What are the building blocks for interactive computing?
In [1]:
%load_ext load_style
%load_style images.css
from IPython.display import display, Image
In [2]:
Image('images/lego-filebrowser.png', width='80%')
In [3]:
Image('images/lego-terminal.png', width='80%')
In [4]:
Image('images/lego-texteditor.png', width='80%')
In [5]:
Image('images/lego-output.png', width='80%')
The Jupyter Notebook is one way of assembling these building blocks as a linear sequence of input and output. There are other ways of assembling these building blocks:
Recently, we worked with collaborators from IBM to perform a UX survey of Jupyter users. The executive summary can be read here.
This survey, along with many years of talking to users has lead us to the following vision:
JupyterLab in the next generation user interface for project Jupyter that will provide this frame work for assembling these building blocks in different ways. It will ship alongside the existing notebook in version 5.0.
JupyterLab is an IDE = Interactive Development Environment