5.x Further Reading and References

General Imaging

  1. Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy II (Lecture 7) : provides much of the foundation in this chapter for imaging and, weighting and sampling functions.
  2. Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy (Chapter 10) : a complimentary chapter to Lecture 7 of Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy II.

Weighting Functions

  1. High Fidelity Deconvolution of Moderately Resolved Sources : original work which introduced robust weighting, includes a thorough overview of weight schemes.

Widefield Effects

  1. Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy II (Lecture 19) : discusses widefield imaging in more detail
  2. The noncoplanar baselines effect in radio interferometry: The W-projection algorithm : Discusses the w-projection algorithm in more detail
  3. Radio-interferometric imaging of very large fields: The problem of non-coplanar arrays : Overview of the wide-field problem and the polyhedron solution, amongst a discussion of other techniques.


  1. On the Spheroidal Functions
  2. Aperture-synthesis mapping and parameter estimation (Optimal gridding and degridding functions)