In [22]:
plot_size(4, 3)
In [23]:
exp_table(t(sapply(Boston, class)))
In [24]: = lm(medv ~ lstat, data = Boston)
The $predict$ function makes predictions from the adjusted model.
The predictions can be presented with either $confidence$ and $prediction$ intervals.
These intervals can be analyzed at
In [25]:
predict(, data.frame(lstat =(c(5, 10, 15))), interval = "confidence")
predict(, data.frame(lstat =(c(5, 10, 15))), interval = "prediction")
In [26]:
axis_x <- seq(min(Boston$lstat), max(Boston$lstat), by = 0.5)
axis_y <- predict(, data.frame(lstat=axis_x))
data_adj = data.frame(lstat=axis_x, medv=axis_y)
ggplot(Boston) + geom_point(aes(x = lstat, y = medv)) + geom_line(data=data_adj,aes(x=lstat,y=medv), color="Blue") + theme_bw(base_size = 10)
In [27]:
lm.fit_p =lm(medv~lstat+I(lstat^2), data=Boston)
summary (lm.fit_p)
In [28]:
axis_x <- seq(min(Boston$lstat), max(Boston$lstat), by = 0.5)
axis_x2 <- axis_x^2
axis_y <- predict(lm.fit_p, data.frame(lstat=axis_x, `I(lstat^2)`=axis_x2))
data_adj = data.frame(lstat=axis_x, medv=axis_y)
ggplot(Boston) + geom_point(aes(x = lstat, y = medv)) + geom_line(data=data_adj,aes(x=lstat,y=medv), color="Blue") + theme_bw(base_size = 10)
In [29]:
anova(, lm.fit_p)
In [30]:
lm.fit2 =lm(medv~lstat+age, data=Boston)
summary (lm.fit2)
In [31]:
anova( ,lm.fit2)
In [32]:
axis_x <- seq(min(Boston$lstat), max(Boston$lstat), by = 0.5)
axis_y <- seq(min(Boston$age), max(Boston$age), by = 0.5)
lm_surface <- expand.grid(lstat = axis_x, age = axis_y, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = F)
lm_surface$medv <- predict.lm(lm.fit2, newdata = lm_surface)
lm_surface <- acast(lm_surface, age ~ lstat, value.var = "medv") #y ~ x
b3d_plot <- plot_ly(Boston,
x = ~Boston$lstat,
y = ~Boston$age,
z = ~Boston$medv,
text = Boston$medv,
type = "scatter3d",
mode = "markers"
b3d_plot <- add_trace(p = b3d_plot,
z = lm_surface,
x = axis_x,
y = axis_y,
type = "surface")
In [33]:
exp_table(t(sapply(iris, class)))
To make the problem simpler, let us assume that we intend to predict if a species is $versicolor$ or if it is $other$ species.
In [34]:
data <- iris
data$versicolor <- as.integer(data$Species=="versicolor")
data$Species <- c('other', 'versicolor')[data$versicolor+1]
Using preprocessing functions, we separate both training and test data.
In [35]:
sampler <- sample.random(data)
train <- sampler$sample
test <- sampler$residual
This dataset is unbalanced using this perspective. If the prediction for $versicolor$ is higher than its probability, it can be classified as $versicolor$.
In [36]:
t <- mean(train$versicolor)
The creation of the logistic regression model using all independent variables uses $glm$ function.
In [37]:
pred <- glm(versicolor ~ .-Species, data=train, family = binomial)
The quality of adjustment using training data is measured using the confusion table.
In [38]:
res <- predict(pred, train, type="response")
res <- as.integer(res >= t)
table(res, train$versicolor)
The quality of prediction using the test data is measured using the confusion table.
In [39]:
res <- predict(pred, test, type="response")
res <- res >= t
table(res, test$versicolor)
Creation of the logistic regression model using the independent variables with lower entropy during binning transformation.
In [40]:
pred <- glm(versicolor ~ Petal.Length + Petal.Width, data=train, family = binomial)
The quality of adjustment using training data is measured using the confusion table.
In [41]:
res <- predict(pred, train, type="response")
res <- as.integer(res >= t)
table(res, train$versicolor)
The quality of prediction using the test data is measured using the confusion table.
In [42]:
res <- predict(pred, test, type="response")
res <- as.integer(res >= t)
table(res, test$versicolor)
In [ ]: