In this IPython Notebook we present generators as an excelent tool provided by Python for computational mathematics in general, and for the numerical study of discrete dynamical systems in particular.
Generators functions form a special class of functions. In order to understand objects that are returned by these functions we recall a few details about iterable objects and iterators in Python.
A container in Python is an object that contains other objects (example of containers are lists, tuples, strings, files, etc).
A container, container
, is iterable if it is allowed to run over its items
with a for statement:
for item in container: print(item)The lists, strings and tuples are iterable objects. Dictionaries and files are also iterable.
Iteration is the process of accessing and returning one item at a time from a container.
In [1]:
L = [2, 5, 1]#list
for k in L:
In [2]:
S = "string"
for c in S:
In [3]:
T=(4, 9, 7)#tuple
for t in T:
The iteration over a dictionary d
returns its keys:
In [4]:
d={'lst': [4,7,1], 'today': 'monday', 'nr': 10}
for item in d:
An iteration over a file object returns the file's lines:
In [5]:
f = open("toyfile.txt")# f is a file object i.e. a container for the file's lines
for line in f:
The above examples are built-in iterable objects in Python.
Intuitively, an iterator is an object that produces a stream of items, according to a prescribed protocol.
From the programming language point of view an iterator is an object of a class that has the methods __iter__
, and __next__
. By the iterator protocol these methods act as follows:
The __iter__
method returns the iterator object itself, and the __next__
method returns the next item of the stream.
How does a container, that is an iterable object, relate with an iterator?
The built-in function iter
takes a container and returns an iterator.
In all the above examples, for item in container
launches the iterator protocol.
The for
statement calls iter()
on the container object.
is an iterator object and by calling next(it)
are accessed the container's items, one at a time.
When there are no more items, next(it)
raises a StopIteration
exception, which forces the for
loop to terminate.
Let us explicitly call iter()
on the list, L, and file object f, defined above:
In [6]:
print (next(it_list), next(it_list), next(it_list))
In [7]:
it_file = iter(f) # iterator associated to the file object f
We notice that calling three times the next() method for the iterator associated to the list, L,
all three items are successively returned, while a single call next(it_file)
for the iterator associated to the file object, raises the StopIteration
exception. This means that the stream of lines was exhausted when we called for line in f
, and no
line can be accessed again.
If we reopen the file its lines are also accessible:
In [8]:
it_f = iter(open('toyfile.txt'))
for _ in range(3):
Hence the iterators associated to built-in containers can exhibit different behaviours. While the lists can be iterated as many times as we want, a file can be iterated only once after it was open.
The reader can experiment the behavior of the iterators iter(S)
, iter(T)
, and iter(d)
, associated to the string S,
tuple, T, and dictionary, d, defined above.
We conclude that:
Iterables are objects that define an iterator when they are passed to the iter()
built-in function.
Generators functions provide a powerful tool for creating iterators.
A generator function is defined as any function in Python using def
A function is a generator function if it contains one or more yield statements within its body.
The generator function below will generate multiple of 3 of positive integer numbers, less than $n$:
In [9]:
def gen_mult3(n):
k = 0
while k < n:
yield 3*k
k += 1
The first call of the generator function defines a generator, i.e. a particular iterator object:
In [10]:
G = gen_mult3(5)
After this call the numbers 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 are not yet generated as we could expect.
Iterating the generator G (which is an iterator), by calling successively next(G)
these numbers are produced one at atime, and at the sixth call a StopIteration
exception is raised, because the generator exhausted:
In [11]:
for _ in range(6):
A generator makes a lazzy evaluation, meaning that it yields a value (an object) only on demand (when it is needed).
In order to understand the difference between a Python generator function and a regular function, we recall how behaves a regular function that contains at least a return statement.
At each call of a regular function a private namespace is associated. When a return line is reached in execution, the local variables are destroyed and the computed object (value) is returned.
In the case of a generator, after each yielded value (with yield
) the function freezes, i.e.
stops its execution. When it is called again, it resumes its execution at the point where it stopped (it "remembers" the last yielded value, and the last executed statement).
To illustrate this behaviour, we insert a few print
lines in the definition of the generator function above:
In [12]:
def Gen_mult3(n):
print('this is the first line of the generator function')
k = 0
while k < n:
print('line before yield')
yield 3*k
print ('line after yield')
print( 'this is the last line of the generator function')
Define the generator:
In [13]:
gen = Gen_mult3(3)
Running the above cell no string was printed. Hence at the first call the generator is only created and no line of the function's body is executed.
Now we iterate the generator gen
In [14]:
In [15]:
In [16]:
In [17]:
Note that Python generators do not give access to previously generated items, unless the user explicitly stored them in some container (for example in a list).
If we want to iterate again over data produced by a generator we have to re-call the generator function, i.e to re-define the generator.
Here is an example of storing the generated values in a list:
In [18]:
ge = gen_mult3(6)
L = [next(ge) for _ in range(6)]
A natural question is whether the builtin range
function is a generator or not:
In [19]:
R = range(-4, 6, 2)
R can be converted to a list:
In [20]:
or to an iterator:
In [21]:
it_r = iter(R)
print(next(it_r), next(it_r))
Hence range
is not a generator. It is a class of immutable iterable objects.
Generators allow to deal with infinite streams of "mathematical objects".
For example, a sequence of real or complex numbers is an infinite mathematical object.
Let $a_n=\left(1+\displaystyle\frac{1}{n}\right)^n$, $n\geq 1$, be the sequence that is known as being convergent to the number e.
Its terms can be generated by the folowing generator function:
In [22]:
def genseq_e():
n = 1
while True:
yield (1.0+1.0/n)**n
n += 1
Suppose we want to see how far is $a_{1000}$ from the sequence's limit, $e$. To generate $a_{1000}$ we simply can
iterate the generator G=genseq_e()
In [23]:
G = genseq_e()
for _ in range(1, 1000):
# the last generated value is a999
a1000 = next(G)
In [24]:
import math
In [25]:
print (a1000, math.exp(1), math.fabs(a1000-math.exp(1.0)) )
A more elegant solution is to slice the infinite generator, using itertools.islice
is a Python module that contains functions for creating iterators. In particular it allows
to work effectively with generators.
When a generator G
is iterated, the values returned by next(G)
are counted like the items in any Python sequence.
A slice:
itertools.islice(generator, start, stop, step)
(where start
, stop
, and step
have the same significance as for the
range(start, stop, step)
is an iterator that produces the generator values (objects) counted from index equal to start
The iterator itertools.islice(generator, n)
is supposed to have start=0
, stop=n
, and step=1
Hence to get the term $a_{1000}$ of the sequence $a_n$, we proceed as follows:
In [26]:
from itertools import islice
In [27]:
gg = genseq_e()
list(islice(gg, 1000, 1001)) #start=1000, stop=1001
Hence the slice contains just an element: a1000. To get it we could proceed as follows:
In [28]:
gg = genseq_e()
a1000 = next(islice(gg, 1000, 1001)) # i.e. the next element of the iterator is its unique element a1000
print(a1000, math.exp(1), math.fabs(a1000-math.exp(1.0)) )
Python generators can be defined in many contexts of the Computational Math, but here we show how they can be defined and manipulated to study a discrete dynamical system.
A discrete dynamical system on the space $\mathbb{R}^m$, is defined usually by a one-to-one differentiable or only a continuous map, $f:\mathbb{R}^m\to\mathbb{R}^m$. If $x_0\in\mathbb{R}^m$ is the initial state, its orbit or trajectory is the sequence $(x_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$, $x_n=f^n(x_0)$, where $f^n$, $n\geq 1$, is the $n^{th}$ iterate of the map.
The goal of the dynamical system theory is to understand the asymptotic behaviour of the systems' orbits.
In the case of a two-dimensional dynamical system we can plot a set of orbits, and the visual representation we get is called the phase portrait of that system.
In order to illustrate the asymptotic behaviour of an orbit or to draw the phase portrait of a two-dimensional dynamical system, it is very useful to define a generator for an orbit.
The generator will produce one point at a time or if it is necessary, we can take a slice in the infinite generator and store its points in a list
or a numpy.array
Experimenting with generator functions that generate points on an orbit, we deduced that there is a trick in the process of creation of a list of points resulted by iterating a slice in that generator.
To illustrate how we were lead to that trick we define a generator of an orbit for a version of the Hénon map:
$$(x,y)\mapsto(y, 1-1.4 y^2+0.3x)$$
In [29]:
def gen_Henon(pt0): #pt0 is the initial point given as 2-list
if not isinstance(pt0, list):
raise ValueError("pt0 must be a tuple")
pt = pt0[:] # a copy of the initial point
while True:
yield pt
tmp = pt[0]
pt[0] = pt[1]
pt[1] = 1 - 1.4 * pt[1]**2 + 0.3*tmp
In [30]:
pt0 = [0.0, 0.0]
G = gen_Henon(pt0)
Let us iterate a slice in this generator:
In [31]:
for pt in islice(G, 5, 8):
print (pt)
Usually to plot an orbit of some length we store its points in a list, and plot it with a single call of plt.scatter
, instead of plotting one point at a time as it is generated.
Trying to store the above three points in a list created by comprehension, we notice that the list contains only the last point, displayed three times:
In [32]:
G = gen_Henon(pt0)# to reiterate the slice we have to call the generator function again
L1 = [pt for pt in islice(G, 5, 8)]
Why does the iteration work well when we only iterate the generator, but it fails when trying to create a list from items resulted from the iteration?
The same drawback is manifested when we define the generator function with the argument
given as a numpy.array
and replace the line pt=pt0[:]
with pt=pt0.copy()
After trial and error experimentation we got a correct list of items in the following way:
In [33]:
pt0 = [0.0, 0.0]
G = gen_Henon(pt0)
L3 = [list(pt) for pt in islice(G, 5, 8)]
This behaviour is really strange, because each pt
was a list object and this conversion appears
to be redundant.
A similar right result we get converting each pt
to a numpy.array
In [34]:
import numpy as np
In [35]:
G = gen_Henon(pt0)
L4 = [np.array(pt) for pt in islice(G, 5, 8)]
A third solution is to explicitly set the type of the object to be yielded by the generator:
In [36]:
def gen_Henon_new(pt0):
if not isinstance(pt0, list):
raise ValueError("pt0 must be a list")
pt = pt0[:]
while True:
yield pt
tmp = pt[0]
pt = [pt[1], 1-1.4*pt[1]**2+0.3*tmp]#pt is explicitly set as list
In [37]:
G = gen_Henon_new(pt0)
L5 = [pt for pt in islice(G, 5,8)]
print (L5)
We note that when the yielded object is explicitly set as list, no conversion is needed when we create the list of items resulted from the iteration.
Let us check this observed particularity for another generator.
Namely, we define the generator of pairs of consecutive terms in Fibonacci sequence:
In [38]:
def pair_fibonacci(a=1, b=1):
while True:
yield (a,b)# the yielded object is explicitly set as a tuple
a, b = b, a+b
In [39]:
genp = pair_fibonacci()
L = [pair for pair in islice(genp, 1,15)]
print (L)
The sequence of pairs $(p_n, q_n)$, $p_1=1, q_1=2$, produced by this generator, defines the convergents, $p_n/q_n$, of the continued fraction expansion of the inverse $1/\phi$ for the golden ratio $\phi=(1+\sqrt{5})/2$.
In the study of the dynamics of twist maps, these pairs represent the rotation numbers of the periodic orbits, converging to the invariant 1-dimensional torus (or cantorus) having the rotation number, $1/\phi$.
Now we illustrate the phase portrait of the standard map whose orbits are generated by a generator function.
The standard map, $f$, is defined on the infinite annulus $\mathbb{S}^1\times \mathbb{R}$. $\mathbb{S}^1=\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ is the unit circle identified with the interval $[0,1)$ or any other real interval of length 1.
$f$ maps $(x,y)$ to $(x', y')$, where:
$$ \begin{align} x'&= x+y'\: (modulo\: 1)\\ y'&= y-\displaystyle\frac{\epsilon}{2\pi}\sin(2\pi x), \quad \epsilon\in\mathbb{R} \end{align}$$
In [40]:
def stdmap(pt):
global eps
pt[1] -= eps*np.sin(2*np.pi*pt[0])/(2.0*np.pi)
pt[0 ]= np.mod(pt[0]+pt[1], 1.0)
return pt
We define an orbit generator, and a function that returns a numpy.array
containing the points of an orbit:
In [41]:
def gen_stdmap(pt0) :
if not isinstance(pt0, list):
raise ValueError("pt0 must be a list")
pt = pt0[:]
while True:
yield pt
pt = stdmap(pt) # here pt is not explicitly defined as a list
In [42]:
def orbit_stdmap(pt0, n):
G = gen_stdmap(pt0)
return np.array([list(next(G)) for _ in range(n)]) #conversion list( is needed for
# a right iteration
Let us check first that the function orbit_stdmap
works correctly:
In [43]:
eps = 0.971635# define the global parameter for the standard map
pt0 = [0, 0.57]
orb= orbit_stdmap(pt0, 10)
In the sequel we plot interactively a few orbits of the standard map, corresponding to the fixed parameter $\epsilon$. Each orbit is colored with a color from a list of colors that is cyclically iterated.
If we set the matplotlib backend notebook
%matplotlib notebook
the phase portrait (i.e. the resulted figure) is inserted inline.
In [44]:
from itertools import cycle
In [64]:
cols= ['#636efa',
colors = cycle(cols)# colors= cyclic iterator
The initial point of each orbit is chosen with a left mouse button click within the pop-up window that opens when running the cell below.
When we have drawn a sufficient number of orbits such that the structure of the phase portrait is evident, we press the right button of the mouse and run the next cell.
In [65]:
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [66]:
def onclick(event):
#If the left mouse button is pressed: draw an orbit
tb = plt.get_current_fig_manager().toolbar
if event.button == 1 and event.inaxes and tb.mode == '':
x,y = event.xdata,event.ydata
pt0 = [x,y]
orbit_points = orbit_stdmap(pt0, n)
plt.scatter(orbit_points[:,0], orbit_points[:,1], s=0.1, color=next(colors))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.set_xlim([0, 1])
ax.set_ylim([0, 1])
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick)
The generator of an orbit can be used for plotting a (chaotic) attractor of a discrete dynamical system, that is a set $A\subset\mathbb{R}^2$, such that for any point $x_0$ sufficiently close to $A$, the distance between the $n^{th}$ point, $x_n=f^n(x_0)$, of its orbit and $A$ tends to 0, as $n\to\infty$.
Ikeda map is a chaotic map of the two dimensional space $\mathbb{R}^2$ into itself. Its expression can be summarized in complex plane by $f(z)= A+Bze^{i(C+D/(||z||^2+1)}$.
We define the generator function of an orbit of the Ikeda map, corresponding to particular parameters $A,B,C,D$, for which the map exhibits a chaotic attractor.
We plot a slice into a long orbit, neglecting the first 300 points, to ensure that the remaining points approach the attractor very well.
In [48]:
%matplotlib inline
In [49]:
def gen_Ikeda(z0):
z = z0
while True:
yield z
z = 0.97 + 0.9 * z * np.exp(1j*(0.4-6/(np.abs(z)**2+1)))
In [50]:
z0 = 0.0+1j*0
gik = gen_Ikeda(z0)
aikeda=np.array([z for z in islice(gik, 300, 20000)])
In [51]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
plt.scatter(aikeda.real, aikeda.imag, color= '#FFC800', s=0.1)
Generators are also useful for generating points of a fractal set defined by an IFS or an IFS with probabilities, that is a finite number of affine contractions, that are chosen according to an assigned probability.
An affine map, $\mathcal{A}$, defined on the two-dimensional plane is defined by a $2\times 2$ matrix $T$, and a point $P(a_0, a_1)$:
$$\left[\begin{array}{c} x\\y\end{array}\right] \mapsto P+ T\left[\begin{array}{c} x\\y\end{array}\right]$$
The fractal set defined by an IFS consisting in n affine contractions, $C_0, C_1, \ldots, C_{n-1}$, is an invariant set $A$ of the IFS, that is: $$A=\bigcup_{k=0}^{n-1}C_k(A)$$
We give the parameters of a contraction as a numpy.array
of shape (6,). The first four entries correspond to the matrix $T$, and the last two entries are the coordinates of the point $P$.
Next we plot a fractal set which is the attractor of an IFS consisting in three contractions with probabilities:
In [52]:
C = [np.array([.4398, .2848, .007, .4958, 20.27824, 23.51717]),
np.array( [-.2303, .7265, .2381 , .0952, 32.82897, 11.46771]),
np.array([ -.3898, .5371, .4751, .5017, 15.75347, -5.22511])]
In [53]:
pr=[ .2507, .2262, .5231]#probabilities
Starting with an initial point pt0
, one generates the points $C_{i_{m-1}}\circ\cdots \circ C_{i_0}(pt0)$, $m=\overline{1,15000}$,
where each contraction $C_{i_k}$ is chosen according to the discrete probability distribution on the set of contractions' indices $[0,1,2]$, of probabilities $pr[0], pr[1], pr[2]$.
In [54]:
from numpy.random import choice
In [55]:
ind = np.arange(3)# indices for the contractions C[0], C[1], C[2]
In [56]:
def gen_IFS(pt0):
pt = pt0[:]
while True:
yield pt
i = choice(ind, p=pr)# choose the contraction index
pt =[i][:4].reshape(2,2), pt) + C[i][4:]
In [57]:
pt0 = np.zeros(2, float)
G = gen_IFS(pt0)
attractor = np.array([pt for pt in islice(G, 1000, 25000)])
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
plt.scatter(attractor[:,0], attractor[:,1], color= '#00A300', s=0.1)
Another application of generator functions in the study of discrete dynamical systems can be in the computation of the derivative of the map defining the system, along an orbit, $(x_n)$, that is: $$Df^n(x_0)=Df(x_{n-1})\cdots Df(x_1) Df(x_0)$$ The derivative along a long orbit is needed for computing the Lyapunov exponent of that orbit or in the case of twist maps, such as the standard map, to derive the stability type of a periodic orbit.
If gen_orbit(pt0)
is the generator of an orbit, jacobian(pt0)
is the matrix representing the derivative
, then the generator for the derivative along the orbit starting at pt0
would be defined as follows:
In [58]:
def gen_Deriv(pt0):
J = np.eye(2)
while True:
J =, J)
yield J
next(islice(gen_Deriv(pt0), n-1, n))
is the matrix of the derivative Dfn(pt0)
In [59]:
from IPython.core.display import HTML
def css_styling():
styles = open("./custom.css", "r").read()
return HTML(styles)
In [ ]: