In [1]:
# Ensure I don't use any local plugins. Set it to a readable folder with no Python files to avoid warnings.
%env CIS_PLUGIN_HOME=/Users/watson-parris/Pictures

env: CIS_PLUGIN_HOME=/Users/watson-parris/Pictures

CIS Introduction

CIS has it's own version of the Iris Cube. But it's designed to work with any observational data. The CIS data structure is just called UngriddedData:

First unzip your example data to a folder you can easily find it.

In [2]:
from cis import read_data, read_data_list, get_variables



In [3]:
aeronet_aot_500 = read_data("../resources/WorkshopData2016/Aeronet/920801_150530_Brussels.lev20", "AOT_500")

Ungridded data: AOT_500 / (1) 
     Shape = (15573,)

     Total number of points = 15573
     Number of non-masked points = 15573
     Long name = AOT_500
     Standard name = None
     Units = 1
     Missing value = -999.0
     Range = (0.01864, 1.4709920000000001)
     History = 
          Long name = 
          Standard name = longitude
          Units = degrees_east
          Missing value = None
          Range = (4.3499999999999996, 4.3499999999999996)
          History = 
          Long name = 
          Standard name = latitude
          Units = degrees_north
          Missing value = None
          Range = (50.783000000000001, 50.783000000000001)
          History = 
          Long name = 
          Standard name = altitude
          Units = meters
          Missing value = None
          Range = (120.0, 120.0)
          History = 
          Long name = 
          Standard name = time
          Units = days since 1600-01-01 00:00:00
          Missing value = None
          Range = (2006-07-13 08:03:47, 2014-05-25 08:55:29)
          History = 

In [4]:


Some example datasets

In [5]:
%matplotlib inline

Ungridded time series data

In [6]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x113f131d0>

In [7]:
ax = aeronet_aot_500.plot(color='red')

In [8]:
aeronet_aot = read_data_list("../resources/WorkshopData2016/Aeronet/920801_150530_Brussels.lev20", 
                             ['AOT_500', 'AOT_675'])
ax = aeronet_aot.plot()

In [9]:
ax.set_title('Brussels Aeronet AOT')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1138b6ef0>

In [10]:
from datetime import datetime 
ax.set_xlim(datetime(2007,5,5), datetime(2007,8,26))

(732801.0, 732914.0)

In [11]:
# Note that this will only work if we have two datasets in our list

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x104a87c88>


CIS is able to subset datasets across any of the given coordinates

In [12]:
aeronet_aot_2007 = aeronet_aot.subset(t=[datetime(2007,1,1), datetime(2007,12,31)])

[<cis 'UngriddedData' of Ungridded data: AOT_500 / (1) 
<cis 'UngriddedData' of Ungridded data: AOT_675 / (1) 

In [13]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x115022dd8>

Model time series

In [14]:
model_aod = read_data("../resources/WorkshopData2016/", "od550aer")

In [15]:

od550aer / (1)                      (time: 1464; latitude: 96; longitude: 192)
     Dimension coordinates:
          time                           x               -              -
          latitude                       -               x              -
          longitude                      -               -              x
          CDI: Climate Data Interface version 1.6.9 (
          CDO: Climate Data Operators version 1.6.9 (
          Conventions: CF-1.0
          advection: Lin & Rood
          date_time: 20140613 051140
          echam_version: 6.1.00
          grid_type: gaussian
          history: Fri Dec 04 17:15:40 2015: cdo -r copy ../../
Tue Jul...
          host_name: p101
          institution: Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology
          jsbach_version: 2.01
          operating_system: AIX 6.1 Power6
          physics: Modified ECMWF physics
          radiation: Modified ECMWF radiation
          title: AEROCOM
          truncation: 63
          user_name: Andreas Veira (m300259)

In [16]:
import iris.analysis
maod_global_mean, = model_aod.collapsed(['longitude', 'latitude'], iris.analysis.MEAN)

WARNING:root:Creating guessed bounds as none exist in file
WARNING:root:Creating guessed bounds as none exist in file
WARNING:root:Creating guessed bounds as none exist in file
/Users/watson-parris/anaconda/envs/python_workshop/lib/python3.5/site-packages/iris/analysis/ UserWarning: Using DEFAULT_SPHERICAL_EARTH_RADIUS.
  warnings.warn("Using DEFAULT_SPHERICAL_EARTH_RADIUS.")

In [17]:

od550aer / (1)                      (time: 1464)
     Dimension coordinates:
          time                           x
     Scalar coordinates:
          latitude: 0.0 degrees, bound=(-89.4969872937, 89.4969872937) degrees
          longitude: 179.0625 degrees, bound=(-0.9375, 359.0625) degrees
          CDI: Climate Data Interface version 1.6.9 (
          CDO: Climate Data Operators version 1.6.9 (
          Conventions: CF-1.0
          advection: Lin & Rood
          date_time: 20140613 051140
          echam_version: 6.1.00
          grid_type: gaussian
          history: Fri Dec 04 17:15:40 2015: cdo -r copy ../../
Tue Jul...
          host_name: p101
          institution: Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology
          jsbach_version: 2.01
          operating_system: AIX 6.1 Power6
          physics: Modified ECMWF physics
          radiation: Modified ECMWF radiation
          title: AEROCOM
          truncation: 63
          user_name: Andreas Veira (m300259)
     Cell methods:
          mean: longitude, latitude

In [18]:
ax = maod_global_mean.plot(itemwidth=2)

In [19]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x118c129b0>

Aircraft data

In [20]:
number_concentration = read_data('../resources/WorkshopData2016/ARCPAC_2008', 

WARNING:root:Identified 1 point(s) which were missing values for some or all coordinates - these points have been removed from the data.
Ungridded data: NUMBER_CONCENTRATION / (#/cm3) 
     Shape = (1268,)

     Total number of points = 1268
     Number of non-masked points = 981
     Long name = 
     Standard name = None
     Units = #/cm3
     Missing value = -9999
     Range = (17.0, 2191.0)
     History = 
     Misc attributes: 
       Missing_Value = -9999
          Long name = 
          Standard name = time
          Units = days since 1600-01-01 00:00:00
          Missing value = -9999
          Range = (2008-04-11 20:01:30, 2008-04-16 03:03:30)
          History = 
          Misc attributes: 
            Missing_Value = -9999
          Long name = 
          Standard name = latitude
          Units = degrees
          Missing value = -9999
          Range = (63.303199999999997, 75.128600000000006)
          History = 
          Misc attributes: 
            Missing_Value = -9999
          Long name = 
          Standard name = longitude
          Units = degrees
          Missing value = -9999
          Range = (-165.1241, -139.23159999999999)
          History = 
          Misc attributes: 
            Missing_Value = -9999
          Long name = 
          Standard name = altitude
          Units = m
          Missing value = -9999
          Range = (77.200000000000003, 6579.6000000000004)
          History = 
          Misc attributes: 
            Missing_Value = -9999

In [21]:
ax = number_concentration.plot()

In [22]:

Satellite data

In [23]:
aerosol_cci = read_data('../resources/WorkshopData2016/AerosolCCI', 

<cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxesSubplot at 0x1137de9b0>

In [24]:
aerosol_cci_one_day = read_data('../resources/WorkshopData2016/AerosolCCI/20080415*.nc', 
ax = aerosol_cci_one_day.plot()

In [25]:

<cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxesSubplot at 0x118a7a240>

In [26]:


Given a set of UngriddedData...

... we can perform an aggregation over a specified grid...

... to create a new GriddedData object (which is essentiall an Iris Cube)

In [27]:
gridded_aerosol_cci_one_day = aerosol_cci_one_day.aggregate(x=[-180,180,10], y=[-90,90,5])

In [28]:

<cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxesSubplot at 0x116f9e5f8>


1. Read in AOD550 and AOD670 from the 5 days of satellite data

In [ ]:

2. Subset this data down to the region covered by the aircraft data

In [ ]:

3. Try plotting AOD550 against AOD670 from the subsetted satellite data using a comparative scatter plot

In [ ]:


Model onto Aeronet

This is an gridded onto un-gridded collocation and can be done using either linear interpolation or nearest neighbour.

This is very quick and in general CIS can even handle hybrid height coordinates:

In [29]:
# Lets take a closer look at the model data

od550aer / (1)                      (time: 1464; latitude: 96; longitude: 192)
     Dimension coordinates:
          time                           x               -              -
          latitude                       -               x              -
          longitude                      -               -              x
          CDI: Climate Data Interface version 1.6.9 (
          CDO: Climate Data Operators version 1.6.9 (
          Conventions: CF-1.0
          advection: Lin & Rood
          date_time: 20140613 051140
          echam_version: 6.1.00
          grid_type: gaussian
          history: Fri Dec 04 17:15:40 2015: cdo -r copy ../../
Tue Jul...
          host_name: p101
          institution: Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology
          jsbach_version: 2.01
          operating_system: AIX 6.1 Power6
          physics: Modified ECMWF physics
          radiation: Modified ECMWF radiation
          title: AEROCOM
          truncation: 63
          user_name: Andreas Veira (m300259)

In [30]:
from cis.time_util import PartialDateTime
# First subset the aeronet data:
aeronet_aot_2008 = aeronet_aot_500.subset(t=PartialDateTime(2008))

Note that we don’t actually have to do this subsetting, but that otherwise CIS will interpolate the nearest values, which in this case we don’t really want.

In [31]:
# Now do the collocation:
model_aod_onto_aeronet = model_aod.collocated_onto(aeronet_aot_2008)

/Users/watson-parris/anaconda/envs/python_workshop/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cis/collocation/ MaskedArrayFutureWarning: setting an item on a masked array which has a shared mask will not copy the mask and also change the original mask array in the future.
Check the NumPy 1.11 release notes for more information.
  expanded_result[~self.missing_mask] = result

In [32]:

Ungridded data: od550aer / (1) 
     Shape = (1885,)

     Total number of points = 1885
     Number of non-masked points = 1885
     Long name = Optical thickness - total 550nm
     Standard name = None
     Units = 1
     Missing value = nan
     Range = (0.02192891966422272, 1.6932252635449034)
     History = 2016-12-07T11:53:21Z Collocated onto sampling from: [] 
using CIS version 1.5.1 
variables: od550aer 
with files: ['../resources/WorkshopData2016/'] 
using collocator: <cis.collocation.col_implementations.GriddedUngriddedCollocator object at 0x11041bf60> 
kernel: lin
          Long name = 
          Standard name = longitude
          Units = degrees_east
          Missing value = None
          Range = (4.3500000000000227, 4.3500000000000227)
          History = 
          Long name = 
          Standard name = latitude
          Units = degrees_north
          Missing value = None
          Range = (50.783000000000001, 50.783000000000001)
          History = 
          Long name = 
          Standard name = altitude
          Units = meters
          Missing value = None
          Range = (120.0, 120.0)
          History = 
          Long name = 
          Standard name = time
          Units = days since 1600-01-01 00:00:00
          Missing value = None
          Range = (2008-03-03 14:25:42, 2008-12-30 13:46:04)
          History = 

Note the updated history

In [33]:
from cis.plotting.plot import multilayer_plot, taylor_plot
ax = multilayer_plot([model_aod_onto_aeronet[0], aeronet_aot_2008], 
                                 dict(label='Aeronet')], xaxis='time',

In [34]:
taylor_plot([aeronet_aot_2008, model_aod_onto_aeronet[0]], 

(<cis.plotting.taylor.Taylor at 0x118674940>,
 <matplotlib.axes._subplots.Floating AxesHostAxesSubplot at 0x11aaac9e8>)

In [35]:
# Basic maths on the data
print(model_aod_onto_aeronet[0] - aeronet_aot_2008)

Ungridded data: od550aer / (1) 
     Shape = (1885,)

     Total number of points = 1885
     Number of non-masked points = 1885
     Long name = Optical thickness - total 550nm
     Standard name = None
     Units = 1
     Missing value = nan
     Range = (-0.86902314968727379, 1.3514322635449034)
     History = 2016-12-07T11:53:21Z Collocated onto sampling from: [] 
using CIS version 1.5.1 
variables: od550aer 
with files: ['../resources/WorkshopData2016/'] 
using collocator: <cis.collocation.col_implementations.GriddedUngriddedCollocator object at 0x11041bf60> 
kernel: lin
2016-12-07T11:53:22Z Performed unary_func operation
          Long name = 
          Standard name = longitude
          Units = degrees_east
          Missing value = None
          Range = (4.3500000000000227, 4.3500000000000227)
          History = 
          Long name = 
          Standard name = latitude
          Units = degrees_north
          Missing value = None
          Range = (50.783000000000001, 50.783000000000001)
          History = 
          Long name = 
          Standard name = altitude
          Units = meters
          Missing value = None
          Range = (120.0, 120.0)
          History = 
          Long name = 
          Standard name = time
          Units = days since 1600-01-01 00:00:00
          Missing value = None
          Range = (2008-03-03 14:25:42, 2008-12-30 13:46:04)
          History = 

Aircraft onto satellite

As you can see the difficulty here is the sparseness of the aircraft data, and actually of the satellite data in this region.

This is an ungridded to ungridded collocation:

In [36]:
# Read all of the AOD satelite variables
aerosol_cci = read_data_list('../resources/WorkshopData2016/AerosolCCI', 'AOD*0')
aoerosol_cci_Alaska = aerosol_cci.subset(x=[-170,-100],y=[35,80])

In [37]:

0: Ungridded data: AOD550 / (1) 
1: Ungridded data: AOD1600 / (1) 
2: Ungridded data: AOD670 / (1) 
3: Ungridded data: AOD870 / (1) 

In [38]:

<cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxesSubplot at 0x119f524a8>

In [39]:
aerosol_cci_collocated = aoerosol_cci_Alaska.collocated_onto(number_concentration, 
                                                             h_sep=10, t_sep='P1D')

/Users/watson-parris/anaconda/envs/python_workshop/lib/python3.5/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: Degrees of freedom <= 0 for slice
  warnings.warn("Degrees of freedom <= 0 for slice", RuntimeWarning)
/Users/watson-parris/anaconda/envs/python_workshop/lib/python3.5/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  ret = ret.dtype.type(ret / rcount)

In [40]:

0: Ungridded data: AOD550 / (1) 
1: Ungridded data: AOD550_std_dev / (1) 
2: Ungridded data: AOD550_num_points / (unknown) 
3: Ungridded data: AOD1600 / (1) 
4: Ungridded data: AOD1600_std_dev / (1) 
5: Ungridded data: AOD1600_num_points / (unknown) 
6: Ungridded data: AOD670 / (1) 
7: Ungridded data: AOD670_std_dev / (1) 
8: Ungridded data: AOD670_num_points / (unknown) 
9: Ungridded data: AOD870 / (1) 
10: Ungridded data: AOD870_std_dev / (1) 
11: Ungridded data: AOD870_num_points / (unknown) 
12: Ungridded data: NUMBER_CONCENTRATION / (#/cm3) 

In [41]:
aerosol_cci_collocated = aerosol_cci_collocated[::3]

In [42]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x120389588>


1. How does the correlation change if we only include those average number concentrations which averaged more than one point?

2. Consider the case of comparing our model AOD with the AerosolCCI.

a. What strategies could you employ?

b. Perform an initial assesment of the model AOD field using the Aerosol CCI data for the few days we have data.

CIS and Pandas

In [43]:
df = aerosol_cci_collocated.as_data_frame()

