In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
%matplotlib inline
# read trajectory:
df1whl = pd.read_table( 'C://Etienne//Dropbox//neoReader//Data//gor01-6-7//2006-6-7_11-26-53_lin1//2006-6-7_11-26-53.whl',sep='\t', skiprows=0, names=['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'] )
df2whl = pd.read_table( 'C://Etienne//Dropbox//neoReader//Data//gor01-6-7//2006-6-7_16-40-19_lin2//2006-6-7_16-40-19.whl',sep='\t', skiprows=0, names=['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'] )
print( "Cannot load files in C:/...; trying Unix location instead.")
#df1whl = pd.read_table( '/home/etienne/Dropbox/neoReader/Data/gor01-6-7/2006-6-7_11-26-53_lin1/2006-6-7_11-26-53.whl',sep='\t', skiprows=0, names=['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'] )
df2whl = pd.read_table( '/home/etienne/Dropbox/neoReader/Data/gor01-6-7/2006-6-7_16-40-19_lin2/2006-6-7_16-40-19.whl',sep='\t', skiprows=0, names=['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'] )
#df1whl = pd.read_table( '/home/etienne/Dropbox/neoReader/Data/gor01-6-12/2006-6-12_15-55-31_lin1/2006-6-12_15-55-31.whl',sep='\t', skiprows=0, names=['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'] )
#df2whl = pd.read_table( '/home/etienne/Dropbox/neoReader/Data/gor01-6-12/2006-6-12_16-53-46_lin2/2006-6-12_16-53-46.whl',sep='\t', skiprows=0, names=['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'] )
#df1whl = pd.read_table( '/home/etienne/Dropbox/neoReader/Data/gor01-6-13/2006-6-13_14-42-6_lin1/2006-6-13_14-42-6.whl',sep='\t', skiprows=0, names=['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'] )
#df2whl = pd.read_table( '/home/etienne/Dropbox/neoReader/Data/gor01-6-13/2006-6-13_15-22-3_lin2/2006-6-13_15-22-3.whl',sep='\t', skiprows=0, names=['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'] )
print( "Cannot load files in Unix location; trying Mac location instead.")
#df1whl = pd.read_table( '/Users/etienne/Dropbox/neoReader/Data/gor01-6-7/2006-6-7_11-26-53_lin1/2006-6-7_11-26-53.whl',sep='\t', skiprows=0, names=['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'] )
df2whl = pd.read_table( '/Users/etienne/Dropbox/neoReader/Data/gor01-6-7/2006-6-7_16-40-19_lin2/2006-6-7_16-40-19.whl',sep='\t', skiprows=0, names=['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'] )
print( "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0] )
print( "Data loaded successfully." )
print( "Data loaded successfully." )
print( "Data loaded successfully." )
# plot trajectory:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (8, 4),'lines.linewidth': 1, 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
palette = sns.color_palette()
plt.plot( df2whl['x1'], df2whl['y1'], linewidth=2, color='lightgray');
plt.plot( df2whl['x2'], df2whl['y2'], linewidth=2, color='lightgray');
plt.plot( (df2whl['x1'] + df2whl['x2'])/2, (df2whl['y1'] + df2whl['y2'])/2, linewidth=1, color='k' );
In [2]:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (16, 4),'lines.linewidth': 1.5, 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, ( ax1 ) = plt.subplots(1,1)
ax1.plot(np.linspace(0,len(df2whl.index)/60,len(df2whl.index)),df2whl['x1'], linewidth=2, color='lightgray' )
ax1.plot(np.linspace(0,len(df2whl.index)/60,len(df2whl.index)),df2whl['x2'], linewidth=2, color='lightgray' )
ax1.plot(np.linspace(0,len(df2whl.index)/60,len(df2whl.index)),(df2whl['x1'] + df2whl['x2'])/2, linewidth=1, color='k' )
ax1.set_xlabel('time (s)')
ax1.set_ylabel('position along x-axis')
#saveFigure("figures/x-pos vs time.pdf")
In [4]:
import pickle
#with open('../../Data/st_array1rn.pickle', 'rb') as f:
# st_array1 = pickle.load(f)
with open('../../Data/st_array2rn.pickle', 'rb') as f:
st_array2 = pickle.load(f)
In [5]:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../')
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import seaborn as sns
#import yahmm as ym
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
from efunctions import * # load my helper functions
%matplotlib inline
from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter, filtfilt
def butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5):
nyq = 0.5 * fs
low = lowcut / nyq
high = highcut / nyq
b, a = butter(order, [low, high], btype='band')
return b, a
def butter_bandpass_filter(data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5):
b, a = butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order)
y = lfilter(b, a, data)
return y
def butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order=5):
nyq = 0.5 * fs
normal_cutoff = cutoff / nyq
b, a = butter(order, normal_cutoff, btype='low', analog=False)
return b, a
def butter_lowpass_filtfilt(data, cutoff, fs, order=5):
b, a = butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order=order)
#y = lfilter(b, a, data)
y = filtfilt(b, a, data, padlen=150)
return y
def rms(x):
return np.sqrt(np.mean(x**2))
def compute_rolling_rms(x,fs,wt=10):
# fs = sampling frequency
# wt = sliding window over which to compute rms, in milliseconds
nsamples = len(x)
from collections import deque
import itertools
dqfilt = deque(x)
x_rms = np.zeros(nsamples)
wn = round(fs/1000*wt) # number of samples per window to compute RMS power in
for e in np.arange(nsamples):
x_rms[e] = rms(np.array(list(itertools.islice(dqfilt, 1, wn+1))))
return x_rms
In [6]:
# speed as a function of time...
def get_smooth_speed(x,y,fs=60,th=3,cutoff=0.5,showfig=False):
dx = np.ediff1d(x,to_begin=0)
dy = np.ediff1d(y,to_begin=0)
dvdt = np.sqrt(np.square(dx) + np.square(dy))*60 # cm per second
t0 = 0
tend = len(dvdt)/fs # end in seconds
dvdtlowpass = np.fmax(0,butter_lowpass_filtfilt(dvdt, cutoff=cutoff, fs=fs, order=6))
print('The animal (gor01) ran an average of {0:2.2f} cm/s'.format(dvdt.mean()))
#th = 3 #cm/s
runindex = np.where(dvdtlowpass>=th); runindex = runindex[0]
print("The animal ran faster than th = {0:2.1f} cm/s for a total of {1:2.1f} seconds (out of a total of {2:2.1f} seconds).".format(th,len(runindex)/60,len(centerx)/60))
if showfig:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (15, 4),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 18, 'axes.labelsize': 16, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2)
ax1.plot(np.arange(0,len(dvdt))/fs,dvdtlowpass, alpha=1,color='k',linewidth=1)
ax1.set_xlabel('time (seconds)')
ax1.set_ylabel('instantaneous velocity (cm/s)')
ax1.legend(['unfiltered', str(cutoff) + ' Hz lowpass filtfilt'])
ax2.plot(np.arange(0,len(dvdt))/60,dvdtlowpass, alpha=1,color='k',linewidth=1)
ax2.set_xlabel('time (seconds)')
ax2.set_ylabel('instantaneous velocity (cm/s)')
ax2.legend(['unfiltered', str(cutoff) + ' Hz lowpass filtfilt'])
return dvdtlowpass, runindex
In [7]:
def list_of_spk_time_arrays_to_spk_counts_arrays(st_array_extern, ds=0, fs=0 ):
st_array: list of ndarrays containing spike times (in sample numbers!)
ds: delta sample number; integer value of samples per time bin
fs: sampling frequency
argument logic: if only st_array is passed, use default ds; if ds is passed, use as is and ignore fs; if ds and fs are passed, use ds as time in seconds
returns a (numBins x numCell) array with spike counts
st_array = st_array_extern
if fs == 0:
if ds == 0:
ds = 1000 # assume default interval size
else: # sampling frequency was passed, so interpret ds as time-interval, and convert accordingly:
if ds == 0:
ds = 1000 # assume default interval size
ds = round(ds*fs)
# determine number of units:
num_units = len(st_array)
#columns = np.arange(0,num_units)
#df = DataFrame(columns=columns)
maxtime = 0
for uu in np.arange(num_units):
maxtime = max(st_array[uu].max(), maxtime)
maxtime = maxtime
# create list of intervals:
intlist = np.arange(0,maxtime,ds)
num_bins = len(intlist)
spks_bin = np.zeros((num_bins,num_units))
print("binning data into {0} x {1:2.1f} ms temporal bins...".format(num_bins, ds*1000/fs))
for uu in np.arange(num_units):
# count number of spikes in an interval:
spks_bin[:,uu] = np.histogram(st_array[uu], bins=num_bins, density=False, range=(0,maxtime))[0]
#spk_count_list.append([x&y for (x,y) in zip(st_array[uu]>ii, st_array[uu] < ii+ds)].count(True))
#st_array[uu] = st_array[uu][st_array[uu]>ii+ds]
#if df.empty:
# df = DataFrame([spk_count_list], columns=columns)
# df = df.append(DataFrame([spk_count_list], columns=columns),ignore_index=True)
return spks_bin
In [8]:
centerx = (np.array(df2whl['x1']) + np.array(df2whl['x2']))/2
centery = (np.array(df2whl['y1']) + np.array(df2whl['y2']))/2
binned_vel_60Hz, binned_runidx_60Hz = get_smooth_speed(centerx,centery,fs=60,th=3,showfig=True)
binned_counts_60Hz = list_of_spk_time_arrays_to_spk_counts_arrays(st_array2, ds=0.016666667, fs=32552)
# trim run indices to same length as spike counts
binned_runidx_60Hz = binned_runidx_60Hz[np.where(binned_runidx_60Hz<len(binned_counts_60Hz))[0]]; # runindexnew = runindexnew[0]
# get bins of spk counts that correspond to where the animal was running above threshold:
binned_counts_60Hz_run = binned_counts_60Hz[binned_runidx_60Hz,:]
In [9]:
def estimate_place_fields(binned_pos,binned_spk_cnts,fs,x0,xl,num_pos_bins=200,minth=0.005,max_meanfiringrate=4,min_maxfiringrate=2,sigma=1):
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter1d
#num_bins = 200 # position bins for place fields
#x0 = 0
#xl = 100
num_units = len(binned_spk_cnts[0])
#data = (np.array(df2whl['x1'])[runindex] + np.array(df2whl['x2'])[runindex])/2
bins = np.linspace(x0,xl,num_pos_bins)
digitized = np.digitize(binned_pos, bins) # bin numbers
bin_cnt = [len(binned_pos[digitized == i]) for i in range(0, len(bins)-1)]
bin_time = [b/fs for b in bin_cnt] # convert to seconds spent in bin
pfbincenters = bins[:-1] + np.diff(bins)/2
pf2spk_cnt = np.zeros((num_pos_bins,num_units))
closest_bins = np.digitize(binned_pos,bins)
for cnt, bb in enumerate(closest_bins):
pf2spk_cnt[bb,:] += binned_spk_cnts[cnt,:]
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (15, 4),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 18, 'axes.labelsize': 16, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
ax1.plot(pf2spk_cnt, 'gray', linewidth=1)
#DEBUG: plot only cells 11 and 20 for debugging...
#ax1.plot(pf2spk_cnt[:,[11,20]], 'gray', linewidth=1)
ax1.set_xlabel('position (cm)')
# Make the y-axis label and tick labels match the line color.
ax1.set_ylabel('spikes per bin', color='gray')
for tl in ax1.get_yticklabels():
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2.set_ylabel('time spent in position bin (sec)', color='k')
for tl in ax2.get_yticklabels():
pf2 = []
pfsmooth = []
# minth = 0.05 # min threshold for backgrnd spking actvy
for uu in np.arange(0,num_units):
pf2.append([b/max(c,1/fs) for (b,c) in zip(pf2spk_cnt[:,uu],bin_time)])
pfsmooth.append(gaussian_filter1d(pf2[uu], sigma=sigma))
#pfsmooth.append(butter_lowpass_filtfilt(pf2[uu], cutoff=15, fs=200, order=4))
pfsmooth = np.array(pfsmooth)
pfsmooth[pfsmooth<minth] = minth # enforce a minimum background firing rate.
