New functions

These are recently written functions that have not made it into the main documentation

Python Lesson: Errors and Exceptions

In [1]:
# you would normaly install eppy by doing
# python install
# or
# pip install eppy
# or
# easy_install eppy

# if you have not done so, uncomment the following three lines
import sys
# pathnameto_eppy = 'c:/eppy'
pathnameto_eppy = '../'

When things go wrong in your eppy script, you get "Errors and Exceptions".

To know more about how this works in python and eppy, take a look at Python: Errors and Exceptions

Setting IDD name

When you work with Energyplus you are working with idf files (files that have the extension *.idf). There is another file that is very important, called the idd file. This is the file that defines all the objects in Energyplus. Esch version of Energyplus has a different idd file.

So eppy needs to know which idd file to use. Only one idd file can be used in a script or program. This means that you cannot change the idd file once you have selected it. Of course you have to first select an idd file before eppy can work.

If you use eppy and break the above rules, eppy will raise an exception. So let us use eppy incorrectly and make eppy raise the exception, just see how that happens.

First let us try to open an idf file without setting an idd file.

In [2]:
from eppy import modeleditor 
from eppy.modeleditor import IDF
fname1 = "../eppy/resources/idffiles/V_7_2/smallfile.idf"

Now let us open file fname1 without setting the idd file

In [3]:
    idf1 = IDF(fname1)
except Exception, e:
    raise e

IDDNotSetError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-44ad2b53d42c> in <module>()
      2     idf1 = IDF(fname1)
      3 except Exception, e:
----> 4     raise e

IDDNotSetError: IDD file needed to read the idf file. Set it using IDF.setiddname(iddfile)

OK. It does not let you do that and it raises an exception

So let us set the idd file and then open the idf file

In [4]:
iddfile = "../eppy/resources/iddfiles/Energy+V7_2_0.idd"
idf1 = IDF(fname1)

That worked without raising an exception

Now let us try to change the idd file. Eppy should not let you do this and should raise an exception.

In [5]:
except Exception, e:
    raise e

IDDAlreadySetError                        Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-52df819ac489> in <module>()
      2     IDF.setiddname("anotheridd.idd")
      3 except Exception, e:
----> 4     raise e

IDDAlreadySetError: IDD file is set to: ../eppy/resources/iddfiles/Energy+V7_2_0.idd

Excellent!! It raised the exception we were expecting.

Check range for fields

The fields of idf objects often have a range of legal values. The following functions will let you discover what that range is and test if your value lies within that range

demonstrate two new functions:

  • EpBunch.getrange(fieldname) # will return the ranges for that field
  • EpBunch.checkrange(fieldname) # will throw an exception if the value is outside the range

In [6]:
from eppy import modeleditor 
from eppy.modeleditor import IDF
iddfile = "../eppy/resources/iddfiles/Energy+V7_2_0.idd"
fname1 = "../eppy/resources/idffiles/V_7_2/smallfile.idf"

In [7]:
# IDF.setiddname(iddfile)# idd ws set further up in this page
idf1 = IDF(fname1)

In [8]:
building = idf1.idfobjects['building'.upper()][0]
print building

    Empire State Building,    !- Name
    30.0,                     !- North Axis
    City,                     !- Terrain
    0.04,                     !- Loads Convergence Tolerance Value
    0.4,                      !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value
    FullExterior,             !- Solar Distribution
    25,                       !- Maximum Number of Warmup Days
    6;                        !- Minimum Number of Warmup Days

In [9]:
print building.getrange("Loads_Convergence_Tolerance_Value")

{u'maximum<': None, u'minimum': None, u'type': u'real', u'maximum': 0.5, u'minimum>': 0.0}

In [10]:
print building.checkrange("Loads_Convergence_Tolerance_Value")


Let us set these values outside the range and see what happens

In [11]:
building.Loads_Convergence_Tolerance_Value = 0.6
from eppy.bunch_subclass import RangeError
    print building.checkrange("Loads_Convergence_Tolerance_Value")
except RangeError, e:
    raise e

RangeError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-a824cb1ec673> in <module>()
      4     print building.checkrange("Loads_Convergence_Tolerance_Value")
      5 except RangeError, e:
----> 6     raise e

RangeError: Value 0.6 is not less or equal to the 'maximum' of 0.5

So the Range Check works

Looping through all the fields in an idf object

We have seen how to check the range of field in the idf object. What if you want to do a range check on all the fields in an idf object ? To do this we will need a list of all the fields in the idf object. We can do this easily by the following line

In [12]:
print building.fieldnames

[u'key', u'Name', u'North_Axis', u'Terrain', u'Loads_Convergence_Tolerance_Value', u'Temperature_Convergence_Tolerance_Value', u'Solar_Distribution', u'Maximum_Number_of_Warmup_Days', u'Minimum_Number_of_Warmup_Days']

So let us use this

In [13]:
for fieldname in building.fieldnames:
    print "%s = %s" % (fieldname, building[fieldname])

Name = Empire State Building
North_Axis = 30.0
Terrain = City
Loads_Convergence_Tolerance_Value = 0.6
Temperature_Convergence_Tolerance_Value = 0.4
Solar_Distribution = FullExterior
Maximum_Number_of_Warmup_Days = 25
Minimum_Number_of_Warmup_Days = 6

Now let us test if the values are in the legal range. We know that "Loads_Convergence_Tolerance_Value" is out of range

In [14]:
from eppy.bunch_subclass import RangeError
for fieldname in building.fieldnames:
        print "%s = %s #-in range" % (fieldname, building[fieldname],)
    except RangeError as e:
        print "%s = %s #-****OUT OF RANGE****" % (fieldname, building[fieldname],)

key = BUILDING #-in range
Name = Empire State Building #-in range
North_Axis = 30.0 #-in range
Terrain = City #-in range
Loads_Convergence_Tolerance_Value = 0.6 #-****OUT OF RANGE****
Temperature_Convergence_Tolerance_Value = 0.4 #-in range
Solar_Distribution = FullExterior #-in range
Maximum_Number_of_Warmup_Days = 25 #-in range
Minimum_Number_of_Warmup_Days = 6 #-in range

You see, we caught the out of range value

Blank idf file

Until now in all our examples, we have been reading an idf file from disk:

  • How do I create a blank new idf file
  • give it a file name
  • Save it to the disk

Here are the steps to do that

In [15]:
# some initial steps
from eppy.modeleditor import IDF
iddfile = "../eppy/resources/iddfiles/Energy+V7_2_0.idd"
# IDF.setiddname(iddfile) # Has already been set 

# - Let us first open a file from the disk
fname1 = "../eppy/resources/idffiles/V_7_2/smallfile.idf"
idf_fromfilename = IDF(fname1) # initialize the IDF object with the file name


    7.3;                      !- Version Identifier

    Yes,                      !- Do Zone Sizing Calculation
    Yes,                      !- Do System Sizing Calculation
    Yes,                      !- Do Plant Sizing Calculation
    No,                       !- Run Simulation for Sizing Periods
    Yes;                      !- Run Simulation for Weather File Run Periods

    Empire State Building,    !- Name
    30.0,                     !- North Axis
    City,                     !- Terrain
    0.04,                     !- Loads Convergence Tolerance Value
    0.4,                      !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value
    FullExterior,             !- Solar Distribution
    25,                       !- Maximum Number of Warmup Days
    6;                        !- Minimum Number of Warmup Days

    CHICAGO_IL_USA TMY2-94846,    !- Name
    41.78,                    !- Latitude
    -87.75,                   !- Longitude
    -6.0,                     !- Time Zone
    190.0;                    !- Elevation

