Place field estimation for CRCNS hc-3 data, replay (SWR) detection and scoring

Etienne Ackermann

Load trajectory data from .whl file

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pandas import Series, DataFrame

%matplotlib inline

# read trajectory:
    df1whl = pd.read_table( 'C://Etienne//Dropbox//neoReader//Data//gor01-6-7//2006-6-7_11-26-53_lin1//2006-6-7_11-26-53.whl',sep='\t', skiprows=0, names=['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'] )
    df2whl = pd.read_table( 'C://Etienne//Dropbox//neoReader//Data//gor01-6-7//2006-6-7_16-40-19_lin2//2006-6-7_16-40-19.whl',sep='\t', skiprows=0, names=['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'] )
    print( "Cannot load files in C:/...; trying Unix location instead.")
        #df1whl = pd.read_table( '/home/etienne/Dropbox/neoReader/Data/gor01-6-7/2006-6-7_11-26-53_lin1/2006-6-7_11-26-53.whl',sep='\t', skiprows=0, names=['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'] )
        df2whl = pd.read_table( '/home/etienne/Dropbox/neoReader/Data/gor01-6-7/2006-6-7_16-40-19_lin2/2006-6-7_16-40-19.whl',sep='\t', skiprows=0, names=['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'] )
        #df1whl = pd.read_table( '/home/etienne/Dropbox/neoReader/Data/gor01-6-12/2006-6-12_15-55-31_lin1/2006-6-12_15-55-31.whl',sep='\t', skiprows=0, names=['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'] )
        #df2whl = pd.read_table( '/home/etienne/Dropbox/neoReader/Data/gor01-6-12/2006-6-12_16-53-46_lin2/2006-6-12_16-53-46.whl',sep='\t', skiprows=0, names=['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'] )       
        #df1whl = pd.read_table( '/home/etienne/Dropbox/neoReader/Data/gor01-6-13/2006-6-13_14-42-6_lin1/2006-6-13_14-42-6.whl',sep='\t', skiprows=0, names=['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'] )
        #df2whl = pd.read_table( '/home/etienne/Dropbox/neoReader/Data/gor01-6-13/2006-6-13_15-22-3_lin2/2006-6-13_15-22-3.whl',sep='\t', skiprows=0, names=['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'] )
        print( "Cannot load files in Unix location; trying Mac location instead.")
            #df1whl = pd.read_table( '/Users/etienne/Dropbox/neoReader/Data/gor01-6-7/2006-6-7_11-26-53_lin1/2006-6-7_11-26-53.whl',sep='\t', skiprows=0, names=['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'] )
            df2whl = pd.read_table( '/Users/etienne/Dropbox/neoReader/Data/gor01-6-7/2006-6-7_16-40-19_lin2/2006-6-7_16-40-19.whl',sep='\t', skiprows=0, names=['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'] )
            print( "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0] )
            print( "Data loaded successfully." )
        print( "Data loaded successfully." )
    print( "Data loaded successfully." )
# plot trajectory:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (8, 4),'lines.linewidth': 1, 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
palette = sns.color_palette()
plt.plot( df2whl['x1'], df2whl['y1'], linewidth=2, color='lightgray');
plt.plot( df2whl['x2'], df2whl['y2'], linewidth=2, color='lightgray');
plt.plot( (df2whl['x1'] + df2whl['x2'])/2, (df2whl['y1'] + df2whl['y2'])/2, linewidth=1, color='k' );

Cannot load files in C:/...; trying Unix location instead.
Cannot load files in Unix location; trying Mac location instead.
Data loaded successfully.

Visualize position along the x-axis over time, to see how many runs were performed:

In [2]:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (16, 4),'lines.linewidth': 1.5, 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, ( ax1 ) = plt.subplots(1,1)

ax1.plot(np.linspace(0,len(df2whl.index)/60,len(df2whl.index)),df2whl['x1'], linewidth=2, color='lightgray' )
ax1.plot(np.linspace(0,len(df2whl.index)/60,len(df2whl.index)),df2whl['x2'], linewidth=2, color='lightgray' )
ax1.plot(np.linspace(0,len(df2whl.index)/60,len(df2whl.index)),(df2whl['x1'] + df2whl['x2'])/2, linewidth=1, color='k' )
ax1.set_xlabel('time (s)')
ax1.set_ylabel('position along x-axis')

#saveFigure("figures/x-pos vs time.pdf")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1031a24e0>

Load spikes from LinearTwo:

I chose to use (as far as I could) data from LinearTwo, since the position data for LinearOne on the first session day are incomplete...

In [4]:
import pickle

#with open('../../Data/st_array1rn.pickle', 'rb') as f:
#    st_array1 = pickle.load(f)
with open('../../Data/st_array2rn.pickle', 'rb') as f:
    st_array2 = pickle.load(f)

Load Python modules and helper functions

In [5]:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../')

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle 
import seaborn as sns
#import yahmm as ym

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pandas import Series, DataFrame

from efunctions import * # load my helper functions

%matplotlib inline

from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter, filtfilt

def butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5):
    nyq = 0.5 * fs
    low = lowcut / nyq
    high = highcut / nyq
    b, a = butter(order, [low, high], btype='band')
    return b, a

def butter_bandpass_filter(data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5):
    b, a = butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order)
    y = lfilter(b, a, data)
    return y

def butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order=5):
    nyq = 0.5 * fs
    normal_cutoff = cutoff / nyq
    b, a = butter(order, normal_cutoff, btype='low', analog=False)
    return b, a

def butter_lowpass_filtfilt(data, cutoff, fs, order=5):
    b, a = butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order=order)
    #y = lfilter(b, a, data)
    y = filtfilt(b, a, data, padlen=150)
    return y

def rms(x):
    return np.sqrt(np.mean(x**2))

def compute_rolling_rms(x,fs,wt=10):
    # fs = sampling frequency
    # wt = sliding window over which to compute rms, in milliseconds
    nsamples = len(x)
    from collections import deque
    import itertools

    dqfilt = deque(x)
    x_rms = np.zeros(nsamples)
    wn = round(fs/1000*wt)    # number of samples per window to compute RMS power in

    for e in np.arange(nsamples):
        x_rms[e] = rms(np.array(list(itertools.islice(dqfilt, 1, wn+1))))
    return x_rms

function saveFigure(filename) loaded

Tip: to save a figure, call saveFigure("path/figure.pdf")

Build place field map for LinearTwo using only x-coords

  1. estimate instantaneous running velocity at 60 Hz
  2. smooth running velocity with a zero-phase filter
  3. consider only spikes corresponding to bins where the instantaneous velocity is above some threshold (3 cm/s?)
  4. determine the number of spikes per position bin, and the duration spent in that bin (all on the suprathreshold data)
  5. smooth place fields again? using a Gaussian kernel?

In [6]:
# speed as a function of time...

def get_smooth_speed(x,y,fs=60,th=3,cutoff=0.5,showfig=False):
    dx = np.ediff1d(x,to_begin=0)
    dy = np.ediff1d(y,to_begin=0)
    dvdt = np.sqrt(np.square(dx) + np.square(dy))*60 # cm per second
    t0 = 0
    tend = len(dvdt)/fs # end in seconds

    dvdtlowpass = np.fmax(0,butter_lowpass_filtfilt(dvdt, cutoff=cutoff, fs=fs, order=6))

    print('The animal (gor01) ran an average of {0:2.2f} cm/s'.format(dvdt.mean()))

    #th = 3 #cm/s
    runindex = np.where(dvdtlowpass>=th); runindex = runindex[0]
    print("The animal ran faster than th = {0:2.1f} cm/s for a total of {1:2.1f} seconds (out of a total of {2:2.1f} seconds).".format(th,len(runindex)/60,len(centerx)/60))
    if showfig:
        sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (15, 4),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 18, 'axes.labelsize': 16, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })

        f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2)

        ax1.plot(np.arange(0,len(dvdt))/fs,dvdtlowpass, alpha=1,color='k',linewidth=1)
        ax1.set_xlabel('time (seconds)')
        ax1.set_ylabel('instantaneous velocity (cm/s)')
        ax1.legend(['unfiltered', str(cutoff) + ' Hz lowpass filtfilt'])

        ax2.plot(np.arange(0,len(dvdt))/60,dvdtlowpass, alpha=1,color='k',linewidth=1)
        ax2.set_xlabel('time (seconds)')
        ax2.set_ylabel('instantaneous velocity (cm/s)')
        ax2.legend(['unfiltered',  str(cutoff) + ' Hz lowpass filtfilt'])
    return dvdtlowpass, runindex

In [7]:
def list_of_spk_time_arrays_to_spk_counts_arrays(st_array_extern, ds=0, fs=0 ):
    st_array: list of ndarrays containing spike times (in sample numbers!)
    ds:       delta sample number; integer value of samples per time bin
    fs:       sampling frequency
    argument logic: if only st_array is passed, use default ds; if ds is passed, use as is and ignore fs; if ds and fs are passed, use ds as time in seconds
    returns a (numBins x numCell) array with spike counts
    st_array = st_array_extern
    if fs == 0:
        if ds == 0:
            ds = 1000 # assume default interval size
    else: # sampling frequency was passed, so interpret ds as time-interval, and convert accordingly:
        if ds == 0:
            ds = 1000 # assume default interval size
            ds = round(ds*fs)
    # determine number of units:
    num_units = len(st_array)
    #columns = np.arange(0,num_units)
    #df = DataFrame(columns=columns)
    maxtime = 0
    for uu in np.arange(num_units):
            maxtime = max(st_array[uu].max(), maxtime)
            maxtime = maxtime
    # create list of intervals:
    intlist = np.arange(0,maxtime,ds)
    num_bins = len(intlist)
    spks_bin = np.zeros((num_bins,num_units))
    print("binning data into {0} x {1:2.1f} ms temporal bins...".format(num_bins, ds*1000/fs))
    for uu in np.arange(num_units):
        # count number of spikes in an interval:
        spks_bin[:,uu] = np.histogram(st_array[uu], bins=num_bins, density=False, range=(0,maxtime))[0]
        #spk_count_list.append([x&y for (x,y) in zip(st_array[uu]>ii, st_array[uu] < ii+ds)].count(True))
        #st_array[uu] = st_array[uu][st_array[uu]>ii+ds]        
        #if df.empty:
        #    df = DataFrame([spk_count_list], columns=columns)
        #    df = df.append(DataFrame([spk_count_list], columns=columns),ignore_index=True)
    return spks_bin

In [8]:
centerx = (np.array(df2whl['x1']) + np.array(df2whl['x2']))/2
centery = (np.array(df2whl['y1']) + np.array(df2whl['y2']))/2

binned_vel_60Hz, binned_runidx_60Hz = get_smooth_speed(centerx,centery,fs=60,th=3,showfig=True)
binned_counts_60Hz = list_of_spk_time_arrays_to_spk_counts_arrays(st_array2, ds=0.016666667, fs=32552)

# trim run indices to same length as spike counts
binned_runidx_60Hz = binned_runidx_60Hz[np.where(binned_runidx_60Hz<len(binned_counts_60Hz))[0]]; # runindexnew = runindexnew[0]

# get bins of spk counts that correspond to where the animal was running above threshold:
binned_counts_60Hz_run = binned_counts_60Hz[binned_runidx_60Hz,:]

The animal (gor01) ran an average of 2.89 cm/s
The animal ran faster than th = 3.0 cm/s for a total of 533.6 seconds (out of a total of 2587.8 seconds).
binning data into 155135 x 16.7 ms temporal bins...

In [9]:
def estimate_place_fields(binned_pos,binned_spk_cnts,fs,x0,xl,num_pos_bins=200,minth=0.005,max_meanfiringrate=4,min_maxfiringrate=2,sigma=1):
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter1d
    #num_bins = 200 # position bins for place fields
    #x0 = 0
    #xl = 100

    num_units = len(binned_spk_cnts[0])

    #data = (np.array(df2whl['x1'])[runindex] + np.array(df2whl['x2'])[runindex])/2

    bins = np.linspace(x0,xl,num_pos_bins)
    digitized = np.digitize(binned_pos, bins) # bin numbers
    bin_cnt = [len(binned_pos[digitized == i]) for i in range(0, len(bins)-1)]
    bin_time = [b/fs for b in bin_cnt] # convert to seconds spent in bin
    pfbincenters = bins[:-1] + np.diff(bins)/2

    pf2spk_cnt = np.zeros((num_pos_bins,num_units))
    closest_bins = np.digitize(binned_pos,bins)
    for cnt, bb in enumerate(closest_bins):
        pf2spk_cnt[bb,:] += binned_spk_cnts[cnt,:]
    sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (15, 4),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 18, 'axes.labelsize': 16, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
    fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
    ax1.plot(pf2spk_cnt, 'gray', linewidth=1)
    #DEBUG: plot only cells 11 and 20 for debugging...
    #ax1.plot(pf2spk_cnt[:,[11,20]], 'gray', linewidth=1)
    ax1.set_xlabel('position (cm)')
    # Make the y-axis label and tick labels match the line color.
    ax1.set_ylabel('spikes per bin', color='gray')
    for tl in ax1.get_yticklabels():
    ax2 = ax1.twinx()
    ax2.set_ylabel('time spent in position bin (sec)', color='k')
    for tl in ax2.get_yticklabels():
    pf2 = []
    pfsmooth = []
#    minth = 0.05 # min threshold for backgrnd spking actvy
    for uu in np.arange(0,num_units):
        pf2.append([b/max(c,1/fs) for (b,c) in zip(pf2spk_cnt[:,uu],bin_time)])
        pfsmooth.append(gaussian_filter1d(pf2[uu], sigma=sigma))
        #pfsmooth.append(butter_lowpass_filtfilt(pf2[uu], cutoff=15, fs=200, order=4))

    pfsmooth = np.array(pfsmooth)
    pfsmooth[pfsmooth<minth] = minth # enforce a minimum background firing rate.
    # throw away cells that look like interneurons, or cells that are inactive throughout the entire experiment:
    meanfiringrates = pfsmooth.mean(axis=1)
    maxfiringrates = pfsmooth.max(axis=1)

#    max_meanfiringrate = 4 # Hz
#    min_maxfiringrate = 2 # Hz

    pindex = np.where((meanfiringrates<=max_meanfiringrate) & (maxfiringrates>min_maxfiringrate)); pindex = pindex[0]
    print("{0} out of {1} cells passed the criteria to be place cells...".format(len(pindex),len(meanfiringrates)))

    return pfsmooth, pfbincenters, pindex

In [10]:
def show_place_fields(pfs, pfbincenters, pindex,min_maxfiringrate=0):
    meanfiringrates = pfs.mean(axis=1)
    maxfiringrates = pfs.max(axis=1)

    # visualize place fields

    # order remaining cells by peak hight along the track
    peaklocations = pfs.argmax(axis=1)
    peakorder = peaklocations[pindex].argsort()

    sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (15, 4),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 18, 'axes.labelsize': 16, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })

    f, ( (ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4) ) = plt.subplots(2,2)
    ax1.legend(['mean firing rate','max firing rate'])
    ax1.set_title('mean and max firing rates of all cells')

    ax2.legend(['mean firing rate','max firing rate'])
    ax2.set_title('mean and max firing rates of place cells')

    cell_list = pindex

    for uu in cell_list:
        ax3.plot(pfbincenters, pfs[uu], linewidth=1, color='k')

    #ax3.set_title("place fields in LinearTwo",fontsize=14)
    ax1.set_ylabel("firing rate (Hz)")
    ax2.set_ylabel("firing rate (Hz)")
    ax3.set_ylabel("firing rate (Hz)")
    ax3.set_title('Place fields of place cells')
    sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (4,8),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 18, 'axes.labelsize': 16, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })

    f, axes = plt.subplots(len(pindex), sharex=True, sharey=True)

    for ii,pp in enumerate(pindex[peakorder]):
        axes[ii].plot((0, 100), (min_maxfiringrate, min_maxfiringrate), 'k:', linewidth=1)
        axes[ii].plot(pfbincenters, pfs[pp],linewidth=1,color='k')
        axes[ii].fill_between(pfbincenters, 0, pfs[pp], color='gray')
        axes[ii].set_ylabel(pp, fontsize=12)

    axes[-1].set_xlabel('position along track [cm]')
    f.suptitle('Place fields ordered by peak location along track, cells are zero-indexed.')

In [11]:
binned_runposx_60Hz = centerx[binned_runidx_60Hz]

pfs, pfbincenters, pindex = estimate_place_fields(binned_runposx_60Hz,binned_counts_60Hz_run,fs=60, x0=0,xl=100,max_meanfiringrate = 4,min_maxfiringrate=1,num_pos_bins=100,sigma=1)


28 out of 90 cells passed the criteria to be place cells...

Load eeg data for SWR detection

In [12]:
num_channels = 96
#dt = np.dtype([('a', 'i2', (num_channels,))])
dtype = np.dtype([(('ch' + str(ii)), 'i2')  for ii in range(num_channels) ])

# read eeg data:
    eegdata = np.fromfile('C://Etienne//Dropbox//neoReader//Data//gor01-6-7//2006-6-7_16-40-19_lin2//2006-6-7_16-40-19.eeg', dtype=dtype, count=-1)
    print( "Cannot load files in C:/...; trying Unix location instead.")
        eegdata = np.fromfile('/home/etienne/Dropbox/neoReader/Data/gor01-6-7/2006-6-7_16-40-19_lin2/2006-6-7_16-40-19.eeg', dtype=dtype, count=-1)
        print( "Cannot load files in Unix location; trying Mac location instead.")
            eegdata = np.fromfile('/Users/etienne/Dropbox/neoReader/Data/gor01-6-7/2006-6-7_16-40-19_lin2/2006-6-7_16-40-19.eeg', dtype=dtype, count=-1)
            print( "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0] )
            print( "Data loaded successfully." )
        print( "Data loaded successfully." )
    print( "Data loaded successfully." )

Cannot load files in C:/...; trying Unix location instead.
Cannot load files in Unix location; trying Mac location instead.
Data loaded successfully.

Create dataframes containing EEG data, with one column for each of the 96 channels

As above, the code below can be improved by wrapping it in a function, and automatically extracting the starting time from the filename, etc.

In [13]:
fs = 1252 # eeg sampling frequency [Hz]

num_records = len(eegdata)
reltime = np.arange(num_records) / fs
#times = map(lambda x:dt.timedelta(seconds=x), reltime)
starttime = pd.to_datetime('200667164019', format='%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
times = map(lambda x:starttime + pd.tseries.timedeltas.to_timedelta(x, unit='s') , reltime)
# transform from record array to ndarray:
data_arr = eegdata.astype(dtype).view('i2')
# reshape data into dataframe size:
data_arr = data_arr.reshape(num_records,num_channels)
# delete 'data', as memory can be an issue here...
del eegdata
# create DataFrame from ndarray:
df = pd.DataFrame(data_arr, index=times, columns=dtype.names) # contains raw eeg data for all channels

NOTE: above functions take quite a while (2+ minutes?) to complete... Consider re-writing without Pandas and timestamps for improved speed...

Filter EEG data for frequency range that is of relevance for SWR detection

NOTE: we use only one channel to look for SWRs

Currently the choice of which channel to use is somewhat arbitrary...

In [14]:
# choose EEG channel to use to look for SWR events:
ch = 'ch1'

# extract single EEG channel
x_unfilt = df[ch].values
x_unfilt = x_unfilt.astype(int) # convert from int16 to int to prevent overflow when calling e.g. rms(); we don't actually use it like that though...
del df # delete dataframe, since all we need is x_unfilt

# Sample rate and desired cutoff frequencies (in Hz).
fs = 1252.0
lowcut = 150.0
highcut = 250.0

In [16]:
import scipy.signal as signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [17]:
%matplotlib inline

b = signal.firwin(25, [lowcut/(fs/2), highcut/(fs/2)], pass_zero=False)
w,h = signal.freqz(b)
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(w/np.pi*(fs/2), 20 * np.log10(abs(h)), 'b')
plt.xlabel('Frequency [rad/sample]')

/Users/etienne/anaconda/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: matplotlib is currently using a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure
  "matplotlib is currently using a non-GUI backend, "

In [18]:
ripple_data = signal.filtfilt(b,1,x_unfilt)

In [19]:
ripple_envelope = np.absolute(signal.hilbert(ripple_data))

In [20]:
import scipy.ndimage
SD = 0.004 * fs
smoothed_envelope = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(ripple_envelope, SD,mode='constant')

In [21]:
from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter

def find_threshold_crossing_events(x, threshold) :
    above_threshold = np.where(x > threshold, 1, 0);
    eventlist = []
    eventmax = []
    for k,v in groupby(enumerate(above_threshold),key=itemgetter(1)):
        if k:
            v = list(v)
            try :
            except :
                print(v, x[v[0][0]:v[-1][0]])
    eventmax = np.asarray(eventmax)
    eventlist = np.asarray(eventlist)
    return eventlist, eventmax

In [22]:
# Find periods where value is > mean + 3 SD
ripple_events = find_threshold_crossing_events(smoothed_envelope,
                                 np.mean(smoothed_envelope) + 3*np.std(smoothed_envelope))[0]

LengthCriteria = 0.015

# Purge ripple events which aren't long enough (15 ms)
ripple_events = \
    ripple_events[ripple_events[:,1] - ripple_events[:,0] > np.round(fs*LengthCriteria),:]

# Find periods where value is > mean; note that the previous periods should be within these!
ripple_bounds, broader_maxes = find_threshold_crossing_events(smoothed_envelope, 

In [23]:
# Find corresponding big windows for potential ripple events
#  Specifically, look for closest left edge that is just smaller
outer_boundary_indices = np.searchsorted(ripple_bounds[:,0], ripple_events[:,0]);
#  searchsorted finds the index after, so subtract one to get index before
outer_boundary_indices = outer_boundary_indices - 1;

# Find extended boundaries for ripple events by pairing to larger windows
#   (Note that there may be repeats if the larger window contains multiple > 3SD sections)
ripple_bounds = ripple_bounds[outer_boundary_indices,:]
ripple_maxes = broader_maxes[outer_boundary_indices]

# Now, since all that we care about are the larger windows, so we should get rid of repeats
_, unique_idx = np.unique(ripple_bounds[:,0], return_index=True)
ripple_bounds = ripple_bounds[unique_idx,:]
ripple_maxes = ripple_maxes[unique_idx]
ripple_events = ripple_events[unique_idx,:]

In [24]:
StartTime = 0
ripple_centers = (ripple_bounds[:,1]/2 + ripple_bounds[:,0]/2) / fs + StartTime

In [25]:
ripple_bounds[:5,:]/fs # ripple bounds in seconds

array([[  1.06709265,   1.11421725],
       [  9.0399361 ,   9.23083067],
       [  9.23722045,   9.32747604],
       [ 45.4928115 ,  45.54472843],
       [ 62.33306709,  62.38258786]])

In [26]:
# create SWR_events dataframe with all possible SWR events
SWR_events = pd.DataFrame(ripple_bounds,columns=['start','end'])
SWR_events['duration_ms'] = (SWR_events.end - SWR_events.start) / fs * 1000
SWR_events['n_active_cells'] = np.nan
SWR_events['corr'] = np.nan
SWR_events['maxdist'] = np.nan
SWR_events['s_ctx'] = np.nan
SWR_events['s_seq'] = np.nan
SWR_events['replay'] = np.nan

    start     end  duration_ms  n_active_cells  corr  maxdist  s_ctx  s_seq  \
0    1336    1395    47.124601             NaN   NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN   
1   11318   11557   190.894569             NaN   NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN   
2   11565   11678    90.255591             NaN   NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN   
3   56957   57022    51.916933             NaN   NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN   
4   78041   78103    49.520767             NaN   NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN   
5   83438   83513    59.904153             NaN   NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN   
6   84131   84191    47.923323             NaN   NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN   
7  109471  109543    57.507987             NaN   NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN   
8  110380  110460    63.897764             NaN   NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN   
9  110753  110878    99.840256             NaN   NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN   

0     NaN  
1     NaN  
2     NaN  
3     NaN  
4     NaN  
5     NaN  
6     NaN  
7     NaN  
8     NaN  
9     NaN  

In [26]:
# this is a little helper function that can be used similar to MATLAB's find(), except that it returns all the
# indices, and cannot be stopped after finding just the first, for example.
# usage example: idx = indices(input_array, lambda x: x > pos)[0]

def indices(a, func):
    return [i for (i, val) in enumerate(a) if func(val)]

In [29]:
# plot one of the putative sharp wave ripple events:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (6, 4),'lines.linewidth': 1, 'font.size': 18, 'axes.labelsize': 16, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })

swr_idx = 1
xflong = ripple_data[ripple_bounds[swr_idx,0]-50:ripple_bounds[swr_idx,1]+50]
xf = ripple_data[ripple_bounds[swr_idx,0]:ripple_bounds[swr_idx,1]]
xu = x_unfilt[ripple_bounds[swr_idx,0]:ripple_bounds[swr_idx,1]]

nsamples = len(xflong)
Tlong = nsamples/fs
tstart = (ripple_bounds[swr_idx,0]-50) / fs
tlong = np.linspace(tstart, tstart + Tlong, nsamples, endpoint=False)

nsamples = len(xf)
T = nsamples/fs
tstart = (ripple_bounds[swr_idx,0]) / fs
t = np.linspace(tstart, tstart + T, nsamples, endpoint=False)

plt.xlabel('relative time (s)')
plt.ylabel('analog signal')
plt.title('Sample SWR event',fontsize=16)
plt.legend(['bandpass filtered','event window','unfiltered eeg'],loc=3)


