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Could someone please help explain tiling, the tile method for shared memory on the device GPU, with CUDA C/C++, in general?

There are a number of Powerpoint lecture slides in pdf that I've found after a Google search, namely Lecture 3 Shared Memory Implementation part, pp. 21 and/or Zahran's Lecture 6: CUDA Memories. However, these Powerpoint slides (obviously) don't give a full, written explanation and the books out there are 3-4 years old (and there are huge changes in CUDA C/C++ and Compute Capability now being at 5.2, since then).

Here's how I understand using shared memory for CUDA C so far (I know stackoverflow doesn't support LaTeX for math expressions, which I understand, given the HUGE dependencies (bulkiness?) of LaTeX; I've done a write up in LaTeX here, the section called "Note on finite-difference methods on the shared memory of the device GPU, in particular, the pencil method, that attempts to improve upon the double loading of boundary “halo” cells (of the grid)").

Setup, __global__ memory loading

Suppose your goal is to compute on a 3-dimensional grid, ($\equiv targetgrid3d$) of size $N_x \times N_y \times N_z = N_xN_yN_z$ e.g. $N_x = N_y = N_z = 800$. Flattened, this would be a $N_xN_yN_z = 512000000$ sized 1-dimensional array, say of floats, and both the CPU and GPU should have enough RAM to load this (on my workstation, it has 32 GB CPU RAM, on the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980Ti, there's 8 GB of system memory. As I'd want to calculate on values at each point of this 3-dimensional grid, targetgrid3d, I'd want to launch a kernel function (call) on a total of $N_xN_yN_z$ threads.

However, the computation I'm doing is such that, $\forall \, $ pt on that targetgrid3d,$\equiv k$, $k\in \mathbb{Z}^+$, $k=\lbrace 0, \dots N_xN_yN_z \rbrace$, i.e. for each grid point, each computation involving single $k$ involves only a (much smaller than N_xN_yN_z) finite number of other points on targetgrid3d: for example, for 3-dimensional finite difference of the 0th order (I think that's the right number, for 0), it involves the "left", "right", "up", "down", "bottom" and "top" grid pts. adjacent to $k$: 6+1 in total. Let's just denote $6+1=R$.

I appreciate the rationals given of how doing this computation in __global__ memory is costly, including the fact that we're copying $R$ values each computation, $\forall k \in \lbrace 0 \dots N_xN_yN_z-1\rbrace$.

Let $M_i := $ number of threads per block in the $i$th direction, $i = x,y,z$.
Let $N_i^{block} :=$ number of blocks launched on the memory grid (NOT our targetgrid3d) in the $i$th direction, $i=x,y,z$. Then the total number of threads in the $i$ direction is $M_i*N_i^{block}$ This can be different (let's say smaller) than our goal, our targetgrid3d, in each dimension, i.e. $N_i > M_i*N_i^{block}$. For example, we can have dim3 $(M_x,M_y,M_z) = (4,4,4)$ for our (block) thread dimensions (i.e. blockdim.x, blockdim.y, blockdim.z), and launch blocks $(N_x^{block},N_y^{block},N_z^{block}) = (N_x/M_x, N_y/M_y, N_z/M_z) = (200, 200, 200)$ for example. I'll point out 2 things at this point:

  • you can get the needed blocks from the formula [ \text{ block needed in the ith direction } = (N_i +M_i -1)/M_i ] integer arithmetic works out that you get equal or more blocks needed to run $N_i$ threads in the $i$th direction that you desire.
  • desired $N_i$ can be much larger than $N_i^{block}*M_i$, with $N_i^{block}$ being limited by the maximum number of blocks that can be launched (which can be found from cudaGetDeviceProperties or by running my small CUDA C script, In particular, for my GTX 980Ti, I get this read out:
    --- General Information for device 0 ---
Name: GeForce GTX 980 Ti
Compute capability: 5.2
Clock rate:  1076000
Device copy overlap:  Enabled
Kernel execution timeout :  Enabled
   --- Memory Information for device 0 ---
Total global mem:      6441730048
Total constant Mem:    65536
Max mem pitch:         2147483647
Texture Alignment:     512
   --- MP Information for device 0 ---
Multiprocessor count:  22
Shared mem per mp:     49152
Registers per mp:      65536
Threads in warp:       32
Max threads per block: 1024
Max thread dimensions: (1024, 1024, 64) 
Max grid dimensions:   (2147483647, 65535, 65535)

So for instance, $M_x*M_y*M_z$, total number of threads in a block, is limited to a maximum of 1024.

"Naive" shared memory method, halo cells, "radius" $r$ of halo cells on a (single) thread block

Then for (what I call) the "naive" shared memory method, what one wants to do, for each thread block of size $M_x*M_y*M_z$ is to load only the values involved in computation into shared memory, __shared__. For example, for the 2-dimensional problem (2-dim. targetgrid), considering a thread block of $(M_x,M_y)$, you're going to want the $(M_x+2r)*(M_y+2r)$ values to be shared on that thread block, $r = 1$ in a $0$th order finite difference case, with $r$ denoting the so-called "halo" cells ("halo" being the terminology that seems to be used in teaching GPU shared memory). I'm supposing that this generalizes in 3-dim., the 3-dim. thread block $(M_x,M_y,M_z)$ to needing $(M_x+2r)*(M_y+2r)*(M_z+2r)$ values to go into shared memory.

The factor of 2 comes from needing values "outside" the thread block on "both" sides. I call this (and my idea of this, correct me if I'm wrong) dealing with boundary conditions for shared memory (on (a single) thread block).

To make this concrete, a code that implements this shared memory idea in 2-dimensions, something that solves the heat equation to $0$th order precision, is heat_2d from Storti and Yurtoglu (it's nice that their respective book, CUDA for Engineers, came out last year, 2015 - I don't have the money to purchase a copy, but their github repository is useful). As you can see in the code with the "meat" of the code being in __global__ void tempKernel, the "boundary condition" or "corner cases" for cells on the "edge" of the thread block, are treated correctly, to "grab" values outside the thread block in question (Lines 53-64, where the //Load "halo" cells comment starts), and, namely, the so-called "radius" of halo cells, $r=1$ (#define RAD 1) is clearly defined.

What's tiling?

So what's tiling? From what I could glean from lecture slides, it appears to be trying to "load more data than threads" on each thread block. Then, presumably, a for loop is needed to run on each thread block. But for our problem of the targetgrid3d of size $(N_x,N_y,N_z)$, does this mean we'd want to launch threads in a block dim3 $(M_x,M_y,M_z)$, grid blocks dim3 $(N_x^{block}, N_y^{block}, N_z^{block})$ such that, for example, $2*M_i*N_i^{block} = N_i$? So each thread block does 2 computations because we're loading in twice the number of data to go into shared memory? (2 can be 3, 4, etc.)

How then do we deal with "boundary condition" "halo" cells in this case of tiling, because after "flattening" to a 1-dimensional array, it's fairly clear how much "stride" we need to reach each cell on our targetgrid3d (i.e. $k = k_x + k_y N_xM_x + k_z N_xM_xN_yM_y$, with $k_x = i_x + M_x*j_x \equiv $ threadIdx.x + blockDim.x*blockIdx.x, see Threads, Blocks, Grids section). How do we get the appropriate "halo" cells needed for a "stencil" in this case of tiling?

3-dim. Finite Difference, the "pencil" method, scaling the pencil method, can it work?

Harris proposes, in (Finite Difference Methods in CUDA C/C++, Part 1)[] a "pencil" method for utilizing shared memory as an improvement upon the described-above "naive" shared memory.

I point out that there are 2 problems with this, as this method doesn't scale at all - 1. the thread block size easily exceeds the maximum thread block size as you're require the full $N_i \times s_{pencil}$, $s_{pencil} =4$ for example, for the thread size $M_i$ to be launched, and 2. the shared memory required is the halo radius (in this case for 8th order finite difference, about 4 adjacent cells, $r=4$) plus the full dimension size of targetgrid3d, $N_i$ (he denotes it as m*, e.g. mx,my,mz, in the code.

In fact, as a concrete example, I take the code and you can change $N_x=N_y=N_z$ from 64 to 354, mx=my=mz=64 to 354 in Harris' notation. Above that, one obtains Segmentation Faults. Clearly, for derivative_x, the derivative in the $x$ direction, with

(my/spencils, mz,1) for the grid dimensions (number of blocks in each dimension) and
(mx,spencils,1) for the block dimensions (number of threads in each (thread) block)

Then you'd have mxspencils1 threads to launch on each block, which is severely limited by the maximum number of threads per block. (e.g. 35441 = 1416 > 1024).

However, in the "naive" shared memory method, you can keep the thread block size < 1024, $(M_x,M_y,M_z)$, small enough, and the shared memory small enough, $(M_x+2r)*(M_y+2r)*(M_z+2r)$.

Does this pencil method not scale? Harris mentions to decouple the total domain size from the tile size, in the comments. He further explains that "Threads can execute loops, so you can loop and process multiple tiles of the entire domain using a single thread block; don't try to fit the entire domain in shared memory at once."

  • How would I "partition up" the targetgrid3d, called total domain here?
  • The mapping from targetgrid3d to each threadIdx., to blockIdx. is fairly clear with the "naive" shared memory method, but how does that all have to change with tiling?
  • How are thread block boundary conditions, on the "halo" cells dealt with in tiling?

For a concrete example, I don't know how to modify code to solve derivatives for a grid larger than (354^3).

mapping target grid3d, the "domain" to 2-dimensional device GPU memory

From Harris' article on Finite Difference, it appears that the 3-dimensional domain is mapped to the 2-dimensional device GPU memory, device memory. I can see that advantage of this as the max. number of blocks that can be launched in the $x$-direction, in particular, is much greater than in the $z$-direction (2147483647 > 65535). Also, the max. number of threads in a block in the $x$,$y$-directions are much greater than in the $z$-direction (1024,1024>64). However, it's unclear to me how a cell index on the target 3d grid maps to the 2-dimensional device GPU memory, in the case of tiling pencils or not even tiling pencils. How could I map the 3-dim. domain to the 2-dim. device, including the boundary cases of halo cells for a stencil, and with "tiling" or running for loops?

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