In [16]:
# - now let us open a file from the disk differently
fname1 = "../eppy/resources/idffiles/V_7_2/smallfile.idf"
fhandle = open(fname1, 'r') # open the file for reading and assign it a file handle
idf_fromfilehandle = IDF(fhandle) # initialize the IDF object with the file handle


    7.3;                      !- Version Identifier

    Yes,                      !- Do Zone Sizing Calculation
    Yes,                      !- Do System Sizing Calculation
    Yes,                      !- Do Plant Sizing Calculation
    No,                       !- Run Simulation for Sizing Periods
    Yes;                      !- Run Simulation for Weather File Run Periods

    Empire State Building,    !- Name
    30.0,                     !- North Axis
    City,                     !- Terrain
    0.04,                     !- Loads Convergence Tolerance Value
    0.4,                      !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value
    FullExterior,             !- Solar Distribution
    25,                       !- Maximum Number of Warmup Days
    6;                        !- Minimum Number of Warmup Days

    CHICAGO_IL_USA TMY2-94846,    !- Name
    41.78,                    !- Latitude
    -87.75,                   !- Longitude
    -6.0,                     !- Time Zone
    190.0;                    !- Elevation

In [17]:
# So IDF object can be initialized with either a file name or a file handle

# - How do I create a blank new idf file  
idftxt = "" # empty string
from StringIO import StringIO
fhandle = StringIO(idftxt) # we can make a file handle of a string
idf_emptyfile = IDF(fhandle) # initialize the IDF object with the file handle


It did not print anything. Why should it. It was empty.

What if we give it a string that was not blank

In [18]:
# - The string does not have to be blank
idftxt = "VERSION, 7.3;" # Not an emplty string. has just the version number
fhandle = StringIO(idftxt) # we can make a file handle of a string
idf_notemptyfile = IDF(fhandle) # initialize the IDF object with the file handle


    7.3;                      !- Version Identifier

Aha !

Now let us give it a file name

In [19]:
# - give it a file name
idf_notemptyfile.idfname = "notemptyfile.idf"
# - Save it to the disk

Let us confirm that the file was saved to disk

In [20]:
txt = open("notemptyfile.idf", 'r').read()# read the file from the disk
print txt

!- Darwin Line endings 

    7.3;                      !- Version Identifier

Yup ! that file was saved. Let us delete it since we were just playing

In [21]:
import os

Deleting, copying/adding and making new idfobjects

Making a new idf object

Let us start with a blank idf file and make some new "MATERIAL" objects in it

In [22]:
# making a blank idf object
blankstr = ""
from StringIO import StringIO
idf = IDF(StringIO(blankstr))

To make and add a new idfobject object, we use the function IDF.newidfobject(). We want to make an object of type "MATERIAL"

In [23]:
newobject = idf.newidfobject("material".upper()) # the key for the object type has to be in upper case
                                     # .upper() makes it upper case

In [24]:
print newobject

    ,                         !- Name
    ,                         !- Roughness
    ,                         !- Thickness
    ,                         !- Conductivity
    ,                         !- Density
    ,                         !- Specific Heat
    0.9,                      !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                      !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                      !- Visible Absorptance

Let us give this a name, say "Shiny new material object"

In [25]:
newobject.Name = "Shiny new material object"
print newobject

    Shiny new material object,    !- Name
    ,                         !- Roughness
    ,                         !- Thickness
    ,                         !- Conductivity
    ,                         !- Density
    ,                         !- Specific Heat
    0.9,                      !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                      !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                      !- Visible Absorptance

In [26]:
anothermaterial = idf.newidfobject("material".upper())
anothermaterial.Name = "Lousy material"
thirdmaterial = idf.newidfobject("material".upper())
thirdmaterial.Name = "third material"
print thirdmaterial

    third material,           !- Name
    ,                         !- Roughness
    ,                         !- Thickness
    ,                         !- Conductivity
    ,                         !- Density
    ,                         !- Specific Heat
    0.9,                      !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                      !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                      !- Visible Absorptance

Let us look at all the "MATERIAL" objects

In [27]:
print idf.idfobjects["MATERIAL"]

    Shiny new material object,    !- Name
    ,                         !- Roughness
    ,                         !- Thickness
    ,                         !- Conductivity
    ,                         !- Density
    ,                         !- Specific Heat
    0.9,                      !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                      !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                      !- Visible Absorptance
    Lousy material,           !- Name
    ,                         !- Roughness
    ,                         !- Thickness
    ,                         !- Conductivity
    ,                         !- Density
    ,                         !- Specific Heat
    0.9,                      !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                      !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                      !- Visible Absorptance
    third material,           !- Name
    ,                         !- Roughness
    ,                         !- Thickness
    ,                         !- Conductivity
    ,                         !- Density
    ,                         !- Specific Heat
    0.9,                      !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                      !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                      !- Visible Absorptance

As we can see there are three MATERIAL idfobjects. They are:

  1. Shiny new material object
  2. Lousy material
  3. third material

Deleting an idf object

Let us remove 2. Lousy material. It is the second material in the list. So let us remove the second material

In [28]:
idf.popidfobject('MATERIAL', 1) # first material is '0', second is '1'

    Lousy material,           !- Name
    ,                         !- Roughness
    ,                         !- Thickness
    ,                         !- Conductivity
    ,                         !- Density
    ,                         !- Specific Heat
    0.9,                      !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                      !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                      !- Visible Absorptance

In [29]:
print idf.idfobjects['MATERIAL']

    Shiny new material object,    !- Name
    ,                         !- Roughness
    ,                         !- Thickness
    ,                         !- Conductivity
    ,                         !- Density
    ,                         !- Specific Heat
    0.9,                      !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                      !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                      !- Visible Absorptance
    third material,           !- Name
    ,                         !- Roughness
    ,                         !- Thickness
    ,                         !- Conductivity
    ,                         !- Density
    ,                         !- Specific Heat
    0.9,                      !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                      !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                      !- Visible Absorptance

You can see that the second material is gone ! Now let us remove the first material, but do it using a different function

In [30]:
firstmaterial = idf.idfobjects['MATERIAL'][-1]

In [31]:

In [32]:
print idf.idfobjects['MATERIAL']

    Shiny new material object,    !- Name
    ,                         !- Roughness
    ,                         !- Thickness
    ,                         !- Conductivity
    ,                         !- Density
    ,                         !- Specific Heat
    0.9,                      !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                      !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                      !- Visible Absorptance

So we have two ways of deleting an idf object:

  1. popidfobject -> give it the idf key: "MATERIAL", and the index number
  2. removeidfobject -> give it the idf object to be deleted

Copying/Adding an idf object

Having deleted two "MATERIAL" objects, we have only one left. Let us make a copy of this object and add it to our idf file

In [33]:
onlymaterial = idf.idfobjects["MATERIAL"][0]

In [34]:

In [35]:
print idf.idfobjects["MATERIAL"]

    Shiny new material object,    !- Name
    ,                         !- Roughness
    ,                         !- Thickness
    ,                         !- Conductivity
    ,                         !- Density
    ,                         !- Specific Heat
    0.9,                      !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                      !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                      !- Visible Absorptance
    Shiny new material object,    !- Name
    ,                         !- Roughness
    ,                         !- Thickness
    ,                         !- Conductivity
    ,                         !- Density
    ,                         !- Specific Heat
    0.9,                      !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                      !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                      !- Visible Absorptance

So now we have a copy of the material. You can use this method to copy idf objects from other idf files too.

Making an idf object with named arguments

What if we wanted to make an idf object with values for it's fields? We can do that too.

Renaming an idf object

In [36]:
gypboard = idf.newidfobject('MATERIAL', Name="G01a 19mm gypsum board",

In [37]:
print gypboard

    G01a 19mm gypsum board,    !- Name
    MediumSmooth,             !- Roughness
    0.019,                    !- Thickness
    0.16,                     !- Conductivity
    800,                      !- Density
    1090,                     !- Specific Heat
    0.9,                      !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                      !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                      !- Visible Absorptance

newidfobject() also fills in the default values like "Thermal Absorptance", "Solar Absorptance", etc.

In [38]:
print idf.idfobjects["MATERIAL"]

    Shiny new material object,    !- Name
    ,                         !- Roughness
    ,                         !- Thickness
    ,                         !- Conductivity
    ,                         !- Density
    ,                         !- Specific Heat
    0.9,                      !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                      !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                      !- Visible Absorptance
    Shiny new material object,    !- Name
    ,                         !- Roughness
    ,                         !- Thickness
    ,                         !- Conductivity
    ,                         !- Density
    ,                         !- Specific Heat
    0.9,                      !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                      !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                      !- Visible Absorptance
    G01a 19mm gypsum board,    !- Name
    MediumSmooth,             !- Roughness
    0.019,                    !- Thickness
    0.16,                     !- Conductivity
    800,                      !- Density
    1090,                     !- Specific Heat
    0.9,                      !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                      !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                      !- Visible Absorptance

Renaming an idf object

It is easy to rename an idf object. If we want to rename the gypboard object that we created above, we simply say:

gypboard.Name = "a new name".

But this could create a problem. What if this gypboard is part of a "CONSTRUCTION" object. The construction object will refer to the gypboard by name. If we change the name of the gypboard, we should change it in the construction object.

But there may be many constructions objects using the gypboard. Now we will have to change it in all those construction objects. Sounds painfull.

Let us try this with an example:

In [39]:
interiorwall = idf.newidfobject("CONSTRUCTION", Name="Interior Wall",
                 Outside_Layer="G01a 19mm gypsum board",
                 Layer_2="Shiny new material object",
                 Layer_3="G01a 19mm gypsum board")
print interiorwall

    Interior Wall,            !- Name
    G01a 19mm gypsum board,    !- Outside Layer
    Shiny new material object,    !- Layer 2
    G01a 19mm gypsum board;    !- Layer 3

to rename gypboard and have that name change in all the places we call modeleditor.rename(idf, key, oldname, newname)

In [40]:
modeleditor.rename(idf, "MATERIAL", "G01a 19mm gypsum board", "peanut butter")

    peanut butter,            !- Name
    MediumSmooth,             !- Roughness
    0.019,                    !- Thickness
    0.16,                     !- Conductivity
    800,                      !- Density
    1090,                     !- Specific Heat
    0.9,                      !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                      !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                      !- Visible Absorptance

In [41]:
print interiorwall

    Interior Wall,            !- Name
    peanut butter,            !- Outside Layer
    Shiny new material object,    !- Layer 2
    peanut butter;            !- Layer 3

Now we have "peanut butter" everywhere. At least where we need it. Let us look at the entir idf file, just to be sure

In [42]:

    Shiny new material object,    !- Name
    ,                         !- Roughness
    ,                         !- Thickness
    ,                         !- Conductivity
    ,                         !- Density
    ,                         !- Specific Heat
    0.9,                      !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                      !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                      !- Visible Absorptance

    Shiny new material object,    !- Name
    ,                         !- Roughness
    ,                         !- Thickness
    ,                         !- Conductivity
    ,                         !- Density
    ,                         !- Specific Heat
    0.9,                      !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                      !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                      !- Visible Absorptance

    peanut butter,            !- Name
    MediumSmooth,             !- Roughness
    0.019,                    !- Thickness
    0.16,                     !- Conductivity
    800,                      !- Density
    1090,                     !- Specific Heat
    0.9,                      !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                      !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                      !- Visible Absorptance

    Interior Wall,            !- Name
    peanut butter,            !- Outside Layer
    Shiny new material object,    !- Layer 2
    peanut butter;            !- Layer 3

Zone area and volume

The idf file has zones with surfaces and windows. It is easy to get the attributes of the surfaces and windows as we have seen in the tutorial. Let us review this once more:

In [43]:
from eppy import modeleditor 
from eppy.modeleditor import IDF
iddfile = "../eppy/resources/iddfiles/Energy+V7_2_0.idd"
fname1 = "../eppy/resources/idffiles/V_7_2/box.idf"
# IDF.setiddname(iddfile)

In [44]:
idf = IDF(fname1)

In [45]:
surfaces = idf.idfobjects["BuildingSurface:Detailed".upper()]
surface = surfaces[0]
print "area = %s" % (surface.area, )
print "tilt = %s" % (surface.tilt, )
print "azimuth = %s" % (surface.azimuth, )

area = 30.0
tilt = 180.0
azimuth = 0.0

Can we do the same for zones ?

Not yet .. not yet. Not in this version on eppy

But we can still get the area and volume of the zone

In [46]:
zones = idf.idfobjects["ZONE"]
zone = zones[0]
area = modeleditor.zonearea(idf, zone.Name)
volume = modeleditor.zonevolume(idf, zone.Name)
print "zone area = %s" % (area, )
print "zone volume = %s" % (volume, )

zone area = 30.0
zone volume = 90.0

Not as slick, but still pretty easy

Some notes on the zone area calculation:

  • area is calculated by summing up all the areas of the floor surfaces
  • if there are no floors, then the sum of ceilings and roof is taken as zone area
  • if there are no floors, ceilings or roof, we are out of luck. The function returns 0

Using JSON to update idf

we are going to update idf1 using json. First let us print the idf1 before changing it, so we can see what has changed once we make an update

In [47]:

    7.3;                      !- Version Identifier

    Yes,                      !- Do Zone Sizing Calculation
    Yes,                      !- Do System Sizing Calculation
    Yes,                      !- Do Plant Sizing Calculation
    No,                       !- Run Simulation for Sizing Periods
    Yes;                      !- Run Simulation for Weather File Run Periods

    Empire State Building,    !- Name
    30.0,                     !- North Axis
    City,                     !- Terrain
    0.6,                      !- Loads Convergence Tolerance Value
    0.4,                      !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value
    FullExterior,             !- Solar Distribution
    25,                       !- Maximum Number of Warmup Days
    6;                        !- Minimum Number of Warmup Days

    CHICAGO_IL_USA TMY2-94846,    !- Name
    41.78,                    !- Latitude
    -87.75,                   !- Longitude
    -6.0,                     !- Time Zone
    190.0;                    !- Elevation

In [48]:
import eppy.json_functions as json_functions
json_str = {"idf.VERSION..Version_Identifier":8.5,
            "idf.SIMULATIONCONTROL..Do_Zone_Sizing_Calculation": "No",
            "idf.SIMULATIONCONTROL..Do_System_Sizing_Calculation": "No",
            "idf.SIMULATIONCONTROL..Do_Plant_Sizing_Calculation": "No",
            "idf.BUILDING.Empire State Building.North_Axis": 52,
            "idf.BUILDING.Empire State Building.Terrain": "Rural",
json_functions.updateidf(idf1, json_str)

In [49]:

    8.5;                      !- Version Identifier

    No,                       !- Do Zone Sizing Calculation
    No,                       !- Do System Sizing Calculation
    No,                       !- Do Plant Sizing Calculation
    No,                       !- Run Simulation for Sizing Periods
    Yes;                      !- Run Simulation for Weather File Run Periods

    Empire State Building,    !- Name
    52,                       !- North Axis
    Rural,                    !- Terrain
    0.6,                      !- Loads Convergence Tolerance Value
    0.4,                      !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value
    FullExterior,             !- Solar Distribution
    25,                       !- Maximum Number of Warmup Days
    6;                        !- Minimum Number of Warmup Days

    CHICAGO_IL_USA TMY2-94846,    !- Name
    41.78,                    !- Latitude
    -87.75,                   !- Longitude
    -6.0,                     !- Time Zone
    190.0;                    !- Elevation

Compare the first printidf() and the second printidf().

The syntax of the json string is described below::

idf.BUILDING.Empire State Building.Terrain": "Rural" The key fields are seperated by dots. Let us walk through each field: idf -> make a change to the idf. (in the future there may be changes that are not related to idf) BUILDING -> the key for object to be changed Empire State Building -> The name of the object. In other word - the value of the field `Name` Terrain -> the field to be changed "Rural" -> the new value of the field If the object does not have a `Name` field, you leave a blank between the two dots and the first object will be changed. This is done for the version number change. "idf.VERSION..Version_Identifier":8.5

You can also create a new object using JSON, using the same syntax. Take a look at this:

In [50]:
json_str = {"idf.BUILDING.Taj.Terrain": "Rural",}
json_functions.updateidf(idf1, json_str)
# of course, you are creating an invalid E+ file. But we are just playing here.

    Empire State Building,    !- Name
    52,                       !- North Axis
    Rural,                    !- Terrain
    0.6,                      !- Loads Convergence Tolerance Value
    0.4,                      !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value
    FullExterior,             !- Solar Distribution
    25,                       !- Maximum Number of Warmup Days
    6;                        !- Minimum Number of Warmup Days
    Taj,                      !- Name
    0.0,                      !- North Axis
    Rural,                    !- Terrain
    0.04,                     !- Loads Convergence Tolerance Value
    0.4,                      !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value
    FullExterior,             !- Solar Distribution
    25,                       !- Maximum Number of Warmup Days
    6;                        !- Minimum Number of Warmup Days

What if you object name had a dot . in it? Will the json_function get confused?

If the name has a dot in it, there are two ways of doing this.

In [51]:
# first way
json_str = {"": "Rural",}
json_functions.updateidf(idf1, json_str)
# second way (put the name in single quotes)
json_str = {"idf.BUILDING.''.Terrain": "Rural",}
json_functions.updateidf(idf1, json_str)

In [52]:

    Empire State Building,    !- Name
    52,                       !- North Axis
    Rural,                    !- Terrain
    0.6,                      !- Loads Convergence Tolerance Value
    0.4,                      !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value
    FullExterior,             !- Solar Distribution
    25,                       !- Maximum Number of Warmup Days
    6;                        !- Minimum Number of Warmup Days
    Taj,                      !- Name
    0.0,                      !- North Axis
    Rural,                    !- Terrain
    0.04,                     !- Loads Convergence Tolerance Value
    0.4,                      !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value
    FullExterior,             !- Solar Distribution
    25,                       !- Maximum Number of Warmup Days
    6;                        !- Minimum Number of Warmup Days
BUILDING,            ,             !- Name
    0.0,                      !- North Axis
    Rural,                    !- Terrain
    0.04,                     !- Loads Convergence Tolerance Value
    0.4,                      !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value
    FullExterior,             !- Solar Distribution
    25,                       !- Maximum Number of Warmup Days
    6;                        !- Minimum Number of Warmup Days
BUILDING,            ,     !- Name
    0.0,                      !- North Axis
    Rural,                    !- Terrain
    0.04,                     !- Loads Convergence Tolerance Value
    0.4,                      !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value
    FullExterior,             !- Solar Distribution
    25,                       !- Maximum Number of Warmup Days
    6;                        !- Minimum Number of Warmup Days

Note When you us the json update function:

  • The json function expects the Name field to have a value.
  • If you try to update an object with a blank Name field, the results may be unexpected (undefined ? :-). So don't do this.
  • If the object has no Name field (some don't), changes are made to the first object in the list. Which should be fine, since usually there is only one item in the list
  • In any case, if the object does not exist, it is created with the default values

Use Case for JSON update

If you have an eppy running on a remote server somewhere on the internet, you can change an idf file by sending it a JSON over the internet. This is very useful if you ever need it. If you don't need it, you shouldn't care :-)