# throw away cells that look like interneurons, or cells that are inactive throughout the entire experiment:
meanfiringrates = pfsmooth.mean(axis=1)
maxfiringrates = pfsmooth.max(axis=1)
# max_meanfiringrate = 4 # Hz
# min_maxfiringrate = 2 # Hz
pindex = np.where((meanfiringrates<=max_meanfiringrate) & (maxfiringrates>min_maxfiringrate)); pindex = pindex[0]
print("{0} out of {1} cells passed the criteria to be place cells...".format(len(pindex),len(meanfiringrates)))
return pfsmooth, pfbincenters, pindex
In [10]:
def show_place_fields(pfs, pfbincenters, pindex,min_maxfiringrate=0):
meanfiringrates = pfs.mean(axis=1)
maxfiringrates = pfs.max(axis=1)
# visualize place fields
# order remaining cells by peak hight along the track
peaklocations = pfs.argmax(axis=1)
peakorder = peaklocations[pindex].argsort()
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (15, 4),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 18, 'axes.labelsize': 16, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, ( (ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4) ) = plt.subplots(2,2)
ax1.legend(['mean firing rate','max firing rate'])
ax1.set_title('mean and max firing rates of all cells')
ax2.legend(['mean firing rate','max firing rate'])
ax2.set_title('mean and max firing rates of place cells')
cell_list = pindex
for uu in cell_list:
ax3.plot(pfbincenters, pfs[uu], linewidth=1, color='k')
#ax3.set_title("place fields in LinearTwo",fontsize=14)
ax1.set_ylabel("firing rate (Hz)")
ax2.set_ylabel("firing rate (Hz)")
ax3.set_ylabel("firing rate (Hz)")
ax3.set_title('Place fields of place cells')
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (4,8),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 18, 'axes.labelsize': 16, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, axes = plt.subplots(len(pindex), sharex=True, sharey=True)
for ii,pp in enumerate(pindex[peakorder]):
axes[ii].plot((0, 100), (min_maxfiringrate, min_maxfiringrate), 'k:', linewidth=1)
axes[ii].plot(pfbincenters, pfs[pp],linewidth=1,color='k')
axes[ii].fill_between(pfbincenters, 0, pfs[pp], color='gray')
axes[ii].set_ylabel(pp, fontsize=12)
axes[-1].set_xlabel('position along track [cm]')
f.suptitle('Place fields ordered by peak location along track, cells are zero-indexed.')
In [11]:
binned_runposx_60Hz = centerx[binned_runidx_60Hz]
pfs, pfbincenters, pindex = estimate_place_fields(binned_runposx_60Hz,binned_counts_60Hz_run,fs=60, x0=0,xl=100,max_meanfiringrate = 4,min_maxfiringrate=1,num_pos_bins=100,sigma=1)
In [12]:
num_channels = 96
#dt = np.dtype([('a', 'i2', (num_channels,))])
dtype = np.dtype([(('ch' + str(ii)), 'i2') for ii in range(num_channels) ])
# read eeg data:
eegdata = np.fromfile('C://Etienne//Dropbox//neoReader//Data//gor01-6-7//2006-6-7_16-40-19_lin2//2006-6-7_16-40-19.eeg', dtype=dtype, count=-1)
print( "Cannot load files in C:/...; trying Unix location instead.")
eegdata = np.fromfile('/home/etienne/Dropbox/neoReader/Data/gor01-6-7/2006-6-7_16-40-19_lin2/2006-6-7_16-40-19.eeg', dtype=dtype, count=-1)
print( "Cannot load files in Unix location; trying Mac location instead.")
eegdata = np.fromfile('/Users/etienne/Dropbox/neoReader/Data/gor01-6-7/2006-6-7_16-40-19_lin2/2006-6-7_16-40-19.eeg', dtype=dtype, count=-1)
print( "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0] )
print( "Data loaded successfully." )
print( "Data loaded successfully." )
print( "Data loaded successfully." )
In [13]:
fs = 1252 # eeg sampling frequency [Hz]
num_records = len(eegdata)
reltime = np.arange(num_records) / fs
#times = map(lambda x:dt.timedelta(seconds=x), reltime)
starttime = pd.to_datetime('200667164019', format='%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
times = map(lambda x:starttime + pd.tseries.timedeltas.to_timedelta(x, unit='s') , reltime)
# transform from record array to ndarray:
data_arr = eegdata.astype(dtype).view('i2')
# reshape data into dataframe size:
data_arr = data_arr.reshape(num_records,num_channels)
# delete 'data', as memory can be an issue here...
del eegdata
# create DataFrame from ndarray:
df = pd.DataFrame(data_arr, index=times, columns=dtype.names) # contains raw eeg data for all channels
NOTE: above functions take quite a while (2+ minutes?) to complete... Consider re-writing without Pandas and timestamps for improved speed...
In [14]:
# choose EEG channel to use to look for SWR events:
ch = 'ch1'
# extract single EEG channel
x_unfilt = df[ch].values
x_unfilt = x_unfilt.astype(int) # convert from int16 to int to prevent overflow when calling e.g. rms(); we don't actually use it like that though...
del df # delete dataframe, since all we need is x_unfilt
# Sample rate and desired cutoff frequencies (in Hz).
fs = 1252.0
lowcut = 150.0
highcut = 250.0
In [16]:
import scipy.signal as signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [17]:
%matplotlib inline
b = signal.firwin(25, [lowcut/(fs/2), highcut/(fs/2)], pass_zero=False)
w,h = signal.freqz(b)
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(w/np.pi*(fs/2), 20 * np.log10(abs(h)), 'b')
plt.xlabel('Frequency [rad/sample]')
In [18]:
ripple_data = signal.filtfilt(b,1,x_unfilt)
In [19]:
ripple_envelope = np.absolute(signal.hilbert(ripple_data))
In [20]:
import scipy.ndimage
SD = 0.004 * fs
smoothed_envelope = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(ripple_envelope, SD,mode='constant')
In [21]:
from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter
def find_threshold_crossing_events(x, threshold) :
above_threshold = np.where(x > threshold, 1, 0);
eventlist = []
eventmax = []
for k,v in groupby(enumerate(above_threshold),key=itemgetter(1)):
if k:
v = list(v)
try :
except :
print(v, x[v[0][0]:v[-1][0]])
eventmax = np.asarray(eventmax)
eventlist = np.asarray(eventlist)
return eventlist, eventmax
In [22]:
# Find periods where value is > mean + 3 SD
ripple_events = find_threshold_crossing_events(smoothed_envelope,
np.mean(smoothed_envelope) + 3*np.std(smoothed_envelope))[0]
LengthCriteria = 0.015
# Purge ripple events which aren't long enough (15 ms)
ripple_events = \
ripple_events[ripple_events[:,1] - ripple_events[:,0] > np.round(fs*LengthCriteria),:]
# Find periods where value is > mean; note that the previous periods should be within these!
ripple_bounds, broader_maxes = find_threshold_crossing_events(smoothed_envelope,
In [23]:
# Find corresponding big windows for potential ripple events
# Specifically, look for closest left edge that is just smaller
outer_boundary_indices = np.searchsorted(ripple_bounds[:,0], ripple_events[:,0]);
# searchsorted finds the index after, so subtract one to get index before
outer_boundary_indices = outer_boundary_indices - 1;
# Find extended boundaries for ripple events by pairing to larger windows
# (Note that there may be repeats if the larger window contains multiple > 3SD sections)
ripple_bounds = ripple_bounds[outer_boundary_indices,:]
ripple_maxes = broader_maxes[outer_boundary_indices]
# Now, since all that we care about are the larger windows, so we should get rid of repeats
_, unique_idx = np.unique(ripple_bounds[:,0], return_index=True)
ripple_bounds = ripple_bounds[unique_idx,:]
ripple_maxes = ripple_maxes[unique_idx]
ripple_events = ripple_events[unique_idx,:]
In [24]:
StartTime = 0
ripple_centers = (ripple_bounds[:,1]/2 + ripple_bounds[:,0]/2) / fs + StartTime
In [25]:
ripple_bounds[:5,:]/fs # ripple bounds in seconds
In [26]:
# create SWR_events dataframe with all possible SWR events
SWR_events = pd.DataFrame(ripple_bounds,columns=['start','end'])
SWR_events['duration_ms'] = (SWR_events.end - SWR_events.start) / fs * 1000
SWR_events['n_active_cells'] = np.nan
SWR_events['corr'] = np.nan
SWR_events['maxdist'] = np.nan
SWR_events['s_ctx'] = np.nan
SWR_events['s_seq'] = np.nan
SWR_events['replay'] = np.nan
In [26]:
# this is a little helper function that can be used similar to MATLAB's find(), except that it returns all the
# indices, and cannot be stopped after finding just the first, for example.
# usage example: idx = indices(input_array, lambda x: x > pos)[0]
def indices(a, func):
return [i for (i, val) in enumerate(a) if func(val)]
In [29]:
# plot one of the putative sharp wave ripple events:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (6, 4),'lines.linewidth': 1, 'font.size': 18, 'axes.labelsize': 16, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
swr_idx = 1
xflong = ripple_data[ripple_bounds[swr_idx,0]-50:ripple_bounds[swr_idx,1]+50]
xf = ripple_data[ripple_bounds[swr_idx,0]:ripple_bounds[swr_idx,1]]
xu = x_unfilt[ripple_bounds[swr_idx,0]:ripple_bounds[swr_idx,1]]
nsamples = len(xflong)
Tlong = nsamples/fs
tstart = (ripple_bounds[swr_idx,0]-50) / fs
tlong = np.linspace(tstart, tstart + Tlong, nsamples, endpoint=False)
nsamples = len(xf)
T = nsamples/fs
tstart = (ripple_bounds[swr_idx,0]) / fs
t = np.linspace(tstart, tstart + T, nsamples, endpoint=False)
plt.xlabel('relative time (s)')
plt.ylabel('analog signal')
plt.title('Sample SWR event',fontsize=16)
plt.legend(['bandpass filtered','event window','unfiltered eeg'],loc=3)
In [30]:
# restrict minimum and maximum SWR sequence durations...
min_swr_duration = 15 #ms
max_swr_duration = 500 #ms
SWR_events = SWR_events[(SWR_events['duration_ms']>=min_swr_duration) & (SWR_events['duration_ms']<=max_swr_duration)]
SWR_events.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
print('A total of {0} SWR sequences passed the length requirements...\n'.format(SWR_events.index[-1]))
In [31]:
# SWR_events are in sample #s with fs = 1252, whereas st_array spike times are in sample #s with fs = 32552
fsEEG = 1252
fsSpikes = 32552
st_array_fsEEG = [x*(fsEEG/fsSpikes) for x in st_array2] # spike times in fsEEG sample numbers (not integral)
In [32]:
# extract observation sequences corresponding to SWR events
def extract_and_bin_spikes_during_swr_events(SWR_events, st_arrayfsEEG, bintime = 10):
# bintime in milliseconds
from math import ceil
# given SWR_ch1_events (dataframe) and st_array1fsEEG and st_array2fsEEG, we build the list of lists of lists of arrays:
#bintime = 10 # bin time in ms, has to be small to work with replay
N = len(SWR_events.index) # number of SWR events
num_units = len(st_arrayfsEEG) # number of units
spk_cnters = np.zeros((num_units,1),dtype=np.int32)
SWRspikes = []
idx = -1
for row in SWR_events.itertuples():
_, start, stop, duration, _, _, _, _, _, _ = zip(row) # still tuples
idx += 1; start = start[0]; stop = stop[0]; duration = duration[0]
# determine sequence length in number of bins:
num_bins = ceil(duration/bintime)
SWRspikes.append([]) # list for idx=nth SWR event
for bb in np.arange(0,num_bins):
SWRspikes[idx].append([]) # add list element for each bin in sequence
for uu in np.arange(0,num_units):
# count spikes in bin and advance spike time array counter to make subsequent searches faster:
spk_cnters[uu][0] = spk_cnters[uu][0] + len(st_arrayfsEEG[uu][spk_cnters[uu][0]:][st_arrayfsEEG[uu][spk_cnters[uu][0]:]<start+(bb)*bintime])
#debug#print("skip first {0} spikes for unit {1}...".format(spk_cnters[uu][0],uu))
tempspikes = st_arrayfsEEG[uu][spk_cnters[uu][0]:][st_arrayfsEEG[uu][spk_cnters[uu][0]:]<=start+(bb+1)*bintime]
numspikes = len(tempspikes)
#debug#print("spikes in bin {0} of unit {1}: {2}".format(bb,uu,numspikes))
return SWRspikes
#SWRspikes = extract_and_bin_spikes_during_swr_events( SWR_events1, st_array_fsEEG1, bintime = 5 )
In [33]:
#binned_counts_5ms = list_of_spk_time_arrays_to_spk_counts_arrays(st_array2, ds=0.005, fs=32552)
binned_counts_5ms_SWR = extract_and_bin_spikes_during_swr_events( SWR_events, st_array_fsEEG, bintime = 5 )
In [34]:
# determine the number of active cells in each event:
for kk, seq in enumerate(binned_counts_5ms_SWR):
ndseq = np.array(seq)
SWR_events.ix[kk,'n_active_cells'] = np.count_nonzero(ndseq.sum(axis=0)[pindex])
In [37]:
In [36]:
# require at least five PLACE CELLS to be active...
SWR_cand_events = SWR_events[SWR_events.n_active_cells>4]
In [38]:
binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events = extract_and_bin_spikes_during_swr_events( SWR_cand_events, st_array_fsEEG, bintime = 5 )
NOTE: binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events now contains all the candidate events for further processing...
In [39]:
# NOTE: if a sequence is stationary (no movement) then corrXYprob evaluates to nan...
def mXprob(X,prob):
den = prob.sum()
num = (prob*X).sum()
return num/den
def covXYprob(X,Y,prob):
den = prob.sum()
num = (prob*(X - mXprob(X,prob))*(Y - mXprob(Y,prob))).sum()
return num/den
def corrXYprob(X,Y,prob):
# ignore empty time bins:
X = X[~np.isnan(prob)]; Y = Y[~np.isnan(prob)]; prob = prob[~np.isnan(prob)]
den = np.sqrt(covXYprob(X,X,prob)*covXYprob(Y,Y,prob))
num = covXYprob(X,Y,prob)
return num/den
In [40]:
# note that here we re-sample placefields simply with linear interpolation. A more 'accurate' approach might be to compute the mean firing rate within each new bin...
def resample_placefields(pfsmooth, s_bin, pfbincenters, x0,xl):
newx = np.arange(x0,xl,s_bin) + s_bin/2
ss_pfsmooth = np.zeros((pfsmooth.shape[0],len(newx)))
for cc in np.arange(0,pfsmooth.shape[0]):
ss_pfsmooth[cc,:] = np.interp(newx,pfbincenters,pfsmooth[cc,:])
return ss_pfsmooth, newx
def resample_velocity(velocity, t_bin, tvel, t0,tend):
newt = np.arange(t0,tend,t_bin) + t_bin/2
newvel = np.zeros((1,len(newt)))
newvel = np.interp(newt,tvel,velocity)
return newvel, newt
In [83]:
def decode_swr_sequence(seq,pfs,pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin,tau,showfig=False,shuffletype='none'):
# decode a sequence of observations using 20 ms window with 5 ms sliding window increments
#n C x 1 changes every time step
#fi C x 1 never changes
#f C x nbins never changes
seq = np.array(seq)
bins_per_window = round(tau/t_bin)
PP = np.zeros((len(pfbincenters),num_tbins-bins_per_window))
f = pfs[pindex,:]
if shuffletype == 'unit-all':
np.random.shuffle(pindex) # unit identity shuffle using ALL place cells
elif shuffletype == 'unit-event':
# determine which place cells participate in the event:
eventpcells = pindex[np.nonzero(seq.sum(axis=0)[pindex])]
# unit identity shuffle using only participating place cells
pindex[np.nonzero(seq.sum(axis=0)[pindex])] = eventpcells
dec_pos = np.zeros((num_tbins-bins_per_window,1))
prob = np.zeros((num_tbins-bins_per_window,1))
est_pos_idx = 0
for tt in np.arange(0,num_tbins-bins_per_window): #len(spk_counts2_5ms_run)-4):
#tt+=1 # time index
n = seq[tt:tt+bins_per_window,pindex].sum(axis=0)
nn = np.tile(n,(len(ss_pfbincenters),1)).T
if nn.max() == 0:
#print('No spikes in decoding window, so cannot decode position!')
PP[:,tt] = PP[:,tt]
est_pos_idx = np.nan
dec_pos[tt] = np.nan
prob[tt] = np.nan
#print('Some spikes detected in decoding window.. yeah!!!')
PP[:,tt] = np.exp((np.log((f)**(nn))).sum(axis=0) - tau*f.sum(axis=0))
PP[:,tt] = PP[:,tt]/PP[:,tt].sum() # normalization not strictly necessary
est_pos_idx = PP[:,tt].argmax()
dec_pos[tt] = ss_pfbincenters[est_pos_idx]
prob[tt] = PP[est_pos_idx,tt]
T = np.arange(0,num_tbins-bins_per_window)*t_bin*1000
T = T.reshape((len(T),1))
if showfig:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (16, 6),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2)
ax1.set_ylabel('position (cm)')
ax1.set_xlabel('time (ms)')
ax2.plot(T, dec_pos,marker='o')
ax2.set_ylabel('position (cm)')
ax2.set_xlabel('time (ms)')
return T, dec_pos, prob, PP
s_bin = 0.5 # cm of spatial bins
ss_pfsmooth, ss_pfbincenters = resample_placefields(pfs, s_bin, pfbincenters, x0=0, xl=100)#super-sampled or sub-sampled smoothed place fields
t_bin = 0.005 # sec; temporal resolution for binning spikes
#ss_spk_counts2 = list_of_spk_time_arrays_to_spk_counts_arrays(st_array2, ds=t_bin, fs=32552)
tau = 0.02 # sec (decoding time window)
#bins_per_window = round(tau/t_bin)
t_bin = 0.005 # sec; temporal resolution for binning spikes
#ss_spk_counts2 = list_of_spk_time_arrays_to_spk_counts_arrays(st_array2, ds=t_bin, fs=32552)
tau = 0.02 # sec (decoding time window)
bins_per_window = round(tau/t_bin)
print("Decoding with {0} x {1} ms bins per window, into one of {2} spatial bins with size {3} cm each...".format(bins_per_window,t_bin*1000,len(ss_pfbincenters),s_bin))
# decode SWR trajectory:
seq = binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events[seqidx]
T, P, prob, PP = decode_swr_sequence(seq,ss_pfsmooth,ss_pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin=t_bin,tau=tau,showfig=True,shuffletype='none')
# column-cycle shuffle:
newidx = np.random.random_integers(low=0, high=len(ss_pfbincenters)-1, size=(len(P),1))
P = ss_pfbincenters[newidx]
In [ ]:
In [84]:
def max_jump_dist(P):
return np.diff(P[~np.isnan(P)]).max()
In [85]:
weighted_corr = []
ncbins = 20
weighted_corr_col_shuffl_hist = np.zeros((ncbins,1))
N_shuffl = 1000
max_dist = 100 #cm
cand_max_dist = []
cand_max_dist_hist = np.zeros((ncbins,1))
cand_max_dist_shffl_hist = np.zeros((ncbins,1))
dfindex = SWR_cand_events.index
for kk,seq in enumerate(binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events):
T, P, prob, PP = decode_swr_sequence(seq,ss_pfsmooth,ss_pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin=t_bin,tau=tau,showfig=False)
tmpcorr = corrXYprob(T,P,prob)
tmpdist = max_jump_dist(P)/ss_pfbincenters[-1]
temp_corr = np.zeros(N_shuffl)
temp_max = np.zeros(N_shuffl)
for nn in np.arange(0,N_shuffl):
# column-cycle shuffle:
newidx = np.random.random_integers(low=0, high=len(ss_pfbincenters)-1, size=(len(P),1))
Pshffl = ss_pfbincenters[newidx]
temp_corr[nn] = corrXYprob(T,Pshffl,prob)
temp_max[nn] = max_jump_dist(Pshffl)/ss_pfbincenters[-1]
weighted_corr_col_shuffl_hist += (np.histogram(temp_corr,bins=ncbins, range=(-1,1))[0]).reshape(ncbins,1)
cand_max_dist_shffl_hist += (np.histogram(temp_max,bins=ncbins, range=(0,1))[0]).reshape(ncbins,1)
dfidx = dfindex[kk]
SWR_cand_events.ix[dfidx,'corr'] = tmpcorr
SWR_cand_events.ix[dfidx,'maxdist'] = tmpdist
if np.abs(tmpcorr) >= 0.6 and tmpdist <= 0.4:
SWR_cand_events.ix[dfidx,'replay'] = True
SWR_cand_events.ix[dfidx,'replay'] = False
weighted_corr_col_shuffl_hist = weighted_corr_col_shuffl_hist/N_shuffl
weighted_corr_col_shuffl_hist = weighted_corr_col_shuffl_hist/weighted_corr_col_shuffl_hist.sum()
weighted_corr_hist, ncbin_edges = np.histogram(weighted_corr,bins=ncbins, range=(-1,1))
weighted_corr_hist = weighted_corr_hist/weighted_corr_hist.sum()
cand_max_dist_shffl_hist = cand_max_dist_shffl_hist/cand_max_dist_shffl_hist.sum()
cand_max_dist_hist, ncbin_max_edges = np.histogram(cand_max_dist,bins=ncbins, range=(0,1))
cand_max_dist_hist = cand_max_dist_hist/cand_max_dist_hist.sum()
print('{} out of {} candidate events classified as replay (trajectory) events...'.format(np.count_nonzero(SWR_cand_events.replay),SWR_cand_events.replay.count()))
# TODO: add sequence score
In [86]:
#sns.distplot(weighted_corr,bins=20, rug=True, kde=False, norm_hist=True)[1:] - np.diff(ncbin_edges)/2),weighted_corr_col_shuffl_hist,width=0.05,color='r')[1:] - np.diff(ncbin_edges)/3),weighted_corr_hist,width=0.05,color='b')
plt.legend(['col cycle shuffle','cand events'])
plt.title('weighted correlations of candidate events; cf. Fig 2.c top left of Silva, Feng and Foster (2015) where sleep approx shuffle')
In [87]:[1:] - np.diff(ncbin_max_edges)/2),cand_max_dist_shffl_hist,width=0.025,color='r')[1:] - np.diff(ncbin_max_edges)/3),cand_max_dist_hist,width=0.025,color='b')
plt.legend(['col cycle shuffle','cand events'])
plt.title('maximum jump distance of candidate events; cf. Fig 2.c top middle of Silva, Feng and Foster (2015) where sleep approx shuffle')
In [88]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
print('{} out of {} candidate events classified as replay (trajectory) events...'.format(np.count_nonzero(SWR_cand_events.replay),SWR_cand_events.replay.count()))
In [89]:
seqidx=67 #60
seq = binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events[seqidx]
T, P, prob, PP = decode_swr_sequence(seq,ss_pfsmooth,ss_pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin=t_bin,tau=tau,showfig=True,shuffletype='none')
In [91]:
# check the 95th percentile threshold for the correlation coeff for a single event, using unit-id shuffle
seqidx = 6
N_shuffl = 1000
seq = binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events[seqidx]
T, P, prob, PP = decode_swr_sequence(seq,ss_pfsmooth,ss_pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin=t_bin,tau=tau,showfig=False,shuffletype='none')
eventcorr = corrXYprob(T,P,prob)
print('event corr: {}'.format(eventcorr))
weighted_corr_unit_shuffl = np.zeros((N_shuffl,1))
for jj in np.arange(0,N_shuffl):
T, P, prob, PP = decode_swr_sequence(seq,ss_pfsmooth,ss_pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin=t_bin,tau=tau,showfig=False,shuffletype='unit-event')
weighted_corr_unit_shuffl[jj] = corrXYprob(T,P,prob)
th = np.percentile(np.abs(weighted_corr_unit_shuffl),95) # 95th percentile for [absolute] correlations of shuffles
print('absolute 95 percentile threshold: {}'.format(th))
In [92]:
# use unit-id shuffle for each event, and declare an event replay if its correlation is greater than 95 % of the shuffled corrs
N_shuffl = 100
dfindex = SWR_cand_events.index
for kk,seq in enumerate(binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events):
T, P, prob, PP = decode_swr_sequence(seq,ss_pfsmooth,ss_pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin=t_bin,tau=tau,showfig=False,shuffletype='none')
eventcorr = corrXYprob(T,P,prob)
weighted_corr_unit_shuffl = np.zeros((N_shuffl,1))
for jj in np.arange(0,N_shuffl):
T, P, prob, PP = decode_swr_sequence(seq,ss_pfsmooth,ss_pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin=t_bin,tau=tau,showfig=False,shuffletype='unit-event')
weighted_corr_unit_shuffl[jj] = corrXYprob(T,P,prob)
th = np.percentile(np.abs(weighted_corr_unit_shuffl),95) # 95th percentile for [absolute] correlations of shuffles
dfidx = dfindex[kk]
SWR_cand_events.ix[dfidx,'corr'] = eventcorr
if np.abs(eventcorr) >= th:
SWR_cand_events.ix[dfidx,'replay'] = True
SWR_cand_events.ix[dfidx,'replay'] = False
print('{} out of {} candidate events classified as replay (trajectory) events...'.format(np.count_nonzero(SWR_cand_events.replay),SWR_cand_events.replay.count()))
In [93]:
In [94]:
import pickle
with open('../../Data/BVR_train2rn_noswr_th1.pickle', 'rb') as f:
BVR_train2 = pickle.load(f)
with open('../../Data/BVR_test2rn_noswr_th1.pickle', 'rb') as f:
BVR_test2 = pickle.load(f)
In [95]:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../')
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import seaborn as sns
#import yahmm as ym
from hmmlearn import hmm # see
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
from efunctions import * # load my helper functions
%matplotlib inline
In [96]:
def yahmmdata_to_hmmlearn_data(yahmmdata):
SequenceLengths = []
tmp = np.array(yahmmdata)
num_sequences = tmp.shape[0]
for ss in np.arange(0,num_sequences):
numCells = np.array(tmp[0]).shape[1]
TotalSequenceLength = np.array(SequenceLengths).sum()
StackedData = np.zeros((TotalSequenceLength,numCells))
rr = 0;
for ss in np.arange(0,num_sequences):
StackedData[rr:rr+SequenceLengths[ss],:] = np.array(tmp[ss])
rr = rr+SequenceLengths[ss]
print("{0} sequences stacked for hmmlearn".format(num_sequences))
return SequenceLengths, StackedData
In [97]:
TrainingSequenceLengths2, StackedTrainingData2 = yahmmdata_to_hmmlearn_data(BVR_train2)
TestingSequenceLengths2, StackedTestingData2 = yahmmdata_to_hmmlearn_data(BVR_test2)
In [98]:
NStates = 15
hmm15_2 = hmm.PoissonHMM(n_components=NStates, n_iter=20, init_params='stm', params='stm', verbose=True), lengths=TrainingSequenceLengths2)
tmat = hmm15_2.transmat_
# sort model states:
new_order = [0]
rem_states = np.arange(1,NStates).tolist()
cs = 0
for ii in np.arange(0,NStates-1):
nstilde = np.argmax(tmat[cs,rem_states])
ns = rem_states[nstilde]
cs = ns
tmatnew = tmat[:, new_order][new_order]
meanmat = hmm15_2.means_[new_order,:]
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (4, 12),'lines.linewidth': 2, 'font.size': 18, 'axes.labelsize': 16, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
#f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2)
f, ax1 = plt.subplots(1,1)
#ax2.imshow(meanmat.T,interpolation="none", cmap='PuBu')
ax1.imshow(tmatnew,interpolation="none", cmap='PuBu')
#ax2.set_title('After sorting state labels')
#ax1.set_title('After sorting state labels')
In [99]:
def get_replay_score_from_hmmlearn( hmmlearnModel, pth, obs ):
# pth is a list of state indices, obs is a list (seq len) of lists (num cells) of nparray(rate)
#P = np.exp(ymModel.dense_transition_matrix())
logP = np.log(hmmlearnModel.transmat_)
logPseq = 0
logPctx = 0
for ii in np.arange( 0, len(pth)-1 ):
# add transition probability to sequence score:
logPseq += logP[pth[ii],pth[ii+1]]
# add memoryless observation likelihood to contextual score:
logPctx += hmmlearnModel.score(obs[ii,:]) # memoryless map probability per symbol FFFB! What about prior state probs?
#logPctx += np.log(hmmlearnModel.predict_proba(obs[ii,:])[0][hmmlearnModel.decode(obs[ii,:])[1][0]]) # memoryless map probability per symbol FFFB! What about prior state probs?model.predict_proba(obs[ii-1,:])[0][model.decode(obs[ii-1,:])[1][0]]
logPctx += hmmlearnModel.score(obs[-1,:]) # memoryless map probability per symbol
#logPctx += np.log(hmmlearnModel.predict_proba(obs[-1,:])[0][hmmlearnModel.decode(obs[-1,:])[1][0]]) # memoryless map probability per symbol FFFB! What about prior state probs?model.predict_proba(obs[ii-1,:])[0][model.decode(obs[ii-1,:])[1][0]]
return logPseq/len(pth), logPctx/len(pth)
In [102]:
# compute replay scores on all candidate events, and compare to trajectory shuffle:
from random import shuffle
SWRSequenceLengths, StackedSWRData = yahmmdata_to_hmmlearn_data(binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events)
myStackedDataSeq = StackedSWRData*50 # note scaling here to make decoding time match up between obs and model
myStackedSeqLengths = SWRSequenceLengths
scores_seq2 = np.zeros(len(myStackedSeqLengths))
scores_ctx2 = np.zeros(len(myStackedSeqLengths))
scores_shfl_seq2 = np.zeros(len(myStackedSeqLengths))
scores_shfl_ctx2 = np.zeros(len(myStackedSeqLengths))
ulen2 = []
seqlimits = np.cumsum(np.array([0] + myStackedSeqLengths))
for ee in np.arange(0,len(myStackedSeqLengths)):
obs = myStackedDataSeq[seqlimits[ee]:seqlimits[ee+1],:]
lp, pth = hmm15_2.decode(obs,algorithm='map')
trj_shfl_idx = np.arange(0,len(pth))
pth_trj_shfl = [pth[i] for i in trj_shfl_idx]
obs_trj_shfl = np.array([obs[i] for i in trj_shfl_idx])
scores_seq2[ee], scores_ctx2[ee] = get_replay_score_from_hmmlearn(hmm15_2, pth, obs)
scores_shfl_seq2[ee], scores_shfl_ctx2[ee] = get_replay_score_from_hmmlearn(hmm15_2, pth_trj_shfl, obs_trj_shfl)
ulen2.append(len(set(pth))) # number of unique states visited in path
slen2 = myStackedSeqLengths # sequence lengths
In [103]:
print("Average number of unique states visited per sequence: {0}".format(np.array(ulen2).mean()))
In [104]:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (5, 3.5),'lines.linewidth': 3, 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
#ax.scatter(np.exp(scores_seq2)*np.array(ulen2), scores_ctx2, s=80, c='k', marker='o',facecolors='none', edgecolors='c',linewidth=1)
#ax.scatter(np.exp(scores_shfl_seq2)*np.array(ulen2), scores_shfl_ctx2, c='c', s=80, marker='x',facecolors='none', edgecolors='k',linewidth=1)
ax.scatter(np.exp(scores_seq2)*np.array(ulen2), scores_ctx2, s=80, c='k', marker='o',facecolors='none', edgecolors='c',linewidth=1)
ax.scatter(np.exp(scores_shfl_seq2)*np.array(ulen2), scores_shfl_ctx2, c='c', s=80, marker='x',facecolors='none', edgecolors='k',linewidth=1)
ax.legend(['candidate sequences', 'trajectory shuffled'])
ax.set_title('novel sequence score on subsequences of hc-3 data')
In [106]:
SWR_cand_events.s_seq = scores_seq2
SWR_cand_events.s_ctx = scores_ctx2
In [114]:
In [107]:
In [108]:
In [109]:
In [111]:
tmpidx = SWR_cand_events.replay.tolist()
replayidx = np.where(tmpidx)[0]
nonreplayidx = np.where(~np.array(tmpidx))[0]
In [112]:
In [113]:
In [ ]:
for kk in replayidx:
seq = binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events[kk]
T, P, prob, PP = decode_swr_sequence(seq,ss_pfsmooth,ss_pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin=t_bin,tau=tau,showfig=True,shuffletype='none')
In [ ]:
for kk in nonreplayidx:
seq = binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events[kk]
T, P, prob, PP = decode_swr_sequence(seq,ss_pfsmooth,ss_pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin=t_bin,tau=tau,showfig=True,shuffletype='none')
In [ ]:
seqidx=149 #60
seq = binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events[seqidx]
T, P, prob, PP = decode_swr_sequence(seq,ss_pfsmooth,ss_pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin=t_bin,tau=tau,showfig=True,shuffletype='none')
print('corr: {}'.format(corrXYprob(T,P,prob)))
print('exp(seq): {}'.format(np.exp(scores_seq2[seqidx])))
In [ ]:
seqidx=98 #60
seq = binned_counts_5ms_SWR_cand_events[seqidx]
T, P, prob, PP = decode_swr_sequence(seq,ss_pfsmooth,ss_pfbincenters,pindex,t_bin=t_bin,tau=tau,showfig=True,shuffletype='none')
print('corr: {}'.format(corrXYprob(T,P,prob)))
print('exp(seq): {}'.format(np.exp(scores_seq2[seqidx])))
In [162]:
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (12, 4),'lines.linewidth': 2, 'font.size': 18, 'axes.labelsize': 16, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12 })
f, ax1 = plt.subplots(1,1)
print('NOTE! Here the traj shuffled events are shown with their original (unshuffled) weighted corr, so\n that only the replay score is relevant here...')
x = SWR_cand_events.s_seq.values
y = SWR_cand_events['corr'].values
plt.xlabel('replay score (s_seq)')
plt.ylabel('weighted corr')
# add replay events as different color
x = SWR_cand_events[SWR_cand_events.replay==True].s_seq.values
y = (SWR_cand_events[SWR_cand_events.replay==True])['corr'].values
plt.legend(['non-replay', 'traj shuffled', 'replay'])