Copyright (C) 2014 by Eka A. Kurniawan


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.


  • Dynamic Spiking Synapse Model: Add dynamic spiking synapse model.


  • Process Optimization: Add process figures.
  • Parallel Python-OpenCL Implementation: Implement per synapse basis.
  • Sequential Python Implementation: Implement per synapse basis.
  • Execution Time: Collect and plot execution time.
  • Parallel Python-OpenCL Implementation: Implement per neuron basis.
  • Sequential Python Implementation: Implement per neuron basis.
  • Dynamic Spiking Synapse Model: Add dynamic spiking synapse class.

Tested On

MacBook Pro Retina, Mid 2012 with OS X 10.9.1 (Mavericks)

Python version:

In [1]:
import sys
print("Python %d.%d.%d" % (sys.version_info.major, \
                           sys.version_info.minor, \

Python 3.3.3

NumPy version:

In [2]:
import numpy as np
print("NumPy %s" % np.__version__)

NumPy 1.8.0

matplotlib version:

In [3]:
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
print("matplotlib %s" % matplotlib.__version__)

matplotlib 1.3.1

Execution and Settings

To run this IPython Notebook; open a console, go to notebook directory and execute following command.

ipython3-3.3 notebook --pylab inline

Settings required:

In [4]:
# Display graph in 'retina' format for Mac with retina display. Others, use PNG or SVG format.
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
#%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'PNG'
#%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'SVG'

Other imports:

In [5]:
import time
import os.path

Housekeeping Functions

Functions to save/load array to/from file.

In [6]:
def save_list(file_name, list_name):
    with open(file_name, 'w') as fh:
def load_list(file_name):
    with open(file_name, 'r') as fh:
        return [line.strip() for line in fh.readlines()]

Following function plots spikes and postsynaptic responses (PSRs) in a same graph.

In [7]:
# dt: time step (in second)
# spikes: array of simulation times when spikes happen
# PSRs: array of postsynaptic responses (PSRs) in every time step (in ampere)
def plot_PSRs(dt, spikes, PSRs):
    # Convert PSR from Ampere to Nanoampere
    PSRs_prime = PSRs * 1e9
    fig = plt.figure()
    len_PSRs = len(PSRs)
    time = np.linspace(0,len_PSRs-1,len_PSRs) * dt
    sp1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
    sp1.scatter(spikes, len(spikes) * [1], color = 'red')
    sp1.set_xlim([0, time[-1]])
    sp1.set_yticklabels("", visible = False)
    sp1.set_xticklabels("", visible = False)
    sp2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
    sp2.plot(time, PSRs_prime, color = 'green')
    sp2.set_xlabel('Time (Seconds)')
    sp2.set_xlim([0, time[-1]])

Following function plots execution time comprises buffer allocation time (bat), run time (rt) and the total time (tt) of the two.

In [8]:
def plot_exec_time(bats, rts, tts, device_names, \
                   methods_len, SEQ_PN_ID, PAR_PN_PA, \
                   SEQ_PS_ID, PAR_PS_PA, \
    # Set lower and upper limits for X and Y axis.
    xlim_lower = 1e1
    xlim_upper = 1e6
    ylim_lower = 1e-4
    ylim_upper = 1e4
    # Total synapse labels
    ttl_synapse_lbls = [ for ttl_synapse in ttl_synapses]
    portions = [bats, rts, tts]
    portions_len = len(portions)
    portion_labels = ["Buffer Allocation Time", \
                      "Run Time", \
                      "Total Time"]
    devices_len = len(device_names)
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(portions_len, devices_len, sharey = True)
    # axs will be accessed in two-dimentional form. If it is in one-dimentional
    # (in case of devices_len equals one) add one more fake dimention to it.
    if (devices_len <= 1):
        axs_ext = np.array(portions_len * [np.nan])
        axs = np.vstack((axs, axs_ext)).transpose()
    # Figure size
    fig.set_size_inches(27, 27)
    # Colors
    colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'orange', 'gray']
    # Plot
    for portion_id, portion in enumerate(portions):
        for device_id, device_name in enumerate(device_names):
            # Title
            axs[portion_id, device_id].set_title(device_names[device_id])
            # Handle logarithmic along X or Y axis
            axs[portion_id, device_id].set_xscale('log')
            axs[portion_id, device_id].set_yscale('log')
            # Set lower and upper limits for X and Y axis.
            axs[portion_id, device_id].set_xlim(xlim_lower, xlim_upper)
            axs[portion_id, device_id].set_ylim(ylim_lower, ylim_upper)
            axs[portion_id, device_id].grid(True)
            if not np.isnan(portions[portion_id][device_id][SEQ_PN_ID][0]):
                time_values = [ylim_lower if time_value == 0 else time_value \
                               for time_value in portions[portion_id][device_id][SEQ_PN_ID]]
                axs[portion_id, device_id].plot(ttl_synapse_lbls, time_values, \
                                                label = "seq_pn", \
                                                color = colors[SEQ_PN_ID], \
                                                linewidth = 2.5)
            if not np.isnan(portions[portion_id][device_id][SEQ_PS_ID][0]):
                time_values = [ylim_lower if time_value == 0 else time_value \
                               for time_value in portions[portion_id][device_id][SEQ_PS_ID]]
                axs[portion_id, device_id].plot(ttl_synapse_lbls, time_values, \
                                                label = "seq_ps", \
                                                color = colors[SEQ_PS_ID], \
                                                linewidth = 2.5)
            if not np.isnan(portions[portion_id][device_id][PAR_PN_PA_ID][0]):
                time_values = [ylim_lower if time_value == 0 else time_value for \
                               time_value in portions[portion_id][device_id][PAR_PN_PA_ID]]
                axs[portion_id, device_id].plot(ttl_synapse_lbls, time_values, \
                                                label = "par_pn_pa", \
                                                color = colors[PAR_PN_PA_ID], \
                                                linewidth = 2.5)
            if not np.isnan(portions[portion_id][device_id][PAR_PS_PA_ID][0]):
                time_values = [ylim_lower if time_value == 0 else time_value for \
                               time_value in portions[portion_id][device_id][PAR_PS_PA_ID]]
                axs[portion_id, device_id].plot(ttl_synapse_lbls, time_values, \
                                                label = "par_ps_pa", \
                                                color = colors[PAR_PS_PA_ID], \
                                                linewidth = 2.5)
            # X Labels
            axs[portion_id, device_id].set_xlabel('# Synapses', fontsize = 14)
            # Legend
            axs[portion_id, device_id].legend(loc = 'upper left')
            # Tick font size
            for tick in axs[portion_id, device_id].xaxis.get_major_ticks():
            for tick in axs[portion_id, device_id].yaxis.get_major_ticks():

        # Y Labels
        axs[portion_id, 0].set_ylabel(portion_labels[portion_id] + '\n(second)', \
                                      fontsize = 14)

Dynamic Spiking Synapse Model

The implementation is taken from CSIM: A neural Circuit SIMulator website and modified accordingly.[1]

In [9]:
from math import exp

# PSR: postsynaptic respose (in ampere)
# W: synaptic weight (unitless)
# delay: cause and effect delay between presynaptic event and 
#        postsynaptic response (in second)
class Synapse:
    def __init__(self,
                 PSR = 0.0,
                 W = 1.0,
                 delay = 0.0):
        self.PSR = PSR
        self.W = W
        self.delay = delay

# tau: synaptic time constant (in second)
class SpikingSynapse(Synapse):
    def __init__(self,
                 dt = 2e-4,
                 PSR = 0.0,
                 W = 1e-9,
                 delay = 0.0,
                 tau = 3e-3):
        Synapse.__init__(self, PSR, W, delay)
        self.tau = tau
        # postsynaptic decay (unitless)
        self.decay = 0.0
    def updateInternal(self, dt = 2e-4):
        self.decay = exp(-dt / self.tau)
    def advance(self):
        self.PSR *= self.decay
# U: synaptic utilization
# D: depression time constant
# F: facilitation time constant
# u0: initial value of running facilitation
# r0: initial value of running depression
# lastSpike: biological time of last spike
class DynamicSpikingSynapse(SpikingSynapse):
    def __init__(self,
                 dt = 2e-4,
                 PSR = 0.0,
                 W = 1e-9,
                 delay = 0.0,
                 tau = 3e-3,
                 U = 0.4,
                 D = 1.0,
                 F = 0.01,
                 u0 = 0.4,
                 r0 = 1.0,
                 lastSpike = None):
        SpikingSynapse.__init__(self, dt, PSR, W, delay, tau)
        self.U = U
        self.D = D
        self.F = F
        self.u0 = u0
        self.r0 = r0
        self.lastSpike = lastSpike
        self.u = u0
        self.r = r0
    def reset_u(self):
        self.u = u0
    def reset_r(self):
        self.r = r0
    def preSpikeHit(self, simulationTime):
        if (self.lastSpike):
            isi = simulationTime - self.lastSpike
            self.r = 1.0 + \
                     ( ((self.r * (1.0 - self.u)) - 1.0) * \
                       exp(-isi / self.D) )
            self.u = self.U + \
                     ( self.u  * \
                       (1 - self.U) * \
                       exp(-isi / self.F) )
        self.PSR += ((self.W / self.decay) * self.u * self.r)
        self.lastSpike = simulationTime

Plot PSRs with different spike trains.

In [10]:
dt = 2e-4
Tsim = 1.0
nSteps = int((Tsim / dt) + 0.5)

spikes = np.hstack((np.linspace(0.05, 0.15, 4), \
                    np.linspace(0.85, 0.95, 4)))
hasFireds = np.array(nSteps * [0], dtype = np.int32)
for spike in spikes:
    i = int((spike / dt) + 0.5)
    hasFireds[i] = 1
s1 = DynamicSpikingSynapse(tau = 3e-3,
                           U = 0.2,
                           D = 1.0,
                           F = 0.02,
                           u0 = 0.2,
                           r0 = 0.8)

t = 0.0
PSRs = np.array(nSteps * [0.0], dtype = np.float32)
for i in range(nSteps):
    t += dt
    if (hasFireds[i]):
    PSRs[i] = s1.PSR
plot_PSRs(dt, spikes, PSRs)

In [11]:
dt = 2e-4
Tsim = 1.0
nSteps = int((Tsim / dt) + 0.5)

spikes = np.hstack((np.linspace(0.05, 0.15, 4), \
                    np.linspace(0.85, 0.95, 5)))
hasFireds = np.array(nSteps * [0], dtype = np.int32)
for spike in spikes:
    i = int((spike / dt) + 0.5)
    hasFireds[i] = 1
s1 = DynamicSpikingSynapse(tau = 10e-3,
                           U = 0.2,
                           D = 1.0,
                           F = 0.02,
                           u0 = 0.2,
                           r0 = 0.8)

t = 0.0
PSRs = np.array(nSteps * [0.0], dtype = np.float32)
for i in range(nSteps):
    t += dt
    if (hasFireds[i]):
    PSRs[i] = s1.PSR
plot_PSRs(dt, spikes, PSRs)

In [12]:
dt = 2e-4
Tsim = 6.0
nSteps = int((Tsim / dt) + 0.5)

spikes = np.hstack((np.linspace(0.1, 1.4, 14), \
                    np.linspace(1.43, 1.76, 12), \
                    np.linspace(1.77, 1.83, 7), \
                    np.linspace(1.93, 3.33, 15), \
                    np.linspace(5.33, 5.73, 4)))
hasFireds = np.array(nSteps * [0], dtype = np.int32)
for spike in spikes:
    i = int((spike / dt) + 0.5)
    hasFireds[i] = 1

U = 0.2
s1 = DynamicSpikingSynapse(tau = 10e-3,
                           U = U,
                           D = 1.0,
                           F = 0.02,
                           u0 = U,
                           r0 = 1 - U)

t = 0.0
PSRs = np.array(nSteps * [0.0], dtype = np.float32)
for i in range(nSteps):
    t += dt
    if (hasFireds[i]):
    PSRs[i] = s1.PSR
plot_PSRs(dt, spikes, PSRs)

Sequential Python Implementation

Process Optimization

Sequential Implementation Per Neuron Basis (seq_pn Function)

Sequential implementation in which each core in charge of one neuron with multiple synapses.

In [13]:
def run_seq_pn(Tsim, dt, spikes, \
               ttl_neuron, ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron, \
               plot = False):
    # Buffer allocation time is N/A for sequential implementation
    bat = np.nan
    # Biological time
    nSteps = int((Tsim / dt) + 0.5)
    # Convert spikes into hasFireds
    hasFireds = np.array(nSteps * [0], dtype = np.int32)
    for spike in spikes:
        i = int((spike / dt) + 0.5)
        hasFireds[i] = 1
    # Array of total incoming synapse
    ttl_incoming_synapses_np = np.array(ttl_neuron * [ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron], \
                                        dtype = np.int32)
    # Array of incoming synapse start index
    incoming_synapse_start_idxs_np = np.array(ttl_neuron * [0], dtype = np.int64)
    for i in range(1, ttl_neuron):
        incoming_synapse_start_idxs_np[i] = incoming_synapse_start_idxs_np[i - 1] + \
                                            ttl_incoming_synapses_np[i - 1]
    # Total synapse
    ttl_synapse = ttl_neuron * ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron
    # Construct dynamic spiking synapses with different values of U
    Us = np.linspace(0.2, 0.4, ttl_synapse)
    dynamicSpikingSynapses = []
    for i in range(ttl_synapse):
        U = Us[i]
        dynamicSpikingSynapses.append(DynamicSpikingSynapse(tau = 10e-3,
                                                            U = U,
                                                            D = 1.0,
                                                            F = 0.02,
                                                            u0 = U,
                                                            r0 = 1 - U))
    # Collection of total PSRs of each neuron
    ttl_PSRs_coll = np.zeros((ttl_neuron, nSteps))
    # Perform advance and preSpikeHit
    t = 0.0
    tic = time.time()
    for k in range(nSteps):
        t += dt
        for j in range(ttl_neuron):
            ttl_PSR = 0.0
            ttl_incoming_synapse = ttl_incoming_synapses_np[j]
            start_idx = incoming_synapse_start_idxs_np[j]
            for i in range(ttl_incoming_synapse):
                dynamicSpikingSynapses[start_idx + i].advance()
                if (hasFireds[k]):
                    dynamicSpikingSynapses[start_idx + i].preSpikeHit(t)
                ttl_PSR += dynamicSpikingSynapses[start_idx + i].PSR
            ttl_PSRs_coll[j][k] = ttl_PSR
    toc = time.time()
    # Run time
    rt = toc - tic
    # Total time
    tt = rt
    if plot:
        plot_PSRs(dt, spikes, ttl_PSRs_coll[0])
        plot_PSRs(dt, spikes, ttl_PSRs_coll[-1])
    return bat, rt, tt

Testing code plots the first and last synapses.

In [14]:
dt = 2e-4

Tsim = 6.0
spikes = np.hstack((np.linspace(0.1, 1.4, 14), \
                    np.linspace(1.43, 1.76, 12), \
                    np.linspace(1.77, 1.83, 7), \
                    np.linspace(1.93, 3.33, 15), \
                    np.linspace(5.33, 5.73, 4)))

ttl_neuron = 10
ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron = 2
seq_pn_t = run_seq_pn(Tsim, dt, spikes, \
                      ttl_neuron, ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron, \
                      plot = True)

Sequential Implementation Per Synapse Basis (seq_ps Function)

Sequential implementation in which each core in charge of one synapse.

In [15]:
def run_seq_ps(Tsim, dt, spikes, \
               ttl_neuron, ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron, \
               plot = False):
    # Buffer allocation time is N/A for sequential implementation
    bat = np.nan
    # Biological time
    nSteps = int((Tsim / dt) + 0.5)
    # Convert spikes into hasFireds
    hasFireds = np.array(nSteps * [0], dtype = np.int32)
    for spike in spikes:
        i = int((spike / dt) + 0.5)
        hasFireds[i] = 1
    # Array of total incoming synapse
    ttl_incoming_synapses_np = np.array(ttl_neuron * [ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron], \
                                        dtype = np.int32)
    # Array of incoming synapse start index
    incoming_synapse_start_idxs_np = np.array(ttl_neuron * [0], dtype = np.int64)
    for i in range(1, ttl_neuron):
        incoming_synapse_start_idxs_np[i] = incoming_synapse_start_idxs_np[i - 1] + \
                                            ttl_incoming_synapses_np[i - 1]
    # Total synapse
    ttl_synapse = ttl_neuron * ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron
    # Construct dynamic spiking synapses with different values of U
    Us = np.linspace(0.2, 0.4, ttl_synapse)
    dynamicSpikingSynapses = []
    for i in range(ttl_synapse):
        U = Us[i]
        dynamicSpikingSynapses.append(DynamicSpikingSynapse(tau = 10e-3,
                                                            U = U,
                                                            D = 1.0,
                                                            F = 0.02,
                                                            u0 = U,
                                                            r0 = 1 - U))
    # Collection of total PSRs of each neuron
    ttl_PSRs_coll = np.zeros((ttl_neuron, nSteps))
    # Perform advance and preSpikeHit
    t = 0.0
    tic = time.time()
    for step_idx in range(nSteps):
        t += dt
        for s_idx in range(ttl_synapse):
            if (hasFireds[step_idx]):
        # Calculate total PSR
        for n_idx in range(ttl_neuron):
            ttl_PSR = 0.0
            ttl_incoming_synapse = ttl_incoming_synapses_np[n_idx]
            start_idx = incoming_synapse_start_idxs_np[n_idx]
            for is_idx in range(ttl_incoming_synapse):
                ttl_PSR += dynamicSpikingSynapses[start_idx + is_idx].PSR
            ttl_PSRs_coll[n_idx][step_idx] = ttl_PSR
    toc = time.time()
    # Run time
    rt = toc - tic
    # Total time
    tt = rt
    if plot:
        plot_PSRs(dt, spikes, ttl_PSRs_coll[0])
        plot_PSRs(dt, spikes, ttl_PSRs_coll[-1])
    return bat, rt, tt

Testing code plots the first and last synapses.

In [16]:
dt = 2e-4

Tsim = 6.0
spikes = np.hstack((np.linspace(0.1, 1.4, 14), \
                    np.linspace(1.43, 1.76, 12), \
                    np.linspace(1.77, 1.83, 7), \
                    np.linspace(1.93, 3.33, 15), \
                    np.linspace(5.33, 5.73, 4)))

ttl_neuron = 10
ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron = 2
seq_pn_t = run_seq_ps(Tsim, dt, spikes, \
                      ttl_neuron, ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron, \
                      plot = True)

Parallel Python-OpenCL Implementation

Parallel Python-OpenCL requires OpenCL driver from CPU or GPU vendor as well as PyOpenCL module for Python.

PyOpenCL version:

In [17]:
import pyopencl as cl
print("PyOpenCL %s" % cl.VERSION_TEXT)

PyOpenCL 2013.2

Set PYOPENCL_COMPILER_OUTPUT environmental variable to 1 in order to see OpenCL compilation outupt.

In [18]:
import os
os.environ['PYOPENCL_COMPILER_OUTPUT'] = '1'

The list of all OpenCL devices found in this machine.

In [19]:
devices = []
device_names = []
for platform_id, platform in enumerate(cl.get_platforms()):
    print("Platform[%d] Vendor    : %s" % (platform_id, platform.get_info(cl.platform_info.VENDOR)))
    print("Platform[%d] Name      : %s" % (platform_id, platform.get_info(cl.platform_info.NAME)))
    print("Platform[%d] Version   : %s" % (platform_id, platform.get_info(cl.platform_info.VERSION)))
    print("Platform[%d] Device(s) :" % platform_id)
    for device_id, device in enumerate(platform.get_devices(device_type = cl.device_type.ALL)):
        print(" - Device[%d]          : %s - %s" % (device_id, \
                                                    device.get_info(cl.device_info.VENDOR), \

Platform[0] Vendor    : Apple
Platform[0] Name      : Apple
Platform[0] Version   : OpenCL 1.2 (Dec  8 2013 21:07:05)
Platform[0] Device(s) :
 - Device[0]          : Intel - Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3615QM CPU @ 2.30GHz
 - Device[1]          : Intel - HD Graphics 4000
 - Device[2]          : NVIDIA - GeForce GT 650M

OpenCL code (kernel) is written in C consists of advance and spikeHit functions for:

  • Per neuron basis with parameter arrays (advance_spikeHit_pn_pa)

In [20]:
%%writefile DynamicSpikingSynapse/
// Copyright (C) 2014 by Eka A. Kurniawan
// eka.a.kurniawan(ta)gmail(tod)com
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the
// Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

__kernel void advance_spikeHit_pn_pa(const float t,
                                     const int step,
                                     const int nSteps,
                                     __global const int *hasFireds,
                                     __global const int *ttl_incoming_synapses,
                                     __global const long *incoming_synapse_start_idxs,
                                     __global float *dss_PSR,
                                     __global const float *dss_W,
                                     __global const float *dss_decay,
                                     __global const float *dss_U,
                                     __global const float *dss_D,
                                     __global const float *dss_F,
                                     __global float *dss_u,
                                     __global float *dss_r,
                                     __global float *dss_lastSpike,
                                     __global float *ttl_PSRs_coll)
    long gid = get_global_id(0);
    // Index to store total PSR
    long out_idx = gid * nSteps;
    float ttl_PSR = 0;
    int ttl_incoming_synapse = ttl_incoming_synapses[gid];
    long start_idx = incoming_synapse_start_idxs[gid];
    for (int i = 0; i < ttl_incoming_synapse; i++) {
        // Synapse ID
        long sid = start_idx + (long)i;
        // advance
        float PSR = dss_PSR[sid];
        float decay = dss_decay[sid];
        PSR *= decay;
        // preSpikeHit
        if (hasFireds[step]) {
            float r = dss_r[sid];
            float u = dss_u[sid];
            if (dss_lastSpike[sid] > 0) {
                float isi = t - dss_lastSpike[sid];
                r = 1 + \
                    ( ((r * (1 - u)) - 1) * \
                      exp(-isi / dss_D[sid]) );
                float U = dss_U[sid];
                u = U + \
                    ( u  * (1 - U) * exp(-isi / dss_F[sid]) );
                dss_r[sid] = r;
                dss_u[sid] = u;
            PSR += ((dss_W[sid] / decay) * u * r);
            dss_lastSpike[sid] = t;
        dss_PSR[sid] = PSR;
        ttl_PSR += PSR;
    ttl_PSRs_coll[out_idx + step] = ttl_PSR;

__kernel void advance_spikeHit_ps_pa(const float t,
                                     const int step,
                                     __global const int *hasFireds,
                                     __global float *dss_PSR,
                                     __global const float *dss_W,
                                     __global const float *dss_decay,
                                     __global const float *dss_U,
                                     __global const float *dss_D,
                                     __global const float *dss_F,
                                     __global float *dss_u,
                                     __global float *dss_r,
                                     __global float *dss_lastSpike)
    long gid = get_global_id(0);
    // advance
    float PSR = dss_PSR[gid];
    float decay = dss_decay[gid];
    PSR *= decay;
    // preSpikeHit
    if (hasFireds[step]) {
        float r = dss_r[gid];
        float u = dss_u[gid];
        if (dss_lastSpike[gid] > 0) {
            float isi = t - dss_lastSpike[gid];
            r = 1 + \
                ( ((r * (1 - u)) - 1) * \
                  exp(-isi / dss_D[gid]) );
            float U = dss_U[gid];
            u = U + \
                ( u  * (1 - U) * exp(-isi / dss_F[gid]) );
            dss_r[gid] = r;
            dss_u[gid] = u;
        PSR += ((dss_W[gid] / decay) * u * r);
        dss_lastSpike[gid] = t;
    dss_PSR[gid] = PSR;

__kernel void sum_up_psr(const int step,
                         const int nSteps,
                         __global const int *ttl_incoming_synapses,
                         __global const long *incoming_synapse_start_idxs,
                         __global float *dss_PSR,
                         __global float *ttl_PSRs_coll)
    long gid = get_global_id(0);
    // Index to store total PSR
    long out_idx = gid * nSteps;
    float ttl_PSR = 0;
    int ttl_incoming_synapse = ttl_incoming_synapses[gid];
    long start_idx = incoming_synapse_start_idxs[gid];
    for (int i = 0; i < ttl_incoming_synapse; i++) {
        // Synapse ID
        long sid = start_idx + (long)i;
        // Sum up PSR
        float PSR = dss_PSR[sid];
        ttl_PSR += PSR;
    ttl_PSRs_coll[out_idx + step] = ttl_PSR;

Overwriting DynamicSpikingSynapse/

Functions to setup OpenCL devices and create OpenCL program.

In [21]:
def cl_setup(platform_id, device_id):
    platform = cl.get_platforms()[platform_id]
    device = platform.get_devices()[device_id]
    context = cl.Context(devices = [device])
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(context, device = device)
    return platform, device, context, queue

def cl_set_context(device):
    return cl.Context(devices = [device])

def cl_set_queue(context, device):
    return cl.CommandQueue(context, device = device)

def cl_create_program(context, device, filename):
    fh = open(filename, 'r')
    code =
    program = cl.Program(context, code) = [device])
    return program

Process Optimization

Parallel Implementation Per Neuron Basis with Parameter Arrays (par_pn_pa Function)

Parallel implementation in which each core in charge of one neuron with multiple synapses. This implementation uses parameter arrays data structure.

Process Optimization: Per Neuron Basis

In [22]:
def run_par_pn_pa(device_id, \
                  Tsim, dt, spikes, \
                  ttl_neuron, ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron, \
                  workitem_size = None, plot = False):
    # Setup OpenCL
    cl_device = devices[device_id]
    cl_context = cl_set_context(cl_device)
    cl_queue = cl_set_queue(cl_context, cl_device)
    # Biological time
    nSteps = int((Tsim / dt) + 0.5)
    # Convert spikes into hasFireds
    hasFireds_np = np.array(nSteps * [0], dtype = np.int32)
    for spike in spikes:
        i = int((spike / dt) + 0.5)
        hasFireds_np[i] = 1
    # Array of total incoming synapse
    ttl_incoming_synapses_np = np.array(ttl_neuron * [ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron], \
                                        dtype = np.int32)
    # Array of incoming synapse start index
    incoming_synapse_start_idxs_np = np.array(ttl_neuron * [0], dtype = np.int64)
    for i in range(1, ttl_neuron):
        incoming_synapse_start_idxs_np[i] = incoming_synapse_start_idxs_np[i - 1] + \
                                            ttl_incoming_synapses_np[i - 1]
    # Total synapse
    ttl_synapse = ttl_neuron * ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron
    # Construct dynamic spiking synapses with different values of U
    Us = np.linspace(0.2, 0.4, ttl_synapse)
    dynamicSpikingSynapses = []
    for i in range(ttl_synapse):
        U = Us[i]
        dynamicSpikingSynapses.append(DynamicSpikingSynapse(tau = 10e-3,
                                                            U = U,
                                                            D = 1.0,
                                                            F = 0.02,
                                                            u0 = U,
                                                            r0 = 1 - U))
    # Create OpenCL buffer
    tic = time.time()
    mf = cl.mem_flags
    # hasFireds
    hasFireds_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                              mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                              hostbuf = hasFireds_np)
    # Total incoming synapse
    ttl_incoming_synapses_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                                          mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                                          hostbuf = ttl_incoming_synapses_np)
    # Incoming synapse start index
    incoming_synapse_start_idxs_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                                                mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                                                hostbuf = incoming_synapse_start_idxs_np)
    # DynamicSpikingSynapses
    dss_PSR_np = np.zeros((ttl_synapse), dtype = np.float32)
    dss_W_np = np.zeros((ttl_synapse), dtype = np.float32)
    dss_decay_np = np.zeros((ttl_synapse), dtype = np.float32)
    dss_U_np = np.zeros((ttl_synapse), dtype = np.float32)
    dss_D_np = np.zeros((ttl_synapse), dtype = np.float32)
    dss_F_np = np.zeros((ttl_synapse), dtype = np.float32)
    dss_u_np = np.zeros((ttl_synapse), dtype = np.float32)
    dss_r_np = np.zeros((ttl_synapse), dtype = np.float32)
    dss_lastSpike_np = np.ones((ttl_synapse), dtype = np.float32) * -1.0

    for dynamicSpikingSynapse_idx, dynamicSpikingSynapse in enumerate(dynamicSpikingSynapses):
        dss_PSR_np[dynamicSpikingSynapse_idx] = dynamicSpikingSynapse.PSR
        dss_W_np[dynamicSpikingSynapse_idx] = dynamicSpikingSynapse.W
        dss_decay_np[dynamicSpikingSynapse_idx] = dynamicSpikingSynapse.decay
        dss_U_np[dynamicSpikingSynapse_idx] = dynamicSpikingSynapse.U
        dss_D_np[dynamicSpikingSynapse_idx] = dynamicSpikingSynapse.D
        dss_F_np[dynamicSpikingSynapse_idx] = dynamicSpikingSynapse.F
        dss_u_np[dynamicSpikingSynapse_idx] = dynamicSpikingSynapse.u
        dss_r_np[dynamicSpikingSynapse_idx] = dynamicSpikingSynapse.r
        dss_lastSpike_np[dynamicSpikingSynapse_idx] = dynamicSpikingSynapse.lastSpike
    dss_PSR_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                            mf.READ_WRITE | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                            hostbuf = dss_PSR_np)
    dss_W_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                          mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                          hostbuf = dss_W_np)
    dss_decay_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                              mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                              hostbuf = dss_decay_np)
    dss_U_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                          mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                          hostbuf = dss_U_np)
    dss_D_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                          mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                          hostbuf = dss_D_np)
    dss_F_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                          mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                          hostbuf = dss_F_np)
    dss_u_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                          mf.READ_WRITE | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                          hostbuf = dss_u_np)
    dss_r_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                          mf.READ_WRITE | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                          hostbuf = dss_r_np)
    dss_lastSpike_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                                  mf.READ_WRITE | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                                  hostbuf = dss_lastSpike_np)
    toc = time.time()
    # Buffer allocation time
    bat = toc - tic
    # Collection of total PSRs of each neuron
    ttl_PSRs_coll_np = np.zeros((ttl_neuron, nSteps), dtype = np.float32)
    ttl_PSRs_coll_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                                  mf.WRITE_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                                  hostbuf = ttl_PSRs_coll_np)
    # Create OpenCL program
    cl_program = cl_create_program(cl_context, cl_device, \
    # Workitem size need to be in list format except for None
    if workitem_size != None:
        workitem_size = (workitem_size,)
    # Perform advance and preSpikeHit
    t = 0.0
    tic = time.time()
    for step in range(nSteps):
        t += dt
        cl_program.advance_spikeHit_pn_pa(cl_queue, \
                                          (ttl_neuron,), workitem_size, \
                                          float32(t), \
                                          int32(step), \
                                          int32(nSteps), \
                                          hasFireds_buf, \
                                          ttl_incoming_synapses_buf, \
                                          incoming_synapse_start_idxs_buf, \
                                          dss_PSR_buf, \
                                          dss_W_buf, \
                                          dss_decay_buf, \
                                          dss_U_buf, \
                                          dss_D_buf, \
                                          dss_F_buf, \
                                          dss_u_buf, \
                                          dss_r_buf, \
                                          dss_lastSpike_buf, \
    toc = time.time()
    # Run time
    rt = toc - tic
    # Collect result
    cl.enqueue_read_buffer(cl_queue, ttl_PSRs_coll_buf, hostbuf = ttl_PSRs_coll_np).wait()
    # Total time
    tt = bat + rt
    if plot:
        plot_PSRs(dt, spikes, ttl_PSRs_coll_np[0])
        plot_PSRs(dt, spikes, ttl_PSRs_coll_np[-1])
    return bat, rt, tt

Testing code plots the first and last synapses.

In [23]:
device_id = 1

dt = 2e-4

Tsim = 6.0
spikes = np.hstack((np.linspace(0.1, 1.4, 14), \
                    np.linspace(1.43, 1.76, 12), \
                    np.linspace(1.77, 1.83, 7), \
                    np.linspace(1.93, 3.33, 15), \
                    np.linspace(5.33, 5.73, 4)))

ttl_neuron = 10
ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron = 2
par_pn_pa_t = run_par_pn_pa(device_id, \
                            Tsim, dt, spikes, \
                            ttl_neuron, ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron, \
                            plot = True)

Parallel Implementation Per Synapse Basis with Parameter Arrays (par_ps_pa Function)

Parallel implementation in which each core in charge of one synapse. This implementation uses parameter arrays data structure.

Process Optimization: Per Synapse Basis

In [24]:
def run_par_ps_pa(device_id, \
                  Tsim, dt, spikes, \
                  ttl_neuron, ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron, \
                  workitem_size = None, plot = False):
    # Setup OpenCL
    cl_device = devices[device_id]
    cl_context = cl_set_context(cl_device)
    cl_queue = cl_set_queue(cl_context, cl_device)
    # Biological time
    nSteps = int((Tsim / dt) + 0.5)
    # Convert spikes into hasFireds
    hasFireds_np = np.array(nSteps * [0], dtype = np.int32)
    for spike in spikes:
        i = int((spike / dt) + 0.5)
        hasFireds_np[i] = 1
    # Array of total incoming synapse
    ttl_incoming_synapses_np = np.array(ttl_neuron * [ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron], \
                                        dtype = np.int32)
    # Array of incoming synapse start index
    incoming_synapse_start_idxs_np = np.array(ttl_neuron * [0], dtype = np.int64)
    for i in range(1, ttl_neuron):
        incoming_synapse_start_idxs_np[i] = incoming_synapse_start_idxs_np[i - 1] + \
                                            ttl_incoming_synapses_np[i - 1]
    # Total synapse
    ttl_synapse = ttl_neuron * ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron
    # Construct dynamic spiking synapses with different values of U
    Us = np.linspace(0.2, 0.4, ttl_synapse)
    dynamicSpikingSynapses = []
    for i in range(ttl_synapse):
        U = Us[i]
        dynamicSpikingSynapses.append(DynamicSpikingSynapse(tau = 10e-3,
                                                            U = U,
                                                            D = 1.0,
                                                            F = 0.02,
                                                            u0 = U,
                                                            r0 = 1 - U))
    # Create OpenCL buffer
    tic = time.time()
    mf = cl.mem_flags
    # hasFireds
    hasFireds_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                              mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                              hostbuf = hasFireds_np)
    # Total incoming synapse
    ttl_incoming_synapses_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                                          mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                                          hostbuf = ttl_incoming_synapses_np)
    # Incoming synapse start index
    incoming_synapse_start_idxs_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                                                mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                                                hostbuf = incoming_synapse_start_idxs_np)
    # DynamicSpikingSynapses
    dss_PSR_np = np.zeros((ttl_synapse), dtype = np.float32)
    dss_W_np = np.zeros((ttl_synapse), dtype = np.float32)
    dss_decay_np = np.zeros((ttl_synapse), dtype = np.float32)
    dss_U_np = np.zeros((ttl_synapse), dtype = np.float32)
    dss_D_np = np.zeros((ttl_synapse), dtype = np.float32)
    dss_F_np = np.zeros((ttl_synapse), dtype = np.float32)
    dss_u_np = np.zeros((ttl_synapse), dtype = np.float32)
    dss_r_np = np.zeros((ttl_synapse), dtype = np.float32)
    dss_lastSpike_np = np.ones((ttl_synapse), dtype = np.float32) * -1.0

    for dynamicSpikingSynapse_idx, dynamicSpikingSynapse in enumerate(dynamicSpikingSynapses):
        dss_PSR_np[dynamicSpikingSynapse_idx] = dynamicSpikingSynapse.PSR
        dss_W_np[dynamicSpikingSynapse_idx] = dynamicSpikingSynapse.W
        dss_decay_np[dynamicSpikingSynapse_idx] = dynamicSpikingSynapse.decay
        dss_U_np[dynamicSpikingSynapse_idx] = dynamicSpikingSynapse.U
        dss_D_np[dynamicSpikingSynapse_idx] = dynamicSpikingSynapse.D
        dss_F_np[dynamicSpikingSynapse_idx] = dynamicSpikingSynapse.F
        dss_u_np[dynamicSpikingSynapse_idx] = dynamicSpikingSynapse.u
        dss_r_np[dynamicSpikingSynapse_idx] = dynamicSpikingSynapse.r
        dss_lastSpike_np[dynamicSpikingSynapse_idx] = dynamicSpikingSynapse.lastSpike
    dss_PSR_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                            mf.READ_WRITE | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                            hostbuf = dss_PSR_np)
    dss_W_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                          mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                          hostbuf = dss_W_np)
    dss_decay_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                              mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                              hostbuf = dss_decay_np)
    dss_U_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                          mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                          hostbuf = dss_U_np)
    dss_D_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                          mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                          hostbuf = dss_D_np)
    dss_F_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                          mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                          hostbuf = dss_F_np)
    dss_u_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                          mf.READ_WRITE | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                          hostbuf = dss_u_np)
    dss_r_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                          mf.READ_WRITE | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                          hostbuf = dss_r_np)
    dss_lastSpike_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                                  mf.READ_WRITE | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                                  hostbuf = dss_lastSpike_np)
    toc = time.time()
    # Buffer allocation time
    bat = toc - tic
    # Collection of total PSRs of each neuron
    ttl_PSRs_coll_np = np.zeros((ttl_neuron, nSteps), dtype = np.float32)
    ttl_PSRs_coll_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_context, \
                                  mf.WRITE_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, \
                                  hostbuf = ttl_PSRs_coll_np)
    # Create OpenCL program
    cl_program = cl_create_program(cl_context, cl_device, \
    # Workitem size need to be in list format except for None
    if workitem_size != None:
        workitem_size = (workitem_size,)
    # Perform advance and preSpikeHit
    t = 0.0
    tic = time.time()
    for step in range(nSteps):
        t += dt
        cl_program.advance_spikeHit_ps_pa(cl_queue, \
                                          (ttl_synapse,), workitem_size, \
                                          float32(t), \
                                          int32(step), \
                                          hasFireds_buf, \
                                          dss_PSR_buf, \
                                          dss_W_buf, \
                                          dss_decay_buf, \
                                          dss_U_buf, \
                                          dss_D_buf, \
                                          dss_F_buf, \
                                          dss_u_buf, \
                                          dss_r_buf, \

        cl_program.sum_up_psr(cl_queue, \
                              (ttl_neuron,), workitem_size, \
                              int32(step), \
                              int32(nSteps), \
                              ttl_incoming_synapses_buf, \
                              incoming_synapse_start_idxs_buf, \
                              dss_PSR_buf, \
    toc = time.time()
    # Run time
    rt = toc - tic
    # Collect result
    cl.enqueue_read_buffer(cl_queue, ttl_PSRs_coll_buf, hostbuf = ttl_PSRs_coll_np).wait()
    # Total time
    tt = bat + rt
    if plot:
        plot_PSRs(dt, spikes, ttl_PSRs_coll_np[0])
        plot_PSRs(dt, spikes, ttl_PSRs_coll_np[-1])
    return bat, rt, tt

Testing code plots the first and last synapses.

In [25]:
device_id = 1

dt = 2e-4

Tsim = 6.0
spikes = np.hstack((np.linspace(0.1, 1.4, 14), \
                    np.linspace(1.43, 1.76, 12), \
                    np.linspace(1.77, 1.83, 7), \
                    np.linspace(1.93, 3.33, 15), \
                    np.linspace(5.33, 5.73, 4)))

ttl_neuron = 10
ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron = 2
par_pn_pa_t = run_par_ps_pa(device_id, \
                            Tsim, dt, spikes, \
                            ttl_neuron, ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron, \
                            plot = True)

Execution Time

Spike train used to collect execution time is set within 0.3 second of biological time as follow.

In [26]:
device_id = 1

dt = 2e-4

Tsim = 0.3
spikes = np.hstack((np.linspace(0.05, 0.25, 11)))

ttl_neuron = 10
ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron = 2
par_pn_pa_t = run_par_pn_pa(device_id, \
                            Tsim, dt, spikes, \
                            ttl_neuron, ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron, \
                            plot = True)

Following is total synapses used to collect execution time.

  • 10 synapses: 10 neurons with 1 synapse per neuron
  • 100 synapses: 10 neurons with 10 synapses per neuron
  • 1,000 synapses: 100 neurons with 10 synapses per neuron
  • 10,000 synapses: 1,000 neurons with 10 synapses per neuron
  • 100,000 synapses: 1,000 neurons with 100 synapses per neuron
  • 1,000,000 synapses: 10,000 neurons with 100 synapses per neuron

In [27]:
dt = 2e-4

Tsim = 0.3
spikes = np.hstack((np.linspace(0.05, 0.25, 11)))

# Total synapse = total neuron * total incoming synapse per neuron
ttl_synapses = [[10, 1], \
                [10, 10], \
                [100, 10], \
                [1000, 10], \
                [1000, 100], \
                [10000, 100]]
ttl_synapses_len = len(ttl_synapses)

# Methods
methods_len = 4

# Devices
devices_len = len(devices)

# Portions
# Buffer allocation times
bats = np.zeros((devices_len, methods_len, ttl_synapses_len), dtype = np.float32)
# Run times
rts  = np.zeros((devices_len, methods_len, ttl_synapses_len), dtype = np.float32)
# Total times
tts  = np.zeros((devices_len, methods_len, ttl_synapses_len), dtype = np.float32)
BAT_ID = 0
RT_ID = 1
TT_ID = 2

# Run sequential once for every synapse size (ttl_synapses)
seq_pn_ts = []
seq_ps_ts = []
# Devices
for device_id, device in enumerate(devices):
    # Total synapses
    for ttl_synapse_id, ttl_synapse in enumerate(ttl_synapses):
        ttl_neuron, ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron = ttl_synapse
        # Methods
        # Run sequential per neuron once as the baseline
        if device_id == 0:
                seq_pn_t = run_seq_pn(Tsim, dt, spikes, \
                                      ttl_neuron, ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron)
                seq_pn_t = (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan)
            seq_pn_t = seq_pn_ts[ttl_synapse_id]
        # Run sequential per synapse once as the baseline
        if device_id == 0:
                seq_ps_t = run_seq_ps(Tsim, dt, spikes, \
                                      ttl_neuron, ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron)
                seq_ps_t = (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan)
            seq_ps_t = seq_ps_ts[ttl_synapse_id]
        # Parallel per neuron basis with parameter arrays
            par_pn_pa_t = run_par_pn_pa(device_id, \
                                        Tsim, dt, spikes, \
                                        ttl_neuron, ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron)
        except (cl.LogicError, cl.MemoryError, cl.RuntimeError):
            par_pn_pa_t = (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan)
        # Parallel per synapse basis with parameter arrays
            par_ps_pa_t = run_par_ps_pa(device_id, \
                                        Tsim, dt, spikes, \
                                        ttl_neuron, ttl_incoming_synapse_per_neuron)
        except (cl.LogicError, cl.MemoryError, cl.RuntimeError):
            par_ps_pa_t = (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan)
        # Portions -> Devices -> Methods -> Total Synapses
        bats[device_id][SEQ_PN_ID][ttl_synapse_id] = seq_pn_t[BAT_ID]
        bats[device_id][SEQ_PS_ID][ttl_synapse_id] = seq_ps_t[BAT_ID]
        bats[device_id][PAR_PN_PA_ID][ttl_synapse_id] = par_pn_pa_t[BAT_ID]
        bats[device_id][PAR_PS_PA_ID][ttl_synapse_id] = par_ps_pa_t[BAT_ID]
        rts[device_id][SEQ_PN_ID][ttl_synapse_id] = seq_pn_t[RT_ID]
        rts[device_id][SEQ_PS_ID][ttl_synapse_id] = seq_ps_t[RT_ID]
        rts[device_id][PAR_PN_PA_ID][ttl_synapse_id] = par_pn_pa_t[RT_ID]
        rts[device_id][PAR_PS_PA_ID][ttl_synapse_id] = par_ps_pa_t[RT_ID]
        tts[device_id][SEQ_PN_ID][ttl_synapse_id] = seq_pn_t[TT_ID]
        tts[device_id][SEQ_PS_ID][ttl_synapse_id] = seq_ps_t[TT_ID]
        tts[device_id][PAR_PN_PA_ID][ttl_synapse_id] = par_pn_pa_t[TT_ID]
        tts[device_id][PAR_PS_PA_ID][ttl_synapse_id] = par_ps_pa_t[TT_ID]

Save execution time result into DynamicSpikingSynapse/Benchmark directory.

In [28]:
benchmark_dir = "DynamicSpikingSynapse/Benchmark/"
machine_name = "mac"

save_list(benchmark_dir + "exec_time_%s_device_names.txt" % machine_name, device_names) + "exec_time_%s_bats.npy" % machine_name, bats) + "exec_time_%s_rts.npy" % machine_name, rts) + "exec_time_%s_tts.npy" % machine_name, tts)

Load and plot execution time of following devices from different machines.

  • Mac:

    • Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3615QM CPU @ 2.30GHz
    • HD Graphics 4000
    • GeForce GT 650M
  • PC:

    • Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
    • GeForce GTX 780

In [34]:
machine_names = ["mac", "pc"]

device_names_cmb = []
bats_cmb = []
rts_cmb = []
tts_cmb = []

for machine_name in machine_names:
    if os.path.isfile(benchmark_dir + "exec_time_%s_device_names.txt" % machine_name):
        device_names_cmb += load_list(benchmark_dir + "exec_time_%s_device_names.txt" % \
        bats_cmb.append(np.load(benchmark_dir + "exec_time_%s_bats.npy" % machine_name))
        rts_cmb.append(np.load(benchmark_dir + "exec_time_%s_rts.npy" % machine_name))
        tts_cmb.append(np.load(benchmark_dir + "exec_time_%s_tts.npy" % machine_name))
bats_cmb = np.concatenate(bats_cmb)
rts_cmb = np.concatenate(rts_cmb)
tts_cmb = np.concatenate(tts_cmb)

In [36]:
plot_exec_time(bats_cmb, rts_cmb, tts_cmb, device_names_cmb, \
               methods_len, SEQ_PN_ID, PAR_PN_PA_ID, \
               SEQ_PS_ID, PAR_PS_PA_ID, \

Following are hardware and software specifications of all devices.

  • Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3615QM CPU @ 2.30GHz
    • Apple OS X 10.9 64-bit
    • 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 Memory
    • Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3615QM CPU @ 2.30GHz, 4 Cores, 8 Threads
  • HD Graphics 4000
    • Apple OS X 10.9 64-bit
    • 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 Memory
    • Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3615QM CPU @ 2.30GHz, 4 Cores, 8 Threads
    • Intel HD Graphics 4000, 1024 MB
  • GeForce GT 650M
    • Apple OS X 10.9 64-bit
    • 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 Memory
    • Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3615QM CPU @ 2.30GHz, 4 Cores, 8 Threads
    • NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M, 1024 MB, 384 Shaders
  • Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
    • Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
    • 16 GB Memory
    • Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz, 4 Cores, 8 Threads
  • GeForce GTX 780
    • Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
    • 16 GB Memory
    • Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz, 4 Cores, 8 Threads
    • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780, 3 GB, 2304 Shaders
