Facies classification using Machine Learning

Joshua Poirier, NEOS

2016 SEG Machine Learning Competition

This notebook aims to extend Brendon Hall's "Facies classification using Machine Learning" notebook. Here I will be using the R programming language and employing a custom minimum distance approach. The data set used is from a class exercise from the University of Kansas on Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems. It's based on a consortium project to use machine learning techniques to create a reservoir model of the largest gas fields in North America, the Hugoton and Panoma Fields.

The dataset I will be using includes log data from nine wells that have been labeled with facies type based on core observation. We will use this data to train our model and predict the facies for two hold-out wells (for which we have access to log data but not facies type).

To begin, let's print out the version of R I'm running.

In [11]:

platform       x86_64-w64-mingw32          
arch           x86_64                      
os             mingw32                     
system         x86_64, mingw32             
major          3                           
minor          2.4                         
year           2016                        
month          03                          
day            10                          
svn rev        70301                       
language       R                           
version.string R version 3.2.4 (2016-03-10)
nickname       Very Secure Dishes          

Now I will start by loading in the training data and doing some preliminary cleaning.

Getting and cleaning data

In [2]:


# load data
"Raw data:"
raw <- loadData()
format(head(raw,3), digits=3)

# clean data
"Cleaned data:"
clean <- cleanData(raw)
format(head(clean,3), digits=3)

# center and scale select features
"Centered and scaled data:"
wells <- unique(clean$Well.Name)
cs <- mutate(group_by(clean, Well.Name), 
df <- cs
format(head(df,3), digits=3)

'Raw data:'
3 A1 SH SHRIMPLIN2793 77.5 0.664 9.9 11.9 4.6 1 1.000
3 A1 SH SHRIMPLIN2794 78.3 0.661 14.2 12.6 4.1 1 0.979
3 A1 SH SHRIMPLIN2794 79.0 0.658 14.8 13.1 3.6 1 0.957
'Cleaned data:'
FSiS A1 SH SHRIMPLIN2793 77.5 0.664 9.9 11.9 4.6 FALSE 1.000
FSiS A1 SH SHRIMPLIN2794 78.3 0.661 14.2 12.6 4.1 FALSE 0.979
FSiS A1 SH SHRIMPLIN2794 79.0 0.658 14.8 13.1 3.6 FALSE 0.957
'Centered and scaled data:'
FSiS A1 SH SHRIMPLIN2793 0.216 0.01855 0.512 -0.0487 0.421 FALSE 1.000
FSiS A1 SH SHRIMPLIN2794 0.237 0.00567 1.517 0.0736 -0.133 FALSE 0.979
FSiS A1 SH SHRIMPLIN2794 0.258 -0.00721 1.657 0.1648 -0.687 FALSE 0.957

Three data frames are shown above. The first shows the raw data (as it exists in the *.csv) file. The cleaned data converts the Facies feature from integer indicators to something more descriptive (FSiS more clearly indicates fine siltstone than the number 3 does!) - this will be useful when looking at the data moving forward. The cleaned data also converts the two-level NM_M feature into boolean isMarine - again this shouldn't impact our models but is more intuitive.

Finally, the centered and scaled data centers and scales the log data on a well-by-well basis.

Feature engineering

I'll now add a couple of features which will be used during facies sequencing (more on this later). First, FmThickness is the formation thickness within that particular well. Second, FmRelDepth is the relative formation depth.

In [3]:

wells <- unique(df$Well.Name)

# calculate formation thickness on a well-by-well basis
df <- mutate(group_by(df, Formation, Well.Name), FmThickness=max(Depth)-min(Depth)+.5)

# calculate relative formation depth
df$FmRelDepth <- 1 - df$RELPOS

format(head(df), digits=3)

FSiS A1 SH SHRIMPLIN2793 0.216 0.01855 0.512 -0.0487 0.421 FALSE 1.000 21.5 0.000
FSiS A1 SH SHRIMPLIN2794 0.237 0.00567 1.517 0.0736 -0.133 FALSE 0.979 21.5 0.021
FSiS A1 SH SHRIMPLIN2794 0.258 -0.00721 1.657 0.1648 -0.687 FALSE 0.957 21.5 0.043
FSiS A1 SH SHRIMPLIN2794 0.447 -0.02009 1.447 0.1770 -0.797 FALSE 0.936 21.5 0.064
FSiS A1 SH SHRIMPLIN2795 0.139 -0.05444 1.353 0.2118 -0.908 FALSE 0.915 21.5 0.085
FSiS A1 SH SHRIMPLIN2796 0.122 -0.10167 1.470 0.2278 -0.687 FALSE 0.894 21.5 0.106

Facies sequencing functions

I'm going to build a data frame containing information on all the facies sequences observed in all the wells. Here I define a facies sequence as a contiguous set of the same facies. For example, SS - SS - SS - SS - MS - MS - D - D - D would represent three facies sequences (one for the 4 SS's, one for 2 MS's, and one for the 3 D's).

To do this I'll need some functions (additional functions are kept in this directory's sequencing.R file - kept there for brevity). This first function we show here builds a single-rowed data frame containing information on a single data frame:

  • Formation - formation this facies sequence belongs to (i.e. A1 SH)
  • Well.Name - well this facies sequence was observed (i.e. SHRIMPLIN)
  • Top - depth representing the top of the facies sequence
  • Base - depth representing the bottom of the facies sequence
  • FmThickness - thickness of entire formation (not thickness of facies sequence)
  • Facies - facies type of the sequence
  • FmRelThickness - thickness of the facies sequence relative to the entire formation
  • GR_mean - average gamma-ray observed over the facies sequence
  • ILD_log10_mean - average deep resistivity observed over the facies sequence
  • dPhi_mean - average difference between neutron and density porosities observed over the facies sequence
  • PHI_mean - average porosity observed over the facies sequence
  • PE_mean - average photoelectric effect observed over the facies sequence

In [8]:
# function to build a single-rowed data frame with information regarding a contiguous facies sequence
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# formation = formation this facies sequence belongs to
# well = well data this facies sequence belongs to
# fmThickness = thickness of the formation (not the facies sequence)
# facies = facies type in question (SS, FSiS, etc.)
# top = shallowest depth of this facies sequence
# base = deepest depth of this facies sequence
# df = data frame containing all observations of this facies sequence (from the loaded data)

# seq_df = single-rowed data frame containing information on a contiguous facies sequence
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
buildSeqRow <- function(formation, well, fmThickness, facies, top, base, df) {
    seq_df <- data.frame(Formation = formation,
                         Well.Name = well,
                         Top = top,
                         Base = base,
                         FmThickness = fmThickness,
                         Facies = facies,
                         FmRelThickness = (base-top)/fmThickness,
                         PE_mean=mean(df$PE, na.rm=T)

Next I build the function to loop over all formations in the data set (and in subsequent functions, tucked in sequencing.R, the wells and observations). It will ultimately build and return a data frame containing information on each contiguous facies sequence in a given data frame.

In [9]:

# function to build a data frame of each contiguous facies sequence
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# df = data frame containing all log observations (eg. the loaded data)
# seq_df = data frame containing data on each contiguous facies sequence
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
faciesSequencing <- function(df) {
    seq_df <- data.frame()
    formations <- unique(df$Formation)

    for (f in formations) {
        df_f <- df[df$Formation == f,]
        seq_df <- rbind(seq_df, formationSequencing(df_f, f))

Trial training

Since this is a somewhat novel approach, let's try it out by isolating two arbitrary wells as a cross-validation set. Here I will ignore data with the well label RECRUIT F9 because the approach tries to leverage spatial location - for which the recruited data is not as robust (no consistent sampling).

For this run I will use the SHRIMPLIN and CHURCHMAN BIBLE wells as an arbitrarily chosen cross-validation/test set. I choose two wells to emulate the contest conditions by which we are predicting facies for two hold-out wells.

The getOutAndVote function performs facies sequencing on the training data and projects the facies of each well onto the test data (based on the relative formation depths). Also projected for each training well is the data-space distance between the test well's data observation and the average for the relevant facies sequence. Each training well gets to vote for their facies weighted using inverse distance weighting (data distance as described). The training well with the most weighted votes (minimum distance) is elected as the predicted facies for that test observation.

Once the predictions are in place I evaluate my predictions using micro-averaged F1-score. The functions for this are tucked away in accuracyMetrics.R, and are essentially the work of sunliangms.

Finally, note that I am recording the time at the beginning and end of the code block. I will post the computation time (real-time) at the end to get a loose sense of computational complexity.

In [10]:

t0 <- Sys.time()

wells <- unique(df$Well.Name)
wells <- wells[!wells %in% c("Recruit F9")]

# use SHRIMPLIN & CHURCHMAN BIBLE as test wells
train <- df[df$Well.Name != "SHRIMPLIN" & df$Well.Name != "CHURCHMAN BIBLE" & df$Well.Name != "Recruit F9",]
test <- df[df$Well.Name == "SHRIMPLIN" | df$Well.Name == "CHURCHMAN BIBLE",]

testPrime <- getOutAndVote(train, test)
testPrime <- electClass(testPrime,
                        tallyVotes(testPrime, unique(train$Well.Name), p=1.75))
testFinal <- subset(testPrime, select=c(Formation, Well.Name, Depth,
                                       GR, ILD_log10, DeltaPHI, PHIND, PE, isMarine, RELPOS,
                                       Facies, Predicted))

format(head(testFinal,3), digits=3)
myF1Metric(testFinal$Predicted, testFinal$Facies)

tn <- Sys.time()
"Time elapsed:"

A1 SH SHRIMPLIN2793 0.216 0.01855 0.512 -0.0487 0.421 FALSE 1.000 FSiS FSiS
A1 SH SHRIMPLIN2794 0.237 0.00567 1.517 0.0736 -0.133 FALSE 0.979 FSiS FSiS
A1 SH SHRIMPLIN2794 0.258 -0.00721 1.657 0.1648 -0.687 FALSE 0.957 FSiS FSiS
'Time elapsed:'
Time difference of 23.50804 secs

Here I achieved an F1-score of 0.53 - not bad but not winning the contest as of this writing. Nevertheless, I feel this novel approach is worth pursuing through the end. It also took just over 23 seconds to run - pretty quick by machine learning standards.

Cross-validation by number of training wells

It is intuitive to expect any machine learning algorithm for this contest to perform better with more data (from more wells). To simulate contest conditions it is reasonable to use each combination of wells in the training data as a cross-validation/test set to evaluate our algorithms performance.

Similarly, for each cross-validation well pair, I will use every possible combination of the remaining wells in the training set (each well alone, each possible well pair, each possible well ternary, etc). This will allow me to see how the number of training wells impacts predictive performance. I will store these results in a data frame and we can run some statistics on it later.

In [114]:

t0 <- Sys.time()

f1 <- data.frame()

for (wi in 1:(length(wells)-1)) {
    for (wj in (wi+1):length(wells)) {
        test <- df[df$Well.Name == wells[wi] | df$Well.Name == wells[wj],]
        trainWells <- wells[!wells %in% c(as.character(wells[wi]), as.character(wells[wj]))]
        for (i in 1:length(trainWells)) {
            trainWellCombos <- combn(trainWells, i, simplify=F)
            for (combo in trainWellCombos) {
                train <- df[df$Well.Name %in% as.vector(combo),]
                # ensure training set observes all formations in the test set
                if (sum(unique(test$Formation) %in% unique(train$Formation)) == length(unique(test$Formation))) {
                    testPrime <- getOutAndVote(train, test)
                    votes <- tallyVotes(testPrime, unique(train$Well.Name), p=1.75)
                    testPrime <- electClass(testPrime, votes)
                    testFinal <- subset(testPrime, select=c(Formation, Well.Name, Depth,
                                                            GR, ILD_log10, DeltaPHI, PHIND, PE, isMarine, RELPOS,
                                                            Facies, Predicted))
                    f1_i <- myF1Metric(testFinal$Predicted, testFinal$Facies)
                    f1 <- rbind(f1, data.frame(testwell1=wells[wi], testwell2=wells[wj], nTrain=i, f1=f1_i))

format(head(f1), digits=3)

tn <- Sys.time()

Time difference of 15.91658 hours

Notice that the above computation took nearly 16 hours! This is because it ran many many of those ~ 23 second models - one for each combination of training wells for each combination of cross-validation/test wells.

Now we have calculated models for all possible combinations of 2 test well pairs using all possible combinations of training wells (any number of training wells). Let's calculate the 95% confidence intervals for the f1-scores across the number of training wells. I expect the f1-scores to increase with additional training wells; and also have the interval ranges decrease.

We can then forecast the expected (mean) f1-score and 95% confidence intervals when using the full training set. This would is the conditions when predicting the STUART and CRAWFORD wells using this method.

In [182]:
options(repr.plot.width=10, repr.plot.height=6)


# calculate mean, standard deviation, and 95% confidence intervals for models by the number of training wells
means <- tapply(f1$f1, f1$nTrain, mean)
sds <- tapply(f1$f1, f1$nTrain, sd)
lower95 <- means - 2 * sds
upper95 <- means + 2 * sds
f1_summary <- data.frame(nTrain=1:length(lower95), lower95=lower95, mean=means, upper95=upper95)

# model the mean and 95% confidence interval using a linear model (with natural log applied to # training wells)
fit_lower95 <- lm(lower95 ~ log(nTrain), data=f1_summary)
fit_mean <- lm(mean ~ log(nTrain), data=f1_summary)
fit_upper95 <- lm(upper95 ~ log(nTrain), data=f1_summary)

# estimate/forecast f1-score (mean) and it's 95% confidence interval for up to 9 wells (entire training set)
predict <- data.frame(nTrain=1:9, lower95=rep(NA,9), mean=rep(NA,9), upper95=rep(NA,9))
predict$lower95 <- predict(fit_lower95, predict)
predict$mean <- predict(fit_mean, predict)
predict$upper95 <- predict(fit_upper95, predict)

# plot boxplot of f1-scores and lines showing how expected f1-score and 95% confidence interval change
# with # of training wells included in model
p <- ggplot(f1, aes(factor(nTrain), f1)) + geom_boxplot() + theme_economist_white() +
    labs(x="# of training wells", y="F1-score", title="F1-score results and forecast") +
    geom_line(data=predict, aes(group=1, y=lower95), col="dodgerblue3", size=3, alpha=.5) +
    geom_line(data=predict, aes(group=1, y=mean), col="gray", size=3, alpha=.8) +
    geom_line(data=predict, aes(group=1, y=upper95), col="firebrick", size=3, alpha=.5) +
    geom_text(aes(x=9, y=predict$lower95[9]+.01, label=round(predict$lower95[9], 3)), size=3) +
    geom_text(aes(x=9, y=predict$mean[9]+.01, label=round(predict$mean[9], 3)), size=3) +
    geom_text(aes(x=9, y=predict$upper95[9]+.01, label=round(predict$upper95[9], 3)), size=3) +
    geom_text(aes(x=5, y=predict$lower95[5], label="Estimated/Forecast Lower 95% Confidence Interval"), size=3, angle=10) +
    geom_text(aes(x=5, y=predict$mean[5], label="Estimated/Forecast Mean F1-Score"), size=3, angle=8) +
    geom_text(aes(x=5, y=predict$upper95[5], label="Estimated/Forecast Upper 95% Confidence Interval"), size=3, angle=6) +
    theme(plot.title=element_text(size=10), axis.title=element_text(size=10), axis.text=element_text(size=10))


After viewing the boxplot alone I decided to approximate/forecast the expected (mean) f1-score and its 95% confidence interval by fitting a linear model (with a natural logarithm applied to independent data (# of training wells).

So with the entire training set (all 9 wells, excluding the RECRUIT F9 data) we expect an F1-score of 0.521. We can state with 95% confidence that the F1-score will lie between 0.425 and 0.616.

Predicting the hold-out data

To begin, let's reload, clean, center/scale, and feature engineer the training data and testing data.

In [12]:

# reload the training data
df_train <- loadData()
df_train <- cleanData(df_train)
df_train <- df_train[df_train$Well.Name != "Recruit F9",]
trainWells <- unique(df_train$Well.Name)
df_train <- mutate(group_by(df_train, Well.Name),
df_train <- mutate(group_by(df_train, Formation, Well.Name), FmThickness=max(Depth)-min(Depth)+.5)
df_train$FmRelDepth <- 1 - df_train$RELPOS

# load the hold-out test set
testName <- "../validation_data_nofacies.csv"
df_test <- read.csv(testName, colClasses=c(rep("factor",2), rep("numeric",6), "factor", "numeric"))
df_test <- cleanData(df_test)
df_test$Facies <- NA
testWells <- unique(df_test$Well.Name)
df_test <- mutate(group_by(df_test, Well.Name),
df_test <- mutate(group_by(df_test, Formation, Well.Name), FmThickness=max(Depth)-min(Depth)+.5)
df_test$FmRelDepth <- 1 - df_test$RELPOS

"Train data:"
format(head(df_train,3), digits=3)

"Test data:"
format(head(df_test,3), digits=3)

'Train data:'
FSiS A1 SH SHRIMPLIN2793 0.216 0.01855 0.512 -0.0487 0.421 FALSE 1.000 21.5 0.000
FSiS A1 SH SHRIMPLIN2794 0.237 0.00567 1.517 0.0736 -0.133 FALSE 0.979 21.5 0.021
FSiS A1 SH SHRIMPLIN2794 0.258 -0.00721 1.657 0.1648 -0.687 FALSE 0.957 21.5 0.043
'Test data:'
A1 SH STUART 2808 0.331 -0.378 0.00234-0.151 -0.261 FALSE 1.000 NA 21.5 0.000
A1 SH STUART 2808 0.714 -0.584 0.79234 0.120 -0.688 FALSE 0.978 NA 21.5 0.022
A1 SH STUART 2809 0.912 -0.672 1.50828 0.463 -1.160 FALSE 0.956 NA 21.5 0.044

Now I'll apply my algorithm to the hold-out data and store them into a file for contest submission! I'll also be sure to output the predictions as integers (as they were originally given to us). Therefore, the Predicted feature and PredictedAsNum are really the same (FSiS = 3).

In [14]:

# predict facies for test set
testPrime <- getOutAndVote(df_train, df_test)
votes <- tallyVotes(testPrime, unique(df_train$Well.Name), p=1.75)
testPrime <- electClass(testPrime, votes)
testFinal <- subset(testPrime, select=c(Formation, Well.Name, Depth, Predicted))
testFinal$PredictedAsNum <- match(testFinal$Predicted, c("SS", "CSiS", "FSiS", "SiSh", "MS", "WS", "D", "PS", "BS"))

# save predictions to *.csv file
write.csv(testFinal, "jpoirier009_submission001.csv", row.names=F)

# output first few rows from predictions
"Hold-out set and predictions:"
format(head(testFinal,3), digits=3)

'Hold-out set and predictions:'