Using sci-kit learn, i.e. sklearn for Machine Learning (ML); in combination with numpy,scipy, and pandas

In [3]:
%matplotlib inline

In [4]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sklearn
from sklearn import datasets

In [5]:
import os, sys
os.listdir( os.getcwd() ) ;

In [6]:
import numpy as np
import scipy

In [7]:
import pandas as pd

In [7]:
np.random.random(10).shape  # testing, playing,


In [10]:
x = np.array([5,3,0,4])
y = np.array([4,4,1,3])


In [18]:
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress(x,y)
print( slope, intercept, r_value,p_value,std_err)

(0.5714285714285714, 1.2857142857142858, 0.87287156094396956, 0.12712843905603044, 0.22587697572631277)

In [16]:
( (x-y)*(x-y) ).mean()/2.


In [17]:


cf. Week 1, Linear Algebra Review, Coursera, Machine Learning with Ng

I'll take this opportunity to provide a dictionary between the syntax of linear algebra math and numpy

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

Linear Regression

cf. Week 2 Programming Assignment:Linear Regression, 1st programming assignment,

cf. machine-learning-ex1/ex1/warmUpExercise.m of Week 2 Programming Assignment: Linear Regression of Coursera Machine Learning by Ng, i.e.

1 Simple Octave/MATLAB function

In [19]:
np.identity(5) # eye(5) in Matlab/Octave

array([[ 1.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  1.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  1.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  1.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  1.]])

2 Linear regression with one variable

cf. machine-learning-ex1/ex1/ex1data1.txt and machine-learning-ex1/ex1.pdf

In [6]:
os.listdir( './coursera_Ng/machine-learning-ex1/' )

['ex1.pdf', 'ex1', 'matlab-python-xref.pdf', '']

In [7]:
os.listdir( './coursera_Ng/machine-learning-ex1/ex1' )


pandas.read_csv, Parameters: header: defaults to 0, if no names are passed, but we need to set it to None so not to include the first row

In [8]:
## ================================== Part 2: Plotting =====================================
print("Plotting Data ... \n")
linregdata = pd.read_csv('./coursera_Ng/machine-learning-ex1/ex1/ex1data1.txt', header=None)

Plotting Data ... 

In [9]:
print( linregdata.describe() )

               0          1
count  97.000000  97.000000
mean    8.159800   5.839135
std     3.869884   5.510262
min     5.026900  -2.680700
25%     5.707700   1.986900
50%     6.589400   4.562300
75%     8.578100   7.046700
max    22.203000  24.147000
0 1
0 6.1101 17.5920
1 5.5277 9.1302
2 8.5186 13.6620
3 7.0032 11.8540
4 5.8598 6.8233

In [10]:
X_linreg = linregdata.as_matrix()[:,0]  # pandas.DataFrame.as_matrix convert frame to its numpy-array representation
y_linreg = linregdata.as_matrix()[:,1]
m_linreg = len(y_linreg)  # number of training examples  
print( X_linreg.shape, type(X_linreg)) 
print( y_linreg.shape, type(y_linreg)) 
print m_linreg

((97,), <type 'numpy.ndarray'>)
((97,), <type 'numpy.ndarray'>)

In [42]:

array([  6.1101,   5.5277,   8.5186,   7.0032,   5.8598,   8.3829,
         7.4764,   8.5781,   6.4862,   5.0546,   5.7107,  14.164 ,
         5.734 ,   8.4084,   5.6407,   5.3794,   6.3654,   5.1301,
         6.4296,   7.0708,   6.1891,  20.27  ,   5.4901,   6.3261,
         5.5649,  18.945 ,  12.828 ,  10.957 ,  13.176 ,  22.203 ,
         5.2524,   6.5894,   9.2482,   5.8918,   8.2111,   7.9334,
         8.0959,   5.6063,  12.836 ,   6.3534,   5.4069,   6.8825,
        11.708 ,   5.7737,   7.8247,   7.0931,   5.0702,   5.8014,
        11.7   ,   5.5416,   7.5402,   5.3077,   7.4239,   7.6031,
         6.3328,   6.3589,   6.2742,   5.6397,   9.3102,   9.4536,
         8.8254,   5.1793,  21.279 ,  14.908 ,  18.959 ,   7.2182,
         8.2951,  10.236 ,   5.4994,  20.341 ,  10.136 ,   7.3345,
         6.0062,   7.2259,   5.0269,   6.5479,   7.5386,   5.0365,
        10.274 ,   5.1077,   5.7292,   5.1884,   6.3557,   9.7687,
         6.5159,   8.5172,   9.1802,   6.002 ,   5.5204,   5.0594,
         5.7077,   7.6366,   5.8707,   5.3054,   8.2934,  13.394 ,   5.4369])

In [45]:
plt.xlabel('Population of City in 10,000s')
plt.ylabel('Profit in $10,000s')
plt.plot( X_linreg, y_linreg, 'rx', markersize=10)

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f1aeff9bd10>]

Batch Gradient Descent

cf. machine-learning-ex1/ex1/ex1.m

cf. How to add column to numpy array


all_data = np.hstack((my_data, new_col))
all_data = np.concatenate((my_data, new_col), 1)

I believe that the only difference between these three functions (as well as np.vstack) are their default behaviors for when axis is unspecified:

* `concatenate` assumes axis = 0
* `hstack` assumes axis = 1 unless inputs are 1d, then `axis = 0`
* `vstack` assumes axis = 0 after adding an axis if inputs are 1d
* `append` flattens array


See also How to add an extra column to an numpy array

"I think a more straightforward solution and faster to boot is to do the following:"

import numpy as np
N = 10
a = np.random.rand(N,N)
b = np.zeros((N,N+1))
b[:,:-1] = a

In [11]:
# np.hstack( ( np.ones((m_linreg,1)), X_linreg.reshape(,1) ) ).shape

input_X_linreg = np.vstack( (np.ones(m_linreg), X_linreg ) ).T

(97, 2)

In [64]:
b = np.ones((m_linreg,1))
b[:,:-1] = X_linreg

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-64-a828184f4fff> in <module>()
      1 b = np.ones((m_linreg,1))
      2 b.shape
----> 3 b[:,:-1] = X_linreg

ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (97) into shape (97,0)

In [12]:
theta = np.zeros((2,1)); print( theta )

[[ 0.]
 [ 0.]]

In [ ]:
# Some gradient descent settings
iterations = 1500 
alpha = 0.01  # learning rate

In [84]:
print( input_X_linreg, theta ).shape )
#( input_X_linreg, theta) - y_linreg ).shape

(97, 1)
(97, 1)

In [90]:
res =,theta) - y_linreg.reshape((len(y_linreg),1)) 


In [105]:
print( res.shape) 
print( input_X_linreg.shape )
print( X_linreg.shape)
input_X_linreg[:,1].reshape( 97,1).shape

(97, 1)
(97, 2)
(97, 1)

In [109]:
# ( res * input_X_linreg[:,1].reshape(m_linreg,1) ).shape
dres = ( res * input_X_linreg )

(97, 2)
array([ -5.83913505, -65.32884975])

In [115]:
temp = theta.flatten() - 0.5 * dres.mean(axis=0)
print( temp)

[  2.91956753  32.66442487]

In [118]:
theta - np.vstack( temp)

array([[ -2.91956753],

The object of linear regression is to minimize the cost function:

$$ J(\theta) = \frac{1}{2m} \sum_{i=1}^m(h_{\theta}(x^{i}) - y^{(i)})^2 $$

In [13]:
def computeCost(X,y,theta):
    COMPUTECOST Compute cost for linear regression
    J = COMPUTECOST(X, y, theta) computes the cost of using theta as the 
    parameter for linear regression to fit the data points in X and y
    # Initialize some useful values
    m = len(y) # number of training examples
    # You will need to return the following variable correctly
    J = 0
    # attach a column of 1's to make \theta_0 a feature
    input_X_linreg = np.vstack( (np.ones(m), X)).T  # take the transpose since the np array is a "row"
    # preprocess inputs X,y to make sure numpy array dimensions are correct
    target_y_linreg = y.reshape((m,1))
    # Compute the cost of a particular choice of theta.  Set J to the cost
    ## assume that theta is a numpy array of dim. 2x1 and not (2,)
    predicted_vals = input_X_linreg, theta)  # X * \theta
    res = predicted_vals - target_y_linreg  # res for residual
    ressq = res * res
    J = ressq.mean() * 0.5    
    return J

In [93]:
computeCost(X_linreg, y_linreg, theta)


Gradient descent

Batch Gradient descent

In [ ]:

In [14]:
def gradientDescent(X, y, theta, alpha, num_iters=1500):
    GRADIENTDESCENT Performs gradient descent to learn theta  
    theta = GRADIENTDESCENT(X, y, theta, alpha, num_iters) updates theta by 
    taking num_iters gradient steps with learning rate alpha  
    # Initialize some useful values
    m = len(y)
    J_history = np.zeros(num_iters);
    # attach a column of 1's to make \theta_0 a feature
    input_X_linreg = np.vstack( (np.ones(m), X)).T
    # preprocess inputs X,y to make sure numpy array dimensions are correct
    target_y_linreg = y.reshape((m,1))
    for iter in range(num_iters):  
        # perform a single gradient step on the parameter vector theta

        ## assume that theta is a numpy array of dim. 2x1, and not (2,)
        ### predicted_vals is h_{\theta}(x^{(i)}), h is the hypothesis
        predicted_vals = input_X_linreg, theta) # X * \theta

        res = predicted_vals - target_y_linreg # res for residual
        dres = res * input_X_linreg  # it's the partial derivative with respect to each x_j
        temp = theta.flatten() - alpha * dres.mean( axis=0)
        theta = np.vstack( temp )  # this is effectively numpy's transpose from row to column vector
        J_history[iter] = computeCost(X,y,theta)

    return theta, J_history

In [120]:

array([[ 0.],
       [ 0.]])

In [121]:
result_1d_graddesc = gradientDescent(X_linreg, y_linreg,theta, 0.01)

In [15]:
%time result_1d_graddesc = gradientDescent(X_linreg, y_linreg,theta, 0.01)

CPU times: user 130 ms, sys: 2.13 ms, total: 132 ms
Wall time: 140 ms

In [132]:
print( result_1d_graddesc[0] )
print( result_1d_graddesc[0][0,0] )
print( result_1d_graddesc[0][1,0])

 [ 1.16636235]]

In [124]:
plt.plot( result_1d_graddesc[1] )

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f1aefeb5ad0>]

cf. 2.2.4 Gradient descent, pp. 7 of ex1.pdf:

"Your final values for $\theta$ will also be used to make predictions on profits in areas of 35,000 and 70,000 people. Note the way that the following lines in ex1.m uses matrix multiplication, rather than explicit summation or looping, to calculate the predictions.

In [149]:
# Plot the linear fit

# cf. Draw a regression line with matplotlib
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

ax.set_xlabel('Population of City in 10,000s')
ax.set_ylabel('Profit in $10,000s')
#plt.plot( X_linreg, y_linreg, 'rx', markersize=10)
ax.scatter(X_linreg, y_linreg, s=40,c='r',marker='x'  )  # s is size in points^2, c is color
ax.plot( X_linreg, 
    result_1d_graddesc[0][0,0] + X_linreg * result_1d_graddesc[0][1,0],'-')

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f1aefe96210>]

In [128]:
type(X_linreg); X_linreg.shape


Part 4: Visualizing J (theta_0, theta_1) ===========================================

In [155]:
# Grid over which we will calculate J
theta0_vals = np.arange(-10,10,20./100.)
theta1_vals = np.arange(-1,4,5./100.)
theta0_vals, theta1_vals = np.meshgrid( theta0_vals, theta1_vals )

In [156]:
print( type( theta0_vals ), type( theta1_vals) )
print( theta0_vals.shape, theta1_vals.shape )

(<type 'numpy.ndarray'>, <type 'numpy.ndarray'>)
((100, 100), (100, 100))

In [163]:
# Note to self: computeCost(X_linreg, y_linreg, theta)

# Fill out J_vals
J_vals = np.array( [[computeCost(X_linreg,y_linreg, np.vstack( np.array( [
                                theta1_vals[i,j] ] ) ) ) for j in range(100) ] 
                        for i in range(100) ] )

In [168]:
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm

In [169]:
surf_fig = plt.figure()
surf_ax = surf_fig.gca(projection='3d')

# Plot the surface
surftheta = surf_ax.plot_surface( theta0_vals, theta1_vals, J_vals, 
                     cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False)

# Add a color bar which maps values to colors
surf_fig.colorbar(surftheta, shrink=0.5, aspect=5)

<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f1aef2d15d0>

In [158]:

array([[ 0.],
       [ 0.]])

In [161]:
np.vstack( np.array( [ theta0_vals[2,3], theta1_vals[2,3] ] ) )


In [176]:
# Contour plot
thetacontourplt = plt.contour(theta0_vals, theta1_vals, J_vals, 
                              levels=np.logspace(-2,3,20) )
plt.clabel(thetacontourplt, inline=True, fontsize=10)
plt.plot( result_1d_graddesc[0][0,0], result_1d_graddesc[0][1,0], 'rx', markersize=10 )

Linear regression with multiple variables

Linear regression with multiple variables, via Week 2 Programming Exercise, ex1.pdf and ex1_multi.m

In [18]:
## Load Data
print("Loading data ... \n")

linregdata2 = pd.read_csv('./coursera_Ng/machine-learning-ex1/ex1/ex1data2.txt', header=None)
print( linregdata2.describe() )

Loading data ... 

                 0          1              2
count    47.000000  47.000000      47.000000
mean   2000.680851   3.170213  340412.659574
std     794.702354   0.760982  125039.899586
min     852.000000   1.000000  169900.000000
25%    1432.000000   3.000000  249900.000000
50%    1888.000000   3.000000  299900.000000
75%    2269.000000   4.000000  384450.000000
max    4478.000000   5.000000  699900.000000
0 1 2
0 2104 3 399900
1 1600 3 329900
2 2400 3 369000
3 1416 2 232000
4 3000 4 539900

In [11]:

array([[2104,    3],
       [1600,    3],
       [2400,    3],
       [1416,    2],
       [3000,    4],
       [1985,    4],
       [1534,    3],
       [1427,    3],
       [1380,    3],
       [1494,    3],
       [1940,    4],
       [2000,    3],
       [1890,    3],
       [4478,    5],
       [1268,    3],
       [2300,    4],
       [1320,    2],
       [1236,    3],
       [2609,    4],
       [3031,    4],
       [1767,    3],
       [1888,    2],
       [1604,    3],
       [1962,    4],
       [3890,    3],
       [1100,    3],
       [1458,    3],
       [2526,    3],
       [2200,    3],
       [2637,    3],
       [1839,    2],
       [1000,    1],
       [2040,    4],
       [3137,    3],
       [1811,    4],
       [1437,    3],
       [1239,    3],
       [2132,    4],
       [4215,    4],
       [2162,    4],
       [1664,    2],
       [2238,    3],
       [2567,    4],
       [1200,    3],
       [ 852,    2],
       [1852,    4],
       [1203,    3]])

In [19]:
X_linreg = linregdata2.as_matrix([0,1])  # pandas.DataFrame.as_matrix convert frame to its numpy-array representation
y_linreg = linregdata2.as_matrix([2])
m_linreg = len(y_linreg)  # number of training examples  
print( X_linreg.shape, type(X_linreg)) 
print( y_linreg.shape, type(y_linreg)) 
print m_linreg

((47, 2), <type 'numpy.ndarray'>)
((47, 1), <type 'numpy.ndarray'>)

Feature Normalization

cf. 3.1 Feature Normalization of ex1.pdf

In [15]:
print( X_linreg.mean(axis=0) )

[ 2000.68085106     3.17021277]

In [18]:
print( X_linreg.std(axis=0) )

[  7.86202619e+02   7.52842809e-01]

In [20]:
normedX_linreg = (X_linreg - X_linreg.mean(axis=0))/X_linreg.std(axis=0)
normedy_linreg = (y_linreg - y_linreg.mean(axis=0))/y_linreg.std(axis=0)

In [25]:
print( normedX_linreg.mean() )
print( normedX_linreg.std() )

print( normedy_linreg.mean() )


In [21]:
def featureNormalize(X):
    FEATURENORMALIZE Normalizes the features in X  
    FEATURENORMALIZE(X) returns a normalized version of X where  
    the mean value of each feature is 0 and the standard deviation  
    is 1.  This is often a good preprocessing step to do when 
    working with learning algorithms.
    # You need to set these values correctly  
    X_norm = (X-X.mean(axis=0))/X.std(axis=0)
    mu = X.mean(axis=0)
    sigma = X.std(axis=0)
    return [X_norm, mu, sigma]

In [35]:
print( normedX_linreg.shape )
theta = np.zeros((2,1))

(47, 2)
(2, 1)

In [38]:
predicted_val = normedX_linreg, theta )

In [39]:
res = predicted_val - y_linreg

In [43]:
%timeit res.T, res )/ m_linreg

The slowest run took 28.54 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
100000 loops, best of 3: 2.03 µs per loop

In [44]:
%timeit (res*res).mean()

The slowest run took 17.29 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
100000 loops, best of 3: 5.25 µs per loop

In [16]:
def computeCostMulti(X,y,theta):
    COMPUTECOSTMULTI Compute cost for linear regresion with multiple variables
    J = COMPUTECOSTMULTI(X, y, theta) computes the cost of using theta as the  
    parameter for linear regression to fit the data points in X and y
    # Initialize some useful values
    m = len(y) # number of training examples   
    # You need to return the following variables correctly
    J = 0
    # Compute the cost of a particualar choice of theta, setting J to the cost
    predicted_val =,theta)
    res = predicted_val - y
    J = res.T, res)/m * 0.5
    return J

In [53]: np.linalg.inv( normedX_linreg.T, normedX_linreg) ) , normedX_linreg.T ) , y_linreg)

array([[ 109447.79646964],
       [  -6578.35485416]])

(Batch) gradient descent for multiple variables, multivariate (batch) gradient descent

cf. gradientDescentMulti.m

In [17]:
def gradientDescentMulti(X, y, theta, alpha, num_iters=1500):
    GRADIENTDESCENTMULTI Performs gradient descent to learn theta
    theta = GRADIENTDESCENTMULTI(X, y, theta, alpha, num_iters) updates theta by 
    taking num_iters gradient steps with learning rate alpha

    # Initialize some useful values
    m = len(y)  # number of training examples
    J_history = np.zeros((num_iters , 1) )
    ## assume preprocessing is needed (in the case when using pandas for DataFrame, only column of 1 is needed)
    input_X_linreg = np.hstack( (np.ones((m,1)), X))    
    for iter in range(num_iters):
        # perform a single gradient step on the parameter vector theta
        predicted_vals = input_X_linreg, theta)
        res = predicted_vals - y 
        dres = res * input_X_linreg # it's the partial derivative with respect to each x_j
        temp = theta.flatten() - alpha * dres.mean( axis=0)
        theta = np.vstack( temp )  # this is effectively numpy's transpose from row to column vector
        J_history[iter] = computeCostMulti(input_X_linreg,y,theta)

    return theta, J_history

In [22]:
input_X_linreg = np.hstack( ( np.ones((m_linreg,1)), normedX_linreg ) )

In [67]:
predicted_vals_multi = input_X_linreg, np.zeros((3,1)) )

(47, 1)

In [69]:
res_multi = predicted_vals_multi - y_linreg

In [71]:
dres_multi = res_multi * input_X_linreg

(47, 3)

In [73]:
( np.zeros((3,1)).flatten() - 0.5 * dres_multi.mean(axis=0) ).shape


Bottom line for serial, (batch) gradient descent for multiple variables (multiple features)

In [97]:
[normedX_linreg, mu_multi, sigma_multi] = featureNormalize(X_linreg)

In [26]:
theta = np.zeros((3,1))

In [24]:
alpha = 0.01 # Learning rate
num_iters = 400

In [101]:
[theta, J_history] = gradientDescentMulti(normedX_linreg, y_linreg, theta, alpha, num_iters)

In [27]:
%time [theta, J_history] = gradientDescentMulti(normedX_linreg, y_linreg, theta, alpha, num_iters)

CPU times: user 33.8 ms, sys: 857 µs, total: 34.6 ms
Wall time: 33.3 ms

In [106]:
plt.plot( J_history)

In [28]:

array([[ 334302.06399328],
       [  99411.44947359],
       [   3267.01285407]])

Normal Equations

cf. 3.3 Normal Equations, pp. 14 of ex1.pdf

The closed-form solution to linear regression is

$$ \theta = (X^T X)^{-1}X^T \mathbf{y} $$

In [108]:
def normalEqn(X,y):
    NORMALEQN Computes the closed-form solution to linear regression  
    NORMALEQN(X,y) computes the closed-form solution to linear  
    regression using the normal equations.   
    normX = X.T, X)
    normXinverse = np.linalg.inv( normX )
    theta = normXinverse, X.T),y)
    return theta

In [110]:
# Add intercept term to X

X_linreg_w_intercept = np.hstack( (np.ones((m_linreg,1)), X_linreg))

In [111]:
normalEqn( X_linreg_w_intercept, y_linreg)

array([[ 89597.9095428 ],
       [   139.21067402],
       [ -8738.01911233]])

In [113]:
midterm_exampow2 = np.array( [ 7921, 5184, 8836, 4761])

In [119]:
midterm_exampow2min = midterm_exampow2.min()
midterm_exampow2max = midterm_exampow2.max()
midterm_exampow2range = float( midterm_exampow2max - midterm_exampow2min )
midterm_exampow2mean = midterm_exampow2.mean()

In [118]:
midterm_exampow2 / midterm_exampow2range

array([ 1.94380368,  1.27214724,  2.16834356,  1.16834356])

