Heatmap of revenue depending on application type and customer age

This is a demo notebook that can be used to explore Contiamo Labs. It uses a demo database created by Contiamo containing transaction information for a mobile app retailer.

In [2]:
import pandas as pd
import contiamo

import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np

Query data into Contiamo

In [3]:
transactions = %contiamo query query:sql:48590597:411:g71GXzJjsx4Uvad11ouKjoYbQUNNPy-qRMKkBNZfyx4
customers = %contiamo query query:sql:48590597:441:MG5W2dMjXzYgsHsgdQYzmhv44dxEQX2Lodu5Uh2Hx_s
applications = %contiamo query query:sql:48590597:442:-gz3nbw1fdmtSXkD4zGNA-cVa7s6sQtRn8upCSn6uys

Select data from the customers table

In [4]:
df1 = pd.DataFrame ({
        'Age' : customers['Field age'],
        'Customer id' : customers['Field customer id']

Select data from the transactions table

In [5]:
df2 = pd.DataFrame ({
        'Revenue' : transactions['Field app price'],
        'Application type' : transactions['Field app type'],
        'Customer id' : transactions['Field customer id']

Merge tables and group by application type and age

In [6]:
df = df2.set_index('Customer id').join(df1.set_index('Customer id'))
df = df.groupby(['Application type','Age'], as_index=False).sum()

Convert table into matrix

In [7]:
df = df.pivot_table('Revenue', 'Application type', 'Age', fill_value=0)

Age 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+
Application type
education_kids 24468.00 60761.06 36410.19 18423.18 11478.12
food_drinks 22268.93 24275.75 46142.80 83340.96 70054.26
games_entertainment 114676.43 111843.65 19027.01 35896.56 9402.06
health_fitness 127689.20 118133.67 114227.22 31343.59 27461.58
news 19428.92 19589.35 78915.73 75913.17 44529.35
productivity 26501.45 41009.90 28818.33 22043.54 12454.79
social_relationships 102756.60 85569.32 59656.53 47437.62 27523.74

Display heatmap

In [9]:
sns.set_context("poster")  # display large charts
sns.heatmap(df, annot=True, fmt=',.0f');