In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

rcParams['font.size'] = 12

Optical depth of IGM dust for a z=2 source

In [2]:
from halo import *

Cosmological parameters

In [3]:
IGM_upperlim_cosmology = cosmo.Cosmology(d=1.e-5)
print "H0 =", IGM_upperlim_cosmology.h0
print "Omega_Lambda =", IGM_upperlim_cosmology.l
print "Omega_M =", IGM_upperlim_cosmology.m
print "Omega_d_IGM =", IGM_upperlim_cosmology.d

H0 = 75.0
Omega_Lambda = 0.7
Omega_M = 0.3
Omega_d_IGM = 1e-05

Scattering Models

In [4]:
RHO_SIL, RHO_GRA = 3.8, 2.2 # g cm^-3

RGDRUDE  = ss.makeScatmodel('RG','Drude')
GRAPHITE = ss.makeScatmodel('Mie','Graphite')
SILICATE = ss.makeScatmodel('Mie','Silicate')

In [70]:
## View dust distribution defaults
test = dust.Dustdist()
print 'Default rho =', test.rho
print 'Default p =', test.p

Default rho = 3.0
Default p = 3.5

Raw data last run on: January 28, 2015

Calculate 0.5 keV optical depth as a function of grain size

In [5]:
ENERGY    = 0.5
Z_S       = 2.0
grainsize = np.linspace(0.1,1.0,20)
taux_rg  = [cosmo.CosmTauX(Z_S, E=ENERGY, dist=dust.Grain(a), scatm=RGDRUDE, cosm=IGM_upperlim_cosmology) 
                 for a in grainsize]

taux_gra = [cosmo.CosmTauX(Z_S, E=ENERGY, dist=dust.Grain(a,rho=RHO_GRA), scatm=GRAPHITE, cosm=IGM_upperlim_cosmology) 
                for a in grainsize]
taux_sil = [cosmo.CosmTauX(Z_S, E=ENERGY, dist=dust.Grain(a,rho=RHO_SIL), scatm=SILICATE, cosm=IGM_upperlim_cosmology) 
                for a in grainsize]

Calculate optical depth as a function of energy for two grain sizes: 0.1 and 1.0 um

In [6]:
small_a, big_a = 0.1, 1.0 # um

energy_range = np.linspace(0.5,1.5,20)

taux_small_rg = [cosmo.CosmTauX(Z_S, E=energy, dist=dust.Grain(small_a), scatm=RGDRUDE, cosm=IGM_upperlim_cosmology) 
                 for energy in energy_range]

taux_small_gra = [cosmo.CosmTauX(Z_S, E=energy, dist=dust.Grain(small_a,rho=RHO_GRA), scatm=GRAPHITE, cosm=IGM_upperlim_cosmology) 
                for energy in energy_range]
taux_small_sil = [cosmo.CosmTauX(Z_S, E=energy, dist=dust.Grain(small_a,rho=RHO_SIL), scatm=SILICATE, cosm=IGM_upperlim_cosmology) 
                for energy in energy_range]

taux_big_rg = [cosmo.CosmTauX(Z_S, E=energy, dist=dust.Grain(big_a), scatm=RGDRUDE, cosm=IGM_upperlim_cosmology) 
                 for energy in energy_range]

taux_big_gra = [cosmo.CosmTauX(Z_S, E=energy, dist=dust.Grain(big_a,rho=RHO_GRA), scatm=GRAPHITE, cosm=IGM_upperlim_cosmology) 
                for energy in energy_range]
taux_big_sil = [cosmo.CosmTauX(Z_S, E=energy, dist=dust.Grain(big_a,rho=RHO_SIL), scatm=SILICATE, cosm=IGM_upperlim_cosmology) 
                for energy in energy_range]

Calculate optical depth for the power law distribution of Silicate and Graphite grains

p=3.5 power law distribution between 0.1 um and 1.0 um

In [68]:
radii = np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, 50)
taux_gra_dist = [cosmo.CosmTauX(Z_S, E=energy, dist=dust.Dustdist(rad=radii,rho=RHO_GRA), scatm=GRAPHITE, cosm=IGM_upperlim_cosmology) \
                 for energy in energy_range]

taux_sil_dist = [cosmo.CosmTauX(Z_S, E=energy, dist=dust.Dustdist(rad=radii,rho=RHO_SIL), scatm=SILICATE, cosm=IGM_upperlim_cosmology) \
                 for energy in energy_range]

'\ntaux_gra_dist = [cosmo.CosmTauX(Z_S, E=energy, dist=dust.Dustdist(rad=radii,rho=RHO_GRA), scatm=GRAPHITE, cosm=IGM_upperlim_cosmology)                  for energy in energy_range]\n\ntaux_sil_dist = [cosmo.CosmTauX(Z_S, E=energy, dist=dust.Dustdist(rad=radii,rho=RHO_SIL), scatm=SILICATE, cosm=IGM_upperlim_cosmology)                  for energy in energy_range]\n'

January 29, 2015 - There was something wrong with one of the silicate calculations. Fill in that missing data point.

In [48]:
print energy_range[-3], taux_sil_dist[-3]

1.39473684211 inf

In [49]:
replacement = cosmo.CosmTauX(Z_S, E=energy_range[-3], dist=dust.Dustdist(rad=radii,rho=RHO_SIL), \
                             scatm=SILICATE, cosm=IGM_upperlim_cosmology)

In [50]:
print replacement


In [51]:
taux_sil_dist[-3] = replacement

Write everything to a file for later reference

Files last saved on: January 29, 2015

In [16]:
from import ascii

In [22]:
outfile = 'figure01_left.txt'
ascii.write([grainsize, taux_rg, taux_gra, taux_sil], outfile, \

In [20]:
outfile = 'figure01_right.txt'
ascii.write([energy_range, taux_small_rg, taux_small_gra, taux_small_sil, taux_big_rg, taux_big_gra, taux_big_sil], outfile, \

In [52]:
outfile = 'figure01_right_color.txt'
ascii.write([energy_range, taux_gra_dist, taux_sil_dist], outfile, \

Load data

In [24]:
infile = 'figure01_left.txt'
data   =

taux_rg  = data['RG-Drude']
taux_gra = data['Mie-Graphite']
taux_sil = data['Mie-Silicate']

In [26]:
infile = 'figure01_right.txt'
data   =

taux_small_rg  = data['Small-RG-Drude']
taux_small_gra = data['Small-Mie-Graphite']
taux_small_sil = data['Small-Mie-Silicate']

taux_big_rg  = data['Big-RG-Drude']
taux_big_gra = data['Big-Mie-Graphite']
taux_big_sil = data['Big-Mie-Silicate']

In [53]:
infile = 'figure01_right_color.txt'
data   =

taux_gra_dist = data['DDist-Mie-Graphite']
taux_sil_dist = data['DDist-Mie-Silicate']

Plot it up

In [54]:
def plot_tau_vs_grainsize(ax, ylim=(0.0,0.15)):
    ax.plot(grainsize, taux_rg, 'k-', lw=2, label='RG-Drude')
    plt.plot(grainsize, taux_gra, '--', color='k', lw=1, label='Mie-Graphite')
    plt.plot(grainsize, taux_sil, color='k', ls='dashdot', lw=1, label='Mie-Silicate')
    plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=12)

    plt.text(0.15, 0.13, r'$0.5\ {\rm keV}$', size=15)

In [55]:
def plot_tau_vs_energy(ax, ylim=(0.0,0.05)):
    gcolor = {'small':'0.0', 'big':'0.3'}
    ax.plot(energy_range, taux_small_rg, color=gcolor['small'], lw=2, label='RG-Drude')
    ax.plot(energy_range, taux_small_gra, ls='--', color=gcolor['small'], lw=1, label='RG-Drude')
    ax.plot(energy_range, taux_small_sil, ls='dashdot', color=gcolor['small'], lw=1, label='RG-Drude')

    #plt.legend(loc='upper right')
    ax.plot(energy_range, taux_big_rg, color=gcolor['big'], lw=2)
    ax.plot(energy_range, taux_big_gra, ls='--', color=gcolor['big'], lw=1)
    ax.plot(energy_range, taux_big_sil, ls='dashdot', color=gcolor['big'], lw=1)
    plt.text(0.6, 0.007, r'$0.1\ \mu m$', color=gcolor['small'], size=15)
    plt.text(1.0, 0.04, r'$1.0\ \mu m$', color=gcolor['big'], size=15)

In [64]:
def plot_tau_vs_energy_ddist(ax, ylim=(0.0, 0.05)):
    gcolor = {'sil':'g', 'gra':'b'}
    ax.plot(energy_range, taux_gra_dist, color=gcolor['gra'], ls='-', lw=2, alpha=0.8)
    ax.plot(energy_range, taux_sil_dist, color=gcolor['sil'], ls='-', lw=2, alpha=0.8)
    plt.text(0.77, 0.035, 'gra', color='b', size=12)
    plt.text(0.60, 0.028, 'sil', color='g', size=12)

In [66]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,4))

left = plt.subplot(121)
plt.xlabel(r'Grain size [$\mu$m]')
plt.ylabel(r'$\tau_{\rm sca}$', size=20)

plt.xlabel(r'Energy [keV]')


#plt.savefig('figure01.pdf', format='pdf')

In [9]: