Puerto Rico water quality measurements-results data

Adapted from ODM2 API: Retrieve, manipulate and visualize ODM2 water quality measurement-type data

This example shows how to use the ODM2 Python API (odm2api) to connect to an ODM2 database, retrieve data, and analyze and visualize the data. The database (iUTAHGAMUT_waterquality_measurementresults_ODM2.sqlite) contains "measurement"-type results.

This example uses SQLite for the database because it doesn't require a server. However, the ODM2 Python API demonstrated here can alse be used with ODM2 databases implemented in MySQL, PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL Server.

More details on the ODM2 Python API and its source code and latest development can be found at https://github.com/ODM2/ODM2PythonAPI

Emilio Mayorga. Last updated 2019-3-27.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

import os

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from shapely.geometry import Point
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import folium
from folium.plugins import MarkerCluster

import odm2api
from odm2api.ODMconnection import dbconnection
import odm2api.services.readService as odm2rs

/home/mayorga/miniconda/envs/odm2client/lib/python2.7/site-packages/folium/__init__.py:59: UserWarning: This version of folium is the last to support Python 2. Transition to Python 3 to be able to receive updates and fixes. Check out https://python3statement.org/ for more info.

In [2]:
pd.__version__, gpd.__version__, folium.__version__

(u'0.24.2', u'0.4.1', u'0.8.3')

odm2api version used to run this notebook:

In [3]:


Connect to the ODM2 SQLite Database

This example uses an ODM2 SQLite database file loaded with water quality sample data from multiple monitoring sites in the iUTAH Gradients Along Mountain to Urban Transitions (GAMUT) water quality monitoring network. Water quality samples have been collected and analyzed for nitrogen, phosphorus, total coliform, E-coli, and some water isotopes. The database (iUTAHGAMUT_waterquality_measurementresults_ODM2.sqlite) contains "measurement"-type results.

The example database is located in the data sub-directory.

In [4]:
# Assign directory paths and SQLite file name
dbname_sqlite = "MariaWaterQualityData.sqlite"

# sqlite_pth = os.path.join("data", dbname_sqlite)
sqlite_pth = dbname_sqlite

In [5]:
    session_factory = dbconnection.createConnection('sqlite', sqlite_pth)
    read = odm2rs.ReadODM2(session_factory)
    print("Database connection successful!")
except Exception as e:
    print("Unable to establish connection to the database: ", e)

Database connection successful!

Run Some Basic Queries on the ODM2 Database

This section shows some examples of how to use the API to run both simple and more advanced queries on the ODM2 database, as well as how to examine the query output in convenient ways thanks to Python tools.

Simple query functions like getVariables( ) return objects similar to the entities in ODM2, and individual attributes can then be retrieved from the objects returned.

Get all Variables

A simple query with simple output.

In [6]:
# Get all of the Variables from the ODM2 database then read the records
# into a Pandas DataFrame to make it easy to view and manipulate
allVars = read.getVariables()

variables_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records([vars(variable) for variable in allVars], 

NoDataValue SpeciationCV VariableCode VariableDefinition VariableNameCV VariableTypeCV _sa_instance_state
1 -9999.0000000000 Not Applicable pH None pH Water quality <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at ...
2 -9999.0000000000 Not Applicable DO None Oxygen, dissolved Water quality <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at ...
3 -9999.0000000000 Not Applicable FirstDrawTemp None Temperature Water quality <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at ...
4 -9999.0000000000 Not Applicable Free Cl2 None Chlorine Water quality <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at ...
5 -9999.0000000000 Not Applicable Total Cl2 None Chlorine Water quality <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at ...
6 -9999.0000000000 Not Applicable Turbidity None Turbidity Water quality <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at ...
7 -9999.0000000000 Not Applicable InitialTemp None Temperature Water quality <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at ...
8 -9999.0000000000 Not Applicable FinalTemp None Temperature Water quality <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at ...
9 -9999.0000000000 Not Applicable Na_filt None Sodium, dissolved Water quality <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at ...
10 -9999.0000000000 Not Applicable Mg_filt None Magnesium, dissolved Water quality <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at ...

Get all People

Another simple query.

In [7]:
allPeople = read.getPeople()
pd.DataFrame.from_records([vars(person) for person in allPeople]).head()

PersonFirstName PersonID PersonLastName PersonMiddleName _sa_instance_state
0 William 1 Rhoads <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at ...
1 Kelsey 2 Pieper <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at ...
2 Graciela 3 Ramírez Toro <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at ...
3 Jeffrey 4 Parks <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at ...

Site Sampling Features: pass arguments to the API query

Some of the API functions accept arguments that let you subset what is returned. For example, I can query the database using the getSamplingFeatures( ) function and pass it a SamplingFeatureType of "Site" to return a list of those SamplingFeatures that are Sites.

In [8]:
# Get all of the SamplingFeatures from the ODM2 database that are Sites
siteFeatures = read.getSamplingFeatures(sftype='Site')

# Read Sites records into a Pandas DataFrame
# "if sf.Latitude" is used only to instantiate/read Site attributes)
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records([vars(sf) for sf in siteFeatures if sf.Latitude])

Since we know this is a geospatial dataset (Sites, which have latitude and longitude), we can use more specialized Python tools like GeoPandas (geospatially enabled Pandas) and Folium interactive maps.

In [9]:
# Create a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame from Sites DataFrame
ptgeom = [Point(xy) for xy in zip(df['Longitude'], df['Latitude'])]
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry=ptgeom, crs={'init': 'epsg:4326'})

ElevationDatumCV Elevation_m FeatureGeometryWKT Latitude Longitude SamplingFeatureCode SamplingFeatureDescription SamplingFeatureGeotypeCV SamplingFeatureID SamplingFeatureName SamplingFeatureTypeCV SamplingFeatureUUID SiteTypeCV SpatialReferenceID _sa_instance_state geometry
0 EGM96 749.0 None 18.200178 -66.664513 SystemD1_SGW System D1 Surface water, as far upstream as po... None 1 System D1 Surface Water Site 5BE27C7B-0A37-49F9-AF8C-075F745FA23E Water-distribution system 4 <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at ... POINT (-66.664513 18.200178)
1 EGM96 749.0 None 18.200178 -66.664513 SystemD1_Res System D1 Surface water, at the point it is co... None 2 System D1 Reservoir Site C279AE16-3EBE-419A-9ACF-ADCCA0E22205 Water-distribution system 4 <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at ... POINT (-66.664513 18.200178)
2 EGM96 749.0 None 18.200178 -66.664513 SystemD1_HT System D1 Surface water, from a holding/settli... None 3 System D1 Holding Tank Site 1C5BD9E3-10AA-4207-A71A-190030CEDCCE Water-distribution system 4 <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at ... POINT (-66.664513 18.200178)
3 EGM96 749.0 None 18.200178 -66.664513 SystemD1_PV System D1 Surface water, from a pipe vent valv... None 4 System D1 Pipe Vent Site B972B4CB-FF82-44A2-BC55-E53CD0B13B1B Water-distribution system 4 <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at ... POINT (-66.664513 18.200178)
4 EGM96 749.0 None 18.200178 -66.664513 SystemD1_ST System D1 Surface water, from setting tank (on... None 5 System D1 Settling Tank Site 33FA9DB6-D749-40A8-977F-A696F26E78A1 Water-distribution system 4 <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at ... POINT (-66.664513 18.200178)

In [10]:
# Number of records (features) in GeoDataFrame


In [11]:
# A trivial but easy-to-generate GeoPandas plot

A site has a SiteTypeCV. Let's examine the site type distribution, and use that information to create a new GeoDataFrame column to specify a map marker color by SiteTypeCV.

In [12]:

Water-distribution system    67
Stream                       22
Name: SiteTypeCV, dtype: int64

Now we'll create an interactive and helpful Folium map of the sites. This map features:

  • Automatic panning to the location of the sites (no hard wiring, except for the zoom scale), based on GeoPandas functionality and information from the ODM2 Site Sampling Features
  • Color coding by SiteTypeCV
  • Marker clustering
  • Simple marker pop ups with content from the ODM2 Site Sampling Features

In [13]:
gdf["color"] = gdf.apply(lambda feat: 'green' if feat['SiteTypeCV'] == 'Stream' else 'red', axis=1)

In [14]:
m = folium.Map(tiles='CartoDB positron')

marker_cluster = MarkerCluster().add_to(m)
for idx, feature in gdf.iterrows():
    folium.Marker(location=[feature.geometry.y, feature.geometry.x], 
                  popup="{0} ({1}): {2}".format(
                      feature['SamplingFeatureCode'], feature['SiteTypeCV'], 

# Set the map extent (bounds) to the extent of the ODM2 sites
# Done with setup. Now render the map


In [15]:
# Get the SamplingFeature object for a particular SamplingFeature by passing its SamplingFeatureCode
site_sf_code = 'SystemD1_PV'

sf = read.getSamplingFeatures(codes=[site_sf_code])[0]


In [16]:
# Simple way to examine the content (properties) of a Python object, as if it were a dictionary

{'ElevationDatumCV': u'EGM96',
 'Elevation_m': 749.0,
 'FeatureGeometryWKT': None,
 'Latitude': 18.200178,
 'Longitude': -66.664513,
 'SamplingFeatureCode': u'SystemD1_PV',
 'SamplingFeatureDescription': u'System D1 Surface water, from a pipe vent valve to keep water flowing (open to atmosphere)',
 'SamplingFeatureGeotypeCV': None,
 'SamplingFeatureID': 4,
 'SamplingFeatureName': u'System D1 Pipe Vent',
 'SamplingFeatureTypeCV': u'Site',
 'SamplingFeatureUUID': u'B972B4CB-FF82-44A2-BC55-E53CD0B13B1B',
 'SiteTypeCV': u'Water-distribution system',
 'SpatialReferenceID': 4,
 '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState at 0x7f10459e0210>}

You can also drill down and get objects linked by foreign keys. The API returns related objects in a nested hierarchy so they can be interrogated in an object oriented way. So, if I use the getResults( ) function to return a Result from the database (e.g., a "Measurement" Result), I also get the associated Action that created that Result (e.g., a "Specimen analysis" Action).

In [17]:
    # Call getResults, but return only the first Result
    firstResult = read.getResults()[0]
    frfa = firstResult.FeatureActionObj
    frfaa = firstResult.FeatureActionObj.ActionObj
    print("The FeatureAction object for the Result is: ", frfa)
    print("The Action object for the Result is: ", frfaa)
    # Print some Action attributes in a more human readable form
    print("\nThe following are some of the attributes for the Action that created the Result: ")
    print("ActionTypeCV: {}".format(frfaa.ActionTypeCV))
    print("ActionDescription: {}".format(frfaa.ActionDescription))
    print("BeginDateTime: {}".format(frfaa.BeginDateTime))
    print("EndDateTime: {}".format(frfaa.EndDateTime))
    print("MethodName: {}".format(frfaa.MethodObj.MethodName))
    print("MethodDescription: {}".format(frfaa.MethodObj.MethodDescription))
except Exception as e:
    print("Unable to demo Foreign Key Example: {}".format(e))

('The FeatureAction object for the Result is: ', <FeatureActions({'FeatureActionID': 84, 'SamplingFeatureID': 90, 'ActionID': 84})>)
('The Action object for the Result is: ', <Actions({'MethodID': 11, 'ActionDescription': None, 'ActionFileLink': None, 'EndDateTime': None, 'BeginDateTime': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 26, 0, 0), 'BeginDateTimeUTCOffset': -4, 'ActionTypeCV': u'Specimen analysis', 'ActionID': 84, 'EndDateTimeUTCOffset': None})>)

The following are some of the attributes for the Action that created the Result: 
ActionTypeCV: Specimen analysis
ActionDescription: None
BeginDateTime: 2018-04-26 00:00:00
EndDateTime: None
MethodName: Inorganics Measurements
Unable to demo Foreign Key Example: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u03bc' in position 457: ordinal not in range(128)

In [18]:

{'ActionDescription': None,
 'ActionFileLink': None,
 'ActionID': 84,
 'ActionTypeCV': u'Specimen analysis',
 'BeginDateTime': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 26, 0, 0),
 'BeginDateTimeUTCOffset': -4,
 'EndDateTime': None,
 'EndDateTimeUTCOffset': None,
 'MethodID': 11,
 'MethodObj': <Methods({'MethodCode': u'Inorganics', 'MethodID': 11, 'MethodDescription': u'Inorganics were measured by inductively coupled plasma/mass spectrometry (ICP/MS) following Standard Method 3125B. For total inorganic concentrations, samples were aliquoitted in the field directly from 1 L HDPE bottles to 10 mL tubes and were measured after acidification with 2% nitric acid and a minimum of 24 hours holding time. For "soluble" inorganics (operationally defined as passing a 0.45 um filter), unacidified samples were passed through a 0.45\u03bcm pore size filter in the field to differentiate \u201csoluble\u201d metals from particulate and were measured after acidification with 2% nitric acid and a minimum of 24 hours holding time. A nominal standard curve from 0 to 5,000 or 50,000 ppb (depending on the inorganic of interest) was run for calibration. A standard check at 0 and 100 ppb was run every 10 samples for QAQC.', 'OrganizationID': None, 'MethodTypeCV': u'Specimen analysis', 'MethodName': u'Inorganics Measurements', 'MethodLink': None})>,
 '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState at 0x7f1043353a10>}

In [19]:

{'MethodCode': u'Inorganics',
 'MethodDescription': u'Inorganics were measured by inductively coupled plasma/mass spectrometry (ICP/MS) following Standard Method 3125B. For total inorganic concentrations, samples were aliquoitted in the field directly from 1 L HDPE bottles to 10 mL tubes and were measured after acidification with 2% nitric acid and a minimum of 24 hours holding time. For "soluble" inorganics (operationally defined as passing a 0.45 um filter), unacidified samples were passed through a 0.45\u03bcm pore size filter in the field to differentiate \u201csoluble\u201d metals from particulate and were measured after acidification with 2% nitric acid and a minimum of 24 hours holding time. A nominal standard curve from 0 to 5,000 or 50,000 ppb (depending on the inorganic of interest) was run for calibration. A standard check at 0 and 100 ppb was run every 10 samples for QAQC.',
 'MethodID': 11,
 'MethodLink': None,
 'MethodName': u'Inorganics Measurements',
 'MethodTypeCV': u'Specimen analysis',
 'OrganizationID': None,
 '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState at 0x7f1043353f90>}

Get a Result and its Attributes

Because all of the objects are returned in a nested form, if you retrieve a result, you can interrogate it to get all of its related attributes. When a Result object is returned, it includes objects that contain information about Variable, Units, ProcessingLevel, and the related Action that created that Result.

In [20]:
print("------- Example of Retrieving Attributes of a Result -------")
    firstResult = read.getResults()[0]
    frfa = firstResult.FeatureActionObj
    print("The following are some of the attributes for the Result retrieved: ")
    print("ResultID: {}".format(firstResult.ResultID))
    print("ResultTypeCV: {}".format(firstResult.ResultTypeCV))
    print("ValueCount: {}".format(firstResult.ValueCount))
    print("ProcessingLevel: {}".format(firstResult.ProcessingLevelObj.Definition))
    print("SampledMedium: {}".format(firstResult.SampledMediumCV))
    print("Variable: {}: {}".format(firstResult.VariableObj.VariableCode, 
    print("Units: {}".format(firstResult.UnitsObj.UnitsName))
    print("SamplingFeatureID: {}".format(frfa.SamplingFeatureObj.SamplingFeatureID))
    print("SamplingFeatureCode: {}".format(frfa.SamplingFeatureObj.SamplingFeatureCode))
except Exception as e:
    print("Unable to demo example of retrieving Attributes of a Result: {}".format(e))

------- Example of Retrieving Attributes of a Result -------
The following are some of the attributes for the Result retrieved: 
ResultID: 1
ResultTypeCV: Measurement
ValueCount: 1
ProcessingLevel: Quality controlled data
SampledMedium: Liquid aqueous
Variable: Na_filt: Sodium, dissolved
Units: parts per billion
SamplingFeatureID: 90
SamplingFeatureCode: D1_SGW

In [21]:

{'FeatureActionID': 84,
 'FeatureActionObj': <FeatureActions({'ActionID': 84, 'SamplingFeatureID': 90, 'FeatureActionID': 84})>,
 'ProcessingLevelID': 2,
 'ProcessingLevelObj': <ProcessingLevels({'Definition': u'Quality controlled data', 'Explanation': u'Quality controlled data that have passed quality assurance procedures such as routine estimation of timing and sensor calibration or visual inspection and removal of obvious errors. An example is USGS published streamflow records following parsing through USGS quality control procedures.', 'ProcessingLevelCode': u'1', 'ProcessingLevelID': 2})>,
 'ResultDateTime': datetime.datetime(2018, 2, 26, 0, 0),
 'ResultDateTimeUTCOffset': None,
 'ResultID': 1,
 'ResultTypeCV': u'Measurement',
 'ResultUUID': u'1FFB7AB0-E156-4522-944F-24AFD1040F67',
 'SampledMediumCV': u'Liquid aqueous',
 'StatusCV': u'Complete',
 'TaxonomicClassifierID': None,
 'UnitsID': 5,
 'UnitsObj': <Units({'UnitsLink': None, 'UnitsName': u'parts per billion', 'UnitsTypeCV': u'Concentration count per count', 'UnitsAbbreviation': u'ppb', 'UnitsID': 5})>,
 'ValidDateTime': None,
 'ValidDateTimeUTCOffset': None,
 'ValueCount': 1,
 'VariableID': 9,
 'VariableObj': <Variables({'VariableID': 9, 'SpeciationCV': u'Not Applicable', 'VariableNameCV': u'Sodium, dissolved', 'VariableDefinition': None, 'NoDataValue': Decimal('-9999.0000000000'), 'VariableTypeCV': u'Water quality', 'VariableCode': u'Na_filt'})>,
 '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState at 0x7f104605f750>}

In [22]:

{'ActionID': 84,
 'ActionObj': <Actions({'MethodID': 11, 'ActionDescription': None, 'ActionFileLink': None, 'EndDateTime': None, 'BeginDateTime': datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 26, 0, 0), 'BeginDateTimeUTCOffset': -4, 'ActionTypeCV': u'Specimen analysis', 'ActionID': 84, 'EndDateTimeUTCOffset': None})>,
 'FeatureActionID': 84,
 'SamplingFeatureID': 90,
 'SamplingFeatureObj': <Specimens({'SamplingFeatureDescription': None, 'SamplingFeatureGeotypeCV': None, 'SamplingFeatureName': None, 'ElevationDatumCV': u'Unknown', 'Elevation_m': None, 'SamplingFeatureUUID': u'67071B3E-28B2-4E3F-A470-CB30D6EF9121', 'SamplingFeatureTypeCV': u'Specimen', 'SamplingFeatureCode': u'D1_SGW', 'SamplingFeatureID': 90, 'FeatureGeometryWKT': None})>,
 '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState at 0x7f1043353110>}

The last block of code returns a particular Measurement Result. From that I can get the SamplingFeaureID (in this case 26) for the Specimen from which the Result was generated. But, if I want to figure out which Site the Specimen was collected at, I need to query the database to get the related Site SamplingFeature. I can use getRelatedSamplingFeatures( ) for this. Once I've got the SamplingFeature for the Site, I could get the rest of the SamplingFeature attributes.

Retrieve the "Related" Site at which a Specimen was collected

In [23]:
specimen_sf_id = frfa.SamplingFeatureObj.SamplingFeatureID

In [24]:
# specimen-entity attributes only show up after first printing one out explicitly


In [25]:

{'ElevationDatumCV': u'Unknown',
 'Elevation_m': None,
 'FeatureGeometryWKT': None,
 'IsFieldSpecimen': True,
 'SamplingFeatureCode': u'D1_SGW',
 'SamplingFeatureDescription': None,
 'SamplingFeatureGeotypeCV': None,
 'SamplingFeatureID': 90,
 'SamplingFeatureName': None,
 'SamplingFeatureTypeCV': u'Specimen',
 'SamplingFeatureUUID': u'67071B3E-28B2-4E3F-A470-CB30D6EF9121',
 'SpecimenMediumCV': u'Liquid aqueous',
 'SpecimenTypeCV': u'Grab',
 '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState at 0x7f104326b9d0>}

In [26]:
# Pass the Sampling Feature ID of the specimen, and the relationship type
relatedSite = read.getRelatedSamplingFeatures(sfid=specimen_sf_id, 
                                              relationshiptype='Was Collected at')[0]

In [27]:

{'ElevationDatumCV': u'EGM96',
 'Elevation_m': 749.0,
 'FeatureGeometryWKT': None,
 'Latitude': 18.200178,
 'Longitude': -66.664513,
 'SamplingFeatureCode': u'SystemD1_SGW',
 'SamplingFeatureDescription': u'System D1 Surface water, as far upstream as possible',
 'SamplingFeatureGeotypeCV': None,
 'SamplingFeatureID': 1,
 'SamplingFeatureName': u'System D1 Surface Water',
 'SamplingFeatureTypeCV': u'Site',
 'SamplingFeatureUUID': u'5BE27C7B-0A37-49F9-AF8C-075F745FA23E',
 'SiteTypeCV': u'Water-distribution system',
 'SpatialReferenceID': 4,
 '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState at 0x7f1045a40890>}

Return Results and Data Values for a Particular Site/Variable

From the list of Variables returned above and the information about the SamplingFeature I queried above, I know that VariableID = 2 for Total Phosphorus and SiteID = 1 for the Red Butte Creek site at 1300E. I can use the getResults( ) function to get all of the Total Phosphorus results for this site by passing in the VariableID and the SiteID.

In [28]:
siteID = relatedSite.SamplingFeatureID

In [29]:
results_all_at_site = read.getResults(siteid=siteID, restype="Measurement")

In [30]:


In [31]:

{'FeatureActionID': 84,
 'FeatureActionObj': <FeatureActions({'ActionID': 84, 'SamplingFeatureID': 90, 'FeatureActionID': 84})>,
 'ProcessingLevelID': 2,
 'ProcessingLevelObj': <ProcessingLevels({'Definition': u'Quality controlled data', 'Explanation': u'Quality controlled data that have passed quality assurance procedures such as routine estimation of timing and sensor calibration or visual inspection and removal of obvious errors. An example is USGS published streamflow records following parsing through USGS quality control procedures.', 'ProcessingLevelCode': u'1', 'ProcessingLevelID': 2})>,
 'ResultDateTime': datetime.datetime(2018, 2, 26, 0, 0),
 'ResultDateTimeUTCOffset': None,
 'ResultID': 1,
 'ResultTypeCV': u'Measurement',
 'ResultUUID': u'1FFB7AB0-E156-4522-944F-24AFD1040F67',
 'SampledMediumCV': u'Liquid aqueous',
 'StatusCV': u'Complete',
 'TaxonomicClassifierID': None,
 'UnitsID': 5,
 'UnitsObj': <Units({'UnitsLink': None, 'UnitsName': u'parts per billion', 'UnitsTypeCV': u'Concentration count per count', 'UnitsAbbreviation': u'ppb', 'UnitsID': 5})>,
 'ValidDateTime': None,
 'ValidDateTimeUTCOffset': None,
 'ValueCount': 1,
 'VariableID': 9,
 'VariableObj': <Variables({'VariableID': 9, 'SpeciationCV': u'Not Applicable', 'VariableNameCV': u'Sodium, dissolved', 'VariableDefinition': None, 'NoDataValue': Decimal('-9999.0000000000'), 'VariableTypeCV': u'Water quality', 'VariableCode': u'Na_filt'})>,
 '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState at 0x7f104605f750>}

In [32]:
res_vars = []
for r in results_all_at_site:
    res_vars.append([r.ResultID, r.ResultDateTime, r.VariableID, 
                     r.VariableObj.VariableCode, r.VariableObj.VariableNameCV, r.VariableObj.VariableDefinition])

In [33]:
# print out a count of number of results for each variable, plus the date range
# Do this by ingesting into a data frame first

In [34]:
res_vars_df = pd.DataFrame(res_vars, columns=['ResultID', 'ResultDateTime', 'VariableID', 'VariableCode', 'VariableNameCV', 'VariableDefinition'])

In [35]:

ResultID ResultDateTime VariableID VariableCode VariableNameCV VariableDefinition
0 1 2018-02-26 9 Na_filt Sodium, dissolved None
1 84 2018-02-26 10 Mg_filt Magnesium, dissolved None
2 167 2018-02-26 11 Al_filt Aluminum, dissolved None
3 250 2018-02-26 12 Si_filt Silicon, dissolved None
4 333 2018-02-26 13 P_filt Phosphorus, dissolved None

In [36]:

pH               2
Free Cl2         2
Total Cl2        2
Fe_filt          1
Si_filt          1
Na_tot           1
Cu_filt          1
Cu_tot           1
S_tot            1
Cl_filt          1
Fe_tot           1
Mg_tot           1
Ba_filt          1
Cr_tot           1
InitialTemp      1
S_filt           1
Al_tot           1
Mn_filt          1
FirstDrawTemp    1
Al_filt          1
Turbidity        1
FinalTemp        1
Si_tot           1
Mg_filt          1
Zn_filt          1
Ba_tot           1
P_tot            1
K_tot            1
Cl_tot           1
Br_tot           1
P_filt           1
Ca_tot           1
Pb_tot           1
Br_filt          1
Cr_filt          1
Pb_filt          1
As_filt          1
Zn_tot           1
As_tot           1
Ca_filt          1
Mn_tot           1
K_filt           1
Na_filt          1
DO               1
Name: VariableCode, dtype: int64

Retrieve the Result (Data) Values, Then Create a Quick Time Series Plot of the Data

Now I can retrieve all of the data values associated with the list of Results I just retrieved. In ODM2, water chemistry measurements are stored as "Measurement" results. Each "Measurement" Result has a single data value associated with it. So, for convenience, the getResultValues( ) function allows you to pass in a list of ResultIDs so you can get the data values for all of them back in a Pandas data frame object, which is easier to work with. Once I've got the data in a Pandas data frame object, I can use the plot( ) function directly on the data frame to create a quick visualization.

10/5/2018. NOTE CURRENT ISSUE REGARDING ValueDateTime RETURNED BY read.getResultValues. There seems to be an unexpected behavior with the data type returned for ValueDateTime for SQLite databases. It should be a datetime, but it's currently a string. This is being investigated. For now, we are converting to a datetime manually in cells 25 and 27 via the statement:

resultValues['ValueDateTime'] = pd.to_datetime(resultValues['ValueDateTime'])

This problem is present in odm2api version 0.7.1, but was not present in Nov. 2017

In [37]:
# function that encapsulates the `VariableID`, `getResults` and `getResultValues` queries
def get_results_and_values(siteid, variablecode):
    v = variables_df[variables_df['VariableCode'] == variablecode]
    variableID = v.index[0]
    results = read.getResults(siteid=siteid, variableid=variableID, restype="Measurement")
    resultIDList = [x.ResultID for x in results]
    # Get all of the data values for the Results in the list created above
    # Call getResultValues, which returns a Pandas Data Frame with the data
    resultValues = read.getResultValues(resultids=resultIDList, lowercols=False)
    resultValues['ValueDateTime'] = pd.to_datetime(resultValues['ValueDateTime'])
    return resultValues, results

In [43]:
resultValues, results = get_results_and_values(siteID, 'pH')

In [44]:

ValueID ResultID DataValue ValueDateTime ValueDateTimeUTCOffset
0 2989 2989 6.03 2018-02-26 -5
1 3476 3476 7.03 2018-02-26 -5

In [45]:
result_select = results[0]

In [46]:
# Plot the time sequence of Measurement Result Values 
ax = resultValues.plot(x='ValueDateTime', y='DataValue', title=relatedSite.SamplingFeatureName,
                       kind='line', use_index=True, style='o')
ax.set_ylabel("{0} ({1})".format(result_select.VariableObj.VariableNameCV, 

In [47]:
# results_faam = lambda results, i: results[i].FeatureActionObj.ActionObj.MethodObj
method = result_select.FeatureActionObj.ActionObj.MethodObj

print("METHOD:  {0} ({1})".format(method.MethodName, method.MethodDescription))

METHOD:  Stagnant pH (Measured using Orion 100-Series pH meter calibrated before each use in pH 4,7. and 10 buffers with automatic temperature control.)

In [ ]: