Late in 2014 I started the side project Matplotlib plots for Wikipedia. My initial aim was to generate plots of special mathematical functions, and insert them into the corresponding articles on Wikipedia.
In [1]:
from IPython.display import HTML
HTML('<iframe src= width=800 height=550></iframe>')
So far I posted images consisting in color encoded representations of the following complex functions:
All above Wikipedia destinated plots, except for the last one, are based on evaluations of the special functions provided by the Python library mpmath
, altzeta
, hurwitz
, fresnels
, fresnelc
, dirichlet
, kleinj
or Jacobi elliptic functions ellipfun
of kind sn
, cn
In a previous IPython Notebook are defined the Python color functions used by mpmath.cplot
to generate different domain coloring type representation of these special functions.
The last plot for Wikipedia, with a slightly different approach, is the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction.
Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction is a complex function defined on the unit disk $D(0,1)=\{q\in\mathbb{C}\:|\: |q|<1\}$, by: $$R(q)=\cfrac{q^{1/5}}{1+ \cfrac{q}{1+ \cfrac{q^2}{1 + \cfrac{q^3}{1+\cdots}}}}$$
The rational approximations of the continued fraction $P(q)=q^{-1/5}R(q)$ are the fractions $a_k(q)/b_k(q)$, where the sequences $a_k(q), b_k(q)$, $k\in\mathbb{N}$, are defined as follows:
$$\begin{array}{lll} a_0(q) &=& 1, \quad a_1(q) = 1\\ a_k(q) &=& a_{k-1}(q)+q^ka_{k-2}(q)\\ b_0(q) &=& 1, \quad b_1(q)=1+q\\ b_k(q) &=& b_{k-1}(q)+q^kb_{k-2}(q)\end{array}$$For $|q|<1$ the sequence $(a_k(q)/b_k(q))_{k\geq 0}$ is convergent and its limit is the continued fraction: $$P(q)= \cfrac{1}{1 + \cfrac{q}{1+ \cfrac{q^2}{1 + \cfrac{q^3}{1+\cdots} } } }$$
Outside the unit disk this sequence is divergent and on the unit circle there is an uncountable set of points $q$ ($|q|=1$), at which $a_n(q)/b_n(q)$ diverges.
In order to illustrate convergence properties of the sequences $(a_n(q)/b_n(q))$ corresponding to points q in a rectangular region including the unit disk $D(0,1)$, we generate the color representation) of a few functions $f_n(q)=a_n(q)/b_n(q)$, corresponding to increasing values of $n$.
Let us define the function that computes a convergent, $f_n(q)=a_n(q)/b_n(q)$, of the continued fraction P(q) (see here the definition of a continued fraction convergent):
In [17]:
def convergent(q,n):
a=[1,1, 1+q*2] # set a[0], a[1], a[2]
b=[1, 1+q, 1+q+q**2]# set b[0], b[1],b[2]
for k in range(3,n+1):
a[0], a[1], a[2]=a[1], a[2], tp # recurrence for a_n
b[0], b[1], b[2]=a[1], a[2], tp #recurrence for b_n
return a[2]/b[2]
We generate a few points, $q$, within the rectangular region $[-1.5, 1.5]\times[-1.5, 1.5]$ of the complex plane, and compute $a_{50}(q)$, $b_{50}(q)$, and $a_{50}(q)/b_{50}(q)$ :
In [18]:
import numpy as np
In [4]:
for _ in range(6):
with np.errstate(over='ignore', divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):#avoid diplaying RuntimeWarning(s)
print np.absolute(q), convergent(q,50)
Notice that at points outside the unit disk some convergents are
, while other have finite real and imaginary part.
More experiments point out that we get $a_{n}/b_n$ as nan+1j*nan
, when for some $k\leq n$
the computation of $a_k$, or $b_k$ or both produces overflow, i.e. the sequences escaped to infinity.
Instead of evaluating $f_n(q)=a_n(q)/b_n(q)$ at each point $q$ of a meshgrid, we implement the corresponding recurrences for two arrays $A_n$, $B_n$, such that $A_n/B_n$ is the value of $f_n$ evaluated at the array representing a complex meshgrid associated to a rectangular region:
In [19]:
def RR_convergents(q,n=50):
A=(1+1j*0)*np.ones(q.shape+(7,))# define an array of shape (r, c, 7), where (r,c) is the shape of
# the "complex meshgrid" q=x+1j*y
B=A[:,:, 3:6]# A[;,;:3], B= A[:,:, 3:6] is for B
tp=A[:,:,:6]# a working array
with np.errstate(over='ignore', divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
for k in range(3, n+1):
A[:,:,0], A[:,:,1], A[:,:,2]= A[:,:,1], A[:,:,2], tp # recurrence for A_n
B[:,:,0], B[:,:,1], B[:,:,2]= B[:,:,1], B[:,:,2], tp # recurrence for B_n
return A[:,:,2]/B[:,:,2]
Now we adapt the function that color encodes the points $q$ in a rectangular region of definition of a complex function, $g$, to the particularities of the complex function $f_n(q)=a_n(q)/b_n(q)$.
In order to distinguish the points where the continued fraction $P$ is divergent (its n-th convergent is nan+1j*nan
) we assign them the color white.
In [20]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import hsv_to_rgb
In [21]:
def PerFract(x, t, m, M):# function to control brightness of
# the modulus and argument contour plots
return m+(M-m)*(x-np.floor(x))
In [22]:
def RR_DomainColoring(g, re=(-1,1), im=(-1,1), n=16, N=200, m=0.7, M=1):
This function encodes each point z of a meshgrid
by the (h,s,v) color associated to the value g(z) according to domain coloring method
g is the complex function whose domain is color encoded
re, im = the intervals defining the rectangular region of the complex plane
n= number of isochromatic contour lines per cycle
N=resolution (number of points in an interval of length 1)
m=min, M=max brightness in HSV color model
x=np.linspace(re[0], re[1],resL)
y=np.linspace(im[0], im[1], resH)
with np.errstate(over='ignore', divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
H =0.5* (np.angle(w) + np.pi) /np.pi #associates the Hue to each point in w
H=np.mod(H-0.5,1) #
idxHnan=np.where(np.isnan(H))# get the locations in H with nan values
H[idxHnan]=0 # and set H there to 0
Phc=PerFract(H, 1.0/n, m, M)
S = np.ones_like(H, float) #saturation
S[indn]=0 #H=0, S=0, V=1 is white in RGB
Modc=PerFract(modul, 2*np.pi/n, m, M)
V=Modc*Phc #Value=Brightness in HSV
HSV = np.dstack((H,S,V))
return hsv_to_rgb(HSV)
In [23]:
def plotDomain(DomC, fig, title, re=(-1,1),im=(-1,1), axp=111, daxis=False, file=False):
This function generates an image from the array DomC returned by RR_DomainColoring
fig=an object figure
title= a string for the ax title
fig=an object figure
axp is the code for axis (in case we use subplots)
daxis =True or False depending on our choice, axis on or axis off
file=either False or a string "Filename.png" giving the name of the image file to save the plot
ax = fig.add_subplot(axp)
if daxis:
ax.imshow(DomC, origin='lower', extent=[re[0], re[1], im[0], im[1]])
ax.imshow(DomC, origin='lower')
plt.savefig(file, dpi=(600))
In the following we reproduce the experiments we performed in order to decide which plot approximates sufficiently well the color representation of the continued fraction $P(q)$, and choose that plot to be posted on Wikipedia.
These experiments led to generation of beautiful images. Moreover, they represent an example of experimental math.
In [10]:
#set the rectangular region in the complex plane
ab=(-1.4, 1.4)# the limits for real part
cd=(-1.4, 1.4)# imaginary
We start with pairs of consecutive orders: n=50, 51, and generate the images of $a_{n}(q)/b_n(q)$, and $a_{n+1}(q)/b_{n+1}(q)$, then n=100, 101, n=200, 201, and finally n=300, and n=400.
For the first pairs the resulted images are astonishing:
In [11]:
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 14, 7
In [12]:
DomCL=RR_DomainColoring(lambda q: RR_convergents(q, n=50), re=ab, im=cd)
plotDomain(DomCL, fig1, r'$A_{50}/B_{50}$', re=ab,im=cd, axp=121, daxis=False, file=False)
DomCR=RR_DomainColoring(lambda q: RR_convergents(q, n=51), re=ab, im=cd)
plotDomain(DomCR, fig1, r'$A_{51}/B_{51}$', re=ab,im=cd, axp=122, daxis=False, file=False)
One notices that in both images the unit circle is quite well delimited. Inside the disk $D(0,1)$ the image does not change from n=50 to n=51, but the two images are totally different outside the disk. The almost stable inside color pattern is due to the convergence property of the sequence $a_n/b_n$, within the disk, and the unpredictable change outside the disk is due to its divergence there.
At this order of magnitude no point within the chosen rectangular region was colored in white, i.e. no evaluation $a_k(q)$ or $b_k(q)$, $k\leq 51$, ended with an overflow.
In [25]:
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 12, 6
In [14]:
DomCL=RR_DomainColoring(lambda q: RR_convergents(q, n=100), re=ab, im=cd)
plotDomain(DomCL, fig2, r'$A_{100}/B_{100}$', re=ab,im=cd, axp=121, daxis=False, file=False)
DomCR=RR_DomainColoring(lambda q: RR_convergents(q, n=101), re=ab, im=cd)
plotDomain(DomCR, fig2, r'$A_{101}/B_{101}$', re=ab,im=cd, axp=122, daxis=False, file=False)
For $n=100$, respectively $n=101$, the region of white points extended, i.e. for more and more points ouside the disk $D(0,1)$ either $a_k(q)$ , or $b_k(q)$ or both escaped to infinity. Moreover the divergence manifests outside a disk of radius greater than 1.
Incresing $n$ to 200 and 201 the divergence region expands:
In [26]:
ab=cd=(-1.15, 1.15)
DomCL=RR_DomainColoring(lambda q: RR_convergents(q, n=200), re=ab, im=cd)
plotDomain(DomCL, fig3, r'$A_{200}/B_{200}$', re=ab,im=cd, axp=121, daxis=False, file=False)
DomCR=RR_DomainColoring(lambda q: RR_convergents(q, n=201), re=ab, im=cd)
plotDomain(DomCR, fig3, r'$A_{201}/B_{201}$', re=ab,im=cd, axp=122, daxis=False, file='RR201.png')
In [27]:
DomCL=RR_DomainColoring(lambda q: RR_convergents(q, n=300), re=ab, im=cd)
plotDomain(DomCL, fig4, r'$A_{300}/B_{300}$', re=ab,im=cd, axp=121, daxis=False, file=False)
DomCR=RR_DomainColoring(lambda q: RR_convergents(q, n=400), re=ab, im=cd)
plotDomain(DomCR,fig4, r'$A_{400}/B_{400}$', re=ab,im=cd, axp=122, daxis=False, file=False)
Finally we decide that $f_{400}(q)=a_{400}(q)/b_{400}(q)$ is a good approximation for the continued fraction $P(q)$.
Now we can plot the approximation $h(q)=q^{1/5}a_{400}(q)/b_{400}(q)$ of the Rogers-Ramanujan function $R(q)$ (it appears that $P(q)$ was defined and studied by Rogers, and $R(q)$ by Ramanujan).
In [28]:
h=lambda q: q**0.2*RR_convergents(q, n=400)
In [29]:
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 6, 6
DomCR=RR_DomainColoring(h, re=ab, im=cd)
plotDomain(DomCR, fig, r'$R_{400}(q)$', re=ab,im=cd, axp=111, daxis=False, file=False)
The last two plots are posted on Wikipedia page.
In [34]:
from IPython.core.display import HTML
def css_styling():
styles = open("./custom.css", "r").read()
return HTML(styles)