In [1]:
import cPickle as pickle
author_full_name_dict = pickle.load(open("authors_full_name_dict.p", "rb"))
In [2]:
import sqlite3
conng = sqlite3.connect('pmcv1-graph.db')
cg = conng.cursor()
In [3]:
import Queue
import networkx as nx
def buildfnauthortree(rootnode, mastergraphcursor, fndict, depth = 2):
_g =nx.DiGraph()
q = Queue.Queue()
q.put((rootnode, 0))
while not q.empty():
node = q.get()
if node[1] < depth:
mastergraphcursor.execute('''SELECT coauthors FROM coauthors WHERE author = ?''', [node[0]])
coauthors = cg.fetchone()[0].split(',')
for author in coauthors:
if unicode(fndict[author][0]+" "+fndict[author][1]) not in _g.nodes():
_g.add_edge(unicode(fndict[node[0]][0]+ " "+fndict[node[0]][1]),
unicode(fndict[author][0]+" "+fndict[author][1]))
q.put((author, node[1]+1))
return _g
In [19]:
rootauthor = u'padubidriv.shivaprasad'
g = buildfnauthortree(rootauthor, cg, author_full_name_dict, 2)
In [5]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
In [23]:
#dump graph in json format for d3 to plot
from networkx.readwrite import json_graph
import io, json
with'testgraphdata.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
f.write(unicode(json.dumps(json_graph.tree_data(g, u"Padubidri V. Shivaprasad",
attrs={'children': 'children', 'id': 'name'}))))
In [3]:
import sqlite3
conng = sqlite3.connect('pmcv1-graph.db')
cg = conng.cursor()
In [16]:
import Queue
import networkx as nx
def buildcitenetwork(rootnode, mastergraphcursor, indepth = 0, outdepth = 2):
_g =nx.DiGraph()
q = Queue.Queue()
#first go in out direction
q.put((rootnode, 0))
while not q.empty():
node = q.get()
if node[1] < outdepth:
mastergraphcursor.execute('''SELECT outcites FROM cites WHERE pmid = ?''', [node[0]])
cites = map(int, cg.fetchone()[0].split(','))
for cite in cites:
if cite not in _g.nodes():
_g.add_edge(node[0], cite)
q.put((cite, node[1]+1))
except ValueError: #when there are none
#now go in in direction
q.put((rootnode, 0))
while not q.empty():
node = q.get()
if node[1] < indepth:
mastergraphcursor.execute('''SELECT incites FROM cites WHERE pmid = ?''', [node[0]])
cites = map(int, cg.fetchone()[0].split(','))
for cite in cites:
if cite not in _g.nodes():
_g.add_edge(cite, node[0])
q.put((cite, node[1]+1))
except ValueError:
return _g
In [32]:
g= buildcitenetwork(21437221, cg, 2, 2)
In [33]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
In [34]:
#dump graph in json format for d3 to plot
from networkx.readwrite import json_graph
import io, json
with'citetestdata.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
f.write(unicode(json.dumps(json_graph.node_link_data(g, attrs={'source': 'source',
'target': 'target',
'key': 'key',
'id': 'name'}))))
In [87]:
import sqlite3
conng = sqlite3.connect('pmcv1-graph.db')
cg = conng.cursor()
In [88]:
import Queue
import networkx as nx
import colorbrewer
def buildcitenetwork(rootnode, mastergraphcursor, indepth = 0, outdepth = 2, colorscheme = colorbrewer.PuOr):
_g =nx.DiGraph()
q = Queue.Queue()
#set up colors
_colors = colorscheme[max(outdepth,indepth)*2+1]
#first go in out direction
q.put((rootnode, 0))
_g.add_node(rootnode, color = rgbtohex(_colors[(len(_colors)-1)/2]))
while not q.empty():
node = q.get()
if node[1] < outdepth:
mastergraphcursor.execute('''SELECT outcites FROM cites WHERE pmid = ?''', [node[0]])
cites = map(int, cg.fetchone()[0].split(','))
for cite in cites:
if cite not in _g.nodes():
_g.add_node(cite, color = rgbtohex(_colors[(len(_colors)-1)/2+node[1]+1]))
_g.add_edge(node[0], cite)
q.put((cite, node[1]+1))
except ValueError: #when there are none
#now go in in direction
q.put((rootnode, 0))
while not q.empty():
node = q.get()
if node[1] < indepth:
mastergraphcursor.execute('''SELECT incites FROM cites WHERE pmid = ?''', [node[0]])
cites = map(int, cg.fetchone()[0].split(','))
for cite in cites:
if cite not in _g.nodes():
_g.add_node(cite, color = rgbtohex(_colors[(len(_colors)-1)/2-node[1]-1]))
_g.add_edge(cite, node[0])
q.put((cite, node[1]+1))
except ValueError:
return _g
import struct
def rgbtohex(rgbtupleorlistoftuples):
if type(rgbtupleorlistoftuples) == list:
returnlist = []
for tup in rgbtupleorlistoftuples:
return returnlist
return struct.pack('BBB',*rgbtupleorlistoftuples).encode('hex')
In [89]:
g= buildcitenetwork(21437221, cg, 2, 2)
In [90]:
In [95]:
#dump graph in json format for d3 to plot
from networkx.readwrite import json_graph
import io, json
with'citetestdata.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
f.write(unicode(json.dumps(json_graph.node_link_data(g, attrs={'source': 'source',
'target': 'target',
'key': 'key',
'id': 'name',
'color': 'color'
In [1]:
import sqlite3
conng = sqlite3.connect('pmcv1-graph.db')
cg = conng.cursor()
connfull = sqlite3.connect('pmcv1-full.db')
cf = connfull.cursor()
In [2]:
import Queue
import networkx as nx
import colorbrewer
def buildcitenetwork(rootnode, mastergraphcursor, authcursor, indepth = 0, outdepth = 2,
colorscheme = colorbrewer.PuOr):
_g =nx.DiGraph()
q = Queue.Queue()
#set up colors
_colors = colorscheme[max(outdepth,indepth)*2+1]
#first go in out direction
q.put((rootnode, 0))
authcursor.execute('''SELECT ln FROM authors WHERE pmid = ? AND authnum = 0''', [rootnode])
_g.add_node(rootnode, color = rgbtohex(_colors[(len(_colors)-1)/2]), ln = authcursor.fetchone()[0])
while not q.empty():
node = q.get()
if node[1] < outdepth:
#authcursor.execute('''SELECT ln FROM authors WHERE pmid = ? AND authnum = 0''', [21437221])
mastergraphcursor.execute('''SELECT outcites FROM cites WHERE pmid = ?''', [node[0]])
cites = map(int, cg.fetchone()[0].split(','))
for cite in cites:
if cite not in _g.nodes():
authcursor.execute('''SELECT ln FROM authors WHERE pmid = ? AND authnum = 0''', [cite])
lastname = authcursor.fetchone()[0]
except TypeError:
lastname = cite
_g.add_node(cite, color = rgbtohex(_colors[(len(_colors)-1)/2+node[1]+1]), ln = lastname)
_g.add_edge(node[0], cite)
q.put((cite, node[1]+1))
except ValueError: #when there are none
#now go in in direction
q.put((rootnode, 0))
while not q.empty():
node = q.get()
if node[1] < indepth:
mastergraphcursor.execute('''SELECT incites FROM cites WHERE pmid = ?''', [node[0]])
cites = map(int, cg.fetchone()[0].split(','))
for cite in cites:
if cite not in _g.nodes():
authcursor.execute('''SELECT ln FROM authors WHERE pmid = ? AND authnum = 0''', [cite])
lastname = authcursor.fetchone()[0]
except TypeError:
lastname = cite
_g.add_node(cite, color = rgbtohex(_colors[(len(_colors)-1)/2-node[1]-1]), ln = lastname)
_g.add_edge(cite, node[0])
q.put((cite, node[1]+1))
except ValueError:
return _g
import struct
def rgbtohex(rgbtupleorlistoftuples):
if type(rgbtupleorlistoftuples) == list:
returnlist = []
for tup in rgbtupleorlistoftuples:
return returnlist
return struct.pack('BBB',*rgbtupleorlistoftuples).encode('hex')
In [5]:
g = buildcitenetwork(18593145, cg, cf, 2, 2)
In [7]:
from networkx.readwrite import json_graph
import io, json
with'citetestdata.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
f.write(unicode(json.dumps(json_graph.node_link_data(g, attrs={'source': 'source',
'target': 'target',
'key': 'key',
'id': 'name',
'color': 'color',
'ln': 'ln'