                     ALTITUDE  LATITUDE  LONGITUDE    AOD550   AOD1600  \
2008-04-11 20:01:30     233.4   64.8029  -147.8828  0.270871  0.284781   
2008-04-11 20:02:30     652.9   64.7594  -147.9471  0.279516  0.294635   
2008-04-11 20:03:30    1099.1   64.7385  -148.0415  0.328403  0.345198   
2008-04-11 20:04:30    1496.7   64.7820  -148.1129  0.379837  0.391794   
2008-04-11 20:05:30    1877.5   64.8434  -148.1207  0.432696  0.443872   
2008-04-11 20:06:30    2245.8   64.9073  -148.1275  0.514773  0.520862   
2008-04-11 20:07:30    2638.7   64.9720  -148.1360  0.483544  0.489666   
2008-04-11 20:08:30    3013.7   65.0354  -148.1538  0.260520  0.265527   
2008-04-11 20:09:30    3275.1   65.1007  -148.1691  0.407154  0.416466   
2008-04-11 20:10:30    3411.1   65.1700  -148.1806  0.387216  0.397496   
2008-04-11 20:11:30    3412.2   65.2419  -148.1874  0.513911  0.529464   
2008-04-11 20:12:30    3410.5   65.3126  -148.1910  0.447898  0.506485   
2008-04-11 20:13:30    3412.0   65.3824  -148.1974  0.399655  0.429768   
2008-04-11 20:14:30    3412.1   65.4528  -148.2055  0.500470  0.542344   
2008-04-11 20:15:30    3411.5   65.5235  -148.2154  0.531456  0.553993   
2008-04-11 20:16:30    3410.9   65.5938  -148.2256  0.437072  0.453869   
2008-04-11 20:17:30    3409.3   65.6636  -148.2357  0.364274  0.377955   
2008-04-11 20:18:30    3408.5   65.7332  -148.2463  0.576690  0.591343   
2008-04-11 20:19:30    3407.7   65.8034  -148.2568  0.361938  0.381449   
2008-04-11 20:20:30    3407.2   65.8740  -148.2664  0.361938  0.381449   
2008-04-11 20:21:30    3407.3   65.9449  -148.2756       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-11 20:22:30    3407.1   66.0160  -148.2849       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-11 20:23:30    3406.0   66.0875  -148.2942       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-11 20:24:30    3404.7   66.1592  -148.3032       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-11 20:25:30    3405.3   66.2312  -148.3120       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-11 20:26:30    3405.2   66.3033  -148.3210       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-11 20:27:30    3404.9   66.3755  -148.3303       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-11 20:28:30    3403.7   66.4471  -148.3402       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-11 20:29:30    3402.5   66.5181  -148.3506       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-11 20:30:30    3403.1   66.5886  -148.3616       NaN       NaN   
...                       ...       ...        ...       ...       ...   
2008-04-16 02:34:30    5326.5   66.4332  -150.5058       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:35:30    5327.2   66.3617  -150.3813       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:36:30    5328.5   66.2913  -150.2537       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:37:30    5330.0   66.2213  -150.1258       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:38:30    5331.2   66.1513  -149.9991       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:39:30    5332.1   66.0805  -149.8781       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:40:30    5334.5   66.0091  -149.7616       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:41:30    5337.4   65.9380  -149.6455       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:42:30    5316.7   65.8672  -149.5295       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:43:30    5018.4   65.7983  -149.4151       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:44:30    4771.4   65.7328  -149.3015       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:45:30    4504.9   65.6694  -149.1929       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:46:30    4238.8   65.6070  -149.0823       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:47:30    4013.3   65.5502  -148.9587       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:48:30    3787.6   65.4937  -148.8395       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:49:30    3546.2   65.4354  -148.7259       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:50:30    3328.0   65.3767  -148.6144       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:51:30    3088.1   65.3185  -148.5031       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:52:30    2736.2   65.2592  -148.3931       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:53:30    2400.7   65.2034  -148.2816       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:54:30    2020.8   65.1602  -148.1653       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:55:30    1694.9   65.1254  -148.0474       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:56:30    1441.9   65.0882  -147.9370       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:57:30    1232.0   65.0506  -147.8268       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:58:30    1199.5   65.0156  -147.7097       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 02:59:30    1091.9   64.9706  -147.6263       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 03:00:30     944.9   64.9277  -147.6486       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 03:01:30     682.1   64.8948  -147.7128       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 03:02:30     435.8   64.8635  -147.7722       NaN       NaN   
2008-04-16 03:03:30     203.5   64.8336  -147.8285       NaN       NaN   

                       AOD670    AOD870  NUMBER_CONCENTRATION  
2008-04-11 20:01:30  0.284781  0.130443                2191.0  
2008-04-11 20:02:30  0.294635  0.133261                 581.0  
2008-04-11 20:03:30  0.345198  0.158271                 306.0  
2008-04-11 20:04:30  0.391794  0.196193                 281.0  
2008-04-11 20:05:30  0.443872  0.227793                 246.0  
2008-04-11 20:06:30  0.520862  0.283677                 230.0  
2008-04-11 20:07:30  0.489666  0.265761                 241.0  
2008-04-11 20:08:30  0.265527  0.140179                 197.0  
2008-04-11 20:09:30  0.416466  0.216467                 209.0  
2008-04-11 20:10:30  0.397496  0.203360                 194.0  
2008-04-11 20:11:30  0.529464  0.266541                 185.0  
2008-04-11 20:12:30  0.506485  0.122831                 184.0  
2008-04-11 20:13:30  0.429768  0.160455                 190.0  
2008-04-11 20:14:30  0.542344  0.197428                 173.0  
2008-04-11 20:15:30  0.553993  0.264294                 170.0  
2008-04-11 20:16:30  0.453869  0.220412                 175.0  
2008-04-11 20:17:30  0.377955  0.184259                 169.0  
2008-04-11 20:18:30  0.591343  0.304027                 162.0  
2008-04-11 20:19:30  0.381449  0.172673                 177.0  
2008-04-11 20:20:30  0.381449  0.172673                 194.0  
2008-04-11 20:21:30       NaN       NaN                 236.0  
2008-04-11 20:22:30       NaN       NaN                 360.0  
2008-04-11 20:23:30       NaN       NaN                 333.0  
2008-04-11 20:24:30       NaN       NaN                 307.0  
2008-04-11 20:25:30       NaN       NaN                 277.0  
2008-04-11 20:26:30       NaN       NaN                 268.0  
2008-04-11 20:27:30       NaN       NaN                 255.0  
2008-04-11 20:28:30       NaN       NaN                 252.0  
2008-04-11 20:29:30       NaN       NaN                 158.0  
2008-04-11 20:30:30       NaN       NaN                 151.0  
...                       ...       ...                   ...  
2008-04-16 02:34:30       NaN       NaN                 350.0  
2008-04-16 02:35:30       NaN       NaN                 321.0  
2008-04-16 02:36:30       NaN       NaN                 496.0  
2008-04-16 02:37:30       NaN       NaN                 403.0  
2008-04-16 02:38:30       NaN       NaN                 344.0  
2008-04-16 02:39:30       NaN       NaN                 236.0  
2008-04-16 02:40:30       NaN       NaN                 288.0  
2008-04-16 02:41:30       NaN       NaN                 544.0  
2008-04-16 02:42:30       NaN       NaN                 610.0  
2008-04-16 02:43:30       NaN       NaN                 377.0  
2008-04-16 02:44:30       NaN       NaN                 303.0  
2008-04-16 02:45:30       NaN       NaN                 231.0  
2008-04-16 02:46:30       NaN       NaN                 200.0  
2008-04-16 02:47:30       NaN       NaN                 302.0  
2008-04-16 02:48:30       NaN       NaN                 262.0  
2008-04-16 02:49:30       NaN       NaN                 555.0  
2008-04-16 02:50:30       NaN       NaN                 546.0  
2008-04-16 02:51:30       NaN       NaN                 538.0  
2008-04-16 02:52:30       NaN       NaN                 511.0  
2008-04-16 02:53:30       NaN       NaN                 187.0  
2008-04-16 02:54:30       NaN       NaN                 210.0  
2008-04-16 02:55:30       NaN       NaN                 222.0  
2008-04-16 02:56:30       NaN       NaN                 230.0  
2008-04-16 02:57:30       NaN       NaN                 236.0  
2008-04-16 02:58:30       NaN       NaN                 237.0  
2008-04-16 02:59:30       NaN       NaN                 226.0  
2008-04-16 03:00:30       NaN       NaN                 219.0  
2008-04-16 03:01:30       NaN       NaN                 221.0  
2008-04-16 03:02:30       NaN       NaN                 220.0  
2008-04-16 03:03:30       NaN       NaN                 187.0  

[1268 rows x 8 columns]

In [44]:
# Then do a pretty plot of it...
# This is a nice segway into the Pandas lesson.

ALTITUDE 1.000000 -0.371033 -0.036407 0.008630 -0.042618 -0.042618 -0.083855 0.518533
LATITUDE -0.371033 1.000000 0.171710 -0.077648 -0.169449 -0.169449 -0.175468 -0.433387
LONGITUDE -0.036407 0.171710 1.000000 0.483901 0.515622 0.515622 0.404065 -0.011983
AOD550 0.008630 -0.077648 0.483901 1.000000 0.970247 0.970247 0.909970 -0.320531
AOD1600 -0.042618 -0.169449 0.515622 0.970247 1.000000 1.000000 0.846541 -0.344245
AOD670 -0.042618 -0.169449 0.515622 0.970247 1.000000 1.000000 0.846541 -0.344245
AOD870 -0.083855 -0.175468 0.404065 0.909970 0.846541 0.846541 1.000000 -0.295922
NUMBER_CONCENTRATION 0.518533 -0.433387 -0.011983 -0.320531 -0.344245 -0.344245 -0.295922 1.000000

In [45]:
# Save the collocation output so that we can come back to it during the Pandas tutorial.

In [ ]: