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These are my notes from the "Intro to Python and basic Sci-kit Learn" Seminar on 10/8/2015 @ UCSD
This Notebook will demonstrate the basics of using the k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm (KNN) to make predictions. The dataset is called Iris, and is a collection of flower measurements from which we can train our model to make predictions.
The iris dataset is included int the Sci-kit library. It is a collection 4 dimensional vectors that map flower measurements to a flower species.
In [116]:
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
iris = load_iris()
In [117]:
As you can see from the above output, that the dataset is indeed a 4D vector with a length and width measurement for the flower sepal and petal. Lets preview the data for these measurements:
In [118]:
Now each of these vectors maps directly to a flower species, described in target
In [119]:
The numbers in the output above are ids. The dataset provides a lookup table to map the ids to a string flower name:
In [120]:
So, id 2
maps to:
In [121]:
For this demonstration we will use the KNN algorithm to model a flower species prediction engine. I can't get too deep into the details of the theory behind KNN, but I can try to describe it intuitively below.
For simplicity, let's image our dataset is only a 2 dimensional vector instead of 4, (remove width measurements) e.g:
['sepal length (cm)',
'petal length (cm)']
Now we have a collection of (sepal length
petal length
) pairs that map to
If we scatter plot this we'd have something like:
Where the x axis is sepal length (cm)
, the y axis is petal length (cm)
and the color (red/green/blue) corresponds to the species id
Now, from intuition, you could say if you picked a point on the scatter plot and it is surrounded by a majority of blue dots then it can be inferred from the data with a probability degree of certanity that that point is also classified as a blue species. This is in essence what KNN does. It will build a boundary
around a clustering of common points. See the image below:
Also, keep in mind that the example above is presented w/ a 2D dataset while ours is 4D, the theory holds.
Now let's test this out and see if we can make some predictions!
In [122]:
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
In [123]:
knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=1)
In [124]:
X =
Y =,Y)
So what we are saying above, is that we have a vector X
with corresponding output in vector Y
, now train the model w/ these inputs so that we will have a boundary map like the image above that will allow us to make arbitrary predictions.
So for example, say I have a flower w/ these measurements:
sepal length (cm): 3
sepal width (cm): 5
petal length (cm): 4
petal width (cm): 2
If I convert that into a vector and feed it though the model knn
it should make a prediction about species
In [125]:
test_input = [3,5,4,2]
In [126]:
species_id = knn.predict(test_input)
print iris.target_names[species_id]
So, we can say w/ a certain degree of certainty that this random sample test_input
is of type virginica
Now I keep using the language "with a certain degree of certainty", etc, in which I'm trying to convey that this an other machine learning/data mining models are only approximations and a degree of error exists. Let's measure the error of our KNN.
One way we can measure the accuracy of our model is to test it against the data we trained it with. Sci-kit has a convenient function to help us with that.
In [127]:
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
We're basically feeding in input for which we KNOW the correct output to measure the error in our model.
In order to do this we will use the train_test_split
function which will divide our dataset into 2 parts. The first part will be used to train the model and the second part will be used to test the model.
In [128]:
X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(X,Y, test_size=0.4, random_state=4)
actual = Y_test
Now train the model w/ the new data:
In [129]:
knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=1), Y_train)
expected = knn.predict(X_test) #predictions
Now what we could do is to feed in all all the test data in X_test
and compare the results to the known answers in Y_test
and then measure the error, which is the difference between the expected answer and the actual answer. Then we could compute some type of error function, such as mean-squared-error, etc.
But even more convenient, Sci-kit has a metrics library that will automate a lot of this:
In [130]:
import sklearn.metrics
score_1 = metrics.accuracy_score(actual, expected)
Our model has an accuracy of .94 where 1 is the max. I don't have anything relative to compare it to but it seems pretty accurate. There are lots of settings in the KNN model, such as the K value, that we can adjust to get a higher acceptance rate. If you noticed, the first time we instantiated KNeighborsClassifier
we chose a setting of n_neighbors=1
with no discussion. Lets iterate 1-26 and see if we can't lower the error rate:
In [131]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
scores = []
k_range = range(1,26)
for k in k_range:
knn=KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=k), Y_train)
actual = knn.predict(X_test)
scores.append(metrics.accuracy_score(Y_test, actual))
plt.xlabel('Value of K for KNN')
plt.ylabel('Testing Accuracy')
plt.plot(k_range, scores)
It looks like if we choose a K value of 20 our model should be the most accurate. Lets see if we adjust our K can we get a higher score than the last score score_1
of: 0.94999999999999996
In [132]:
knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=20), Y_train)
expected = knn.predict(X_test)
score_2 = metrics.accuracy_score(actual, expected)
In [133]:
It's only a 3.5% decrease in error, but considering it's so close to 1 we should be happy that our model is predicting flowers at a reasonable error rate.