In [121]:
(midterm_exampow2 - midterm_exampow2mean) / midterm_exampow2range

array([ 0.30564417, -0.36601227,  0.53018405, -0.46981595])

Took the quiz today for Week 2. 20170209

EY : Diabetes Sample data from sci-kit learn, sklearn

In [29]:
# Load the diabetes dataset
diabetes = sklearn.datasets.load_diabetes()

In [30]:
diabetes_X =
diabetes_Y =

In [31]:
#diabetes_X1 = diabetes_X[:,np.newaxis,2]
diabetes_X1 = diabetes_X[:,np.newaxis, 2]

In [32]:
theta = np.zeros((2,1))

In [34]:
%time linreg_diabetes_result = gradientDescent(diabetes_X1.flatten(), diabetes_Y.flatten(),theta,0.01,num_iters=10000)

CPU times: user 626 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 626 ms
Wall time: 622 ms

In [35]:

(array([[ 152.13348416],
       [ 192.24054374]]), array([ 14306.90606965,  14081.15393709,  13859.89335591, ...,
         2593.86599428,   2593.83664449,   2593.80729603]))

In [36]:
theta = np.zeros((diabetes_X.shape[1]+1,1))

In [42]:
%time linreg_diabetes_result = gradientDescentMulti(diabetes_X, np.vstack(diabetes_Y),theta,0.01,num_iters=10000)

CPU times: user 852 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 852 ms
Wall time: 848 ms

In [38]:

(442, 10)

In [40]:

(11, 1)

In [41]:


Logistic regression

In [43]:
os.listdir( './coursera_Ng/machine-learning-ex2/' )

['ex2.pdf', 'ex2']

In [44]:
os.listdir( './coursera_Ng/machine-learning-ex2/ex2' )


pandas.read_csv, Parameters: header: defaults to 0, if no names are passed, but we need to set it to None so not to include the first row

1.1 Visualizing the data

cf. pp. 3, 'ex2.pdf' Week 3 Programming Assigment: Logistic Regression for Coursera's Machine Learning Introduction by Ng

In [45]:
## ================================== Part 2: Plotting =====================================
print("Plotting Data ... \n")
logregdata = pd.read_csv('./coursera_Ng/machine-learning-ex2/ex2/ex2data1.txt', header=None)

Plotting Data ... 

In [47]:

0 1 2
count 100.000000 100.000000 100.000000
mean 65.644274 66.221998 0.600000
std 19.458222 18.582783 0.492366
min 30.058822 30.603263 0.000000
25% 50.919511 48.179205 0.000000
50% 67.032988 67.682381 1.000000
75% 80.212529 79.360605 1.000000
max 99.827858 98.869436 1.000000

In [ ]:
plt.scatter( logregdata.as_matrix([0]) , logregdata.as_matrix([1])

In [ ]:
df.loc[df['column_name'] == some_value]

In [51]:

0 1 2
0 34.623660 78.024693 0
1 30.286711 43.894998 0
2 35.847409 72.902198 0
3 60.182599 86.308552 1
4 79.032736 75.344376 1

In [52]:
# Find Indices of Positive and Negative Examples
logregdata.loc[ logregdata[2] == 0]

0 1 2
0 34.623660 78.024693 0
1 30.286711 43.894998 0
2 35.847409 72.902198 0
5 45.083277 56.316372 0
10 95.861555 38.225278 0
11 75.013658 30.603263 0
14 39.538339 76.036811 0
17 67.946855 46.678574 0
20 67.372028 42.838438 0
22 50.534788 48.855812 0
23 34.212061 44.209529 0
27 93.114389 38.800670 0
28 61.830206 50.256108 0
29 38.785804 64.995681 0
32 52.107980 63.127624 0
34 40.236894 71.167748 0
35 54.635106 52.213886 0
36 33.915500 98.869436 0
38 74.789253 41.573415 0
39 34.183640 75.237720 0
41 51.547720 46.856290 0
43 82.368754 40.618255 0
44 51.047752 45.822701 0
45 62.222676 52.060992 0
53 34.524514 60.396342 0
54 50.286496 49.804539 0
55 49.586677 59.808951 0
57 32.577200 95.598548 0
61 35.286113 47.020514 0
62 56.253817 39.261473 0
63 30.058822 49.592974 0
64 44.668262 66.450086 0
65 66.560894 41.092098 0
67 49.072563 51.883212 0
70 32.722833 43.307173 0
78 60.455556 42.508409 0
79 82.226662 42.719879 0
86 42.075455 78.844786 0
89 52.348004 60.769505 0
92 55.482161 35.570703 0

In [79]:
# First, 
# Find Indices of Positive and Negative Examples

# neg, negative examples, y == 0
plt.scatter( logregdata.loc[ logregdata[2] == 0].as_matrix([0]) , 
             logregdata.loc[ logregdata[2] == 0].as_matrix([1]), s=35,c='y',marker='o' , label='Not Admitted')
# parameters for scatter: s : size in points^2, c : color, marker : MarkerStyle, default 'o'

# pos. positive examples, y == 1
plt.scatter( logregdata.loc[ logregdata[2] == 1].as_matrix([0]) , 
             logregdata.loc[ logregdata[2] == 1].as_matrix([1]), s=75,c='b',marker='+' , label='Admitted')
plt.xlabel("Exam 1 score")
plt.ylabel("Exam 2 score")

cf. sigmoid.m

The sigmoid function is defined as

$$ g(z) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-z} } $$

In [17]:
def sigmoid(z):
    SIGMOID Compute sigmoid function
        g = SIGMOID(z) computes the sigmoid of z
    g = (1. + np.exp(-z))
    g = 1./g
    return g

In [64]:
sigmoid( np.array([1,2,3]))

array([ 0.73105858,  0.88079708,  0.95257413])

Cost function and gradient (for logistic regression)

cf. 1.2.2 Cost function and gradient, pp. 4, ex2.pdf

$$ J(\theta) = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^m \left[ -y^{(i)} \log{ (h_{\theta}(x^{(i)})) } - (1-y^{ (i) } ) \log{ (1- h_{\theta}(x^{ (i)} ) ) }\right] $$

Remember that, for logistic regression hypothesis, $$ h_{\theta}(x) = g(\theta^Tx ) $$

with $g$ being the sigmoid function, defined as
$$ g(z) = \frac{1}{ 1 + e^{-z} } $$

In [91]:
def costFunction(theta, X,y):
    COSTFUNCTION Compute cost and gradient for logistic regression  
    J = COSTFUNCTION(theta, X, y) computes the cost of using theta as the  
    parameter for logistic regression and the gradient of the cost  
    w.r.t. to the parameters  

    [J, grad]
    # Initialize some useful values  
    m = len(y)  # number of training examples
    # You need to return the following variables correctly
    J = 0 
    grad = np.zeros( len(theta))

    # Compute the cost of a particular choice of theta.  
    # You should set J to the cost.  
    # Compute the partial derivatives and set grad to the partial 
    # derivatives of the cost w.r.t. each parameter in theta  

    ## assume preprocessing is needed (in the case when using pandas for DataFrame, only column of 1 is needed)
    input_X_linreg = np.hstack( (np.ones((m,1)), X))    
    predicted_vals = input_X_linreg, theta )  # h_{\theta}  
    predicted_vals = sigmoid( predicted_vals )
    interpolation = -y * np.log( predicted_vals ) - (1. - y) * np.log( 1. - predicted_vals ) 
    J = interpolation.mean()  

    res = predicted_vals - y # res for residual
    dJ = res * input_X_linreg # res * x_j^{(i)}
    grad = dJ.mean(axis=0)
    return [J, grad]

In [92]:
len( np.vstack( np.zeros(3) ) )


In [70]:
np.log( logregdata.as_matrix([0])  ).mean()

#logregdata.loc[ logregdata[2] == 1].as_matrix([0])


In [93]:
## ======================= Part 2: Compute Cost and Gradient ==============================  

d = logregdata.as_matrix().shape[1] - 1

# Initialize fitting parameters
initial_theta = np.zeros( (d + 1,1) )

In [94]:
X = logregdata.as_matrix( range(d) )
y = logregdata.as_matrix( [d])
# Compute and display initial cost and gradient  
[cost, grad] = costFunction( initial_theta , X, y )

In [96]:
print("Cost at initial theta (zeros): %f\n" % cost )  
print("Expected cost (approx): 0.693\n") 
print("Gradient at initial theta (zeros): \n")
#print(" %f \n" % grad)
print("Expected gradients (approx):\n -0.1000\n -12.0092\n -11.2628\n")

Cost at initial theta (zeros): 0.693147

Expected cost (approx): 0.693

Gradient at initial theta (zeros): 

[ -0.1        -12.00921659 -11.26284221]
Expected gradients (approx):

In [97]:
# Compute and display cost and gradient with non-zero theta
test_theta = np.vstack( np.array( [-24., 0.2, 0.2]) )
[cost, grad]  = costFunction( test_theta, X,y)

In [98]:
print("\nCost at test theta: %f\n" % cost)
print("Expected cost (approx): 0.218\n")
print("Gradient at test theta: \n")
print( grad)
print("Expected gradients (approx): \n 0.043\n 2.586\n 2.647\n")

Cost at test theta: 0.218330

Expected cost (approx): 0.218

Gradient at test theta: 

[ 0.04290299  2.56623412  2.64679737]
Expected gradients (approx): 

In [99]:
## ===================== Part 3: optimizing using fminunc 

Regularized logistic regression; 2 Regularized logistic regression

Cost function and gradient; Regularized logistic regression

cf. 2.3 Cost function and gradient

Recall regularized cost function in logistic regression
$$ J(\theta) = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^m \left[-y^{(i)} \log{ (h_{\theta}(x^{(i)} )) } - (1-y^{(i)} )\log{ (1-h_{\theta}(x^{(i)} )) } \right] + \frac{ \lambda}{ 2m } \sum_{j=1}^n \theta_j^2 $$

In [107]:
def costFunctionReg(theta, X,y,lambda_val):
    COSTFUNCTIONREG Compute cost and gradient for logistic regression with regularization  
    J = COSTFUNCTION(theta, X, y) computes the cost of using theta as the  
    parameter for regularized logistic regression and the gradient of the cost  
    w.r.t. to the parameters  

    [J, grad]
    # Initialize some useful values  
    m = len(y)  # number of training examples
    # You need to return the following variables correctly
    J = 0 
    grad = np.zeros( len(theta))

    # Compute the cost of a particular choice of theta.  
    # You should set J to the cost.  
    # Compute the partial derivatives and set grad to the partial 
    # derivatives of the cost w.r.t. each parameter in theta  

    ## assume preprocessing is needed (in the case when using pandas for DataFrame, only column of 1 is needed)
    input_X_linreg = np.hstack( (np.ones((m,1)), X))    
    predicted_vals = input_X_linreg, theta )  # h_{\theta}  
    predicted_vals = sigmoid( predicted_vals )
    interpolation = -y * np.log( predicted_vals ) - (1. - y) * np.log( 1. - predicted_vals ) 
    J = interpolation.mean()  

