PHYS366: Statistical Methods in Astrophysics

Lesson 6: Inference in Practice: Evaluating Models

Goals for this session:

  • Design and carry out a posterior predictive model check, and describe its relationship to a classical significance test

  • Recognize the Bayesian Evidence, know how it is computed, and describe the difference between a Bayes Factor and a likelihood ratio

  • Assign priors in various different ways

  • Mackay, Chapters 3 and 28

  • Gelman et al, Chapters 6 and 7

Model Checking, Expansion and Comparison

  • Let's revisit the straight line problem, generating some data and sampling the gradient and intercept again.
  • If our model is inadequate, we'll need an alternative. How should we compare it to our first one? Accuracy is not the only consideration: efficiency is also important.
  • The Bayesian Evidence can be used to good effect in model comparison. It depends on the priors we assume - so let's go back and look at prior assignment in more detail.
  • How is model comparison with the Bayesian evidence related to classical hypothesis testing? Let's take a quick look at an example: feature detection.

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