This page is, for all intents and purposes, the course syllabus. The primary course interactions will be through 1) the Slack channel, and 2) JupyterHub, both of which I'll address here.
Informatics, or “data science,” are rapidly becoming essential skills for scientists across fields; in addition to field-specific specializations, researchers require knowledge of and experience with quantitative analytical techniques for extracting knowledge from raw data.
This course aims to provide an introduction to concepts in scientific programming and data science using the Python language. Students are given hands-on opportunities to learn techniques applicable to quantitative analyses across a broad range of fields. These core techniques involve formulating solutions in terms of their inputs and outputs (functional programming), repeated operations (loops), branching operations (conditionals), different methods of organizing data (data structures), how to implement an optimal problem-solving strategy (algorithm design), and methods for visualizing and interpreting results.
The only hard prerequisite is MATH 1113 Precalculus.
This course assumes no prior programming or statistics knowledge. It is meant to be an introduction to these concepts in the larger context of data science and scientific programming through the lens of the Python ecosystem. The course is targeted at undergraduate students across fields who, irrespective of their ultimate career goals, are interested in a foundational understanding of programming and quantitative data analytics.
As this course is online, there are few physical requirements in order to effectively participate.
If you are so inclined to purchase a reference textbook, I would highly recommend the following (conveniently ordered from [in my humble opinion] most informative to...whatever the opposite of "most informative" is):
Given the online nature of this course, the primary vector through which you'll submit assignments is JupyterHub. This is where you'll submit assignments for grading.
Furthermore, this is the format of the lectures. Yes! No videos! Yay! These "lectures" will be released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with assignments coming out every Tuesday and Thursday. More details below.
Yep, the part everyone pays attention to.
There will be 10 relatively brief programming assignments, each worth 7% of your total grade. These are intended to give you hands-on experience with the concepts being taught in the class and to familiarize you with the Python language and its ecosystem. There will be midterm and final exams, and a participation component. The latter takes the form of asking and/or answering questions in the Slack channel, leading study discussions in the Slack channel, or participating in Slack office hours.
This is the crux of everything. If you read one part of the syllabus, let it be this one.
This is the primary point of interaction for homework assignments and exams. Jupyter notebooks (like this one that you're reading!) will be posted here. For lectures, they'll be posted in the Slack channel. Here's the link:
It's only accessible from on-campus, or with a campus VPN. Check out this EITS webpage on remote access if you need assistance.
This is the primary point of interaction for asking for / offering help. I will answer questions when I can, and will make myself avaialble at specific "office hours" during the week when I am guaranteed to be sitting in front of the channel, but otherwise I encourage everyone to help each other out, too!
I will send out invites to the Slack channel using your UGA email address.
Here is a rough outline of the progression of topics we'll cover in CSCI 1360E (subject to change without notice):
Kinda boring, but absolutely necessary. Please be familiar with these points so you and I don't have to have unpleasant conversations.
The UGA Academic Honesty Policy is the final word on these matters. Lack of knowledge of these policies is not sufficient justification for violations. If in doubt, ask me.
Dr. Shannon Quinn: resident new professor, marathoner, and certified nerd (I have a degree to prove it).
Email: (include 1360E in the subject line so it hits my email filter!)
Office: Boyd GSRC, Room 638A.
Office Phone: 2-4661