
In [1]:
import pandas as pd
from autoc import DataExploration, NaImputer, PreProcessor
from autoc.naimputer import missing_map
from autoc.outliersdetection import OutliersDetection
from autoc.utils.getdata import get_dataset
from autoc.utils.helpers import cserie
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Titanic dataset

In [2]:
# Loading Titanic dataset 
titanic = get_dataset('titanic')

In [3]:

survived pclass sex age sibsp parch fare embarked class who adult_male deck embark_town alive alone
0 0 3 male 22 1 0 7.2500 S Third man True NaN Southampton no False
1 1 1 female 38 1 0 71.2833 C First woman False C Cherbourg yes False
2 1 3 female 26 0 0 7.9250 S Third woman False NaN Southampton yes True
3 1 1 female 35 1 0 53.1000 S First woman False C Southampton yes False
4 0 3 male 35 0 0 8.0500 S Third man True NaN Southampton no True


The DataExploraion class is designed to provide helpers for basic Dataexploration task

In [4]:
# Instantiate the class this way 
exploration_titanic = DataExploration(titanic)

In [5]:
# The structure function gives a good summary of important characteristics of the dataset like
# missing values, nb_unique values, cst columns, types of the column ...

dtypes_p dtypes_r nb_missing perc_missing nb_unique_values constant_columns na_columns is_key dtype_infer string_length
survived int64 numeric 0 0.000000 2 False False False integer NaN
pclass int64 numeric 0 0.000000 3 False False False integer NaN
sex object factor 0 0.000000 2 False False False string 6
age float64 numeric 177 0.198653 88 False False False floating NaN
sibsp int64 numeric 0 0.000000 7 False False False integer NaN
parch int64 numeric 0 0.000000 7 False False False integer NaN
fare float64 numeric 0 0.000000 248 False False False floating NaN
embarked object factor 2 0.002245 3 False False False mixed 1
class object factor 0 0.000000 3 False False False string 6
who object factor 0 0.000000 3 False False False string 5
adult_male bool factor 0 0.000000 2 False False False boolean NaN
deck object factor 688 0.772166 7 False False False mixed 1
embark_town object factor 2 0.002245 3 False False False mixed 11
alive object factor 0 0.000000 2 False False False string 3
alone bool factor 0 0.000000 2 False False False boolean NaN

In [6]:
# If you want more specific primitive :

Nanumber Napercentage
survived 0 0.000000
pclass 0 0.000000
sex 0 0.000000
age 177 0.198653
sibsp 0 0.000000
parch 0 0.000000
fare 0 0.000000
embarked 2 0.002245
class 0 0.000000
who 0 0.000000
adult_male 0 0.000000
deck 688 0.772166
embark_town 2 0.002245
alive 0 0.000000
alone 0 0.000000

In [7]:
cserie(exploration_titanic.narows_full) # no rows of only missing values


In [8]:

survived         2
pclass           3
sex              2
age             88
sibsp            7
parch            7
fare           248
embarked         3
class            3
who              3
adult_male       2
deck             7
embark_town      3
alive            2
alone            2
dtype: int64

In [9]:
# More complete numeric summary than describe()
exploration_titanic.numeric_summary() # you can access to numeric

Count Min FirstQuartile Median Mean Std Mad Skewness Kurtosis Thirdquartile Max
survived 891 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.383838 0.486592 0.473013 0.478523 -1.775005 1 1.0000
pclass 891 1.00 2.0000 3.0000 2.308642 0.836071 0.761968 -0.630548 -1.280015 3 3.0000
age 714 0.42 20.1250 28.0000 29.699118 14.526497 11.322944 0.389108 0.178274 38 80.0000
sibsp 891 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.523008 1.102743 0.713780 3.695352 17.880420 1 8.0000
parch 891 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.381594 0.806057 0.580742 2.749117 9.778125 0 6.0000
fare 891 0.00 7.9104 14.4542 32.204208 49.693429 28.163692 4.787317 33.398141 31 512.3292

In [10]:
# Look at quantiles

In [11]:

survived pclass age sibsp parch fare
0.0 0 1 0.42 0 0 0.0000
0.1 0 1 14.00 0 0 7.5500
0.2 0 1 19.00 0 0 7.8542
0.3 0 2 22.00 0 0 8.0500
0.4 0 2 25.00 0 0 10.5000
0.5 0 3 28.00 0 0 14.4542
0.6 0 3 31.80 0 0 21.6792
0.7 1 3 36.00 1 0 27.0000
0.8 1 3 41.00 1 1 39.6875
0.9 1 3 50.00 1 2 77.9583
1.0 1 3 80.00 8 6 512.3292

Primitive list :

In [12]:
# print Consistency infos 
# This function helps you to trakc potential consistency errors in the dataset
# like duplicates columns, constant columns, full missing rows, full missing columns. 
exploration_titanic.print_infos('consistency', print_empty=False)

{'duplicated_rows': {'action': 'delete',
                     'comment': 'You should delete this rows with df.drop_duplicates()',
                     'level': 'ERROR',
                     'value': Int64Index([ 47,  76,  77,  87,  95, 101, 121, 133, 173, 196,
            838, 844, 846, 859, 863, 870, 877, 878, 884, 886],
           dtype='int64', length=107)}}

Fancier Functions

In [13]:
# Nearzerovariance function inspired from caret 

             freq_ratio    nzv  percent_unique zero_var
survived       1.605263  False        0.224467    False
pclass         2.273148  False        0.336700    False
sex            1.837580  False        0.224467    False
age            1.111111  False        9.876543    False
sibsp          2.909091  False        0.785634    False
parch          5.745763  False        0.785634    False
fare           1.023810  False       27.833895    False
embarked       3.833333  False        0.336700    False
class          2.273148  False        0.336700    False
who            1.981550  False        0.336700    False
adult_male     1.516949  False        0.224467    False
deck           1.255319  False        0.785634    False
embark_town    3.833333  False        0.336700    False
alive          1.605263  False        0.224467    False
alone          1.516949  False        0.224467    False
Index([], dtype='object')

In [14]:
# Find highly correlated columns 
exploration_titanic.findcorr() # no highly numerical correlated columns


In [15]:
# no duplicated cols


In [16]:
# Recheck duplicated row


Outliers Detection

This class is a simple class to detect one dimension outliers.

In [17]:
outlier_detection = OutliersDetection(titanic)

In [18]:

{'cutoff_iqr': 2, 'cutoff_mad': 2, 'cutoff_z': 3}

In [19]:

{'cutoff_iqr': 6, 'cutoff_mad': 6, 'cutoff_z': 6}

In [20]:
soft_outliers_fare = outlier_detection.outlier_detection_serie_1d('fare',cutoff_params=outlier_detection.basic_cutoff)
strong_outliers_fare = outlier_detection.outlier_detection_serie_1d('fare',cutoff_params=outlier_detection.strong_cutoff)

In [21]:
# finding index of your Dataframe
index_strong_outliers = (strong_outliers_fare.is_outlier == 1)

In [22]:

count    891.000000
mean      32.204208
std       49.693429
min        0.000000
25%        7.910400
50%       14.454200
75%       31.000000
max      512.329200
Name: fare, dtype: float64

In [23]:
# a lot of outliers because distribution is lognormal
titanic.loc[index_strong_outliers, :].head()

survived pclass sex age sibsp parch fare embarked class who adult_male deck embark_town alive alone
27 0 1 male 19 3 2 263.0000 S First man True C Southampton no False
31 1 1 female NaN 1 0 146.5208 C First woman False B Cherbourg yes False
34 0 1 male 28 1 0 82.1708 C First man True NaN Cherbourg no False
52 1 1 female 49 1 0 76.7292 C First woman False D Cherbourg yes False
61 1 1 female 38 0 0 80.0000 NaN First woman False B NaN yes True

In [24]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1045de190>

In [25]:

fare_iqr_score fare_mad_score fare_z_score fare_is_outlier
0 -0.312011 -0.703808 -0.502445 0
1 2.461242 5.551871 0.786845 1
2 -0.282777 -0.637865 -0.488854 0
3 1.673732 3.775469 0.420730 1
4 -0.277363 -0.625653 -0.486337 0
5 -0.259680 -0.585764 -0.478116 0
6 1.620136 3.654572 0.395814 1
7 0.286744 0.646813 -0.224083 0
8 -0.143827 -0.324433 -0.424256 0
9 0.676348 1.525651 -0.042956 0
10 0.097265 0.219402 -0.312172 0
11 0.523864 1.181689 -0.113846 0
12 -0.277363 -0.625653 -0.486337 0
13 0.728501 1.643294 -0.018709 0
14 -0.285843 -0.644781 -0.490280 0
15 0.066948 0.151016 -0.326267 0
16 0.635386 1.433251 -0.061999 0
17 -0.062981 -0.142067 -0.386671 0
18 0.153567 0.346404 -0.285997 0
19 -0.313093 -0.706251 -0.502949 0


In [26]:
# initialize preprocessing 
preprocessor = PreProcessor(titanic, copy=True)
print("We made a copy so id titanic :  {} different from id preprocessor.data {}".format(

We made a copy so id titanic :  4407004560 different from id preprocessor.data 4747383056

In [27]:
# using infos consistency from DataExploration 

{'duplicated_rows': {'action': 'delete',
                     'comment': 'You should delete this rows with df.drop_duplicates()',
                     'level': 'ERROR',
                     'value': Int64Index([ 47,  76,  77,  87,  95, 101, 121, 133, 173, 196,
            838, 844, 846, 859, 863, 870, 877, 878, 884, 886],
           dtype='int64', length=107)}}

In [28]:
# basic cleaning delete constant columns 
titanic_clean = preprocessor.basic_cleaning()

We are removing the folowing columns : []
We are removing the folowing rows : [521, 522, 526, 531, 870, 47, 560, 563, 564, 568, 573, 588, 589, 598, 87, 601, 95, 612, 101, 614, 121, 635, 636, 640, 641, 644, 133, 646, 650, 656, 666, 674, 173, 692, 696, 196, 709, 198, 201, 213, 732, 733, 734, 223, 738, 739, 241, 757, 758, 760, 260, 773, 274, 790, 792, 800, 295, 808, 300, 304, 313, 320, 324, 837, 838, 844, 846, 335, 343, 859, 863, 354, 355, 358, 359, 364, 877, 878, 368, 884, 886, 384, 832, 409, 410, 413, 418, 420, 425, 428, 431, 454, 76, 459, 77, 464, 466, 470, 476, 481, 485, 488, 490, 494, 613, 500, 511]

In [32]:
titanic_clean.shape # We removed the dupliated columns

(784, 15)

In [33]:

(891, 15)

In [29]:
preprocessor.infer_subtypes() # this function tries to indentify different subtypes of data

{'adult_male': {'dtype': dtype('bool'), 'subtype': 'binary'},
 'age': {'dtype': dtype('float64'), 'subtype': None},
 'alive': {'dtype': dtype('O'), 'subtype': 'binary'},
 'alone': {'dtype': dtype('bool'), 'subtype': 'binary'},
 'class': {'dtype': dtype('O'), 'subtype': 'text_categorical'},
 'deck': {'dtype': dtype('O'), 'subtype': 'text_categorical'},
 'embark_town': {'dtype': dtype('O'), 'subtype': 'text_categorical'},
 'embarked': {'dtype': dtype('O'), 'subtype': 'text_categorical'},
 'fare': {'dtype': dtype('float64'), 'subtype': None},
 'parch': {'dtype': dtype('int64'), 'subtype': 'ordinal'},
 'pclass': {'dtype': dtype('int64'), 'subtype': 'ordinal'},
 'sex': {'dtype': dtype('O'), 'subtype': 'binary'},
 'sibsp': {'dtype': dtype('int64'), 'subtype': 'ordinal'},
 'survived': {'dtype': dtype('int64'), 'subtype': 'binary'},
 'who': {'dtype': dtype('O'), 'subtype': 'text_categorical'}}

In [30]:

['text_raw', 'text_categorical', 'ordinal', 'binary', 'other']

Airbnb Dataset

This is a dataset from airbnb users found (the dataset used here is train_users_2.csv from the this airbnb kaggle competition

In [34]:
df_airbnb = get_dataset('airbnb_users')


In [35]:
exploration_airbnb = DataExploration(df_airbnb)

In [36]:


