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. Pour exécuter toute la feuille, dans le menu Cell
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In [1]:
%pylab inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as plticker
from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (8.0, 6.0)
In [2]:
class VanGenuchten(object):
Returns the water retention curve and hydraulic conductivity function
according to van Genuchten (1980)'s functions
def __init__(self, thR, thS, aVG, nVG, mVG, ksat, psi, lVG=0.5):
self.aVG = aVG
self.nVG = nVG
self.mVG = mVG
self.lVG = lVG
self.ksat = ksat
self.thR = thR
self.thS = thS
self.npoints = len(psi)
self.psi = psi
def wrc(self):
self.th = self.thR + (self.thS - self.thR) * (1+(self.aVG * self.psi) ** self.nVG) ** (-self.mVG)
return([self.psi, self.th])
def hcf(self):
self.k = self.ksat*((1-((self.aVG*self.psi)**(self.nVG*self.mVG))* \
((1+((self.aVG*self.psi)**self.nVG))**(-self.mVG)))**2) / \
return([self.psi, self.k])
Une démonstration similaire a d'abord été publiée parKisch (1959).
\begin{align} q = k(\psi) \frac{dh}{dz} \\ h = z + p = z - \psi \\ q = k(\psi) \frac{dz - d\psi}{dz} \\ q = k(\psi) (1 - \frac{d\psi}{dz}) \\ \frac {q}{k(\psi)} = 1 - \frac{d\psi}{dz} \\ \frac{d\psi}{dz} = 1-\frac {q}{k(\psi)} \\ dz = \frac{d\psi}{1-\frac {q}{k(\psi)}} \\ z(\psi) = \int_{\psi_{min}}^{\psi} \frac{1}{1-\frac {q}{k(\psi)}}d\psi \end{align}L'intégrale peut être approximée par: \begin{align} z(\psi) = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{\Delta\psi}{1-\frac {q}{k_n(\psi)}} \end{align}
In [3]:
class VerticalFlow(object):
This class uses the vertical flow model presented by Kisch (1959).
def __init__(self, model, q, psiMin = 1e-3, zMin = 0, perc = 0.999):
self.model = model
self.q = q
self.psiMin = psiMin
self.zMin = zMin
self.perc = perc
def kisch(self):
# suction vector
self.psiModel = self.model.hcf()[0]
self.kModel = self.model.hcf()[1]
#Find the maximal succion that can be found in a column of a por. mat. described by model under flow q
interpFuncModel = interp1d(np.log10(self.kModel[::-1]), np.log10(self.psiModel[::-1]))
# succion varies from the minimum succion in the model to the maximal succion value psiMax by deltaPsi
self.psiMax = 10**interpFuncModel(np.log10(self.q))
# recompute the model between psiMin and psiMax
self.psiNewMod = np.logspace(start = np.log10(self.psiMin), stop = np.log10(self.psiMax),
num = self.model.npoints, endpoint = True)
newModel = VanGenuchten(thR = self.model.thR, thS = self.model.thS,
aVG = self.model.aVG, nVG = self.model.nVG, mVG = self.model.mVG,
lVG = self.model.lVG, ksat = self.model.ksat, psi = self.psiNewMod)
self.psiKisch = newModel.hcf()[0] # suction vector
self.kKisch = newModel.hcf()[1] # hydraulic conductivity vector
# delta psi
self.psiKischB = np.append(self.psiMin, self.psiKisch)
self.deltaPsiKisch = []
for i in range(1, len(self.psiKischB)):
d = self.psiKischB[i] - self.psiKischB[i-1]
self.deltaPsiKisch = np.array(self.deltaPsiKisch)
# kisch
zPieces = self.deltaPsiKisch / (1 - self.q/self.kKisch) # pieces to sum
self.z = []
for i in range(0, len(self.deltaPsiKisch)):
self.z = np.array(self.z) + self.zMin
return([self.psiKisch, self.z, self.psiMax])
Exécuter la cellule qui correpond à vos matériaux.
In [37]:
# CBL parameters
cblthR = 0.017
cblthS = 0.37
cblaVG = 3.07 * 9.807 # 9.807 pour convertir en en m-1
cblnVG = 3.33
cblmVG = 1 - 1/cblnVG
cbllVG = 0.5
cblksat = 2.3e-3 # m/s
# MRL parameters
mrlthR = 0.1 # 0.03 #
mrlthS = 0.441794820254646 # 0.4 #
mrlaVG = 0.16162092033419 * 9.807 #0.347 * 9.807 # 9.807 pour convertir en en m-1
mrlnVG = 1.21995996561548 # 2.29 #
mrlmVG = 1 - 1/mrlnVG
mrllVG = 0.5
mrlksat = 1.9e-7#8e-5 # m/s
In [38]:
npoints = 500
psiCBL = np.logspace(start = -2, stop = 2, num = npoints, endpoint = True)
psiMRL = np.logspace(start = -2, stop = 2, num = npoints, endpoint = True)
cblModel = VanGenuchten(thR = cblthR, thS = cblthS, aVG = cblaVG, nVG = cblnVG, mVG = 1-1/cblnVG,
lVG = cbllVG, ksat = cblksat, psi = psiCBL)
mrlModel = VanGenuchten(thR = mrlthR, thS = mrlthS, aVG = mrlaVG, nVG = mrlnVG, mVG = 1-1/mrlnVG,
lVG = mrllVG, ksat = mrlksat, psi = psiMRL)
In [39]:
unit_flow = 1e-8
# CBL profile
profileCBL = VerticalFlow(model = cblModel, q = unit_flow, psiMin = 1e-4, zMin = 0)
# MRL profile
profileMRL = VerticalFlow(model = mrlModel, q = unit_flow,
psiMin = np.max(profileCBL.kisch()[0]), zMin = 0.5, perc = 1)
print ('La succion maximale obtenur dans la CBL pour un débit de ', unit_flow, 'm/s est de', profileCBL.psiMax, 'm.')
print ('La succion maximale obtenur dans la MRL pour un débit de ', unit_flow, 'm/s est de', profileMRL.psiMax, 'm.')
In [40]:
data = pd.DataFrame.from_items([('psi', cblModel.wrc()[0]),
('theta', cblModel.wrc()[1])])
fontSize = 16
fig1, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(6, 12))
axes[0].tick_params(labelsize = fontSize * 0.8)
axes[0].grid(b=True, which='major', color='#eeeeee', linestyle='-')
axes[0].grid(b=True, which='minor', color='#e9e9e9', linestyle='-')
axes[0].set_ylabel(r'$\theta (m^3/m^3)$', fontsize = fontSize)
axes[0].set_xticks([0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000])
axes[0].plot(cblModel.wrc()[0] * 9.807, cblModel.wrc()[1], linestyle='-', color = 'black',
linewidth=2, label="CBL material")
axes[0].plot(mrlModel.wrc()[0] * 9.807, mrlModel.wrc()[1], linestyle='-', color = 'black',
label="MRL material")
legend = axes[0].legend(fontsize = fontSize * 0.8)
frame = legend.get_frame()
axes[1].tick_params(labelsize = fontSize * 0.8)
axes[1].grid(b=True, which='major', color='#eeeeee', linestyle='-')
axes[1].grid(b=True, which='minor', color='#e9e9e9', linestyle='-')
axes[1].set_xlabel(r'$s (kPa)$', fontsize = fontSize)
axes[1].set_ylabel(r'$k (m/s)$', fontsize = fontSize)
axes[1].set_xticks([0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000])
axes[1].set_ylim([1e-16, 1e-2])
# kFn
axes[1].plot(cblModel.hcf()[0] * 9.807, cblModel.hcf()[1], linestyle='-', linewidth = 2, color = 'black', label="CBL material")
axes[1].plot(mrlModel.hcf()[0] * 9.807, mrlModel.hcf()[1], linestyle='-', color = 'black', label="MRL material")
# Model
axes[1].plot([0.1, 1000], [unit_flow, unit_flow], # profileMRL.psiMax
linestyle='--', color = 'black', label="Unit flow") # unit flow
axes[1].plot([profileCBL.psiMax * 9.807, profileCBL.psiMax * 9.807], [unit_flow, 1e-16],
linestyle='-.', color = 'black', label=r'$s_{CBL_{max}}$')
axes[1].plot([profileMRL.psiMax * 9.807, profileMRL.psiMax * 9.807], [unit_flow, 1e-16],
linestyle=':', color = 'black', label=r'$s_{MRL_{max}}$')
axes[1].text(profileCBL.psiMax * 9.807 - 0.9, 5e-9, r"$s_{max_{CBL}}$",
fontsize = fontSize * 0.8, color="black", rotation = "vertical")
axes[1].text(profileMRL.psiMax * 9.807 + 1.0, 5e-9, r"$s_{max_{MRL}}$",
fontsize = fontSize * 0.8, color="black", rotation = "vertical")
legend = axes[1].legend(fontsize = fontSize * 0.8)
frame = legend.get_frame()
In [41]:
fig2, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(16,6))
# Suction profile
axes[0].tick_params(labelsize = fontSize * 0.8)
axes[0].grid(b=True, which='major', color='#eeeeee', linestyle='-')
axes[0].grid(b=True, which='minor', color='#e9e9e9', linestyle='-')
axes[0].set_xlabel(r'$s (kPa)$', fontsize = fontSize)
axes[0].set_ylabel(r'$Elevation (m)$', fontsize = fontSize)
axes[0].plot(np.append(profileCBL.kisch()[0], profileMRL.kisch()[0]) * 9.807,
np.append(profileCBL.kisch()[1], profileMRL.kisch()[1]),
linestyle='-', color = 'black')
axes[0].plot([profileCBL.psiMax * 9.807, profileCBL.psiMax * 9.807],
[0, 0.5],
linestyle='-.', color = 'black')
axes[0].plot([profileMRL.psiMax * 9.807,profileMRL.psiMax * 9.807],
[0, max(profileMRL.kisch()[1])],
linestyle=':', color = 'black')
axes[0].plot([0, 4.0], [0.5, 0.5], linestyle = "--", color = "#aaaaaa")
# Water content profile
psiInterfaceCBL = np.append(profileCBL.kisch()[0], profileCBL.psiMax)
zInterfaceCBL = np.append(profileCBL.kisch()[1], 0.49999)
cblNew = VanGenuchten(thR = cblthR, thS = cblthS, aVG = cblaVG, nVG = cblnVG, mVG = 1-1/cblnVG,
lVG = cbllVG, ksat = cblksat, psi = psiInterfaceCBL)
mrlNew = VanGenuchten(thR = mrlthR, thS = mrlthS, aVG = mrlaVG, nVG = mrlnVG, mVG = 1-1/mrlnVG,
lVG = mrllVG, ksat = mrlksat, psi = profileMRL.kisch()[0])
axes[1].tick_params(labelsize = fontSize * 0.8)
axes[1].grid(b=True, which='major', color='#eeeeee', linestyle='-')
axes[1].grid(b=True, which='minor', color='#e9e9e9', linestyle='-')
axes[1].set_xlabel(r'$\theta (m^3/m^3)$', fontsize = fontSize)
axes[1].plot(np.append(cblNew.wrc()[1], mrlNew.wrc()[1]),
np.append(zInterfaceCBL, profileMRL.kisch()[1]),
linestyle='-', color = 'black')
axes[1].plot([0, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5], linestyle = "--", color = "#aaaaaa")
# Hydraulic conductivity profile
axes[2].tick_params(labelsize = fontSize * 0.8)
axes[2].grid(b=True, which='major', color='#eeeeee', linestyle='-')
axes[2].grid(b=True, which='minor', color='#e9e9e9', linestyle='-')
axes[2].set_xlabel(r'$k (m/s)$', fontsize = fontSize)
axes[2].set_xlim([1e-9, 1e-4])
axes[2].plot(np.append(cblNew.hcf()[1], mrlNew.hcf()[1]),
np.append(zInterfaceCBL, profileMRL.kisch()[1]),
linestyle='-', color = 'black')
axes[2].plot([unit_flow, unit_flow], [0, max(profileMRL.kisch()[1])], linestyle = "--", color = "black")
axes[2].plot([0, 0.5], [1e-3, 0.5], linestyle = "--", color = "#aaaaaa")
In [42]:
def k_vanGenuchten(x, aVG, nVG, mVG, ksat, lVG = 0.5):
k = ksat * ((1 - ((aVG * x)**(nVG * mVG)) * \
((1 + ((aVG * x)**nVG))**(-mVG)))**2) / \
((1 + ((aVG * x)**nVG))**(mVG * lVG))
In [69]:
pente = 0.25
Qmax = pente * quad(k_vanGenuchten, profileCBL.psiMax, profileMRL.psiMax, args=(mrlaVG, mrlnVG, mrlmVG, mrlksat, mrllVG))[0]
L = Qmax / unit_flow
print ('Le débit de transfert maximal dans la barrière capillaire est de', Qmax, 'm²/s.')
print ('La longueur de transfert maximale dans la barrière capillaire est de', L, 'm.')
In [70]:
In [86]:
mrlPsi = np.linspace(start = profileCBL.psiMax, stop = profileMRL.psiMax, num = 20, endpoint = True)
mrlTh = mrlPsi - profileCBL.psiMax
QmaxTh = np.array([])
for i in arange(0, len(mrlPsi)):
QmaxTh = np.append(QmaxTh, pente * quad(k_vanGenuchten, profileCBL.psiMax, mrlPsi[i], args=(mrlaVG, mrlnVG, mrlmVG, mrlksat, mrllVG))[0])
LTh = QmaxTh / unit_flow
In [85]:
plot(mrlTh, LTh, color = 'black')
xlabel('MRL thickness (m)', fontsize = fontSize)
ylabel('Diversion length (m)', fontsize = fontSize)