Etienne Ackermann, 08/05/2015
The data can be downloaded from the CRCNS (Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience) website, and the hc-3
data set in particular.
Note that both gor01 and vvp01 were recorded with a Neuralynx recording system at 32,552 Hz, then amplified 1000x, followed by 1–5 kHz bandpass filtering. It was then further downsampled to 1252 Hz, and stored in the .eeg file, which is a binary file with the same number of channels as in the raw data. Has up to 32 (four shank probe) or 64 (eight shank probe) short integers (2 bytes, signed) every time step. (One integer from each recording site, i.e. channel). Actual number of channels is specified in the .xml file and is not always a multiple of 8 because bad channels (due to very high impedance or broken shank) were removed from the data.
At this point we are interested in learning from the data, and we do this by considering sequences of spike count observations. That is, each observation is a $u$-dimensional vector, where $u$ is the number of units that we recorded, with each element corresponds to the number of spikes observed within a time bin of 250 or 10 ms, depending on whether we are considering the behavioral, or the replay timescales.
In [104]:
import pickle
# load SWR spikes for both environments (binned in 10 ms):
with open('../../Data/SWR_train1rn.pickle', 'rb') as f:
SWR_train1 = pickle.load(f)
with open('../../Data/SWR_train2rn.pickle', 'rb') as f:
SWR_train2 = pickle.load(f)
with open('../../Data/SWR_test1rn.pickle', 'rb') as f:
SWR_test1 = pickle.load(f)
with open('../../Data/SWR_test2rn.pickle', 'rb') as f:
SWR_test2 = pickle.load(f)
# load training spike count data, binned in 250 ms bins:
with open('../../Data/BVR_train1rn_noswr_noth1.pickle', 'rb') as f:
BVR_train1 = pickle.load(f)
with open('../../Data/BVR_train2rn_noswr_th1.pickle', 'rb') as f:
BVR_train2 = pickle.load(f)
# load testing spike count data, binned in 250 ms bins:
with open('../../Data/BVR_test1rn_noswr_noth1.pickle', 'rb') as f:
BVR_test1 = pickle.load(f)
with open('../../Data/BVR_test2rn_noswr_th1.pickle', 'rb') as f:
BVR_test2 = pickle.load(f)
In [2]:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../')
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import seaborn as sns
import yahmm as ym
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
from efunctions import * # load my helper functions
%matplotlib inline
WARNING!! For some reason, my make-n-bake function does not seem to be adding either the states correctly, or the transitions. So when I bake it, all my states get orphaned and cut off... What's going on!!? Fixed it now! Python can be strange when it comes to passing and returning immutable (and mutable!) types... :/
In [3]:
import random
eps = 0.001
def make_n_bake_yahmm_model(ymModel, num_cells, num_states=15, verbose=False):
mymodel = ymModel
states_list = []
# create list of states:
for ss in np.arange(0,num_states):
states_list.append(ym.State( ym.MultivariateDistribution( [ym.PoissonDistribution( random.random() + eps ) for c in range(num_cells) ] ) ))
mymodel.add_states( states_list )
# add transition probabilities:
mymodel.add_transitions(mymodel.start, states_list, [0.1] * num_states )
for ss in np.arange(0,num_states):
mymodel.add_transitions(states_list[ss], states_list, [ random.random() + eps for r in np.arange(num_states)] )
mymodel.bake( verbose=verbose )
return mymodel
num_cells = len( SWR_train1[0][0] )
#swrhmm8_2 = ym.Model(name="SWR-HMM_8_2")
swrhmm8_1 = make_n_bake_yahmm_model(ym.Model(name="SWR-HMM_8_1"), num_cells, num_states=8)
swrhmm8_2 = make_n_bake_yahmm_model(ym.Model(name="SWR-HMM_8_2"), num_cells, num_states=8)
swrhmm15_1 = make_n_bake_yahmm_model(ym.Model(name="SWR-HMM_15_1"), num_cells, num_states=15)
swrhmm15_2 = make_n_bake_yahmm_model(ym.Model(name="SWR-HMM_15_2"), num_cells, num_states=15)
swrhmm10_1 = make_n_bake_yahmm_model(ym.Model(name="SWR-HMM_10_1"), num_cells, num_states=10)
swrhmm10_2 = make_n_bake_yahmm_model(ym.Model(name="SWR-HMM_10_2"), num_cells, num_states=10)
hmm8_1 = make_n_bake_yahmm_model(ym.Model(name="HMM_8_1"), num_cells, num_states=8)
hmm8_2 = make_n_bake_yahmm_model(ym.Model(name="HMM_8_2"), num_cells, num_states=8)
hmm15_1 = make_n_bake_yahmm_model(ym.Model(name="HMM_15_1"), num_cells, num_states=15)
hmm15_2 = make_n_bake_yahmm_model(ym.Model(name="HMM_15_2"), num_cells, num_states=15)
hmm10_1 = make_n_bake_yahmm_model(ym.Model(name="HMM_10_1"), num_cells, num_states=10)
hmm10_2 = make_n_bake_yahmm_model(ym.Model(name="HMM_10_2"), num_cells, num_states=10)
In [4]:
def train_hmm(ymModel,train,num_sequences):
ymModel.train(train[:num_sequences],algorithm='baum-welch', verbose=True)
return ymModel
hmm8_1 = train_hmm(hmm8_1,BVR_train1,num_sequences=80)
hmm8_2 = train_hmm(hmm8_2,BVR_train2,num_sequences=80)
swrhmm8_1 = train_hmm(swrhmm8_1,SWR_train1,num_sequences=80)
swrhmm8_2 = train_hmm(swrhmm8_2,SWR_train2,num_sequences=80)
In [105]:
hmm8_1 = train_hmm(hmm8_1,BVR_train1,num_sequences=80)
In [ ]:
#num_sequences = len(SWR_train1)
num_sequences = 80
#before_training_log_prob = [ swrhmm8_1.log_probability( SWR_train1[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_train1[:num_sequences])) ]
#print( 'average log probability of sequences BEFORE training: ' + str( np.average(before_training_log_prob) ) )
swrhmm8_1.train( SWR_train1[:num_sequences], algorithm='baum-welch', verbose=True )
#after_training_log_prob = [ swrhmm8_1.log_probability( SWR_train1[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_train1[:num_sequences])) ]
#print( 'average log probability of sequences AFTER training: ' + str( np.average(after_training_log_prob) ) )
In [ ]:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (12, 4),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2)
sns.distplot( before_training_log_prob, bins=20, hist=True, kde=True, rug=False, axlabel='log probability', ax=ax1 );
sns.distplot( after_training_log_prob, bins=20, hist=True, kde=True, rug=False, axlabel='log probability', ax=ax2 );
ax1.set_title("Before training")
ax2.set_title("After training")
plt.suptitle("Effect of training on SWR-spike events, m={0}; swr-hmm8-1".format(num_states), y=1.05, fontsize=16)
Train SWR-HMM8_2 on a small subset of the training data:
In [ ]:
num_sequences = 80
#num_sequences = len(SWR_train2)
#before_training_log_prob = [ swrhmm8_2.log_probability( SWR_train2[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_train2[:num_sequences])) ]
#print( 'average log probability of sequences BEFORE training: ' + str( np.average(before_training_log_prob) ) )
swrhmm8_2.train( SWR_train2[:num_sequences], algorithm='baum-welch', verbose=True )
#after_training_log_prob = [ swrhmm8_2.log_probability( SWR_train2[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_train2[:num_sequences])) ]
#print( 'average log probability of sequences AFTER training: ' + str( np.average(after_training_log_prob) ) )
In [ ]:
num_sequences = 80
hmm8_1.train( BVR_train1[:num_sequences], algorithm='baum-welch', verbose=True )
In [ ]:
hmm8_2.train( BVR_train2[:num_sequences], algorithm='baum-welch', verbose=True )
In [ ]:
swrhmm8_1.train( SWR_train1[:num_sequences], algorithm='baum-welch', verbose=True )
In [ ]:
swrhmm8_2.train( SWR_train2[:num_sequences], algorithm='baum-welch', verbose=True )
In [ ]:
hmm10_1.train( BVR_train1[:num_sequences], algorithm='baum-welch', verbose=True )
In [ ]:
hmm10_2.train( BVR_train2[:num_sequences], algorithm='baum-welch', verbose=True )
In [ ]:
swrhmm10_1.train( SWR_train1[:num_sequences], algorithm='baum-welch', verbose=True )
In [ ]:
swrhmm10_2.train( SWR_train2[:num_sequences], algorithm='baum-welch', verbose=True )
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
# find the log probability of the "best" length N sequence:
def best_state_sequence(ymModel,Nstates):
logP = ymModel.dense_transition_matrix()
N = Nstates
statelist = [ymModel.start_index]
logPij = [np.log(1 / (ymModel.state_count() - 2)) ] # assume each starting location equally likely
for ii in np.arange(0,N):
nextstate = list(logP[statelist[-1],:]).index(max(logP[statelist[-1],:]))
lpbest = np.array(logPij).sum()
return lpbest, statelist, logPij
In [ ]:
lpbest, statelist, Pij = best_state_sequence(hmm15_1,5)
In [ ]:
import copy
cand_seq = copy.deepcopy(BVR_train1[0])
lp, mlse_pth = hmm8_1.viterbi(cand_seq)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
shuffled_seq = copy.deepcopy(cand_seq)
lp_shfl, mlse_pth_shfl = hmm8_1.viterbi(shuffled_seq)
In [ ]:
[lp, lp_shfl] # shows that sequence DOES matter!
In [ ]:
In [6]:
# Random sequence of lengh L through model, along with log-prob:
seq, pth = hmm8_1.sample(length=len(cand_seq), path=True)
lprand, pth_best = hmm8_1.viterbi(seq)
In [ ]:
# "Best" sequence of lengh L through model, along with log-prob:
lpbest, statelist, Pij = best_state_sequence(hmm8_1,len(seq))
In [5]:
In [10]:
num_sequences = 60
seq1_in_model1_log_prob_test = [ hmm8_1.log_probability( SWR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
seq2_in_model2_log_prob_test = [ hmm8_2.log_probability( SWR_test2[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
seq2_in_model1_log_prob_test = [ hmm8_1.log_probability( SWR_test2[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
seq1_in_model2_log_prob_test = [ hmm8_2.log_probability( SWR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
# note: log odds = log(P1/P2) = logP1 - logP2:
seq2_ratio_test = [seq2_in_model1_log_prob_test[i] - seq2_in_model2_log_prob_test[i] for i in range(len(seq2_in_model1_log_prob_test)) ]
seq1_ratio_test = [seq1_in_model1_log_prob_test[i] - seq1_in_model2_log_prob_test[i] for i in range(len(seq1_in_model1_log_prob_test)) ]
In [12]:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (6, 4),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, ( ax1 ) = plt.subplots(1,1)
sns.distplot( seq1_ratio_test, bins=20, hist=True, kde=True, axlabel='log odds', ax=ax1, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=1|e=1)/p(Y=1|e=2)"} );
sns.distplot( seq2_ratio_test, bins=20, hist=True, kde=True, axlabel='log odds', ax=ax1, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=2|e=1)/p(Y=2|e=2)"} );
ax1.set_title("log odds of SWR sequences in BVR model, m=8",fontsize=14)
In [43]:
num_sequences = 60
seq1_in_model1_log_prob_test = [ swrhmm8_1.log_probability( SWR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
seq2_in_model2_log_prob_test = [ swrhmm8_2.log_probability( SWR_test2[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
seq2_in_model1_log_prob_test = [ swrhmm8_1.log_probability( SWR_test2[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
seq1_in_model2_log_prob_test = [ swrhmm8_2.log_probability( SWR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
# note: log odds = log(P1/P2) = logP1 - logP2:
seq2_ratio_test = [seq2_in_model1_log_prob_test[i] - seq2_in_model2_log_prob_test[i] for i in range(len(seq2_in_model1_log_prob_test)) ]
seq1_ratio_test = [seq1_in_model1_log_prob_test[i] - seq1_in_model2_log_prob_test[i] for i in range(len(seq1_in_model1_log_prob_test)) ]
In [47]:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (6, 4),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, ( ax1 ) = plt.subplots(1,1)
sns.distplot( seq1_ratio_test, bins=20, hist=False, kde=True, axlabel='log odds', ax=ax1, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=1|e=1)/p(Y=1|e=2)"} );
sns.distplot( seq2_ratio_test, bins=20, hist=False, kde=True, axlabel='log odds', ax=ax1, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=2|e=1)/p(Y=2|e=2)"} );
ax1.set_title("log odds of SWR sequences in SWR model, m=8",fontsize=14)
In [9]:
num_sequences = 60
seq1_in_model1_log_prob_test = [ swrhmm8_1.log_probability( BVR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
seq2_in_model2_log_prob_test = [ swrhmm8_2.log_probability( BVR_test2[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
seq2_in_model1_log_prob_test = [ swrhmm8_1.log_probability( BVR_test2[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
seq1_in_model2_log_prob_test = [ swrhmm8_2.log_probability( BVR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
seq2_ratio_test = [seq2_in_model1_log_prob_test[i] - seq2_in_model2_log_prob_test[i] for i in range(len(seq2_in_model1_log_prob_test)) ]
seq1_ratio_test = [seq1_in_model1_log_prob_test[i] - seq1_in_model2_log_prob_test[i] for i in range(len(seq1_in_model1_log_prob_test)) ]
In [ ]:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (6, 4),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, ( ax1 ) = plt.subplots(1,1)
sns.distplot( seq1_ratio_test, bins=20, hist=True, kde=True, axlabel='log odds', ax=ax1, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=1|e=1)/p(Y=1|e=2)"} );
sns.distplot( seq2_ratio_test, bins=20, hist=True, kde=True, axlabel='log odds', ax=ax1, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=2|e=1)/p(Y=2|e=2)"} );
ax1.set_title("log odds of BVR sequences in SWR model, m=8",fontsize=14)
In [ ]:
num_sequences = 60
seq1_in_model1_log_prob_test = [ swrhmm15_1.log_probability( BVR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
seq2_in_model2_log_prob_test = [ swrhmm15_2.log_probability( BVR_test2[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
seq2_in_model1_log_prob_test = [ swrhmm15_1.log_probability( BVR_test2[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
seq1_in_model2_log_prob_test = [ swrhmm15_2.log_probability( BVR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
seq2_ratio_test = [seq2_in_model1_log_prob_test[i] - seq2_in_model2_log_prob_test[i] for i in range(len(seq2_in_model1_log_prob_test)) ]
seq1_ratio_test = [seq1_in_model1_log_prob_test[i] - seq1_in_model2_log_prob_test[i] for i in range(len(seq1_in_model1_log_prob_test)) ]
In [ ]:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (6, 4),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, ( ax1 ) = plt.subplots(1,1)
sns.distplot( seq1_ratio_test, bins=20, hist=True, kde=True, axlabel='log odds', ax=ax1, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=1|e=1)/p(Y=1|e=2)"} );
sns.distplot( seq2_ratio_test, bins=20, hist=True, kde=True, axlabel='log odds', ax=ax1, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=2|e=1)/p(Y=2|e=2)"} );
ax1.set_title("log odds of BVR sequences in SWR model, m=15",fontsize=14)
In [13]:
num_sequences = 60
bvr1_in_bvr1_log_prob_test = [ hmm8_1.log_probability( BVR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
bvr2_in_bvr2_log_prob_test = [ hmm8_2.log_probability( BVR_test2[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
bvr2_in_bvr1_log_prob_test = [ hmm8_1.log_probability( BVR_test2[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
bvr1_in_bvr2_log_prob_test = [ hmm8_2.log_probability( BVR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
num_sequences = 60
bvr1_in_swr1_log_prob_test = [ swrhmm8_1.log_probability( BVR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
bvr2_in_swr2_log_prob_test = [ swrhmm8_2.log_probability( BVR_test2[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
bvr2_in_swr1_log_prob_test = [ swrhmm8_1.log_probability( BVR_test2[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
bvr1_in_swr2_log_prob_test = [ swrhmm8_2.log_probability( BVR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
num_sequences = 60
swr1_in_bvr1_log_prob_test = [ hmm8_1.log_probability( SWR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
swr2_in_bvr2_log_prob_test = [ hmm8_2.log_probability( SWR_test2[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
swr2_in_bvr1_log_prob_test = [ hmm8_1.log_probability( SWR_test2[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
swr1_in_bvr2_log_prob_test = [ hmm8_2.log_probability( SWR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
num_sequences = 60
swr1_in_swr1_log_prob_test = [ swrhmm8_1.log_probability( SWR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
swr2_in_swr2_log_prob_test = [ swrhmm8_2.log_probability( SWR_test2[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
swr2_in_swr1_log_prob_test = [ swrhmm8_1.log_probability( SWR_test2[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
swr1_in_swr2_log_prob_test = [ swrhmm8_2.log_probability( SWR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
# normalized versions:
#num_sequences = 60
#bvr1_in_bvr1_log_prob_test_nrm = [ hmm8_1.log_probability( BVR_test1[a] ) - best_state_sequence(hmm8_1,len(BVR_test1[0]))[0] for a in range(len(BVR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
#bvr2_in_bvr2_log_prob_test_nrm = [ hmm8_2.log_probability( BVR_test2[a] ) - best_state_sequence(hmm8_2,len(BVR_test2[0]))[0] for a in range(len(BVR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
#bvr2_in_bvr1_log_prob_test_nrm = [ hmm8_1.log_probability( BVR_test2[a] ) - best_state_sequence(hmm8_1,len(BVR_test2[0]))[0] for a in range(len(BVR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
#bvr1_in_bvr2_log_prob_test_nrm = [ hmm8_2.log_probability( BVR_test1[a] ) - best_state_sequence(hmm8_2,len(BVR_test1[0]))[0] for a in range(len(BVR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
#num_sequences = 60
#bvr1_in_swr1_log_prob_test_nrm = [ swrhmm8_1.log_probability( BVR_test1[a] ) - best_state_sequence(swrhmm8_1,len(BVR_test1[0]))[0] for a in range(len(BVR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
#bvr2_in_swr2_log_prob_test_nrm = [ swrhmm8_2.log_probability( BVR_test2[a] ) - best_state_sequence(swrhmm8_2,len(BVR_test2[0]))[0] for a in range(len(BVR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
#bvr2_in_swr1_log_prob_test_nrm = [ swrhmm8_1.log_probability( BVR_test2[a] ) - best_state_sequence(swrhmm8_1,len(BVR_test2[0]))[0] for a in range(len(BVR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
#bvr1_in_swr2_log_prob_test_nrm = [ swrhmm8_2.log_probability( BVR_test1[a] ) - best_state_sequence(swrhmm8_2,len(BVR_test1[0]))[0] for a in range(len(BVR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
#num_sequences = 60
#swr1_in_bvr1_log_prob_test_nrm = [ hmm8_1.log_probability( SWR_test1[a] ) - best_state_sequence(hmm8_1,len(SWR_test1[0]))[0] for a in range(len(SWR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
#swr2_in_bvr2_log_prob_test_nrm = [ hmm8_2.log_probability( SWR_test2[a] ) - best_state_sequence(hmm8_2,len(SWR_test2[0]))[0] for a in range(len(SWR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
#swr2_in_bvr1_log_prob_test_nrm = [ hmm8_1.log_probability( SWR_test2[a] ) - best_state_sequence(hmm8_1,len(SWR_test2[0]))[0] for a in range(len(SWR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
#swr1_in_bvr2_log_prob_test_nrm = [ hmm8_2.log_probability( SWR_test1[a] ) - best_state_sequence(hmm8_2,len(SWR_test1[0]))[0] for a in range(len(SWR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
In [21]:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (6, 4),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, ( ax1) = plt.subplots(1,1)
sns.distplot( bvr2_in_bvr1_log_prob_test, bins=20, hist=False, kde=True, rug=False, axlabel='log probability', ax=ax1, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=2|e=1)"} );
#sns.distplot( bvr1_in_bvr2_log_prob_test, bins=20, hist=False, kde=True, rug=False, axlabel='log probability', ax=ax2, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=1|e=2)"} );
sns.distplot( bvr1_in_bvr1_log_prob_test, bins=20, hist=False, kde=True, rug=False, axlabel='log probability', ax=ax1, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=1|e=1)"} );
#sns.distplot( bvr2_in_bvr2_log_prob_test, bins=20, hist=False, kde=True, rug=False, axlabel='log probability', ax=ax2, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=2|e=2)"} );
ax1.set_title('BVR_test{1,2} in BVR_train{1}')
#ax2.set_title('BVR_test{1,2} in BVR_train{2}')
#ax2.set_xlim([-20000, 0])
In [115]:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (6, 4),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, ( ax1 ) = plt.subplots(1,1)
#sns.distplot( swr2_in_bvr1_log_prob_test, bins=20, hist=False, kde=True, rug=False, axlabel='log probability', ax=ax1, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=2|e=1)"} );
sns.distplot( swr1_in_bvr2_log_prob_test, bins=20, hist=False, kde=True, rug=False, axlabel='log probability', ax=ax1, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=1|e=2)"} );
#sns.distplot( swr1_in_bvr1_log_prob_test, bins=20, hist=False, kde=True, rug=False, axlabel='log probability', ax=ax1, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=1|e=1)"} );
sns.distplot( swr2_in_bvr2_log_prob_test, bins=20, hist=False, kde=True, rug=False, axlabel='log probability', ax=ax1, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=2|e=2)"} );
ax1.set_title('SWR_test{1,2} in BVR_train{2}')
#ax2.set_title('SWR_test{1,2} in BVR_train{2}')
In [25]:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (6, 4),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, ( ax1) = plt.subplots(1)
sns.distplot( bvr2_in_swr1_log_prob_test, bins=20, hist=False, kde=True, rug=False, axlabel='log probability', ax=ax1, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=2|e=1)"} );
#sns.distplot( bvr1_in_swr2_log_prob_test, bins=20, hist=False, kde=True, rug=False, axlabel='log probability', ax=ax2, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=1|e=2)"} );
sns.distplot( bvr1_in_swr1_log_prob_test, bins=20, hist=False, kde=True, rug=False, axlabel='log probability', ax=ax1, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=1|e=1)"} );
#sns.distplot( bvr2_in_swr2_log_prob_test, bins=20, hist=False, kde=True, rug=False, axlabel='log probability', ax=ax2, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=2|e=2)"} );
ax1.set_title('BVR_test{1,2} in SWR_train{1}')
#ax2.set_title('BVR_test{1,2} in SWR_train{2}')
In [ ]:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (12, 4),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, ( ax1, ax2 ) = plt.subplots(1,2)
sns.distplot( swr2_in_swr1_log_prob_test, bins=20, hist=False, kde=True, rug=False, axlabel='log probability', ax=ax1, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=2|e=1)"} );
sns.distplot( swr1_in_swr2_log_prob_test, bins=20, hist=False, kde=True, rug=False, axlabel='log probability', ax=ax2, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=1|e=2)"} );
sns.distplot( swr1_in_swr1_log_prob_test, bins=20, hist=False, kde=True, rug=False, axlabel='log probability', ax=ax1, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=1|e=1)"} );
sns.distplot( swr2_in_swr2_log_prob_test, bins=20, hist=False, kde=True, rug=False, axlabel='log probability', ax=ax2, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(Y=2|e=2)"} );
ax1.set_title('SWR_test{1,2} in SWR_train{1}')
ax2.set_title('SWR_test{1,2} in SWR_train{2}')
We would hope that if we shuffle observations in a sequence, that the observation sequence would no longer be consistent with the HMM. However, one thing to keep in mind is that if we have really short sequences, or if we have sequences where the animal hardly changed states, then such a shuffling strategy would not lead to any meaningful difference in the log-probability of the sequence in the HMM.
In [141]:
import copy
shuffled_swr2_test = copy.deepcopy(SWR_test2) # make a copy of the bvr test data for LinearOne
In [142]:
In [ ]:
from random import shuffle
# for each sequence, shuffle the observations (the bins)
for ll in np.arange(0,len(shuffled_bvr1_test)):
# for each sequence, shuffle the observations (the bins)
for ll in np.arange(0,len(shuffled_bvr2_test)):
In [151]:
seq = SWR_test2[49]
sseq = copy.deepcopy(seq)
print('seq len: {0}'.format(len(seq)))
shufflplist = []
for ii in np.arange(0,30):
shufflplist.append(hmm8_1.log_probability( sseq ))
In [152]:
shufflplist2 = []
for ii in np.arange(0,30):
shufflplist2.append(hmm8_2.log_probability( sseq ))
In [157]:
In [156]:
In [155]:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (12, 4),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, ( ax1, ax2 ) = plt.subplots(1,2)
sns.distplot( shufflplist, bins=20, hist=True, kde=True, rug=False, ax=ax1, axlabel='log probability', kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "BVR1"} );
sns.distplot( shufflplist2, bins=20, hist=True, kde=True, rug=False, ax=ax2, axlabel='log probability', kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "BVR2"} );
In [ ]:
num_sequences = 60
bvr1_in_bvr1_log_prob_test_m15 = [ hmm15_1.log_probability( BVR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
bvr1_shuffled_in_bvr1_log_prob_test_m15 = [ hmm15_1.log_probability( shuffled_bvr1_test[a] ) for a in range(len(shuffled_bvr1_test[:num_sequences])) ]
bvr2_in_bvr2_log_prob_test_m15 = [ hmm15_2.log_probability( BVR_test2[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
bvr2_shuffled_in_bvr2_log_prob_test_m15 = [ hmm15_2.log_probability( shuffled_bvr2_test[a] ) for a in range(len(shuffled_bvr2_test[:num_sequences])) ]
bvr1_in_bvr1_log_prob_test_m8 = [ hmm8_1.log_probability( BVR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
bvr1_shuffled_in_bvr1_log_prob_test_m8 = [ hmm8_1.log_probability( shuffled_bvr1_test[a] ) for a in range(len(shuffled_bvr1_test[:num_sequences])) ]
bvr2_in_bvr2_log_prob_test_m8 = [ hmm8_2.log_probability( BVR_test2[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
bvr2_shuffled_in_bvr2_log_prob_test_m8 = [ hmm8_2.log_probability( shuffled_bvr2_test[a] ) for a in range(len(shuffled_bvr2_test[:num_sequences])) ]
In [ ]:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (6, 4),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, ( ax1 ) = plt.subplots(1,1)
sns.distplot( bvr1_in_bvr1_log_prob_test_m8, bins=20, hist=True, kde=True, rug=False, ax=ax1, axlabel='log probability', kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "BVR1_test"} );
sns.distplot( bvr1_shuffled_in_bvr1_log_prob_test_m8, bins=20, hist=True, kde=True, rug=False, ax=ax1, axlabel='log probability', kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "BVR1_test_shuffled"} );
#sns.distplot( seq1_ratio_test, bins=20, hist=True, kde=True, axlabel='log odds', ax=ax1, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(e=1|Y=2)/p(e=2|Y=2)"} );
#sns.distplot( seq2_ratio_test, bins=20, hist=True, kde=True, axlabel='log odds', ax=ax1, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(e=1|Y=1)/p(e=2|Y=1)"} );
ax1.set_title("Shuffled test, m=8",fontsize=14)
In [ ]:
# Random sequence of lengh L through model, along with log-prob:
#seq = hmm15_1.sample(length=len(cand_seq))
In [ ]:
num_sequences = 60
bvr1_in_bvr1_log_prob_test = [ hmm15_1.log_probability( BVR_test1[a] ) - hmm15_1.viterbi(hmm15_1.sample(length=len(BVR_test1[a])))[0] for a in range(len(BVR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
bvr1_shuffled_in_bvr1_log_prob_test = [ hmm15_1.log_probability( shuffled_bvr1_test[a] ) - hmm15_1.viterbi(hmm15_1.sample(length=len(BVR_test1[a])))[0] for a in range(len(shuffled_bvr1_test[:num_sequences])) ]
In [ ]:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (6, 4),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, ( ax1 ) = plt.subplots(1,1)
sns.distplot( bvr1_in_bvr1_log_prob_test, bins=20, hist=True, kde=True, rug=False, ax=ax1, axlabel='log probability', kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "BVR1_test"} );
sns.distplot( bvr1_shuffled_in_bvr1_log_prob_test, bins=20, hist=True, kde=True, rug=False, ax=ax1, axlabel='log probability', kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "BVR1_test_shuffled"} );
#sns.distplot( seq1_ratio_test, bins=20, hist=True, kde=True, axlabel='log odds', ax=ax1, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(e=1|Y=2)/p(e=2|Y=2)"} );
#sns.distplot( seq2_ratio_test, bins=20, hist=True, kde=True, axlabel='log odds', ax=ax1, kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "log p(e=1|Y=1)/p(e=2|Y=1)"} );
ax1.set_title("Shuffled test w pseudo-normalized sequences",fontsize=14)
In [26]:
import copy
shuffled_bvr1_test = copy.deepcopy(BVR_test1) # make a copy of the bvr test data for LinearOne
shuffled_bvr2_test = copy.deepcopy(BVR_test2) # make a copy of the bvr test data for LinearTwo
In [27]:
from random import shuffle
# for each sequence, shuffle the observations (the bins)
for ll in np.arange(0,len(shuffled_bvr1_test)):
# for each sequence, shuffle the observations (the bins)
for ll in np.arange(0,len(shuffled_bvr2_test)):
In [28]:
num_sequences = 60
#bvr1_in_bvr1_log_prob_test_m10 = [ hmm10_1.log_probability( BVR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
#bvr1_shuffled_in_bvr1_log_prob_test_m10 = [ hmm10_1.log_probability( shuffled_bvr1_test[a] ) for a in range(len(shuffled_bvr1_test[:num_sequences])) ]
bvr2_in_bvr2_log_prob_test_m8 = [ hmm8_2.log_probability( BVR_test2[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
bvr2_shuffled_in_bvr2_log_prob_test_m8 = [ hmm8_2.log_probability( shuffled_bvr2_test[a] ) for a in range(len(shuffled_bvr2_test[:num_sequences])) ]
In [34]:
num_sequences = 60
#bvr1_in_bvr1_log_prob_test_m10 = [ hmm10_1.log_probability( BVR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
#bvr1_shuffled_in_bvr1_log_prob_test_m10 = [ hmm10_1.log_probability( shuffled_bvr1_test[a] ) for a in range(len(shuffled_bvr1_test[:num_sequences])) ]
bvr1_in_bvr1_log_prob_test_m8 = [ hmm8_2.log_probability( BVR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(BVR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
bvr1_shuffled_in_bvr1_log_prob_test_m8 = [ hmm8_2.log_probability( shuffled_bvr1_test[a] ) for a in range(len(shuffled_bvr1_test[:num_sequences])) ]
In [42]:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (6, 4),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, ( ax1 ) = plt.subplots(1,1)
#sns.distplot( bvr1_in_bvr1_log_prob_test_m8, bins=50, hist=False, kde=True, rug=False, ax=ax1, axlabel='log probability', kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "BVR1_test"} );
#sns.distplot( bvr1_shuffled_in_bvr1_log_prob_test_m8, bins=50, hist=False, kde=True, rug=False, ax=ax1, axlabel='log probability', kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "BVR1_test_shuffled"} );
sns.distplot( bvr2_shuffled_in_bvr2_log_prob_test_m8, bins=50, hist=False, kde=True, rug=False, ax=ax1, axlabel='log probability', kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "shuffled"} );
sns.distplot( bvr2_in_bvr2_log_prob_test_m8, bins=50, hist=False, kde=True, rug=False, ax=ax1, axlabel='log probability', kde_kws={"lw": 3, "label": "BVR2 sequences"} );
ax1.set_title("Shuffled test, m=8",fontsize=14)
#ax1.set_xlim([-1000, -800])
In [78]:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (6, 4),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
plt.matshow(swrhmm8_1.dense_transition_matrix()[0:8,0:8],; plt.colorbar()
In [96]:
#swr1_in_bvr1_log_prob_test = [ hmm8_1.log_probability( SWR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
#swr2_in_bvr2_log_prob_test = [ hmm8_2.log_probability( SWR_test2[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
#swr2_in_bvr1_log_prob_test = [ hmm8_1.log_probability( SWR_test2[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_test2[:num_sequences])) ]
#swr1_in_bvr2_log_prob_test = [ hmm8_2.log_probability( SWR_test1[a] ) for a in range(len(SWR_test1[:num_sequences])) ]
plt.scatter(swr1_in_bvr1_log_prob_test,swr1_in_bvr2_log_prob_test, color='g')
plt.scatter(swr2_in_bvr1_log_prob_test,swr2_in_bvr2_log_prob_test, color='k')
plt.xlabel('log p(Y|e=1)')
plt.ylabel('log p(Y|e=2)')
In [149]:
hmm8_1.log_probability( SWR_test2[49])
In [150]:
In [129]:
In [128]:
[x > y+400 for (x,y) in zip(swr2_in_bvr1_log_prob_test,swr2_in_bvr2_log_prob_test) ]
In [109]:
In [117]:
plt.scatter(bvr1_in_bvr1_log_prob_test,bvr1_in_bvr2_log_prob_test, color='g')
plt.scatter(bvr2_in_bvr1_log_prob_test,bvr2_in_bvr2_log_prob_test, color='k')
plt.xlabel('log p(Y|e=1)')
plt.ylabel('log p(Y|e=2)')
plt.title('bvr in bvr')
In [103]:
plt.scatter(swr1_in_swr1_log_prob_test,swr1_in_swr2_log_prob_test, color='g')
plt.scatter(swr2_in_swr1_log_prob_test,swr2_in_swr2_log_prob_test, color='k')
plt.xlabel('log p(Y|e=1)')
plt.ylabel('log p(Y|e=2)')
plt.title('swr in swr')
In [114]: