Date: 2016-08-26
The purpose of this notebook is to develop code for exploratory analysis of the LFPs. The goals are to:
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import os
import sys
import collections
import scipy.fftpack
import scipy.signal
import scipy.ndimage
import numpy as np
import nitime.algorithms as tsa
import nitime.utils as utils
import nitime.viz
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as clr
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import tqdm
import data_filter as df
In [2]:
Animal = collections.namedtuple('Animal', {'directory', 'short_name'})
num_days = 8
days = range(1, num_days + 1)
animals = {'HPa': Animal(directory='HPa_direct', short_name='HPa')}
epoch_info = df.make_epochs_dataframe(animals, days)
Get the epoch dataframe corresponding to day 8, w-track
In [3]:
.loc[(['HPa'], [8]), :]
.loc[epoch_info.environment == 'wtr1'])
Next check if we can export the row index information as a tuple so we can use it as a dictionary key to access the tetrode information.
In [4]:
.loc[(['HPa'], [8]), :]
.loc[epoch_info.environment == 'wtr1'])
Now get the information about the tetrodes. Notice that this structure is a dictionary with keys corresponding to (animal, day, epoch_index) tuples. These keys can access the corresponding dataframes with the tetrode information.
In [5]:
tetrode_info = df.make_tetrode_dataframe(animals)
Get the tetrode dataframes corresponding to the epoch we want and concatenate them to make a dataframe. In this case, there's only one key so the concatenation step doesn't do anything.
In [6]:
epoch_keys = df.get_dataframe_index(epoch_info
.loc[(['HPa'], [8]), :]
.loc[epoch_info.environment == 'wtr1'])
cur_tetrode_info = pd.concat([tetrode_info[key] for key in epoch_keys])
Now we have the tetrode information, we can extract keys that correspond to each tetrode. These can be used to access the tetrode LFP data.
In [7]:
tetrode_index = df.get_dataframe_index(cur_tetrode_info)
In [8]:
def tetrode_title(tetrode_index_tuple, cur_tetrode_info):
return '{brain_area} Tetrode #{tetrode_number}'.format(tetrode_number=tetrode_index_tuple[-1],
lfp_data = df.get_LFP_data(tetrode_index, animals)
lfp_data[0].plot(title=tetrode_title(tetrode_index[0], cur_tetrode_info), figsize=(12,3))
Now plot all the tetrodes
In [9]:
num_rows = int(np.ceil(len(tetrode_index) / 7))
fig, axis_handles = plt.subplots(num_rows, 7, figsize=(21, 9), sharex=True, sharey=True)
for tetrode_ind, axis_handle in enumerate(axis_handles.flatten()):
title=tetrode_title(tetrode_index[tetrode_ind], cur_tetrode_info),
except IndexError:
plt.suptitle('LFP Time Series: HPa, Day #8, Epoch #2', fontsize=24)
In [10]:
def plot_spectrum_by_hand(data_frame, sampling_frequency, axis_handle):
data = data_frame['electric_potential'] - data_frame['electric_potential'].mean()
number_samples = data.size
number_fft_bins = np.floor(number_samples / 2) + 1
nyquist = 0.5 * sampling_frequency
dft = scipy.fftpack.fft(data)
frequencies = np.linspace(0.0, nyquist, number_fft_bins)
power = np.abs(dft[0:number_fft_bins])**2 / (number_fft_bins * sampling_frequency)
axis_handle.plot(frequencies, power)
plt.xlim((0, 200))
plt.xticks([0, 6, 12, 20, 50, 90, 150, 200])
fig, axis_handle = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 9))
sampling_frequency = 1500
plot_spectrum_by_hand(lfp_data[0], sampling_frequency, axis_handle)
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.ylabel('Power (dB)')
Compare to scipy.signal package periodogram
In [11]:
def plot_spectrum_scipy(data_frame, sampling_frequency, axis_handle):
frequencies, power_spectral_density = scipy.signal.periodogram(data_frame['electric_potential'],
axis_handle.plot(frequencies, power_spectral_density)
plt.xlim([0, 200])
plt.xticks([0, 6, 12, 20, 50, 90, 150, 200])
fig, axis_handle = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 9))
sampling_frequency = 1500
plot_spectrum_scipy(lfp_data[0], sampling_frequency, axis_handle)
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
Compare to the nitime package periodogram
In [12]:
def plot_spectrum_nitime(data_frame, sampling_frequency, axis_handle):
frequencies, power_spectral_density = tsa.periodogram(data_frame['electric_potential'] - data_frame['electric_potential'].mean(),
axis_handle.plot(frequencies, power_spectral_density)
fig, axis_handle = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 9))
sampling_frequency = 1500
plot_spectrum_nitime(lfp_data[0], sampling_frequency, axis_handle)
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.xlim([0, 200])
plt.xticks([0, 6, 12, 20, 50, 90, 150, 200])
Now plot all the periodgrams.
