Facies classification utilizing an Adaptive Boosted Random Forest

Ryan Thielke

In the following, we provide a possible solution to the facies classification problem described in https://github.com/seg/2016-ml-contest.

Exploring the data

In [1]:
import warnings
%matplotlib inline

import sys

#Import standard pydata libs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

In [2]:
filename = '../facies_vectors.csv'
training_data = pd.read_csv(filename)
training_data['Well Name'] = training_data['Well Name'].astype('category')
training_data['Formation'] = training_data['Formation'].astype('category')                            

Facies Depth GR ILD_log10 DeltaPHI PHIND PE NM_M RELPOS
count 4149.000000 4149.000000 4149.000000 4149.000000 4149.000000 4149.000000 3232.000000 4149.000000 4149.000000
mean 4.503254 2906.867438 64.933985 0.659566 4.402484 13.201066 3.725014 1.518438 0.521852
std 2.474324 133.300164 30.302530 0.252703 5.274947 7.132846 0.896152 0.499720 0.286644
min 1.000000 2573.500000 10.149000 -0.025949 -21.832000 0.550000 0.200000 1.000000 0.000000
25% 2.000000 2821.500000 44.730000 0.498000 1.600000 8.500000 NaN 1.000000 0.277000
50% 4.000000 2932.500000 64.990000 0.639000 4.300000 12.020000 NaN 2.000000 0.528000
75% 6.000000 3007.000000 79.438000 0.822000 7.500000 16.050000 NaN 2.000000 0.769000
max 9.000000 3138.000000 361.150000 1.800000 19.312000 84.400000 8.094000 2.000000 1.000000

In [3]:
#Visualize the distribution of facies for each well
wells = training_data['Well Name'].unique()

fig, ax = plt.subplots(5,2, figsize=(20,20))
for i, well in enumerate(wells):
    row = i % ax.shape[0]
    column = i // ax.shape[0]
    counts = training_data[training_data['Well Name']==well].Facies.value_counts()
    data_for_well = [counts[j] if j in counts.index else 0 for j in range(1,10)]
    ax[row, column].bar(range(1,10), data_for_well, align='center')
    ax[row, column].set_title("{well}".format(well=well))
    ax[row, column].set_ylabel("Counts")
    ax[row, column].set_xticks(range(1,10))


In [4]:
sns.heatmap(training_data.drop(['Formation', 'Well Name'], axis=1).corr())

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10ba542e8>

Feature Engineering

Here we will do a couple things to clean the data and attempt to create new features for our model to consume.

First, we will smooth the PE and GR features. Second, we replace missing PE values with the mean of the entire dataset (might want to investigate other methods) Last, we will encode the formations into integer values

In [5]:
dfs = []
for well in training_data['Well Name'].unique():
    df = training_data[training_data['Well Name']==well].copy(deep=True)
    df.sort_values('Depth', inplace=True)
    for col in ['PE', 'GR']:
        smooth_col = 'smooth_'+col
        df[smooth_col] = pd.rolling_mean(df[col], window=25)
        df[smooth_col].fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
        df[smooth_col].fillna(method='bfill', inplace=True)
training_data = pd.concat(dfs)
pe_mean = training_data.PE.mean()
sm_pe_mean = training_data.smooth_PE.mean()
training_data['PE'] = training_data.PE.replace({np.nan:pe_mean})
training_data['smooth_PE'] = training_data['smooth_PE'].replace({np.nan:sm_pe_mean})
formation_encoder = dict(zip(training_data.Formation.unique(), range(len(training_data.Formation.unique()))))
training_data['enc_formation'] = training_data.Formation.map(formation_encoder)

In [6]:

Facies Depth GR ILD_log10 DeltaPHI PHIND PE NM_M RELPOS smooth_PE smooth_GR enc_formation
count 4149.000000 4149.000000 4149.000000 4149.000000 4149.000000 4149.000000 4149.000000 4149.000000 4149.000000 4149.000000 4149.000000 4149.000000
mean 4.503254 2906.867438 64.933985 0.659566 4.402484 13.201066 3.725014 1.518438 0.521852 3.707428 65.006645 6.476982
std 2.474324 133.300164 30.302530 0.252703 5.274947 7.132846 0.790917 0.499720 0.286644 0.577399 17.544534 4.819176
min 1.000000 2573.500000 10.149000 -0.025949 -21.832000 0.550000 0.200000 1.000000 0.000000 2.552000 22.672680 0.000000
25% 2.000000 2821.500000 44.730000 0.498000 1.600000 8.500000 3.200000 1.000000 0.277000 3.329280 53.656400 2.000000
50% 4.000000 2932.500000 64.990000 0.639000 4.300000 12.020000 3.725014 2.000000 0.528000 3.707428 65.104800 6.000000
75% 6.000000 3007.000000 79.438000 0.822000 7.500000 16.050000 4.000000 2.000000 0.769000 3.916000 75.716000 12.000000
max 9.000000 3138.000000 361.150000 1.800000 19.312000 84.400000 8.094000 2.000000 1.000000 6.086440 134.212600 13.000000

Building the model and parameter tuning

In the section below we will create a Adaptive Boosted Random Forest Classifier from the Scikit-Learn ML Library

In [7]:
#Let's build a model
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier, RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn import metrics, cross_validation 
from classification_utilities import display_cm

In [9]:
#We will take a look at an F1 score for each well
facies_labels = ['SS', 'CSiS', 'FSiS', 'SiSh', 'MS',
                 'WS', 'D','PS', 'BS']

title_length = 20 

wells = training_data['Well Name'].unique()
for well in wells:
    blind = training_data[training_data['Well Name']==well]
    train = training_data[(training_data['Well Name']!=well)]
    train_X = train.drop(['Formation', 'Well Name', 'Depth', 'Facies'], axis=1)
    train_Y = train.Facies.values
    test_X = blind.drop(['Formation', 'Well Name', 'Facies', 'Depth'], axis=1)
    test_Y = blind.Facies.values
    clf = AdaBoostClassifier(RandomForestClassifier(), n_estimators=200, learning_rate=learning_rate, random_state=random_state, algorithm='SAMME.R')
    clf.fit(X=train_X, y=train_Y)
    pred_Y = clf.predict(test_X)
    f1 = metrics.f1_score(test_Y, pred_Y, average='micro')

LUKE G U=0.6334
KIMZEY A=0.5148
Recruit F9=0.6750

In [10]:
train_X, test_X, train_Y, test_Y = cross_validation.train_test_split(training_data.drop(['Formation', 'Well Name','Facies', 'Depth'], axis=1), training_data.Facies.values, test_size=.2)

In [11]:

(3319, 10)
(830, 10)

In [12]:
clf = AdaBoostClassifier(RandomForestClassifier(), n_estimators=200, learning_rate=learning_rate, random_state=0, algorithm='SAMME.R')

clf.fit(train_X, train_Y)
pred_Y = clf.predict(test_X)
cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_true=test_Y, y_pred=pred_Y)
display_cm(cm, facies_labels, display_metrics=True)

     Pred    SS  CSiS  FSiS  SiSh    MS    WS     D    PS    BS Total
       SS    50    16     1     0     0     0     0     0     0    67
     CSiS     2   164    25     0     0     0     0     1     0   192
     FSiS     0    18   134     0     0     2     0     1     0   155
     SiSh     0     0     1    53     0     4     0     2     0    60
       MS     0     2     2     4    31    11     1     9     0    60
       WS     0     0     2     5     3    81     1    19     1   112
        D     0     0     1     0     1     0    22     6     0    30
       PS     0     0     3     1     1     9     0    98     0   112
       BS     0     0     0     0     0     1     0     2    39    42

Precision  0.96  0.82  0.79  0.84  0.86  0.75  0.92  0.71  0.97  0.82
   Recall  0.75  0.85  0.86  0.88  0.52  0.72  0.73  0.88  0.93  0.81
       F1  0.84  0.84  0.83  0.86  0.65  0.74  0.81  0.78  0.95  0.81

In [13]:
validation_data = pd.read_csv("../validation_data_nofacies.csv")

In [14]:
dfs = []
for well in validation_data['Well Name'].unique():
    df = validation_data[validation_data['Well Name']==well].copy(deep=True)
    df.sort_values('Depth', inplace=True)
    for col in ['PE', 'GR']:
        smooth_col = 'smooth_'+col
        df[smooth_col] = pd.rolling_mean(df[col], window=25)
        df[smooth_col].fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
        df[smooth_col].fillna(method='bfill', inplace=True)
validation_data = pd.concat(dfs)

validation_data['enc_formation'] = validation_data.Formation.map(formation_encoder)

Depth GR ILD_log10 DeltaPHI PHIND PE NM_M RELPOS smooth_PE smooth_GR enc_formation
count 830.000000 830.00000 830.000000 830.000000 830.000000 830.000000 830.000000 830.000000 830.000000 830.000000 830.000000
mean 2987.070482 57.61173 0.666312 2.851964 11.655277 3.654178 1.678313 0.535807 3.640066 57.535834 6.214458
std 94.391925 27.52774 0.288367 3.442074 5.190236 0.649793 0.467405 0.283062 0.373720 16.020556 4.599762
min 2808.000000 12.03600 -0.468000 -8.900000 1.855000 2.113000 1.000000 0.013000 2.783080 23.462960 0.000000
25% 2911.625000 36.77325 0.541000 0.411250 7.700000 3.171500 1.000000 0.300000 3.386970 46.641210 1.000000
50% 2993.750000 58.34450 0.675000 2.397500 10.950000 3.515500 2.000000 0.547500 3.631880 56.626940 5.000000
75% 3055.375000 73.05150 0.850750 4.600000 14.793750 4.191500 2.000000 0.778000 3.846550 68.118700 11.000000
max 3160.500000 220.41300 1.507000 16.500000 31.335000 6.321000 2.000000 1.000000 4.696200 95.138680 13.000000

In [15]:
X = training_data.drop(['Formation', 'Well Name', 'Depth','Facies'], axis=1)
Y = training_data.Facies.values
test_X = validation_data.drop(['Formation', 'Well Name', 'Depth'], axis=1)

clf = AdaBoostClassifier(RandomForestClassifier(), n_estimators=200, learning_rate=learning_rate, random_state=0)
predicted_facies = clf.predict(test_X)
validation_data['Facies'] = predicted_facies

In [16]:

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