"Writing my first randomforest code" by "AstroDave" (modified) and other resources from the Kaggle forums.

The goal of this notebook is to create a minimal working example of a random forest fit to the titanic data. Its accuracy is limited, but can be built upon for better results.

See Notes at the end for features description.

Import stuffs and read training data file

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import csv as csv
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

# Load the train file into a dataframe
# header=0 means the header is in the first line of the file (line = 0)
train_df = pd.read_csv('data/train.csv', header=0)

Convert strings to integer classifiers.

In [2]:
# female = 0, Male = 1
# Add a new column to the data file labeled "gender" that maps "Sex" into integer values.
train_df['Gender'] = train_df['Sex'].map( {'female': 0, 'male': 1} ).astype(int)

Fill in the missing values of the data and make it complete.

In [3]:
# Embarked from 'C', 'Q', 'S'
# Note this is not ideal: in translating categories to numbers, Port "2" is not 2 times greater than Port "1", etc.
# All missing Embarked -> just make them embark from most common place (the mode of the distribution)
# if the number of null elements > 0 then drop these and replace them with the mode
if len(train_df.Embarked[ train_df.Embarked.isnull() ]) > 0:
    train_df.Embarked[ train_df.Embarked.isnull() ] = train_df.Embarked.dropna().mode().values

# Map Embark to integers (similar to Gender):
Ports = list(enumerate(np.unique(train_df['Embarked'])))    # determine all values of Embarked,
Ports_dict = { name : i for i, name in Ports }              # set up a dictionary in the form  Ports : index
train_df.Embarked = train_df.Embarked.map( lambda x: Ports_dict[x]).astype(int)     # Convert all Embark strings to int
# Or: train_df['Embarked'] = train_df['Embarked'].map( {'C': 0, 'Q': 1, 'S': 2} ).astype(int)

# All the ages with no data -> make the median of all Ages
median_age = train_df['Age'].dropna().median()
if len(train_df.Age[ train_df.Age.isnull() ]) > 0:
    train_df.loc[ (train_df.Age.isnull()), 'Age'] = median_age

# Remove the unused features: Name column, Cabin, Ticket, and Sex (since We copied and filled it to Gender)
train_df = train_df.drop(['Name', 'Sex', 'Ticket', 'Cabin', 'PassengerId'], axis=1) 
#Note: Use axis=0 to apply a method down each column, axis=1 to apply a method across each row.

/home/mad/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:6: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy

Redo the same for the test data

In [4]:
test_df = pd.read_csv('data/test.csv', header=0)        # Load the test file into a dataframe

# I need to convert all strings to integer classifiers:
# female = 0, Male = 1
test_df['Gender'] = test_df['Sex'].map( {'female': 0, 'male': 1} ).astype(int)

# Embarked from 'C', 'Q', 'S'
# All missing Embarked -> just make them embark from most common place
if len(test_df.Embarked[ test_df.Embarked.isnull() ]) > 0:
    test_df.Embarked[ test_df.Embarked.isnull() ] = test_df.Embarked.dropna().mode().values
# Again convert all Embarked strings to int
test_df.Embarked = test_df.Embarked.map( lambda x: Ports_dict[x]).astype(int)

# All the ages with no data -> make the median of all Ages
median_age = test_df['Age'].dropna().median()
if len(test_df.Age[ test_df.Age.isnull() ]) > 0:
    test_df.loc[ (test_df.Age.isnull()), 'Age'] = median_age

# All the missing Fares -> assume median of their respective class
# Only for test data because training data is complete
if len(test_df.Fare[ test_df.Fare.isnull() ]) > 0:
    median_fare = np.zeros(3)
    for f in range(0,3):                                              # loop 0 to 2
        median_fare[f] = test_df[ test_df.Pclass == f+1 ]['Fare'].dropna().median()
    for f in range(0,3):                                              # loop 0 to 2
        test_df.loc[ (test_df.Fare.isnull()) & (test_df.Pclass == f+1 ), 'Fare'] = median_fare[f]

Collect the test data's Passenger Ids and dropping unused features

In [5]:
# we need IDs only to verify our model, not as a feature
ids = test_df['PassengerId'].values
# Remove the Name column, Cabin, Ticket, and Sex (since I copied and filled it to Gender)
test_df = test_df.drop(['Name', 'Sex', 'Ticket', 'Cabin', 'PassengerId'], axis=1)

Data is now ready to go. So lets fit the training data , then predict the test!

In [6]:
# Convert back to a numpy array
train_data = train_df.values
test_data = test_df.values

print 'Training...'
# Initialize the training model, all parameters are default except n_estimators.
# This is the simplest random forest you can fit.
forest = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=1000, max_depth=None, min_samples_split=2, 
                              min_samples_leaf=1, bootstrap=True, oob_score=False, n_jobs=-1)
# Fit the training data (X, Y)
forest = forest.fit( train_data[0::,1::], train_data[0::,0] )
print 'Predicting...'
# Predict outcomes from the test data
output = forest.predict(test_data).astype(int)

# Write your predictions into file
predictions_file = open("myfirstforest.csv", "wb")
open_file_object = csv.writer(predictions_file)
open_file_object.writerows(zip(ids, output))
print 'Done.'


Results are in myfirstforest.csv. Check the score by Submitting it to Kaggle !



survival: Survival (0 = No; 1 = Yes)

pclass: Passenger Class (1 = 1st; 2 = 2nd; 3 = 3rd)

name: Name

sex: Sex

age: Age

sibsp: Number of Siblings/Spouses Aboard

parch: Number of Parents/Children Aboard

ticket: Ticket Number

fare: Passenger Fare

cabin: Cabin

embarked: Port of Embarkation (C = Cherbourg; Q = Queenstown; S = Southampton)


Pclass is a proxy for socio-economic status (SES)

1st ~ Upper; 2nd ~ Middle; 3rd ~ Lower

Age is in Years; Fractional if Age less than One (1)

If the Age is Estimated, it is in the form xx.5

With respect to the family relation variables (i.e. sibsp and parch)

some relations were ignored. The following are the definitions used

for sibsp and parch.

Sibling: Brother, Sister, Stepbrother, or Stepsister of Passenger Aboard Titanic

Spouse: Husband or Wife of Passenger Aboard Titanic (Mistresses and Fiances Ignored)

Parent: Mother or Father of Passenger Aboard Titanic

Child: Son, Daughter, Stepson, or Stepdaughter of Passenger Aboard Titanic

Other family relatives excluded from this study include cousins,

nephews/nieces, aunts/uncles, and in-laws. Some children travelled

only with a nanny, therefore parch=0 for them. As well, some

travelled with very close friends or neighbors in a village, however,

the definitions do not support such relations.