    # regularized term 
    theta1 = theta[1:]  # "Note that you should not regularize the parameter $\theta_0$"
    reg_term = np.inner( theta1.flatten(), theta1.flatten() ) # \sum_{j=1}^n \theta_j^2
    reg_term = lambda_val * (1./(2. * m)) * reg_term
    J += reg_term
    res = predicted_vals - y # res for residual
    dJ = res * input_X_linreg # res * x_j^{(i)}
    grad = dJ.mean(axis=0)
    # regularization term for gradient : grad_reg_term
    grad_reg_term = np.zeros( len(theta))
    grad_reg_term[1:] = theta[1:]
    grad_reg_term *= lambda_val / float(m)
    grad += grad_reg_term
    return [J, grad]

In [102]:

(2, 1)

In [106]:
np.inner( initial_theta.flatten(), initial_theta.flatten())


In [ ]:

Multi-class Classification

cf. ex3.pdf, Programming Exercise 3: Multi-class Classification and Neural Networks, Machine Learning,

1 Multi-class Classification

In [108]:


In [109]:
os.listdir( './coursera_Ng/machine-learning-ex3/' )

['ex3.pdf', 'ex3']

In [110]:
os.listdir( './coursera_Ng/machine-learning-ex3/ex3/' )


In [14]:
# Load saved matrices from file 
multiclscls_data ='./coursera_Ng/machine-learning-ex3/ex3/ex3data1.mat')

In [115]:

['y', 'X', '__version__', '__header__', '__globals__']

In [119]:
print( type(multiclscls_data['y'] )) 
print( multiclscls_data['y'].shape )
print( multiclscls_data['X'].shape )

<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
(5000, 1)
<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
(5000, 400)

In [9]:
def sigmoid(z):
    SIGMOID COmpute sigmoid function
    J = SIGMOID(z) computes the sigmoid of z.
    g = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-z))
    return g

cf. 1.3 Vectorizing Logistic Regression, 1.3.1 Vectorizing the cost function pp. 4, ex3.pdf

Recall (unregularized) logistic regression:

$$ J(\theta) = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^m \left[ -y^{ (i)} \log{ (h_{\theta}(x^{(i)} ) ) } - (1-y^{(i)} )\log{ (1-h_{\theta}(x^{(i)} ) ) } \right] $$

In [36]:
def lrCostFunction(theta, X, y, lambda_val):
    LRCOSTFUNCTION Compute cost and gradient for logistic regression with 
    J = LRCOSTFUNCTION(theta, X, y,lambda_val) computes the cost of using theta as the  
    parameter for regularized logistic regression and the gradient of the cost  
    w.r.t. to the parameters  

    @type  : numpy array of matrix size d+1,1 i.e. theta \in \mathbb{R}^{d+1}
    @param : "weights"

    [J, grad]
    # Initialize some useful values  
    m = len(y)  # number of training examples
    # You need to return the following variables correctly
    J = 0 
    grad = np.zeros( len(theta))

    # Compute the cost of a particular choice of theta.  
    # You should set J to the cost.  
    # Compute the partial derivatives and set grad to the partial 
    # derivatives of the cost w.r.t. each parameter in theta  

    ## assume preprocessing is needed (in the case when using pandas for DataFrame, only column of 1 is needed)
    input_X_linreg = np.hstack( (np.ones((m,1)), X))    
    predicted_vals = input_X_linreg, theta )  # h_{\theta}  
    predicted_vals = sigmoid( predicted_vals )
    interpolation = -y * np.log( predicted_vals ) - (1. - y) * np.log( 1. - predicted_vals ) 
    J = interpolation.mean()  

    res = predicted_vals - y # res for residual
#    dJ = res * input_X_linreg # res * x_j^{(i)}
#    grad = dJ.mean(axis=0)
    dJ = input_X_linreg.T , res ) 
        # regularized term 
    theta1 = theta[1:]  # "Note that you should not regularize the parameter $\theta_0$"
    reg_term = np.inner( theta1.flatten(), theta1.flatten() ) # \sum_{j=1}^n \theta_j^2
    reg_term = lambda_val * (1./(2. * m)) * reg_term
    J += reg_term
#    res = predicted_vals - y # res for residual
#    dJ = res * input_X_linreg # res * x_j^{(i)}
#    grad = dJ.mean(axis=0)
    # regularization term for gradient : grad_reg_term
    grad_reg_term = np.vstack( np.zeros( len(theta)) )
    grad_reg_term[1:] = theta[1:]
    grad_reg_term *= lambda_val / float(m)
    grad = dJ + grad_reg_term
    return [J, grad]

In [123]:
y = multiclscls_data['y']
X = multiclscls_data['X']

In [7]:
theta_t = np.vstack( np.array( [-2, -1, 1, 2]) )
X_t = np.array( [i/10. for i in range(1,16)]).reshape((3,5)).T
#X_t = np.hstack( ( np.ones((5,1)), X_t) ) # no need to preprocess the input data X with column of 1's
y_t = np.vstack( np.array( [1,0,1,0,1]))

In [152]:
[J_t, grad_t] = lrCostFunction( theta_t, X_t, y_t, 3); 
print( J_t)  # Expected cost: 2.534819


Let's try to "vectorize" this more.

In [6]:
def lrCostFunction(theta, X, y, lambda_val):
    LRCOSTFUNCTION Compute cost and gradient for logistic regression with 
    J = LRCOSTFUNCTION(theta, X, y,lambda_val) computes the cost of using theta as the  
    parameter for regularized logistic regression and the gradient of the cost  
    w.r.t. to the parameters  

    @type  : numpy array of matrix size d+1,1 i.e. theta \in \mathbb{R}^{d+1}
    @param : "weights"

    [J, grad]
    # Initialize some useful values  
    m = len(y)  # number of training examples
    # You need to return the following variables correctly
    J = 0 
    grad = np.zeros( len(theta))

    # Compute the cost of a particular choice of theta.  
    # You should set J to the cost.  
    # Compute the partial derivatives and set grad to the partial 
    # derivatives of the cost w.r.t. each parameter in theta  

    ## assume preprocessing is needed (in the case when using pandas for DataFrame, only column of 1 is needed)
    input_X = np.hstack( (np.ones((m,1)), X))    
    z = input_X, theta )    
    predicted_vals = sigmoid( z ) # h_{\theta}
    interpolation = - y.T, np.log( predicted_vals) ) - (1. -y).T, np.log( 1. - predicted_vals ))
    J = interpolation[0][0] /float(m) 

    res = predicted_vals - y # res for residual
    dJ = input_X.T , res ) 
        # regularized term 
    theta1 = theta[1:]  # "Note that you should not regularize the parameter $\theta_0$"
    reg_term = np.inner( theta1.flatten(), theta1.flatten() ) # \sum_{j=1}^n \theta_j^2
    reg_term = lambda_val * (1./(2. * m)) * reg_term
    J += reg_term
    # regularization term for gradient : grad_reg_term
    grad_reg_term = np.vstack( np.zeros( len(theta)) )
    grad_reg_term[1:] = theta[1:]
    grad_reg_term *= lambda_val / float(m)
    grad = dJ + grad_reg_term
    return [J, grad]

In [10]:
[J_t, grad_t] = lrCostFunction( theta_t, X_t, y_t, 3); 
print( J_t)  # Expected cost: 2.534819


In [176]:

(5, 3)

In [160]:
input_X_t = np.hstack( (np.ones((5,1)), X_t))  
z = input_X_t, theta_t ) 
predicted_vals = sigmoid( z )

In [163]:
print( y_t.shape )
print( predicted_vals.shape )

(5, 1)
(5, 1)

In [167]:
.1 - y_t

       [ 0.1],
       [ 0.1],

In [165]:


In [168]:
interpolation = - y_t.T, np.log( predicted_vals) ) - (1. -y_t).T, np.log( 1. - predicted_vals ))

In [173]:


In [11]:

array([[ 0.73280684],
       [ 1.22361136],
       [ 2.19001478]])

One-vs-all Classification

cf. 1.4 One-vs-all Classification, pp.8 ex3.pdf

In [15]:
y = multiclscls_data['y']
X = multiclscls_data['X']

In [17]:
num_labels= 10
lambda_val = 0.1

In [20]:
from scipy import optimize

In [42]:
print( X.shape )
#print( np.zeros( (5, 8) ) )
#initial_theta = np.vstack( np.zeros( ( X.shape[1]+1, 1)) )

(5000, 400)

In [48]:
theta_t =  np.array( [-2, -1, 1, 2]) 
X_t = np.array( [i/10. for i in range(1,16)]).reshape((3,5)).T
#X_t = np.hstack( ( np.ones((5,1)), X_t) ) # no need to preprocess the input data X with column of 1's
y_t = np.vstack( np.array( [1,0,1,0,1]))
input_X_t = np.hstack( (np.ones(( len(y_t), 1)), X_t))

In [62]:
print( input_X_t, theta_t).shape )
print( y_t.T, np.log( sigmoid( input_X_t, theta_t) ) ))[0]  )
print( input_X_t.T, y_t.flatten() ) )
np.inner( theta_t[1:].flatten(), theta_t[1:].flatten() )

[ 3.   0.9  2.4  3.9]
array([-1,  1,  2])

In [74]:
def lrCostFunction(theta, X, y, lambda_val):
    LRCOSTFUNCTION Compute cost and gradient for logistic regression with 
    J = LRCOSTFUNCTION(theta, X, y,lambda_val) computes the cost of using theta as the  
    parameter for regularized logistic regression and the gradient of the cost  
    w.r.t. to the parameters  

    @type  : numpy array of matrix size (d+1,) i.e. theta \in \mathbb{R}^{d+1}
    @param : "weights"

    @type  : numpy array of matrix size (m,d), i.e. X \in \text{Mat}_{\mathbb{R}}( d,m)
    @param : input data i.e. input training data i.e. training examples

    @type  : numpy array of matrix size (m,1), i.e. X \in \mathbb{R}^m
    @param : test data i.e. test values i.e. test examples

    # Initialize some useful values  
    m = len(y)  # number of training examples
    # You need to return the following variables correctly
    J = 0 
    grad = np.zeros( len(theta))

    # Compute the cost of a particular choice of theta.  
    # You should set J to the cost.  
    # Compute the partial derivatives and set grad to the partial 
    # derivatives of the cost w.r.t. each parameter in theta  

    ## assume preprocessing is needed (in the case when using pandas for DataFrame, only column of 1 is needed)
    input_X = np.hstack( (np.ones((m,1)), X))     
    z = input_X, theta )    # matrix size or dim. of (m,) dim(z) = m x 0
    predicted_vals = sigmoid( z ) # h_{\theta}
    interpolation = - y.T, np.log( predicted_vals) ) - (1. -y).T, np.log( 1. - predicted_vals ))  # matrix size or dim. of (1,), i.e. dim(interpolation) = 1x0 
    J = interpolation[0] /float(m)  # scalar value

    res = predicted_vals - y.flatten() # res for residual, matrix size or dim. of (m,) dim(res) = mx0
    dJ = input_X.T , res ) # matrix size or dim. of (d+1,), i.e. dim(dJ) = (d+1)x0
        # regularized term 
    theta1 = theta[1:]  # "Note that you should not regularize the parameter $\theta_0$"
    reg_term = np.inner( theta1.flatten(), theta1.flatten() ) # \sum_{j=1}^n \theta_j^2
    reg_term = lambda_val * (1./(2. * m)) * reg_term
    J += reg_term
    # regularization term for gradient : grad_reg_term
    grad_reg_term = np.zeros( theta.shape ) # matrix size or dim. of (d+1,) dim(grad_reg_term) = (d+1)x0
    grad_reg_term[1:] = theta[1:]
    grad_reg_term = lambda_val / float(m)
    grad = dJ + grad_reg_term # matrix size or dim. of (d+1,), i.e. dim(grad) = (d+1)x0
    return J

In [75]:
def oneVsAll(X, y, num_labels, lambda_value):  
    ONEVSALL trains multiple logistic regression classifiers and returns all 
    the classifiers in a matrix all_theta, where the i-th row of all_theta 
    corresponds to the classifier for label i 
    [all_theta] = ONEVSALL(X, y, num_labels, lambda_value) trains num_labels 
    logistic regression classifiers and returns each of these classifiers 
    in a matrix all_theta, where the i-th row of all_theta corresponds 
    to the classifier for label i
    # Some useful variables
    m = X.shape[0]
    n = X.shape[1]
    # You need to return the following variables correctly
#    all_theta = np.zeros( (num_labels, n+1) )
    all_theta = []

    # Set Initial theta
    initial_theta = np.zeros( (n+1,1))
    for c in range(1,num_labels+1): 

        # Use y == c to obtain a vector of 1's and 0's that tell you whether the ground truth is true/false for this class.
        y_c = (y == c).astype('float32')
        # scipy.optimize.fmin_cg - scipy.optimize.fmin_cg(f, x0, fprime=None,args=()), fprime a function that returns the gradient of f
        theta_c = optimize.fmin_cg(lrCostFunction, initial_theta, args=(X,y_c,lambda_value) )
        all_theta.append( theta_c)
    return all_theta

In [79]:
all_theta_digits = oneVsAll( X,y,10, 0.1)

Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.013129
         Iterations: 102
         Function evaluations: 155961
         Gradient evaluations: 387
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.050816
         Iterations: 247
         Function evaluations: 304668
         Gradient evaluations: 756
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.057614
         Iterations: 206
         Function evaluations: 243412
         Gradient evaluations: 604
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.033089
         Iterations: 179
         Function evaluations: 234546
         Gradient evaluations: 582
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.054466
         Iterations: 219
         Function evaluations: 261547
         Gradient evaluations: 649
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.018262
         Iterations: 167
         Function evaluations: 245830
         Gradient evaluations: 610
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.030655
         Iterations: 196
         Function evaluations: 269607
         Gradient evaluations: 669
Warning: Desired error not necessarily achieved due to precision loss.
         Current function value: 0.519344
         Iterations: 1
         Function evaluations: 818
         Gradient evaluations: 2
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.071206
         Iterations: 245
         Function evaluations: 280488
         Gradient evaluations: 696
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.008570
         Iterations: 133
         Function evaluations: 204321
         Gradient evaluations: 507

In [89]:
for i in range( len(all_theta_digits)):
    print( all_theta_digits[i].shape )
    print( all_theta_digits[i][:3], all_theta_digits[i][-3:] )

<type 'list'>
(array([ -3.07801828e+00,   0.00000000e+00,  -5.51881869e-08]), array([  6.34010230e-03,   2.66451854e-07,   0.00000000e+00]))
(array([-3.72771815,  0.        ,  0.        ]), array([ 0.02040046, -0.0022795 ,  0.        ]))
(array([-5.69661714,  0.        ,  0.        ]), array([ -7.13803499e-05,   6.83367055e-07,   0.00000000e+00]))
(array([-2.23890676,  0.        ,  0.        ]), array([  9.51420678e-04,   2.14386719e-05,   0.00000000e+00]))
(array([ 0.43824521,  0.        ,  0.        ]), array([ -2.55280506e-03,  -7.91743268e-06,   0.00000000e+00]))
(array([-4.20107646,  0.        ,  0.        ]), array([ -1.15748375e-04,   1.48745968e-05,   0.00000000e+00]))
(array([ -2.28398560e+00,  -8.97670935e-08,   0.00000000e+00]), array([-0.00523698,  0.00061772,  0.        ]))
(array([-0.24094146,  0.        ,  0.        ]), array([ -1.20724092e-06,   1.25660765e-07,   0.00000000e+00]))
(array([-5.60433128,  0.        ,  0.        ]), array([-0.0102943 ,  0.00079251,  0.        ]))
(array([ -8.04146955e+00,  -1.33758146e-07,   0.00000000e+00]), array([ -1.00960885e-04,   5.30690866e-06,   0.00000000e+00]))

In [95]:
print( np.array( all_theta_digits).shape )
print( X.shape )
input_X = np.hstack( (np.ones((X.shape[0], 1)), X)) 
z = input_X , np.array( all_theta_digits).T)

(10, 401)
(5000, 400)

In [97]:
h_theta = sigmoid(z)

(5000, 10)

In [100]:
predicted_cls = np.argmax( h_theta, axis=1 )

In [101]:


In [93]:
print( y.shape )

(5000, 1)

In [ ]:
def predictOneVsAll( all_theta, X):
    PREDICT Predict the label for a trained one-vs-all classifier.  The labels 
    are in the range 1..K, where K = all_theta.shape[0], i.e. y \in \lbrace 1 \dots K \rbrace
    p = PREDICTONEVSALL(all_theta, X) will return a vector of predictions 
    for each example in the matrix X.  Note that X contains the examples in 
    rows.  all_theta is a matrix where the i-th row is a trained logistic 
    regression theta vector for the i-th class.  

    @type list of 2: numpy array of dims. (m,) 
    m = X.shape[0]  # total number of training examples
    num_labels = all_theta.shape[0] # total number of "classes", i.e. y \in \lbrace 1 \dots K \rbrace and num_labels=K
    # Add ones to the X data matrix, to include an "intercept"
    input_X = np.hstack( (np.ones( (m,1) ), X))
    z = input_X, np.array( all_theta))
    h_theta = sigmoid(z)
    predicted_cls = np.argmax( h_theta, axis=1)

    predicted_cls_p1 = predicted_cls + 1 # just because of how Python/numpy numbers from 0, as opposed to from 1
    return predicted_cls_pl

In [107]:
sum( [predicted_cls[j] == y[j] for j in range(len(y))] )
print( pd.DataFrame( predicted_cls).describe() )
print( pd.DataFrame( y).describe() )
predicted_cls_p1 = predicted_cls + 1

count  5000.000000
mean      4.276000
std       2.887402
min       0.000000
25%       2.000000
50%       4.000000
75%       6.000000
max       9.000000
count  5000.000000
mean      5.500000
std       2.872569
min       1.000000
25%       3.000000
50%       5.500000
75%       8.000000
max      10.000000

In [114]:
print( predicted_cls[200:240] )
print( predicted_cls_p1[200:240] )
print( y[200:240])
sum( [predicted_cls_p1[j]==y[j] for j in range(len(y))] )[0]/ float( len(y) )

[9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
 9 9 9]
[10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10]

In [80]:
%%timeit all_theta_digits = oneVsAll( X,y,10, 0.1)

UsageError: %%timeit is a cell magic, but the cell body is empty. Did you mean the line magic %timeit (single %)?

In [78]:
print(y )
print( (y == 3).astype('float32') )
optimize.fmin_cg(lrCostFunction, np.zeros( X.shape[1]+1) ,args=(X, (y==3).astype('float32'), .1))

 [ 9]
 [ 9]
 [ 9]]
[[ 0.]
 [ 0.]
 [ 0.]
 [ 0.]
 [ 0.]
 [ 0.]]
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.057614
         Iterations: 206
         Function evaluations: 243412
         Gradient evaluations: 604
array([ -5.69661714e+00,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,
        -4.01284926e-05,  -2.47551612e-03,   4.10334729e-02,
         2.70295169e-01,  -1.30353249e-01,  -3.71582730e-03,
         4.91232762e-02,  -3.25279844e-04,   1.32510983e-03,
        -3.44975273e-02,  -1.05877813e-01,   1.51535994e-01,
         2.18228892e-01,  -1.41630710e-02,  -1.69427455e-03,
         2.10349343e-05,   1.56420018e-05,   0.00000000e+00,
        -2.07918174e-07,  -9.07518375e-07,   7.88374433e-05,
         5.86444962e-03,  -4.31760506e-02,  -9.42938495e-01,
        -1.72838412e+00,  -1.40106030e+00,  -8.06810080e-01,
        -2.37130404e-02,  -1.42925394e-02,   4.23159221e-01,
         1.14461036e+00,  -1.73722756e+00,  -2.44023875e+00,
         1.03629377e-01,  -7.31902231e-02,  -1.33303354e-01,
        -1.57950725e-02,   2.26803900e-03,   5.29072595e-07,
        -1.77040623e-03,  -1.00000993e-02,   2.28866213e-01,
         1.91757983e+00,   2.85682657e+00,   1.70339321e+00,
         2.19173114e+00,  -2.74087071e-01,  -1.69719877e-02,
        -4.92137660e-01,  -1.95599124e+00,   1.14691412e-01,
         7.86421992e-01,   1.63063046e+00,   1.88628704e+00,
         1.55521412e+00,   3.76874655e+00,   1.00259882e-01,
        -1.58581337e-02,  -5.10308752e-06,   1.73432843e-02,
        -1.09838209e-01,  -1.16594164e+00,   1.01184792e+00,
         3.26972224e-01,  -5.15361679e-01,  -1.43439027e+00,
        -2.04819605e+00,  -1.17237177e+00,  -1.76026308e+00,
        -2.53945266e-01,   2.52474510e+00,   6.57071990e-01,
         1.60543522e+00,  -7.51090912e-01,   1.77304896e+00,
         2.81498791e+00,   6.19350919e-01,  -1.09541634e-01,
        -3.08636246e-05,  -5.22535752e-03,  -1.80037738e-01,
        -6.99578942e-01,   6.41296287e-01,  -2.56673585e-01,
         1.21120735e+00,   3.54189166e+00,  -2.87764763e+00,
        -1.24597670e+00,  -1.20894199e-01,  -1.54020682e+00,
         7.10760198e-01,  -1.99967941e+00,   2.94020915e+00,
        -9.01538890e-02,   1.23377763e-01,  -1.47609754e+00,
        -1.82754939e-01,  -2.94221444e-01,   1.65089534e-03,
        -7.38986456e-02,  -5.08059320e-01,   1.70282714e+00,
         1.04809804e+00,  -2.22129657e-02,  -7.82513499e-01,
        -4.17991035e-01,  -2.19588627e+00,   7.86036370e-01,
        -2.06238948e+00,  -3.25138519e+00,   5.34815304e-01,
        -7.29244798e-01,   1.24778744e+00,  -1.79796827e+00,
         3.57168347e-01,   4.38950667e+00,  -2.47079994e-01,
        -4.44036239e-01,   4.00653199e-03,  -1.32601771e-01,
        -7.25555456e-01,  -9.36581258e-01,  -7.26991767e-01,
        -2.47187019e-02,  -8.15138585e-01,  -5.96069204e-01,
        -4.06421840e-01,  -1.29603739e+00,   2.62093910e+00,
        -1.41042745e+00,   5.01047492e-02,  -8.54950850e-01,
         6.48841608e-01,   4.70585209e-01,   4.64475723e-01,
        -1.00134994e+00,   4.07448817e-01,  -6.24820821e-01,
         3.46320618e-03,  -1.24408228e-01,   5.87913166e-01,
        -1.90685411e-01,   2.16592737e+00,  -8.05882949e-01,
        -6.56659067e-03,  -1.72516337e+00,  -7.86080112e-01,
        -5.69435762e-01,  -8.34739461e-01,  -2.75428560e-01,
        -2.90788478e+00,  -8.64542634e-01,  -9.42324863e-01,
        -7.17722484e-01,   6.35186086e-01,   2.94831865e-01,
         1.42781780e+00,  -4.20107010e-01,   1.35087991e-02,
        -8.01286884e-02,   4.49150537e-01,  -1.28955018e+00,
        -1.21081606e-01,   3.18948737e-02,  -8.58601733e-01,
        -1.35611309e+00,   7.15538561e-01,   2.52549065e-01,
         6.98793723e-01,   1.12958583e+00,  -1.75493299e+00,
        -4.48366323e-01,  -9.18849849e-01,   1.46826088e-01,
         4.20826409e-01,   3.07286399e-01,  -8.28890313e-01,
        -1.42124659e+00,   2.41879011e-02,  -2.97073763e-01,
         2.10402371e+00,   1.28379601e+00,   1.24525420e+00,
        -8.35210186e-01,   1.48834469e+00,  -9.49117438e-01,
        -4.34436602e-01,   4.64467677e-01,  -1.10656707e-01,
        -1.44555508e-01,  -1.20646429e+00,  -2.68233295e-01,
         4.99181855e-01,  -5.91517017e-01,  -3.42555203e-01,
         3.13065261e-01,   1.85453128e+00,  -3.06501056e+00,
         1.69925180e-02,  -2.43840922e-01,  -4.39339540e-01,
        -1.59664752e+00,  -9.10971777e-01,   1.55369233e+00,
        -1.26352426e+00,  -1.64931030e-01,   2.47932601e+00,
         4.41420920e-01,   7.36541255e-02,   2.84967339e-01,
        -2.48854940e+00,  -1.34341944e+00,  -1.18922270e-01,
         7.01809284e-01,   4.00326493e-01,  -5.78350715e-01,
        -4.61523320e-01,  -1.58266410e+00,   2.57828630e-02,
        -3.86025588e-01,  -4.42692872e-02,   2.28149576e+00,
         4.79687905e-01,  -1.02672372e+00,   1.81411048e+00,
         1.82389201e+00,  -1.49171604e+00,   6.55736337e-01,
         5.75518278e-01,  -1.38531702e-01,   1.22989788e+00,
         8.99355366e-01,   3.46551534e-01,   3.85051534e-01,
        -3.98935096e-02,   4.36484830e-01,  -1.49437494e+00,
        -4.00984623e-01,   2.11485602e-02,  -1.51692752e-01,
         1.40886362e+00,  -1.57637300e+00,  -2.52255994e-01,
         7.34173024e-01,  -6.04850017e-01,   6.51187686e-01,
         7.91696222e-01,   1.94888368e+00,  -1.22657768e+00,
        -7.27141421e-02,  -5.94371602e-01,   1.61803395e-01,
        -1.26369053e+00,   1.39438729e+00,   1.04190898e+00,
        -1.57085708e+00,  -2.51406510e+00,  -7.22040259e-02,
         1.37423275e-03,  -1.88029777e-01,   1.47490857e+00,
         9.37361395e-02,  -2.20292423e-02,   5.90967978e-01,
        -2.79466787e-01,   3.04609314e-01,   7.62058296e-01,
        -1.39323567e+00,   2.43905809e-01,  -4.12737342e-01,
         2.54309538e+00,   9.33988786e-01,   1.77801370e-01,
        -5.12544716e-01,  -4.81882274e-01,   1.96185230e+00,
         9.22594221e-01,   5.75648402e-01,  -6.99074733e-02,
        -3.69876920e-01,   1.13769876e+00,  -1.64362508e+00,
        -2.67482225e-01,   9.00346266e-02,   1.40930754e+00,
        -3.99766638e-01,   9.88252988e-02,  -6.38881014e-01,
         1.21566407e+00,  -1.12129592e+00,  -8.03318854e-02,
        -4.85642184e-01,   1.12658488e-02,  -6.45657279e-02,
         1.26488362e+00,  -2.09023201e+00,   1.13290667e+00,
         1.28180867e+00,  -2.09311954e-02,  -2.95139355e-02,
         1.71783977e-01,  -1.64722283e+00,  -2.15479157e-01,
        -2.45286022e+00,   1.65614661e+00,   2.56075778e-01,
        -6.63208941e-01,  -1.97233260e+00,  -9.45199559e-02,
        -1.13809664e-01,   1.77906975e+00,   7.16509960e-01,
         1.56941372e+00,   1.56990389e+00,  -1.53891827e+00,
         5.27989057e-01,   2.16138824e+00,   9.81701343e-02,
         1.28789437e-03,   4.47512888e-02,  -5.25679548e-01,
        -1.07214936e+00,   5.55050117e-01,   4.61241958e-01,
        -1.36902345e+00,   1.83851463e+00,   5.47458776e-01,
        -3.40407504e+00,   2.63613353e-01,   2.41449170e+00,
        -4.16248510e-01,  -1.90529860e+00,  -1.13535500e+00,
        -5.99401423e-01,  -1.62723688e+00,   8.76893096e-01,
         8.57490128e-01,  -1.01461776e-01,   1.11184287e-05,
         1.57007787e-03,  -6.86997675e-03,  -8.88392047e-03,
        -2.17813793e+00,  -2.68874674e+00,  -3.95683530e+00,
        -2.34409110e+00,  -8.87049145e-01,  -1.01288108e+00,
         5.74150073e-01,   2.28200376e+00,  -9.70426990e-01,
        -1.97774426e-01,  -4.50353286e-01,  -1.58764343e+00,
        -3.22263907e-01,  -4.40211921e-01,  -8.93812764e-02,
         8.44040043e-03,  -6.13298194e-07,  -2.34829276e-04,
         1.01739151e-02,  -4.37368058e-02,  -2.75547381e-01,
        -5.49315146e-01,  -5.54655824e-01,  -5.48738858e-01,
        -1.60765649e-01,   7.27630096e-02,   2.09423271e-02,
        -3.92248342e-01,  -7.47319251e-01,  -3.64027877e-01,
        -3.97329988e-01,  -1.58409083e-01,   3.65190601e-02,
         1.27866840e-02,  -8.11721680e-04,   7.76901177e-05,
         0.00000000e+00,  -1.23954907e-05,  -2.32737339e-05,
         9.00885933e-04,   9.42790136e-03,   4.36743860e-02,
         4.38532056e-02,   4.21615857e-02,   1.53372835e-02,
        -1.00778731e-02,   7.78665559e-02,   1.59580542e-01,
        -8.90287926e-03,  -2.78744251e-01,  -1.00649244e-02,
        -4.65797617e-02,   3.52679824e-03,  -7.13803499e-05,
         6.83367055e-07,   0.00000000e+00])

In [46]:


Neural Networks

In [81]:
ex3weightsdata ='./coursera_Ng/machine-learning-ex3/ex3/ex3weights.mat')

Feedforward Propagation and Prediction

cf. 2.2 Feedforward Propagation and Prediction, ex3.pdf

In [115]:
Theta1 = ex3weightsdata['Theta1']
Theta2 = ex3weightsdata['Theta2']
print( Theta1.shape )
print( Theta2.shape )

(25, 401)
(10, 26)

In [ ]:
a = []
a.append( )

In [125]:
def predict(Theta1, Theta2, X):
    PREDICT predict the label of an input given a trained neural network  
    p = PREDICT(Theta1, Theta2, X) outputs the predicted label of X given the 
    trained weights of a neural network (Theta1, Theta2)

    @type numpy array of size dims. s_2 x (d+1), where s_2 is the number of "units" of "hidden layer", layer 2, with d = number of features
    @param Theta1
    @type numpy array of size dims. M x (s_2 + 1), M=number of output classes
    @param Theta2
    # Useful values 
    m = X.shape[0] # total number of training examples, m
    num_labels = Theta2.shape[0] # number of classes, i.e. output y \in \lbrace 1, \dots, num_labels \rbrace
    ## assume preprocessing is needed (in the case when using pandas for DataFrame, only column of 1 is needed)
    input_X = np.hstack( (np.ones((m,1)), X)) # size dims. (m,d+1) i.e. m x (d+1)
    a_lst = [] # "activation"
    a =  input_X  # a_0^{(1)} already added in input_X step as a_0^{(1)}=1, # a of size dims. (m,d+1)i.e. m x (d+1)
    z = Theta1, a.T ) # size dims. s_2 x m
    a = sigmoid(z)  
    a = np.vstack( ( np.ones((1,m)), a)) # size dims. (s_2 +1) x m i.e. ((s_2+1),m)
    z = Theta2, a)
    a = sigmoid(z)
    predicted_vals = np.argmax( a, axis =0)
    predicted_vals_p1 = predicted_vals + 1 # add 1 to "scale" outputs to predict y, since Python/numpy counts from 0
    return predicted_vals_p1

In [128]:
predict_nn = predict(Theta1,Theta2, X) 
print( predict_nn.shape)

count 5000.000000
mean 5.504000
std 2.874933
min 1.000000
25% 3.000000
50% 6.000000
75% 8.000000
max 10.000000

In [129]:
sum( [predict_nn[j]==y[j] for j in range(len(y))] )[0]/ float( len(y) )


In [122]:
m = X.shape[0]; print(m)  
num_labels = Theta2.shape[0]; print( num_labels )
input_X = np.hstack( (np.ones( (m,1)), X))
a_lst = []
a = input_X
a_lst.append(a) Theta1, a.T)
a=np.vstack(( np.ones((1,m)),a)) 

z = Theta2, a)
a=sigmoid(z) ; print a.shape

(10, 5000)

In [124]:
print( np.argmax( a,axis=0).shape ) 
pd.DataFrame( np.argmax(a,axis=0) ).describe()

count 5000.000000
mean 4.504000
std 2.874933
min 0.000000
25% 2.000000
50% 5.000000
75% 7.000000
max 9.000000

cf. nnCostFunction.m

In [137]:
## ==================== Part 1: Loading and Visualizing Data ==============================  
# We start the exercise by first loading and visualizing the dataset.  
# You will be working with a dataset that contains handwritten digits.  

# Load Training Data
print("Loading and Visualizing Data ... \n")
ex4data1 ='./coursera_Ng/machine-learning-ex4/ex4/ex4data1.mat')

Loading and Visualizing Data ... 

In [142]:
ex4data1['X'] == X
ex4data1['y'] == y

array([[ True],
       [ True],
       [ True],
       [ True],
       [ True],
       [ True]], dtype=bool)

In [152]:

(5000, 1)


In [136]:
# Load the weights into variables Theta1 and Theta2

In [130]:
ex4weightsdata ='./coursera_Ng/machine-learning-ex4/ex4/ex4weights.mat')

In [135]:
Theta1 = ex4weightsdata['Theta1'] 
Theta2 = ex4weightsdata['Theta2']

In [143]:
print( Theta1.shape )  # size dims. s_2 x ( d+1)
print( Theta2.shape )  # size dims. M x (s_2 + 1)

(25, 401)
(10, 26)

In [144]:
## ==================== Part 3: Compute Cost (Feedforward) ===================================
# To the neural network, you should first start by implementing the 
# feedforward part of the neural network that returns the cost only.  You 
# should complete the code in nnCostFunction.m to return cost.  After 
# implementing the feedforward to compute the cost, you can verify that 
# your implementation is correct by verifying that you get the same cost 
# as us for the fixed debugging parameters.  

print("\n Feedforward Using Neural Network ... \n")

# Weight regularization parameter (we set this to 0 here).
lambda_val = 0 

input_layer_size = 400 # 20x20 Input Images of digits
hidden_layer_size = 25; # 25 hidden units
num_labels = 10

 Feedforward Using Neural Network ... 

cf. 1.3. Feedforward and cost function ex4.pdf

In [211]:
def nnCostFunction( Theta1, Theta2, input_layer_size, hidden_layer_size, num_labels, X,y, lambda_val):
    NNCOSTFUNCTION Implements the neural network cost function for a two layer 
    neural network which performs classification  
    [J grad] = NNCOSTFUNCTION(Theta1, Theta2, input_layer_size, hidden_layer_size, num_labels,X,y, lambda_val) 
    computes the cost and gradient of the neural network.  The parameters for the neural network are "unrolled" 
    into the vector nn_params and need to be converted back into the weight matrices.  
    # Useful values 
    m = X.shape[0] # total number of training examples, m
    #num_labels = Theta2.shape[0] # number of classes, i.e. output y \in \lbrace 1, \dots, num_labels \rbrace
    d = input_layer_size 
    K = num_labels
    ## assume preprocessing is needed (in the case when using pandas for DataFrame, only column of 1 is needed)
    input_X = np.hstack( (np.ones((m,1)), X)) # size dims. (m,d+1) i.e. m x (d+1)
    a_lst = [] # "activation"
    a =  input_X  # a_0^{(1)} already added in input_X step as a_0^{(1)}=1, # a of size dims. (m,d+1)i.e. m x (d+1)
    z = Theta1, a.T ) # size dims. s_2 x m
    a = sigmoid(z)  
    a = np.vstack( ( np.ones((1,m)), a)) # size dims. (s_2 +1) x m i.e. ((s_2+1),m)
    z = Theta2, a)
    a = sigmoid(z)  # size dims. Kxm
    # recall that whereas the original labels (in the variable y) were 1, 2, ..., 10, for the purpose of training a 
    # neural network, we need to recode the labels as vectors containing only values 0 or 1
    y_prob = [np.zeros(K) for row in y]  # list of 5000 numpy arrays of size dims. (10,)
    for i in range( m):
        y_prob[i][ y[i]-1] = 1
    y_prob = np.array(y_prob)  # size dims. (m,K)
    # cost function for the neural network (without regularization)
    J_theta = ( np.log( a) ,y_prob).trace() - np.log(1-a),(1-y_prob)).trace() )/m
    # cost function with regularization
    reg_term = lambda_val / (2. * m) * ( np.sum(Theta1[:,1:] * Theta1[:,1:]) + np.sum(Theta2[:,1:] * Theta2[:,1:]) )
    J_theta += reg_term 
    return a, J_theta

cf. 1.4 Regularized cost function

cost function for neural networks with regularization given by

$$ J(\theta} = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^m \sum_{k=1}^K $$

$$ J(\theta} = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^m \sum_{k=1}^K \left[ -y_k^{(i)} \log{ (( h_{\theta}(x^{(i)} ) )_k ) } - (1-y^{(i)}_k ) \log{ (1- (h_{\theta}(x^{(i)}))_k ) } \right] $$

In [214]:
a_test, J_theta_test = nnCostFunction(Theta1,Theta2,input_layer_size,hidden_layer_size,num_labels,X,y,1.)
print( a_test.shape) 

(10, 5000)

In [ ]:

In [151]:

(5000, 1)

In [154]:
#pd.DataFrame( a_test ).describe()
pd.DataFrame( y).describe()

count 5000.000000
mean 5.500000
std 2.872569
min 1.000000
25% 3.000000
50% 5.500000
75% 8.000000
max 10.000000

In [164]:
# recall that whereas the original labels (in the variable y) were 1, 2, ..., 10, for the purpose of training a 
    # neural network, we need to recode the labels as vectors containing only values 0 or 1
y_prob = [ np.zeros( Theta2.shape[0] ) for row in y];

  File "<ipython-input-164-19ec9dcac87b>", line 5
    y_prob[i][ y[i]-1 ] = 1
IndentationError: expected an indented block

In [163]:
print( len( [0 for row in y] ) )
[0 for row in y][:10]
y_prob[2][ 3]


In [165]:
for i in range( y.shape[0]):
    y_prob[i][ y[i]-1 ] = 1

In [170]:

array([ 1.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.])

In [173]:
print( type(y_prob) )
print( len(y_prob))

<type 'list'>

In [174]:
y_prob = np.array( y_prob)

(5000, 10)

In [176]: a_test, y_prob).shape

(10, 10)

In [177]: a_test,y_prob).trace()


In [187]:
#   interpolation = - y.T, np.log( predicted_vals) ) - (1. -y).T, np.log( 1. - predicted_vals ))  # matrix size or dim. of (1,), i.e. dim(interpolation) = 1x0 


In [189]:
y_prob_test = [np.zeros(10) for row in y] 
y_prob_test = np.array(y_prob_test)

(5000, 10)

In [195]:
print( Theta1.shape )  

(25, 401)
array([  2.80464449e-09,   3.54422854e-09,  -7.50668099e-09,
         9.88743624e-09,  -2.17660926e-09,  -5.65769223e-10,
        -6.85497348e-09,   1.09306392e-08,  -5.53086493e-09,
        -9.87939616e-09,  -1.14469783e-08,   7.54636865e-09,
        -1.15907303e-08,  -7.19708025e-09,  -2.44750386e-09,
         4.70751932e-09,   5.38650929e-09,  -2.70151807e-09,
        -1.25020872e-09,  -5.07039401e-09,  -1.06266187e-08,
        -5.76832642e-09,   9.02499060e-09,   3.83761998e-09,

In [197]:
np.sum(Theta1[:,1:] * Theta1[:,1:])


In [215]:
def sigmoidGradient(z):
    SIGMOIDGRADIENT returns the gradient of the sigmoid function
    evaluated at z 
    g = SIGMOIDGRADIENT(z) computes the gradient of the sigmoid function
    evaluated at z.  This should work regardless if z is a matrix or a vector.  
    In particular, if z is a vector or matrix, you should return 
    the gradient for each element.
    g = sigmoid(z) * (1 - sigmoid(z))
    return g

2.2 Random initialization

In [216]:
# Randomly initialize the weights to small values
epsilon_init = 0.12
L_out = 400
L_in  = 25
W = np.random.uniform( low = -epsilon_init, high= epsilon_init, size=( L_in, L_out) )

In [217]:

array([[ 0.11387494,  0.10825904, -0.05862312, ..., -0.03653143,
        -0.00984598,  0.0441021 ],
       [-0.04084698, -0.10457755, -0.10850295, ...,  0.09777939,
        -0.06233072, -0.10533298],
       [ 0.00756339, -0.08366756, -0.01818779, ..., -0.08049224,
         0.04713733, -0.02094683],
       [-0.03303414,  0.06758209, -0.04987128, ..., -0.01393263,
         0.06834473,  0.01956991],
       [-0.03629067,  0.03184446, -0.04743259, ...,  0.07479314,
         0.08624374,  0.07143889],
       [-0.06438495, -0.10779665,  0.0935957 , ...,  0.00025238,
         0.08957451, -0.00090246]])

In [247]:
print( X[3].shape )
print( np.vstack(X[3]).shape )

a = np.vstack(  (np.ones( ( 1, np.vstack(X[3]).shape[1]) ) , np.vstack(X[3]) ) )
print( a.shape)
z = Theta1,a)  # size dims. s_2 x 1
a = sigmoid(z)
a = np.vstack( ( np.ones((1,np.vstack(X[3]).shape[1])), a)) # size dims. (s_2 +1) x m i.e. ((s_2+1),m) with m =1
z = Theta2, a)     # size dim Kx1
a = sigmoid(z)  # size dim Kx1
    a_lst = [] # "activation"
    a =  input_X  # a_0^{(1)} already added in input_X step as a_0^{(1)}=1, # a of size dims. (m,d+1)i.e. m x (d+1)
    z = Theta1, a.T ) # size dims. s_2 x m
    a = sigmoid(z)  
    a = np.vstack( ( np.ones((1,m)), a)) # size dims. (s_2 +1) x m i.e. ((s_2+1),m)
    z = Theta2, a)
    a = sigmoid(z)  # size dims. Kxm

(400, 1)
(401, 1)
(26, 1)
(10, 1)
'\n    a_lst = [] # "activation"\n    a =  input_X  # a_0^{(1)} already added in input_X step as a_0^{(1)}=1, # a of size dims. (m,d+1)i.e. m x (d+1)\n    a_lst.append(a)\n    \n    z = Theta1, a.T ) # size dims. s_2 x m\n    a = sigmoid(z)  \n    a = np.vstack( ( np.ones((1,m)), a)) # size dims. (s_2 +1) x m i.e. ((s_2+1),m)\n    a_lst.append(a) \n    \n    z = Theta2, a)\n    a = sigmoid(z)  # size dims. Kxm\n    '

In [234]:
X[3].reshape( len(X[3]), 1).shape

(400, 1)

In [225]:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-225-c21db559efc1> in <module>()
----> 1 np.ones(5,2)

/home/topolo/Public/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/numeric.pyc in ones(shape, dtype, order)
    189     """
--> 190     a = empty(shape, dtype, order)
    191     multiarray.copyto(a, 1, casting='unsafe')
    192     return a

TypeError: data type not understood

In [ ]:

In [251]:
a = np.arange(60.).reshape(3,4,5)
b = np.arange(24.).reshape(4,3,2)
c = np.tensordot(a,b,axes=([1,0],[0,1]))
d = np.tensordot(a,b,axes=([0,1],[1,0]))


(5, 2)
[[ 4400.  4730.]
 [ 4532.  4874.]
 [ 4664.  5018.]
 [ 4796.  5162.]
 [ 4928.  5306.]]
(5, 2)
[[ 4400.  4730.]
 [ 4532.  4874.]
 [ 4664.  5018.]
 [ 4796.  5162.]
 [ 4928.  5306.]]
array([[ True,  True],
       [ True,  True],
       [ True,  True],
       [ True,  True],
       [ True,  True]], dtype=bool)

In [315]:
# Feed forward
m = X.shape[0]
d = X.shape[1]
s_2 = Theta1.shape[0]  
K   = Theta2.shape[0]
print( X.shape) # m x d
print(Theta1.shape) # s_2 x (d+1)
print(Theta2.shape) # K x (s_2+1)
a = np.vstack( ( np.ones( (1,m)), X.T)) # (d+1)xm
z_lst = []
z = Theta1, a)  # s_2 x m
a_lst = []
a_l = np.vstack( (np.ones( (1,m)), sigmoid(z)) ) # (s_2+1)xm
#a_f = np.stack( (a,a_l),axis=0)   # ValueError: all input arrays must have the same shape

z = Theta2, a_l)  # K x m
a_L = sigmoid(z)  # K x m 
a_lst.append( a_L )

(5000, 400)
(25, 401)
(10, 26)

In [317]:
def feedforward(X, Thetas, L ):
    @type X : numpy array of size dims. m x d 
    @param X : input data

    @type Thetas : list of numpy arrays 
    @param Thetas : list of numpy arrays that are Theta's or weights for each layer l; 
                    note l=1,2,..L-1,but Python lists start counting from 0,1,...L-2
    @type L : (positive) integer
    @param L : number of layers, e.g. input layer, 1 hidden layer, and output layer is L = 3
    m, d = X.shape
#    s_l = [Theta.shape[0] for Theta in Thetas ]
#    s_l.insert(0,d)
    a_lst = []
    z_lst = []
    a = np.vstack( (np.ones( (1,m)), X.T))  # (d+1)xm
    for l in range(L-2): 
        z =[l] , a) # s_2 x m 
        g = sigmoid(z)
        a_l = np.vstack( (np.ones((1,m)), g)) # (s_{l+1}+1)x m
    z = Thetas[L-2], a_l)  # K x m 
    a_L = sigmoid(z) # K x m 
    a_lst.append( a_L)
    return z_lst, a_lst

In [318]:
z_lst_test, a_lst_test = feedforward(X, [Theta1,Theta2], 3)

In [322]:
print( len(z_lst_test) , len(a_lst_test) )
print ( [z.shape for z in z_lst], [a.shape for a in a_lst ])

(2, 3)
([(25, 5000), (10, 5000)], [(401, 5000), (26, 5000), (10, 5000)])

In [330]:
print( a_lst[-1].shape )
print( range(3-2,-1,-1) )

(10, 5000)
[1, 0]
array([[ 1.,  1.,  1., ...,  1.,  1.,  1.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.,  0.]])

In [302]:
# Backpropagation
delta_lst = []
y_prob = [np.zeros(K) for row in y]  # list of 5000 numpy arrays of size dims. (10,)
for i in range( m):
    y_prob[i][ y[i]-1] = 1
y_prob = np.array(y_prob).T  # size dims. (K,m)
print( y_prob.shape )
print( a_L.shape )
delta_L = a_L - y_prob  # size dims. (K,m)
delta_lst = []
delta_lst.insert(0, delta_L)
dg = a_lst[-2] * ( 1. - a_lst[-2]) # size dims. ((s_2+1)xm)
delta_l = Theta2.T, delta_L) * dg
print( delta_l.shape )
delta_l = delta_l[1:,:]
delta_lst.insert(0, delta_l )
dg = a_lst[-3] * (1. - a_lst[-3]) # (s_1+1) x m 
print( dg.shape) # (s_1+1) x m
delta_l = Theta1.T, delta_l) * dg
delta_l = delta_l[1:,:]
delta_lst.insert(0, delta_l)

(10, 5000)
(10, 5000)
(26, 5000)
(26, 5000)
(401, 5000)

In [339]:
def backprop(y,z_lst, a_lst, Thetas, L):

    @type L : (positive) integer
    @param L : number of layers, e.g. input layer, 1 hidden layer, and output layer is L = 3 
    m = y.shape[1] # number of training examples
    K = a_lst[-1].shape[0] # number of classes
    delta_lst = []
    y_prob = [np.zeros(K) for row in y] # list of m numpy arrays of size dims. (K,)
    for i in range(m):
        y_prob[i][y[i]-1] = 1
    y_prob = np.array(y_prob).T # size dims. (K,m)
    delta_l = a_L - y_prob # size dims (K,m)
    delta_lst = []
    delta_lst.insert(0, delta_l)
    for l in range(L-2,-1,-1):  # L-2, L-3,...1,0, corresponding to l=L-1,L-2,...2,1 (just how Python indexes from 0)
        dg = a_lst[l] * ( 1- a_lst[l])
        delta_l = Thetas[l].T, delta_l) * dg
        delta_l = delta_l[1:,:]

    D_lst = []
    for l in range(len(Thetas)): # 0,1,..L-2, corresponding to l = 1,2,...L-1
        D_lst.append( np.tensordot( a_lst[l], delta_lst[l+1].T, axes=([1],[0])).T/m )
    # regularization terms for grad(J)    
    for l in range(len(Thetas)): # 0,1,...L-2, corresponding to l = 1,2,...L-1
        Theta_reg = np.zeros( Thetas[l].shape )
        Theta_reg[:,1:] = Thetas[l][:,1:]
        Theta_reg = lambda_val * Theta_reg / m
        D_lst[l] += Theta_reg
    return delta_lst, D_lst

In [340]:
delta_lst_test, D_lst_test = backprop(y,z_lst_test,a_lst_test, [Theta1,Theta2], 3)

In [341]:
print( len(delta_lst_test) )
for delta in delta_lst_test: print( delta.shape )
for Dl in D_lst_test: print(Dl.shape)

(400, 5000)
(25, 5000)
(10, 5000)
(25, 401)
(10, 26)

In [304]:
print( delta_lst[0].shape)
print( delta_l.shape)
print( delta_l[1:,:].shape )
for l in delta_lst: print( l.shape )
for a in a_lst: print(a.shape)

(400, 5000)
(400, 5000)
(399, 5000)
(400, 5000)
(25, 5000)
(10, 5000)
(401, 5000)
(26, 5000)
(10, 5000)

In [313]:
print( a_lst[0].shape  )
print( delta_lst[1].shape )
print( np.tensordot( a_lst[0], delta_lst[1].T, axes=([1],[0])).shape )
print( np.tensordot( a_lst[1], delta_lst[2].T, axes=([1],[0])).shape )

D1 = np.tensordot( a_lst[0], delta_lst[1].T, axes=([1],[0])).T/m
D2 = np.tensordot( a_lst[1], delta_lst[2].T, axes=([1],[0])).T/m

(401, 5000)
(25, 5000)
(401, 25)
(26, 10)

In [257]:
np.empty() == None

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-257-cb0c70f17de8> in <module>()
----> 1 np.empty() == None

TypeError: Required argument 'shape' (pos 1) not found

In [316]:

[0, 1]

In [345]:
np.zeros( Theta1.shape)[:,1:].shape

(25, 400)

"Breaking out" $\Theta$ weights into a "weight" or parameter matrix and an intercept vector

In [8]:
ex4data1 ='./coursera_Ng/machine-learning-ex4/ex4/ex4data1.mat')
Theta_testvals ='./coursera_Ng/machine-learning-ex4/ex4/ex4weights.mat')

In [9]:
Theta1_testval = Theta_testvals['Theta1'][:,1:]
b1_testval = Theta_testvals['Theta1'][:,0:1]
Theta2_testval = Theta_testvals['Theta2'][:,1:]
b2_testval = Theta_testvals['Theta2'][:,0:1]

In [12]:
print( Theta1_testval, ex4data1['X'].T).shape )
np.tile( b1_testval, (1,5000)).shape

(25, 5000)
(25, 5000)

In [18]:
z2 = Theta1_testval, ex4data1['X'].T) + np.tile( b1_testval, (1,5000))

In [14]:

(25, 5000)

In [20]:
z3 = Theta2_testval, sigmoid(z2)) + np.tile( b2_testval, (1,5000))

In [21]:
a3 = sigmoid(z3)

(10, 5000)

In [22]:
ht = a3
yt = ex4data1['y']

In [23]:

(5000, 1)

In [26]:
m = ex4data1['y'].shape[0]
y_prob = [np.zeros(10) for row in ex4data1['y']]  # list of 5000 numpy arrays of size dims. (10,)
for i in range( m):
        y_prob[i][ ex4data1['y'][i]-1] = 1
y_prob = np.array(y_prob).T  # size dims. (K,m)

(10, 5000)

In [30]:
J = - y_prob * np.log( a3) - (1-y_prob) * np.log( 1- a3)
print( J.shape )

(10, 5000)

In [31]:


In [32]:
np.mean( np.sum(J,axis=0))


In [33]:

array([[ -2.93684669,  -4.81302157,  -4.24056958, ...,  -0.86267303,
          1.74408423,   3.55683614],
       [ -2.45058587,  -2.92257775,  -3.68698052, ...,   1.00939507,
         -0.58216518, -12.11330792],
       [  4.95510333,   2.6445065 ,   5.99656398, ...,  -1.67526051,
         -1.49164167,   5.01096205],
       [  3.56635593,   2.10497303,   1.54599347, ...,   1.8185898 ,
          4.17481481,   7.17585008],
       [  2.81388641,   4.69948787,   3.08971226, ...,  -3.18203449,
         -0.96739536,   2.15484114],
       [ -2.1195223 ,  -2.76096862,  -2.32990819, ...,  -1.72539781,
         -3.08906563,  -2.9424052 ]])

In [36]:

array([[  5.03618685e-02,   8.05782163e-03,   1.41949887e-02, ...,
          2.96781175e-01,   8.51205095e-01,   9.72262381e-01],
       [  7.93957162e-02,   5.10486829e-02,   2.44354705e-02, ...,
          7.32901746e-01,   3.58434539e-01,   5.48598771e-06],
       [  9.93001966e-01,   9.33671593e-01,   9.97518887e-01, ...,
          1.57724076e-01,   1.83675450e-01,   9.93379633e-01],
       [  9.72517962e-01,   8.91385592e-01,   8.24334311e-01, ...,
          8.60396828e-01,   9.84854863e-01,   9.99235749e-01],
       [  9.43421623e-01,   9.90982126e-01,   9.56466386e-01, ...,
          3.98474223e-02,   2.75399966e-01,   8.96120297e-01],
       [  1.07213787e-01,   5.94701645e-02,   8.86760824e-02, ...,
          1.51177198e-01,   4.35605471e-02,   5.00966928e-02]])

In [ ]: