Final Homework

  • Course: Data Mining
  • Author: Enes Kemal Ergin

Using Pokemon Dataset from Kaggle: Link

About Dataset:

This dataset contains a full set of in-game statistics for all 802 pokemon in the Sun and Moon. It also includes full information on which pokemon can learn which moves (movesets.csv), what moves can do (moves.csv), and how damage is modified by pokemon type (type-chart.csv). But for this project I am going to ignore them.

  • id: unique id for each pokemon species
  • forme: used to differentiate different forms of a single pokemon species
  • type1: the first type of this pokemon
  • type2: the secondary type of this pokemon (if it has one)
  • hp: hit points, or health, defines how much damage a pokemon can withstand before fainting
  • attack: the base modifier for physical attacks
  • defense: the base damage resistance against physical attacks
  • spattack: special attack, the base modifier for special attacks
  • spdefense: the base damage resistance against special attacks
  • speed: used in determining which pokemon attacks first each round
  • total: the sum of hp, attack, defense, spattack, spdefense, and speed

Columns to ignore:

  • ndex: the pokedex number for this pokemon
  • species: the name of this pokemon
  • ability1: the first ability this pokemon could have
  • ability2: the second ability this pokemon could have
  • abilityH: the hidden ability this pokemon could have instead of ability1 or ability2
  • weight: the pokemon's weight in lbs
  • height: the pokemon's height in feet and inches
  • dex1: first pokedex description of this pokemon
  • dex2: second pokedex description of this pokemon
  • class: the thematic class of pokemon this species is (does not influence game mechanics)
  • percent-male: the percentage of pokemon of this species which are male
  • percent-female: the percentage of pokemon of this species which are female
  • pre-evolution: the pokemon that evolves into this pokemon
  • egg-group1: a pokemon can breed with any other pokemon in the same egg group
  • egg-group2: a pokemon can breed with any other pokemon in the same egg group

Step 0 : Data Preparation

Reading and cleaning the data if necessary

In [1]:
# Import the pandas library 
import pandas as pd

In [2]:
# Read csv file from the path and store it in df
df = pd.read_csv('./eneskemal_HW.csv', encoding="ISO-8859-1",
                 usecols=[3,4,5,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]) # Specific columns to use
# Show the first 5 row of the data
# Show the last 5 row of the data
# df.tail()

forme type1 type2 hp attack defense spattack spdefense speed total
0 Bulbasaur Grass Poison 45 49 49 65 65 45 318
1 Ivysaur Grass Poison 60 62 63 80 80 60 405
2 Venusaur Grass Poison 80 82 83 100 100 80 525
3 Charmander Fire NaN 39 52 43 60 50 65 309
4 Charmeleon Fire NaN 58 64 58 80 65 80 405

In [3]:
# Check if missing values

forme        1061
type1        1061
type2         538
hp           1061
attack       1061
defense      1061
spattack     1061
spdefense    1061
speed        1061
total        1061
dtype: int64

Step 1: Data Information

Generate the information about your dataset: number of columns and rows, names and data types of the columns, memory usage of the dataset.

Hint: Pandas data frame info() function.

In [4]:
# Show the general information about the data

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1061 entries, 0 to 1060
Data columns (total 10 columns):
forme        1061 non-null object
type1        1061 non-null object
type2        538 non-null object
hp           1061 non-null int64
attack       1061 non-null int64
defense      1061 non-null int64
spattack     1061 non-null int64
spdefense    1061 non-null int64
speed        1061 non-null int64
total        1061 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(7), object(3)
memory usage: 83.0+ KB

Step 2 : Descriptive Statistics

Generate descriptive statistics of all columns (input and output) of your dataset. Descriptive statistics for numerical columns include: count, mean, std, min, 25 percentile (Q1), 50 percentile (Q2, median), 75 percentile (Q3), max values of the columns. For categorical columns, determine distinct values and their frequency in each categorical column.

Hint: Pandas, data frame describe() function.

In [5]:
# Descriptive information of the numerical columns

hp attack defense spattack spdefense speed total
count 1061.000000 1061.000000 1061.000000 1061.000000 1061.000000 1061.000000 1061.000000
mean 70.041470 79.602262 73.730443 74.550424 72.911404 70.321395 441.157399
std 25.893508 31.378369 30.394899 31.975146 27.995681 29.328288 121.289505
min 1.000000 5.000000 5.000000 10.000000 20.000000 5.000000 175.000000
25% 50.000000 55.000000 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000 48.000000 336.000000
50% 68.000000 75.000000 70.000000 70.000000 70.000000 68.000000 455.000000
75% 80.000000 100.000000 91.000000 95.000000 90.000000 93.000000 520.000000
max 255.000000 190.000000 230.000000 194.000000 230.000000 180.000000 780.000000

In [6]:
# Categorical descriptive info for Type1 column

count      1061
unique       18
top       Water
freq        130
Name: type1, dtype: object

In [7]:
# Categorical descriptive info for Type2 column

count        538
unique        18
top       Flying
freq         140
Name: type2, dtype: object

Step 3 : Analysis of the Output Column

If the output column is numerical then calculate the IQR (inter quartile range, Q3-Q1) and Range (difference between max and min value). If your output column is categorical then determine if the column is nominal or ordinal, why?. Is there a class imbalance problem? (check if there is big difference between the number of distinct values in your categorical output column)

In [8]:

count    1061.000000
mean      441.157399
std       121.289505
min       175.000000
25%       336.000000
50%       455.000000
75%       520.000000
max       780.000000
Name: total, dtype: float64

In [9]:
# I want to just analyze the data but let's say my output
#  is total column in this case:
tot_info = df['total'].describe()
print("(IQR)-Interquartile Range: ", tot_info['75%'] - tot_info['25%'])
print("Range:", tot_info['max'] - tot_info['min'])

(IQR)-Interquartile Range:  184.0
Range: 605.0

Notes: Output column is numerical data.

Step 4 : Box Plots

Generate box plots of all numerical columns and generate pie plots for all categorical columns.

Hint: Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Bokeh libraries

In [10]:
# Matplotlib for additional customization
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
# Seaborn for plotting and styling
import seaborn as sns
# Seaborn configurations
sns.set(style="whitegrid", color_codes=True)

In [11]:
# Plotting all the numerical columns to combined boxplot
plt.title("Boxplot of all numerical data", fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel("Numerical Values")
plt.xlabel("Data Columns")

In [13]:
# Plotting categorical type 1 and type2 data to pie plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,20))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)

Step 5 : Distribution of Columns

Generate plots for probability density function (pdf) or histogram of all numerical input and output columns.

Hint: Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Bokeh libraries

In [14]:
# Defining a function to use 8 times
def dist_hist_plot(name):
    plt.title((name+" points distribution"), fontsize=20)

In [15]:
lst_names = ["hp","attack","defense","spattack","spdefense","speed","total"]
# Plotting distribution for all numerical columns
for name in lst_names:

Step 6 : Pairwise Plot

Generate pairwise scatter plot of all numerical input and output columns. Hint: Seaborn pairwise plot function

In [16]:
# num_df = df[(list(range(10))[3:])] # Selecting numerical data only
# pairwising with type1 categorical data
sns.pairplot(df, hue="type1", palette="husl")

Step 7 : Cross-Correlation of Input Columns

Generate the cross-correlation matrix for input columns. Use pearson correlation coefficient.

Hint: Pandas Seaborn corr() function

In [17]:

hp attack defense spattack spdefense speed total
hp 1.000000 0.444764 0.308623 0.405636 0.409281 0.230426 0.663013
attack 0.444764 1.000000 0.472564 0.398984 0.281151 0.386692 0.735661
defense 0.308623 0.472564 1.000000 0.250037 0.548948 0.046982 0.642723
spattack 0.405636 0.398984 0.250037 1.000000 0.505796 0.479303 0.748746
spdefense 0.409281 0.281151 0.548948 0.505796 1.000000 0.259481 0.724578
speed 0.230426 0.386692 0.046982 0.479303 0.259481 1.000000 0.589060
total 0.663013 0.735661 0.642723 0.748746 0.724578 0.589060 1.000000

Step 8 : Identify Correlated Columns

Those input columns with pearson coefficient greater than or equal to 0.8 Hint: Pandas, Seaborn corr() function

In [20]:
df.corr() > 0.8 
# As you can see not really useful data which gives me 
#  not useful correlations

hp attack defense spattack spdefense speed total
hp True False False False False False False
attack False True False False False False False
defense False False True False False False False
spattack False False False True False False False
spdefense False False False False True False False
speed False False False False False True False
total False False False False False False True

Step 9 : Cross-Correlation Heatmap

Generate heatmap plot for cross-correlation matrix of input columns.

Hint: Pandas, Seaborn heatmap() function

In [21]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,20))
cor = df.corr()

Step 10 : Output versus Input Plot

Select one of the numerical input columns in your dataset, and generate scatter plot of output column versus the input column. If the output column is categorical then generate the box plot of the input column for each distinct value of the output column. Let’s say if your output has three distinct categorical values, plot one box plot of the input column for each value (three) in the output column.

Hint: check examples in Pandas, Matplotlib, plot(), scatter(), groupby() getgroup() functions

In [22]:
sns.lmplot(x='attack', y='defense', data=df)
plt.title("Attack points vs Defense points", fontsize=20)