In [37]:

dtypes_p dtypes_r nb_missing perc_missing nb_unique_values constant_columns na_columns is_key dtype_infer string_length
id object character 0 0.000000 213451 False False True string 10
date_account_created object character 0 0.000000 1634 False False False string 10
timestamp_first_active int64 numeric 0 0.000000 213451 False False True integer NaN
date_first_booking object character 124543 0.583473 1976 False False False mixed 10
gender object factor 0 0.000000 4 False False False string 9
age float64 numeric 87990 0.412226 127 False False False floating NaN
signup_method object factor 0 0.000000 3 False False False string 8
signup_flow int64 numeric 0 0.000000 17 False False False integer NaN
language object character 0 0.000000 25 False False False string 2
affiliate_channel object factor 0 0.000000 8 False False False string 13
affiliate_provider object character 0 0.000000 18 False False False string 19
first_affiliate_tracked object factor 6065 0.028414 7 False False False mixed 13
signup_app object factor 0 0.000000 4 False False False string 7
first_device_type object factor 0 0.000000 9 False False False string 18
first_browser object character 0 0.000000 52 False False False string 20
country_destination object character 0 0.000000 12 False False False string 5

In [38]:
exploration_airbnb.sign_summary() # Get sign summary (look for -1 na encoded value for example)

NumOfNegative PctOfNegative NumOfPositive PctOfPositive
timestamp_first_active 0 0.000000 213451 1.000000
age 0 0.000000 125461 0.587774
signup_flow 164739 0.771788 213451 1.000000

Outliers Detection

In [39]:
airbnb_od = OutliersDetection(df_airbnb)

In [40]:
# OutliersDetection is a subclass of DataExploration

dtypes_p dtypes_r nb_missing perc_missing nb_unique_values constant_columns na_columns is_key dtype_infer string_length
id object character 0 0.000000 213451 False False True string 10
date_account_created object character 0 0.000000 1634 False False False string 10
timestamp_first_active int64 numeric 0 0.000000 213451 False False True integer NaN
date_first_booking object character 124543 0.583473 1976 False False False mixed 10
gender object factor 0 0.000000 4 False False False string 9
age float64 numeric 87990 0.412226 127 False False False floating NaN
signup_method object factor 0 0.000000 3 False False False string 8
signup_flow int64 numeric 0 0.000000 17 False False False integer NaN
language object character 0 0.000000 25 False False False string 2
affiliate_channel object factor 0 0.000000 8 False False False string 13
affiliate_provider object character 0 0.000000 18 False False False string 19
first_affiliate_tracked object factor 6065 0.028414 7 False False False mixed 13
signup_app object factor 0 0.000000 4 False False False string 7
first_device_type object factor 0 0.000000 9 False False False string 18
first_browser object character 0 0.000000 52 False False False string 20
country_destination object character 0 0.000000 12 False False False string 5

In [41]:
airbnb_od.numeric_summary() # you can access to numeric

Count Min FirstQuartile Median Mean Std Mad Skewness Kurtosis Thirdquartile Max
timestamp_first_active 213451 2.009032e+13 2.012123e+13 2.013091e+13 2.013085e+13 9.253717e+09 6.898231e+09 -0.860883 -3.142610 2.014031e+13 2.014063e+13
age 125461 1.000000e+00 2.800000e+01 3.400000e+01 4.966834e+01 1.556666e+02 2.838745e+01 12.422586 153.568929 4.300000e+01 2.014000e+03
signup_flow 213451 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 3.267387e+00 7.637707e+00 5.169522e+00 2.234366 3.324444 0.000000e+00 2.500000e+01

In [42]:

{'cutoff_iqr': 6, 'cutoff_mad': 6, 'cutoff_z': 6}

In [43]:
outliers_age = airbnb_od.outlier_detection_serie_1d('age', cutoff_params=airbnb_od.strong_cutoff)

iqr_score mad_score z_score is_outlier
1 0.266667 0.385429 -0.074958 0
2 1.466667 2.119857 0.040675 0
3 0.533333 0.770857 -0.049261 0
4 0.466667 0.674500 -0.055685 0
6 0.800000 1.156286 -0.023565 0
7 0.866667 1.252643 -0.017141 0
8 1.066667 1.541714 0.002131 0
9 0.800000 1.156286 -0.023565 0
10 0.133333 0.192714 -0.087806 0
11 0.866667 1.252643 -0.017141 0

In [44]:
print("nb strong outliers : {}".format(outliers_age.is_outlier.sum()))

nb strong outliers : 2413

In [45]:
index_outliers_age = cserie(outliers_age.is_outlier==1, index=True)

In [46]:

id date_account_created timestamp_first_active date_first_booking gender age signup_method signup_flow language affiliate_channel affiliate_provider first_affiliate_tracked signup_app first_device_type first_browser country_destination
388 v2x0ms9c62 2010-04-11 20100411065602 2010-04-13 -unknown- 2014 basic 3 en other craigslist untracked Web Windows Desktop Firefox FR
398 9ouah6tc30 2010-04-12 20100412231534 2010-04-12 FEMALE 104 facebook 3 en other craigslist linked Web iPhone Mobile Safari FR
627 dc3udjfdij 2010-05-19 20100519012455 2010-06-16 -unknown- 105 basic 2 en other craigslist omg Web Mac Desktop Safari FR
673 umf1wdk9uc 2010-05-25 20100525155541 NaN FEMALE 2014 basic 2 en other craigslist untracked Web Mac Desktop Safari NDF
1040 m82epwn7i8 2010-07-14 20100714230556 2010-07-15 MALE 2014 facebook 0 en other craigslist untracked Web Mac Desktop Chrome US
1177 2th813zdx7 2010-07-25 20100725234419 2010-07-26 MALE 2013 facebook 3 en direct direct untracked Web Mac Desktop Chrome US
1190 qc9se9qucz 2010-07-27 20100727002029 2010-07-27 -unknown- 105 basic 2 en other craigslist untracked Web Mac Desktop Firefox US
1200 3amf04n3o3 2010-07-27 20100727190447 2010-07-29 FEMALE 2014 basic 2 en direct direct untracked Web Windows Desktop IE US
1208 cguxptdi6h 2010-07-28 20100728034415 2010-07-28 -unknown- 105 basic 3 en direct direct untracked Web Mac Desktop Firefox US
1239 6vpmryt377 2010-07-30 20100730055204 2010-07-30 FEMALE 2014 basic 0 en direct direct untracked Web Mac Desktop Firefox CA
1257 uxy91xb5p2 2010-08-01 20100801071023 2010-08-01 MALE 2014 facebook 3 en direct direct untracked Web Windows Desktop Chrome US
1308 bno0vva4uz 2010-08-06 20100806133725 NaN MALE 2014 basic 3 en other craigslist linked Web Windows Desktop Chrome NDF
1314 4wir86n2az 2010-08-06 20100806201512 NaN MALE 104 basic 2 en direct direct untracked Web Other/Unknown -unknown- NDF
1474 h3rrmak4tu 2010-08-21 20100821225214 NaN MALE 2014 facebook 2 pt other craigslist untracked Web Mac Desktop Safari NDF
1502 fou0j7fhnm 2010-08-24 20100824205045 2010-08-25 FEMALE 2014 basic 3 en sem-non-brand google untracked Web Windows Desktop Chrome US
1529 1j5uk4f0ay 2010-08-27 20100827135415 NaN MALE 105 facebook 2 en other craigslist linked Web Windows Desktop IE NDF
1615 uqncyj8byz 2010-09-04 20100904210638 2010-10-03 FEMALE 101 basic 2 en direct direct untracked Web Windows Desktop IE US
1619 9lkved7fhg 2010-09-05 20100905050114 2010-09-05 FEMALE 98 basic 3 en seo google untracked Web Mac Desktop Safari US
1739 eef74e94rg 2010-09-15 20100915023255 2010-09-20 -unknown- 105 facebook 2 en sem-non-brand google tracked-other Web Other/Unknown Mobile Firefox US
1826 kfeh5350pi 2010-09-21 20100921134556 2010-09-26 -unknown- 2014 facebook 2 en direct direct untracked Web Mac Desktop Firefox other
1860 9aouhu15rk 2010-09-23 20100923114758 2011-03-25 FEMALE 2014 basic 2 en seo google linked Web Windows Desktop IE US
2228 i0j7vqzk2m 2010-10-29 20101029182448 NaN MALE 115 facebook 0 en other craigslist NaN Web Other/Unknown -unknown- NDF
2235 9s9mdj9xeb 2010-10-30 20101030104540 NaN MALE 104 facebook 2 en content google omg Web Mac Desktop Safari NDF
2289 v1xp5ggiti 2010-11-04 20101104235028 2011-05-16 -unknown- 105 basic 2 en direct direct untracked Web Windows Desktop Chrome US
2582 aq0lqrjf2y 2010-12-06 20101206173457 2010-12-06 -unknown- 2014 facebook 3 en sem-non-brand google linked Web iPad Mobile Safari FR
2654 kkfa80noq4 2010-12-15 20101215031123 2010-12-16 FEMALE 105 basic 2 en other craigslist untracked Web iPhone Mobile Safari US
2657 qg2p3l847j 2010-12-15 20101215040851 NaN FEMALE 107 basic 2 en other craigslist untracked Web Windows Desktop Chrome NDF
2775 34tpc91y6j 2010-12-29 20101229034206 2011-09-29 MALE 105 basic 0 en direct direct untracked Web Mac Desktop Safari US
2825 wohy9u0us5 2011-01-03 20110103163350 NaN FEMALE 99 basic 3 en sem-non-brand google untracked Web iPad Mobile Safari NDF
2846 ee45osn71s 2011-01-05 20110105173958 NaN FEMALE 110 facebook 2 en direct direct linked Web Mac Desktop Safari NDF
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
208435 xddkqb6u5c 2014-06-22 20140622015513 NaN MALE 105 basic 0 en sem-non-brand google omg Web Mac Desktop Safari NDF
208675 wucmeipz5m 2014-06-22 20140622170254 NaN -unknown- 105 basic 0 en direct direct untracked Web Windows Desktop Chrome NDF
208704 fo3mxaa34u 2014-06-22 20140622180847 2014-06-22 -unknown- 105 basic 0 en direct direct linked Web Mac Desktop Safari FR
208819 0dn4tfj6gw 2014-06-22 20140622214130 NaN FEMALE 1949 basic 0 en direct direct untracked Moweb Android Phone Chrome Mobile NDF
209074 py0sivmitv 2014-06-23 20140623062745 2014-06-23 -unknown- 105 basic 0 en direct direct untracked Web Mac Desktop Chrome US
209222 p2bg0ux0uf 2014-06-23 20140623173318 2014-06-28 -unknown- 105 basic 0 en sem-non-brand google omg Web Windows Desktop IE US
209228 v4o93j53zn 2014-06-23 20140623174300 NaN MALE 110 facebook 0 en direct direct linked Web Mac Desktop Chrome NDF
209672 1zzmeakk1b 2014-06-24 20140624051116 NaN MALE 105 facebook 0 en direct direct linked Moweb iPhone Mobile Safari NDF
210086 0fjffldr3f 2014-06-24 20140624224114 2014-06-24 -unknown- 105 basic 0 en direct direct untracked Web Windows Desktop Firefox US
210232 nhzq5d8nby 2014-06-25 20140625030229 2014-06-25 FEMALE 105 basic 0 en sem-brand google omg Web Mac Desktop Safari FR
210257 smzfy2c47g 2014-06-25 20140625035237 2014-07-21 -unknown- 105 basic 0 en direct direct untracked Web Mac Desktop Safari US
210335 oldf6jxjv1 2014-06-25 20140625054539 2014-12-23 -unknown- 105 basic 25 en direct direct untracked iOS iPhone -unknown- US
210793 ty6g90h81q 2014-06-26 20140626003400 NaN FEMALE 105 basic 0 en sem-non-brand google omg Web Windows Desktop IE NDF
210928 xr911lto8m 2014-06-26 20140626041212 2014-07-02 MALE 105 basic 0 en direct direct linked Web Mac Desktop Safari GB
211074 9ppttyasd8 2014-06-26 20140626131631 NaN FEMALE 110 facebook 0 fr sem-non-brand google omg Web Windows Desktop IE NDF
211196 xcm902wnfb 2014-06-26 20140626191640 2015-02-08 -unknown- 105 basic 0 en direct direct linked Moweb iPhone Mobile Safari US
211228 n9ks4ugwqg 2014-06-26 20140626202148 2014-07-01 MALE 110 basic 25 en direct direct untracked iOS iPhone -unknown- US
211373 dtwwccb707 2014-06-27 20140627002940 NaN FEMALE 105 basic 0 en direct direct untracked Web Mac Desktop Safari NDF
211388 r5m2au58pp 2014-06-27 20140627004836 2014-07-24 -unknown- 105 basic 0 en sem-brand google omg Web Mac Desktop Firefox US
211424 mi1cn9suyv 2014-06-27 20140627022018 2014-06-27 -unknown- 105 basic 0 en direct direct linked Web iPad Mobile Safari US
211496 025sv1949e 2014-06-27 20140627043908 2014-07-11 FEMALE 1926 basic 0 en direct direct untracked Web Windows Desktop Firefox US
211552 mi21cgnfr3 2014-06-27 20140627064132 NaN FEMALE 101 basic 0 en sem-brand google omg Web Windows Desktop Chrome NDF
211728 ldwhkrhtk6 2014-06-27 20140627184539 2014-06-27 MALE 105 basic 0 en direct direct linked Web Mac Desktop Chrome US
212720 a6r17kfpyi 2014-06-29 20140629193647 2014-06-29 -unknown- 105 basic 0 en direct direct omg Web Mac Desktop Safari US
212786 4wub3u531r 2014-06-29 20140629214926 NaN MALE 110 facebook 0 en direct direct untracked Web Windows Desktop IE NDF
212981 l6y2gwgoni 2014-06-30 20140630035617 2014-07-27 -unknown- 105 basic 0 en sem-brand google omg Web Mac Desktop Chrome US
213106 1c83n850up 2014-06-30 20140630085741 NaN MALE 110 facebook 25 en direct direct untracked iOS iPhone -unknown- NDF
213182 kh8odg7wnv 2014-06-30 20140630164858 2014-07-04 FEMALE 105 basic 0 en direct direct linked Web iPhone Mobile Safari ES
213199 lyuno62d1q 2014-06-30 20140630171821 2014-07-07 MALE 105 basic 0 en direct direct untracked Web Windows Desktop Chrome US
213345 gfend4omwv 2014-06-30 20140630205707 2014-07-01 FEMALE 105 basic 0 en direct direct omg Web iPhone Mobile Safari US

2413 rows × 16 columns


In [47]:
#plt.style.use('ggplot') # ggplot2 style for mathplotlib

In [48]:
naimp = NaImputer(df_airbnb)

In [49]:

is_na_date_first_booking is_na_age is_na_first_affiliate_tracked
is_na_date_first_booking 1.000000 0.314193 0.045084
is_na_age 0.314193 1.000000 0.087806
is_na_first_affiliate_tracked 0.045084 0.087806 1.000000

In [50]:

In [51]:
missing_map(df_airbnb, nmax=200)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11bd9efd0>

In [54]:
naimp.get_isna_ttest('age', type_test='ks')

pvalue statistic type_test
timestamp_first_active 0.000000e+00 0.090653 ks
signup_flow 1.989118e-318 0.084137 ks

In [55]:
naimp.get_isna_ttest('age', type_test='ttest')

pvalue statistic type_test
timestamp_first_active 1.804771e-236 32.877547 ttest
signup_flow 0.000000e+00 54.941500 ttest

In [57]:

date_first_booking age first_affiliate_tracked
date_first_booking 1.000000 0.542897 0.034743
age 0.768428 1.000000 0.045835
first_affiliate_tracked 0.713438 0.664963 1.000000

In [58]:

Nanumber Napercentage
id 0 0.000000
date_account_created 0 0.000000
timestamp_first_active 0 0.000000
date_first_booking 124543 0.583473
gender 0 0.000000
age 87990 0.412226
signup_method 0 0.000000
signup_flow 0 0.000000
language 0 0.000000
affiliate_channel 0 0.000000
affiliate_provider 0 0.000000
first_affiliate_tracked 6065 0.028414
signup_app 0 0.000000
first_device_type 0 0.000000
first_browser 0 0.000000
country_destination 0 0.000000

In [ ]: