariigiga.
    Riigikogu on Eesti Vabariigi parlament. Riigikogule kuulub Eestis seadusandlik võim.
    2005. aastal sai peaministriks Andrus Ansip, kes püsis sellel kohal 2014. aastani.
    2006. aastal valiti presidendiks Toomas Hendrik Ilves.

# Extract named entities

['Eesti vabariik',
 'Soome laht',
 'Soome Vabariik',
 'Eesti vabariik',
 'Andrus Ansip',
 'Toomas Hendrik Ilves']

When accessing the property named_entities of the Text instance, estnltk executes on the background the whole text processing pipeline, including tokenization, morphological analysis and named entity extraction.

The class Text additionally provides a number of useful methods to get more information on the extracted entities:

In [2]:
pprint(list(zip(text.named_entities, text.named_entity_labels, text.named_entity_spans)))

[('Eesti vabariik', 'LOC', (0, 14)),
 ('Põhja-Euroobas|Põhja-Euroopa', 'LOC', (23, 37)),
 ('Eesti', 'LOC', (44, 49)),
 ('Soome laht', 'LOC', (69, 79)),
 ('Soome Vabariik', 'LOC', (80, 97)),
 ('Riigikogu', 'ORG', (103, 112)),
 ('Eesti vabariik', 'LOC', (116, 131)),
 ('riigikogu', 'ORG', (143, 154)),
 ('Eesti', 'LOC', (162, 168)),
 ('Andrus Ansip', 'PER', (223, 235)),
 ('Toomas Hendrik Ilves', 'PER', (312, 332))]

The default models use tags PER, ORG and LOC to denote person names, organizations and locations respectively. Entity tags are encoded using a BIO annotation scheme, where each entity label is prefixed with either B or I letter. B- denotes the beginning and I- inside of an entity. The prefixes are used to detect multiword entities, as shown in the example example above. All other words, which don't refer to entities of interest, are labelled with the O tag.

The raw labels are accessible via the property labels of the Text instance:

In [3]:
pprint(list(zip(text.word_texts, text.labels)))

[('Eesti', 'B-LOC'),
 ('Vabariik', 'I-LOC'),
 ('on', 'O'),
 ('riik', 'O'),
 ('Põhja-Euroopas', 'B-LOC'),
 ('.', 'O'),
 ('Eesti', 'B-LOC'),
 ('piirneb', 'O'),
 ('põhjas', 'O'),
 ('üle', 'O'),
 ('Soome', 'B-LOC'),
 ('lahe', 'I-LOC'),
 ('Soome', 'B-LOC'),
 ('Vabariigiga', 'I-LOC'),
 ('.', 'O'),
 ('Riigikogu', 'B-ORG'),
 ('on', 'O'),
 ('Eesti', 'B-LOC'),
 ('Vabariigi', 'I-LOC'),
 ('parlament', 'O'),
 ('.', 'O'),
 ('Riigikogule', 'B-ORG'),
 ('kuulub', 'O'),
 ('Eestis', 'B-LOC'),
 ('seadusandlik', 'O'),
 ('võim', 'O'),
 ('.', 'O'),
 ('2005.', 'O'),
 ('aastal', 'O'),
 ('sai', 'O'),
 ('peaministriks', 'O'),
 ('Andrus', 'B-PER'),
 ('Ansip', 'I-PER'),
 (',', 'O'),
 ('kes', 'O'),
 ('püsis', 'O'),
 ('sellel', 'O'),
 ('kohal', 'O'),
 ('2014.', 'O'),
 ('aastani', 'O'),
 ('.', 'O'),
 ('2006.', 'O'),
 ('aastal', 'O'),
 ('valiti', 'O'),
 ('presidendiks', 'O'),
 ('Toomas', 'B-PER'),
 ('Hendrik', 'I-PER'),
 ('Ilves', 'I-PER'),
 ('.', 'O')]

Advanced NER

Training custom models

Default models that come with estnltk are good enough for basic tasks. However, for some specific tasks, a custom NER model might be needed. To train your own model, you need to provide a training corpus and custom configuration settings. The following example demonstrates how to train a ner-model using the default training dataset and settings:

In [4]:
from estnltk import estner
from estnltk.corpus import read_json_corpus 
from estnltk.ner import NerTrainer
# Read the default training corpus
corpus = read_json_corpus('../../../estnltk/corpora/estner.json')

# Read the default settings
ner_settings = estner.settings

# Directory to save the model
model_dir = 'output_model_directory'

# Train and save the model
trainer = NerTrainer(ner_settings)
trainer.train(corpus, model_dir)

Feature generation
type: CRF1d
feature.minfreq: 0.000000
feature.possible_states: 0
feature.possible_transitions: 0
Number of features: 27502
Seconds required: 6.768

Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
c2: 0.001000
max_iterations: 1000
period: 10
delta: 0.000001

Calibrating the learning rate (eta)
calibration.eta: 0.100000
calibration.rate: 2.000000
calibration.samples: 1000
calibration.candidates: 10
calibration.max_trials: 20
Initial loss: 31638.553113
Trial #1 (eta = 0.100000): 35731.461497 (worse)
Trial #2 (eta = 0.050000): 18483.224381
Trial #3 (eta = 0.025000): 8702.151411
Trial #4 (eta = 0.012500): 4843.039483
Trial #5 (eta = 0.006250): 3396.892994
Trial #6 (eta = 0.003125): 3447.987218
Trial #7 (eta = 0.001563): 3931.664338
Trial #8 (eta = 0.000781): 4644.600628
Trial #9 (eta = 0.000391): 5567.995675
Trial #10 (eta = 0.000195): 6670.063105
Trial #11 (eta = 0.000098): 7850.731749
Best learning rate (eta): 0.006250
Seconds required: 1.854

***** Epoch #1 *****
Loss: 24172.323175
Feature L2-norm: 11.489745
Learning rate (eta): 0.006250
Total number of feature updates: 13627
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.242

***** Epoch #2 *****
Loss: 17437.850172
Feature L2-norm: 14.999275
Learning rate (eta): 0.006250
Total number of feature updates: 27254
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.634

***** Epoch #3 *****
Loss: 14603.051437
Feature L2-norm: 17.279376
Learning rate (eta): 0.006250
Total number of feature updates: 40881
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.450

***** Epoch #4 *****
Loss: 13176.361125
Feature L2-norm: 19.118737
Learning rate (eta): 0.006250
Total number of feature updates: 54508
Seconds required for this iteration: 3.042

***** Epoch #5 *****
Loss: 12730.723482
Feature L2-norm: 20.790962
Learning rate (eta): 0.006250
Total number of feature updates: 68135
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.573

***** Epoch #6 *****
Loss: 11931.002309
Feature L2-norm: 22.228954
Learning rate (eta): 0.006250
Total number of feature updates: 81762
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.524

***** Epoch #7 *****
Loss: 11423.056976
Feature L2-norm: 23.490672
Learning rate (eta): 0.006249
Total number of feature updates: 95389
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.386

***** Epoch #8 *****
Loss: 10828.498775
Feature L2-norm: 24.708994
Learning rate (eta): 0.006249
Total number of feature updates: 109016
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.287

***** Epoch #9 *****
Loss: 10788.422810
Feature L2-norm: 25.829739
Learning rate (eta): 0.006249
Total number of feature updates: 122643
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.314

***** Epoch #10 *****
Loss: 10438.570465
Feature L2-norm: 26.938894
Learning rate (eta): 0.006249
Total number of feature updates: 136270
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.281

***** Epoch #11 *****
Loss: 10043.065386
Improvement ratio: 1.406867
Feature L2-norm: 27.925413
Learning rate (eta): 0.006249
Total number of feature updates: 149897
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.237

***** Epoch #12 *****
Loss: 9770.657559
Improvement ratio: 0.784716
Feature L2-norm: 28.854242
Learning rate (eta): 0.006249
Total number of feature updates: 163524
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.332

***** Epoch #13 *****
Loss: 9519.320418
Improvement ratio: 0.534043
Feature L2-norm: 29.784878
Learning rate (eta): 0.006249
Total number of feature updates: 177151
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.260

***** Epoch #14 *****
Loss: 9353.606100
Improvement ratio: 0.408693
Feature L2-norm: 30.665230
Learning rate (eta): 0.006249
Total number of feature updates: 190778
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.228

***** Epoch #15 *****
Loss: 9296.988569
Improvement ratio: 0.369338
Feature L2-norm: 31.547644
Learning rate (eta): 0.006249
Total number of feature updates: 204405
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.248

***** Epoch #16 *****
Loss: 8977.041074
Improvement ratio: 0.329057
Feature L2-norm: 32.310120
Learning rate (eta): 0.006249
Total number of feature updates: 218032
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.384

***** Epoch #17 *****
Loss: 8753.414586
Improvement ratio: 0.304983
Feature L2-norm: 33.077887
Learning rate (eta): 0.006249
Total number of feature updates: 231659
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.260

***** Epoch #18 *****
Loss: 8615.470943
Improvement ratio: 0.256867
Feature L2-norm: 33.819993
Learning rate (eta): 0.006249
Total number of feature updates: 245286
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.369

***** Epoch #19 *****
Loss: 8647.210640
Improvement ratio: 0.247619
Feature L2-norm: 34.548685
Learning rate (eta): 0.006249
Total number of feature updates: 258913
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.285

***** Epoch #20 *****
Loss: 8415.766213
Improvement ratio: 0.240359
Feature L2-norm: 35.239045
Learning rate (eta): 0.006248
Total number of feature updates: 272540
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.208

***** Epoch #21 *****
Loss: 8352.817726
Improvement ratio: 0.202357
Feature L2-norm: 35.923932
Learning rate (eta): 0.006248
Total number of feature updates: 286167
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.215

***** Epoch #22 *****
Loss: 8012.951016
Improvement ratio: 0.219358
Feature L2-norm: 36.593067
Learning rate (eta): 0.006248
Total number of feature updates: 299794
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.227

***** Epoch #23 *****
Loss: 8003.668161
Improvement ratio: 0.189370
Feature L2-norm: 37.232795
Learning rate (eta): 0.006248
Total number of feature updates: 313421
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.284

***** Epoch #24 *****
Loss: 7971.556406
Improvement ratio: 0.173373
Feature L2-norm: 37.851651
Learning rate (eta): 0.006248
Total number of feature updates: 327048
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.314

***** Epoch #25 *****
Loss: 7858.109927
Improvement ratio: 0.183107
Feature L2-norm: 38.474759
Learning rate (eta): 0.006248
Total number of feature updates: 340675
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.233

***** Epoch #26 *****
Loss: 7826.285303
Improvement ratio: 0.147037
Feature L2-norm: 39.084558
Learning rate (eta): 0.006248
Total number of feature updates: 354302
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.228

***** Epoch #27 *****
Loss: 7561.982039
Improvement ratio: 0.157556
Feature L2-norm: 39.662134
Learning rate (eta): 0.006248
Total number of feature updates: 367929
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.307

***** Epoch #28 *****
Loss: 7533.611135
Improvement ratio: 0.143604
Feature L2-norm: 40.243017
Learning rate (eta): 0.006248
Total number of feature updates: 381556
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.323

***** Epoch #29 *****
Loss: 7572.395636
Improvement ratio: 0.141939
Feature L2-norm: 40.804884
Learning rate (eta): 0.006248
Total number of feature updates: 395183
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.577

***** Epoch #30 *****
Loss: 7760.523813
Improvement ratio: 0.084433
Feature L2-norm: 41.402348
Learning rate (eta): 0.006248
Total number of feature updates: 408810
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.340

***** Epoch #31 *****
Loss: 7325.448007
Improvement ratio: 0.140247
Feature L2-norm: 41.936366
Learning rate (eta): 0.006248
Total number of feature updates: 422437
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.220

***** Epoch #32 *****
Loss: 7293.024122
Improvement ratio: 0.098714
Feature L2-norm: 42.438341
Learning rate (eta): 0.006248
Total number of feature updates: 436064
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.221

***** Epoch #33 *****
Loss: 7244.779177
Improvement ratio: 0.104750
Feature L2-norm: 42.976112
Learning rate (eta): 0.006247
Total number of feature updates: 449691
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.214

***** Epoch #34 *****
Loss: 7242.763835
Improvement ratio: 0.100624
Feature L2-norm: 43.494941
Learning rate (eta): 0.006247
Total number of feature updates: 463318
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.209

***** Epoch #35 *****
Loss: 7116.230765
Improvement ratio: 0.104252
Feature L2-norm: 43.986289
Learning rate (eta): 0.006247
Total number of feature updates: 476945
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.207

***** Epoch #36 *****
Loss: 6926.261111
Improvement ratio: 0.129944
Feature L2-norm: 44.456970
Learning rate (eta): 0.006247
Total number of feature updates: 490572
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.212

***** Epoch #37 *****
Loss: 6737.924857
Improvement ratio: 0.122301
Feature L2-norm: 44.917716
Learning rate (eta): 0.006247
Total number of feature updates: 504199
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.212

***** Epoch #38 *****
Loss: 6849.786019
Improvement ratio: 0.099832
Feature L2-norm: 45.409762
Learning rate (eta): 0.006247
Total number of feature updates: 517826
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.213

***** Epoch #39 *****
Loss: 6792.568097
Improvement ratio: 0.114806
Feature L2-norm: 45.879099
Learning rate (eta): 0.006247
Total number of feature updates: 531453
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.211

***** Epoch #40 *****
Loss: 6780.774555
Improvement ratio: 0.144489
Feature L2-norm: 46.343984
Learning rate (eta): 0.006247
Total number of feature updates: 545080
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.207

***** Epoch #41 *****
Loss: 6687.597819
Improvement ratio: 0.095378
Feature L2-norm: 46.810985
Learning rate (eta): 0.006247
Total number of feature updates: 558707
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.247

***** Epoch #42 *****
Loss: 6536.067468
Improvement ratio: 0.115812
Feature L2-norm: 47.258200
Learning rate (eta): 0.006247
Total number of feature updates: 572334
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.339

***** Epoch #43 *****
Loss: 6581.846926
Improvement ratio: 0.100721
Feature L2-norm: 47.695587
Learning rate (eta): 0.006247
Total number of feature updates: 585961
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.544

***** Epoch #44 *****
Loss: 6599.960328
Improvement ratio: 0.097395
Feature L2-norm: 48.124905
Learning rate (eta): 0.006247
Total number of feature updates: 599588
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.475

***** Epoch #45 *****
Loss: 6294.837676
Improvement ratio: 0.130487
Feature L2-norm: 48.534130
Learning rate (eta): 0.006246
Total number of feature updates: 613215
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.705

***** Epoch #46 *****
Loss: 6297.926053
Improvement ratio: 0.099769
Feature L2-norm: 48.958298
Learning rate (eta): 0.006246
Total number of feature updates: 626842
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.660

***** Epoch #47 *****
Loss: 6429.674431
Improvement ratio: 0.047942
Feature L2-norm: 49.377750
Learning rate (eta): 0.006246
Total number of feature updates: 640469
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.430

***** Epoch #48 *****
Loss: 6344.073383
Improvement ratio: 0.079714
Feature L2-norm: 49.793494
Learning rate (eta): 0.006246
Total number of feature updates: 654096
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.542

***** Epoch #49 *****
Loss: 6251.740036
Improvement ratio: 0.086508
Feature L2-norm: 50.191270
Learning rate (eta): 0.006246
Total number of feature updates: 667723
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.643

***** Epoch #50 *****
Loss: 6452.066472
Improvement ratio: 0.050946
Feature L2-norm: 50.633720
Learning rate (eta): 0.006246
Total number of feature updates: 681350
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.461

***** Epoch #51 *****
Loss: 6228.274340
Improvement ratio: 0.073748
Feature L2-norm: 51.022656
Learning rate (eta): 0.006246
Total number of feature updates: 694977
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.212

***** Epoch #52 *****
Loss: 6062.460396
Improvement ratio: 0.078121
Feature L2-norm: 51.402333
Learning rate (eta): 0.006246
Total number of feature updates: 708604
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.228

***** Epoch #53 *****
Loss: 6117.835141
Improvement ratio: 0.075846
Feature L2-norm: 51.798198
Learning rate (eta): 0.006246
Total number of feature updates: 722231
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.419

***** Epoch #54 *****
Loss: 6107.244204
Improvement ratio: 0.080677
Feature L2-norm: 52.192626
Learning rate (eta): 0.006246
Total number of feature updates: 735858
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.483

***** Epoch #55 *****
Loss: 5985.627415
Improvement ratio: 0.051659
Feature L2-norm: 52.561419
Learning rate (eta): 0.006246
Total number of feature updates: 749485
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.415

***** Epoch #56 *****
Loss: 5888.322088
Improvement ratio: 0.069562
Feature L2-norm: 52.912556
Learning rate (eta): 0.006246
Total number of feature updates: 763112
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.735

***** Epoch #57 *****
Loss: 5951.860407
Improvement ratio: 0.080280
Feature L2-norm: 53.297624
Learning rate (eta): 0.006246
Total number of feature updates: 776739
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.751

***** Epoch #58 *****
Loss: 6006.490059
Improvement ratio: 0.056203
Feature L2-norm: 53.674991
Learning rate (eta): 0.006245
Total number of feature updates: 790366
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.877

***** Epoch #59 *****
Loss: 5849.553564
Improvement ratio: 0.068755
Feature L2-norm: 54.031660
Learning rate (eta): 0.006245
Total number of feature updates: 803993
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.747

***** Epoch #60 *****
Loss: 5875.815262
Improvement ratio: 0.098072
Feature L2-norm: 54.398836
Learning rate (eta): 0.006245
Total number of feature updates: 817620
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.269

***** Epoch #61 *****
Loss: 5747.739373
Improvement ratio: 0.083604
Feature L2-norm: 54.750072
Learning rate (eta): 0.006245
Total number of feature updates: 831247
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.222

***** Epoch #62 *****
Loss: 5763.525957
Improvement ratio: 0.051867
Feature L2-norm: 55.101784
Learning rate (eta): 0.006245
Total number of feature updates: 844874
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.245

***** Epoch #63 *****
Loss: 5859.015977
Improvement ratio: 0.044175
Feature L2-norm: 55.452638
Learning rate (eta): 0.006245
Total number of feature updates: 858501
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.442

***** Epoch #64 *****
Loss: 5642.765716
Improvement ratio: 0.082314
Feature L2-norm: 55.792717
Learning rate (eta): 0.006245
Total number of feature updates: 872128
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.637

***** Epoch #65 *****
Loss: 5733.884922
Improvement ratio: 0.043904
Feature L2-norm: 56.140350
Learning rate (eta): 0.006245
Total number of feature updates: 885755
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.308

***** Epoch #66 *****
Loss: 5631.802570
Improvement ratio: 0.045548
Feature L2-norm: 56.465068
Learning rate (eta): 0.006245
Total number of feature updates: 899382
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.252

***** Epoch #67 *****
Loss: 5642.788044
Improvement ratio: 0.054773
Feature L2-norm: 56.810243
Learning rate (eta): 0.006245
Total number of feature updates: 913009
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.225

***** Epoch #68 *****
Loss: 5557.149716
Improvement ratio: 0.080858
Feature L2-norm: 57.131408
Learning rate (eta): 0.006245
Total number of feature updates: 926636
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.219

***** Epoch #69 *****
Loss: 5563.991204
Improvement ratio: 0.051323
Feature L2-norm: 57.463177
Learning rate (eta): 0.006245
Total number of feature updates: 940263
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.216

***** Epoch #70 *****
Loss: 5534.039170
Improvement ratio: 0.061759
Feature L2-norm: 57.779475
Learning rate (eta): 0.006245
Total number of feature updates: 953890
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.301

***** Epoch #71 *****
Loss: 5511.189692
Improvement ratio: 0.042922
Feature L2-norm: 58.100620
Learning rate (eta): 0.006244
Total number of feature updates: 967517
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.223

***** Epoch #72 *****
Loss: 5521.831739
Improvement ratio: 0.043771
Feature L2-norm: 58.429066
Learning rate (eta): 0.006244
Total number of feature updates: 981144
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.236

***** Epoch #73 *****
Loss: 5547.368054
Improvement ratio: 0.056179
Feature L2-norm: 58.738911
Learning rate (eta): 0.006244
Total number of feature updates: 994771
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.218

***** Epoch #74 *****
Loss: 5413.542636
Improvement ratio: 0.042343
Feature L2-norm: 59.066447
Learning rate (eta): 0.006244
Total number of feature updates: 1008398
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.282

***** Epoch #75 *****
Loss: 5479.117009
Improvement ratio: 0.046498
Feature L2-norm: 59.379124
Learning rate (eta): 0.006244
Total number of feature updates: 1022025
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.248

***** Epoch #76 *****
Loss: 5364.784325
Improvement ratio: 0.049772
Feature L2-norm: 59.678795
Learning rate (eta): 0.006244
Total number of feature updates: 1035652
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.233

***** Epoch #77 *****
Loss: 5390.763873
Improvement ratio: 0.046751
Feature L2-norm: 59.987214
Learning rate (eta): 0.006244
Total number of feature updates: 1049279
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.208

***** Epoch #78 *****
Loss: 5278.013108
Improvement ratio: 0.052887
Feature L2-norm: 60.286602
Learning rate (eta): 0.006244
Total number of feature updates: 1062906
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.234

***** Epoch #79 *****
Loss: 5503.584990
Improvement ratio: 0.010976
Feature L2-norm: 60.615750
Learning rate (eta): 0.006244
Total number of feature updates: 1076533
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.255

***** Epoch #80 *****
Loss: 5252.502895
Improvement ratio: 0.053600
Feature L2-norm: 60.905667
Learning rate (eta): 0.006244
Total number of feature updates: 1090160
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.247

***** Epoch #81 *****
Loss: 5208.782001
Improvement ratio: 0.058057
Feature L2-norm: 61.188753
Learning rate (eta): 0.006244
Total number of feature updates: 1103787
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.265

***** Epoch #82 *****
Loss: 5301.925370
Improvement ratio: 0.041477
Feature L2-norm: 61.480326
Learning rate (eta): 0.006244
Total number of feature updates: 1117414
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.330

***** Epoch #83 *****
Loss: 5240.890727
Improvement ratio: 0.058478
Feature L2-norm: 61.783081
Learning rate (eta): 0.006244
Total number of feature updates: 1131041
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.268

***** Epoch #84 *****
Loss: 5166.391532
Improvement ratio: 0.047838
Feature L2-norm: 62.065784
Learning rate (eta): 0.006243
Total number of feature updates: 1144668
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.238

***** Epoch #85 *****
Loss: 5210.295613
Improvement ratio: 0.051594
Feature L2-norm: 62.348039
Learning rate (eta): 0.006243
Total number of feature updates: 1158295
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.310

***** Epoch #86 *****
Loss: 5126.991931
Improvement ratio: 0.046380
Feature L2-norm: 62.635585
Learning rate (eta): 0.006243
Total number of feature updates: 1171922
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.530

***** Epoch #87 *****
Loss: 5141.276434
Improvement ratio: 0.048526
Feature L2-norm: 62.911186
Learning rate (eta): 0.006243
Total number of feature updates: 1185549
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.405

***** Epoch #88 *****
Loss: 5066.095799
Improvement ratio: 0.041830
Feature L2-norm: 63.180545
Learning rate (eta): 0.006243
Total number of feature updates: 1199176
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.214

***** Epoch #89 *****
Loss: 5166.625987
Improvement ratio: 0.065218
Feature L2-norm: 63.475972
Learning rate (eta): 0.006243
Total number of feature updates: 1212803
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.328

***** Epoch #90 *****
Loss: 5060.271510
Improvement ratio: 0.037988
Feature L2-norm: 63.759460
Learning rate (eta): 0.006243
Total number of feature updates: 1226430
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.207

***** Epoch #91 *****
Loss: 4964.187813
Improvement ratio: 0.049272
Feature L2-norm: 64.031666
Learning rate (eta): 0.006243
Total number of feature updates: 1240057
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.215

***** Epoch #92 *****
Loss: 5009.853158
Improvement ratio: 0.058300
Feature L2-norm: 64.293819
Learning rate (eta): 0.006243
Total number of feature updates: 1253684
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.233

***** Epoch #93 *****
Loss: 4968.178641
Improvement ratio: 0.054892
Feature L2-norm: 64.569636
Learning rate (eta): 0.006243
Total number of feature updates: 1267311
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.319

***** Epoch #94 *****
Loss: 5047.727315
Improvement ratio: 0.023508
Feature L2-norm: 64.848972
Learning rate (eta): 0.006243
Total number of feature updates: 1280938
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.248

***** Epoch #95 *****
Loss: 4891.409892
Improvement ratio: 0.065193
Feature L2-norm: 65.108829
Learning rate (eta): 0.006243
Total number of feature updates: 1294565
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.238

***** Epoch #96 *****
Loss: 4985.682275
Improvement ratio: 0.028343
Feature L2-norm: 65.391411
Learning rate (eta): 0.006243
Total number of feature updates: 1308192
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.230

***** Epoch #97 *****
Loss: 5114.622015
Improvement ratio: 0.005211
Feature L2-norm: 65.668532
Learning rate (eta): 0.006242
Total number of feature updates: 1321819
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.233

***** Epoch #98 *****
Loss: 4868.592901
Improvement ratio: 0.040567
Feature L2-norm: 65.933151
Learning rate (eta): 0.006242
Total number of feature updates: 1335446
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.246

***** Epoch #99 *****
Loss: 4844.773246
Improvement ratio: 0.066433
Feature L2-norm: 66.186809
Learning rate (eta): 0.006242
Total number of feature updates: 1349073
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.229

***** Epoch #100 *****
Loss: 4921.709631
Improvement ratio: 0.028153
Feature L2-norm: 66.453857
Learning rate (eta): 0.006242
Total number of feature updates: 1362700
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.231

***** Epoch #101 *****
Loss: 4789.900702
Improvement ratio: 0.036386
Feature L2-norm: 66.716848
Learning rate (eta): 0.006242
Total number of feature updates: 1376327
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.215

***** Epoch #102 *****
Loss: 4788.309280
Improvement ratio: 0.046268
Feature L2-norm: 66.976715
Learning rate (eta): 0.006242
Total number of feature updates: 1389954
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.228

***** Epoch #103 *****
Loss: 4795.595050
Improvement ratio: 0.035988
Feature L2-norm: 67.231667
Learning rate (eta): 0.006242
Total number of feature updates: 1403581
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.220

***** Epoch #104 *****
Loss: 4896.397755
Improvement ratio: 0.030906
Feature L2-norm: 67.490533
Learning rate (eta): 0.006242
Total number of feature updates: 1417208
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.233

***** Epoch #105 *****
Loss: 4706.124091
Improvement ratio: 0.039371
Feature L2-norm: 67.737461
Learning rate (eta): 0.006242
Total number of feature updates: 1430835
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.220

***** Epoch #106 *****
Loss: 4753.854731
Improvement ratio: 0.048766
Feature L2-norm: 67.983183
Learning rate (eta): 0.006242
Total number of feature updates: 1444462
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.318

***** Epoch #107 *****
Loss: 4835.783535
Improvement ratio: 0.057661
Feature L2-norm: 68.237816
Learning rate (eta): 0.006242
Total number of feature updates: 1458089
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.326

***** Epoch #108 *****
Loss: 4708.315868
Improvement ratio: 0.034041
Feature L2-norm: 68.490847
Learning rate (eta): 0.006242
Total number of feature updates: 1471716
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.275

***** Epoch #109 *****
Loss: 4714.363397
Improvement ratio: 0.027662
Feature L2-norm: 68.741470
Learning rate (eta): 0.006241
Total number of feature updates: 1485343
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.285

***** Epoch #110 *****
Loss: 4764.498215
Improvement ratio: 0.032996
Feature L2-norm: 68.989531
Learning rate (eta): 0.006241
Total number of feature updates: 1498970
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.313

***** Epoch #111 *****
Loss: 4702.949558
Improvement ratio: 0.018489
Feature L2-norm: 69.228922
Learning rate (eta): 0.006241
Total number of feature updates: 1512597
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.261

***** Epoch #112 *****
Loss: 4681.255269
Improvement ratio: 0.022869
Feature L2-norm: 69.473358
Learning rate (eta): 0.006241
Total number of feature updates: 1526224
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.251

***** Epoch #113 *****
Loss: 4722.102327
Improvement ratio: 0.015564
Feature L2-norm: 69.720548
Learning rate (eta): 0.006241
Total number of feature updates: 1539851
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.384

***** Epoch #114 *****
Loss: 4585.640466
Improvement ratio: 0.067767
Feature L2-norm: 69.951587
Learning rate (eta): 0.006241
Total number of feature updates: 1553478
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.286

***** Epoch #115 *****
Loss: 4664.131282
Improvement ratio: 0.009003
Feature L2-norm: 70.190197
Learning rate (eta): 0.006241
Total number of feature updates: 1567105
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.235

***** Epoch #116 *****
Loss: 4613.366616
Improvement ratio: 0.030452
Feature L2-norm: 70.425920
Learning rate (eta): 0.006241
Total number of feature updates: 1580732
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.227

***** Epoch #117 *****
Loss: 4614.199853
Improvement ratio: 0.048022
Feature L2-norm: 70.668697
Learning rate (eta): 0.006241
Total number of feature updates: 1594359
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.211

***** Epoch #118 *****
Loss: 4609.819200
Improvement ratio: 0.021367
Feature L2-norm: 70.902847
Learning rate (eta): 0.006241
Total number of feature updates: 1607986
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.504

***** Epoch #119 *****
Loss: 4544.535893
Improvement ratio: 0.037370
Feature L2-norm: 71.130045
Learning rate (eta): 0.006241
Total number of feature updates: 1621613
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.398

***** Epoch #120 *****
Loss: 4635.104857
Improvement ratio: 0.027916
Feature L2-norm: 71.375496
Learning rate (eta): 0.006241
Total number of feature updates: 1635240
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.811

***** Epoch #121 *****
Loss: 4530.647645
Improvement ratio: 0.038030
Feature L2-norm: 71.605246
Learning rate (eta): 0.006241
Total number of feature updates: 1648867
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.707

***** Epoch #122 *****
Loss: 4541.986987
Improvement ratio: 0.030662
Feature L2-norm: 71.837709
Learning rate (eta): 0.006240
Total number of feature updates: 1662494
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.500

***** Epoch #123 *****
Loss: 4479.125406
Improvement ratio: 0.054247
Feature L2-norm: 72.068895
Learning rate (eta): 0.006240
Total number of feature updates: 1676121
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.785

***** Epoch #124 *****
Loss: 4459.762067
Improvement ratio: 0.028225
Feature L2-norm: 72.295359
Learning rate (eta): 0.006240
Total number of feature updates: 1689748
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.540

***** Epoch #125 *****
Loss: 4433.583594
Improvement ratio: 0.052000
Feature L2-norm: 72.518676
Learning rate (eta): 0.006240
Total number of feature updates: 1703375
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.210

***** Epoch #126 *****
Loss: 4448.369673
Improvement ratio: 0.037092
Feature L2-norm: 72.748678
Learning rate (eta): 0.006240
Total number of feature updates: 1717002
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.221

***** Epoch #127 *****
Loss: 4434.348927
Improvement ratio: 0.040559
Feature L2-norm: 72.965152
Learning rate (eta): 0.006240
Total number of feature updates: 1730629
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.494

***** Epoch #128 *****
Loss: 4434.377590
Improvement ratio: 0.039564
Feature L2-norm: 73.191414
Learning rate (eta): 0.006240
Total number of feature updates: 1744256
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.510

***** Epoch #129 *****
Loss: 4528.904989
Improvement ratio: 0.003451
Feature L2-norm: 73.423359
Learning rate (eta): 0.006240
Total number of feature updates: 1757883
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.435

***** Epoch #130 *****
Loss: 4317.636528
Improvement ratio: 0.073528
Feature L2-norm: 73.640535
Learning rate (eta): 0.006240
Total number of feature updates: 1771510
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.337

***** Epoch #131 *****
Loss: 4441.530100
Improvement ratio: 0.020065
Feature L2-norm: 73.862459
Learning rate (eta): 0.006240
Total number of feature updates: 1785137
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.347

***** Epoch #132 *****
Loss: 4544.574722
Improvement ratio: -0.000569
Feature L2-norm: 74.094606
Learning rate (eta): 0.006240
Total number of feature updates: 1798764
Seconds required for this iteration: 2.224

SGD terminated with the stopping criteria
Loss: 4317.636528
Total seconds required for training: 311.247

Storing the model
Number of active features: 27502 (27502)
Number of active attributes: 8385 (8385)
Number of active labels: 7 (7)
Writing labels
Writing attributes
Writing feature references for transitions
Writing feature references for attributes
Seconds required: 0.044

The specified output directory will contain a resulting model file model.bin and a copy of a settings module used for training. Now we can load the model and tag some text using NerTagger:

In [5]:
from estnltk.ner import NerTagger

document = Text('Eesti koeraspordiliidu ( EKL ) presidendi Piret Laanetu intervjuu Eesti Päevalehele.')

# Load the model and settings
tagger = NerTagger(model_dir)

# ne-tag the document

pprint(list(zip(document.word_texts, document.labels)))

[('Eesti', 'B-ORG'),
 ('koeraspordiliidu', 'I-ORG'),
 ('(', 'O'),
 ('EKL', 'B-ORG'),
 (')', 'O'),
 ('presidendi', 'O'),
 ('Piret', 'B-PER'),
 ('Laanetu', 'I-PER'),
 ('intervjuu', 'O'),
 ('Eesti', 'B-ORG'),
 ('Päevalehele', 'I-ORG'),
 ('.', 'O')]

Training dataset

To train a model with estnltk, you need to provide your training data in a certain format (see the default dataset estnltk/estnltk/corpora/estner.json for example). The training file contains one document per line along with ne-labels. Let's create a simple document:

In [6]:
text = Text('''Eesti Vabariik on riik Põhja-Euroopas.''')

{'paragraphs': [{'end': 38, 'start': 0}],
 'sentences': [{'end': 38, 'start': 0}],
 'text': 'Eesti Vabariik on riik Põhja-Euroopas.',
 'words': [{'end': 5, 'start': 0, 'text': 'Eesti'},
           {'end': 14, 'start': 6, 'text': 'Vabariik'},
           {'end': 17, 'start': 15, 'text': 'on'},
           {'end': 22, 'start': 18, 'text': 'riik'},
           {'end': 37, 'start': 23, 'text': 'Põhja-Euroopas'},
           {'end': 38, 'start': 37, 'text': '.'}]}

Next, let's add named entity tags to each word in the document:

In [7]:
words = text.words

# label each word as "other":
for word in words:
    word['label'] = 'O'

# label words "Eesti Vabariik" as a location
words[0]['label'] = 'B-LOC'
words[1]['label'] = 'I-LOC'

# label word "Põhja-Euroopas" as a location
words[4]['label'] = 'B-LOC'


[{'end': 5, 'label': 'B-LOC', 'start': 0, 'text': 'Eesti'},
 {'end': 14, 'label': 'I-LOC', 'start': 6, 'text': 'Vabariik'},
 {'end': 17, 'label': 'O', 'start': 15, 'text': 'on'},
 {'end': 22, 'label': 'O', 'start': 18, 'text': 'riik'},
 {'end': 37, 'label': 'B-LOC', 'start': 23, 'text': 'Põhja-Euroopas'},
 {'end': 38, 'label': 'O', 'start': 37, 'text': '.'}]

Once we have a collection of labelled documents, we can save it to disc using the function write_json_corpus():

In [8]:
from estnltk.corpus import write_json_corpus

documents = [text]
write_json_corpus(documents, 'output_file_name')

[{'paragraphs': [{'end': 38, 'start': 0}],
  'sentences': [{'end': 38, 'start': 0}],
  'text': 'Eesti Vabariik on riik Põhja-Euroopas.',
  'words': [{'end': 5, 'label': 'B-LOC', 'start': 0, 'text': 'Eesti'},
   {'end': 14, 'label': 'I-LOC', 'start': 6, 'text': 'Vabariik'},
   {'end': 17, 'label': 'O', 'start': 15, 'text': 'on'},
   {'end': 22, 'label': 'O', 'start': 18, 'text': 'riik'},
   {'end': 37, 'label': 'B-LOC', 'start': 23, 'text': 'Põhja-Euroopas'},
   {'end': 38, 'label': 'O', 'start': 37, 'text': '.'}]}]

This serializes each document object into a json string and saves to the specified file line by line. The resulting training file can be used with the NerTrainer as shown above.

Ner settings

By default, estnltk uses configuration module estnltk.estner.settings. A settings module defines training algorithm parameters, entity categories, feature extractors and feature templates. The simplest way to create a custom configuration is to make a new settings module, e.g., import the default settings and override necessary parts. For example, a custom minimalistic configuration module could look like this:

In [9]:

from estnltk.estner.settings import *

# Override feature templates
    (('lem', 0),),

# Override feature extractors


In [10]:
import custom_settings

In [11]:
ner_settings2 = custom_settings

Now, the NerTrainer instance can be initialized using the custom_settings module (make sure is on your python path):

In [12]:
trainer = NerTrainer(ner_settings2)