<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x10a549908>

In [30]:
# restrict minimum and maximum SWR sequence durations...
min_swr_duration = 15 #ms
max_swr_duration = 500 #ms
SWR_events = SWR_events[(SWR_events['duration_ms']>=min_swr_duration) & (SWR_events['duration_ms']<=max_swr_duration)]
SWR_events.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

print('A total of {0} SWR sequences passed the length requirements...\n'.format(SWR_events.index[-1]))

A total of 665 SWR sequences passed the length requirements...

    start     end  duration_ms  n_active_cells  corr  maxdist  s_ctx  s_seq  \
0    1336    1395    47.124601             NaN   NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN   
1   11318   11557   190.894569             NaN   NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN   
2   11565   11678    90.255591             NaN   NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN   
3   56957   57022    51.916933             NaN   NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN   
4   78041   78103    49.520767             NaN   NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN   
5   83438   83513    59.904153             NaN   NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN   
6   84131   84191    47.923323             NaN   NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN   
7  109471  109543    57.507987             NaN   NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN   
8  110380  110460    63.897764             NaN   NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN   
9  110753  110878    99.840256             NaN   NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN   

0     NaN  
1     NaN  
2     NaN  
3     NaN  
4     NaN  
5     NaN  
6     NaN  
7     NaN  
8     NaN  
9     NaN  

In [31]:
# SWR_events are in sample #s with fs = 1252, whereas st_array spike times are in sample #s with fs = 32552

fsEEG = 1252
fsSpikes = 32552

st_array_fsEEG = [x*(fsEEG/fsSpikes) for x in st_array2] # spike times in fsEEG sample numbers (not integral)

In [32]:
# extract observation sequences corresponding to SWR events
def extract_and_bin_spikes_during_swr_events(SWR_events, st_arrayfsEEG, bintime = 10):

    # bintime in milliseconds
    from math import ceil
    # given SWR_ch1_events (dataframe) and st_array1fsEEG and st_array2fsEEG, we build the list of lists of lists of arrays:

    #bintime = 10 # bin time in ms, has to be small to work with replay

    N = len(SWR_events.index) # number of SWR events
    num_units = len(st_arrayfsEEG) # number of units
    spk_cnters = np.zeros((num_units,1),dtype=np.int32)

    SWRspikes = []
    idx = -1
    for row in SWR_events.itertuples():
        _, start, stop, duration, _, _, _, _, _, _ = zip(row) # still tuples
        idx += 1; start = start[0]; stop = stop[0]; duration = duration[0]
        # determine sequence length in number of bins:
        num_bins = ceil(duration/bintime)
        SWRspikes.append([]) # list for idx=nth SWR event
        for bb in np.arange(0,num_bins):
            SWRspikes[idx].append([]) # add list element for each bin in sequence
            for uu in np.arange(0,num_units):
                # count spikes in bin and advance spike time array counter to make subsequent searches faster:
                spk_cnters[uu][0] = spk_cnters[uu][0] + len(st_arrayfsEEG[uu][spk_cnters[uu][0]:][st_arrayfsEEG[uu][spk_cnters[uu][0]:]<start+(bb)*bintime])
                #debug#print("skip first {0} spikes for unit {1}...".format(spk_cnters[uu][0],uu))
                tempspikes = st_arrayfsEEG[uu][spk_cnters[uu][0]:][st_arrayfsEEG[uu][spk_cnters[uu][0]:]<=start+(bb+1)*bintime]
                numspikes = len(tempspikes)
                #debug#print("spikes in bin {0} of unit {1}: {2}".format(bb,uu,numspikes))
    return SWRspikes

#SWRspikes = extract_and_bin_spikes_during_swr_events( SWR_events1, st_array_fsEEG1, bintime = 5 )

In [33]:
#binned_counts_5ms = list_of_spk_time_arrays_to_spk_counts_arrays(st_array2, ds=0.005, fs=32552)
binned_counts_5ms_SWR = extract_and_bin_spikes_during_swr_events( SWR_events, st_array_fsEEG, bintime = 5 )

All the sequences in binned_counts_5ms_SWR are now ready to scale-and-evaluate in a trained BVR HMM, as well as for decoding using the Bayesian decoder, followed by the correlation analysis.

In [34]:
# determine the number of active cells in each event:
for kk, seq in enumerate(binned_counts_5ms_SWR):
    ndseq = np.array(seq)
    SWR_events.ix[kk,'n_active_cells'] = np.count_nonzero(ndseq.sum(axis=0)[pindex])

In [37]:

start end duration_ms n_active_cells corr maxdist s_ctx s_seq replay
0 1336 1395 47.124601 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 11318 11557 190.894569 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 11565 11678 90.255591 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 56957 57022 51.916933 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 78041 78103 49.520767 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
5 83438 83513 59.904153 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
6 84131 84191 47.923323 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
7 109471 109543 57.507987 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
8 110380 110460 63.897764 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
9 110753 110878 99.840256 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

In [36]:
# require at least five PLACE CELLS to be active...
SWR_cand_events = SWR_events[SWR_events.n_active_cells>4]

start end duration_ms n_active_cells corr maxdist s_ctx s_seq replay
1 11318 11557 190.894569 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
5 83438 83513 59.904153 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
8 110380 110460 63.897764 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
9 110753 110878 99.840256 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
18 128203 128302 79.073482 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

In [38]:
binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events = extract_and_bin_spikes_during_swr_events( SWR_cand_events, st_array_fsEEG, bintime = 5 )

NOTE: binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events now contains all the candidate events for further processing...

In [39]:
# NOTE: if a sequence is stationary (no movement) then corrXYprob evaluates to nan...
def mXprob(X,prob):
    den = prob.sum()
    num = (prob*X).sum()
    return num/den

def covXYprob(X,Y,prob):
    den = prob.sum()
    num = (prob*(X - mXprob(X,prob))*(Y - mXprob(Y,prob))).sum()
    return num/den

def corrXYprob(X,Y,prob):
    # ignore empty time bins:
    X = X[~np.isnan(prob)]; Y = Y[~np.isnan(prob)]; prob = prob[~np.isnan(prob)]
    den = np.sqrt(covXYprob(X,X,prob)*covXYprob(Y,Y,prob))
    num = covXYprob(X,Y,prob)
    return num/den

In [40]:
# note that here we re-sample placefields simply with linear interpolation. A more 'accurate' approach might be to compute the mean firing rate within each new bin...
def resample_placefields(pfsmooth, s_bin, pfbincenters, x0,xl):
    newx = np.arange(x0,xl,s_bin) + s_bin/2
    ss_pfsmooth = np.zeros((pfsmooth.shape[0],len(newx)))
    for cc in np.arange(0,pfsmooth.shape[0]):
        ss_pfsmooth[cc,:] = np.interp(newx,pfbincenters,pfsmooth[cc,:])
    return ss_pfsmooth, newx

def resample_velocity(velocity, t_bin, tvel, t0,tend):
    newt = np.arange(t0,tend,t_bin) + t_bin/2
    newvel = np.zeros((1,len(newt)))
    newvel = np.interp(newt,tvel,velocity)
    return newvel, newt

In [83]:
def decode_swr_sequence(seq,pfs,pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin,tau,showfig=False,shuffletype='none'):
    # decode a sequence of observations using 20 ms window with 5 ms sliding window increments
    #n  C x 1        changes every time step
    #fi C x 1        never changes
    #f  C x nbins    never changes

    seq = np.array(seq)
    bins_per_window = round(tau/t_bin)
    PP = np.zeros((len(pfbincenters),num_tbins-bins_per_window))
    f = pfs[pindex,:]
    if shuffletype == 'unit-all':
        np.random.shuffle(pindex) # unit identity shuffle using ALL place cells
    elif shuffletype == 'unit-event':
        # determine which place cells participate in the event:
        eventpcells = pindex[np.nonzero(seq.sum(axis=0)[pindex])]
        # unit identity shuffle using only participating place cells
        pindex[np.nonzero(seq.sum(axis=0)[pindex])] = eventpcells
    dec_pos = np.zeros((num_tbins-bins_per_window,1))
    prob = np.zeros((num_tbins-bins_per_window,1))
    est_pos_idx = 0
    for tt in np.arange(0,num_tbins-bins_per_window): #len(spk_counts2_5ms_run)-4):
        #tt+=1 # time index
        n = seq[tt:tt+bins_per_window,pindex].sum(axis=0)
        nn = np.tile(n,(len(ss_pfbincenters),1)).T
        if nn.max() == 0:
            #print('No spikes in decoding window, so cannot decode position!')
            PP[:,tt] = PP[:,tt]
            est_pos_idx = np.nan
            dec_pos[tt] = np.nan
            prob[tt] = np.nan
            #print('Some spikes detected in decoding window.. yeah!!!')
            PP[:,tt] = np.exp((np.log((f)**(nn))).sum(axis=0) - tau*f.sum(axis=0))
            PP[:,tt] = PP[:,tt]/PP[:,tt].sum() # normalization not strictly necessary
            est_pos_idx = PP[:,tt].argmax()
            dec_pos[tt] = ss_pfbincenters[est_pos_idx]
            prob[tt] = PP[est_pos_idx,tt]
    T = np.arange(0,num_tbins-bins_per_window)*t_bin*1000
    T = T.reshape((len(T),1))
    if showfig:
        sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (16, 6),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
        f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2)

        ax1.set_ylabel('position (cm)')
        ax1.set_xlabel('time (ms)')
        ax2.plot(T, dec_pos,marker='o')
        ax2.set_ylabel('position (cm)')
        ax2.set_xlabel('time (ms)')
    return T, dec_pos, prob, PP

s_bin = 0.5 # cm of spatial bins
ss_pfsmooth, ss_pfbincenters = resample_placefields(pfs, s_bin, pfbincenters, x0=0, xl=100)#super-sampled or sub-sampled smoothed place fields

t_bin = 0.005 # sec; temporal resolution for binning spikes
#ss_spk_counts2 = list_of_spk_time_arrays_to_spk_counts_arrays(st_array2, ds=t_bin, fs=32552)

tau = 0.02   # sec (decoding time window)
#bins_per_window = round(tau/t_bin)

t_bin = 0.005 # sec; temporal resolution for binning spikes
#ss_spk_counts2 = list_of_spk_time_arrays_to_spk_counts_arrays(st_array2, ds=t_bin, fs=32552)

tau = 0.02   # sec (decoding time window)
bins_per_window = round(tau/t_bin)
print("Decoding with {0} x {1} ms bins per window, into one of {2} spatial bins with size {3} cm each...".format(bins_per_window,t_bin*1000,len(ss_pfbincenters),s_bin))
# decode SWR trajectory:
seq = binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events[seqidx]
T, P, prob, PP = decode_swr_sequence(seq,ss_pfsmooth,ss_pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin=t_bin,tau=tau,showfig=True,shuffletype='none')

# column-cycle shuffle:
newidx = np.random.random_integers(low=0, high=len(ss_pfbincenters)-1, size=(len(P),1))
P = ss_pfbincenters[newidx]

Decoding with 4 x 5.0 ms bins per window, into one of 200 spatial bins with size 0.5 cm each...

In [ ]:

In [84]:
def max_jump_dist(P):
    return np.diff(P[~np.isnan(P)]).max()

In [85]:
weighted_corr = []
ncbins = 20
weighted_corr_col_shuffl_hist = np.zeros((ncbins,1))
N_shuffl = 1000

max_dist = 100 #cm

cand_max_dist = []
cand_max_dist_hist = np.zeros((ncbins,1))
cand_max_dist_shffl_hist = np.zeros((ncbins,1))
dfindex = SWR_cand_events.index

for kk,seq in enumerate(binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events):
    T, P, prob, PP = decode_swr_sequence(seq,ss_pfsmooth,ss_pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin=t_bin,tau=tau,showfig=False)
    tmpcorr = corrXYprob(T,P,prob)
    tmpdist = max_jump_dist(P)/ss_pfbincenters[-1]
    temp_corr = np.zeros(N_shuffl)
    temp_max = np.zeros(N_shuffl)
    for nn in np.arange(0,N_shuffl):
        # column-cycle shuffle:
        newidx = np.random.random_integers(low=0, high=len(ss_pfbincenters)-1, size=(len(P),1))
        Pshffl = ss_pfbincenters[newidx]
        temp_corr[nn] = corrXYprob(T,Pshffl,prob)
        temp_max[nn] = max_jump_dist(Pshffl)/ss_pfbincenters[-1]
    weighted_corr_col_shuffl_hist += (np.histogram(temp_corr,bins=ncbins, range=(-1,1))[0]).reshape(ncbins,1)
    cand_max_dist_shffl_hist += (np.histogram(temp_max,bins=ncbins, range=(0,1))[0]).reshape(ncbins,1)
    dfidx = dfindex[kk]
    SWR_cand_events.ix[dfidx,'corr'] = tmpcorr
    SWR_cand_events.ix[dfidx,'maxdist'] = tmpdist
    if np.abs(tmpcorr) >= 0.6 and tmpdist <= 0.4:
        SWR_cand_events.ix[dfidx,'replay'] = True
        SWR_cand_events.ix[dfidx,'replay'] = False
weighted_corr_col_shuffl_hist = weighted_corr_col_shuffl_hist/N_shuffl
weighted_corr_col_shuffl_hist = weighted_corr_col_shuffl_hist/weighted_corr_col_shuffl_hist.sum()
weighted_corr_hist, ncbin_edges = np.histogram(weighted_corr,bins=ncbins, range=(-1,1))
weighted_corr_hist = weighted_corr_hist/weighted_corr_hist.sum()

cand_max_dist_shffl_hist = cand_max_dist_shffl_hist/cand_max_dist_shffl_hist.sum()
cand_max_dist_hist, ncbin_max_edges = np.histogram(cand_max_dist,bins=ncbins, range=(0,1))
cand_max_dist_hist = cand_max_dist_hist/cand_max_dist_hist.sum()

print('{} out of {} candidate events classified as replay (trajectory) events...'.format(np.count_nonzero(SWR_cand_events.replay),SWR_cand_events.replay.count()))

# TODO: add sequence score

72 out of 169 candidate events classified as replay (trajectory) events...
/Users/etienne/anaconda/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/core/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the the caveats in the documentation:
  self.obj[item] = s

In [86]:
#sns.distplot(weighted_corr,bins=20, rug=True, kde=False, norm_hist=True)[1:] - np.diff(ncbin_edges)/2),weighted_corr_col_shuffl_hist,width=0.05,color='r')[1:] - np.diff(ncbin_edges)/3),weighted_corr_hist,width=0.05,color='b')
plt.legend(['col cycle shuffle','cand events'])
plt.title('weighted correlations of candidate events; cf. Fig 2.c top left of Silva, Feng and Foster (2015) where sleep approx shuffle')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1242da0b8>

In [87]:[1:] - np.diff(ncbin_max_edges)/2),cand_max_dist_shffl_hist,width=0.025,color='r')[1:] - np.diff(ncbin_max_edges)/3),cand_max_dist_hist,width=0.025,color='b')
plt.legend(['col cycle shuffle','cand events'])
plt.title('maximum jump distance of candidate events; cf. Fig 2.c top middle of Silva, Feng and Foster (2015) where sleep approx shuffle')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1242f56d8>

In [88]:

start end duration_ms n_active_cells corr maxdist s_ctx s_seq replay
1 11318 11557 190.894569 6 -0.237471 0.536341 NaN NaN False
5 83438 83513 59.904153 6 0.722844 0.030075 NaN NaN True
8 110380 110460 63.897764 6 0.043020 0.641604 NaN NaN False
9 110753 110878 99.840256 8 -0.796157 0.100251 NaN NaN True
18 128203 128302 79.073482 5 -0.808986 0.095238 NaN NaN True

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
print('{} out of {} candidate events classified as replay (trajectory) events...'.format(np.count_nonzero(SWR_cand_events.replay),SWR_cand_events.replay.count()))

In [89]:
seqidx=67 #60
seq = binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events[seqidx]
T, P, prob, PP = decode_swr_sequence(seq,ss_pfsmooth,ss_pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin=t_bin,tau=tau,showfig=True,shuffletype='none')


Now re-do replay decision based on an event-by-event comparison to shuffle distributions

In [91]:
# check the 95th percentile threshold for the correlation coeff for a single event, using unit-id shuffle

seqidx = 6
N_shuffl = 1000

seq = binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events[seqidx]
T, P, prob, PP = decode_swr_sequence(seq,ss_pfsmooth,ss_pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin=t_bin,tau=tau,showfig=False,shuffletype='none')
eventcorr = corrXYprob(T,P,prob)
print('event corr: {}'.format(eventcorr))
weighted_corr_unit_shuffl = np.zeros((N_shuffl,1))
for jj in np.arange(0,N_shuffl):
    T, P, prob, PP = decode_swr_sequence(seq,ss_pfsmooth,ss_pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin=t_bin,tau=tau,showfig=False,shuffletype='unit-event')
    weighted_corr_unit_shuffl[jj] = corrXYprob(T,P,prob)

th = np.percentile(np.abs(weighted_corr_unit_shuffl),95) # 95th percentile for [absolute] correlations of shuffles
print('absolute 95 percentile threshold: {}'.format(th))


event corr: -0.5937667164370224
absolute 95 percentile threshold: 0.6979912888120783
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1283510b8>

In [92]:
# use unit-id shuffle for each event, and declare an event replay if its correlation is greater than 95 % of the shuffled corrs

N_shuffl = 100

dfindex = SWR_cand_events.index

for kk,seq in enumerate(binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events):
    T, P, prob, PP = decode_swr_sequence(seq,ss_pfsmooth,ss_pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin=t_bin,tau=tau,showfig=False,shuffletype='none')
    eventcorr = corrXYprob(T,P,prob)
    weighted_corr_unit_shuffl = np.zeros((N_shuffl,1))
    for jj in np.arange(0,N_shuffl):
        T, P, prob, PP = decode_swr_sequence(seq,ss_pfsmooth,ss_pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin=t_bin,tau=tau,showfig=False,shuffletype='unit-event')
        weighted_corr_unit_shuffl[jj] = corrXYprob(T,P,prob)

    th = np.percentile(np.abs(weighted_corr_unit_shuffl),95) # 95th percentile for [absolute] correlations of shuffles
    dfidx = dfindex[kk]
    SWR_cand_events.ix[dfidx,'corr'] = eventcorr
    if np.abs(eventcorr) >= th:
        SWR_cand_events.ix[dfidx,'replay'] = True
        SWR_cand_events.ix[dfidx,'replay'] = False

print('{} out of {} candidate events classified as replay (trajectory) events...'.format(np.count_nonzero(SWR_cand_events.replay),SWR_cand_events.replay.count()))

10 out of 169 candidate events classified as replay (trajectory) events...
/Users/etienne/anaconda/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/core/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the the caveats in the documentation:
  self.obj[item] = s

In [93]:

start end duration_ms n_active_cells corr maxdist s_ctx s_seq replay
1 11318 11557 190.894569 6 -0.237471 0.536341 NaN NaN False
5 83438 83513 59.904153 6 0.722844 0.030075 NaN NaN False
8 110380 110460 63.897764 6 0.043020 0.641604 NaN NaN False
9 110753 110878 99.840256 8 -0.796157 0.100251 NaN NaN True
18 128203 128302 79.073482 5 -0.808986 0.095238 NaN NaN True
45 557781 557858 61.501597 5 -0.621577 0.005013 NaN NaN False
54 579951 580140 150.958466 6 -0.593767 0.491228 NaN NaN False
64 595679 595773 75.079872 7 0.258603 0.701754 NaN NaN False
65 598780 598865 67.891374 5 0.461944 0.030075 NaN NaN False
93 768020 768078 46.325879 5 0.778989 0.005013 NaN NaN False
95 827509 827663 123.003195 6 -0.720957 0.320802 NaN NaN False
96 830083 830164 64.696486 5 0.780593 0.240602 NaN NaN False
97 831442 831535 74.281150 5 -0.782345 0.040100 NaN NaN False
118 972280 972482 161.341853 9 -0.477586 0.240602 NaN NaN False
120 1002168 1002252 67.092652 6 -0.843382 0.010025 NaN NaN False
129 1048001 1048078 61.501597 7 -0.856520 0.015038 NaN NaN False
130 1048099 1048218 95.047923 9 -0.058037 0.325815 NaN NaN False
132 1090442 1090610 134.185304 5 0.903550 0.666667 NaN NaN False
138 1113527 1113641 91.054313 8 0.810605 0.085213 NaN NaN False
144 1154616 1154829 170.127796 9 -0.295211 0.631579 NaN NaN False
148 1163918 1164053 107.827476 6 -0.931325 0.010025 NaN NaN True
149 1166437 1166511 59.105431 5 0.058752 0.095238 NaN NaN False
154 1183801 1183927 100.638978 5 -0.737636 0.646617 NaN NaN False
157 1189691 1189882 152.555911 7 -0.830544 0.030075 NaN NaN False
158 1190969 1191072 82.268371 7 -0.068048 0.090226 NaN NaN False
161 1198368 1198494 100.638978 8 0.371602 0.711779 NaN NaN False
162 1203448 1203583 107.827476 6 -0.693347 0.045113 NaN NaN False
169 1216034 1216216 145.367412 7 0.328798 0.631579 NaN NaN False
176 1234221 1234350 103.035144 8 0.717196 0.225564 NaN NaN False
177 1236764 1236880 92.651757 8 -0.589417 0.040100 NaN NaN False
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
587 2936528 2936611 66.293930 5 0.305635 0.385965 NaN NaN False
590 2945842 2945940 78.274760 5 0.222145 0.536341 NaN NaN False
595 2974862 2975049 149.361022 8 0.047508 0.375940 NaN NaN False
598 2984343 2984438 75.878594 5 0.878236 0.090226 NaN NaN False
600 2986833 2986953 95.846645 7 -0.105735 0.646617 NaN NaN False
603 2993123 2993220 77.476038 7 0.930703 0.140351 NaN NaN False
604 3006617 3006785 134.185304 5 -0.442354 0.025063 NaN NaN False
606 3033149 3033311 129.392971 10 0.300918 0.335840 NaN NaN False
617 3068796 3068896 79.872204 7 0.570967 0.711779 NaN NaN False
620 3072979 3073070 72.683706 5 -0.162344 0.105263 NaN NaN False
621 3075224 3075329 83.865815 10 -0.257712 0.055138 NaN NaN False
622 3075481 3075574 74.281150 6 0.508254 0.385965 NaN NaN False
625 3083298 3083371 58.306709 6 -0.692260 0.265664 NaN NaN False
626 3085412 3085520 86.261981 5 0.381768 0.300752 NaN NaN False
631 3114543 3114631 70.287540 5 0.838973 0.135338 NaN NaN False
634 3134361 3134453 73.482428 7 0.197708 0.350877 NaN NaN False
635 3143888 3143964 60.702875 5 0.156872 0.606516 NaN NaN False
638 3146577 3146654 61.501597 6 0.724432 0.050125 NaN NaN False
640 3157506 3157701 155.750799 9 -0.129588 0.691729 NaN NaN False
641 3160077 3160137 47.923323 5 -0.527602 0.005013 NaN NaN False
643 3162090 3162266 140.575080 5 -0.692207 0.325815 NaN NaN False
644 3168514 3168595 64.696486 5 -0.882531 0.050125 NaN NaN False
645 3168611 3168679 54.313099 7 0.881668 0.110276 NaN NaN False
646 3169118 3169223 83.865815 7 0.942261 0.010025 NaN NaN True
647 3169533 3169649 92.651757 5 -0.891291 0.030075 NaN NaN False
650 3185381 3185493 89.456869 5 -0.653733 0.000000 NaN NaN False
651 3193710 3193774 51.118211 6 0.621607 0.180451 NaN NaN False
658 3207052 3207195 114.217252 11 -0.278694 0.701754 NaN NaN False
660 3224672 3224791 95.047923 5 -0.270312 0.060150 NaN NaN False
663 3232788 3232900 89.456869 7 0.447643 0.340852 NaN NaN False

169 rows × 9 columns

Now train HMM using BVR data, and evaluate SWR events in model

In [94]:
import pickle

with open('../../Data/BVR_train2rn_noswr_th1.pickle', 'rb') as f:
    BVR_train2 = pickle.load(f)  
with open('../../Data/BVR_test2rn_noswr_th1.pickle', 'rb') as f:
    BVR_test2 = pickle.load(f)

In [95]:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../')

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle 
import seaborn as sns
#import yahmm as ym
from hmmlearn import hmm # see

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pandas import Series, DataFrame

from efunctions import * # load my helper functions

%matplotlib inline

In [96]:
def yahmmdata_to_hmmlearn_data(yahmmdata):
    SequenceLengths = []

    tmp = np.array(yahmmdata)
    num_sequences = tmp.shape[0]
    for ss in np.arange(0,num_sequences):

    numCells = np.array(tmp[0]).shape[1]
    TotalSequenceLength = np.array(SequenceLengths).sum()

    StackedData = np.zeros((TotalSequenceLength,numCells))
    rr = 0;
    for ss in np.arange(0,num_sequences):
        StackedData[rr:rr+SequenceLengths[ss],:] = np.array(tmp[ss])
        rr = rr+SequenceLengths[ss]
    print("{0} sequences stacked for hmmlearn".format(num_sequences))
    return SequenceLengths, StackedData

In [97]:
TrainingSequenceLengths2, StackedTrainingData2 = yahmmdata_to_hmmlearn_data(BVR_train2)
TestingSequenceLengths2, StackedTestingData2 = yahmmdata_to_hmmlearn_data(BVR_test2)

63 sequences stacked for hmmlearn
48 sequences stacked for hmmlearn

In [98]:
NStates = 15

hmm15_2 = hmm.PoissonHMM(n_components=NStates, n_iter=20, init_params='stm', params='stm', verbose=True), lengths=TrainingSequenceLengths2)

tmat = hmm15_2.transmat_

# sort model states:
new_order = [0]
rem_states = np.arange(1,NStates).tolist()
cs = 0

for ii in np.arange(0,NStates-1):
    nstilde = np.argmax(tmat[cs,rem_states])
    ns = rem_states[nstilde]
    cs = ns
tmatnew = tmat[:, new_order][new_order]
meanmat = hmm15_2.means_[new_order,:]

sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (4, 12),'lines.linewidth': 2, 'font.size': 18, 'axes.labelsize': 16, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
#f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2)
f, ax1 = plt.subplots(1,1)

#ax2.imshow(meanmat.T,interpolation="none", cmap='PuBu')    
ax1.imshow(tmatnew,interpolation="none", cmap='PuBu')
#ax2.set_title('After sorting state labels')
#ax1.set_title('After sorting state labels')

         2      -44723.0298       +2533.1124
         3      -44172.0730        +550.9568
         4      -44012.3788        +159.6942
         5      -43925.9921         +86.3867
         6      -43876.2459         +49.7462
         7      -43849.0103         +27.2356
         8      -43827.6343         +21.3760
         9      -43817.2876         +10.3467
        10      -43804.8637         +12.4240
        11      -43789.1078         +15.7559
        12      -43782.9952          +6.1125
        13      -43776.3063          +6.6889
        14      -43774.4630          +1.8433
        15      -43772.7299          +1.7331
        16      -43770.7635          +1.9664
        17      -43767.6328          +3.1307
        18      -43766.2638          +1.3690
        19      -43763.5312          +2.7325

In [99]:
def get_replay_score_from_hmmlearn( hmmlearnModel, pth, obs ):
    # pth is a list of state indices, obs is a list (seq len) of lists (num cells) of nparray(rate)
    #P = np.exp(ymModel.dense_transition_matrix())
    logP = np.log(hmmlearnModel.transmat_)
    logPseq = 0
    logPctx = 0
    for ii in np.arange( 0, len(pth)-1 ):
        # add transition probability to sequence score:
        logPseq += logP[pth[ii],pth[ii+1]]
        # add memoryless observation likelihood to contextual score:
        logPctx += hmmlearnModel.score(obs[ii,:]) # memoryless map probability per symbol FFFB! What about prior state probs?
        #logPctx += np.log(hmmlearnModel.predict_proba(obs[ii,:])[0][hmmlearnModel.decode(obs[ii,:])[1][0]]) # memoryless map probability per symbol FFFB! What about prior state probs?model.predict_proba(obs[ii-1,:])[0][model.decode(obs[ii-1,:])[1][0]]
    logPctx += hmmlearnModel.score(obs[-1,:]) # memoryless map probability per symbol
    #logPctx += np.log(hmmlearnModel.predict_proba(obs[-1,:])[0][hmmlearnModel.decode(obs[-1,:])[1][0]]) # memoryless map probability per symbol FFFB! What about prior state probs?model.predict_proba(obs[ii-1,:])[0][model.decode(obs[ii-1,:])[1][0]]
    return logPseq/len(pth), logPctx/len(pth)

In [102]:
# compute replay scores on all candidate events, and compare to trajectory shuffle:
from random import shuffle

SWRSequenceLengths, StackedSWRData = yahmmdata_to_hmmlearn_data(binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events)

myStackedDataSeq = StackedSWRData*50 # note scaling here to make decoding time match up between obs and model
myStackedSeqLengths = SWRSequenceLengths

scores_seq2 = np.zeros(len(myStackedSeqLengths))
scores_ctx2 = np.zeros(len(myStackedSeqLengths))
scores_shfl_seq2 = np.zeros(len(myStackedSeqLengths))
scores_shfl_ctx2 = np.zeros(len(myStackedSeqLengths))

ulen2 = []

seqlimits = np.cumsum(np.array([0] + myStackedSeqLengths))
for ee in np.arange(0,len(myStackedSeqLengths)):
    obs = myStackedDataSeq[seqlimits[ee]:seqlimits[ee+1],:]
    lp, pth = hmm15_2.decode(obs,algorithm='map')
    trj_shfl_idx = np.arange(0,len(pth))
    pth_trj_shfl = [pth[i] for i in trj_shfl_idx]
    obs_trj_shfl = np.array([obs[i] for i in trj_shfl_idx])
    scores_seq2[ee], scores_ctx2[ee] = get_replay_score_from_hmmlearn(hmm15_2, pth, obs)
    scores_shfl_seq2[ee], scores_shfl_ctx2[ee] = get_replay_score_from_hmmlearn(hmm15_2, pth_trj_shfl, obs_trj_shfl)
    ulen2.append(len(set(pth))) # number of unique states visited in path
slen2 = myStackedSeqLengths # sequence lengths

169 sequences stacked for hmmlearn

In [103]:
print("Average number of unique states visited per sequence: {0}".format(np.array(ulen2).mean()))

Average number of unique states visited per sequence: 7.112426035502959

In [104]:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (5, 3.5),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)

#ax.scatter(np.exp(scores_seq2)*np.array(ulen2), scores_ctx2, s=80, c='k', marker='o',facecolors='none', edgecolors='c',linewidth=1)
#ax.scatter(np.exp(scores_shfl_seq2)*np.array(ulen2), scores_shfl_ctx2, c='c', s=80, marker='x',facecolors='none', edgecolors='k',linewidth=1)

ax.scatter(np.exp(scores_seq2)*np.array(ulen2), scores_ctx2, s=80, c='k', marker='o',facecolors='none', edgecolors='c',linewidth=1)
ax.scatter(np.exp(scores_shfl_seq2)*np.array(ulen2), scores_shfl_ctx2, c='c', s=80, marker='x',facecolors='none', edgecolors='k',linewidth=1)

ax.legend(['candidate sequences', 'trajectory shuffled'])
ax.set_title('novel sequence score on subsequences of hc-3 data')


<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1288662b0>

In [106]:
SWR_cand_events.s_seq = scores_seq2
SWR_cand_events.s_ctx = scores_ctx2

/Users/etienne/anaconda/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/core/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the the caveats in the documentation:
  self[name] = value

In [114]:

start end duration_ms n_active_cells corr maxdist s_ctx s_seq replay
1 11318 11557 190.894569 6 -0.237471 0.536341 -331.956997 -5.442325 False
5 83438 83513 59.904153 6 0.722844 0.030075 -307.175563 -1.381783 False
8 110380 110460 63.897764 6 0.043020 0.641604 -310.777636 -2.187242 False
9 110753 110878 99.840256 8 -0.796157 0.100251 -271.874439 -10.244101 True
18 128203 128302 79.073482 5 -0.808986 0.095238 -260.756478 -7.056146 True
45 557781 557858 61.501597 5 -0.621577 0.005013 -275.825816 -1.285449 False
54 579951 580140 150.958466 6 -0.593767 0.491228 -298.149370 -4.020706 False
64 595679 595773 75.079872 7 0.258603 0.701754 -293.773404 -2.050891 False
65 598780 598865 67.891374 5 0.461944 0.030075 -284.603321 -1.347215 False
93 768020 768078 46.325879 5 0.778989 0.005013 -299.652597 -1.170542 False
95 827509 827663 123.003195 6 -0.720957 0.320802 -408.061160 -7.563338 False
96 830083 830164 64.696486 5 0.780593 0.240602 -309.342871 -1.175742 False
97 831442 831535 74.281150 5 -0.782345 0.040100 -253.076130 -4.844395 False
118 972280 972482 161.341853 9 -0.477586 0.240602 -252.943599 -4.729355 False
120 1002168 1002252 67.092652 6 -0.843382 0.010025 -348.567717 -1.279032 False
129 1048001 1048078 61.501597 7 -0.856520 0.015038 -346.626357 -2.413573 False
130 1048099 1048218 95.047923 9 -0.058037 0.325815 -384.849704 -4.225747 False
132 1090442 1090610 134.185304 5 0.903550 0.666667 -240.363949 -1.936246 False
138 1113527 1113641 91.054313 8 0.810605 0.085213 -669.681474 -8.943469 False
144 1154616 1154829 170.127796 9 -0.295211 0.631579 -320.087623 -4.956988 False
148 1163918 1164053 107.827476 6 -0.931325 0.010025 -296.120644 -5.074415 True
149 1166437 1166511 59.105431 5 0.058752 0.095238 -336.288574 -1.769219 False
154 1183801 1183927 100.638978 5 -0.737636 0.646617 -234.739890 -2.550772 False
157 1189691 1189882 152.555911 7 -0.830544 0.030075 -243.973750 -4.742209 False
158 1190969 1191072 82.268371 7 -0.068048 0.090226 -329.887948 -1.772451 False
161 1198368 1198494 100.638978 8 0.371602 0.711779 -258.718011 -5.538635 False
162 1203448 1203583 107.827476 6 -0.693347 0.045113 -249.603504 -3.525252 False
169 1216034 1216216 145.367412 7 0.328798 0.631579 -418.889006 -3.388157 False
176 1234221 1234350 103.035144 8 0.717196 0.225564 -278.772513 -2.369077 False
177 1236764 1236880 92.651757 8 -0.589417 0.040100 -330.016287 -7.139685 False
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
587 2936528 2936611 66.293930 5 0.305635 0.385965 -282.074070 -2.037966 False
590 2945842 2945940 78.274760 5 0.222145 0.536341 -214.569959 -9.157111 False
595 2974862 2975049 149.361022 8 0.047508 0.375940 -276.441209 -10.577939 False
598 2984343 2984438 75.878594 5 0.878236 0.090226 -270.736831 -4.991937 False
600 2986833 2986953 95.846645 7 -0.105735 0.646617 -257.014807 -2.132891 False
603 2993123 2993220 77.476038 7 0.930703 0.140351 -331.049885 -2.442241 False
604 3006617 3006785 134.185304 5 -0.442354 0.025063 -257.210989 -4.617350 False
606 3033149 3033311 129.392971 10 0.300918 0.335840 -345.163431 -7.803742 False
617 3068796 3068896 79.872204 7 0.570967 0.711779 -256.187213 -4.452449 False
620 3072979 3073070 72.683706 5 -0.162344 0.105263 -213.372087 -2.390399 False
621 3075224 3075329 83.865815 10 -0.257712 0.055138 -336.789977 -1.520196 False
622 3075481 3075574 74.281150 6 0.508254 0.385965 -261.448417 -9.403583 False
625 3083298 3083371 58.306709 6 -0.692260 0.265664 -385.776759 -0.911498 False
626 3085412 3085520 86.261981 5 0.381768 0.300752 -266.585201 -1.918536 False
631 3114543 3114631 70.287540 5 0.838973 0.135338 -205.926179 -5.185432 False
634 3134361 3134453 73.482428 7 0.197708 0.350877 -322.875112 -7.261825 False
635 3143888 3143964 60.702875 5 0.156872 0.606516 -285.263646 -5.342199 False
638 3146577 3146654 61.501597 6 0.724432 0.050125 -331.915236 -1.268949 False
640 3157506 3157701 155.750799 9 -0.129588 0.691729 -270.316269 -4.713658 False
641 3160077 3160137 47.923323 5 -0.527602 0.005013 -390.448736 -1.456739 False
643 3162090 3162266 140.575080 5 -0.692207 0.325815 -440.192825 -5.666660 False
644 3168514 3168595 64.696486 5 -0.882531 0.050125 -303.396640 -1.379580 False
645 3168611 3168679 54.313099 7 0.881668 0.110276 -358.602594 -8.534372 False
646 3169118 3169223 83.865815 7 0.942261 0.010025 -275.856012 -6.019205 True
647 3169533 3169649 92.651757 5 -0.891291 0.030075 -260.680543 -5.743741 False
650 3185381 3185493 89.456869 5 -0.653733 0.000000 -215.496847 -4.578969 False
651 3193710 3193774 51.118211 6 0.621607 0.180451 -355.297388 -5.679175 False
658 3207052 3207195 114.217252 11 -0.278694 0.701754 -329.238296 -6.080724 False
660 3224672 3224791 95.047923 5 -0.270312 0.060150 -268.992825 -6.427662 False
663 3232788 3232900 89.456869 7 0.447643 0.340852 -280.359738 -4.365890 False

169 rows × 9 columns

below we look at the replay scores of "replay" vs "non-replay" candidate events...

In [107]:


In [108]:


In [109]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x107994630>

In [111]:
tmpidx = SWR_cand_events.replay.tolist()
replayidx = np.where(tmpidx)[0]
nonreplayidx = np.where(~np.array(tmpidx))[0]

just a few more things to check

In [112]:

array([  3,   4,  20,  57,  76,  88,  92, 110, 122, 162])

In [113]:

array([  0,   1,   2,   5,   6,   7,   8,   9,  10,  11,  12,  13,  14,
        15,  16,  17,  18,  19,  21,  22,  23,  24,  25,  26,  27,  28,
        29,  30,  31,  32,  33,  34,  35,  36,  37,  38,  39,  40,  41,
        42,  43,  44,  45,  46,  47,  48,  49,  50,  51,  52,  53,  54,
        55,  56,  58,  59,  60,  61,  62,  63,  64,  65,  66,  67,  68,
        69,  70,  71,  72,  73,  74,  75,  77,  78,  79,  80,  81,  82,
        83,  84,  85,  86,  87,  89,  90,  91,  93,  94,  95,  96,  97,
        98,  99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 111,
       112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125,
       126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138,
       139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151,
       152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 163, 164, 165,
       166, 167, 168])

In [ ]:
for kk in replayidx:
    seq = binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events[kk]
    T, P, prob, PP = decode_swr_sequence(seq,ss_pfsmooth,ss_pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin=t_bin,tau=tau,showfig=True,shuffletype='none')

In [ ]:
for kk in nonreplayidx:
    seq = binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events[kk]
    T, P, prob, PP = decode_swr_sequence(seq,ss_pfsmooth,ss_pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin=t_bin,tau=tau,showfig=True,shuffletype='none')

In [ ]:
seqidx=149 #60
seq = binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events[seqidx]
T, P, prob, PP = decode_swr_sequence(seq,ss_pfsmooth,ss_pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin=t_bin,tau=tau,showfig=True,shuffletype='none')
print('corr: {}'.format(corrXYprob(T,P,prob)))
print('exp(seq): {}'.format(np.exp(scores_seq2[seqidx])))

In [ ]:
seqidx=98 #60
seq = binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events[seqidx]
T, P, prob, PP = decode_swr_sequence(seq,ss_pfsmooth,ss_pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin=t_bin,tau=tau,showfig=True,shuffletype='none')
print('corr: {}'.format(corrXYprob(T,P,prob)))
print('exp(seq): {}'.format(np.exp(scores_seq2[seqidx])))

plot replay scores vs corr coeffs

In [162]:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (12, 4),'lines.linewidth': 2, 'font.size': 18, 'axes.labelsize': 16, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, ax1 = plt.subplots(1,1)

print('NOTE! Here the traj shuffled events are shown with their original (unshuffled) weighted corr, so\n that only the replay score is relevant here...')

x = SWR_cand_events.s_seq.values
y = SWR_cand_events['corr'].values
plt.xlabel('replay score (s_seq)')
plt.ylabel('weighted corr')
# add replay events as different color
x = SWR_cand_events[SWR_cand_events.replay==True].s_seq.values
y = (SWR_cand_events[SWR_cand_events.replay==True])['corr'].values
plt.legend(['non-replay', 'traj shuffled', 'replay'])

NOTE! Here the traj shuffled events are shown with their original (unshuffled) weighted corr, so
 that only the replay score is relevant here...
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x12bdafeb8>