Overall Schedule



  • list, tuple, dict, set
  • iterators, generators
  • NumPy


  • Matplotlib/Seaborn
  • Widgets
  • Animation


  • Interpolation
  • Differentiation
  • Integration
  • ODE
  • Linear Algebra
  • Optimization

Software Engineering:

  • Git/GitHub
  • Testing
  • Style (PEP8)
  • Narrative Descriptions
  • LaTeX
  • Error Handling

Week by week:

  1. Intro, GitHub and Codecademy
  2. Syllabus, Git/GitHub, Shell, CA
  3. Git/GitHub, Shell, nbgrader, IPython
  4. Git/GitHub, Shell, nbgrader, IPython (assignment01 due)
  5. NumPy, Testing (assignment02 due)
  6. Matplotlib, PEP8 (assignment03 due)
  7. Widgets/Animation (assignment04 due)
  8. Display, LaTeX (assignment05 due)
  9. Review (assignment06 due
  10. Midterm (assignment07 due)

  11. Interpolation + Differentiation

  12. Integration

  13. ODE

  14. Project Intro

  15. Project Work Day (U2/Hearing)

  16. Project Work Day (U2/Hearing)

  17. Memorial Day

  18. Linear Algebra + Optimization

  19. Random distributions/Stats

  20. Regression and fitting

Klay's schedule

  1. Codecademy
  2. Git/CA/Shell
  3. Git/CA/Shell/Euler
  4. ssh/IPython/IPythonBlocks
  5. NumPy
  6. DataIO, CountingStars
  7. Matplotlib, LaTeX
  8. Widgets, Animation, Error Handling
  9. Midterm
  10. Project Intro
  11. Interpolation
  12. Differentiation
  13. Integration
  14. ODEs
  15. MC Integration
  16. Random numbers and MC simulation
  17. No class
  18. Regression, Optimization, Fitting
  19. SymPy
  20. Project work time