Variational Autoencoder (VAE)

In this homework we will train an autoencoder to model images of faces. For this we take "Labeled Faces in the Wild" dataset (LFW) (, deep funneled version of it. (frontal view of all faces)

Prepare the data

In [856]:
import numpy as np
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
import as data_utils
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from torchvision import utils

%matplotlib inline

Collab setting

In [ ]:
# if you're running in colab,
# 1. go to Runtime -> Change Runtimy Type -> GPU
# 2. uncomment this:
#!wget -O

In [904]:
# The following line fetches you two datasets: images, usable for autoencoder training and attributes.
# Those attributes will be required for the final part of the assignment (applying smiles), so please keep them in mind
from lfw_dataset import fetch_lfw_dataset
data,attrs = fetch_lfw_dataset(dimx=36,dimy=36)

In [905]:
data = data/255
np.savez("real.npz", Pictures=data.reshape(data.shape[0], 36*36*3))

In [906]:
X_train = data[:10000].reshape((10000, -1))
X_val = data[10000:].reshape((-1, X_train.shape[1]))

image_h = data.shape[1]
image_w = data.shape[2]

(10000, 3888)
(3143, 3888)

For simplicity we want all values of the data to lie in the interval $[0,1]$:

In [907]:
X_train = np.float32(X_train)
X_val = np.float32(X_val)

In [6]:
def plot_gallery(images, h, w, n_row=3, n_col=6):
    """Helper function to plot a gallery of portraits"""
    plt.figure(figsize=(2.1 * n_col, 1.7 * n_row))
    plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0, left=.01, right=.99, top=.90, hspace=.35)
    for i in range(n_row * n_col):
        plt.subplot(n_row, n_col, i + 1)
        plt.imshow(images[i].reshape((h, w, 3)),, vmin=-1, vmax=1, interpolation='nearest')

In [7]:
plot_gallery(X_train, image_h, image_w)

In [908]:
# pseudo labels needed to define TensorDataset
train = data_utils.TensorDataset(torch.Tensor(X_train), torch.zeros(X_train.shape[0],))
train_loader = data_utils.DataLoader(train, batch_size=100, shuffle=True)

val = data_utils.TensorDataset(torch.Tensor(X_val), torch.zeros(X_val.shape[0],))
val_loader = data_utils.DataLoader(val, batch_size=1, shuffle=False)


Why to use all this complicated formulaes and regularizations, what is the need for variational inference? To analyze the difference, let's first train just an autoencoder on the data:

In [9]:
dimZ = 100 # Considering face reconstruction task, which size of representation seems reasonable?

# Define the decoder and encoder as networks with one hidden fc-layer
# (that means you will have 2 fc layers in each net)
# Use ReLU for hidden layers' activations
# GlorotUniform initialization for W
# Zero initialization for biases
# It's also convenient to put sigmoid activation on output layer to get nice normalized pics

def init_weights(m):
    if type(m) == nn.Linear:

class Autoencoder(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Autoencoder, self).__init__()
        self.encoder = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(3888, dimZ, bias=True),
        self.decoder = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(dimZ, 3888, bias=True),
    def forward(self, x):
        latent_code = self.encoder(x)
        reconstruction = self.decoder(latent_code)
        return reconstruction, latent_code

In [10]:
# Create MSE loss function
criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss()
# Create the model
autoencoder = Autoencoder().cuda()
# Use Adam optimizer
optimizer = optim.Adam(autoencoder.parameters())

model = {
    'net' : autoencoder,
    'criterion' : criterion,
    'optimizer' : optimizer

In [11]:
def train(model, train_loader, val_loader, num_epoch=32):
    for i, (putin, y) in enumerate(val_loader):
        if i == 2754:
    losses = []
    val_progress = []
    for epoch in range(num_epoch):
        # Train
        for (batch, labels) in train_loader:
            pred, _ = model['net'](batch.cuda())
            loss = model['criterion'](pred, batch.cuda())
        print("#%i, Train loss: %.7f"%(epoch+1,np.mean(losses)),flush=True)
        # Save progress of validation image
        with torch.no_grad():
            image, _ = model['net'](putin.cuda())
    return val_progress

In [12]:
image_progress = train(model, train_loader, val_loader, 50)

#1, Train loss: 0.0244149
#2, Train loss: 0.0198057
#3, Train loss: 0.0175927
#4, Train loss: 0.0162150
#5, Train loss: 0.0152202
#6, Train loss: 0.0144558
#7, Train loss: 0.0138175
#8, Train loss: 0.0133068
#9, Train loss: 0.0128950
#10, Train loss: 0.0125264
#11, Train loss: 0.0122171
#12, Train loss: 0.0119412
#13, Train loss: 0.0117012
#14, Train loss: 0.0114839
#15, Train loss: 0.0112828
#16, Train loss: 0.0110980
#17, Train loss: 0.0109293
#18, Train loss: 0.0107819
#19, Train loss: 0.0106385
#20, Train loss: 0.0105062
#21, Train loss: 0.0103957
#22, Train loss: 0.0102820
#23, Train loss: 0.0101729
#24, Train loss: 0.0100706
#25, Train loss: 0.0099755
#26, Train loss: 0.0098863
#27, Train loss: 0.0098002
#28, Train loss: 0.0097178
#29, Train loss: 0.0096448
#30, Train loss: 0.0095695
#31, Train loss: 0.0094974
#32, Train loss: 0.0094283
#33, Train loss: 0.0093630
#34, Train loss: 0.0093026
#35, Train loss: 0.0092434
#36, Train loss: 0.0091845
#37, Train loss: 0.0091273
#38, Train loss: 0.0090741
#39, Train loss: 0.0090229
#40, Train loss: 0.0089751
#41, Train loss: 0.0089263
#42, Train loss: 0.0088805
#43, Train loss: 0.0088370
#44, Train loss: 0.0087936
#45, Train loss: 0.0087516
#46, Train loss: 0.0087111
#47, Train loss: 0.0086716
#48, Train loss: 0.0086328
#49, Train loss: 0.0085971
#50, Train loss: 0.0085618

In [13]:
# Examine the reconstructions
for j, data in enumerate(val_loader, 0):
    inp = Variable(data[0].cuda())
    pred, _ = autoencoder(inp)
    plot_gallery([data[0].numpy(),], image_h, image_w, n_row=1, n_col=2)
    if (j >= 9):

Reconstruction is not bad, right?


In [14]:
for i, (putin, y) in enumerate(val_loader):
    if i == 2754:
plt.imshow(putin.numpy().reshape((image_w, image_w, 3)))

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7fbe7c779160>

In [15]:
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 12))
plt.suptitle('Twin farm', size=18)
for i in range(len(image_progress[:20])):
    plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=.0, left=.1, right=.9, top=.10, hspace=.15)
    plt.subplot(6, 5, 5*(i//5) + i % 5 + 1)
    plt.imshow(image_progress[i].clamp(0,1).data.cpu().numpy().reshape(image_w, image_h, 3))
    plt.title('Epoch = {}'.format(i * 5 + 1))

Let's now sample several latent vectors and perform inference from $z$, reconstruct an image given some random $z$ representations.

In [16]:
z = (np.random.randn(25, dimZ)*0.5).astype('float32')
output = autoencoder.decoder(Variable(torch.from_numpy(z)).cuda()).clamp(0, 1)
plot_gallery(, image_h, image_w, n_row=5, n_col=5)

So, if we sample $z$ from normal, whould we eventually generate all possible faces? What do you think?

Variational Autoencoder

Bayesian approach in deep learning considers everything in terms of distributions. Now our encoder generates not just a vector $z$ but posterior ditribution $q(z|x)$. In our case distribution $q$ is Gaussian distibution $N(\mu, \sigma)$ with parameters $\mu$, $\sigma$. Technically, the first difference is that you need to split bottleneck layer in two. One dense layer will generate vector $\mu$, and another will generate vector $\sigma$. Reparametrization trick should be implemented using the gaussian_sampler layer, that generates random vetor $\epsilon$ and returns $\mu+\sigma\epsilon \sim N(\mu, \sigma)$ .

Since our decoder is also a function that generates distribution, we need to do the same splitting for output layer. When testing the model we will look only on mean values, so one of the output will be actual autoencoder output.

In this homework we only ask for implementation of the simplest version of VAE - one $z$ sample per input. You can consider to sample several outputs from one input and average them.

In [706]:
class VAE_lin(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, code_size):
        super(VAE_lin, self).__init__()
        self.enc = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(3*36*36, 36*36),
            nn.Linear(36*36, 36*3),
        self.enc_fc1 = nn.Linear(36*3, code_size) 
        self.enc_fc2 = nn.Linear(36*3, code_size)
        self.dec = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(code_size, 36*3),
            nn.Linear(36*3, 36*36),
        self.dec_fc1 = nn.Linear(36*36, 3*36*36)
        self.dec_fc2 = nn.Linear(36*36, 3*36*36)
    def gaussian_sampler(self, mu, logsigma):
            std = logsigma.exp_()
            eps = Variable(
            return eps.mul(std).add_(mu)
            return mu
    def eval(self): = False
    def train(self): = True
    def forward(self, x):
        enc_out = self.enc(x)
        latent_mu = self.enc_fc1(enc_out)
        latent_logsigma = self.enc_fc2(enc_out)
        code = self.gaussian_sampler(latent_mu, latent_logsigma)
        dec_out = self.dec(code)
        reconstruction_mu = self.dec_fc1(dec_out).sigmoid()
        reconstruction_logsigma = self.dec_fc2(dec_out)
        return reconstruction_mu, reconstruction_logsigma, latent_mu, latent_logsigma

And the last, but not least! Place in the code where the most of the formulaes goes to - optimization objective. The objective for VAE has it's own name - variational lowerbound. And as for any lowerbound our intention is to maximize it. Here it is (for one sample $z$ per input $x$):

$$\mathcal{L} = -D_{KL}(q_{\phi}(z|x)||p_{\theta}(z)) + \log p_{\theta}(x|z)$$

Your next task is to implement two functions that compute KL-divergence and the second term - log-likelihood of an output. Here is some necessary math for your convenience:

$$D_{KL} = -\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^{dimZ}(1+log(\sigma_i^2)-\mu_i^2-\sigma_i^2)$$$$\log p_{\theta}(x|z) = \sum_{i=1}^{dimX}\log p_{\theta}(x_i|z)=\sum_{i=1}^{dimX} \log \Big( \frac{1}{\sigma_i\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-\frac{(\mu_I-x)^2}{2\sigma_i^2}} \Big)=...$$

Don't forget in the code that you are using $\log\sigma$ as variable. Explain, why not $\sigma$?

For better numerical stability

In [837]:
def KL_divergence(mu, logsigma):
    return - (1.0 + 2.0*logsigma - mu.pow(2.0) - torch.exp(2.0 * logsigma)).sum() / 2.0

# It turned out, that the model cannot be optimized due to large values of log_likelihood, so
# scale down it manually
def log_likelihood(x, mu, logsigma): 
    exp = -1.0 * (mu - x).pow(2.0) / (2.0 * (torch.exp(logsigma).pow(2)))
    return torch.sum(exp - torch.log(np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * logsigma.exp())) * 0.00001

def loss_vae(x, mu_gen, logsigma_gen, mu_z, logsigma_z):
    arg1 = KL_divergence(mu_z, logsigma_z)
    arg2 = log_likelihood(x, mu_gen, logsigma_gen)
    return arg1, arg2, arg1 - arg2

And train the model:

In [816]:
# Create the model
autoencoder = VAE_lin(code_size=dimZ).cuda()
# Use Adammax optimizer
optimizer = optim.Adamax(autoencoder.parameters(), lr=0.001)

model = {
    'net' : autoencoder,
    'criterion' : loss_vae,
    'optimizer' : optimizer

In [815]:
def train(model, train_loader, val_loader, num_epoch=40):
    train_loss = np.empty(0)
    val_loss = np.empty(0)
    kbl, ll = 0,0
    for epoch in range(num_epoch):
        # Train loss
        for (batch, labels) in train_loader:
            mu_gen, logsigma_gen, mu_z, logsigma_z = model['net'](batch.cuda())
            #print(mu_gen.shape, logsigma_gen.shape, mu_z.shape, logsigma_z.shape)
            kbl, ll, loss = model['criterion'](batch.cuda(), mu_gen, logsigma_gen, mu_z, logsigma_z)
            train_loss = np.append(train_loss, loss.detach().cpu().numpy())
        print("#%i, Train loss: %.7f"%(epoch+1,np.mean(train_loss)),flush=True)
        print("kbl %.7f, ll %.7f" % (kbl, ll))
        # Validation loss
        if (epoch % 10):
        with torch.no_grad():
            for (batch, labels) in val_loader:
                mu_gen, logsigma_gen, mu_z, logsigma_z = model['net'](batch.cuda())
                kbl, ll, loss = model['criterion'](batch.cuda(), mu_gen, logsigma_gen, mu_z, logsigma_z)
                val_loss = np.append(val_loss, loss.detach().cpu().numpy())
            print("#%i, Validation loss: %.7f"%(epoch+1,np.mean(val_loss)),flush=True)
    return train_loss, val_loss

150 epochs are enough, if you try to go with 300 you will end up with dead neurons

In [817]:
EPOCHS = 150
train_loss_history, val_loss_history = train(model, train_loader, val_loader, EPOCHS)

#1, Train loss: 4253.6587355
kbl 16.8866577, ll 1.6130486
#1, Validation loss: 555.0698959
#2, Train loss: 2129.2090674
kbl 2.0699368, ll 1.8414496
#3, Train loss: 1419.4365717
kbl 1.6786799, ll 2.1559176
#4, Train loss: 1064.3311290
kbl 0.7835335, ll 2.3371234
#5, Train loss: 851.2221963
kbl 0.7321699, ll 2.2704349
#6, Train loss: 709.1369090
kbl 1.1551402, ll 2.4542580
#7, Train loss: 607.6499133
kbl 0.6096988, ll 2.2200878
#8, Train loss: 531.5330242
kbl 0.9181287, ll 2.4052441
#9, Train loss: 472.3104401
kbl 1.2064803, ll 2.2892203
#10, Train loss: 424.9293045
kbl 0.7967721, ll 2.2636747
#11, Train loss: 386.1806039
kbl 0.6211965, ll 2.3258181
#11, Validation loss: 734.1020859
#12, Train loss: 353.8790126
kbl 0.9196316, ll 2.2752688
#13, Train loss: 326.5867740
kbl 0.8871247, ll 1.9612212
#14, Train loss: 303.1482969
kbl 0.5089020, ll 2.2266209
#15, Train loss: 282.8649862
kbl 0.6149642, ll 2.4324880
#16, Train loss: 265.0959039
kbl 0.8767105, ll 2.3507996
#17, Train loss: 249.4010587
kbl 0.9328506, ll 2.0910561
#18, Train loss: 235.4566767
kbl 0.5776473, ll 2.3047421
#19, Train loss: 223.0151439
kbl 0.5251013, ll 2.4385359
#20, Train loss: 211.7749193
kbl 0.7485466, ll 2.6055624
#21, Train loss: 201.6164234
kbl 2.0556369, ll 2.5134697
#21, Validation loss: 801.4177279
#22, Train loss: 192.3986277
kbl 0.6372620, ll 2.4878039
#23, Train loss: 183.9591251
kbl 0.5597315, ll 2.3768182
#24, Train loss: 176.2109813
kbl 0.7081019, ll 2.4637158
#25, Train loss: 169.0854535
kbl 0.8494424, ll 2.3116124
#26, Train loss: 162.5309967
kbl 8.0831108, ll 1.5870421
#27, Train loss: 156.4629740
kbl 0.4581374, ll 2.5892806
#28, Train loss: 150.7962700
kbl 0.5081825, ll 2.8817103
#29, Train loss: 145.5284809
kbl 0.4486799, ll 2.5310059
#30, Train loss: 140.6184125
kbl 0.4851084, ll 2.7692056
#31, Train loss: 136.0211988
kbl 0.5978104, ll 2.6016219
#31, Validation loss: 836.3517506
#32, Train loss: 131.7257578
kbl 0.9357815, ll 2.2350047
#33, Train loss: 127.6718954
kbl 1.4461408, ll 1.3587751
#34, Train loss: 123.8722389
kbl 0.4418024, ll 2.8758280
#35, Train loss: 120.2886020
kbl 0.5953754, ll 2.6165133
#36, Train loss: 116.8835572
kbl 0.6882530, ll 2.6392119
#37, Train loss: 113.6830150
kbl 0.5969409, ll 2.6461780
#38, Train loss: 110.6389981
kbl 3.9257455, ll -0.2242472
#39, Train loss: 107.7681190
kbl 0.6275526, ll 2.5588527
#40, Train loss: 105.0197606
kbl 0.3450784, ll 3.0055559
#41, Train loss: 102.4087981
kbl 3.8976214, ll 1.2574663
#41, Validation loss: 853.9388833
#42, Train loss: 99.9247226
kbl 0.3261728, ll 2.7094722
#43, Train loss: 97.5431996
kbl 0.2722993, ll 3.1092799
#44, Train loss: 95.2782476
kbl 0.3571891, ll 2.9292569
#45, Train loss: 93.1344910
kbl 0.2773276, ll 3.0783880
#46, Train loss: 91.0562981
kbl 0.3462226, ll 3.0394130
#47, Train loss: 89.0707495
kbl 0.3720194, ll 2.8535850
#48, Train loss: 87.1716298
kbl 0.5294662, ll 2.8948917
#49, Train loss: 85.3401266
kbl 0.4120308, ll 2.9119227
#50, Train loss: 83.6187849
kbl 0.3423694, ll 3.0521972
#51, Train loss: 81.9299349
kbl 0.3333052, ll 2.8860533
#51, Validation loss: 865.5275062
#52, Train loss: 80.3074384
kbl 0.3280450, ll 2.8475256
#53, Train loss: 78.7505484
kbl 0.3933348, ll 3.0939255
#54, Train loss: 77.2509851
kbl 0.5059816, ll 2.8373640
#55, Train loss: 75.8103201
kbl 0.3627926, ll 2.9401612
#56, Train loss: 74.4253154
kbl 0.7927028, ll 2.0976365
#57, Train loss: 73.0814216
kbl 0.5885626, ll 2.5887656
#58, Train loss: 71.7870092
kbl 0.4003191, ll 3.0056300
#59, Train loss: 70.5389618
kbl 1.1569507, ll 2.1003711
#60, Train loss: 69.3238734
kbl 0.4327832, ll 2.8887403
#61, Train loss: 68.1641726
kbl 0.3750341, ll 3.0310228
#61, Validation loss: 865.0455713
#62, Train loss: 67.0297092
kbl 0.5185874, ll 2.7997403
#63, Train loss: 65.9297323
kbl 0.7216705, ll 2.6767771
#64, Train loss: 64.8704377
kbl 0.3905722, ll 3.1251018
#65, Train loss: 63.8303658
kbl 0.5422621, ll 3.2697790
#66, Train loss: 62.8387084
kbl 2.7397900, ll 1.4535635
#67, Train loss: 61.8717783
kbl 0.3814813, ll 2.9304600
#68, Train loss: 60.9235789
kbl 0.3154405, ll 2.9916143
#69, Train loss: 60.0077116
kbl 1.0076048, ll 2.7862918
#70, Train loss: 59.1156458
kbl 0.3143687, ll 3.2900143
#71, Train loss: 58.2550117
kbl 1.6110932, ll 2.0128219
#71, Validation loss: 865.0847894
#72, Train loss: 57.4172344
kbl 0.6188878, ll 2.7359896
#73, Train loss: 56.5948098
kbl 0.4456573, ll 3.2152581
#74, Train loss: 55.8065604
kbl 0.6312997, ll 2.9294999
#75, Train loss: 55.0293901
kbl 1.5558704, ll 2.3602812
#76, Train loss: 54.2774190
kbl 0.6773837, ll 2.8398540
#77, Train loss: 53.5431311
kbl 0.4849063, ll 2.9789703
#78, Train loss: 52.8280025
kbl 0.3119408, ll 2.9738491
#79, Train loss: 52.1280070
kbl 0.4870239, ll 2.9882081
#80, Train loss: 51.4501619
kbl 0.4101334, ll 3.2466936
#81, Train loss: 50.7847338
kbl 0.9243857, ll 3.1139934
#81, Validation loss: 861.7675729
#82, Train loss: 50.1316763
kbl 0.2883949, ll 3.4425826
#83, Train loss: 49.4974414
kbl 0.5639373, ll 3.0241144
#84, Train loss: 48.8789225
kbl 0.4243152, ll 3.1181631
#85, Train loss: 48.2706318
kbl 0.4035369, ll 3.1613762
#86, Train loss: 47.6805863
kbl 0.7125894, ll 2.8615837
#87, Train loss: 47.1061875
kbl 0.2938005, ll 3.4948094
#88, Train loss: 46.5391939
kbl 0.4821132, ll 3.1449027
#89, Train loss: 45.9826879
kbl 0.3424622, ll 3.3492017
#90, Train loss: 45.4446463
kbl 0.5163587, ll 3.3780947
#91, Train loss: 44.9130240
kbl 0.3065507, ll 3.5715790
#91, Validation loss: 859.0505139
#92, Train loss: 44.3943253
kbl 0.9684229, ll 2.0021799
#93, Train loss: 43.8852029
kbl 0.3227818, ll 3.4483619
#94, Train loss: 43.3881605
kbl 0.4853731, ll 3.2771199
#95, Train loss: 42.9009126
kbl 0.3310770, ll 3.5194519
#96, Train loss: 42.4218326
kbl 0.3438559, ll 3.2283199
#97, Train loss: 41.9535190
kbl 0.2775222, ll 3.6588018
#98, Train loss: 41.4944128
kbl 0.2769704, ll 3.7115831
#99, Train loss: 41.0440843
kbl 0.3234077, ll 3.3717587
#100, Train loss: 40.6024569
kbl 0.2594718, ll 3.5405576
#101, Train loss: 40.1708942
kbl 0.2646521, ll 3.6117954
#101, Validation loss: 855.6636112
#102, Train loss: 39.7450381
kbl 0.2707282, ll 3.6102092
#103, Train loss: 39.3272272
kbl 0.2607533, ll 3.6664436
#104, Train loss: 38.9190331
kbl 0.3266560, ll 3.1299412
#105, Train loss: 38.5175168
kbl 0.2600073, ll 3.3713946
#106, Train loss: 38.1227884
kbl 0.2500815, ll 3.5463340
#107, Train loss: 37.7362732
kbl 0.2470522, ll 3.9035788
#108, Train loss: 37.3563845
kbl 0.2728171, ll 3.4057074
#109, Train loss: 36.9828830
kbl 0.2440613, ll 3.2147737
#110, Train loss: 36.6162600
kbl 0.2554247, ll 3.3911610
#111, Train loss: 36.2569611
kbl 0.3678559, ll 3.4174058
#111, Validation loss: 854.5829731
#112, Train loss: 35.9026881
kbl 0.2242747, ll 3.6394980
#113, Train loss: 35.5557724
kbl 0.1880258, ll 3.8183537
#114, Train loss: 35.2137294
kbl 0.2284833, ll 3.6880774
#115, Train loss: 34.8777609
kbl 0.1965770, ll 3.6787844
#116, Train loss: 34.5472279
kbl 0.2738689, ll 3.8278913
#117, Train loss: 34.2225027
kbl 0.2033116, ll 3.5381525
#118, Train loss: 33.9030326
kbl 0.2125860, ll 3.5954030
#119, Train loss: 33.5896996
kbl 0.2325662, ll 3.7566171
#120, Train loss: 33.2805189
kbl 0.2031226, ll 3.7342374
#121, Train loss: 32.9772292
kbl 0.2075764, ll 3.7657168
#121, Validation loss: 853.2490536
#122, Train loss: 32.6774152
kbl 0.1764746, ll 3.8946481
#123, Train loss: 32.3835189
kbl 0.1709731, ll 3.9722462
#124, Train loss: 32.0932721
kbl 0.1641833, ll 4.0757351
#125, Train loss: 31.8096417
kbl 0.2684649, ll 3.5275905
#126, Train loss: 31.5285141
kbl 0.1760823, ll 3.9083641
#127, Train loss: 31.2523076
kbl 0.2235958, ll 3.7015023
#128, Train loss: 30.9805006
kbl 0.1887647, ll 3.6636312
#129, Train loss: 30.7130274
kbl 0.2820771, ll 3.5154662
#130, Train loss: 30.4487609
kbl 0.1881313, ll 3.7907093
#131, Train loss: 30.1893523
kbl 0.1468575, ll 3.8657706
#131, Validation loss: 854.5567107
#132, Train loss: 29.9339344
kbl 0.2087149, ll 3.6137223
#133, Train loss: 29.6814577
kbl 0.1690293, ll 3.5330000
#134, Train loss: 29.4328930
kbl 0.1716637, ll 3.8722610
#135, Train loss: 29.1881340
kbl 0.1818511, ll 3.7017944
#136, Train loss: 28.9468833
kbl 0.1625969, ll 3.7825284
#137, Train loss: 28.7094137
kbl 0.1779673, ll 3.7242358
#138, Train loss: 28.4751025
kbl 0.1813780, ll 3.5850403
#139, Train loss: 28.2439521
kbl 0.1479211, ll 3.7227156
#140, Train loss: 28.0162809
kbl 0.1394418, ll 3.9862731
#141, Train loss: 27.7917432
kbl 0.1815769, ll 3.0636497
#141, Validation loss: 855.8519818
#142, Train loss: 27.5701514
kbl 0.1414392, ll 3.8693614
#143, Train loss: 27.3518221
kbl 0.1517695, ll 3.7878978
#144, Train loss: 27.1362675
kbl 0.1327721, ll 3.9203227
#145, Train loss: 26.9235081
kbl 0.1221961, ll 4.0289660
#146, Train loss: 26.7137516
kbl 0.1352340, ll 3.6095271
#147, Train loss: 26.5068250
kbl 0.1264606, ll 3.8305635
#148, Train loss: 26.3029371
kbl 0.1492028, ll 3.6302981
#149, Train loss: 26.1015165
kbl 0.1412564, ll 3.9268739
#150, Train loss: 25.9023550
kbl 0.1363248, ll 3.6529694

In [822]:
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 7))
plt.title("Training loss", size=16)
plt.xlabel("Iteration", size=16)
plt.ylabel("Loss", size=16)
plt.plot(train_loss_history[100::], 'b', label="training loss")

In [823]:
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 7))
plt.title("Validation loss", size=16)
plt.xlabel("Epoch", size=16)
plt.ylabel("Loss", size=16)
plt.plot(val_loss_history[::int(len(val_loss_history)/EPOCHS)], 'g', label="validation loss")

In [851]:
vae = model['net']
# Examine the reconstructions
#val_loader = data_utils.DataLoader(val, batch_size=1, shuffle=True)
for j, data in enumerate(val_loader, 0):
    input = Variable(data[0].cuda())
    reconstruction_mu, _, _, _ = vae(input)
    plot_gallery([data[0].numpy(),], image_h, image_w, n_row=1, n_col=2)
    if (j >= 9):

And finally sample from VAE.

In [927]:
import tqdm

random_imgs = []
reconstructed_imgs = []

with torch.no_grad():
    for i in tqdm.trange(len(data)):
        # 1) Sample z ~ N(0,1)
        random_code = torch.normal(mean=torch.zeros((1, dimZ)),\
                                   std=torch.ones((1, dimZ))).cuda()
        mu_gen = vae.dec_fc1(vae.dec(random_code)).sigmoid()
        logsigma_gen =  vae.dec_fc2(vae.dec(random_code))

        # 2) Sample from N(decoder_mu(z), decoder_sigma(z))
        img = torch.normal(mu_gen, torch.exp(logsigma_gen))
        reconstructed, _, _, _ = vae(img)

        random_imgs.append(mu_gen.view(36, 36, 3).permute(2,0,1))
        reconstructed_imgs.append(reconstructed.view(36, 36, 3).permute(2,0,1))

100%|██████████| 13143/13143 [00:11<00:00, 1179.95it/s]

In [940]:
batch = np.random.randint(low=0, high=(len(data) - 1), size=32)

plt.title("z ~ N(0,1)")
plt.imshow(utils.make_grid([random_imgs[i] for i in batch]).permute(1,2,0).cpu().numpy())

plt.title("z ~ N(decoder_mu(z), decoder_sigma(z))")
plt.imshow(utils.make_grid([reconstructed_imgs[i] for i in batch]).permute(1,2,0).cpu().numpy())

Even if in practice you do not see the much difference between AE and VAE, or VAE is even worse, the little bayesian inside you should be jumping for joy right now.

In VAE you can truly sample from image distribution $p(x)$, while in AE there is no easy and correct way to do it.

If you are going to do part 4 (presicion-recall score):

In [943]:
# using your model, generate face set with len = len(data)
answ = [i.permute(1,2,0).view(3*36*36) for i in reconstructed_imgs]

Save it ot npz

In [944]:
np.savez("vae.npz", Pictures=answ)

Congrats! and Bonus

If you managed to tune your autoencoders to converge and learn something about the world, now it's time to make fun out of it. As you may have noticed, there are face attributes in dataset. We're interesting in "Smiling" column, but feel free to try others as well! Here is the first task:

1) Extract the "Smilling" attribute and create a two sets of images: 10 smiling faces and 10 non-smiling ones.

2) Compute latent representations for each image in "smiling" set and average those latent vectors. Do the same for "non-smiling" set. You have found "vector representation" of the "smile" and "no smile" attribute.

3) Compute the difference: "smile" vector minus "non-smile" vector.

3) Now check if "feature arithmetics" works. Sample a face without smile, encode it and add the diff from p. 3. Check if it works with both AE and VAE.