In [13]:
num_rows = int(np.ceil(len(tetrode_index) / 7))
fig, axis_handles = plt.subplots(num_rows, 7, figsize=(21, 9), sharex=True, sharey=True)
for tetrode_ind, axis_handle in enumerate(axis_handles.flatten()):
plot_spectrum_nitime(lfp_data[tetrode_ind], sampling_frequency, axis_handle)
axis_handle.set_title(tetrode_title(tetrode_index[tetrode_ind], cur_tetrode_info))
except IndexError:
plt.suptitle('LFP Periodograms: HPa, Day #8, Epoch #2', fontsize=24)
Let's try to get a better estimate with the multitaper spectrum. Using tapers gives better control over the amount of smoothing in the frequency domain, reducing the bias of the estimate of the signal. The tapers can be designed to tradeoff between the narrow-band bias (the frequency resolution) and the broad-band bias (the spectral leakage from the sidelobes of the smoothing kernel). Using multiple orthogonal tapers that overlap in time-frequency subdomains and averaging over the tapers reduces the variance.
Multitaper spectrum analysis requires three parameters to be set (the frequency resolution, the time window, and the number of tapers). Smaller frequency resolutions are needed to resolve lower frequency rhythms. Smaller time windows are needed for quickly changing non-stationary processes. More tapers are needed to give better control over frequency domain smoothing and reduce the variance of the estimate.
For hippocampal data, the important rhythms are the theta (6-12 Hz), the low gamma (20-50 Hz), the high gamma (50-90 Hz), and the sharp wave ripple band (150-250 Hz).
For prefrontal cortex, the important rhythms are alpha (8-12 Hz), beta (15-30 Hz), and gamma (30-60 Hz).
For the alpha/theta bands we need a good frequency resolution like 2 Hz. This implies a half-bandwidth ($W$) of 1 Hz. The time-half-bandwidth product ($T * W$) has to be greater than 1 ($T*W \ge 1$) where $T$ is the length of time of the signal, so $T = 1$ second. The optimal number of tapers is $2 * T * W - 1$, so we need one taper.
For the beta/gamma bands, we can reduce the frequency resolution to 5 or 10 Hz. For the sharp wave ripple band, we could decrease this to 25 or 50 Hz.
The following table lists the different tradeoffs for frequency resolution, window time length and number of tapers:
Frequency Resolution (Hz) | Window Time Length (sec) | Number of Tapers |
2 | 1.000 | 1 |
5 | 0.500 | 1 |
10 | 0.200 | 1 |
25 | 0.080 | 1 |
50 | 0.040 | 1 |
2 | 3.000 | 5 |
5 | 1.200 | 5 |
10 | 0.600 | 5 |
25 | 0.240 | 5 |
50 | 0.120 | 5 |
It would probably be best to run the multitaper analysis with a couple of different sets of parameters in order to capture the different aspects of the signal. For the alpha/theta, use 2 Hz frequency resolution, 1.000 second window, 1 taper. For beta/gamma/sharp wave ripple, use 10 Hz frequency resolution, 0.600 second window, 5 tapers. For just the timing of the sharp wave ripple, 50 Hz frequency resolution, 0.040 second window, 1 taper.
The following is just some prototype code for computing the multitaper power spectral density over successive windows. The plot corresponds to the power spectral density for each window.
Some notes on the code:
The time domain signal is centered at zero for each window.
The sliding windows share only the last time point (due to how the Pandas package dataframe selection includes both the start and end points given. This may have to change in the future. Alternatively, could put in a paramter that allows for more sliding window overlap.
Lastly, the last time window is excluded because there aren't enough data points. If more window overlap was allowed, this would increase use of the data. Not sure if there's a better solution.
In [14]:
time_window_start = lfp_data[0].index[0]
time_window_duration = 1.00
while time_window_start + time_window_duration < lfp_data[0].index[-1]:
windowed_data_frame = lfp_data[0].loc[time_window_start:(time_window_start + time_window_duration), :]
frequencies, power_spectral_density, _ = tsa.multi_taper_psd(windowed_data_frame['electric_potential'] - windowed_data_frame['electric_potential'].mean(),
plt.plot(frequencies, power_spectral_density)
plt.xlim([0, 20])
plt.xticks([0, 6, 12, 20])
plt.ylabel('Power Spectral Density (dB)')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
time_window_start += time_window_duration
except ValueError:
Now take the prototype code, turn it into a generator function that returns a power spectral density dataframe for each time window. The dataframe consists of the index (time, frequency), where time corresponds to the mid-point time of the window. The frequencies are the frequencies returned from the nitime multi-taper psd function. The dataframe has one column corresponding to power, which is the power spectral density calculated the nitime package.
The dataframe generator can be looped through and concatenated to get the spectrogram dataframe.
In [15]:
def make_timefrequency_dataframe(lfp_data_frame, time_window_duration, time_window_step, frequency_resolution, sampling_frequency):
''' Generator function that returns a power spectral density data frame for each time window
time_window_start = 0
number_points_time_window = int(np.fix(time_window_duration * sampling_frequency))
number_points_time_step = int(np.fix(time_window_step * sampling_frequency))
while time_window_start + number_points_time_window < len(lfp_data_frame):
time_window_end = time_window_start + number_points_time_window
windowed_data_frame = lfp_data_frame.iloc[time_window_start:time_window_end, :]
frequencies, power_spectral_density, _ = tsa.multi_taper_psd(windowed_data_frame['electric_potential'] - windowed_data_frame['electric_potential'].mean(),
yield (pd.DataFrame({
'power': power_spectral_density,
'frequency': np.round(frequencies, decimals=3)
.assign(time=lambda x: np.round(lfp_data_frame.index.values[time_window_start] + (time_window_duration / 2), decimals=4))
time_window_start += number_points_time_step
except ValueError:
# Not enough data points
def get_spectrogram_dataframe(lfp_data_frame, sampling_frequency=1000, frequency_resolution=2, time_window_duration=1, time_window_step=0):
''' Returns a pandas dataframe with the information for a spectrogram. Sampling frequency and frequency
resolution inputs are given in Hertz. Time window duration and steps are given in seconds.
if time_window_step == 0:
time_window_step = time_window_duration
return pd.concat((time_window
for time_window in make_timefrequency_dataframe(lfp_data_frame,
In [16]:
frequency_resolution = 2
time_window_duration = 1
sampling_frequency = 1500
time_window_step = time_window_duration / 2
spectrogram = get_spectrogram_dataframe(lfp_data[0],
If we pivot the spectrogram dataframe, we get a two-dimensional array with frequency on the y-axis and time on the x-axis
In [17]:
spectrogram.pivot('frequency', 'time', 'power')
In [18]:
def _get_time_freq_from_spectrogram(spectrogram_dataframe):
return (np.unique(spectrogram_dataframe['time']), np.unique(spectrogram_dataframe['frequency']))
def plot_spectrogram(spectrogram_dataframe, axis_handle):
time, freq = _get_time_freq_from_spectrogram(spectrogram_dataframe)
mesh = axis_handle.pcolormesh(time, freq, spectrogram_dataframe.pivot('frequency', 'time', 'power'),
axis_handle.set_ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
axis_handle.set_xlabel('Time (seconds)')
axis_handle.set_xlim([time.min(), time.max()])
axis_handle.set_ylim([freq.min(), freq.max()])
return mesh
fig, axis_handles = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(15, 12), gridspec_kw={'height_ratios':[1, 3]})
lfp_data[0].plot(title=tetrode_title(tetrode_index[0], cur_tetrode_info), ax=axis_handles[0])
mesh = plot_spectrogram(spectrogram.loc[(spectrogram.frequency <= 20)], axis_handles[1])
yticks = [6, 12, 20]
fig.colorbar(mesh, label='Power Spectral Density', orientation='horizontal')
In [19]:
def plot_spectrum(spectrogram_dataframe, axis_handle):
.drop('time', 1)
fig, axis_handle = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 9))
plot_spectrum(spectrogram.loc[spectrogram.frequency <= 20], axis_handle)
xticks = [6, 12, 20]
Now compute for all tetrodes
In [20]:
frequency_resolution = 2
time_window_duration = 1
sampling_frequency = 1500
time_window_step = time_window_duration / 2
spectrograms_1 = [get_spectrogram_dataframe(tetrode,
time_window_step=time_window_step) for tetrode in tqdm.tqdm_notebook(lfp_data)]
In [21]:
# Spectrum
num_rows = int(np.ceil(len(tetrode_index) / 7))
fig, axis_handles = plt.subplots(num_rows, 7, figsize=(21, 9), sharex=True, sharey=True)
for tetrode_ind, axis_handle in enumerate(tqdm.tqdm_notebook(axis_handles.flatten())):
selection = spectrograms_1[tetrode_ind].frequency <= 20
mesh = plot_spectrum(spectrograms_1[tetrode_ind].loc[selection], axis_handle)
xticks = [6, 12, 20]
axis_handle.set_xticks((2991, 2992))
axis_handle.set_title(tetrode_title(tetrode_index[tetrode_ind], cur_tetrode_info))
except IndexError:
plt.suptitle('LFP Spectrograms: HPa, Day #8, Epoch #2', fontsize=24)
# Spectrograms
num_rows = int(np.ceil(len(tetrode_index) / 7))
fig, axis_handles = plt.subplots(num_rows, 7, figsize=(21, 9), sharex=True, sharey=True)
for tetrode_ind, axis_handle in enumerate(tqdm.tqdm_notebook(axis_handles.flatten())):
selection = spectrograms_1[tetrode_ind].frequency <= 20
mesh = plot_spectrogram(spectrograms_1[tetrode_ind].loc[selection], axis_handle)
axis_handle.set_title(tetrode_title(tetrode_index[tetrode_ind], cur_tetrode_info))
axis_handle.set_xticks((2991, 2992))
except IndexError:
plt.suptitle('LFP Spectrum: HPa, Day #8, Epoch #2', fontsize=24)